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I think Catherine spotted Meghan right away. And Meghan became angry that she couldn't manipulate or bully Catherine.


Yes! This! And this also applied to William. He sniffed her out ASAP probably just from Harry’s discussion of her. The meeting just confirmed it. Soulless, seductive, user, climber, empty, disrespectful, narcissistic manipulator. Nope 🙅‍♀️ 🙅‍♂️ MM went into a narc rage when she realized her BS wasn’t going to work on these two. Especially William although she kept trying. Probably the only reason she was there to try and get William and she couldn’t believe he wasn’t completely enthralled by her. 🤣 He never was anything but cautious, weary, and shockingly disgusted 🤢 🤮 and then angry 😡 at her disrespect, bullying, using of everyone, inappropriate for the job of working royal, royal, and Harry’s wife. Although eventually I’m sure the latter was a “they deserve each other.” Stance.


*MM went into a narc rage when she realized her BS wasn’t going to work on these two.* And I love that for her. Meghan doesn't like the word "no".


To a malignant narcissist like MM, being told "no" causes a major narcissistic injury that she will never get over.




I hope that "NO" will become the most frequent word that Mehgan soon hears. Repeatedly. Firmly. Calmly. She'll claim that people were being racist or sexist in saying that to her.


Yeah but William and Catherine need to be careful.


I hope everyday, that the Wales are under psychic protection. I think that Mehgan is very adept at sending out hate and hisses.


>Meghan doesn't like the word "no". I'm shocked since it sounds so much like her job title... ho.


> He sniffed her out ASAP and I'm sure as king-to-be he can sniff out the ones who like him for him and who just see a title.


I think that's why PW feels good about his connection with the Middletons. They seem like very nice people.


And he's had them in his life longer than his mother was 


William and Harry will have been taught to sniff out women like her but Harry was never much into education..


I think, at a young age, Prince William learned about human psychology just by his experience with his own parents. His mother had her share of drama - must have been difficult for him. She even used him as her sounding board which is so wrong on every level - no parent should ever ever do to a child.


Beautifully put and thoughtful, wise insights DifficultBug5976! So agree too with how inappropriate Diana was using young William as her sounding board! I feel sad for his sweet little soul just thinking about it. He sure has overcome so much absolutely stunningly. He just gets more and more amazing through it all. What a mentor he’s become for me and I think to many! I loved watching him in the “Shake it Off” video dancing at the concert. I felt like WIlliam was all of us in that moment!! Showing me how to do it even through the hard times and maybe especially so!


Happy Wednesday. Thanks. Prince William met his angel at uni so the natural goodness in him got revived and which is getting even better all the time. He saw that there is a family lifestyle like the Middleton’s that can be as wholesome. Loved his “shaking off” 🤣 He obviously heard me whenever I would say “dance as if nobody is watching” 😉😉 I call that pure confidence. That is so good for his children to see. We now know where Prince Louis’ moves are coming from. They definitely have music in their home. I have a dear friend whose therapy practice is dancing in front of her pets naked 🤣😂😂😂🤣She swears by it - saves $300 of psycho therapy!


I’m so with you. I genuinely think the ENTIRE royal family sniffed out the old Crenshaw Hoohah out pretty quickly.


Oh, immediately! She's soooo obvious!


Absolutely 💯 🎯! So agree with you!!!Harry was the weakest link with his brick 🧱 🧠 and thinking with his lower brain. (He probably ‘thought’ in general there was more feedback from down there versus the very slow moving and relatively brain dead brick 😂. ) But I digress! The rest of the family (at least working royal section) was all wise to her games. I just think few expected the evil, psychopathic, sociopathic, world wide shocking attacks from the tramp and the complete take over of the traitor’s soul and what was left of the brick as well as absolutely zero functioning of the lower ball 🏀 🏀 area! 😳 The Crenshaw Hoohah!!!! Love it!! 🌟


LOL, I get the Crenshaw reference!


I think referencing what was probably the only truly racist news piece about MM does a disservice to this group and diminishes the many terrible things she's done. Not trying to attack, I know you were joking, but I think we can be better. She's not from Crenshaw and the one person that suggested that was being racist, making an unfunny joke.


