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The Dead Mummy Tour continues, despite no ticket sales.


https://preview.redd.it/geccp76c619d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e606818c80a61ed19bd462a70b8ffad9e3f60872 You’re not the only who lost their mother, Haz.


Harry has been talking about his grief for nearly 30 years and it's not working. It hasn't healed him. All the talking about losing his mother is still eating at him. He only wants to influence young people with his failed advice because he has no job, no skills, no intellect......all's he has is his mommy complex. He can't even influence his own children to talk about anything because they're kept as prisoners. Harry is a fraud.


Dining out on Diana is what Harry does


He has nothing else. His stupid wife has proven herself a joke and a burden. He introduced that wench to IG and it's killing the brand. He has no employable smarts. Momma's boy is all he's got.


>Momma's boy is all he's got. You got that right. That's all the wife thinks he's good for and has reduced him to, making her glow through his mother's aura. He never spoke or whined so much about his mother before Meghan Markle's appearance.


he really doesnt have any skills or hobbies. At least Charles loves his trees and his garden and takes great pride in that. Wtf does hairless do ? I truly wonder what a day in his life is like


He drinks and takes drugs. And games, apparently. Those could count as his hobbies.


We’ve actually seen Charles out in his wellies feeding his chickens and looking like he was enjoying every minute of it.


Talking about his dead mummy beings him lots of sympathetic attention. That's the only reason he does it. And he never talked like this about Diana until he met MM.


Charles could easily find a job farming organic foods, designing gardens, etc. He has skills. He built the Duchy of Cornwall from a failing enterprise into a billion dollar success. He could transfer those skills into a CEO position. What has h done or learned that could be transferred to a real job?


I know grief is different for everyone, but you can’t help compare how William has dealt with it all whenever Harry pipes up. Somehow, I feel more sorrow for William because of how he seems to have put it in a healthy place. He talks about her when asked or when he wants to but other than that he gets on with it. I don’t doubt that he still feels the loss very acutely, losing a parent in that way and at that age is unimaginable, but he clearly knows that resting in peace also has to do with the people left behind too. Harry seems to still not accept that his mum is dead and unfortunately isn’t going to come back. I can understand the desperate pain, of course i can, but I can’t understand why he still talks about it nearly 30 years later with the same bitterness and anger he always has. You can miss her, you can talk about her, but some significant acceptance should have happened by now. Keeping himself and her in this weird stasis is very very destructive, and we’re watching that in real time. No decent wife would help with that destruction with cruel tales of “your mum talks to me through yoga”. That’s so sick. It’s demented.


Harry’s grief has been all about himself. He has no compassion for the hurt he is inflicting on others now. He has done nothing for the people in African Parks or his own once loved family. He has done nothing to stop the Sussex Squad, he has let the conspiracies go wild but going back to African Parks, has he set up counselling for the hurt and bereaved, no, he has not even done anything to stop it.


William has done what a lot do if they lose a parent while still young…he finds joy in his own “new family” that he has created with Catherine. He remembers his mom fondly, and respects that she was human with all the flaws that most humans have, but that’s ok, he can still love her and learn from her. Harry cannot move past the initial grieving. He still has his mom on some kind of magical pedestal. He is not healthy, and the fact he believes he has valuable information to share with others in his position is just wrong. 


I'm sorry, no, I'm not. This isn't grief, it's greed. His actions have **nothing** to do with grief. "Grief" has become his**tool** to: a.) Gain sympathy b.) Gain attention c.) Earn money d.) Be relevant e.) Most importantly, **excuse his bad behaviors** My sister does this shit. It's vile and pathetic.


A long line of 'therapists' are making a packet from Harry. Perhaps if he was to consult a mainstream professionally qualified one, then things may be different. Alternatively a boot up the backside and a sharp talk about making money off his mother's death but that would leave him with just Invictus to moneterize.


Okay, the dead mommy tour made me laugh out loud


As someone who lost a parent to violent circumstances in my youth, I appreciate what he's saying. But that being said, I really don't think he's the right person to be giving advice about dealing with grief. He's still very much preoccupied with his mother, and still very angry over her death. It's clear he hasn't fully dealt with his grief, and I speak on this with my own experience in mind. I think he really ought to seek legitimate therapy for a long while before he tries to be some sort of motivational speaker.


