• By -


Key word WAS. Will never ever be beloved ever again. The RF in hind sight very lucky the gruesome twosome did what they have done early on. Imagine having to deal with them as working royals at least we see how Harkles wife is pure evil.


I for one, am grateful to MM for shining a light on what a total douche she married. Haz was only beloved because the world did not know the truth about him. They are a match made in hell. Good riddance.


Happy Cake Day and I agree with your assessment. Harold was always a horrible human. But he had the excellent services of the Palace PR team until he escaped to "freedom" and proceeded to reveal his real character to the world.


And for being dears about the trash taking itself out. They could've done a heck of a lot more damage from within. Catherine was the best thing to happen to the monarchy in the 21st century, but Megxit is a close second!


The Queen said skank was evil


The queen wasn't stupid.


Skank thought she was


And how did that work out for her?! šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Rachel couldn't hide the fact that she was a narc troll who wanted money and to exploit the BRF. Rachel never cared about working and convinced Haz to run away from the BRF.


He was the spare until another heir was born but he did have a big role to play. He could have been like Princess Anne or Prince Edward but he wanted all the glory but none of the work so he walked away. Itā€™s a good job he walked as after he married it was never going to work out for him.


He doesn't want to work. He fancies himself much too important. šŸ™„šŸ¤”


Harry really is the most dim clod. Hereā€™s a man who had every single advantage in life - even despite whispers of his unsavoury character and behaviour here and there, he was generally liked by the majority and had relatively favourable press coverage prior to Meghan. Then he let himself be caught in her web because he was thinking with the wrong head. Now look at him and how he allowed himself to be used and manipulated to hurt his family in the name of her ego. What a tool. šŸ™„


His biggest advantage was the men in grey suits shielding us all from what he really was. A stupid, spoilt brat.


The men in grey suits that he rewarded by giving them insulting nicknames in his book, like "The Wasp." He's too stupid to realise how much they helped him all that time.Ā 


I cannot possibly imagine all that we have \*not\* head about his gross behavior.


I'm ready for it all to come out.Ā  Someone PLEASE be the first brick to fall.Ā 


>Hereā€™s a man who had every single advantage in life As a victimhood specialist this is precisely what he doesn't see.


THIS. We keep talking about them not having any marketable skills, but they do! Victim hood specialists! That's what they are and I love that for them.




Spare really shined a light on his entitlement. He is either unable or unwilling to see the good things and just complains about everything. Behind every silver lining he finds a cloud. It's hard to say how much he was like this pre-Meghan, but certainly we get a glimpse into his mind now.


I donā€™t think Harry was allowed to put a single positive thought or anecdote about his family in Spare, it would affect the victim and saviour narrative.


Arthur Edwards looks so sad and obviously misses times past. I donā€™t believe that Harry hated his time doing royal duties. You canā€™t fake that happiness with kids etc.


I find that strange though seeing how Arthur was one of the people Harry, as a *Full Grown Man* walked up to and smeared purple paint all down his head.Ā Ā  He had some beef with Arthur and so during a painting exercise with some kids Harry decided to do that to a grown man in front of children.Ā  This was pre-megain as well. ETA: I wrote this *before* I watched the video which does actually mention this exact incident.Ā  I'd heard Arthur mention it before no where near as jovial as he is now. He called prince harrt an out right prick then. So while he seems quite the nive man I don't get what he's playing at with retconning Harold into something innocuous and innocent which he never was.


Heā€™s a festering carbuncle of resentment. Entirely mood dependent.


"They are nit hives Kim, they're welts; from my carbuncles!" -Shaz




WOW! I have never heard this story! Just wow.




You can find video online. Harry just put a handprint on his bald head.




It's still incredibly juvenile especially in front of kids. And for how sensitive he was about it he totally went there for his brother. That makes him a more selfish prick


What a role model. šŸ™„šŸ™„šŸ™„


Imagine how many things the RF and the palace is hiding from us about Prince Harry that we donā€™t know about him. Meghan deserves Harry and all the shit he is putting her through.


