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The same person who stood back when his wife and her bot armies spread and keep spreading lies about her treatment. They only to know about her an ear so they sell the information


Yes. Remember someone tried to break into Catherine's medical records in the hospital system.... The hack came from California.


The hack was commissioned by Meghan. I've heard that from multiple sources.


Thanks for confirming what I thought when it made the news. I take it the Royal Family know her part in it; would you know if there are any consequences coming her way from the family?


If what I hear is correct, it was pretty easy to follow the money straight to Meghan and fear of release of the records is what rushed Catherine to announce earlier than she was ready, but she went ahead and announced to make the info. worthless. There were internal consequences at the hospital, but Ithink what if anything may happen to Meghan is being kept secret among law enforcement.


What were the internal consequences at the hospital? It was reported in the British press that two hospital employees had been suspended, and an internal investigation was taking place, but then it all went quiet. If those two employees were found to have accessed C's medical records, then that is a criminal offence and the police should have been involved.


I work in a hospital and there are SERIOUS consequences for accessing someone's records if you've no business looking. A few years ago a nurse very narrowly avoided jail time for doing that and quite right too. We're not even allowed to look at our own records.


I worked for 7 year's in the NHS up until 2016, clerical staff not nursing. It was VERY clearly stated in employment contract, staff training & in print on the patient computer record's that anyone searching through patient record's without a genuine work-related reason was a sackable offence i.e. you would be fired VERY quickly from your job. You are not even allowed to search the patient record's on behalf of family for their test result's etc even if they give you permission to do so, you're not allowed to do it. They'd need to wait for their medical team to tell them their test result's.


I'd like to know as well. In the US it's guaranteed termination, a 250,000 fine and up to 10 years in prison for each violation


I hope something happens to her and her flying monkeys. Not only violation of data protection laws, but international computer crimes.


As someone in the law enforcement sphere this has a lot of consequences. Accessing records of a high profile member of the royal family can be met with hefty federal crimes, both in data protection act and cyber offences. It had taken a while for the criminal justice system to catch up with offences in cyber realm but now it is treated very seriously. In addition if it can be traced back to the critters this can have dire consequences both for hazmats us visa status and/voldermegs hopes of entering the uk again. Also take into account the USA and UK are members of the five eyes communities so any criminal action could be reflected. I just wonder if backgrid will be there for any extraditions :)


Well, that sucks that Meghan’s involvement/consequences are being hidden from the public. I don’t like it but I understand it.  I am wishing for the day to come when everything about her comes to the light. Might you have an idea if/when that might happen? As always, thanks for the tea!


It might be still under investigation. I don’t think she’s going to be in the clear any time soon. Whoever is doing the investigation is going to make sure that any changes filed will stick.


Might be why William was meeting with M16? And Charles discussing constitutinal things? Does olank know it is skank?


I wonder about that as well. This is an international crime.


M is disgusting! She expects the world to respect her privacaaaay for her megnancies ( so much dodgy stuff there) but then pays to break Catherine’s medical privacy and leak it to the world so SHE can profit and make money from a cancer patient! It’s truly horrifying!


If this is true (and I have no reason to believe it isn't) Harry will be dead to William regardless of marital status. I can't even see him being any part of the RF again EVER.


He's never getting back in. Ever. He really doesn't get it!


I would love to see that bitch in handcuffs. People have been put away for much less


Then she can tell her Mother that when she looks at herself she sees her Mother ... or however that stolen story applies here. HG Tudor alludes to knowing the whereabouts/absence of Dorito for many years. Who knows why he doesn't say, but handcuffs may have been involved.


I wonder if the RF know about this? No wonder them 2 went quiet because they need to cover their tracks 🙄


I'm sure the RF knows exactly what went down.


I thought someone (at least one) tried to access C's medical records from within the hospital itself. Two employees were suspended.


Yes they were hired to do so by M, supposedly. I assume they're being adjudicated for their actions.


Oh shit! If proof of that comes out.....


How on earth could royal protection allow any old nurse to access Catherine's medical notes? I'm rly shocked.


Word is they (presumably IT) set up a fake account. None of C’s actual records were on line.


I hope that is true! I remember the original story read "attempted to access".


Any sensitive records will have been handwritten, never typed on any device and kept under lock and key away from prying eyes. Any tests sent to a lab will have been submitted pseudonymously. Going old-school analogue and away from any computers/cameras/phones etc is the first line of defence against espionage and one of the strongest. Then there is physical security of such records, probably by security officers. The doctors will have been security vetted and probably made to sign the Official Secrets Act. Jail for breaching that and removal of livelihood. There will have been false names set up too and possibly fake records. Whilst a hack may have been attempted I don’t think any real information was obtained.


