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I think they are totally, completely, and truly, **desperate.**


and completely and totally OUT of the BRF…there’s NO way back for this loser traitor and his viper evil personified wife.




The Royal Family can't trust Harry or Meghan with a phone call, let alone a visit.


ITs not simply about about what they leak, its about their desire to undermine the RF specifically the PPOW as well as the danger they pose to PPOW and their children. They cannot be trusted in anyway.


Agreed. They're liars, money-grubbing, gauche etc but the main reason they're out is they are a real danger to security.


yes. Meghan Markle and Harry tried to damage the monarchy. And they blabbed lies to the media. Both actions are unforgiveable, hence the loss of Frogmore = out of the BRF and icing out of the aristocratic set.


Exactly. If they are accepted back again, they will come, stay sometimes and do another Megxit 2.0, another Oprah, another Spare, new accusations, new stories to tell. Charles would be saying they can get in and out as many Times as they want to.


I used to believe they stropped off because they weren’t allowed their own way - the half-in/half-out money making scheme and then put the “freedom flight” spin on it for the victim points. BUT - now I believe she was banished. Exiled. Escorted out of the country - royally bounced off the premises. I don’t think she can get a visa to get back in. She’s on a list, the like we haven’t seen since the Cold War. The fact that Harry left separately - a minor miracle when you consider they’re normally permanently attached at the claw - looking shattered and somewhat stunned - poleaxed even. His little video was definitely scripted and he can’t act. The closest she’s been is airside at an airport. He comes back into the country without her. IF he’s looking for a house - and it’s a big if - it’s for him alone and not her - or the children.


I actually do believe similarly that Meghan was escorted out the country, the time when she turned down meeting the queen and later on ended up on a flight. This may be why Prince Harry insists on an apology to Meghan from the family. A visa being denied though I am not so sure, Prince Harry and Meghan were both in this country when the queen sadly died, therefore she has been back since they moved to Canada and then the USA.


they yeeted her ass back to Canada


I agree mostly, but she was back in the UK for the Jubilee and for HMTLQ’s funeral. Whether Charles did something more when he ascended is a possibility.


I agree she was - but the security measures around them at the Jubilee - Major Johnny, the Lord Chamberlain - former head of MI5 - and the lady in the blue hat - also high up in the security services - not to mention Lady Sarah Chatto giving them the side-eye. But her vow to never set foot in the UK again sounds like her trying to control the narrative around a situation over which she has zero control.


The lady in the blue hat is Dame Stella Rimington, retired former head of MI5. All those educated, ambitious, successful and worldly people who surround the RF see Markle for exactly what she is. The celebrity world of Markle is like a child’s sandpit compared to the world they inhabit.


Unfortunately she was in the U.K. for the funeral by accident not design, if she’d been in the States she’d never have returned for the Funeral.


I personally feel something worse happened at the funeral that led to the banishment. Things were bad before at the jubilee but she did come back to the UK for the one young world event. I wonder if the tantrum about attending Balmoral was the last straw, or the drunken walkabout, but since then the door has firmly closed and the drawbridge rolled up. She is no longer permitted in the UK- some kind of no fly list.


Harry should have taken the hint when Charles' helicopter took off like a rocket 😄


>I think they are totally, completely, and truly, desperate. And envious of the privileges that the BRF have; this envy has even infiltrated their photographer pal, Misan MEHriman. The Sidley Twins posted a video where they discuss how bitter and shady he is being on social media, about the fact that George and Charlotte went to Taylor Swift's concert and met her. He's all salty and whingeing (in the most insufferable Word Salad language) about how it's important to protect one's kids 🙄. He's so transparent. His post is exactly the kinda shady bullshit that Scobie used to post when he was the main Harkle mouthpiece and took his orders from her. It's obvious that MM complained to Misan, because the very specific language he used, including the Word Salad buzzwords, are her modus operandi.


