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She looks so smug. It’s such a weird look to have after supposedly giving birth not proud, exhausted, happy, etc. Just smug.


Smug because she thought she'd managed to pull off their giant heist and fooled everyone. 


Her moonbump is on crooked.


I’ve said it so many times before but who wears white after giving birth? And she smacks that ~~doll~~ baby on the head & it doesn’t even flinch!


She is rubbing the alleged baby's soft spot. Who touches a baby's head?




Could be steroid face.




It looks like my face when I was released from the hospital after having RSV.


I hope you are back to 100% now. 🙂


Thank you kindly! This happened in 2021. All is well now.


An “OB-GYN to the stars” was asked about women using surrogates right after everyone said that Beyoncé’s bump folded when she sat down on television, back before Blue Ivy was born. The doctor said that he does have patients that the public would recognize (although not Beyoncé) who choose to go the surrogate route, but who also want to seem as though they carried their own child. I believe that was the first time I had heard the term “moon bump”, as a matter of fact. He said that in such circumstances they put together a plan to “carry” the child, and that steroids around the time that the child is actually born can make the woman even look like she had some swelling and baby-weight after she “gives birth”. Some women even are dedicated enough to induce lactation hormonally, but generally not. If you have managed to secure a baby without tearing up your nether regions or getting stretch marks, etc., you probably don’t want the wear and tear on your breasts that would come with nursing a child.


Woww - that’s freaking insane!


Steroids!!! A well known trick of actresses trying to look the part in movies depicting pregnancy or the post-partum look!


Yes! I think it's easy to forget that Meghan DOES know a lot of the tricks of the acting trade, because she's such a horrific actress. But she literally grew up on set. Saying she would have known to use steroids to get that puffy look when she hadn't been puffy up until that point - it feels off, because that isn't something most normal folk would know. But an insider actress type would certainly know that.


Ohh I always wondered why so puffy it looked odd and her post baby bump looked bizarre. She’s such a fraud


Aaaahhh wow. Makes sense


It has horrible side effects, though; insomnia, depression, weight gain...just awful!


Wine. Bloat will make you puffy and swollen I'd you're over 35 and knocking glasses if the tug to mimick a few pounds


Nobody. Because fluids


Yes, holding a doll and passing it off as their living child has given her a narc high.


They pulled off the biggest hoax in the world and were on the ultimate narc high. I hope one day the truth comes out.


Except they didn’t - cos look at where we are!


Until the truth is blasted across the planet, I will think they got away with it.


We are with a fraudulent Prince in the LOS. Meghan Markle's hoax absolutely worked.


For now, it's worked. For now.


Yeah, you just wait another 90 years and then the RF will allow the truth to be released. That'll show them.


Yes, I agree with you on that. It's what the monarchy has done for hundreds of years. It annoys me intensely. We'll all be long dead before the truth comes out.


Meghan Markle DID pull off a giant heist. Baby has a Royal title and is in the LOS. Meghan Markle's con worked, she has a lot to be smug about


It’s so funny to me to think about the antiquated, age-old requirement/tradition of having witnesses to royal births to prevent a switcheroo, because such a thing isn’t exactly needed in this day and age… but then Markle appears on the scene. Goes to show that there really was a need for such a rule back in the day. Just never thought it’d be useful *now*, hundreds of years later. 🤣


Smug, but also nervous. We all know she’s a Stage Five ~~Clinger~~ Claw, but the way she was holding on to Harry, sort of hovering by the baby in an odd way, makes you wonder. That baby really doesn’t move an inch! Not a squint, not a grimace, nothing. So bizarre. But in true Markle fashion, she started getting comfortable with it toward the end and didn’t want to give up the spotlight quite yet — right as the debut is ending, she starts interjecting her thank you’s for the attention, lol.


