• By -


My mum is a major royalist and has followed them since the 70's, so I've heard about them all my whole life. I thought he was a dickhead for the Nazi outfit and for his casual use of racial slurs when referring to other soldiers in his unit. I do remember thinking "oh that's nice" when he had his wedding to MEgain, but Harry isn't even an afterthought before or after she latched on to him. The men in grey did a fantastic job of convincing the majority of us that Harry was a likeable larrikin instead of the snivelling insolent, contrived fool that he has always been.


100% agree about grey men doing bang up PR job. 


Yeah, Markle should hire them…


Please no😂


And the thing is, Meh was what promoted the awakening to what paid PR is and how celebrities use it for most of us! And now the men in grey will need to find new strategies. She abused puff piece placing so much that people just saw through this. Prob why Hollywood hates her. 😂


Don’t forget the racial slur he used for a fellow soldier: https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/prince-harry-called-a-fellow-soldier-his-little-paki-friend-1299804.html#


That sounds like conscious bias to me




Wow, so he's always been a total douche!


Pretty much. He was always entitled and racist. Makes one wonder if he knew MM was mixed race when he went on the blind date, or did she pull that out of her hat later.


I have wondered this myself.


So have I.  


I'm mixed(light skin w hazel eyes) and dated one guy who straight told me I was light enough to date.... so those type of ppl are out there


I think he thought she looked like Pippa Middleton…just a big rougher around the edges but oh so much more willing and available


Could explain why she was so pissed off about it being reported and why she jumped to racism.   *Maybe the first one she used that threat (of publicly accusing of being racist) on was in fact Harry.*


He 100% did not know. How could he?




One of my favorite things for when sugars think William is a racist is to say the same about Harry and ask for a source for their claim featuring a legitimate media faction with a named person that is not Harry or Meghan. I tell them that I can come up with five separate instances for Harry, covered by the media with named sources to back it up (because "royal expert" is never legit for me). It's always crickets.


Or is comment about dating an African Chelsea Devy.... or how Meghan isn't VISIBLY black.


Meghan listed herself as Caucasian when it suited her, African American when that suited her. The comment was remarking on Harry’s past racist behavior and whether or not he would have gone on the blind date if he knew she was mixed race.


" whether or not he would have gone on the blind date if he knew she was mixed race." Didn't say Harry wouldn't have gone out on a date w her had he known... but okay. This comment highlighted HARRY'S questionable comment regarding race. "She's not black or anything, you know." - on dating Chelsea "She's NOT visibly black"- about Meghan Harry calling the fellow solider a "paki"


I remember that. It was the equivalent of the n-word.


Funny how the Skid Markles malevolence has not only increased appreciation for the BRF (esp Catherine, Princess of Wales), but also for the previously maligned 'men in grey'. On the flip side, Haz and the Woman in Beige have done a great job of ruining their own prospects, all while shining a light on his late mother's foibles.


I also bought the Cheeky Harry PR. His role was like Deputy Head Boy - go to all the events without any responsibility. I don't remember him calling another soldier p@%i, all I recall from Afghanistan was him running off mid- interview as a command was called out. Now I realise that was probably staged, too. I've learnt so much more about how PR and 'candid' paparazzi works though, thanks to this sub.


What makes me admire Prince William more is he refused to do those types of PR bits.  For his troubles he was considered difficult or boring (& still often is) by the press.   Prince William always took his work as an Air Ambulance Pilot very seriously and still does. He continues to train and keep his licences up to date, just as his father and grandfather did before him.  Yet every chance Todger had, he had to poke the bear, instead of counting his lucky stars. Like in the interview with them both when Harold says "yeah but I'm a better pilot than him" and William just laughs and doesn't give Todger the pleasure of aggravating him.  Later that week William & the team went on to quietly save 2 women from drowing in a rip tide they otherwise would've died in.


I thought he was a bratty kid who grew up to be an unsavory nasty man.




Yes honestly thought he was essentially just a spoiled rich kid that would stay in his lane Never imagined I would prefer that over the insufferable wanker he is now


He was always Diana’s ugly son who was always in trouble to me. Then he began dating the untalented actress from suits.


The way I spit out my tea. 😹 I don’t think I ever really thought of him other than the less formal brother, a bit obnoxious and attention seeking, also probably a racist.


Lesser brother, probably a racist is a perfect flair/ title for a todger prince.


💯💯💯 Hairold and Mayhem.


Preparation H and Markleloma


The douche and douchess of do-nothing


pretty much summed up his life. shame tucker beat him to the putin interview


Can you imagine Putin whining with Harry about how his brother always got an extra sausage? Then they consume some Ayahuasca and hold each other while they weep?


I am sure Putin has tons of dirt on him... Not just that, but Putin was the head of KGB during the communist days, so hes a top tier spy. He asked Tucker why he tried to join the CIA way back in the day, Tucker was kinda shocked as to how he knew. (as this is should have been secret lol). I am sure the wife has had numerous escapades on yachts with Russian oligarchs.


I bet Putin would have been mentally measuring Harry for a coffin, as they say.


That would have been interesting. Netflix, take notes.


Yes then they can commiserate on how they like to call out air strikes....Harry's imagined, putins re but they are both giant asses


I always thought he was quite unattractive. His looks definitely improve with a beard. Which he started to always wear once he met Meghan. It's been obvious to me that she demands he has it. He hasn't shaved since they met. Which he's supposed to when wearing military uniforms


I suppose she gets his money's worth with the pube transplant


His beard looks like a Chia Pet’s pubes.


I recently rewatched the Grandchildren's vigil for HLMTQ and the sight of Harry in uniform with the beard bothered me, because I knew behind the scenes he'd kicked up SUCH a fuss to be allowed to wear it, but then he wouldn't even do it properly by shaving. They should've said no shave, no wear.