Oh there is SO much shit we haven't heard.


What??? When, in the SA tour??? May I have some tea please?


Wow. That's horrible. Grow UP Harry!


That was a lovely video. Thanks for posting! The stuff about Charles was very interesting, and his observations about Harry add a dimension that we could easily forget. The anecdote I found most interesting was the one about Harry being aware that his hair was thinning even before Meghan came along. Where does this fit in with his snark about William going bald? If it was happening to him also, why would Harry have bragged that he was not losing his hair but William was? Something just doesnā€™t track. Then there was the description of Harry actually doing things with and for children and young people in developing countries, and his obvious enjoyment being with people (which we have all seen in pictures) and his closeness with his brotherā€¦ How much of that can have been an act? Harry today seems a horrible human being, but the earlier Harry seemed quite the opposite. Much was hidden, of course, but what was seen by Arthur Evans was there also. It wasnā€™t an act. Makes you wonder how all that was best about a person can go wholly dormant and only the worst remain.


I was listening in my ear pods at work to a YT channel maybe real housewives recap that the crew on set of her cooking pilot dubbed her double Dutch for having dual personalities. One she presents to those she thinks she can get something from and the other **real** side of her that presents to those who are of no use, or in the devaluation process. I think Harry is much the same. He has real mental health issues that canā€™t be hidden though and has always managed to escape even palace PRs control.


River said that about the Double Dutch nickname in the last week or so.


Yes river! Thatā€™s who it was.


I suspect heā€™d already been encouraged to have transplants, and thought theyā€™d be successful. Much like everything else.


Either he was counting on hair loss treatment being effective, or he was having a sort of ā€œcognitive dissonance moment.ā€ Harry seems to be able to believe two contradictory ā€œfactsā€ at the same moment, so possibly he didnā€™t connect his earlier-stage gradual hair loss with his brotherā€™s more advanced balding. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


I mean ā€” i think itā€™s really possible he has some real mental health issue. Bipolar disorder or Borderline Personality disorder. He can feel empathy/goodness on one side of the spectrum and when treated // but otherwise he is just a hot mess.


I donā€™t think Harryā€™s behavior fits bipolar, but he definitely has some real mental health issues. My guess is he may have been under treatment and the right medication at least part of the time when he was a well-liked, occasionally useful individual. Now he is self-medicating with all the wrong stuff and being led by Meghan.


Its entirely possible Harold was doing well for a while because he was getting regular therapeutic help and support from proper medications. He could be dealing with serious mental health issues, but like his mother,Ā  he prefers to go to psychics and find people who will tell him *HE'S* fine and right and *it's everyone else that is wrong*.Ā  Ā  It's the only thing I can think of that explains the wild shifts in his behaviour and demeanour over past years vs now. Also why Catherine and William were always at his side. Ultimately he just didn't want to do the hard work that's required for achieving lifelong mental health. He refused to do it for the good relationships he was in. In TW he found his mother.Ā  Someone who told him there is nothing wrong with him and that it is everyone else that is wrong.Ā Ā  Diana's motivation was likely the same as her own mothers was about her. "There is nothing wrong with MY child" as in their mind that's a reflection on them.Ā Ā  It's why Diana's fought hysterically, (her words) to ensure Hawwy went to Eton. The pattern is likely repeating with their kids now. If they have any learning difficulties etc the Todgers will think it's part of the conspiracy to undermine them as a couple.


Meghan would go bonkers if one or both of her kids has a learning disability. She could not handle that.


In Spare Harold tries to paint William as his arch-nemesis early on in the book but then goes on multiple times to confide in his brother. Nothing tracks in that book. It comes across sometimes like he's trying to convince himself life was so unfair back then and everyone was against him, so he had to do what he did. Or someone has convinced him of that.