Tw is full of sh8t. Purposely hiding it in the had and TW farmy lookin hands covering the head and face. Its a doll


Also wtf does Harry mean when he says they are monitoring how he changes daily? Seriously wtf??? I’ve had babies and they don’t change daily. This was such a strange comment


>This was such a strange comment Yes, he commented on how much the baby had changed over **TWO WEEKS**? When the baby was supposed to be (IIRC) **TWO DAYS OLD**!? 🥴


Yes and a tad nervous


She even reached up out of habit to bump-clutch, but suddenly caught herself and put her hand back. Insane!


Hmm I just noticed on this clip right after they asked to see the child’s face, MM seems to abruptly start saying “thank you all so much, thank you for all the well wishes and kindness. Thank you. ” as if she’s attempting to put an end the interaction. ![gif](giphy|fHohwRjqJRzjcyO4dK|downsized) Edit: word correction


This! She even put her hand up to [baby] like she was keeping Harry from revealing too much "face." The only time she broke her narc smugness is when they said "baby Sussex," she just relished that. I also noticed when they asked her to tell them about the baby she had to be proded with leading questions because she couldn't think of a single thing to say about a baby she has cared for for 2ish days?


The Little ones are little. Surprise tw doesn't used that lsme line that time


I’ve commented this elsewhere - also, when the reporter asks for a better look, Harry shuffles as if to show the ‘baby’s’ face, but doesn’t (similar to the recent Nigeria trip where Markle just shuffles around pretending to edge Harry into a photograph, but she doesn’t actually move).


Absolutely she was trying to wrap it up. Look at those cameras, focusing on "Baby Sussex." Focus on Meghan Markle, Duchess of Sussex, you bad photographers! "Two weeks." Parenting for a whole 2 1/2 days... That hard thumb jab into the "baby's" shoulder area. Fondling the "baby's" head--what soft spot? Damn right that "baby" is "calm." I'd be worried because it's so very very "calm!"


Exactly! Hell, that 'baby' was beyond calm, it was literally immobile even after being prodded by a Haz's thumb.


Besides the weirdly still baby, the way they talk about "Archie" is just so... unenthusiastic? Not filled with joy and love and awe? Meghan is such a bad actress and her skills seem to be on display here.


Agreed Plus Harry screwing up his lines and her irritation. 😂😂


Harry was positively seething when commenting that Archie was 5 years old in Nigeria (when he was sat on the floor at some primary school I think it was?!)


I see Arthur Edwards also refers to the child as "Harry's baby". Tom Bower was the first to do it in his book Revenge, Colin Campbell has been saying it in the past months, and now Arthur Edwards. The media pack all know the truth.


Unleash the kraken please!


I don't think they can because of confidentiality issues. And there must be some NDAs hidden in there. I think Meghan and Harry are just hoping something will be said so they can sue.


The reference to “Harry’s baby” may be a way of indicating she didn’t give birth, not necessarily that the baby isn’t genetically hers. We can’t know. It may also be a snarky way of suggesting that no one would care about the baby if it weren’t that it is Harry’s. (Another version of calling her “Harry’s wife.”)


I think that even if they were hiding the children for PriVaSHay, that would not stop Little Miss Likes to Lie from telling many, many, many stories about pregnancy and birth. But there are none because it didn't happen to her. If the children exist, they are biologically Harry's and not hers. And they live with their respective moms. MeGain is too selfish to have children.


That’s a big tell to me, she still dines out on the dish soap letter, she would never shut up if she had actually birthed a child.