He is just as smug and arrogant as Meghan Markle is, long, drawn-out stories about himself instead of getting to the point, entitlement off the charts. You'd swear they were the same person, if wasn't for his appearance. I watched that video today, he criticizes people for their "energy" posting about the great time they had at the Taylor Swift concert -- why oh why don't they put that "energy" into his Save The Children campaign or something more important? I would ask him why he puts so much "energy" into promoting Meghan and Harry (very privileged people), and not into helping people in his native Nigeria, where many people could use that help and resources?


Or why-as a son of a billionaire who is from a country rich in resources, where a large part of the population lives in poverty he does not and has not helped his homeland. Or teamed up with H over African Parks. Also- Has WMA gone the way of Sunshine Sachs? Because there doesn’t seem to be any professionals working with them. Edited for auto-type error


Misan is a low-life, and stupid enough to have written about how unintelligent he is - how he only got into schools and only barely passed each year bbecause of his father (hinting bribes to the school).. and he maons MM-like about his horrible grades and test scores. Then zero college. He's also slimey, w/o character - which can learn if look into his financial criminality entanglements with Boris Becker (ex-tennis star), before he (Harriman) extracted himself unscathed at the last minute - right before their scheme blew-up. He's a lot like T.W. -- and yes, will get ugly when they de-friend (and doesn't depend on who drops whom).


His career is race baiting, getting privileges in Britain because he is black etc. in Nigeria he would just be another grifter, another nigerian prince etc etc He is as horrible as shola got-a-big-mouth…two racists making a living out of racism


Oh he went to a public school. And not even one with a particularly high CE requirement. Schools like this don’t have all those spectacular facilities just because of the fees (that’s for staff wages and running costs), they have them due to generous donations from wealthy parents. Open days include unashamed talk and architects plans you can view for their latest fundraising project (for a new 6th form block, sports hall, humanities building, boarding house, whatever). So for some parents shopping for a school its a case of here take my kid, he’s a bit of a dud so won’t pass your entrance exams but remind me again how much do you want towards that new building?


We’re assuming WME is out of the picture b/c the jam launch is so amateurish.


WME probably left before the Jamscam. I can´t see anybody wanting to be associated with that flop.


Just as Meghan and Harry Promote things to line their pockets, Misan quest to get money to Save the Children, how do we know where the money actually goes? I saw his insufferable video, once you get past his lip smacking and theatrics, his judgmental nature and presumption that people that place energy into posting about going to TS concert dont place energy or funds into charities is offensive. How can he possibly know what people do with their money. True charity does not need to be advertised, when done properly it is done quietly and without the need for recognition. FO Misan, and your faux photo skills, his Nigerian trip taking pictures standing behind his mistress was moronic, his sole focus was to get his own name out there. Can't wait for this idiot to get his markling


His lip smacking is truly revolting


Yeah, he's a fucking grifter just like MM. In fact, based on what the Sidley Twins told HG Tudor, Misan is probably even worse of a grifter than MM. They investigated him and discovered his insidious cycle of reinvention, each time he's ready to move onto a new grift.


The moment Misan finally says "I'm out," things are going to get super nastyyyy. It will be a matter of clawing each other to the scorched earth


That will be interesting to watch unfold. I will have my 🍿🥤ready!


I haven't seen that video, guess I should!


It was better than I'd thought it would be. The Sidley Twins served up a pot of hot tea on Misan MEHriman.


He's going to regret messing with them. They seem pretty harmless at first, but they seem to have some connections. In any case, attracting attention to himself brings a lot more scrutiny, too. He should have learned that from watching Meghan imploding her own life, I guess this type doesn't learn easily.


The fauxtrographer


He's an insufferable twat and he makes my skin crawl.


A lip smacking twat...


Yes, something very off with him. He has been in on the harkle grift for years, long before the hooking of the halfwit


They never wanted out. They wanted half in/half out. They wanted to go to Hollywood and make money somehow. They wanted to do the big events Trooping The Color and State Dinners. All perks, no responsibility. They never wanted out and having been throwing a tantrum ever since. They want what they have always wanted and will always want. Harry wants his half in now. He will never stop asking for it.