I never liked Harry. Yes, I know he is Charles's son too but Frankly, his behavior has always added weight to all the rumours about James Hewitt as his father.


Except that Harry looks like Charles. Wills looks like Diana.


I think that Harry looks like most of the Spencers. Diana didn't. She looked like her mother, who was pretty. Wills lucked out, unlike Just Harry.


Exactly. And I didn't know a lot Diana before either. I've said it before but I'll say it again, all of H&M resentment towards KCII and Camilla and canonization of Diana only made the truths about Diana, that were buried out of respect, come back to life. I didn't know about her multiple affairs and harassment of married men, nor about her bipolar disorder. Everything H&M have done to try and take down the BRF has completly and hilariously backfired,in such an unbelievable way. They've only made KCII appera more human and liked


True. But It's KCIII. Charles 2 was the king in the 1660 Restoration of the monarchy after the Civil War.


Thanks, I actually typed KCIII and changed it, no idea why🤦‍♀️


I do the oddest things sometimes!




He always seemed to be a bit of a lost soul. Never as cute as William, a bit of an asshat/screw up but he did possess a certain charm. Now he’s just pitiful whiner.


The Harry the Firm crafted for us had a certain charm.  We never "met" just Harry until TW got ahold of him. 


I remember seeing a few interviews of Harry over the years and he was charming—he made off the cuff remarks that were very funny and cute. It wasn’t all smoke and mirrors. He did have the capacity to be really delightful.


It's an unpopular opinion on this sub, but I agree. That charm and his ability to converse easily with just about anyone are literally the only positive traits he inherited from Diana.


I’m bothered by the inability of the sub to recognize nuance. The carparkles are both a few sandwiches short of a picnic, for sure. They’re total self-absorbed jerks, but that doesn’t make them the anti-Christ. I’m sure they can both be charming and winsome when they want to be. They’re human beings—we’re all a mix of good and bad, light and shade. That’s all part of humanity.


That, and I also thought he came across as rather stupid. I remember the Nazi uniform, Las Vegas, and his remark about Chelsy? I think, as not being black or anything. Sorry too lazy too look up which out of his league girlfriend it was.


You matched the right girlfriend to the worst comment by Harry ever.


+1. I did think of him favorably before MM for sure!


I can't say I thought of him as anything but Prince William's brother until Camp Bastion.   Then I became a little too enraged to think of him as anything other than *all the adjectives that will get me banned*.


Painful is an understatement


I knew that Prince William had a younger brother, but I was never really interested in knowing more about him. We have our own royals in my country. I watched the wedding and remember thinking that Catherine was one of the most gorgeous brides I'd ever seen. I've been team Wales since then. I had never heard about Suits or Markle before. I didn't watch the wedding, didn't even know it *happened*. The first time I heard about Markle was the Oprah "interview". I've been a sinner since then.


Same and I live in America. I never knew of her or followed the royals. I only knew about Harry because of the gossip site I followed. Truth be told I did not even pay enough attention to the wedding fiasco during the time either. I simply had no interest whatsoever in them.


I was a kid who woke up at a ridiculous hour on the East Coast of the US and watched Charles and Diana get married. I have been following them loosely on RF ever since. He seemed like the "fun" one—the jokester, if you will—while William was more serious, which makes sense because of their birth orders. I would have never imagined he would turn out the way he has. He is the joke and looks so miserable after "finding freedom".


After the Nazi uniform story, the first thing I ever heard about Harry was that 2 US Marines died protecting him and he was "never in danger." I was angry. Angry at the British Army, angry at Charles and even the late Queen. I knew they wanted to clean up his image, but they had no business getting US Marines killed so Harry could play soldier. I am still angry about that.


THIS x 1000!!  


oh wow. I never heard about this.


I never paid attention to him but i knew some of his scandals and he just gave me bad vibes. Last time i read something about him before the wife was the video when he supposedly“shared” popcorn or something with the little girl sitting next to him. People sang him praises but all i saw was contempt towards the kid.


What? Can you find the video? Since the only times after Diana's funeral I ever heard about Harry was when he wore the nA2i uniform, the naked pool in Vegas, and that he slept through the attack on Bastian, I had a low to "who cares?" opinion of him. I didn't even know he was getting married until one of my friends mentioned it. I then ignored them some more until Uvalde, when Bitchface raised up all my ire, and I started digging, and I do not like Meghan Markle, Duchass of feeding off of various dead people, like Diana and the victims of Uvalde. Harry's a very stupid man and gormless. He has no gorm. He's a substance abuser. He's a prick. He's contemptuous toward "common" people when he himself behaves like some barely-literate dirty member of the family in "The Hills Have Eyes," and you know which family I mean.


You just gave a clinic on how to snark. Well done


Thank you!


Here ya go: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NWTBfWPga2Q


Those on-air talking heads are idiots. "He's gonna be a good dad!" No, no, he's behaving like an asshole! Thanks!


Yes! That was awful! He was so mean to that kid.


No. I always thought he was the goofy royal son and most unattractive. The only reason I paid any attention to him lately was because of that massive wedding thrown for him. THAT was an exercise in wasting alot of money and media attention on two useless nobodies by an elitist family, imo. And, even though MM tried to spin herself as some sort of humanitarian, her measly efforts did not impress much less being some kind of STAR of Suits (I never heard of Suits!) to include her juvenile and cringe cling-on behavior with H.


That woman has the uncanny ability to realize hallucinations.


Never heard of Suits either until she was engaged to Hairball.


I thought of him as Prince WIlliam's younger fun loving brother. I thought the stupid or wild things he had done were due to his youth, and that his head was finally screwed on right. Boy, was I wrong.