I’m a little surprised they leaked info about an attempted breach unless the leak was designed to let Megs know they had the matter in hand….


And yet the hag gets away with it again!!! Nothing ever happens to them. Ever!!! So infuriating!!!!!


I'm not surprised but then again...why do I feel like saying WOW!? She never ceases to find new lows.


Curious if you or anyone knows who is funding Meghan ok these expeditions? Surely it must cost a pretty penny to hire bots and keep them on payroll if you well. Not to mention hiring a hacker has to be expensive.


That I don't know. I suspect WME helped out under the table.


That California woman is dangerous! I don’t believe she will ever stop! She is seriously dangerous and mentally ill!


No, she never will. I think that is the only thing we can all say with certainty.


She's FIXATED! OBSESSED with Catherine. It's scary.


I wonder what the dumbasses thought they could gain by this, other than merching off the details of Catherine’s illness, same as Merkin leaking false details of HMTLQs death. It can only show them in a worse light.


Exactly. Information = money.


Farck off, have-no-hair-no-balls-harry!


This makes me even angrier than I was. His mouthpiece Scobie called Catherine racist, his twisted followers are on twitter every day calling her that vile name with domestic terrorists included, and claiming that she doesn't really have cancer. Prince Harry hasn't said word one to defend Catherine. Prince Harry hasn't attacked Scobie for calling her racist, he hasn't denounced his own Squad for their coordinated attacks on Catherine. Who is paying Bouzy now? Prince Harry certainly paid Bouzy to be on his tv show. The Sussex Squad has done nothing but smear and attack Princess Catherine and Prince Harry hasn't said one word in her defense, not one word. I hate that deranged piece of filth. It is not bad enough all the venom he has poured on to his family. Prince Harry wants credit for caring about family he has done nothing but attack and attack. Prince Harry wants to convince the gullible he cares about Catherine, while his minions attack her endlessly. That freaking monster needs to keep Catherine's name out of his stinking mouth.


All of this!! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻


He is still silent while his “sussex squad” is attacking catherine online with the dumb “where is K” script. And he thanks them for their online hatred towards his family. He doesn’t want to support catherine. He can’t find a job and wants some magic royal dust.




DE has too many articles about Harold and his wife lately. I don't go there too much just because of that. On the other hand, Daily Mail has ZERO about them, at least for the last few days. I'll give the DM my attention for now.




Just what Catherine needed was to have her backstabbing brother in law by her side. Lol.


But Harry would have lightened the mood by playfully pinching her butt! Just what every married mother dealing with cancer wants!


Pinching her butt while stood on the balcony in front of thousands at Trooping the Colors. When he did this he knew she couldn't turn around to reprimand him or slap him(which is what my sister did to an asshat while we were at a nightclub). He's such a f ing louse!


Really makes him seem like he’s in love with her.


Harry has always been in love with Catherine, either because she was Willy’s gf (and he wants everything his brother has) OR because CATHERINE. Since Harry couldn’t marry for love, he married for lust - both for sexual and for money/power.


>(and he wants everything his brother has) I now think it is this scenario. Bearing in mind he has spoke openly about his worries for William's children being spares. (It would be innocent enough if all this drama hadn't happened.) But now he wants them as examples, imo, to show he was right. He added “and, though William and I have talked about it once or twice, and **he has made it very clear to me that his kids are not my responsibility,** I still feel a responsibility knowing that out of those three children, at least one will end up like me, the spare. And that hurts, that worries me.” He doesn't know his place or when to stop needling his brother, even though he has been told.


Funny that the spare ones are actually Harry's children. Harry and his hoe made them into useless spares who will have no royal upbringing, no connections to the family, and therefore, zero role in the future. Well played Harry.


Oh, this entirely. These children have had a bizarre upbringing, exposed to the likes of Doria and Marcus, shuttered anway, and Mayhem thinks she’s increased their cachet by hiding them. Instead she’s effectively removed any trace of “royalty” she’s trying to promote for *herself* .


In less than two decades they will be like the kids of will Smith. 😂. Minus the mega millions.


Who? 🤣🤣🤣 eta: even Michael Jackson’s children evoke more interest than the Sussex children ever will.


Sadly I think they will be albatros around King William's neck. Always demanding their "birthright" and screeching racism when they don't get what they want.


I am sure William will be very well advised on how to deal with the grifters when the time comes, but yeah, these hangers on are always going to want something.