Exactly! They thought they could get whatever they wanted…they were wrong. I too think she was told to go…the rest is just bluff and bluster as they tried to save face. The heroic ‘freedom’ flight, not the go forth and multiply flight


Just like his Uncle Eddie with the HRH for Wallis. I have a better chance of getting an HRH than Todger does for getting back in.  And I am good with that! Further proof Todger is no victim.  He was repeatedly warned, was given a year, has the resources to leave and has the immediate history of his own family member to see how this all plays out. It is HIS ego that keeps him where he is.  I wouldn't be surprised in the least if in the future we find put she tried to leave numerous times by now, like Wallis had, only he would not allow it. I'm willing to believe they are *both* the others worst enemy along with their own.  The ONLY victims here are the children whose best hope is being sent to American boarding schools.


And isn’t it sad how she refuses to accept what failures they are? She just continues along, throwing more spaghetti at the wall to see if anything sticks. It’s sad.


Narcs don’t see reality the way normal people do. They don’t experience things like shame and embarrassment.


Yes this, Richard Grannon describes this well on YT in his "7 things that frighten Narcs" piece... they have a hyperexaggerated and grandious view of themselves, like a false self. And at same time very rigid views of others (that's often just wrong or madeup character assessment.) Also, recommend his "5 mind games that Narcs play." Swear if PH watched both of these videos (scream TOW)... would see clearly what he's been experiencing and get tools to find his way out. Sadly, think the games she played on him, will likely be directed at kids when they're older.


She never shows a scintilla of embarrassment when caught out eg: getting Harry's necklace instead of her own in Nigeria and having to take it off, going for the microphone at Kevin Costner's fund raiser and the woman bypassing her completely, the various polo debacles etc etc. It's amazing to see. 


There is nothing she can do but throw spaghetti. No one in Hollywood wants to hire Meghan Markle. Meghan Markle can't go back to the Royal family. All Meghan Markle can do, is throw spaghetti at the wall.


Clinging to her titles like a leech and repeating old lies about her career


I just had a minion tell me in another forum that it's the RF who's desperate because they are "dropping like flies," while H&M and the "children" are enjoying their wonderful California summer.😂🤣😂🤣😂


The Royals put on a brilliant show for The Emperor and Empress of Japan. Before that they were enjoying Taylor concerts and Ascot. Meghan Markle is screaming in agony.


Entertaining pop royalty and real royalty, right after T of Colour, while the best harkle can muster is nasty nachos and his pathetic post of hastily put together - an old of jam with ‘raspberry’ written by the claw and jar of ‘dog treats’ Desperate and very, very silly.


Yes, unhinged.


A public offense requires a public apology, not a private letter. They are long past being able to apologize and return to the fold. They crossed the Rubicon, and set fire to the bridge long ago.


Agree. No way in hell she will ever be welcome back


I hope Harold's not exactly planning on people throwing him a ticker tape parade either.


Like we’ve all said. If he were to free himself of the shrew and make at least minimal public acknowledgement of his many, many, many transgressions the RF would probably find somewhere in the commonwealth to send him. No public role, no honorary titles, allowed nowhere fkn near the PPoW and their children. NDA’s uo the wazoo like he was a footman. As long as Megsy is in the picture I think that they think they can both rot


This. Harry sat back and did nothing whilst their lacky omid accused his father and sister in law of being racist based entirely on something Harry said. He is completely delusional if he thinks he has any chance of getting back in without, at the very least, a full public apology. It's way past the stage where there is any hope of reconciliation. The brf turned the page on Harry years ago. It's all about the health of Charles and Catherine and with a focus on the future of George, Charlotte, and Loius. The Harkles are merely a sideshow. Even Hollywood regards them as a joke.


Indeed, they are the punchline of many jokes. The sad part, they write the jokes themselves.


No one is returning their calls and they are nfi. Imagine sitting in that big house with just either one of those two as your companion. Of course they are desperate


Meegain is desperate, she wants the accolades that come with the RF because Hollywood has said emphatically NO and slammed the door in her face. Half in half out will not happen because Charles and William will not even consider it. HMTLQEll said no way Jose and they were in total agreement. Roach has done too much behind the scenes stirring of the Sussex squad to ever be allowed anywhere near the RF again. Photos taken without permission, recording devices concealed have ensured neither of them will be privy to anything to do with the RF ever again. There is a snowball in hell chance of them being allowed back. Roach can manifest till the cows come home but it will be as unsuccessful as her previous manifestations. Frozen out of Hollywood and frozen out of the most famous RF in the world.