Las Vegas was actually a pretty big deal to me. Palace officials out there trying to buy compromising photographs? Who needs that? And I remember thinking that if it’s this bad, what about the other 9/10s of the iceberg?


Yeah exactly. They stuck him in the army and then gave him Invictus after that, to give him some much needed perspective. And image rehabilitation. He was always a giant fuck up.


My additional question has always been: why did he quit his tour of duty, which I believe was to run for several more months? And why did he quit the service? Andrew was in for 22 years; why not the same length of service for Harry? It sounds like when he met Megs, he was sitting around in his underwear, eating takeout & watching reruns. He fucked something up. What?


He couldn't pass the tests to fly a helicopter or advance past the rank of Captain, so he quit I think he's lazy and lacking discipline, combined with personality disorders/ mental illness that would result in his leaving all of his jobs. He has a real issue with authority telling him what to do. He also has huge ego and enetitle t issues. That's not really conducive to keeping a job.


Yeah, absolutely. But I actually think he did something, rumor running around is that he struck a superior officer in a red mist moment. That would have made his departure sudden & absolute. Nobody had really planned for it. Then he ended up back in London w/o a real job, in the depth of disgrace. Perfect picking for a Princess-on-the-make.


I’m not going to say how I felt about him when he was under 18, so I’ll just say that as an adult he was on my radar & I didn’t like him. I think there are moments he could be genuine & charismatic, but he often came across as entitled, bitter, not that smart, and even a bully. Did I pay much attention to stories about him? No, not really, only if he was doing an engagement with the now PPOW. I didn’t even care when he started dating some actress I had never heard of. It wasn’t until their engagement interview that I started looking into them more, as something seemed really off.


I am the same except I paid attention when they left the family. And when I read about him in Dlisted. Other than that I had no idea or cared to follow or know about him. I also didn't know he was engaged or who the woman was.


Vaguely aware of him. Didn't really 'follow' the royals the way I do now. Didn't like him, he seemed like a spoiled little brat. And as he got older (teens, 20's) he was out of control. Had the potential to commit a criminal offense. He was never cute, and his bad behavior only made his looks seem worse. What H put out as 'jokey' behavior, I took as just plain mean. There was an undercurrent of snark/bullying masked by what he passed off as kidding around. IMO, he wasn't kidding around. That was just the excuse for his meanness. What might have been amusing when he was 4 was no longer amusing when he was a late teenager. Although he did seem to have some sense of charm on outings. Hard to reconcile what we saw...he seemed to enjoy them, people seemed to like him....with what he says now. Always thought about how embarrassing H must be for PW, and gave PW a ton of kudos for standing behind H when it might have been easier to ditch the guy. I liked how the 2 of them seemed to be tightly bonded. Now, H says none of that was true. I'm not sure. What we saw back then seemed genuine. It's hard to reconcile H's current words with what we saw & heard with our own eyes earlier. I was happy when he got engaged. Thought, oh good, this will settle him down, and he will start being a responsible adult. Then saw the engagement announcement, her weird posing, hanging on H...and thought nope. She's a one night stand kinda girl. What is he thinking?? Fully expected the wedding not to happen.


The fact that William and the rest of the family stood by him and kept trying to find something to give him purpose and meaning in his life, is what makes his betrayal of them so profound.


I hoped it wouldn’t happen, I considered her a train wreck from the moment of the Vanity Fair interview.


Yes, I read about his R's, Nazi uniform, his bad behaviors at parties(like stripping his clothes off and running about naked even in front of his father), throwing girls formerly dressed into a pool at a party, his hitting his guards, starting fights in bars(his bodyguards had to step in to protect him,), his general assholedry towards girlfriends, and his being a total waste in the service. First I read/saw of Rachel I knew he picked the winner he deserved. I've been following the RF since the mid 80's as a good friend is an Anglophile and my parents were from Westphalia in Germany so my mom followed them. Harry is the bad seed who far outshines Uncle Andrew. Had Harry been born a normal, he'd be in prison.


I totally agree


I was aware of him - just another rich entitled teen running around naked in Las Vegas, certainly not anyone women would clamor after.


Except he was a grown man and in the army then!


Honestly, no... despite some of the big fuck ups. I don't think he had any idea what he was throwing away when he tantrumed himself to California with TW. He didn't realize he was opening the door to *all* of his nasty behaviors to be put on full display for judgement. The BRF did a masterful job at minimizing and rehabbing his image when the nazi costume thing came out or the vegas pool table stripping etc. Harry must have contributed the public forgiveness to himself and didn't think anyone helped him with those hurdles. Now he knows his behavior is abhorrent and when put to public opinion, no one can stand him.


I don’t think the fool can even put two and two together, that he was adored while in the royal family and abhorred once he left. Those men in grey that he hated so much saved his bacon for many years.


You're right- instead of recognizing those people were protecting him from himself, he now calls that 'sabotage'


WAAAAAGH! They didn’t let me play with fire around gasoline!


They sure did!


There were mean comments about him in the papers. So he thinks the people were against him and didn't love him, because of random comments. Every public figure on the planet gets mean comments, Mother Teresa got mean essays written about her. He was such an idiot he took those random comments as being the whole world. Now the whole world does despise him, but he has earned it.


He always blames the British press, but they just tell the stories and the people decide what they think about it.


He was told by Oprah and Netflix he was going to be a billionaire and have a much better house than William. He believed them, he thought he was on his way to being the biggest star in the world. He hurt his grandparents, father, brother, sister in law an niece. So I don't feel sorry for him. But he was conned into California.