Yep. That's why I always goto tw baseline behavior. Any deviation  like the births equals fraud. Bc tw merfd her oxygen press asking about her


While I would love to believe that the children (who I believe exist) are not in Meghan’s power, the story that they live with “their mothers” just doesn’t work for me. That would require *two* different surrogates (one in Europe/UK, the other in the US) who turned around and refused to let Meghan and Harry have their babies in spite of what must have been pretty strong contracts. Maybe you are right, but I think it is improbable. One, maybe. But both? However, that is not what we were discussing. It appears that a lot of people believe that the children do not have Meghan’s genes at all. Given that there are stories that Meghan had frozen eggs when she was younger, and that some folks claim that Archie looks like a Markle, why shouldn’t we consider that if she used a surrogate she may still have used her own eggs? It may be that the children are referred to as “Harry’s children” because there is information out there that the kids are not biologically hers. However, it seems just as likely that no on knows for sure who provided the eggs, and referring to “Harry’s kids,” is just meant to snark at how Meghan doesn’t matter. 🤷🏻‍♀️


"this baby looks a lot like Tom sr" was the first thing I thought when some pictures at least surfaced. The second is "she's not going to like it".


Mmmm. It might be a way of indicating she didn’t give birth - but then again, for sure, Harry didn’t either…


True. We really don’t know what is meant, and different people may mean it differently. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Clearly they know she was never pregnant. Maybe they know even more- like she can't possibly carry a child?


There was a comment here a while back that Tom Jr had said on his most recent video that she would not have given birth to any babies because she allegedly had 'everything removed' due to endometriosis, years ago. I went to watch the video but he started talking politics and I noped out. I wasn't in the mood but meant to go back and find the part where he talks about it but forgot until now.


Do we think that Tom actually knows or is just saying stuff for attention?


The entire Markle family is hmmmmmmmmmmmmm


Exactly… all bunch of narcs


I've always wondered why Harry was carrying [baby]. Its seems like Megain wanted to make sure everyone saw her body and [bump]. Especially since we know Megain is a huge narc and would typically be front and center, this is odd behavior pattern from her. She doth protest too much. Plausible deniability to be able to say she wasn't part of the dolly dupe?


He's also taller, so he could hold the baby higher and out of view.


Yes I only just noticed this… my mind was too focused on ‘Stage managed’ when I watched the original clip. It is really odd Also Camilla hasn’t seen the baby but the time of the press conference. **So Harry and Meghan didn’t send pictures of the baby to the family after the birth??**


Unless the anesthesia from her epidural was still affecting the infant, that was a suspiciously still baby.


Do you mean the epidural that she got and then climbed into the water to give birth and then climbed back out afterwards? That’s never made sense. These two are nuts! Oh, and wearing a white dress a few days after giving birth, that’s pretty telling as well.


Had a Nando’s carry out, then another epidural, and left 2 hours later. 👌🏻 Righto 😏


Was it this birth story she ate burritos in or the LA one?


I think it was a Nando’s. Who tf knows? It could’ve been a Kimchi, a poutine, a shawarma, or a delicate amuse bouche served in a boring museum’s café?


The LA one was tacos or something while she bounced on a birthing ball … or something. 🤦🏻‍♀️


> was tacos With Meesh Obama.


Taco breakfast with Meesh, Birthing Burritos with H.


I was starving during my 23 hour labor with my youngest and all I got was friggen ice chips! 😂 ![gif](giphy|l0IydB4EKFpSPa6NG)


I'd be f@cking raging if I couldn't eat for 23 hours! I mean, I get why you can't for medical reasons but I need food energy to push this baby out! I hope you had a lovely big meal after ☺️


Well, the epidural, then Hairold was huffing her anasthesia? I don’t remember getting both, but that delivery room saga never made sense to me.


It really doesn’t, my cousin a labor and delivery nurse for over 25 years can attest that story is a joke. I can also attest having has two epidurals myself, two different kinds, what they were describing is not possible.


Oh yea - the at home water birth but Haz was huffing her drugs cuz you know .. that makes sense


Yep. You are bleeding like crazy after giving birth with tucks and thick pads! No way you are wearing a white dress!!!!


Catherine had a lighter color..but loose..dress after at least one of the babies. I'm sure she was absorbent padded up underneath! And those babies were carried by her, then William, and they were moving. 


It was a yellow dress with Louis. It’s also known she gave birth without epidurals which was part of why she was able to move and leave a few hours later (with one kid, can’t remember who, I think they were born late enough they stayed overnight). But MM had a good meal during active labor and an epidural and a water birth and was up and leaving almost immediately because she’s so much better. (soo much /s there).