>Frozen out of Hollywood and frozen out of the most famous RF in the world. This!


As she deserves to be!


Meghan Markle has nothing. She was going to be The Queen of Hollywood, instead she is a complete failure. So she paid her minions to attack the Princess of Wales. I hope one day the truth comes out.


Whatever happened to Harry and Meghan becoming global media moguls?! 😂😂😂


Meghan Markle probably did much worse things during her short stay in the UK. Things we have never heard about.


I think they have reached a dead-end grift/career wise, and the BRF have iced them out. So the only thing the media has is to make up stories based off conjecture.


If the two airheads just spent a few weeks of hard work they could actually launch ARO and make some decent money just from the buzz. I wish I had that level of market access they do, I would be so successful.


I suspect their new PR is telling them the same thing that WME told them: your only asset is your connection to the RF. Make it work because there truly is NOTHING else. The Carparkles desperately need money. To get that, they need credibility. And to get THAT, they need the Royal Family. Phfft. And we all know that is NOT going to happen. LOL!


Those two idiots really believed they were bigger than the Royal Family. Idiots.


They did.


The Harkles are like herpes to the BRF. Twice a year they'll push out PR puff pieces about any or all of the following, in an effort to wrangle themselves back into the fold: reconciliation, olive branches, Harry missing the UK, MM wanting to be the peacemaker to negotiate the end of hostilities and KC3 pining away for the invisible grandkids because "big, bad William" won't allow him to invite Harry. As long as the BRF keep taking their meds (aka Grey Rocking the Harkles) everything should be fine.


I have thought they were herpes for a long time. I'm just trying to figure out if they are the annoying cold sore kind or full-blown genital herpes.


😂 😂 😂 😂 😂


I agree. They are bleeding money, have become a joke and opportunities have dried up. The thing is: How could the royal family (even if they wanted to, which they DONT!), welcome back a pair of clowns who everyone is laughing at, into royal duties without putting the monarchy into disrepute??? There can't be a return for Harry (even without Meghan) because the public would just point and laugh... The last thing the royal family needs. Harry is screwed no matter how you slice it. Desperation in montecito must be off the charts.


>How could the royal family (even if they wanted to, which they DONT!), welcome back a pair of clowns who everyone is laughing at, into royal duties without putting the monarchy into disrepute??? That's a very good point. Add to it their toxic, destructive, dangerous personalities, and they are toast.


Harry, even without Meghan Markle, can never be a working royal again. Not only did he try to damage the monarchy, but who would want to be represented by Harry?


They’re trying to gaslight and retcon now. They underestimated the royal family and the people who love the royal family. We have receipts and we use them. They fully expected to be fawned over by Hollywood and have a billion dollar Sussex brand at this stage. The crash and burn is epic.


She thought doors would be flung open to her and Harry. Hollywood noped out of there.


And initially it happened, but they have nothing to sell. She is a piss poor actress, and neither has an original idea in their pea brains. They are also lazy, greedy and arrogant. Self obsessed, no charm and abrasive.


Yep, they are supposed to be billionaires by now.


Yes, every new grift is accompanied with puff pieces about how this is the latest’ billion dollar scheme.


Ah yes, Meghan Markle´s million dollar postings on Insta. How is that going?/s


I’m certainly enjoying it!


How can the RF ever welcome him back when he & Megsy are incredible security risks? They attended events miked up, AND the RF knows it. Hell, if WE know it, they have to! Hot Scot Johnny was sitting behind them and jamming their signals on at least one occasion, I think it was during the Jubilee. I believe Harry was visibly miked at the Coronation, too. They complained and leaked to the press non-stop during the time of the Queen’s *funeral*! They disclosed the location in BP where they would be, so they could be filmed with the King through a window. They arranged a photo op with the squad and probably Netflix during the “walkabout”. There is probably much, much more that we have no idea of.