Her mother is from Crenshaw. Meghan spent time there as a child. You can pretend Doria is a saintly mother figure, and not a walking cliche of ‘the hood’ (ex drug dealer, alleged ex con, hustler extraordinaire, absentee parent etc etc) but I don’t. Crenshaw is South Central L.A, adjacent to Compton. Call it racist, call it socioeconomic stereotyping. The fact Meghan has seemingly inherited all the worst attributes from her Mother is most unfortunate. And, let’s get really real, the reason the Sugars jump so hard to her defence. Between her and Doria, they’ve done the ‘disservice’ and that’s been like a kick in the gut for many in the black community. Of course, she represents no one but herself, as does Doria. But the unspoken truth is she was held up as a ‘breath of fresh air’. Which, in my eyes, is equally as ‘racist’ because, why? Her mother is black? Really? Catherine being a ‘commoner’ was a ‘bad’ thing. She was ripped to shreds mercilessly by the press for YEARS. Megsy, the divorced old cable actress rocks up in her stolen shoes and it’s all good and ‘a breath of fresh air’?? Because, again, why exactly? We all know that’s White people code for ‘she’s mixed race’ lol. Bullshit. You do you and I’ll do me.


I believe most of the sugars are black women. I had a black friend when I was still working and living in another city who was not strident about colour. But I remember her telling me she was kinda glad that this biracial woman was marrying into the royal family. At the time, I didn’t know who the hell this new woman was and always wished that he had married Chelsy. When they did the engagement interview, a lot of people - I believe probably Brits - watched it and said there was something off about Rachel and they didn’t like her. I was stunned because I am an intuitive person and I did not see anything.


> He sniffed her out ASAP I bet she reeks of dead crabs on a hot beach from a mile off.


There is a funny video mainly because the commentator is funny. I forget the name, but it was a guy. He had a video of Rachel in Nigeria. She and Harry were on a stage being presented with beads of honour. The commentator starts to laugh and point out that as Harry was being, addressed first you could see Rachel start to creep across the stage like a little child to get the beads. In the video, the commentator explains that the long beads that the African men put around Rachel’s neck were meant for Harry, but avoiding embarrassment he put them around Rachel‘s neck and she calmed down. The commentator is saying that he thought Harry knew exactly what was going on - well he would after living with her for all these years - and as soon as the African man brings out the beads intended for Rachel that are shorter and smaller, he removes Harry’s beads from her neck (politely) and puts them on Harry, but made sure to quickly put the smaller beads around Rachel‘s neck. It’s hilarious.


I think Mehgan was probably her unsubtle self and her initial attempts at insta-BFF, warned off Catherine. Mehgan probably reeked of neediness, with a nasty hint of "be nice to me OR ELSE."


I agree 100%. Meghan had to make Catherine the villain because she couldn’t manipulate Catherine.


I think kinda. I genuinely think the fear of being labelled ‘racist’ is a concern for lots of kids.


But she was such a huge fan of Suits!


Sweet flying elephants! That was one of the more pathetic stories Harold told.  I doubt a *single* person had ever even *heard* of it let alone *watched it*


I think this is the crux of why the Crenshaw Deity hates ‘the UK’ and obvs, that’s just an opinion.


Yep!!! They saw through her pretty quickly. All these fawning interviews planned by her PR and pay to play ‘aren’t I amaaaaazing!!!!’ Articles weakened her already tiny attachment to reality in the form of real people and how they really saw her fake act.


I have noticed that the US in general is more geared towards praise and congratulatory behavior than the UK. It makes me raise my eyebrows because I am so unused to it. I mean back home or "when I was a lass..." you'd be lucky if you got the board rubber at your head for answering a question right in school! We just don't tend to over flatter or for what we consider the basic things everyone should know how to do. This doesn't mean we are right by any means. I think the key is balance and the UK or the way I and my peers grew up is one side of the scale and the US kinder, softer, sensitive is the other.




From what I can remember, it seems that Catherine was moved from a school where bullying was rife. I might be wrong though but I haven’t tried to find details about it.


I also heard she was bullied which is why I think she had Nutmeg’s number so quickly. There are advantages to being brought up in the real world and Catherine brings that much needed perspective to the RF. As does Sophie and Mike Tindall.


Your comment points out another reason MM didn’t like Catherine: Meghan’s “perspective” was not appreciated at all by the monarchy. Probably because her ideas are all baseless and cheap, as we’ve seen in the wake of Megxit.


Old girl can’t walk a mile in someone else’s shoes.


She can't even walk a quarter mile in *her own* shoes. And never without walking into a room *vajeene* first.


She moved to Marlborough College in her early teens (14? 15?) due to alleged bullying at her previous school.