Stop lying! She had TWO epidurals!


And all within the space of 2hours supposedly (which includes the time it took to drive from Windsor to the Portland Hospital in London & back again!). An impossible feat! They were kidding NO ONE!!!


Esp since TW y a geriatric pregnancy. No dr. Will be ok for TW to bounce after 2 hrs. A dr. Is scared to be sued for poor care on a Royal birth. Doesn't pass logic


Easiest birth in the world. Just slid right on out. Meg's body was superhuman, you know. Epidural? pshh, she can just walk it off!


It’s really easy to give birth when you are not the one laboring.


And Harry looks like hes just wanting to get back to the hospital for some more gas and air.


Everything was suspicious. Only two photogs allowed, kid doesn’t move or even appear to breathe, Hairold pressing his thumb so hard into said child, the hesitation of them showing the face. It’s just so much.


And The Claw all over its head and not even a tiny movement. __If__ that is a real infant in this video, she was practically pressing on its fontanelles. Also we get from her, ‘an amazing _couple of days’_ and then he bungles and says _two weeks._ He keeps talking, stumbling through something about _’the first month anyway’_ and then he keeps bumbling and asks _’what, two and a half, three days?’’_ All while she’s nervously tittering.


Plus Harry flubbing his lines...


#Harry fucked up! 😂😂😂


Actually Harry f'd "downward"........ MeMe is not a 'marry up' specimen.


I wish my son was ever that still. I love the 2 weeks and 2-3 days slip.


Lying liars lie.


Indeed they do. And enjoy it.


It's more rigidity than stillness. Maybe they swaddled the child to a plank?


It's a doll


It’s a doll.


Agree. The baby or facsimile thereof appears quite stiff.


I don't think tbe baby is real but I don't see any evidence it was strapped to Harry either.  🤭




That is a doll. There is zero movement. Look how the little hat is pulled down low and the blanket is pulled up high around the face. That is not a live baby. They are hiding a doll and presenting it as a living, breathing baby. These two are really, really mentally ill.




Agreed. This is the con of the century, and I can't believe most people fell for it.


I agree 100%. What I can’t figure out is why the RF has allowed the pretense to continue. I don’t buy “medical privacy” as the reason.


Ugh, those stupid *bracelets*…


Aren't they ridiculous?


They're soo gross to have anywhere near a baby especially with his reputation of being soap averse.




He’s just so edgy and cool…said no one, ever.




- Inc. (They try to merch everything)


Her preening for the camera just sickens me. She is so fake and such a bad actress


If you notice, her answers sound so cliché and rehearsed and not at all what a new mum would describe it as. Ofcourse, you’d expect a new mum to be over the moon about her new child but this just seems like she’s reading off of a script. It does not feel genuine at all.


Does he say 2-3 weeks. And 2-3 days??)


Yes he sure does


2 weeks 🤣 🤣 🤣. Caught ya with your fake baby and dishonest story!


Look how Meghan tenses up when he says that.


So they timed the whole circus around the royal visit to germany, to divert the press. Definitely, nothing to hide there. (Sarcasm). If only, the mere mortal babies followed the schedule set by parents so diligently. But, again, their offsprings are very special. Custom made, almost.




Yup. That baby kept on her schedule! A long pregnancy, too, almost too long, but that's Meghan for you, working on every detail no matter how long it takes!


I love when she says they passed 'The Duke' on their way to the cameras.  That's the man also referred to as the *Iron Duke* for *decades*. In my head I picture the losers, Harry especially being like a child with the good toy for once, yelling look Grandpa! Look what I got!  Only the Iron Duke knows they'll full of shit and that the games they'd been playing over the past few days did nothing but make his wife, the Queen, and the Monarchy look like it was on the back foot.   I'd thought from day one when he told the story to James Corden that his grandfather *did not know how to use video calling and so slammed the lid shut* to stop their conversations, that the Duke knew *exactly* what he was doing. The Duke was "slamming the phone down" on his wayward grandson in the best way new technology would allow.