I genuinely think that Harry is a danger to William's kids.


Me too, H&M have proven their vitriol is very real and knows no bounds


Rachel said they are one plane crash away ...


I do believe he misses his old life. He was popular. We did not know about his jealousy towards his brother, his petty grievances, his disloyalty and disrespect he showed his grandparents. What we see now is a pitiful excuse for a human being who is a spare to his conwoman wife.


I bet he misses his hair too.  He has a better chance of his hair coming back than he does of returning to his old life. Ever.


And now we know all his dirty secrets and his disgusting disregard for family.


I will forever equate him with Sausage Gate. ![gif](giphy|lGuYeSHJAYMrS)


Remember he told people to just call him Harry? He’s now biting his words especially when he gets shoved out of the “limelight” by his ~~mommy~~ wife in pics/cover shots. You could see it all over from his face.


It was just a pose, he is an arrogant and entitled piece of trash. Without his title he is just an unattractive, middle aged man with zero talent used to living beyond his means.


He thought he could “beat” the royal family and become a billionaire. 🤣🤣🤣 ![gif](giphy|QBkd2KSgnlonmgNI2t)


Oprah and Netflix told Prince Harry he had a billion dollar brand. His speaker's agent told he would make a million dollars a speech. He actually believed this lunacy


Shame he has nothing of interest to say. He is uninformed as a "mental health advocate," a hypocrite as an environmentalist, etc. It's no wonder he keeps talking about his dead mum, it's the only part of him people have any interest in.


I don't think the majority of people are interested in his dead mum anymore. Anyway, Hasbeen's trashed her reputation.


He has unwittingly reminded everyone of his mother's worst character traits


And he has invented those memories he sells


Not anymore. He’s beat that subject into the ground and ruined her legacy in the process.


His wife told him he could.


The oracle of Rachel.


And he was eager to believe it, he believed his own pr.




Yes they do. The King and the PoW will never speak to Harry again, I think. Any kindness will be used against them. Any harshness will be used against them. They are dealing with an enemy - Meghan Markle. His former son and his awful wife are threatening the Crown.




Ditto; **KC will see Harry privately BUT WITH STERN RULES - NO RECORDING DEVICES, WITNESSES, ETC.** Camilla will only join if KC needs strength (cuz she's amazing in that regard - but doubt she'll see hazBEEN for any other reason). There's almost no way other 'wider family members' except Eugenie will have anything to do with him - even B. is gaining newfound regard, and she isn't going to blow that! And W.? Nope. He'll likely only see hazBeen at their father's funeral (hopefully decades from now). Meanwhile, just look at William these days - despite big worries about his wife, then his father's health (and now his Aunt Anne's), his increased workload (due to the 3 w.royals recovering, and taking on that hugge and new-to-him Duchy).... **William is beaming**. That sweet fella is **bursting with happiness**. No way is PW letting his p.o.💩 brother anywhere near him nor his family ever again.


I doubt KC will see Harry again, as least as long as Meghan Markle is in the picture. KC knows that Harry will run straight to the media, just like he did after his 12 minutes with the king.


Any conversation the RF have with halfwit will be ‘leaked‘ to the press.


Exactly. That’s why I think there will be NO direct communications. Certainly via intermediaries as the King is likely concerned about Harry being very unstable. I really think Markle will be the actual death of Harry. Poor Charles.


I’ve no doubt he wants his old life back, no worries, no agro, his life organised without the following embarrassment…it’s never going to happen.. Harry thought the grass was greener..a bit like Adam in the Garden of Eden, with Markle whispering in his ear that suddenly he’d be everything he ever desired if he took a bite of her fruit.


M would be the evil snake in that scenario.


He probably identifies with Cain. Edit: word


Nothing new under the sun re human behavior


He's like Fredo from the godfather


Broke and broken. The UK doesn’t want them either.


MeGain was recently booed at Santa Barbara Solstice Parade—she & Harry are toast in their home town of SB & Montecito. They would give ANYthing to rejoin the Royal fold.