Yes! It was the school before Marlborough College.


Yes. Her mum is from a council estate ( sort of project) but she married Kate’s Dad who was pretty solidly ‘middle class’.


She was bullied on her first high school boarding school.  It was an all girls school. I think it was so bad, they left poop on her bed. There was a girl who went to school with her that said she was bullied for being well turned out.   Pretty much the same thing she went through when she started dating William: you're newly rich, not from aristocratic background, blah blah.  Basically, how dare your family social climb and be good people.   She definitely spotted Meg for who she was at the beginning.  Anyone who's been victimized by a narc, will know a narc when they see one. 


I remember reading a funny/ weird article - about how noveau riche the Middletons were and how they’d constantly get things incorrect. Like buying brand new expensive sport equipment- an eye sore apparently, a concreted drive - should be gravel etc. It was incredibly snide.


Yes, it's so much better pulling weeds out of your gravel driveway.


The gravel driveway old money poshos have at their country homes is because of horses.


I don't think anyone would pave or concrete a long driveway where horses would be walking but in front of your home and garage you would. Are they applying that logic to people living in the suburbs? Did the Middletons live in the country with horses? It sounds like a really dumb thing to criticize people for, either way.


They live(d) in a village in Berkshire. Currently they live on an 18 acre property with a historic manor but prior to that they were in a big house on about an acre, so yes, very much gravel driveway territory, and possibly a grown-up child’s elderly, much loved pony being kept as a pet in the back paddock, if you were old money.


But do the Middletons have horses or an elderly pony? They're being judged by people really grasping for reasons, here. It's kind of like the article criticizing Carole for being too perfect because she sent her kids to school in ironed clothes.


No, that’s the whole point. All of it is arbitrary class markers which, to paraphrase Fergie, make it very clear if you are “out” but never clear if you are “in.”


I feel bad for them that people try *so hard* to put them down.


No, its rumored that Catherine is severely allergic to horses


I could see her just being scared of them, but being allergic much more PC. Don’t blame her. A lot of people scared of dogs say they’re allergic because people try to force them on them.


I became “allergic” to horses after being head butted, bitten in the shoulder, and kicked in the chin working in an equestrian therapy facility while in graduate school. After that, I decided it was time to look for an office job.


Their dander/ hair when brushing them does fly off and can cause serious allergies. It makes me sneeze and my eyes water badly.




How dare they buy brand new sport equipment every body knows you need to buy the 1920 or 1890 versions or not... Ohh I have been growing up in a higher class house with the gravel drive on my parents' house from 1960 in the countryside in a village that for some years paid for people to move in. Well, they did have duchess as a neighbour when they moved in, so does that mean I can pretend to be higher class or does the fact as my grandfather grew up in a poor family due to ww2 ruin it?


My parents “split the difference”😂. We had a circular asphalt driveway in front and our rear garage driveway was half cement and half gravel.😂


I also read that the other girls made petty references to Carole Middleton's past career as a flight attendent. Whispered "doors to manual". Catherine has definitely got the last laugh.


Can you imagine the utter snobbery that exists amongst these people? Yes Kate def got the last laugh.


I remember reading things like that too! (Maybe even the same article?) The tabloids were quite nasty to the Middletons, and Catherine, for a good while.


What a shame they couldn’t cry racism 🙄 and be a victim🤦‍♀️ They’ve taken so much shit and manage to rise above it.


Oh the tabloids were terrible to the Middletons. And the posh girls too, they thought Catherine took their chance of being with William and made fun of her middle class background. It was the late 2000s.


But Michael Middleton is not nouveau riche. It was his family trust fund (set up by Michael's great grandparents) that paid for the private education of the three children. That's not nouveau riche.


i never said it was - i’m merely quoting an article.


Yes. She was bullied at Downe House School and her parents removed her then sent her to Marlborough College.


I think it's a combination of her spidey senses due to her history and then catching Meghan taking photos in her house (I think of one of the kids and their room, can't remember). She probably saw the mask slip early on


It was Princess Charlotte sleeping (allegedly).


Catherine is clearly a saint. If I caught someone taking pictures of my kids (who are not Royal) while asleep in their beds, I would be in JAIL.


Catherine is a saint for putting up with their mayhem and foolishness as long as she has! And William is a saint too for not knocking his brother on his ass into a dog bowl more often. If the Ginger Eunuch were my brother we'd be having weekly throwdowns.