I was a big fan of Harry's and thought of him as a bit of a wild child, funny and rambunctious. So much has come out about him since he's married Meghan. Hearing about his mocking a disabled teacher was shocking. The name calling while in the military really disappointed me. Hearing about him throwing fits about wanting more money for Meghan, to the point that he ran to granny to cry about it and her calling Charles to ask about it and him saying he's not a bank showed his entitlement (both of them). It's basically been one thing after another, including he's not the brightest bulb on the tree.


It makes me wonder since the mattress and her prison mother got an allowance from the former Queen. How did they manage that? What blackmail was used? Princess Catherine and her family didn't receive that kind of treatment - that I'm aware of. It's cruel the rules they broke for megsy & not Catherine. All those Christmases she wasn't invited to because of no ring. Yet medusa has the gall to complain about everything.


I believe Tom Bower explained that the allowance came from Harry’s BRF stipend. (Basically, Harry split his allowance with his future mother in law. Initially it was for travel expenses and incidentals, but who knows what she spent it on). The BRF bent over backwards for the z-list actress and went out of their way to welcome her into the fold. It doesn’t look good for Meghan “Meghanoma” Markle to trash her in-laws after all they have done for her. (Nickname credit to an SMM user. Saw it in a different post and LOL’ed).


Exactly. Harry used to be my favorite! I had such a crush on him


Sorry, I have to ask. Why would you be in love with him? The guy failed art at school, art!! I mean, if you're going to fail, let it be for math, history... but for art? Also, in what photo was he not drunk or naked? And the best: drunk and naked!!! Followed by photos of him groping girls, and groping boys. I was surprised that he went out with girls as normal as Chelsy and Cressida. I always thought I was going to end up with some stripper or a fifth-rate actress... Oops!! I got it right!!!


I’m about his age so I “grew up” with him. He was the “bad boy” royal. And for a few years, I actually thought he was better looking than William (the Army years… he still had hair and William was losing his.) So you know the Meghan stuff is bad when people like me turn.


Ah, ok!!


I'm in the same boat. It took me longer than I want to admit to realize that Harry is not just a victim of a narcissist.


I was a straight-A student, but if there was a subject I would fail it would be gym class. Absolutely hated it!!


Yes, I’ve loosely followed the BRF for 30 years - since I was in late elementary school- so I did read a lot about Haz over the years. I was never one to really care about who he (or William before Kate) was dating so I didn’t even hear much about Meg until the engagement.


The earliest time I can recall Hazbeen registering on my radar is seeing the "Harry Pothead" headline. At the time, we were reading the Harry Potter books, and I first thought it was something positive to be compared with the Boy Who Lived!


I just knew him as Charles son and a Prince. I never thought much of him. He seemed like he partied too hard in a sloppy and unkempt way for someone of that aristocratic level.


when he showed up in Calgary doing training with his regiment and the Cowboy's waitress who was quoted in our local news rag, the Sun. Knew he was trouble then.


Only when something popped up in the news about him. Good or bad. And I used to think he was cute. In a boyish cute sort of way. He’s obviously not boyish cute anymore, but now he always looks mean to me. Like if you talked to him he’d be sneering at you. And that kind of look almost always comes from the inside.


I saw him on a documentary about Diana many years before he met Roachel and he commented about how pissed off/annoyed he was that so many of the British public were so upset over Diana's death as in "why are they upset she was MY mum not theirs"...it bothered me as he didn't seem to be able to grasp why such a famous woman suddenly dying really shocked other people. He lacked basic empathy and I thought he came across as a bit selfish and clueless.


He, to me, was always a bit of a loose canon. But the joke started to wear thin the older he got.


Yes I knew who he was, but only in the context of the Royal Family. Usually he was second fiddle to William. The are both way older than me, but I remember William was for a time supposed to be the hot brother when he was young. Harry was never that.


A bit. The Nazi, the racist comments about his fellow soldiers, the naked Vegas, the very drunk irresponsible young man. He's always been nasty, as evidenced by his books and interviews.


Didn’t think of him much unless the negative press somehow got ahold of a sordid story. And those were bizarre to me because I use to think he had this perfect world and privileged life and why would he be doing this crap as an adult. It made me angry as a mother. Now I do know more about him and realize the RF did a great job of hiding his true character. At the beginning of following this sub I didn’t see him as horrid as most and because I hadn’t learned what I know now. I sort of felt sorry for him re M and her issues. But now I don’t. He picked her out of endless women he could have dated and he did it within their intertwined worlds of SoHo, yachting, drugs and sex. That is who he found when immersed in that world. The RF knew all about her. I’m sure she was deeply investigated and H was cautioned. And I’m sure the RF was prepared to continue to PR the hell out of them as a couple. But they went rogue. And then the gig was just up. And I’m sure the stress of it sped up the death of Prince Phillip and the Queen. And now we all know exactly what the RF has always dealt with. The succinct effort of W & K’s beautiful and healthy and humble PR the past 2-3 years (and especially of late even with a cancer diagnosis) shows how they are carefully rebranding, refining, redirecting the RF image without H & M. It’s refreshing and wonderful to see.


He was prince Harry. Down to earth, cool dude. But boy was I wrong


Actually, this is what I thought. A bit of a partyer, but not all bad. I was also definitely aware of him though his military stuff and Invictus. And actually admired what he was doing for the vets. Now I see hiw much of that was PR - or at least what it's turned out to be.