Meghanā€™s fingerprints are all over Spare.


It was so poignant listening to Edwards reminisce about Harry's positive qualities. People like to think he's always been a total cretin, but clearly that is not true if Edwards is to be believed.


This Harry has always been the Harry deep down. Dysfunctional, low IQ, mentally and emotionally unstable, greedy, jealous, drug addled. Meghan just enabled the hidden Harry to emerge from behind the palace protection and PR he had. His security detail seems to have been more to clean up after Harry and to protect the public from Harry more than protecting Harry himself. A non Royal Harry wouldā€™ve been kicked out of school, homeless, in prison or have died of alcoholism, overdose, an accident or homicide long ago.


Honestly Iā€™m hoping William will clean up the RFā€™s act when heā€™s Monarch. Enough is enough.


sisnobody : šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘


Listen Iā€™ve never given any passes to Harry. Meghan isnā€™t blood to BRF BUT **HARRY** is. Itā€™s like blaming the mistress while making excuses for the husband because he was seduced into it. Naw I think heā€™ll find he wonā€™t be afforded a pardon by 99% of his family either. No quarters and checkbooks slammed shut,


Letā€™s see him try and wheedle Peter Phillips. He wouldnā€™t dare.


Truth. Peter is Princess Anne's son after all. Both he and Zara are somewhat in awe of their mother (as they should be). Any rapprochement with his treasonous cousin would not best please the Princess Royal, who is her father's daughter after all. Even Harry must be smart enough not to try and do an end-around with Anne's family. Markle should be terrified of her after the slick as shit body block she put on her that time Harry's wife tried to get next to HLMTQ on the balcony. Anne also straight up said on the record that Markle would suck at royaling and she was dead right.


Heā€™s also the very first grandchild of the TLQ, and PP. Special to them in a personal way - not a PR conflagration of bullshittery and covering up the drama with the cheeky fella. I believe you are correct that The Princess Royalā€™s children are very much a product of how they were brought up, and due to their influences. No child, of any age, couldā€™ve cared more deeply, or honoured her mother more sincerely, nobly, and deeply as Princess Anne did. She was magnificent.


I saw a video of Princess Anne when the late Queen left Balmoral for the final time in a casket. Anneā€™s face was absolutely grief stricken and she gave her mother a very deep curtesy. She was, without a doubt, the son Prince Philip always wanted and the daughter the Queen always needed.


Plus Peter was very close to Prince Philip. Ā He canā€™t be pleased with how Harold behaved while Philip was dying.Ā 


If this goddess was my other I would be so happy. https://preview.redd.it/22cqj7unh19d1.jpeg?width=297&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c0a082664a3f86109d68c9758722f5b26cefb40f


Captain MP really fumbled, but it's Tim's gainĀ 


He still cries about his necklace snatching incident so much that he *wrote about it in his published waghmoire* heā€™s a coward


Such a great interview by Kinsey Schofield. The Meghan Markle commentary starts around 7:30. "Meghan was controlling everything."


Megsisnuts is quite skilled in taking charge and being in control. She single handedly controlled the most rapid and significant drop in popularity of any celebrity couple in history. From being heroine to villain in record time. Bravo


Not only did Meghan Markle ensure a dramatic drop in popularity for the Harkles. She did it while spending at least 50 million over the last 4 years, thus bringing Harry close to bankrupcy.


Gives credence to the statement, "A fool and his money are soon parted."


Youā€™re too kind by calling him a fool. He doesnā€™t come close to that levelšŸ˜‚


If all of the Village Idiots moved into their own village, Harry would be their Village Idiot.


Even better. She blew through $50MM while still being able to go from 100 to 0 in a nanosecond. Thatā€™s real talentšŸ‘¹


She has the ShiteDas Touch.


I laughed so hard i just spat food out of my mouth!![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Heheee this is why I wear a bib and have windscreen wipers for my laptop.