It'll be interesting to see what happens when William takes the throne. I can't imagine things going well for the Sussexes.


I don't see William even inviting him to his coronation, tbh.


Me either


Ooooooof and I cannot wait! If the Sucks-asses aren't battling it out in the divorce courts before William takes the throne, they surely will once he cuts them off for good.


Yup. Somebody would be crapping out iPhone parts and fake teeth for a week and it wouldn’t be me. Cuz I’d be in the pokey.




I think that’s what caused the confrontation between William and Harry, although I don’t believe a word of Harry’s fictional version of that story.


There's a scene from La Bamba where 2 brothers fight and a necklace is broken. 👀


Meghan gets all her imaginary life scripts from 1990s tv and movies.


My Gods do these two do anything other than watch movies? Then when they're under a looming deadline just grab bits and pieces from the movies to make their own?


Yeah, that was creepy AF.  


Let’s face it. Meghan doesn’t present as a natural or genuine person. Anyone with any level of emotional intelligence would smell her bullshit a mile away. We see how others in crowds, those who have choice, avoid her.


I've heard and read that she changed schools because she was being bullied. Having changed schools due to being bullied myself, I can tell you that it leaves a scar that makes you sus out bullies, mean girls and fakes much faster than the average person. Probably some sort of trauma response.


Seconding this. I was bullied out of my teaching position by the school principal (tbf I was already planning to leave), and when completely different principal tried to bully me out of my PhD program, I stood my ground. That person ended up self-destructing in their attempts to turn our cohort against me. When you go through the experience of being bullied, it makes you stand up to it and recognize those who are bullies a lot faster. It’s very satisfying to see bullies get their just desserts.


I was bullied out of a teaching position by a shitty principal and some shitty school management team members. Last I heard, they're STILL trying to find a suitable replacement and it's been three years lmao!


I am (weirdly) grateful to the nasty, mean people I've met in my life, because now I find it much easier to suss them out. People who lead sheltered lives and only meet nice, decent people are at a real disadvantage in life.


She was bullied by the York sisters too. One of whom Meghan was friendly with...


Euge gives major mean girl vibes, honestly.


Yes she does!


Seeing her all chatting up with Carole Middleton this past week at Royal Ascot made me see how classy Mrs. Middleton is.  I'd have a harder time not tripping her after the way she publicly denigrated my daughter.  Eugenie is another low IQ tosser. 


*Now* Eugenie finally knows which side the bread is buttered but it's too late. W&C and the Middletons might forgive her, but the public doesn't forget. She used to feel so superior because her granny was the Queen, but she's just as shortsighted as her dear cousin H.


Agreed. I don't care for any of the Yorks


(imho) Princess Catherine spotted MeMe at first sight. I'm sure she's been exposed to much smoother 'operators' her whole life. MeMe is an amateur shark, easily spotted by those without a penis. https://i.redd.it/lj4jt6a29s8d1.gif


I’m thinking in those circles the males would spot a monarchy fucker straight away.. loads of girls searching for a rich titled man. That’s why poshos end up with other poshos. They’d also see Meghan coming a mile away - but Harry’s a big old dumb dumb so..🤷🏻‍♀️


Yep! And Catherine too must have seen many of those types put designs on her man through their friendship and then relationship.


And the thing with Meghan is she was (is) so obviously **THIRSTY**. And hammy. She hams it up. The faux big eyes, the hand on her chest, the over exaggerated expression and turning each conversation back to her and her ‘achievements.’ I imagine in polite society especially Brits ( i lived there for 15 years.) Talking yourself up is seen as very gauche and embarrassingly cringeworthy. I think Harry’s friends would have treated her with quiet contempt and courtesy as she ride roughshod over polite society.


Yes! So very true! And I think Harry was SOOO enamored he initally took their silence for approval and even (Stifling laughter!!) ENVY!!!! 🤣. Until Meghan informed Harry that they were all um, "RACISTS!!!!!!!!!" Just yuck! Then he begun the friend dumping as Meghan headed off the inevitable, concerned discussions to Harry about her such as William's. She really got Harry all fed on and hopped up on her fallacy, racist reality from inception. Probably really buttered him up to lies of how poorly her little 'mixed raced' self had been treated her whole life on their first African trip. As she ran off and took a (privately horrified bathroom break in the bushes with the 'I do this every day no problem and aren't I super chill and a totally cool GIRL' act). Poor lying thing. While offering up the doe eyes and plenty of hypnotizing sex. Poor, POOR thing. One tear. Left eye. GOOOOO!!!!! Hook. Line. And SINKER.