Good question! I used to think he was an ugly guy who just had the Prince title going for him and to begin with I thought he was the lucky one in this relationship. (I was a fan of Suits and before I got wiser I had bought M’s fauxmanitarian PR BS). I never found him impressing


I think many we're wishing Diana's sons well. Losing their mother in such an awful way would be hard for anyone. Most saw Harry as acting out, being immature, but thought it was harmless. Minus the racial stuff and he did apologize at the time... Now he's blaming his brother, so obviously no lesson learned there. There were warning signs but it really wasnt until Spare when it became obvious that Meghan wasn't the sole reason for his behaviour, that he had been bitter and resentful for years. The "cheeky prince" had a dark side. A lot of the public were initally happy that Harry, so obviously troubled, had found love. That an actress might be someone who could handle the spotlight. Even when they left, people were like "ok well, royal life isnt for them. Fair enough". Then Oprah, the documentry, the podcast, and final nail, Spare. So many obvious lies and people are thoroughly sick of their whining during Covid and the cost of living crisis. If you cant make it on $20 mil plus, youre the problem.


I thought the boys were both adorable as tots. William grew into a quality man. Harry seemed like a party boy, one with poor taste and one brain cell.


I admit I bought the PR persona - even after the LV/Nazi/and sadly the racist slur, I was more than willing to give him benefit of the doubt


I used to enjoy reading [dlisted.com](http://dlisted.com), and the main writer would refer to him as "Hot Prince Ginge" and it was funny. I didn't care about the Vegas hookers. That was pretty scandalous. But mostly, I thought it was awful that his privacy was invaded like that. I think the world also felt affection for him and protective of him for being one of Diana's boys. That's how the nazi uniform did not destroy him completely. There are very few people in the world who would be afforded this kind of grace. That's how always I thought of him. He was the "fun," less serious prince. When he served in the military, I respected him. When he got into doing good charity stuff like Invictus Games, I thought he was growing up nicely. When he married Mega-liar, I was excited and wished them the best.


He was only someone I had heard of because he was one of two sons of his parents. Did not follow him at all. I did follow Di back in the day though.


I was aware of him as Diana’s son, the spare etc.  Diana was a couple years younger than me so I followed her engagement & marriage.  I’d been briefly engaged to a guy 13 years older before I’d come to my senses a couple years before she & Charles married.  After their engagement interview (whatever love is) I was hoping she’d not go through with it 🤷‍♀️.  I was disappointed when her true colours showed later & shocked at her death.   But Harry….I read Lainey back then & Dlisted & was puzzled why they thought Harry was so hot.  William was far better looking & I feel same now even with his lack of hair. 


Yes Michael K and his Prince Hot Ginge obsession. I never got it. Stick to Rojo Caliente, Michael! 😂😂😂


I remember Michael K and D-listed. 😁 That site was hilarious and I miss reading it a lot. I hope Michael-K and his team are all doing well, wherever they are.


I gave up on Lainey several years ago but really enjoyed Dlisted up to the end. Miss Dlisted & Blind Gossip.  


I was also confused to why he was prince hot ginge. I never found him attractive. Or likeable to be honest.


I was a Harry fan 😳I remember having a folder of cuttings of him with Chelsy. Am I banished now? 🤪


Yes, I think in the commonwealth he was loved as much as William. William was shy and responsible, and Harry was the firecracker. Growing up, girls had crushes on both of them and everyone saw that sad image of them following their mother's casket. I still remember his sad, resentful face. I think a lot of people were rooting for him to find happiness and healing like his brother. I had a crush on William when I was like, 11.


As an American he was not on my radar until one day I was over on that fine, fine website www.datalounge.com and one of the gay guys was like, “Why are y’all talking about William? Harry is the hot one” and I thought 🤔. I never considered Harry being cute, but I could see how some people might. That was the extent of my considerations of Harry.


Michael K of D Listed thought he was hot too. I didn't get the whole Prince Hot Ginge thing myself. Must be a gay guy thing. They have much better gaydar than I


He was the "fun" brother that you'd want to go out for drinks with. Knew he was in the war and the Vegas scandal. But to be honest I never really followed any of the BRF that much (but I did know who they were : ) TBH, from the time Diana died until Megxit, with maybe a blip when William and Catherine briefly broke up or Harry in Vegas, the BRF were kind scandal- and drama-free and just were left to do their charity works and live their lives. I never saw any of them that much in the gossip pages at all.


I felt sorry for him at Diana's funeral, then saw the Nazi episode and since I was living in London when he became "the eligible bachelor" I remember the press coverage of him stumbling out of nightclubs like Mahiki and punching paps. I was like "oh dear!". I never liked him and even thought he was t Charles son at one point lol


I fancied him around the time the pics of him playing rugby topless in the army came out. I thought he was a bit of a player then & was vaguely awake that he dated Chelsey & Cressida. I knew he was close with Catherine & thought he was genuinely involved in some good charity work. I think the Palace did a great job of covering up what a spoiled and stupid man he appears to be now. I think he's definitely troubled but I think Markle 100% preyed on that vulnerability and has exploited him. I think she reinforced any work he might have been doing on himself to make him feel like the victim of his family. He cannot see his own privilege even if it comes wirh sacrifices. William went through the same trauma & has an additional level of pressure on him, which he feels dutiful to without any choice otherwise. I'm sure he struggles with things but I think he takes accountability for himself. He's way out of his depth with regards to Meghan & I think he now has no one who will try to help him see other wise


Knew that Harry had gotten rough with sex workers because a friend's son was one of the law enforcement officers who had to deal with his drunken ass. Otherwise, honestly, I never gave him a thought.


Depends where you're from. If you're in the UK then Harry would definitely have been on your radar. He was hugely popular. Probably the most popular member of the Royal Family. It's unbelievable really how far he's fallen. Just shows how marrying the wrong woman can ruin some men.


I never really thought about him, other than some of his antics that appeared in the tabloids made him look like a berk.