I am not sure there is a therapist or a mental health professional alive that can help him or his wife.


Therapy only works if you are willing to work in order to heal. Deal with the oain and anger, let it work with you. If you understand what I mean, I'm not a native speaker of English


His advice is as useful as a chocolate teapot. Obviously, it’s not working so what is he even trying to share here? His failure dealing with his grief? Fk me sideways 🙄


>The Dead Mummy Tour continues And The Living Dummy is the lead singer 😂.


Heehee!!! 🤣😂🤭


And no venue.




The succubus.


She kinda looks like I pictured Voldemort.




She usually blinks like that when she’s mad. Was she was pissed off at her own spectacle of a wedding when she got all the attention she wanted?


I’m not sure. Maybe it’s stress??? What could she be mad at? She got a $32 mill wedding. Or was it $42 mill. Geez what a waste of money.


They should have just written her the $32M check and sent her packing. Easy to say in hindsight, I guess


Rumor is she wanted 100 mil from the Queen to leave Harry. The Queen said no and offered 10 mil. Rachel said no. The rest is history. Have no idea where this allegation came from but it was on this Reddit for awhile.


There’s no doubt in my mind that the gospel choir enraged her, but her commitment to cashing in on her brand new race card made it impossible to reject it.


And tw jaw twitches like crazy


I still can't get over her hair on her wedding day.


such a mess and it was even WORSE for the reception https://preview.redd.it/x6y39f7ww19d1.jpeg?width=920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d6d5d5564a889f68e92ab25b19b3c4457d0d2779


And holding up the hand to show the aquamarine ring! Such a poser!!


Looks like it went on a fox hunt and she picked it off a hedge


Duper's delight.


“I won” - the cat who got the cream….er…spoilt milk.


Seriously. Opens up? Like he's been quiet about it his whole life? I remember his remark to John Travolta at the Stupid Pilot Award - John danced with Diana once and has been dining out on it ever since. I never heard John talk about it (not that I follow his interviews), yet dining out on it. On the other hand - Harry is the one who is dining out on Diana and her memory. He is a one-trick pony and all he has is talk about his mother's death. He makes money out of it and drags her out anytime he needs some cash. And I wouldn't be surprised if he finds himself in some kind of a lawsuit. He is in no way capable or equipped to give any advice to grieving kids who lost their parent/s. I hope his mumbo-jumbo won't harm any kid in the process. If so, I would sue his hairy ginger ass.


Dining out, as per usual


OMFG, Harold. Enough. Find a new therapist, but stop feeding off the grief of others. Remember how you read the riot act to John Travolta for, as you so quaintly put it, “dining off Diana”?? Well, look in the mirror-you have been and are doing the same. Shut up and get help.


> Remember how you read the riot act to John Travolta for, as you so quaintly put it, “dining off Diana”?? Well, look in the mirror-you have been and are doing the same. This!!! Both Harry and Meghan are huge hypocrites. Harry accused Travolta of dining off Diana when he himself talks about Diana constantly. And Meghan accused her father of talking to the press when she and Harry continually talk to the press. *H.Y.P.O.C.R.I.T.E.S.!!!!!*


They project. When they say something about someone, you can bet they are doing it themselves.


Someone on here recently said: With narcs, an accusation is a confession.


That Travolta remark was insane. As if dancing with Diana was the high point of Travolta's wildly successful career. Oh, please Hazno....put on your dunce cap and go stand in the corner, like the idiot you are.


Exactly. The White House isn’t inviting a bunch of nobodies to the state dinners. He was a prominent actor before he even met Diana.


https://preview.redd.it/e68tfls7d19d1.jpeg?width=265&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=72f5c9efdeb4e14c5a33f6742e7898e945a71fac Another pic of Travolta in B&W in 1985, the year he danced with Diana


Ugh - he had to bring Travolta down in some way because he is a spiteful child … This comment was made at the aviation awards and John is a REAL pilot ![gif](giphy|26AHFomysg4oszdle)