Funny as i was reading your post i was thinking of that very same expression - hook line and sinker and then you ended your astute observations with that line! Synchronicity ! And you’re 100% correct- I would bet good money on how it went down. Harry’s friends being quietly concerned/ incredulous and unceremoniously ditched. They didn’t even get an invite to the evening wedding reception. How’s that for a fuck you? Not making the cut but George Clooney - a total unknown is waved on through. Meghan’s insidious like a drug. At first you can take it or leave it but eventually you ditch everything and everyone for it. And that ain’t healthy. A person should enrich your life instead of devaluing it. That’s not to say I’m giving Harry a pass - quite the opposite. He’s spineless, embarrassingly gullible and weak. He’s a petty man child and too damn stupid to know he’s being used. Anyone with half a brain would see how their life has changed for the worst. Not dim Harry. He will forever be harping on about ‘racism’ and trying to stake the moral high ground.


I think Harry andMeghan‘s wedding - looking back at it and reading what others have said from the past - involved her inviting people whom she thought could help her and Harry as soon as she got him out of Britain and over to the US, which is where she really wanted to live all along with her prince and all his millions. She was hoping to make connections with those people, and as we know, Oprah was also there, and I believe I read that there had already been a secret deal made between Oprah and Meghan for an interview in the future.


The men just don’t care. Basically, you sleep with actresses you don’t marry them.


I think some with a penis got her number pretty quick. Kevin Costner for one


I’m pretty sure Prince Phillip hated her from day one.


And William. He just had more tact than Phillip but Harry would never speak out to his grandfather


Oh there were rumors back in the day that Harry and Phil actually got into it over her. Phil slapped him across the face and Harry in return, threw a chair.


He wasn’t one to pull punches. Maybe why he didn’t care when Phillip was in the hospital and went on Oprah anyway. He just knew not pretending to fawn over his grandparents would be the one PR move he couldn’t afford. When everyone you love is outright warning you about a choice in spouse, you’d better well listen. Families don’t speak up lightly because it’s a sensitive topic. Meghan just convinced him that they were just racist.


I agree with you! Happy Cake Day!!! 🎂🎂🎂🥂


Meghan convinced Harry that his family was racist and didn’t understand him and didn’t respect him, but that she would do all those things. Typical narcissist love bombing.


Well...  It was very poor form to sell the antique purdeys your grandfather has given to you without even waiting until he and HLMTQ died.  


I would have paid to see that!


Me too!


Well I didn't think I could love Phillip more but here we are




The moment he met her, he knew exactly what she was.


Prince Philip famously said "I'll be out of it soon enough" when asked his feelings on the situation. The man had earned some peace at the end and I truly hope he got it.


Her mask slip that day was priceless. She was manically smiling and he ignored her.


Kevin for sure had her number and he made it very obvious to her & Halfwit that they were not friends.


He was polite to Harry but that was it. Then there was the comment about someone asking how much his property cost...


Great point! Sounds like the LA elite saw right through the talentless climber. (generally speaking—not Ellen or Oprah although Oprah may have saw MM’s game and thought she’d use her. But found out MM was completely delusional, grifting, liar, sociopathic narc. So got Markled as a result of O’s own hybris and what she thought was a sneak attack on the monarchy and pay back time. Look who got the payback Oprah!!! 🥳😂🤣 ⚔️ 👑


My guess is their Nannies and UK contacts let stuff slip about the pair to warn their bosses. Even if it doesn’t get to the papers, staff talk to each other.


Happy cake day!


I read that Costner said he got cornered into inviting them because they shared the same talent agency.


Yes. Well put.


"Meme is an amateur shark, easily spotted by those without a penis." 👏👏 you nailed it!! 🌟


Aah there's Lady Mary from my favourite show 😍😍


I think the Princess of Wales has loads of intelligence, emotional intelligence, and is sensitive - doesn’t take a genius to spot Lolo’s fauxness. It‘s been said that British reserve isn’t a bad thing - gives them an opportunity to suss out people before befriending them.


Exactly! The lack of immediate reactions and thus show of self control means one can manage the outcome far better. 


I imagine there are decades of bad behavior and decisions the palace covered up, so Catherine, William and Charles, etc. may have been dismayed when he brought her around, but they probably weren't surprised. She's just the culmination of all those mistakes and lack of accountability on Harold's part, and the one they couldn't make go away. For now, anyway.