Great idea! Think I'll also wear a diaper - when I piss myself from laughing so hard


Was he the "beloved Prince"? Following Spare, I distinctly remember a lot of people saying they had been tired of his antics for a long time before that.


His family may forgive. That is up to them as a family. They also have a business and it will NEVER be forgotten by the world. They are liabilities in more than one wayā€¦.


I defended Harry earlier today. That he was an idiot, but still a victim of a succubus. That I felt more pity than contempt towards him. The contempt quotient has increased.


![gif](giphy|11tTNkNy1SdXGg) As well it should. Zero pass from me. Heā€™s responsible for so much bad stuff itā€™s unbelievable. Iā€™m glad itā€™s all coming out now. Heā€™s NOT a victim. Heā€™s a perpetrator.


You are just a nice person.


Aww, you are a nice person!


Thanks my dear here's some cute bunny. https://i.redd.it/1lkmx1pml19d1.gif


A marriage can ruin your life or it can also flourish your life, depends on the partner you choose. Just look at Dianna ā€˜s boys. Rest my case. There was a time i believed Harry is the one with problem, the last book of Meghan ( endgame) gave everyone a clear picture. She is the problem. He is too, SHE IS THE PROBLEMā€¼ļø I donā€™t think they realize what they did to Harryā€™s family, they tried to annihilate them with the unproven accusations of racism. Meghan said ,Harry told her they are. The queen heard this and like after a month or so her husband died, they donā€™t feel, they donā€™t understand, if they do... they would stop harassing the family with this olive branch shit. They donā€™t understand the pain they put Harryā€™s family through. It is Meghan and Harryā€™s world , only their pain their mental health matters. It is Harryā€™s and Meghanā€™s world . The public , the royals , the indigenous people of Congo, Harryā€™s childhood friends, Mr. Thomas Markle.... we all are living in it , for their pleasure , abuse , whatever they want . Narcissism on steroids. God help us .


He really is a traitorous little gobshite. The facts that are coming out about his abhorrent behaviour beggar belief. The men in grey suits did an outstanding job of keeping his image acceptable but now we see him as he is. He has a perpetual scowl and is obviously pissed off with the world. I feel sorry for people like Arthur who has been witness to hasnoā€™s fall. He thinks the world owes him everything with him not being required to give anything in return, not even the RF think that. In some ways the men in grey suits must be relieved to no longer have to babysit him and keep bad stories out of the media.


When will this stop. No Balls Harry has been a bastard his entire life... misogynist, racist, animal abuser (kicked his pregnant horse to death), addict, dumb as a box of rocks, disloyal, jealous cry baby always. He passed high school because teachers couldn't not pass the dimwit. Too stupid to get into university. He wasn't liked in school and his friends were aristocrats who shared his fuckupery. The "high class" friends were really Williams. His "service" in Africa was another PR campaign -- he was accused to brutal cruelty to animals there. HIs present day lack of action re the parks scandal and lack of acknowledgement abt real issues people face in Nigeria -- perfect litmus tests to showcase how he really feels abt Africa. He went into the military as part of a PR campaign to restore his image (drunken bouts, Nazi uniform, public outbursts). He played video games in his tent, he wasn't qualified to fly a chopper. His whereabouts supposedly "leaked" so he had to pulled out ("for the safety of his fellow soldiers). Likely, he was pulled out because there were complaints, and he served long enough to accomplish the obj of helping create the desired image. Megsisnuts is her own kind of wretchedness -- but so is he. They are examples of optics -- appearances -- surface projection. But because he doesn't have the Palace managing his public image, and Ms Genius is managing that for both of them -- they are exposed to be the vapid empty vessels they truly are