Dude she’s not hiding them, they don’t exist


The children of Princess Anne and Prince Edward are perfect examples of children who are not immediately in the succession line and in the public eye, but still are raised well and given the tools to deal with their circumstances, whether that’s being in the public eye or being a spare. Notably, the ones who have fared well are those who just focused on their lives and became well rounded as individuals. Instead of making any significant part of their life about not being the heir. Maybe that was slightly easier for them because they were less adjacent to the heir, but Harry’s children are already removed from that world so it makes it infinitely easier. And even when you talk about Harry, you can see how well it could have worked when you take, for example, Princess Anne. She has led a full and complete life, and only part of that has has to do with being a royal.


Exactly!!! I agree. Harry and Meghan are doing their children a great disservice!


And unfortunately they—and generations after them— will be able to forever read about themselves, the controversy behind their conception and their parents’ total insanity.


Wait when Betty finds out why she really got her name. Out of spite and revenge. That will be quite sad for her. She will put two and two together. But then again, she may end up a narc just like her mother and grandmother.


These kids are going to be filled with their mother's lies. They may one day discover on their own that their mother lied to them. They may not, they might believe their mother's lies. I know kids with lying parents who believe every lie their parent told. I believed my mother's lies until I was a grown woman. One day I realized, she was lying to me. But it was hard.


Agree 100%


Please. All William and Catherine have to do is say “ Look at your Uncle Harry. Do you want to end up like him?” If you can’t be a good example, you can be a horrible warning.


"If you can’t be a good example, you can be a horrible warning." That's one of my favorite expressions! Told my daughter it's what I want on my tombstone. I also tell her that to warn her off being like my sister! And that warning, to not be like H, alone would be enough to scare straight PC and PL--but they won't need to be scared straight because they are being raised in a loving, respectful, committed family. Most importantly, by non-narcissistic parents.


Hazza has been told in no uncertain terms to stay out of anything regarding William‘s family/children.


Yes, I agree. He has been told that, but like his wife, he doesn't respect people's boundaries.


I do think Harry wants what William has - he’s grown up with an older brother looking out for him, probably trying to copy him in some respects. He loved Catherine - there was never so much as a hint of a disagreement between them, and he was always happy in her company. The point he’s trying to make regarding the Wales ‘spares’ is ridiculous…is he suggesting that those born after the heir turn out to be a waste of space? As we only have to look at The Princess Royal and the current Duke of Edinburgh to see how loved and admired they are - hard working and no hint of scandals. Or maybe he’s comparing himself to his spoiled and arrogant uncle Andrew - using him as an excuse for his behaviour? The Wales family are tight and happy…when George becomes King, Charlotte and Louis will be working Royals, a credit to the Monarchy and a great support to their brother (that’s my belief).


He cannot even compare himself to Prince Andrew - he had a full military career and fly in combat! Nor has PA ever bashed his family. H is one of a kind. Jealous of everyone around him. Convinced every is getting something he is not - but thinks he should. He should keep Catherine’s name far from his mouth after what he allowed his wife to do and say about her.


H is one of a kind. Actually, no, H is not a one of a kind Windsor: his behavior, selfishness, massive mental health issues and problematic associates and life decisions are a resurrection of great-great-Uncle David. The differences are that 1) H was never (and will never be) king, and 2) H is financially fucked compared to Uncle David.


With some of the malevolent Spencer ‘genetic trauma’ thrown in.


Great comment. He really is deranged.


You are right - Andrew is spoilt and a bit ‘suspect’, but he’s never turned on his family. Even now, with all the ‘to-do’ going on with Royal Lodge, he isn’t using his position of being a (poor me) spare and taking personal shots at the King. I imagine Catherine has shed many a tear in private over Harry’s behaviour.


Yes, I am sure Prince Harry has absolutely made Princess Catherine cry with his behaviour. I think he should know it - that he made her cry - maybe saying it out loud will help him understand how badly he's effed up. For as much as he says he worried, he loves/cares for her, he didn't show it when it counted and he's not showing it now. He is a POS.


I wish I could upvote this 100 times. It puts me in mind of a couple of things my (wise) grandfather used to say. “Hindsight is 20/20,” and “People in hell want ice water.” Both sayings essentially point to the same message; it’s too late Harry.


Andrew wants to make sure his girls have some sort of position in the RF so he’s going to behave.