Mutiple YouTube are saying this but there are no photos or video so until there is I'm gonna take with a bucket of salt.




Any photos or videos? I guess if there were we would have seen them by now.


Thank you for making this comment here because I was trying to find the other one. Might they drag the kids out to the parade again? Probably, if their daycare in LA is closed for the holiday.


I really think that ship has sailed. Nobody cares about their kids at this point. Especially with the Wales children as counterpoint. They way overplayed the invisikid card


The Harkles think they’re so clever allowing the kids to be photographed at a 4th of July parade.


i had not heard about that. booed in CA?


I know. I want details too! 🍿


It was a festival that Santa Barbara holds each year for the summer solstice, so this past weekend. The first I heard was here on another thread, from someone with a Santa Barbara connection. The kids weren’t there. Maybe someone has more details.


I don't think that either one has the capacity to understand that "no" actually means "no half in, half out, no balconies, no uniforms, no admittance to official/state occasions, no money, no hand outs", no 'mo, nada,, zilch, finis.


Exactly they keep asking the same question, again, and again.


Like little kids thinking if they nag long enough they will get what they want


They never got the apology and need the money, so now they want back in the Empire 2.0.


Those a-holes.


The apology lol. They are so immature.


It's a narcissist thing to demand an apology from the person they hurt. "You made me hurt you so you need to apologize to me."


Yep. You made me feel bad about how poorly I treated you so say sorry.


I actually find it especially funny after their awful Netflix production that they so badly want back into the big bad empire


It's just jaw dropping how everything they say and do is an oxymoron.


Put a fork in your jam and dog biscuits Megsy Baby, you are DONE.




And I love this for them. Sorry...not sorry 😈


Her new pr team are Making them more of a joke now, so boring these fake stories, why can’t Megan & Harry just MOVE ON


There is nothing to move on to. They have no future because neither one knows how to work at anything.


Desperate people do desperate things.


He never thought he’d be OUT. He really believed they’d beg him to come back.


My take is that there is something in the pipelines that would require a UK residence, linked to Harry’s view of himself and how “important he is”. H&M usually show their hand prior to an announcement.


Meghan will run numbers on them for as long as she can get any access at all. They must know this by now. You cannot let a snake back in the house.


If I were in the royals shoe, I would never let Meghan in, because the next time she accused them of racism (she will) I don’t think they will survive it. They shouldn’t let Harold in as well, because he is a morally ambiguous, spineless selfish boy.He will create stories, just to get laid.😂


Her race card has been declined. She can cry racism all she wants but no one will believe her now. She has no power.


M doesn’t have the power to destroy the RF. 🙄


Ironically after years of smears and attacks from Harry and his lying wife, the brf are more popular than ever. Meanwhile, their popularity has tanked. People aren't stupid, they can see Meghan for the snake she is. Only the squaddies sing her praises now, and they're basically a cult


I sort of had to laugh when puff pieces came out saying H and M would settling for a truce. H and M implied with malice on the globe stage that the King and PC are racist. And PW of being a thug. H and M need to accept their words have consequences, they got what they wanted by saying them, they purposely hurt the royal family. And now there is no way back for them. Hope it was worth it.


I have a different spin on this. We have seen a shift in strategy. Perhaps because of new guy. It is really starting to focus on William as the bad guy thwarting Harry's attempts to smooth things over. Recent story about him turning into Phillip. Don't forget how Phillip banned Fergie only to see her back in the fold after his death . I say let him be like Phillip. Iron fist towards a traitor brother


Yes I've always sensed that at William's core there was a lot of PP.  Good. Maybe I've spent too much time studying the middle ages and the monarchy is a different beast now but the one thing you don't want a king to be is a wet blanket. The dog bowl story was supposed to harm William. It will have done for a few people but the majority I think saw william as a boss who cared about his staff and a brother who was at the end of his tether literally trying to knock some sense into an idiot. Then the pleading with him on mummy's life... William then looked like a tragic hero he does even more so now. I used to think he was nice enough polite low key... nothing special  but he's grown up and there is steel in his spine now. He needs it. 


