• By -


This falls in line with their work ethic of 1hr/week


And why "no one has her phone number" to add her to their group chats. That had to burn her ass hearing that shared at the awards show, of all places.


No one has her number because she markled all of them after the wedding


And at the wedding. No reception for them. I've never heard of something so rude in my life.


I never heard that! They flew all the way to the wedding but Not invited to the reception?! 😒


Yup. Needed room for the a-list strangers. https://archive.ph/rAjMY


All the pics of the wedding showed only Dorrito on the Meg-a-Monster side. I was always curious as to where all her closest Hollywood friends sat? The Douche Prince's family side? Did all her Hollywood Besties all make the after-after party list? Remember when she talked about the "fun" song she and the Duufus danced to then couldn't remember the name? What did they play for their first dance? Did she and KC111 dance the father-daughter dance? The Douche and Camilla? Sorry, I'm asking so many dumb questions. I've had a long day and having a long awaited drink. I'm actually in Iceland 🇮🇸 on vacation. Super chilled ☺️ 😊


How much of this time was only about sex scenes?


YES, exactly. Markle boasts she "was Suits actress" but fails to realize she was not one of the important-to-storyline cast members but the not important & not wanted for acting abilities slutty girl needed for occasional sex scenes meant to draw in more viewers. She was one level above doing soft porn roles. NOT anything to boast about, more something an actress would want erased from her acting CV....but then, she'd have nothing else on that CV, would she, except slutty Suitcase Girl and BJ Girl.


And Harry the Dim thought she was so accomplished, this after a lifetime of being around and meeting accomplished people and genuine celebrities. He works hard at staying ignorant and stupid.


Most would definitely have to work hard at it, but I think it comes naturally for Sparry : )


I lol so hard when he said he had to stop asking his families for her autograph as if they’d want it. What would they do with it? 


They had advance notification of Covid. Remember the toilet paper panic buying??? *nods sagely*


LMAO and all it would’ve taken for him to inform himself was for thicko lazy Haz to simply check the paltry acting credits on her tumbleweed ridden IMDB page. Shitty roles, no A-list awards/nominations, and no drive to make it on the West End/Broadway. It’s very obvious to anyone that she’s no star… just a lazy, talentless, star fucker. That’s why she’s barely accomplished anything after almost half a decade of Megxiting and waaghing about undeserved IPP.


I have thought this too. How stupid is he?


Me too. Does he never read what's being written about her? Plus, he must notice how people act around her. Was he that Freaking blind to not see the reaction when she walked in front of the soldiers during Invictus? In her scandalous slutty short shorts? If I were in that military parade, I would have walked away and encouraged everyone else to leave. It was so disrespectful, and I will never understand why they continued to march!


Man got dickmatized


She was a glorified extra! Little Miss "I was a woman who WORKED!". Yeah a whole three hours a week. 🙄


Well she was "a working girl" - on yachts and allegedly in Dubai where she became acquainted with the \*ahem\* waste system. 😉😉😉


I can well believe it. She didn't make a whole lot of money on Suits, I know that!


Her supplemental income. Now how would you declare THAT on a tax return???


You don't. It's cash gifts. That's why she couldn't buy a house or a car. It's all unclaimed cash.


Still an obscene amount of money to make for two hours of work over seven years!


What does the waste system mean? 


"Dubai porta potty". Only do a search if you have a strong stomach.


I’d be interested if any of the actors in the commercials during that time had about the same air time? lol


And Markle got all high and mighty after getting this role acting like she was Julia Robert’s. She’s such a phony.


Well, tw was the love interest w/ one of main characters. So, in terms of love life, tw was integral. But, they could've gotten any actress to play Roach


And I think they would have if the creator of the show didn't like her so much. Once they saw her acting and chemistry she could have been easily replaced.


I think she was blowing the show runner. No one "likes her" unless they are dipping their dong in her.


In my opinion they tried, but failed to give her a role that would mean something for the plot, because she's not a good actress and couldn't develop good chemistry with any of the cast beyond making cow eyes at a man .


There are many bi-racial actresses who could probably do both


The good thing about Mehgan as a Suitcase Girl, was that in contrast, her colleagues looked charming and unaffected.


The mattress Queen!! There now she has another title!!