Wait, Henry said that in the ridiculous interview with Corden? Only outtakes I saw were them on a bus maybe and stopping at some random house to pee? I don’t doubt Prince Philip slamming down the phone or a laptop. Henry was probably hitting him up for £££ too. Philip had to be angry and hurt, he took his duty and obligations so seriously. And the ingrate grandson sold his bespoke shotguns. I like the Iron Duke, have never heard that before.


I'd only saw outtakes as well this being one of then.  Immediately one can tell harry thinks he's telling a story of feeble grandparents not liking or knowing how to use technology.   But I've no doubt Philip had to use videos for professional reasons during the pandemic and would know the etiquette of ending a call.  He was hanging up on Henry in my opinion, as aggressively as the technology would allow.


This is messed up. Those two are completely cuckoo. This reminds me of nursing home patients given baby dolls when they have Alzheimer's.




My friend had to keep explaining to her mom that her husband had passed away so she, her sisters and the staff decided to just tell her he was somewhere else in the facility, which he was up until his death, to stop breaking her heart every day. Dementia, Alzheimer's is cruel AF. 😔


It's kinder that way. My grandmother loved my father like a son she knew he was ill but kept forgetting that he had died so we just told her he was getting better and would be able to come and see her soon it made her happy. 


Is there a therapeutic use for doing that with elderly patients?


Yes, it can be quite calming for dementia patients to cuddle a doll, and it helps counteract feelings of loneliness.


Harry also said, “IT’S” got facial hair. If that was his son, wouldn’t he have said, He’s got facial hair? That stood out to me.


Good catch! I've always seen (in law enforcement investigations about missing and/or reportedly abducted children) when parents refer to their child in that way.......not good.


That last line of hers, "He's just been a dream." This is probably the second time in her life she's ever told the truth, the first occasion being when she called herself a fraud.


It was this weird video that made me go on Google to find out what the story was about Archie because they seemed so uncomfortable and Meghan looked more pregnant than when she was supposed to be pregnant. I immediately found a whole ass rabbit hole about the moon bump and her dastardly dealings.


Damn Camilla didn’t see the kid until the African tour press?


That was the first time she saw a photo of the kid. I don't think she had seen the baby yet.


But Philip saw them in the hallway, just before their appearance w/ what is obviously a doll. I wonder how *that* went.


We don't know that Prince Phillip saw the Grifters and their Archie doll in the hallway right before this interview.  Rachel said Prince Phillip saw them in the hallway, but no proof.


Prob down a huge corridor did a quickie wave and scuttled off — BOTH parties preferring not to engage.


Don't forget PP had perfected the art of avoiding people he did not like. Remember Fergie who he detested?


He probably saw them and fled to the nearest door.


....to have been a fly on the wall....


I wonder if that was another Meghan lie?


Was her mouth moving?


If her mouth is moving, she's either lying or gurning or grinning like a deranged badger.


Does that confirm the christening photo is fake?


When Dumbo and Monster were asked who the baby resembles, her dumb, too quick response was that they were trying to figure that out??????? Every baby resembles SOMETHING about the mom and/or dad but these 2 morons couldn’t utter one single feature the baby had that resembled either one of them??? Disgusting pair.


Honestly their answers to every question were bizarre


I've had two children. They were never that still. I see H bouncing the baby a lot during the video, almost to make it seem more "alive." It's really hard to believe that a baby would be that still and that weren't really showing his face. How old is Archie supposed to be in this video?


You bounce a baby to soothe them…that baby didn’t need soothing. WEIRD.


2-3 days old


But when asked whom the baby looked like, he said "They change so much in the first two weeks",


Yes. I was just stating what “their truth” about Archie’s age was supposed to be.