I don't know why, but I think it's the husband's PR. Ms. Jam still thinks she's hot shit.


HE can never go back as long as he is married to Meghan. Period. He will end up like Wallis and Edward, minus the jewelry of course


Even if he divorces M, he won't be let back in, or near the family again, while M is a POS, he is worse than she is in my opinion. He took so many actions against his own family making wild accusations, and not accepting what a flawed petulant child he is. It would be too easy for him and M to go through motions of a divorce for sympathy for him, and then still have as a part of his life. I would not put it past either of them.


I agree. He is treacherous. She is a big mouth nomark, just running her mouth. He allowed the lies to take hold, and how many originated from him?


I don’t think either of them are that clever—plus I think Harry doesn’t like or want to be with Meghan any more.


Prince Harry should read up on the life of Edward VIII so he knows what his future is.


And Wallis's fashion sense (and iron) 😉


​ https://i.redd.it/t5mvivt7rt8d1.gif


The former Gummibear PR guy is very good, he's probably looking to play on the "Poor Penitent" violin string. Poor is relative and getting a bit close to the bone. Penitent? HA NEVEVER. It's just a matter of time before Madame's ego breaks loose and she fires him for daring to hint that it's not all sunshine and unicorn farts in California.


If he is indeed abusing a Diplomatic Visa without working for the RF nor playing any diplomatic role but just because of his birthright, even he will not be allowed to renew it due to the high level of scrutiny. He has to get himself a visa in another category like marriage based or job based, which might not offer many loopholes for him and he is used to beating the system due to nepotism and birth privileges. So, his best option, in his mind, is to return home, ask daddy for help after offering a few cursory apologies and small gifts and let the legendary men in grey suits “reset” his visa issues by quietly manufacturing paperwork for him.


I wonder where things are at with his ChimpO🐒 job at BetterNot?


When does his visa expire?


WHY? Are they not enjoying the insignificant mode? Are they running into the Broke phase? Are the flames of the visa case getting too near?


They're out of money.


*"when you're out, you're out."* memorize that, Harold.


They are broke. I KNEW they would go crawling back to “King Pa”, Henry might be let back in the RF relegated to Prince Andrew status. Rachel will never be let back in. She won’t go anyway.


Not desperate enough. Unless something catastrophic comes out of Montecito (such as bankruptcy or divorce), best not to assume they have good intentions. There needs to be some genuine contrition before anything else.




They couldn't turn the public against PC while she was out of the public eye, so they can't use the "we demand an apology" narrative right now. Now they are suddenly very sorry. But also, their new PR has carefully and slowly explained to them that throwing grenades at seriously sick people makes them look like psychopaths.


I believe they thought their „Royal Tour“ of Nigeria would lead to the RF begging them to come back. So deluded.


Or, if not “begging,” willing to have them back because they had shown themselves so good at royaling. (I can imagine Meghan saying to Harry, “We didn’t throw tea or beat anyone up! We were great!)


H is washed up at 40 when he should be in his prime. It‘s all downhill from here.


It’s really hard to tell what’s true and what’s not. Does H want back in? Maybe. I would if I were him. Meghan will never be welcomed in the UK and she is so dazzled by Hollywood types, I can’t imagine she wants to live in England. She thinks LA needs and deserves her. I don’t think she will ever change on that issue. If H truly splits and divorces her, then he will find a place to live in the UK or elsewhere with the King’s help. BUT the RF will never apologize (nothing to apologize for) or trust him ever again. He’s that tainted. Meg and Hank are not Royals nor will they ever be at any future date, no matter what any PR puts out. Maybe many years down the line, Hank could be a working Royal after a huge amount of time and showing trustworthiness, like a decade or more. Again, that may never happen. William will make sure all is well with the RF and if Hank upsets them, he’s out.


Never a working royal again. The best Harry will ever be offered is out-of-sight accommodations and a modest allowance as long as he refrains from any public statements, including any by any mouthpiece.


You’re probably right because Harry’s an idiot!