>How much of this time was only about sex scenes? Aw shucks, I was rushing over to say this exact thing! 😂


I was going to upvote you , but as you have 69 likes, I thought that was appropriate for the comment and decided to leave it.


It's so baffling to me how Meghan Markle stans insist she was a household name, a Hollywood staple before she met Harry. Hardly anyone knew of this show.


I never heard of her... Ever, before Harry. And even then I was like "who the hell is this chick?"


Literally no one in America had ever heard of her, even the small niche audience who watched Suits. America said “who is this supposedly famous actress no one’s ever heard of??” Gaslighting the nation.


No one in Canada knew who she was either, despite her insistence otherwise.


"Gaslighting the nation? Gaslighting the nation?? You got off lightly! She called us all racists. You don't know you're born!" /s a la Monty Python...ish


Some fell for it tho 😂


Her tactic is - Blatantly repeat a lie until you bludgeon people into agreeing/relenting out of exhaustion


This is 100% true. I live in Southern California and nobody we know ever watched this show. Apparently it was some on random cable station that nobody watched.


The first time I found out someone named Meghan Markle existed was when I saw one of her Reitmans commercials just randomly watching tv one day. I remember being like “am I supposed to know who this lady is?” Because I had no clue. Then when I heard they were dating, I was like “wait prince harry is dating that lady from the reitmans commercial?” I thought she was a model or something. But probably around the same time, my family had started talking about watching suits but they never talked about Meghan’s character, she definitely wasn’t one of the popular characters. I do remember when the Canadian media started reporting that they were dating after Harry wrote that letter about racism how she was being targeted & harassed. But even at the time it was well known that she wasn’t being harassed in Toronto. Canadians, especially Torontonians, are known for leaving celebrities alone & not caring to bother them. I think it’s just the Canadian politeness we just don’t think it’s kind to stop & talk to them or ask for a picture. We kinda feel like the kindest thing we can do for them is to let them be. Canadian wouldn’t be caught dead call the paps on them either, there aren’t any Canadian paps to call even, it’s just not a thing. More famous people live around Toronto & are able to live pretty normal lives & no one bothers them. There’s lots of celebrity spotting but you only hear about it through a friend of a friend. Pedro Pascal was in Calgary filming The Last of us for almost a year & there would be sightings of him but zero paparazzi photos & if there were photos, they would be on peoples private social media accounts but never in print & never sold to backgrid or any of the American paparazzi. So once ToW started complaining about needing protection from people stalking her outside her house, I knew something was fishy. Some news organizations went around her neighbourhood asking to see if anyone had seen Harry or had complaints about paparazzi. They all refused to be interviewed but one neighbour off the record said they didn’t even know a famous person was living on their street & they hadn’t seen any paparazzi or stalking. But they weren’t willing to be filmed or go on the record to contradict her claims.


Jessica Mulroney sure helped Meghan elevate herself in Toronto eh? And then boom! You are out!! I don't know Jessica but I figure she's not a good person either. 🤭 Iam from NYC and never even heard of suits. Cable shows were not a thing.... Until covid 😂


They act like she’s Grace Kelly 2.0


I've said for years, "Grace Kelly she ain't".


She’s not even Courtney Love.




Not yet 🤔


Actually, she was in Sons of Anarchy, season 7 as an early development school teacher. She was pretty good, small role but good.


Oh, I was definitely referencing something else 👀


Dare I ask?


The urban legend where she was involved with Kurt’s death


Oh, yes, I heard that too, but more about her cashing in on her dead husband’s death is what repulsed me about her.


> Actually, she was in Sons of Anarchy, season 7 as an early development school teacher. She was pretty good, small role but good. Did wonderful in People vs Larry Flynt. Didn't know she had it in her!


That’s right, I forgot about that.


Got it.


Until she hooked up with Hazno, I'd never heard of her, or the cable show Suits.


I know ONE PERSON who had heard of her pre-Harry. I asked around and that was it.