He did the same thing at the NFL awards: "I really love how you stole rugby from us and you made it your own. Instead of passing it backwards, passing it forward. Why not wear pads and a helmet? Of course, have an offense and a defense, that makes sense. And why not take a breather every 15 seconds? “And you know what, instead of a 10-month season, let’s just make it 18 weeks. Genius!" I'm still angry that the NFL allowed that POS to announce the Walter Peyton award winner. It was like a slap to Cam Heyward and all the other nominees. 😠


IKR? I mean, LBH, if Travolta wanted her, he could have had her then. I didn’t even know he danced with her. It was a nothingburger. This was Travolta in 1985. He was gorgeous, much more gorgeous than Diana. https://preview.redd.it/tn2wq44uc19d1.jpeg?width=182&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9355dd0ec594ecc88d39371588f42f3a8f24d2ab


🎯 This ⬆️


He's been gnawing at dianas bones for decades now.


Travolta never had to "dine out" on his dance with Diana. He's been a major Hollywood presence for years. What a rude, entitled jerk to make a statement like that.


iamtheprariegypsy : YES!! 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏


*"...urges young people who have lost a parent to talk about their grief otherwise it 'will eat away' at them."* He talks and talks and talks about his mother's death--and still, it CONSUMES him.


He is in no position to give anyone advice about anything


Except how to entirely fuck up your own life


Exactly! Why are people treating him like he’s a licensed therapist?


Because he is drowning in his own guilt that he couldn’t be bothered to speak to her when she called him from Paris. It is literally eating him up from the inside out and there’s nothing he can do about it.


And he did the same with his grandmother when she invited them for tea only a week before she passed.


Nothing he can do about it Except make the rest of us suffer, most of all his own family, the BRF.


One day when he tries to called Archie and Lilibet and they dont pick up his call.


Harry is hardly a role model to be dispensing advice on losing a parent. He clings to her untimely death the same way a drowning man clings to a buoy.


This. I was taking with a good friend of mine the other day trying to convince her to get some help from a mental health professional, and explaining what was wrong with this outdating thinking. Her concern was "how is talking about it going to help?" and the short answer is it won't. Good, REAL therapy is not just talking in circles, it addresses distorted or unhelpful thinking and replacing it with more balanced and productive beliefs, and then learning as many skills as possible to emotionally regulate and move forward when you have tough moments. (Like missing a lost family member or being overwhelmed with anxiety or paranoia). There are concrete things to do in times of heightened distress that are backed by decades of scientific research. Having a chit chat and whining about things only leads to years upon years of a scam artist 'therapists' bleeding their patients dry and cashing in. This seems to be the kind of 'help' that H has surrounded himself with so he just keeps reliving the worst moments and making it his entire identity. He doesn't want to do the work or change, just get more attention from playing the victim.


I know people who have had a few sessions of therapy through the NHS but couldn't afford any more and it left them stuck even more in their victimhood because they never had a chance to move on...and they liked it! Harry has had years and years of therapy and goodness knows how many therapists but his victimhood is too precious to him.


It’s so tired at this point, the perpetual exploitation of others tragedy for his own PR


This is getting so boring. He isn’t even interesting to look at. He and the wife are so useless 😂


He’s playing to his only (perceived) strength. The dead mommy card expired years ago, Hairold’s the last to know.


He doesn't really have many cards to play, given that he never has had a full deck.... https://preview.redd.it/4jwachtjz09d1.png?width=833&format=png&auto=webp&s=224c43426a82a226ae87a0d76585866fa432ef2d


Omg, that is perfect, Von!


😀 oh snap!


He’ll be in a nursing home, a shrivelled husk of an old man and still telling the nurses about how his Mum died. Blaming the Paparazzi, and the nurses will probably go ‘Paparazzi? Didn’t that career come to an end when AI took over?’


He needs to let his mother rest in peace, for goodness sake


Haznone has tarnished Diana's memory more than the RF ever did.


Yes indeed, he won't let his mother rest in peace.


He has lived almost twice as long without her than with her. He needs to realize that moving on doesn't mean he has to forget.


Haz himself has said he doesn't even really have that many strong memories of her. He was young and he wasn't nearly as close to Diana as William was. He doesn't have much to forget...the loser just doesn't have anything else to offer the world than "woes is me, let's bond because I lost a parent when I was almost 13 and no one else in the world feels grief like I do."


He should talk about "dining off" of the memory of his mother; Travolta is owed a huge public apology. Diana's been dead for almost thirty years. Enough already.