I keep seeing articles saying that William and Catherine are going to encourage Charlotte and Louis NOT to be working royals. I expect they'll want them to go to university or into the military. Have their own lives a bit. I can see them sending the message of, "You need something besides this. Something to fall back on." As we can see, Harold has nothing to fall back on. But I also think they'll want them to support George. To be close enough that they can't be divided by a strumpet. Just considering all the hate Catherine gets, though. I can see them, William and Catherine, going both ways.


The people writing those articles is just spouting off. They have no idea what is going on with the Wales family. Of course they are encouraging the children to go to University, all the children. But they are also teaching the children about the responsibility they have to Crown and Country.


The Wales' will be super conscious of not dividing their children against each other and they appear to be very unspoilt so his need to insert himself into their family dynamic says more about his needs than the "spare" children.


Harry foolishly assumes that birth order alone determines someone’s value, not realizing that its strength of character that determines happiness and value.


Good observation.


It’s weird that he says “at least one of them” will end up a spare, too.


*The Wales family are tight and happy…when George becomes King, Charlotte and Louis will be working Royals, a credit to the Monarchy and a great support to their brother (that’s my belief).* This. I don’t doubt that Charlotte will be George's right hand. She will be invaluable to him. She'll be to him what Anne is to Charles, trustworthy, steady as a rock, and the voice of reason and blunt truth. "You're not coming" will become "Not bloody likely!" before we know it, and I can't wait to see it.


I’m convinced that’s why the Frogmore lease was revoked shortly after Spare and all the weird interviews where he talked like this about the Wales children. Who wants the obsessed, weird and drug addled uncle living 300 meters away from your kids?


Maybe this jackass should extend this same level of concern to his own invisikids??


Even he knows deep down they are so far from importance in the LoS, but being a celebrity kid in HW isn't his concern.


I never understood what This One expected William to do? Of course the child who is not eldest will not be monarch. I think This One was projecting and asking William to make the Todgers co-monarchs. "Think of your children." William probably told him to shove off.


Actually Diana encouraged this thinking of co-monarchs and even called Harold “Good king Harry”. She knew he was too dim to do anything on his own and said so, that he was a plank like her.


Of course both children are equally important to their parents and equally loved. But they have different roles in the monarchy. It seems Diana couldn't or didn't make this clear.


Spare is a position, not a dirty word. Now on the other hand, traitorous, vile, loser, duplicitous, entitled, arrogant, stupid - those are dirty words. He simple mind thinks that not being firstborn is damaging in itself (so he can avoid taking responsibility for being useless), when that has been the lot of the vast majority of humans throughout history.


100%. One of his get out of jail free cards along with his mother dying. "It's not my fault I'm a screw up. It's because I *am* the spare."


Princess Charlotte is proving to be more like her Great Aunt and less like her Uncle every day. Probably because she's loved by her parents and she knows it.


Jason and Travis Kelce were talking about meeting the Wales family at Taylor's concert on their podcast. They especially loved meeting Princess Charlotte, who is a ***'superstar'*** as per Travis, and had what Jason described as ***‘a fire to her’.*** She really does remind me of a Princess Anne type figure.


She's been the spitting image of Queen Elizabeth since she was a baby!!


He should worry about his own kids - if they exist.


Seriously, Harry acts as if he is the only second son in the world. Even if you are not royalty. Many families / cultures have a tradition of giving everything to the first born son and it is not an excuse to be salty about it.


That guaranteed he will never be allowed back home. William has to protect his children, William will do anything to protect his children. Once Harry started talking about William's children, William slammed shut the door, locked and chained it. Good for William.


He is sending Scobie and Bouzy and his Squad out to attack her every damn day and he loves her? That is some serious b.s. there.


According to Lady C, Harry is dead to William. The only person on this planet who could convince William to give in or be merciful is Catherine. If Harry really wants to go back home he needs William's consent in the long run. William also has the money that he distributes throughout the family. Harry will need money and help for himself and the children after the divorce.


I doubt Catherine will be doing that after the attacks on her, her husband and her children. There is being nice and then being protective of your family.


Agreed. I think the time has come and gone for Catherine to be willing to open the door to Harry. I think in particular with regard to her children, she must realise his influence upon them would be a disastrous one. So if Harry were hoping to cause a divide between Catherine and William, I would bet his is betting a loser there.


This is the only reason scrotum dome "cares" so deeply for Princess Catherine *now*. Those who think "poor innocent, simple minded Todger" only need to see he ls a manipulative bastard when it suits him. 


That's right in line with what has been known about Wiliam since he was young. He drops anyone that betrays his trust, and the one person in the world he should be able to trust blew it out of the water. There is NO coming back for H.