Certainly no one knew her, even if they somewhat knew of the show. I didn’t know either, but I understand if you blink you will miss her on everything she did prior to Suits. Then on Suits it was an average of 2 mins per show spread over 7 years. So you know some of the episodes she wasn’t even on, because I’m sure a few episodes may have been a longer appearance, which spread out creates the average of 2 minutes per episode. 


https://preview.redd.it/qvmyl23etx8d1.png?width=564&format=png&auto=webp&s=c8e66a2b4c2e95fbb1846934e0c62ca62cbdc2d5 She literally didn't act at all on that show. SHE was just being herself the entire time. I actually watched the series in its original run, so I actually did know Madam from there. She was cringe to watch. The show actually had some pretty good acting. I just assumed she got that role the good old way. And in interviews she is the ONLY one who refers to Suits as 'my show'.....everyone else says either 'THE or OUR show"....she truly thought herself to be the star of it....


>I actually watched the series in its original run, so I actually did know Madam from there. Same. There was a point at one season where I just got bored with her character. I think all she did was have a hissy fit over not making it to Harvard Law School and how it would affect her career progress, blah, blah, blah. Her storyline for that season was just that. On and on and on about blooming Harvard and blackmailing Jessica over Mike to get Jessica to hire her as an associate at her firm. In a nutshell, from memory, her storyline was pretty much: • Mike's girlfriend. And boy, do we know she is his girlfriend. • Perpetually finding cases to bolster the firm's legal arguments as the firm's hot shot, whip smart paralegal. • Perpetually studying for something: the Bar? SATs? Can't remember. Don't know. Don't care. • Perpetually hoping to attend Harvard Law School. • Perpetual girl buddy to the more interesting and better talented Donna Paulsen. • Doesn't get into Harvard. Oh, dear, not so hot shot, whip smart after all. (Believe me, this isn't the spoiler alert you think it is). • Daddy's girl having Daddy issues over Mike & not working for *his* firm. Perpetually. And it was on this paltry side order dish that Harry claimed she was a Hollywood star. That poor chap.


Not a poor chap. A *desperate* chap. Seriously desperate 


I was gobsmacked at that interview where, although alongside another cast member, she absolutely hogged the interview…the other lady couldn‘t get a word in edgeways, but when she did, Markle’s face dropped and changed…she was not happy.


The interview you are speaking of was very telling. Madame cannot hide her feelings at all. She did nearly ALL of the talking, as though her character was the star. When the other actress was finally able to get a word in edgewise, Madame’s face was like thunder. I think she’s bat shit crazy.


Her character literally had the same name 😂


She wasn’t even in all the episodes. She was a glorified guest star. You could tell that’s how the producers felt about her too because Donna & Jessica always got the better wardrobe. Their clothes were iconic. My mom based her mother of the groom outfit on one of Donna Paulsens dresses.


They dressed her in the most basic shit ever and then had her fail the bar. Donna slayed every stitch that had the good luck to grace her body. Jessica did too, but Donna made it an art.


Her character is the reason I stopped watching and that was before her time with H.


I watched the first couple of seasons until neither hubby nor I could take the absolute WRONGNESS of the legal work. She was just periphery and obnoxious periphery at best. Rachel Harris, OTOH, was pure gold on the show. Loved her character and her "romance" with Litt.


Creepy Mole-y Claws in action. Devouring poor dude’s heads.


haha the oldest trick in the book- cover your costar's face with your hands, so only you can be seen :))




I honestly wonder if she's baby reindeer delulu.


I wouldn't laugh at this since she lasted much longer in Suits then she did as a member of THE ROYAL FAMILY of UK!!!!! Thats the greatest \*uck up of all time. You get access to one of the most famous family in the world and ditch it to be a jam seller, which you could have done it for your FIL.


This! She lasted longer on Suits than she did in The British Royal Family. So freaking pathetic! 😂🤣😂


I remember seeing something about her having, on average, 90 seconds on each episode.


Based on the 138 minutes figure quoted in the post, across 108 episodes, I make it 77 seconds. Though perhaps the 90 secs figure excluded episodes she didn't appear in.


Figuring time for commercial breaks in the average hour-long episode, her participation in “her“ show was all of about 2% total airtime. Hank, you ignorant slut. ![gif](giphy|8cVraaL8lrUg8)


I have only watched a few episodes of Suits and I knew that Meghan was not one of the top "stars" of the show, but I had no idea her part was so small!