It seems they couldn't even get that detail in order


Harold hadn’t mastered the art of the markle lie yet.


Nah that's a doll. I have never watched this video before but that is a motherfucking doll,that ain't no real baby. Omg lmao it isn't even a high end real born doll either


It's 100% a doll


Maybe it came in a bundle deal with the moonbumps?


A package deal!


I don't know if it's because mine were boob babies or not but looking back at photos, my babies always turned inward and snuggled into whoever was holding them. I just went back and looked at pictures and even on my husband baby's face was turned towards him so it wasn't a milk scent or anything.


Meghan Markle: "He's really calm." Then she laughs.


George, Charlotte and Louis all moved (as newborns do) when introduced.


never could get over h pushing his thumb so hard down .i knew rhen he was trying to make the DOLL move


That baby never moved.


Also that baby never makes a single sound. Babies often sign, moan, squeak, and yawn in their sleep.


Not only is that 'baby' not moving (1.33 to 3.15 in the video), it's as rigid as a stick. Anyone who has held a newborn knows they don't lie neatly in one long line like that. They sort of meld into your body and squis into you, because they are soft and flexible and limp when asleep and swaddles in blankets.. Having not seen that video for some time, and seeing it again now, it absolutely jumps out at me that they are showing off a DOLL. That is a not a soft, living, breathing, flexible squishy baby. What psychos, presenting the world with a doll. They must have felt so smug and superior, laughing themselves silly how they fooled the press and the peasants. Vile, vile creatures.


Yes he's really calm because he's a doll. That baby isn't moving or doing anything. I still believe if there is a baby, it was born of a surrogate. Everything about this "birth" is extremely suspicious.


I don't think that is a real baby


It's a doll. Harry is carrying a doll.




No movement whatsoever. Definitely was a "Realborne Baby Alive Doll",.....


>No movement whatsoever. Exactly. No movement--- nothing.


Yes, my youngest was a kicker, both in the womb and out. He was constantly kicking even in his sleep. No amount of swaddling could contain the little fellow.


Yep. Babies squirm.


He was holding "Darren" the reborn doll.


"Thank you for the kindness" = "Thanks for letting us pull the wool over your eyes"


Excellent proof of what was happening at the time to introduce in court to show the Public was buying her shit and treating her well.   They'd already broken dozens of rules at this point so they can't say they were pretending to stay in line.  Everything they do, outs them in something else they are trying to pull


Also, notice the thank you to for the kindness… but no thank you to the hospital staff


If there really is an Archie - not Darren as pictured here - I'm guessing they had him 'delivered' to them/for them on Louis birthday and the Queen wasn't having it. Markle made a big song an dance while 'pregnant' with the putative girl child that her & Eugenie (maybe it was Beatrice) were going have babies born on the same day.


Just watched Prince George's introduction to the world. Such a contrast. The roar when W&C walked out gave me chills, it was electrifying. Why didn't the the TOW want that? Very suspicious.


Harry’s Baby ![gif](giphy|stnceXs4IQLFZNYXg2|downsized)


I'm absolutely gobsmacked whenever I hear someone talk as if that's a real baby and not a doll. It beggars belief. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Same. Even in deep sleep, there's some twitching and eye movement.


Not so long ago people were called unhinged if they dared to point out some of these "inconsistencies".


Anyone else call B.S. when megaLiar said during the W.Castle tv interview w/ Gayle King + Sky News when hazBEEN holding the hollywood doll:  *“we just bumped into the Duke as we were walking by.. which was so nice”* ⬅ 💩!**!** Right, that is as believable as the b.s. megNUT spewed about Sophie Trudeau flying down to Montecito to frolick in the Olive Garden's pool during Covid (see attachment) for an in-person archetypes interview -- when the studio where Sophie actually went to record that Archetypes Podcast publicly thanked Sophie for recording that specific interview at their studio! (read: Busted again, MegaLIAR!) https://preview.redd.it/ctppezkcqr8d1.jpeg?width=2169&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=91157a72ae09f826a00bee30481d97d864e0486d


Her language makes me ill.