Harry is dead to William, PERMANENTLY. There is no going back, EVER, divorce or not. I think we need to stop assuming Harry will get any help because he will not. You can’t say and do the things he has and expect all will be forgiven and he’ll be welcomed back in any capacity at any time. HE WILL NOT BE.


I honestly don't think it's romantic love. I think Catherine kind of replaced Diana but in the role of a big sister. She was able to fill enough of his emotional mommy needs - I don't think she realized that's what it was to him, though. I also don't think it's a coincidence that Harry was easy to manipulate and kind of settled in a relationship that was such off on and on while Catherine was pregnant with their 3rd child. Two kids, sure, they could still fit him into their. But three kids, that they're very determined to raise themselves as much as possible....? That's kind of like Harold, you need to get your own life now. That's why I think not all of the Catherine hate has come from Megsy. I think Harold feels like she abandoned him in a big way as well. I don't know if he even feels bad about her cancer, though. Megsy may have filled his ear with so much shit he doesn't care.


No. If he denounced Scobie and Bouzy for attacking her, that might mean something. But he wants to both use Scobie and Bouzy to attack her, and get credit for caring about her. This Harry loves Catherine b.s. has to stop. The people who work for Harry are endlessly attacking Catherine and Harry does nothing. Harry is dirt and loves no one but Harry. He doesn't even love his own children.


He is so in love with her, that he allowed a book to be published calling her a racist. Sure Jan.


He also fails to speak up against Meghan Markle, Christopher Bouzy and the SussexSquad when they are attacking Catherine. He also failed to NOT mention Catherine in his book Spare, a book that is going to be around forever, and he failed to say no thank you to the award he was given for fighting racism in the Royal family etc


He mentioned her in the worst way when he said that she "howled with laughter" at This One's poor choice of costume. He essentially called her racist the same as his wife did through her mouthpiece the plastic doll.


Which never even happened. So he lied on her.


After what I’ve observed over the last 8 years, I no longer believe Harold has an empathetic bone in his body. He only ‘cares’ now because she has cancer. He spent years attacking Catherine directly & via his paid minions so miss me with the ‘Harry was upset and emotional’. If he was I hope it hurt to his core after all he has done and allowed to be done in his name.


Correction if I may. He only cares now that Catherine has made her triumphant return at trooping the color. When she first announced her diagnosis, he and Megan released a very cold message to her. I believe Harry is trying to glom on to Catherine's current incredible popularity, assuming this story came from his camp.


Very good point! You’re absolutely right.


Funny that he loves her and wants to reconnect now that the whole world is showing love and support to the POW.


But it's still all about him! HE wants to be there for her, HE wants to be with the family... it's all about him, not anyone else. If he truly cared, he'd start by shutting his gob!


Exactly. What timing when things are going badly for the Sussex's? If he was sincere he would stop and allow her the space to rest and recover. Not make out another article where he is the victim ((again)) because he feels like an outsider.


He wants some of her popularity to rub off on him.


He’s desperate. He’s getting a glimmer of his fading recognition as a royal.


He should be used to it. He admitted himself that his position and Royal status was short when the Wales' kids were and now are on the scene.


Yeah, when Catherine first announced her diagnosis, he and his wife released the coldest message to her through one of their favored mags. So when her future was very uncertain and at a very scary time for her, Harry basically just said get well soon Kate. But now that she seems to be doing well and is getting an incredible amount of love and attention from all quarters, it's now he's really worried. Suck on a lemon, Harry.


He married the lemon


I think this is speculation. Hazza knows he has blown it and I doubt his priority is to reconcile with Catherine.


He knows but knowing harry, you don't think he wanted to be at trooping? An event he has attended his entire life? It was to burn bad for him to see that now and know he wasn't even invited to be there even if off the balcony.


This is a man who thinks animals give him messages and that his mummy set him up with an evil psychopath.


I agree it’s speculation. However, I truly think those two did not anticipate the massive support that Catherine has received. I’m sure it has changed their reasoning. I can see them thinking that they will be generous and the bigger person and forgive her since she is going thru cancer.


Harry’s concern for Catherine does not seem believable at all. Otherwise, he would not have allowed Meghan Markle to treat her and Charlotte so poorly.


Agreed. Narcissistic Meghan probably knocked all his displays of compassion for PoW out of his head due to her jealousy.