>but I had no idea her part was so small! Which makes her more pathetic, in interviews where she's praised for her "busy" workload and having "lots of lines to learn" and she smiles and says nothing... because she's too ashamed to admit that she only had a few lines LITERALLY in each episode 😂.


Fantastic fact. This means over the 134 episodes she aired just over 1 minute per episode. Not really the ‘My Show’ star that she would have the non sinners believe?




Well it explains why she was number 6 and why she can only work an hour a week. That isn't what I call an acting career that to me sounds like a spare character who really has no value or cred for a major role. Now we can all see why she never took off in hollywood hahahaha damm she is really a laughing stock even more so now


#Glorified Extra!


That is just under 20 minutes a year, and given that each season had more than 10 episodes per season, that’s not even 2 minutes per episode. Can this be correct? Because if there were some storylines focused around her character, it seems a bit off (meaning she then would have to not appear at all or only in passing for a significant amount of other episodes).


I watched one or two seasons after they got married (kinda lost interest, but the first season is cute). I have a vague impression that her character was presented as more important to the plot than she ended up being, although I didn’t watch all the seasons. I would guess the audience responded more strongly to Donna (the redhead) and Louis Litt (the bald guy) as supporting characters, because they were both pretty engaging.


They didn't get married until season six or something!


Was she even in every single episode? Because that would maybe explain it.


Yeah, I mean that’s the most logical reason. If she wasn’t in every episode, then she had more time in the episodes in which she actually appeared. But if that’s the case, it’s like even worse - her claim to ‘fame’ is a basic cable show, and she was not even a main character but a supporting character that didn’t even appear regularly? No wonder I had no idea who she was before she started dating Harry. ETA: This makes Harry even stupider, especially because he went on and on about her being a big star, and I don’t even think that was put on.


Harry is a complete moron. **She probably told him "It's the biggest show in USA..." and he thought she meant the country, not the cable network!** 🙄🙄


Genuinely he was absolutely *desperate*. Pathetically *desperate* to get married.  He believed his income would skyrocket if he married and had a family and he believed he would be treated with "greater respect" ie just like William was.   He'd run off any decent British woman either by meeting or their male relations warning the ladies off.  He was not wanted.


She was in 108 of the 134 episodes in the series.


So I'm looking into this because the above fact seems to be made up (google it and only this post comes up). Her character was written out before the series ended, so actually I *think* the 108 number is a reflection of every time her name is in the opening credits. 108 would be the number of episodes of the first 7 seasons, and not necessarily every episode she was *actually in* (the season's opening credits don't change each episode to reflect if an actor isn't in that particular episode). So she probably wasn't featured all 108 times. Still, 138 minutes seems pretty low for 7 seasons, even for a minor character, so I stand by my opinion this tweet is an exaggeration. ETA: I've never seen any of Suits, so I don't have a firsthand account of how much or little she was on it. I did however watch all of Aly McBeal, and I remember Lisa Nicole Carson (who played Aly's roommate) was always in the opening credits even though she was not in every episode, since most scenes took place in the workplace/court, not Ali's apartment.


I got the 108 from the Suits Wiki and it’s also what’s listed on her IMDb. I’ve never seen the show either and definitely not willing to watch to see when Meg shows up. 😂 https://suits.fandom.com/wiki/Meghan_Markle https://m.imdb.com/name/nm1620783/ Edit- I think you’re right about the credits versus actually appearances- LNC is credited for 91 episodes of Ally McBeal out of 112.


So 80%


>Was she even in every single episode? There were many she never appeared in.


This explains all the overseas trips, altruistic or otherwise but how did she get a free house and huge salary for so little work?


There were many episodes where she never appeared though.


How much was she paid per episode?


If you believe the rubbish about her being a 'multimillionaire' with about 4 or 5 million $$$ to her name, then roughly the equivalent of what someone like Jen Anniston would command for the same amount of on screen time. It's all fantasy. She probably barely broke six figures a year, certainly for the first few years. There's no way she'd have walked away with even a million. Particularly as she was spending a huge amount on PR and likely even more keeping up with her much richer society pals in Canada. Then there's tax, lawyers etc. I think she was broke. Harry ended up being the meal ticket.


That net worth estimate comes from multiplying her final suits salary by the number of episodes she was in. The funny part is that according to that number she has a higher net worth than her co-stars with bigger careers before suits.