He was pulled out because his presence got two Americans killed and cost US taxpayers millions of dollars in the attack on Camp Bastion.Ā  On Friday, Sept. 14, 2012, a Taliban insurgent force of sappers carried out an attack on Camp Bastion, the NATO ISAF base in Afghanistan, resulting in the worst loss of U.S. airpower in a single incident since the Vietnam War. Two Marines, including VMA-211ā€™s commanding officer, were killed in the attack, and nine other personnel (eight military and one contractor, reportedly) were wounded. By the time the base was secured roughly five hours later, six U.S. Marine Corps (USMC) AV-8B+ Harrier ā€œjump jetsā€ had been destroyed, and two more ā€œsignificantlyā€ damaged. In addition, three refueling points were destroyed, and six ā€œsoft-skinnedā€ aircraft hangers were damaged to some degree. As a result of this attack, the air strength of Marine Attack Squadron 211 (VMA-211 ā€“ ā€œThe Avengersā€) presumably 10 aircraft, was almost completely destroyed. Killed during the attack were Lt. Col. Christopher ā€œOtisā€ K. Raible, USMC (the commander of VMA-211) and Sgt. Bradley W. Atwell (from Marine Air Logistics Squadron 13) - thanks to an APACHE CREWMAN (not pilot) Captain Harry Wales.Ā  He is a disgrace to his country, his comrades, the UK & US militaries, to anyone who has ever served honorably, to the legacies of those in his family, to everyone he served with & to the memories of those two dead Americans.Ā Ā 


Thank you for this! Omg. I Fā€¢CKING HATE HIM MORE NOW. He deserves every bit of whatā€™s coming for him. ![gif](giphy|eJYCWZtDqyxuyM2Zhj)


Honestly that just makes me sit here and cry.


Me too.Ā 


Agree. We have our fun making jabs and snarks ā€” but they donā€™t reflect the true gravity and brevity of the sustained damage these two imbeciles wreak on anyone remotely within range of their poison


Wow! Add this to my ever expanding list of reasons why i love this subšŸ‘


Don't forget, Our Hero Harry slept through the entire attack. What a shit.


Wow. Just Wow.


I agree with you. He makes me imagine very special ways to deal with him. \*goes off to watch more Saw films


Best thing that's going to happen to Haznoballs and Megsisnuts is they ultimately fade from public view. Their 15 minutes felt like a heart transplant with no anesthesia


With all due respect to Arthur...Meghan may have appeared great at the beginning, but we know now that was only an act, so things really didn't change. And Harry didn't suddenly change into a different person when Meghan came along...he revealed who he really was in his book when he talked about how he made fun of a school matron's disability. I think Arthur has an idea of who Harry was before Meghan that's really wishful thinking.Ā 


The Meghan Mason cult of 2.


Exactly my thoughts as well. I wonder how the Manson family members would be described before meeting Charlie? Would they have been well liked, popular, fun loving, upstanding people ? Or were there signs of personality disorders in their past as well?


Brain washing is a powerful thing, many people are susceptible to it. The Manson members would probably have been normal people if they had not met Manson. I was in an abusive relationship with a narcissist, your thoughts are not your own anymore. Harry believes he is thinking for himself but they are actually Markles thoughts and the words he speaks are Markles. She is like a brain parasite or akin to a vampire. Professor of psychology Sam VakninĀ has helped me understand the cult of the narcissist. He's on YT.


I don't think this can be posted anywhere because it's not specific to the BRF or SMM but Taylor Swift has some very substantial donations to food banks in the UK, could someone send it to Misan Harriman, since he's so pressed about people going to her concerts. https://people.com/taylor-swift-donation-helps-uk-food-banks-8669288


I imagine there will be a number of jars of jam being donated in the coming months as well


No thanks, you have no idea whether it's been prepared in a sanitary manner, sterilized jars, or even the ingredients. Hard pass. šŸ˜¬


When I was pregnant I kept getting jars of homemade jam from nice, well-meaning people (Iā€™m not sure why). But since I wasnā€™t sure how well they had sterilized the jars, etc., I thanked them profusely and then put the jars straight in the trash when I got home.