I knew who he was, I kinda had the impression he was Williams goofy, rambunctious younger brother you sometimes did stupid things which I chalked up to him just trying to get attention. I also remember how sad it was when he walked behind his mom’s coffin. I’m the same age as Harry and remember when the teen magazines were filled with pictures of William. I lived in the USA but we use to buy the teen magazines and put William’s picture up in our lockers/bedroom walls along with the other celebrities in them. Ironically I remember a debate between me and my friends one time of who had the best shot of getting with William and my mom telling all of us we don’t have a chance because we are Americans but maybe we had a chance with the younger brother but she doubted that also cause again we were Americans and all of us vetoing that idea cause he was the ugly one. But I was very much a part of Willsmania that was during my high school teen years.


He was always so creepy and weird looking. I was happy he got married, and hoped the best for him, thinking maybe he was growing up. I never liked her. Bad vibes just from her photographs. I wasn't wrong.


No, I never found him appealing in any way whatsoever. My interest and sympathies have always been with William, and I was thrilled when he had the good sense to marry Catherine.


I used to like Harry and always thought he was the more relatable, fun loving royal. I was really happy for him when he finally met the love of his life. Then it all went to shit. Now I despise him and his ILBW. I never thought I'd think this way but I guess the Palace really did do a great PR job with him over the years.


I remember the harry was escorted from Argentina and told not to come back after his appalling behaviour.


I was always neutral towards Harry. I was happy for him when he found someone until I read she was an actress in her mid 30's.


Not as a heartthrob, not as an admired son, more as a 'fun, f*ckup' court jester, yes.


He only came on my radar when he hit the tabloids for shenanigans. I knew him for his naked Vegas pics and then for treating Cressida badly. I certainly didn't pay attention to Invictus, as I don't like any sports. But I think through Invictus and a lot of good charity work, he eventually would have made his own mark. That ship has sailed though. Now he'll always be a whiney brat.


Was Hazmat on my radar before Lot Lizard? No. Could not have cared less what that fool was doing.


I'm a monarchist (Canadian), and I pay attention to the royals, but Harry was never really in my radar. I knew about his scandals (Nazi uniform, Las Vegas nudity), but since he was the *spare* I didn't really pay attention to him. What I don't understand is Harry being considered *hip.* As a punk kid at heart myself, the royals ain't *hip*. They're preppy. I just cringe when I see royals trying to be *hip*, like stop. Lol.


I was a teenager when Diana hit the scene, and I was blown away by the whole real life fairy tale. Diana mania was really something you had to live through to understand just how intense it was. At the time, I loved her, she was beautiful, stylish, refined. From that time on, I was hooked on the RF. I loved William and Harry because they were hers. When she died, the world was devastated. Everyone wanted the best for those boys. So yes, I had a protective eye on both boys- hoping for the best for them, hoping Harry would eventually mature and find his way. This whole fiasco is just the worst possible outcome for him- which is quite sad, although he is the maker of his own demise.


American from CA here - Old enough to remember Diana's height and death in real time (I was 24) The world mourned with them and the image of the two of them will be in our memory forever. I personally loved both of them and though William was better looking and measured, Harry was the opposite and fun - the two together were a great duo - What I loved about Harry was he had a natural charisma with people and especially kids. Diana trait. The palace PR machine spun him in the best possible way - no one knew how damaged and petty he really was and Prince William and Catherine loved him - sad state now. TOW has completely warped him in her Narc web. "Along came a Spider......" as H.G. Tudor says.....SMH


When he was younger I thought he was attractive. Then he started showing his colors. Between the drugs and drinking and overall bad behavior he became less and less appealing. At this point if he was the last man on earth and I was the last woman, the human race would die out.


I didn't think about him until he walked behind his mom's casket, anguish for all the world to see. By then I was a parent and I had a lot of compassion for him.


To that he didn’t come to mind until his nazi uniform and again in Vegas. By the a time of William’s wedding he seemed ok. No idea who MM was. No idea she was a black woman. Not until Oprah. By then I had no respect for either of them.


No. All I know / knew about him was that he wore a Nazi costume. Now he and his wife are my favorite trainwrecks.


I’m British, so obviously my answer is yes, as much as any other member of the RF.


Knew of him, knew about the naked photos in Vegas.


I never was interested in BRF at all considering they are foreign country stuff. But ofc them being famous internationally, I've heard and read some news about them. But even at his peak, he wasn't... He just didn't give a lasting impression. Even taking all the grey men PR at face value. "Oh I guess he got too rowdy at party. Rich kid stuff like usual nothing too scandalous tho" then forget about him. Him being vindictive man child actually leave a much stronger image, ironically.


Not at all. I always seemed to have the “wrong” opinion when it came to the brothers as most of my friends seemed to take more interest in Harry, and the main reason was “he’s the naughty one”. Funnily enough that never appealed to me. I always admired William and never really thought much about Harry. And now? Well…


Nope. Harry was the red headed punk prince who was always getting high or being a total dickhead teenager. I thought the Army would sort him out and teach him discipline. But he came out even worse as a fake war hero. His marriage to MM just proved to everyone how stupid he really is by marrying a D-list actress and gold-digger who emasculates and disrespects him in public. Now, Harry is a real life tragedy of how badly you can fuck up your life. The closest analog is Kanye and KK.


Literally the only thing I remember him for is the Nazi uniform thing.


No, he wasn't important. I have learned so much about the Royal family after the Oprah interview. Gained sympathy for them. The failed twosomes did much more positive PR for the Royal family than anyone could have imagined.


I felt very sorry for BOTH William and Harry at Diana's death and funeral...I have always thought Harry was rather unappealing - oh, OK ginger ugly rather than ginger cute - whereas William has always been better looking, appears to be a nicer person etc... Harry hasn't so much as met his nemesis in William as his twin sister in SMM...