Exactly. The math ain't mathing Rachel.


It’s also not the media strong suit. They let her get away with those numbers.


Rachel and math don't get along. Just look at their annual expenses and lack of steady income.


If you're right then she definitely was a prost- I mean, yacht girl.


The most logical explanation of all.




Lol was she ever documented traveling to Dubai btw?


According to some youtubers, yes. A few times.




I always was curious how she could afford all of the travel she seemed to be doing. Her housing expenses were nil because she lived with a guy, but someone else had to be picking up her travel expenses


For sure she grifted many of those trips as a tagalong. That's why she ingratiated herself to people like Jess Mulroney, Sophie Trudeau and other mega rich types. Freebie holidays on private jets, yachts etc. Gave her a taste of the high life. She wasn't gonna give that up. She just needed to get her claws into someone wealthier than poor old Cory to fund it once she got written out of Suits. Also she used The Tig and her PR contacts to blag absolutely anything she could get her hands on. That's when she wasn't stealing it lol. I'd say a huge amount still went on frivolous shit and PR though.


I've heard someone (HG?) say they believe she never visited some of the places she blogged about on the Tig.


Oh interesting! Wouldn't surprise me. A couple were definitely yachting hols, but, unusually, no one else in the pics. Almost as if she didn't want anyone to know who was actually with lol.


‘… no one else in the pics…’ :: Isn’t that what she did on that resort getaway? Hmm… I’m not surprised by anything she does. 😵‍💫


Makes sense.


$5M net worth, yet (as far as I know, and I believe this is accurate) did not even own a house (or car?). Sure.


That number was easily discounted. Her salary was public. And she had huge outgoings for PR, photographers, travel etc. So definitely not net worth.


Tw is like an athlete who gets paid millions, but still ends up broke


Before TW got married, she'd have a few million. Could've bought a small place since men were picking up her tab . She's got nothing to show for it. I'm sure tw used thw $$$ for PR, sunshine Sachs... . Tw, may get some $$$, now due to streaming residuals. But tw wasn't main character of show. Also TW & Plank spend like billionaires.


I don't know but it wasn't anything near to the $50K that the Sours like to claim. She was on the little known Suits on a basic cable channel; not some super popular HBO show like True Blood or AMC's Breaking Bad. I bet even the main cast of Dexter, made more money than the entire cast of Suits.


It makes me very curious because she seemed to live a very expensive life


Yeah, she travelled a lot and she's got expensive tastes. Plus she had to pay Sunshine Sachs their fees as well, because she'd signed up with them during this period.


SS only came on board for her in early 2014. That would be the fourth season of Suits. As with everything about her, her travels were highly inflated. She also used The Tig to get discounts and comps at hotels and restaurants.


Correction: The Halfwit paid the SS fees.


All she needed was a green screen and appropriate clothing and voila Meg's is on some exotic island.


Apparently she bled her dad dry asking for $ for these trips, too.


Suits didn't have that kind of budget. They couldn't afford to film in NY. They're not shelling out for a glorified extra!


Her last season or two was $50,000 per episode. Someone in the industry say she probably started at $5,000 to $10,000.


50k is a lot for that kind of screen time, isn't it? I'm not in this industry


For a regular recurring character who is on their 6th season with a show it’s probably normal.


I thought I saw the figure $175K per episode during last couple of seasons thrown around but that doesn't seem right at all if she had such a small part.


Where have you seen $175k per episode? I’ve only ever seen $50k as her top salary?.


Megalomaniac’s pay was probably increased for off-screen services!


Wonder what the total hours were for her official engagements for the RF. We know her preparation for them was limited to non-existent. She knew better, after all.