That was monumentally rude. Appalling.


that was such a terrible bit he said about Travolta. Asshole.


I was in disbelief when I read what he said to Travolta after he sponsored Harry for that undeserved award. I'm still furious on John's behalf. Dining out on his mother's memory has literally been Harry's only marketable skill for more than two-thirds of his life.


The great thing though is Todger was acting as he always did and always got away with. But if I remember correctly Todger was sat with the 'rent a prince' Max something or other, and *not* at the head table as he thought he'd be (the expression on his face as he's seated is even better than at the Jubilee). So it's almost a certainly that the whole time he was there (alone for some reason) he just obsessed about what the cool kids at the head table were saying. They were saying you're a tosser and pathetic and no one cares about your crazy mummy anymore and THAT is YOUR FAULT!


The other honorees purportedly BOUGHT tables to the charity event so their friends & family could come. PH could have done the same... oh wait, didn't have any family or friends to invite. Think he sat at the organizations administrators table (in the very back since they're not the donors.)


That is the entire point of these fundraisers. Honorees are supposed to buy a table or two. Harry could have bought the table and given away the seats to employees. Even better, Air Force or navy VETERANS, since it was an aviation event. Harry probably didn’t know but James Holt should have.


Well I’m not furious. John Travolta and anyone and everyone who breathes the same air as H deserves what they get. Don’t be surprised when you go to pet the snake and the snake bites you. They have had plenty of warnings.


Wait, what? Harry's mother died??? /s https://i.redd.it/9kf56nbpy09d1.gif


It was a while ago. I think I saw something about it on the news.


That's the perfect response gif! 😂


We get your mom died, but she really should’ve put her seatbelt on. She would’ve survived like the other one that survived with his seatbelt on. Maybe you should talk about that the importance of wearing a seatbelt.


And not getting in a car with a drunk driver.


She may not have known the driver had been drinking, but the seatbelt is just a huge DUH.


This 💯!!!!! Or…how about talking about how his mum also died because of a DRUNK DRIVER! H is such a colossal moron - if there were ANY causes he and his pea-brained wife could be talking about, perhaps start with seatbelt safety and the dangers of driving under the influence. Team up with some established charities, learn how they are supposed to work, build up your CVs and put in some actual time and effort!


Oh you mean just like their wore their seatbelts in New York during that 250 mile an hour car chase? /s


Good point


H you need to start move on man, this was like 30 years ago, yes it hurts but to still be trying and get sympathy in your 40s?? He tells people to talk about it but he has been talking about it non stop and he hasn’t move on, so clearly he is not qualified to give advice.


Oh Harry. Friendly reminder that in 2017 H praised his big brother for being a "*huge* support" to him when H was struggling/repressing Diana's death. Fast forward to 2023...the trauma H experienced was "never discussed" and he didn't have "*any* support" around him: [https://x.com/hrrysgreysuit/status/1696843690658935287?s=20](https://x.com/hrrysgreysuit/status/1696843690658935287?s=20)


What a liar. A pair of liars.


He’s demeaned his own mother to the the washing-up liquid story at this point. Disgusting.


You know, I was thinking to myself if only he and Smog could find a way of combining the two stories, they could sell it to Black Ops around the world for hands free torture purposes.


Archetypes on constant loop could produce the required effect without P&G participation.


Really interesting. Both of them harping about events that happened when they were 11 and 12 respectively. They never developed much further.


Diana is an endless source of income for this couple of slackers. This is even better than blackmailing your grandfather with pictures of your grandchildren.


He really is turning people off about Diana, just can’t watch him let alone listen to him


Me during his interview.... https://i.redd.it/h9pywpmdw09d1.gif




Harry: I believe in talking about my grief William: I believe in building a life that will make my mother proud and honour her best values.


He's really the last person who should be speaking with young people on this topic because he's never moved on. He's never been able to deal with it constructively and dwells on it, bringing it up at every speaking opportunity. William chose to turn that into something that drove him, rather than wallowing in it like Harry. Which one would you want talking to your kids?


Oh shit. Did Harry's mom die?


Apparently she's dead, my mum is dead too, so are many other peoples mums, amazing isn't it!


It's almost like losing a parent is... fairly common.