TW was easy to spot. The Vanity Fair article told me all I needed to know!


That’s SO true. That VF article spoke volumes, along with the memo from H to the media to let everyone know who she was. Textbook Narcissist!




I was bullied as a child but didn't learn what narccissm is till a guy started the I love u , disappearing act I love u again. It was confusing and I studied and learned and learned and continue learning. Childhood bullying is a very mean girl thing and not sure someone love bombing you feels the same as that. Anyway she definitely got vibes with the diva attitude and clearing out tennis section and bullying Charlotte and staff that this evil person is evil


I truly cannot understand what she thought she was accomplishing with clearing out the section like that? It can only be a glaring show of mental illness as a normal thinking person would see the optics would not play in their favour.  I would LOVE  to hear her excuse for it!


Yet like the engizer bunny she keeps on ticking. I would like to know why it was allowed. That's half the problem


I think Princess Catherine is a genuine person and can spot a fake from m-i-l-e-s away. I think she would've put a lot of small observations together, plus the bullying of staff and Charlotte, but I also think that she did give Meghan the benefit of the doubt in the beginning. I think Catherine is a fair person. 


Yup same. Plus she was bullied by the York girls and Megs was friends with one...


Imagine how Meghan cosied up to the RF that first Christmas at Sandringham. The one Harry said was like being with the family she never had.’ She probably used her utmost sucking up skills and flattery to the extreme. I can imagine the more worldly like Kate would have had her number straight away. To charm is to disarm


I'm sure she had the eyes rolling. She's so basic and fake


Fully agree with you.  Anything they hadn't already figured out they would have by the end of that holiday gathering. 




She was reportedly bullied A LOT at school when she was friends with and later dating William. William would’ve taken one look at the Diana cosplaying and told Harry to pump the breaks. Harry was just too stupid to listen.


> at school I think you're mixing up US/UK terminology. She was bullied at Downe House School, so was moved to Marlborough. This was well before she went to University.


She shone at Marlborough. I remember the comedian Jack Whitehall, who went there a few years after she graduated, said many sports records were still held by Catherine Middleton by the time he was there.


It wouldn't have taken long for any discerning person to work Meg out. The ripped jeans and bare feet was the first 🚩 


And the hugging.


She is still being bullied by the media.


Yes she is, in addition to Raytch.


Catherine, the late Queen, Camilla, Sarah, Sophie and princess Anne all saw Meghan for what she was from day one. They weren't fooled by the love bombing, ultra sweet California facade. They knew a narc when they saw one


I agree.


Replace the Queen w Prince Phillip though.  HE sussed out TW immediately but The Queen in her usual good nature never made quick judgements.  She always believed in time and gathering more info.  She was very unemotional in her judgements. This of course has its benefits but maybe here it would've worked out different if she had listened to her Iron Duke.


I agree, I'm just mentioning the women because Meghan has a thing for crossing women and burning them after seducing and love bombing them. I'm just glad it didn't work on the royal women like it has with other skeletons Meghan has left in her wake. Yes Phillip and William warned Harry, but he probably thought they were just jealous of his "three hole wonder"


I do, yes. Catherine has been in the game for 20 years. Imagine how many shady, slimy people tried to cozy up to her while she was dating William, hoping to get gossip on the Royal Family. Not to mention, Eugenie and Beatrice being nasty to her in the early days. The POW only played nice with Markle out of respect for the ailing Queen. Now that Her Majesty has passed, Megsy can't get within a hundred miles of her. 


I wonder if this sub should explore the bullying Catherine endured as a new member of the RF from the York girls. If that is true, they will never be working royals. William appears to be close to Zara and Mike but my gut feeling is he keeps the Yorks at arm’s length.


I think it all depends. If someone in their youth and ignorance treats someone else badly, sometimes they realize the errors of their ways. If either of the York girls apologized genuinely and demonstrated they were sorry through their actions, perhaps. I think William could respond to a genuine apology due to his own history. I don't think he was a bully, but he did have his own incidents of behaving like a privileged jerk. I think as he grew and perhaps the influence of the Middletons may have made him realize that he did crappy things because that was how others in his set behaved. The 'outside' perspective of having someone check you or correct you and say that's not right helps normal people grow. He might understand that from the Yorks.


Good points. I cringe looking back on things I did and said when I was young.