My second child slept like this 😂😂😂😂😂 now the same kids won't fall asleep no matter what!


Not only is that 'baby' not moving (1.33 to 3.15 in the video), it's as rigid as a stick. Anyone who has held a newborn knows they don't lie neatly in one long line like that. They sort of meld into your body and squish into you, because they are soft and flexible and limp when asleep and swaddled in blankets.. Having not seen that video for some time, and seeing it again now, it absolutely jumps out at me that they are showing off a DOLL. That is a not a soft, living, breathing, flexible squishy baby. What psychos, presenting the world with a doll. They must have felt so smug and superior, laughing themselves silly how they fooled the press and the peasants. Vile, vile creatures.


Wait a second… didn’t she have two epidurals placed during her labor? We don’t place those without blasting in a liter of fluid to stabilize the grimly predictable drop in blood pressure that occurs. And also at least a nice bolus before the second one. There is not a woman alive who has undergone 2 epidurals and childbirth who then walks out with her slim ankles and white dress. No. It takes days to a week to reabsorb and eliminate all of the water that has been dumped into their intravascular space. OB nurse for 15 years, delivered thousands of babies, yes all bodies are different but there’s a limit.


If she used a surrogate - and I suspect she did - I’ve wondered about her puffy face and the weight gain that stuck around for a while...


I've long suspected she took Prednisone for several weeks to puff up. That stuff will definitely do it.


It's weird that the baby doesn't breathe at all. The nostrils are completely still. How did the baby survive for 3 minutes?


Her brother warned everyone. She is nothing but trouble.


When Harry tilts the "baby" down just a but, the head doesn't shift at all like you would expect in a newborn. Newborns are very maleable. It would be interesting to do a comparison to how the Wales children were when they were presented


George [https://youtu.be/NdeyyKp7qDI?si=zlOx8vlG1tzuBCgF](https://youtu.be/NdeyyKp7qDI?si=zlOx8vlG1tzuBCgF) Louis [https://youtu.be/T3bW0dKZ\_h8?si=\_M5EvNyz2vQdDaxQ](https://youtu.be/T3bW0dKZ_h8?si=_M5EvNyz2vQdDaxQ) Archie - this shows a bit of movement [https://youtu.be/nHuuYNoQN2g?si=tYl01DMLTEhf-7N3](https://youtu.be/nHuuYNoQN2g?si=tYl01DMLTEhf-7N3) https://preview.redd.it/rlub2kj8lm8d1.jpeg?width=2436&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3a94b8762a73ff8a59cc29c3a7ffdc511f0db251


Thank you! Aside from his cute little fingers moving around, his head wobbled as Catherine moved her arm. When Harry moved his arm the head of the "baby" didn't shift at all-definitely too rigid.


Weird what baby doesn't move at all. Even when they are asleep they move. It's a doll and she is still wearing a deflated fake belly


You know what was really odd? That Harry did all the carrying, not her. Usually moms hold that baby protectively and reflexively--after all, the baby's been IN their body for 9 months--with dad clearing the path, and then conceding them to dad for a bit of a hold. If you look at William and Catherine, that's exactly the pattern..mom does most of the holding. And their babies weren't swaddled to the point of being unable to move!


Never pregnant...and they have no children they're raising....in my opinion...


So hazBEEN slips and more or less says Archie has left \*a womb\*2 weeks ago!! opps. https://preview.redd.it/uvk1143qin8d1.jpeg?width=2032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bbd4583546a219998c4a276da3e561a496e08ddb Bet T.W. gave him a quick, angry squeeze and/or kicked him (rem: can't see their feet) Then, hazBeen tried to 'clean-up his slip' & says: > ...... "**His looks are changing every single day**, so who knows? ⬅ 😬 opps again! One doesn't say "every single day", when a baby is only 2 days old!