‘Nuff said. https://preview.redd.it/2mrvomuk0x8d1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d5431443fc0fc52bf4592b80f804ec483a2324e3


What evil, dark energy. I know firsthand that if you stay in a relationship with one of these types, they only bring darkness and negativity to your life. No matter how right *you’re living, their darkness is contagious. They’ll drag you down to their loser level through osmosis, operating on their low frequency.


It's easy to lament away about missing your family (poor Harry) to gain sympathy but it's quite another to man up and take accountability for your actions that got you to this point and start making changes to repair things. The thing is, when someone screws up and is cut off, if they make changes, it should be because they realize they want to be a better person, regardless of whether they'll be accepted back. Actions have consequences and the consequence of Harry's actions is his family doesn't want much to do with him. Make changes Harry, stop whining and who knows what the future holds but at least you'll be able to hold your head up high, not be a whiny bitch


Yes!! Funny that his missing his family and events, come at a time when he is struggling.


emotionally and financially


He’s a right git.


Oh fuck right off. Poor baby. I hope it has hammered home to him just what an asshole he is.




I just watched this video for the first time. My life is complete, my skin is clear, my bank account is full, and all of my troubles have melted away in the sunlight of a perfect morning.


This is priceless! Now all I need is that gif from Harry’s visit to London after KCIII’s diagnosis with the helicopter flying away from the palace - I think the text was ‘Toodles!’


Ask and ye shall receive: https://i.redd.it/qq14ms6fyx8d1.gif


"although he's managed to connect with her a few times" ![gif](giphy|MDxuzRvxF39VwnYu9B)


Sure, Jam!


I want to know what’s in his bong.


Guess what, Haz? Actions have consequences. Suck up your poor choices. 🖕


Dearest Henry, Well, well. If it isn’t the consequences of your malicious actions. Also Henry, when trying poorly to slant yourself as givin a feck, perhaps next time DON’T WHINE ABOUT YOURSELF and YOUR FEELINGS. We all know you only feel with your diseased todger, idiot. Me, me and MORE endless ME! In summary: Fuck you and that piece of trash you handplucked from the SoHO House basement bin. Sometimes good actually wins. And it’s getting more delicious by the day, *sugar*. BTW, my momma used to call someone *sugar* as the worst insult - it’s hillbilly for your face needs to meet my fist.


Boo fucking hoo.


Delusions! Connected with her a few times?!! Pfft, no. Pathetic attempt to salvage his reputation. They’re so desperate.




But he flew overseas to spend 12 minutes with his father. 😂


Offering his congratulations to PoW is strange. Why congratulations? I know it took Herculean efforts on the part of PoW to attend the Trooping, but congratulations seems odd. Especially odd from an estranged family member. It’s just an odd take.


Especially odd for an estranged family member who did nothing to stop the r@cist allegations he and his ILBW put forward via their previous lickspittle, Omid.


Like a villain congratulating James Bond for surviving the first wave of henchmen before unleashing new attackers.


Not only did he have the unmitigated gaul to say "*only he* married for love and not duty" he was BEST MAN at his brother and sister in law's wedding. Absolutely vile.


And still continuing to comment on the RF for $$, drawing himself in as a poor me victim. For one thing, he could begin by referring to her proper name and title. He got what he asked for: Freedom from 'the cage'. So, be happy, Halfwit!


**HE LET HIS WIFE CALL HER RACIST TO THE WHOLE WORLD!!!!** Nah Harold, take a fucking seat.


IF true, once again Harry making it all about him, his feelings, his misery. Again making more of his relationship with Catherine than is realistic, just as he did with the late Queen. He has always tried to act as if he was the Queen's favorite and most important grandchild, but he was STILL just a grandchild, not one of her children. He's doing the same with Catherine, but he is ONLY a brother-in-law! Catherine has an actual brother who has always supported her. Catherine has a loving, supportive family. Harry is not needed in her life, and he simply cannot stand that! I do not believe for one minute that he has "connected with her a few occasions." While I've no doubt he'd like to, it's not happened or happening. She had millions supporting her when she so bravely stepped out that day, he never crossed her mind. She has her health and her family to focus on and Harry does not fit into the equation. In the words of Will Smith. he needs "to keep her name out of his mouth!" Constantly talking about his misery is not going to make him more loved, more popular, more money, more accepted, or more likeable! I'll say it again, louder for him, IF he truly wants her forgiveness, stop hiding behind MM, step up to the plate and put an end to all the evil from the SS, Bouzy, media, MM, etc. Apologize for your accusations against her, take them back! Admit your role in spreading false rumors! Forgiveness can only come with admission of wrong, showing remorse and changing behavior. He has done NONE of this. Just more of his personal pity party! His further whining, especially publicly, is just further proof he has not learned, not changed, not accepted his role, doesn't believe he has done anything to deserve being shut out. He demands, whines and expects everyone to just love him anyway. Harry, you're a freaking 40 year old man! You don't get to pout like a 3-year-old, say you didn't mean it, and act as if all should be forgiven. What you did is not the same as some 3-year-old telling his parents he hates them. If you want forgiveness, PROVE why you deserve it, freaking EARN it! So far, you've only done the opposite of proving you deserve any forgiveness from anyone.