Seriously. If you don't look back on your teens and twenties and find things in your behavior to cringe about, you are probably a full-blown narcissist like Markle.


It seems like Harry was the one who was closer to the Yorks. I know everyone says the girls are now Team Wales, but I wouldn't trust them. 




I wish someone would. The York girls are considerably younger than Catherine and William. People here have given Eugenie grief for vague behavior against Catherine when she was not even a teenager yet.


Eugenie was in her 20s. She doesn't get a pass. If anything she's at fault for introducing TW into the RF and thus the rest of our world  Eta they're not "considerably" younger either. Bea is a few years younger and Eugenie less than 8 years younger.  Eugenie and Bea were pisding off the tax payer travelling across Europe on the tax payer dime by the time Wills and Catherine were together.


Absolutely she knew from the beginning. Integrity based, sensitive, appropriate women sniff out the Meghan Markles and their game a mile away.


Yes, people like Meghan come with an attitude that is hard to miss


Sometimes it's hard to put your finger on it. But you know if you did, you'd have to wash it. It's just innate.


Yes it is


Charles and Catherine were bullied in their youth. I imagine that’s made them very aware of Meghan. If they weren’t on high alert when she allegedly took the photos of a sleeping Charlotte, they were after the flower girl dress fiasco.


I wonder what was going through her head when she took photos of Charlotte sleeping? Was she thinking of selling them to paparazzi? The UK press would never publish those pictures because they know that would be the end of cooperation with the Wales (also because it’s so damn creepy and the rules & regulations around IPSOS). IF the photos were published in the US media, or any other outlet, it would not take a genius to work out 1. Who took them and 2. Who sold them! She really is unhinged!!!


I think that Catherine would have been careful with whoever Harry bought to meet her & William. Marrying into a family like the RF is no joke...it's big and daunting. Catherine of all people knows what it's like.


Catherine was probably bullied on the surface because Carole wasn’t ‘posh’. That’s an easy way for kids to go Lord of the Flies. Clearly the Middletons just kept being their best selves. But I’d bet good money all those nasty mean girls were 100% jealous of Catherine.


Williams friends were the worst bullies. They used to mock Carole for being an Air Stewardess.


From all reports on MM's hygiene habits amongst others it wouldn't have taken much to sniff out MM's nastiness...


I wonder what the issue is with the lack of hygiene?


I wonder the same thing. And apparently Hazznoballs is “hygiene challenged” as well.🤔


He actually looks like he would smell.


Drugs, cigarettes, poor diet, over doing the makeup and perfume?


I was bullied at my old job for many years and now I can spot a bully a mile away… What is sad tho is that people don’t believe you at first because people tend to believe everyone is nice and kind. (and it’s a good thing but there is also very toxic people in this world).


It was in TW’s eyes that I saw what she was like… one can tell a lot about a person by their eyes… I’ve never got a good vibe from the Duchess whenever I’ve looked at her eyes.


Catherine was bullied as a child - her parents even had to move her to a different school. When I was 11-12 yrs old, I experienced Mean Girls and bullying after moving to a new school/town. I was pushed down a long flight of stairs and nearly poisoned by these girls. I overcame it but to this day, when I meet a bully I immediately feel it in every fiber of my being. I know that I have to armor up with firm boundaries and a “don’t f*ck with me” attitude because these adult bullies look for the tiniest crack so they can slither in and make your life hell. They’re very sick and disturbed people who manage to fool a lot of people. I can well imagine how queasy and ill Catherine must have felt around Meghan Markle. There will never be a “reconciliation” as long as Meghan is in H’s life. Never.


It does not take a rocket scientist to figure out Meghan is a mean girl. The engagement interview was enough for me to know the B is crazy. 🤪


I don't believe Princess Catherine suffers fools lightly.


People have been trying to glom onto the royals and use them for connections for a thousand years. Catherine had been royal long enough to sniff her out miles away. The Queen certainly had her number.


You think the Queen didn’t have her investigated nine ways to Sunday? The family knew who she was but Harry was in “love” so didn’t stop him. Bet they regret it.


There really was no way they could have.  It's a well known maxim that it's better to have an enemy in the tent pissing out, than outside pissing in. I do wonder if part of her grift was asking for money to walk away but the RF called her bluff.  That could be one the "lies" Todger claims they told him at the Sandringham Summit.  I'd love that to be true. For her to have had her initial grift blow up so spectacularly only for her to figure she'll make them pay in the end.  Then years on and a series of constant explosions for all her grifting efforts. 