I’ve posted this a few times on this sub. My cousin has a B&B and his stepson was at Sandhurst with Harry. He invited Harry to my cousin’s B&B along with a couple of other mates from Sandhurst. Apparently they were all just really nice lads, drinking beer and sitting around the table. Err there was no securittayyy


What an interesting question. Oddly, now I think about it, pre-Markle I was borderline anti-royal. I found the adulation of Diana ridiculous, I couldn't stand the Queen Mother or Princess Margaret - appalling snobs, the pair of them. I also thought QEII needed firmly dragging into the 21st century and that Prince Andrew was an entitled dick. I do realise these views may not be exactly popular on this sub. I didn't mind Harry because he seemed a bit more human, albeit a bit of a thick dork desperate to be one of the cool kids. But when he and the wife started lecturing everyone about how they should live their lives it sparked my interest... and total indignation. When that evolved into being full on sanctimonious arseholes I started following them quite closely. An unexpected consequence was that I came to realise that the BRF does some truly excellent work and is a real asset to the UK. I now have a lot of respect for the late Prince Philip, and am a big fan of Princess Anne, William & Catherine and the Tindalls. And a superfan of all the royal children. So thanks Harry! Without your true character bubbling to the surface I wouldn't have a whole new interest. Suspect the idiot's had a similar effect on many others.


Only to think what a typical privileged twat he was and an embarrassment to the RF. Harold certainly has raised his profile now and not in a good way. Karma has bitten him big time. And the fall is far from over. It’s gonna make it look like his Uncle David was accepted back with Wallis in tow and made co-regent with Queen Elizabeth in comparison with disastrous royal events.


I really liked him but I am a total Diana Stan. Haz was shown as part of a really cute trio with William and Catherine. He seemed close to the Queen and his dad and it all looked great. The person we have now as Haz is like a zombie of the worst kind


As an American, I simply recognized him as Will’s goofy, third wheelin’ brother. He seemed charming and cute in his own way, but also gave trust fund frat boy vibes, who was no stranger to wild nights. It never seemed that important for him to settle down into married life. Knowing he was somewhat “popular” in American celebrity circles and his short-term romances, I never took him that seriously. His sudden engagement to a mixed race AMERICAN piqued my interest - when, during all that partying, did he decide to make someone a wife?? I saw the uniqueness of their romance as a good thing for many sides, and I wasted time cheering them on. Now, I can’t wait for the divorce. 💅


I definitely had him on my radar before all this. I've been a fan of the BRF since Charles and Diana's wedding, and enjoyed watching the boys grow up. Hoping I'll get to watch the Wales children grow up and find their paths as well. I lived in DC when Harry went to Capitol Hill, and I remember all the single young aides lining the balconies to see him. After William and Catherine got married, it was so inspiring to see them pull H under their wing and it seemed like he was getting himself together. They were including him and ensuring he had purpose. I mean, they're both deeply empathetic people, and I have to believe they knew it would be hard on him to be the "spare". After a point, though, their babies and family had to take precedence, as did their responsibilities as the future monarchs. H has shown he doesn't have the best coping skills and rather than lean into his support system, I think he just fell into the same self destructive tendencies. I don't know if you guys remember, but when they were little boys, William had a bit of the Prince Louis about him. He was a naughty little chap, while Harry was often more sensitive and quiet, clinging to his mother. Much was expected of William, much less of Harry. I think Harry could have done well under the right circumstances. Unfortunately, I think he often felt rejected and he was just chomping at the bit to find a family of his own that wouldn't leave him. Doubly unfortunately, he was sold a bill of goods from a woman with no intention of doing the required work, who thought she was special just because she was her, and after his two failed relationships with Chelsea and Cressida, he was willing to do anything not to be alone anymore. I wish it had been just about anyone else on the planet... I don't feel sorry for him, he certainly had plenty of time, warning, and support to get out of the situation, but that man, if he has proven anything, has proven he is a hot mess of a human being, and I really don't know how this story will end for him... It's truly sad to see.


Looking back, Harry has only come up on my radar (apart from the usual - being born, schooling, his ‘antics’) when it was ‘leaked’ he was in Afghanistan and he had to return (if I recall correctly). I’d notice him pop up in articles, the odd snap of him with Chelsy Davy if they attended events together - many appearances with William and Catherine, always seemingly happy, interacting with the public with genuine affection. Children seemed to warm to him. He is NOTHING like the image I had of him. I knew he wasn’t academically gifted (which isn’t for everyone and it doesn’t matter), but every positive quality he had wasn’t real….the image I had of him being ‘a bit of a lad’ I now see as a nasty piece of work. The Palace did a good job on his image. He will never recover the public status he held prior to marriage.


I never believed the hype of them being best friends and brothers. I'm a big history buff, and it didn't make sense. Hazmat was the unstable third wheel in Prince William & Princess Catherine's relationship. The men in grey suits worked overtime to make Sparry look better for the RF. He should have been married off sooner to someone of nobility but none of those families wanted anything to do with him. For me, I don't understand why he thought a mattress 304 was a prize. I think the reports of Sparry wanting to be co-king had more truth than we realized because now the harkles have the attitude of if I can't have it, no one can.


Always just related to stupid man-boy hijinks. Henry reminds me of my ne’er do well uncle. Lived with my grandma until 40. Took no responsibility or accountability (also an addict). Finally got it together and got married only to the same thing with said wife. Wife left after 20 years. Died a year later.


Harry only got put on the radar when it was clear Wills was off the market. 


I used to feel a bit sorry for him because he was always third wheel with William and Catherine.