I don’t know about hours, but I believe she only “worked” 72 days, or similar.


yes 100% true! Meghan Markle was not a main character in suits, she was not even in every single episode. She wasn't high up in the office heirarchy, she was quite a low level employee compared to all the rest of the main characters who were actual partners and practising lawyers. Mike, Harvey, Jessica, Louis, Donna, Robert, Sheila and Katrina are all characters that were way more important than her and had more dialogues than her. Meghan Markle's character Rachel had 0 important or memorable dialogues in the whole show, she mainly had 'steamy' scenes with Mike and her storylines were so boring about their 'relationship', she barely did much in the office compared to anyone else. Every other character I have listed had important, memorable dialogues, some of the best speeches that are empowering and super interesting storylines and amazing cases & even important courtroom scenes. Meghan's character had none of that compared to them, she was more the 'sex' object, so her role and character were not special, she never once captivated the audience with a meaningful dialogue. I LOVED suits! But, I can definitely tell you Meghan Markle's character was nothing major. Which is why I was so disappointed with Meghan Markle as a person after she showed who she truly is to the world, at first I was excited to see her join the Royal Family as I'd seen her on Suits, but now one of my favourite shows I can never rewatch because I can't stand to see her face playing Rachel anymore.


I thought of her as the sex stand-in. She and Abigail Spencer were more than willing to strip and do the sex scenes, saving the classier actresses like Gina Torres and Sarah Rafferty from the indignity.


More probably ended up on the cutting room floor.


Her acting made it unsalvageable.


But, but, but.... She's the star of the show!!! ![gif](giphy|l41Yo6YY1KpvqkL3G)


I watched a few episodes last year when visiting my father. He and his wife had started watching it, so I was pretty much corralled in. It's a pleasant-enough law-firm based night-time soap opera. She was barely in the episodes I saw at all - very much blink-and-you'll-miss-it moments.


And making if your entire identity for decades to come 🙄


Well there is the soap commercial we are just now hearing about. /s


Shocking that she didn't feel like an object, considering most scenes involved getting down and dirty.


Sooo, she was also a Spare?


The Queen of embellishment. Trying to impress the public that she’s Hollywood star. When you look at facts she’s a laughing stock.


One reason Harry thought she was the star of Suits is that she claimed it was difficult to see him during a Suits filming period because she had to be on set five days a week. Bollocks, but she was on set more often than she needed to be and doing god knows what while she was there.


And those were the longest 138 minutes in television history


As writer Tina Brown famously put it "Meghan went from being sixth on the call sheet on Suits to being sixth on the call sheet for the monarchy". Meghan just didn't want to realize she was in a similar situation but on a much grander global scale.


And it's the worst 2 hours of the show.


And she referred to it as “my show” and didn’t correct anyone who referred to her as a “star of Suits.”


Oh my days, she carries on like she’s the greatest actress that ever actress’d and all the while she only added up 2 hours? I fell about laughing!


if true, it explains a lot.


They aren't called "quickies" for nothing. https://i.redd.it/erl58cu9qy8d1.gif


She likes to act as if she was the main character, the star of the show. She was barely in it. Made a decent living and was lucky to have it.


I used to watch Suits on Netflix until the storyline got so ridiculous. Never noticed her in Suits.


So was she the character that brought the T and A? Because . . . yikes.


I believe this. She wasn't a main character.


That long? Wow. She was obviously dedicated. /s


Hmm. I wonder if there are out-takes. Either she had more scenes but they got cut. Or the writers and other actors were pleased to really limit MM's on-screen appearances. One of these days, I hope there are more tell-alls. Could also be, "meh, she was so BORING that it wasn't worth filming her."


Averaged 2 minutes an episode


On the plus side, she didn’t have to rehearse or ’get into character’ as she was only being herself in front of the camera (from what I’ve seen of her in ‘real life’ footage).


And still managed to be the most hated of the whole cast.


138 minutes too much screen time - and that's worth $50000 per episode, according to her idiot fans.


138 mins over her 108 episodes is LESS than 90 SECONDS per episode. Well done, Briefcase Girl.


She got good money for that short time. We can say a lot about her but you can’t take away her time on suits.


Sure we can because she is pretending she was the star. She achieved far more than most actresses but still nothing close to A-list like she retcons to people. She is not claiming "I was lucky to make a living as an actress for a decade" she is claiming she was a star. She most certainly was not.


She was never the star. She can pretend all she wants the show is available for those who want to watch. She is a hot girl with a small role. People who believe everything people tell them are already idiots and there is not educating them. Oh well


Thank you for my newest new word via SMM, here's my 5 bucks.![img](emote|t5_481xkf|25357) https://preview.redd.it/fn9gcfjh8y8d1.jpeg?width=1886&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9e9f3fa29634a666ca97cf12f85db47649282b59