That's funny, I mean did they think, "Oh, this girl **needs jam**. I agree with you, unless you know the person well enough to know that *they* know how to process it properly, I'm sorry but I'm not going to eat it. Especially if you're pregnant or have an immune system issue.


Not Meme's.Ā  It will be KCIII's jams.Ā 


William upgraded to Mike Tindall and Peter Phillips filling that brotherly role and Harry and his mommy issues got Diana's Single-SometimesWhite-Female stalker. From the future king's former spare who could've been just as vital as Princess Anne, to his gold digging wife's court jester in just four short years. Good job, Hazbeen!


This is related to this post and hope someone with posting privileges will post! https://youtu.be/6-mWpqz1dIE?si=6DrcoXLTvpvvp9g5


This was posted 4 days ago https://www.reddit.com/r/SaintMeghanMarkle/s/82Via0thHR


Run time is 21 minutes.Ā 


She: I don't want to spend too much time talking about Harry... Him: takes the whole segment to talk about him ![gif](giphy|qN8mwUPAt7gByge3W1|downsized)


Diana's wish was that her sons would always be close and that Harry would always be there to support his older brother for the weighty responsibility that lay ahead But of course all this changed when Meghan communed with the ghost of Diana. Diana told Meghan that she wanted Harry to do whatever Meghan told him to do, from this day forth.


That was a really interesting interview.


I wonder if he ever relayed that to Markleā€¦that upon marrying, she too would be supporting William (and Catherine) more so when he took the Throne? Or was it a ā€˜givenā€™? I expect she readily agreed to anything to get that ring on her finger. Edited - I expect, if heā€™d married a ā€˜niceā€™ lady, he would have been the life-long support as he originally ā€˜promisedā€™.


Well, no nice lady would have married him. The fact that Markle was all he could get tells me everything I need to know about his true self.


I do wonder what the BRF thought would happen to H before M slithered in. Did they think heā€™d find a decent woman to marry? Did they know no decent woman would ever marry him?


I love Arthur! What a gentleman this guy is.


Oh baloney!! H was always a spoiled, arrogant dumb ass. He was a pain in the neck and made everyone's life dreadful if he didn't get his way. They placated him and pat him on the head and sent him along. He was always jealous of his brother. Support him? That's a joke. Someday William will probably look back and see that as hard as this has been, it was what was needed to finally get him free of H. He would have turned his vitriol on George as he got older and anyone else who got the attention he thought he deserved.


I'm guessing you didn't actually listen, because the words in the title are words that Mr. Edwards used in relation to Harry's appeal while he was closely aligned with his brother, and Harry himself said that it was his job to support Prince William. There was a window of opportunity for Harry, after Prince William wed Catherine TPOW, where he played his role and still enjoyed popularity (despite his shadiness which was successfully overshadowed for a few years pre-Meghan Markle). He has utterly destroyed that opportunity by marrying Meghan Markle. That's the point. We all agree that he is and always has been a spoiled brat but that isn't the topic of this post, nor is it a defense of Harry by me or Mr. Edwards.


No I didn't listen. Sorry, but I think I know Mr. Edwards views regarding Harry. He is still regretting the past and remembering his lovely boy (or words to that effect). I feel sorry for Mr Edwards, his grief is apparent and obviously sincere, but I can't listen to him anymore.


Arthur Edward was a believer as a result of the excellent PR job that the palace did on Harry. He saw what everyone saw and made excuses for him when Harry was moody or out of sorts. Harry was guided every step of the way. On engagements he always had someone to cheer him, hold him up, warn him about his moods. When he married those people stepped away or were ordered away. She played on his deficiency, gave him drugs, allegedly, and controlled him as a narcissist does. He became mean, criminal, vile, unstable, and treasonous that not only came naturally but was aggravated by his intake of substances and the wiles of an evil person. This will not end well. Not for anyone in that circle. It will end by a shock to thr world




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