I'm British, and was a teenager when Charles married Diana. I vaguely remember the wedding because we got the day off school, but I've very little recollection of the boys being born or recall much about their childhood apart from seeing the odd famous photo, like the waterslide and the mother's day race at their school.  I remember Diana's funeral, and that was probably the first time I had a conscious thought about them, feeling very sorry for them and thinking how brave they must be. That's about it-I have memories of the photos from naked Las Vegas parties, violent rice throwing at Charles wedding etc, but I honestly couldn't tell you if it was a genuine memory or one I thought I remembered by seeing it posted in this sub over time.  So basically, no. Neither of them were on my radar beyond a vague "nice to see them both married, nice to see them growing a family" sort of presence. I didn't pay much attention to either wedding, except for looking up tiaras (I love a nice tiara). I was oblivious to her behaviour until the Oprah interview and the very obvious lies. 


No. Not until Meghan forced their sorry butts in our faces.


Now that you mention it — only the tawdry scenes like Nazi cosplay, naked in Las Vegas, etc. I am an old person, so I really felt bad for him at his mother’s funeral — that card with “Mummy” atop her casket really touched me — but as a Baby Boomer, I knew plenty of people whose parents did not come back from Harm’s Way in WWII, Korea, Viet Nam — even people killed during training exercises in the military reserves. To say nothing of cancer, heart attacks, drunk drivers, etc. It’s a hard knock life.


They are perfect study for a clinical research into some personality disorders. For me, they are a free therapy / case in study for living with a narcissists.


Also Folies a deux


That's a perfect description of them! Spot on.. it took two....


I had no idea who Meghan was before Harry, but as a history nerd I have always been aware about BRF and Harry in particular. I am not British, here the press portrayed him as a down to Earth, relaxed and approachable prince, but I didn't follow him much. For me he was and still is a descendant of some curious historical figures, not more,and his ancestors have always been the only reason to pick up an article about him.


As an American whose only interest in the BRF was their feuds and scandals, he was on my radar as a dumb party animal and embarrassment who later joined the army, which I assumed was for the purpose of getting himself and his reputation straightened out.


I remember the harry was escorted from Argentina and told not to come back after his appalling behaviour.


My only thoughts were that he was out of control at times as he got older and that he was a strange looking kid. Like something was off about him and his face showed it. I could never really put my finger on it.


Prior to Meghan, Harry was at his peak. He was praised not so much for his war service but his work for wounded soldiers after he came back after his second stint in Afghanistan. From his trip to the North Pole to Endeavor fund/IGF he was legit the most popular royal (including the Queen) for many years. He was also in every list VF best dress list, most eligible bachelors, his private love life was scrutinize to a level of absurdity IMO. The royal rota still talks about how great it was to work with him still today. I actually don't think Harry is a bad person, stupid but not an awful human being. Meghan studied him well, infiltrated his friends group, knew his achilles heel was the death of his mother. By cosplaying Diana, she basically brainwashed him and leave behind his destiny. Hardly anyone remembers how he represented the firm so well in ALL of his royal tours, how granny loved him so much but they just remember his mistakes in his youth and the last six years.


I watched him growing up and he was always a wrong ‘un. Spoilt, aggressive, entitled. A cheat in his exams, and getting into Sandhurst because of his family. Then the action man video where he ran off to his aircraft while being interviewed…so fake. Fighting photographers from behind his security, drunk in the street, Las Vegas stunt, but worse was when he hooked up with the harkle at IG in Canada. I said right then the RF would be mad to let him marry her….


Yes from the way he acted even a family functions, He was like a child that just wants to annoy everyone, like pinching Catherine on the backside sorry i would have abused the shit out of him once out of public sight. The way he tossed the confetti at charles at his wedding.. He should have gone where the rest of them went the nut house for good, You can give any reason as to why has hasn't been seen illness etc After a while no one would care anyway


Yes, but that's because I had followed the Royals since around 2009-2010. I'd always been aware of them; I can remember when Diana died and knew of Harry and William even though I was too young to know the whole Charles and Diana thing. Over the years Harry was always the one seeming to get in trouble or be less serious, but I hoped and expected that he'd mature eventually. Admittedly I always preferred William, but I've never been into the "bad boy" rebellious types in general. I cut him a lot of slack. I had a lot of affection for him, and I thought when he was on engagements with William and Catherine that he was maybe starting to settle into royal life. When I heard about Meghan I was happy he'd found someone because he'd always said he wanted kids.


Before M, H was the party prince/drunken rotten rich brat.


Him and William were all over the American tween magazines back in the early 2000s!


Peripherally. I don't live far from the Air Force base in Gila Bend. When he was there he ate a a local taco shop. He told the girls that worked there that it was the best taco he had eaten. They all laughed at that because we all knew it was just a taco. He had the good manners at that time to say something complimentary.


Yes he was always a prominent person of interest and followed with great anticipantions from his country. We were all behind him always and then.....well


We only cared about W&K here in the states. Especially after they had George & Charlotte. The only time Harry got coverage was for his antics.


I thought about him because he was equally as famous as William. I saw the embarrassing stories at Las Vegas at the time. There were a ton of stories when he was in the military and everyone used the same pic of him. He was also open with his thoughts and feelings to the press when William wasn't. I still remember the interview about him wanting to leave the family biz, but he decided to stay to find a role for himself. That told me that he didn't know what path to take and he wanted the safe cocoon of said family biz since it was familiar to him and the only thing he knew. He always stepped out alongside William and Catherine, but I kind of new that deep down, he was lonely and felt like the 3rd wheel since he didn't have a significant other. I felt sad for him when his exes didn't want the press' glaring cameras.


Yes as the "trouble maker prince" here and there, but I never taken real interest in the royal situation since a good time after the interview. THen I became personally invested :)


I never thought of him either.