he makes my skin crawl, imagine how he makes Catherine feel. Remember, these words will have been written by Baby Reinder Psychopath Stalker Markle


I don’t believe a word this “source” says. H is too selfish to think anything other than how he deserved to be there and how everyone would have been looking at him!


I do not believe for one single second that Haz has "managed to connect with her on a few occasions". I don't believe he's really worried, concerned or sad about Princess Catherine at all. I think what makes him sad is that he wasn't on the balcony and he doesn't have access to the Bank of Pa. It's always about what he and his odious wife want.


When he received the news of her condition.... Yeah, when he heard about it I. The press like the rest of us. Fu k off you stupid dumb stooge!!! And if you wanted to be at trooping....then good. You left and trashed the family. Said nothing when omid "led slip" who the royal racists were. We see right through you. You are only sorry you couldn't be there for clout and that the world sees you are not wanted by your family at all!!! Suck it!!!


How does Megs respond to Harry’s compassion for Kate?


By putting out bullshit like this.


"In what was just one of three recent humiliations" Three? Oh dear, they've really not been paying attention have they? If there's three humiliations in a day then it's a good day for Harold. And I suspect he enjoys the humiliation. It's the only explanation The pity play prince can go to Hades. Nobody cares, Harold. Not even, and especially not, your wife.


Harry misses being on the balcony. He may want to express sympathy for his sister-in-law, after being at least complicit in painting her as unsympathetic to his wife and a racist. I‘m sure if someone were like that to Lolo, Harry would’ve cut them out of his life. See how it works, Harry?


He hasn't seen Catherine for a few year now. And yet he still contacts the media to quote sources on every single thought he has about her as does the wife, imagine if there was actual contact. She'd have zero privacy and just like now they would make all those decisions for her contacting tabloids etc to discuss every interaction both real and imagined.


Sure. Have her and the rest be a part of his family.like the lies and shit were nothing. You made your ice cold bed Todjer. Now lie on it and hope no more parts fall off from frost bite.


https://preview.redd.it/3j2v392dyw8d1.jpeg?width=1366&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=52ef5b9a2542cbe8c24ca72e1233fc45b1cb6ecd Be quiet, you simpleton. The whole world sees you now . He bit the hand that fed and protected him. Turns out, you're not so special, are you now?


Typical, selfish, Harry. Nobody cares what you want or think anymore. You trashed your entire family, and now you are as important as a fly on shit. Deal with it.




There is a scene in Godfather Part III where Michael is giving his confession and the Cardinal tells him that his scenes are great and it is just that he suffers. Harry, you are an outsider and it is just that you feel like one. All you had to do was contact someone in the press and tell them that Catherine was not a racist. Yes, Meghan would have given you hell for that, but you would have been a man. All you had to do was make a statement telling your (or, more accurately, Meghan's) followers to leave Catherine alone while she is recovering from surgery/cancer treatment. I'm sure there will continue to be opportunities for you to be both a man and a decent brother-in-law going forward, and were you to avail yourself of them it might even make an impression within your family. I doubt you ever will, though. Go ahead and prove me wrong.


He's only jealous that he doesn't have cancer and the sympathy that comes along with it.


Megs too. She’s faked being suicidal during pregnancy and quite likely a miscarriage, you know she’d love a (mild, not too inconvenient) cancer to milk for sympathy.


So Hazbeen's sad is he?! GOOD! I hope he stays sad and angry and married to Meghan Markle for the rest of his miserable, hateful life.


Ever since he "received" the news of her condition. 🤔😒🧐🙄 Nice try scrotum dome.  You didnt "receive" *any news*. You found out like the rest of us plebs. *And you don't know a damn thing more than the rest of us do*. Additionally, no one believes you've had a minutes communication with the Princess of Wales.  *She doesn't like you anymore harry!* Neither do the majority of the free thinking world.  So go suck on eggs. It'll probably improve the stink coming off you according to sources. 