Harry will never be a working royal again. He's done way more than Andrew (who's allegations were never proven) and Andrew is out of royal duties for life. Harry is suffering the same fate.


The thing is that what ever else he did Andrew never publicly attacked the monarchy.


I think he’s toast, it's over. Where's the fork??


Never gonna happen.


Because they are seeing now what they totally missing out on being in the far away kingdom of Monteshitshow. ✅ glamour red carpet events ✅ diplomatic engagements (seeing the tiaras worn at the recent Emperor of Japan banquet) ✅ VVVIP lounge at superstars concert (hello, eras?!!) ✅ and so many many more royal events lately that even me as a tiny particle in royal watching made me ooohhhhh and wowwwww at a very media mileage I seen 😎


There has been a definite change in tact over the past 6 months. The PR appears to have gone from DEMANDING to PLEADING.


All of these comments saying Harry wants back in are wrong. Harry was miserable before he left. Can you imagine how doubly-miserable he would be now that he’s had a taste of freedom outside of the guilded cage? He doesn’t want to be a working royal, he just wants the PERKS of being one. He wants to pick his own vanity projects, but have BP staff do all of the legwork for free. He wants to stay at Royal residences when he’s in the UK, but skip seeing his father at Balmoral and hang with Elton in the South of France instead. All the perks, none of the work.


Maybe they could put that motto on a new family crest. M could design it with her fancy faux calligraphy.


All the perks none of the work is what Prince Harry wanted before Mexit, it is what he wants now, it is what he will always want.


Yes. The most damaging part is that Meghan and her Hollywood advisors convinced Harry before he left that he would earn millions by simply existing as “Prince Harry”. He really thought his name alone would somehow, magically, make money fall at his feet. He learned real fast that there are no free lunches in Hollywood.


Ah yes, Prince Harry aka Diana’s ‘favourite’ son. No talent, crass, arrogant and charmless…and stupid. He believed his own pr.


Probably no one imagined that Harry is a talentless, selfish, spoiled man who is just not cut out for normal life.


Just everyone who knew him…




Same, I noticed it too. They’re also taking a more conciliatory approach and distancing themselves from the trolls. I think it’s a two fold approach. Most likely Meghan doesn’t want to return. But she’s starting to lose her grip on Harry. He’s tried her approach (leave everything behind, write a tell all book) and it’s supposed to make things better, why are things worse? Why is he still desperately unhappy? He misses a lot of things - his old chums, his military appointments, and hey, maybe even his family. Deep down maybe he’s starting to realise they loved him after all and what Meghan is doing isn’t love. (He can’t articulate it though.) So Meg is trying this approach so that the RF will reach out to them and she won’t lose face. After all it’s their fault right, she probably told Harry over and over again that they didn’t take care of him and they need to apologise.




They are desperate to go back but to pride to apologize and to narcissists that they demand apologies, with that mentality they are going nowhere near the RF.


There is absolutely no going back, that bridge is burned and there is a stone wall . Let the humiliate themselves to the ground https://preview.redd.it/cau3j3fj7v8d1.jpeg?width=1591&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=48eab2d2c0969432041b053149a16ad4c995e01a


Blaming Meghan for all that’s happened reminds me of blaming the mistress when your husband cheats. The person who owes all he has - all he IS to the BRF is Harry, so IMO he is more culpable for selling them out - even though the big, bad, American actress led him astray. He is an adult and should have thought it through before doing what he did.


Well he’s an idiot so there’s that. 😊 But he is a super selfish man child who lives in an alternative universe where his mom’s death explains everything bad that’s ever happened him. Meghan was just happy to agree. I still find it odd that he is tight with his Spenser uncle considering it was his fault Diana was in Paris that night. She had wanted to spend the summer at Althorpe with the boys but her brother turned her down as an inconvenience. That’s how she ended up in Paris with Dodi.


I remember that. So very sad. But he nevertheless placed all the blame on the RF. He and M should get along well.


Harry is all Spencer. Mad, bad, and dangerous to know.




Harkles must be running from the law...


I can’t figure out how they blew through all that money???