I'm sorry that Catherine was bullied as a child. Let's face it, so many little children are vile, and bullying is a form of currency or playground power. I've been both on the giving and the receiving end. Maybe the truly wonderous character that is the foundation of the Prince & Princess of Wales is that the bad events of their childhood, didn't make them bad, but compassionate and wise.


I agree with the others: 100% did she know. I am also sure she met as the Princess or before that as the wife or partner of William MANY who tried to elbow in (as she was just an "unworthy commoner" or just because they thought they could do it better) and replace her. And Meghan is really not a good actress and her manipulation game isn't perticularly good either. So I doubt it was even a challenge.


I also believe that Catherine was probably keeping her distance (as she should be) when meeting Rachel Meghan. Catherine's experience in the RF prepared her for this ability. I believe that she would have immediately picked up on the phoniness of Rachel and reacted accordingly. MM's mean girl vibes would be simmering under the surface and she probably gave herself away (no matter how 'charming' she tried to be) almost immediately to both Catherine and William.


One look at Meghan fluttering her eyelids at William would be enough for Catherine to know what she was all about. Then Meghan opened her mouth and out poured the garbage about "my show Suits", humanitarianism, acting etc and there's nothing else for C to do but shudder. But of course C didn't, she's stoic.


Princess Catherine has a mature bully radar developed at a young age. Lesson learned when very young. #Team Wales


William spent years making sure that the woman he loved would be able to handle life as a royal. Having hit the jackpot Megan didn't have a chance in hell. He saw her grift and her skankiness a mile away. All she did was make a fool of herself with those doe eyes fluttering in his direction.


Catherine went to Down House in Berkshire. She was moved to Marlborough College because she was bullied. Both schools are exclusive. She can see mean girls coming.


Wouldn’t be surprised. She’s a very perceptive woman!


She was bullied because she lived at home, instead of at the school and I guess that's a thing to make fun of. So she was put into another school where she wasn't bullied. I think for most of them, they thought she might be temporary like the others. People like Meghan can be very charming and likable at first.


Oh yes, she (and William) saw it from the very beginning with the effect on Harry once he started dating her. Then they met her, with her ripped jeans and her bare feet and her hugging and her insolence, and that was that.


Absofuckinglutely Catherine saw her for who she is


I think both William and Catherine realised a great deal from the beginning, for example, that Megsy would only stay for a couple of years and then take Harry to Hollywood. Everybody is misinterpreting the relationship William and Catherine had with Harry. They were asked by the late Queen and Charles to take care of Harry. That's why they always walked, stood, and sat together. IMO, they were dead tired of that boozing, lazy, and constant liar they always had to clean up after. So, I believe they let Megsy go on, hoping she would FREE them from Harry. But they didn't realise how evil she was. They misjudged her. They thought she was a partying gold-digger and didn't foresee her ambition to take over the monarchy! They hoped Harry and Meghan would disappear to Hollywood, party as hell, and be forgotten about. And no more problems with or cover-ups for Harry. Think about William. He has been asked since he was 5 years old to "take care of your brother, don't let him create havoc, he's your responsibility."


I was bullied terribly at school but l didn’t recognize it for what it was. So was my daughter. There’s always mean girls.


Yep. I also spotted her real fast. I have a good sixth sense of smelling BS in people. My husband can vouch for that. TBH, I liked her at the micro beginning when they were engaged. I was rooting for them. After I saw her weirdness, especially the stuff with her family and wedding guests, I smelled a rat.


It’s not a rumor she was heavily bullied in school


Right away.


If it’s true, yes. I was bullied by a manager at work, it got so bad that I would shake at any interaction with her or even the thought of it. This is why I believe they bullied their staff or at the very least created a toxic working environment for their employees. It’s obvious and evident to someone who has been through it and I can also understand how as a highly competent employee who prides themselves on their work ethic, how these types of people will consistently undermine you to chip away at your credibility, your competency and your general standing amongst colleagues until you feel unsure of yourself. I also understand how these types of people just want you to fail at any cost and will overload you or ask you to do impossible tasks just so they can say ‘see xyz couldn’t manage it, why do people think she is so good at her job’.


I quit my job where I had a bullying, manipulative micromanager a year ago and I've only just started to have awful nightmares about them and the job. It's going to take my brain a while to deconstruct all this. I left my next job too because management started getting bad and I couldn't go through it again.


stevie wonder could spot her number imo