I am amazed that these “sources” have such intimate details about someone’s feelings and personal correspondence. 🐂💩


oh ffs take you bs story and go shove it haznoballs and Rachel. As if Catherine would want you even near her. And as for say you have been able to connect with her a few times is utter crap. Face it you stuffed up big big time and now you are dealing with the fall out. Congrats you lost your family cause of your wife and your vile mouth .


Cry me a river. And trying to claim he keeps in touch with Catherine from time to time. That probably ended right after the Oprah interview.


Hazard attempting to "prove" he knows Catherine "better than even William". Cue the "right people around her" tripe he tried with HLMTQ and even King Charles with the shots on Camilla again.


Harry has managed to connect with Catherine  on a few occasions since she announced she had cancer? Oh really? They can't even make their lies sound plausible.  There is no way in hell that BP, William and KC will let Harry have any contact with Catherine.  I suspect that their recent visits to MI5/6 have to do with updates regarding Harry and Meghan, and their flying monkey hate squadrons. Let's hope it is the beginning of the end for Harry and Meghan. Let the flood gates open. Release the bullying report. Release the background files on Meghan. Their day of reckoning is long overdue.


So who exactly is spilling this crap to Closer? Their PR ring is closed tighter than Harry's wallet. The fact this stuff is being reported proves it's just coming from Meghan herself. I doubt even Harry has a clue she's putting this manifestation nonsense out there again. It's becoming so painful, so pathetic, and so desperate, it's really awkward now to say the least. She needs an intervention.






Worried enough for her to want to be at Trooping the Colour but not enough to correct the racism rumours. Eff off H!


PR puff piece from the Markles to soften his/their image. Harry is an idiot who stabbed Princess Catherine squarely in her back on a global scale. Nothing he says now can correct that behavior. And, he should feel deep regret....but I don't think he can because he's always the victim.


Harry's finding out what it means to betray everyone who loves him in order to placate a never-satisfied, unhappy, nasty wife. Hell on earth for a man, and he walked right into the trap because he's stupid and weak. I can easily believe he's fretting about Catherine. That's one of the reasons his wife is so obsessed with destroying her. She couldn't get William, but Catherine effortlessly had/has Harry's heart.


This is all about HIM AND HIS FEELINGS AND HIM. Same old bs from the self involved ones.


Too little too f**king late... It's funny how he pretends that he & the swamp creature he married haven't been constantly sh*tting on Princess Catherine..


Prince Harry - once again, it’s all about him. This cretin is capable of making even a beloved woman’s cancer diagnosis all about himself and his “feels.” Despicable.


Bro seriously tried to make her diagnosis about him? If he really cared about her he would be quietly wishing her to get well and not get “sources” to whine about how he no longer receives news form the RF as if everything is about him. Me, me, me, me, thats all I read in this article.


Call me crazy, but Kate looked happy that day, not nervous.  I do not believe that Harry “has connected with her.”  I believe that she will likely never talk with him again. See: “Spare.”


This sort of thing confirms Harry really doesn't have a functioning adult brain. He has no concept of the consequences of his words and deeds.


This is pure Meghan Markle pr. William allowed no calls from Harry through to Kate.


He wants her blessing and forgiveness now that their war on William and Kate has failed. This is like Himmler wanting to meet with Eisenhower in the last week or so of WW2. The ship has sailed, you've made your choices, sir. Man up and live with them.  Have the balls Richard III did, as immortalized by Shakespeare:  "I have bet my life upon a cast, and I will stand the hazard of the die."


Yeah, sure. He was/is more likely in a drug induced stupor


And, as someone else stated, he just wants some of her "Shine" to rub off on him. Go away, H. You and TOW aren't part of the game anymore.


Harold doesn't give a shit. He's just trying to insert himself into every Royal conversation. This is the guy who has let the claims of Catherine being the "Royal racist" hang to this day and didn't say a thing while she was being (and continues to be) abused and harassed online. So he can shove whatever he's pretending to feel right up his dirty asshole.


“he has managed to connect with her a few times….” Bullsh*t - Prince William has constructed a fortress around his cherished wife - and there is zero chance that little piss-ant Harry has been able to penetrate it. As they say on Twitter - #FO Harry


“feels like an outsider” Harry - you are an OUTSIDER - remember your ‘Freedom Fight’?


Can Harry really be this dense that he doesn’t understand calling someone a racist, lying about them and allowing Meghan to do all that and so much more means yes, you’ve lost your family for good? Harry’s big mouth and his nonstop mistakes in life aren’t the RF problem anymore. They’ve moved on.


No one is buying it, Harry.