Apparently... ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Bloody hell. When???


Oh my goodness he needs to shut up. You’d think he’s the only person that ever lost a parent


Yet he spends little to no time with his own children--the best medicine in the world.


Ffs grow up harry. The young lad that lived next-door to my Mum's lost his mum at 11 then his dad at 18 and has been more mature than this pounce. How can he not see the world and it's people are suffering with their own crap and be fed up with him beating the Diana drum. Let her rest you friar tuck plebeian.


![gif](giphy|Zx12n2W9mDpNS) “Have I told you all how I lost my Mummy sixty years ago?” Aye. You have, now you mention it. No need to be repetitive. Aff ye f\*ck.


God how I love Grandma Yetta


What benefit for children who have lost a loved one has come from engagements like this? He has made money from things like this but aside from pocketing it, what has he done with it? Has he set up ANY kind of resource program for young ones grieving? A place to go, like an afterschool or summer program? Honestly, how have chats like this actually helped even 1 child that has lost a parent or loved one? Please someone enlighten me. This 40 year-old walking tantrum has wined on about trauma and suffering on every level but his incessant winging has abused and belittled those who have genuinely had to do so, as well as those who have dealt with loss, neglect, fear, anxiety, racism, sexism, inferiority, superiority and on and on and on. Shut up Harry. SHUT. THE. FUCK. UP.


If only she hadn’t got into a car with a drunk driver, and made him speed to avoid having her picture taken, and worn her seatbelt…


Oh, but tHe rOyAl fAmiLy hAd hEr KiLLeD doncha know? They forced her into that car, poured 3x the legal limit of alcohol down Henri Paul’s throat, sent members of the mafia to threaten them all at gunpoint if they dared to wear seatbelts, rigged the car to go twice the limit and drive into a pylon killing Diana and two others. All because she was seeing a non-white person. s/ obviously


That’s what ILBW told him.


I 100% believe Rachel fed him the non-white stuff. But the fact that there are people who really believe the family somehow had her killed, despite there being a very specific chain of highly improbable events that would have needed to occur for that to be the case and despite their being no logical motive, is astounding. It wouldn’t surprise me if somewhere in his subconscious, he’s always believed his family had something to do with it because he’s been poisoned with the public’s ridiculous conspiracy theories almost from the time it happened. He’s not a well person. Never has been.


Which he's done a million times before. He really needs to let Diana rest in peace. 🙄


Yes. Please let Diana rest in peace.


you are not the only person who has lost a parent. the rest of us figure out how to live with it and not make it everyone else's burden like you have over the past 25 years.


It's literally all he has. He has nothing else to talk about.


It's his dish soap story 🧼


The death of a parent as business model. How disgusting.


This guy needs to STOP! Stop talking about Diana stop talking about feelings and healing just stop talking! Next he's going to get the Diana hologram to trot out. I know what this is...Catherine. The world has shown their love for her, she is the shining jewel of the RF and Meghan can't take it. So Harry fixes it...Diana Diana Diana.


William and his children had a fun night out. Harry has suffered the whole week. He’ll probably suffer well into next week.


His entire pitiable existence is naught but suffering the poor wee fragile lad. Weep for him for his pain is unceasing.




Imagine William. Worrying about his dad, wife, his role, his future role, his kids, their future, their happiness etc etc and Harry still being stuck talking about his mother. He really has no other worries for a 40yr old I guess.


Wait. Wait. Did Harry's mother die when he was a younger teenager? Did he walk behind her casket? Does he resent everyone on the face of the earth for not saving his mother from a drunk driver? HOW HAVE I NEVER HEARD OF THIS BEFORE. THIS IS ENTIRELY NEW INFORMATION TO ME. THIS EVENT, WHICH OCCURRED NEARLY 30 YEARS AGO, MUST REALLY BE THE SOURCE OF EVERYTHING WRONG IN HARRY'S LIFE AND NOTHING IS HIS FAULT. I'm so very glad he finally talked about this important event in his life. I had never heard anything about it before. Wow; my opinion of him has totally changed. I used to think, up until about an hour ago, that Harry was a self-absorbed spoiled crybaby ninny who refuses to take responsibility for any of his misdeeds, partially because he is a remarkably stupid, stupid man and partially because he indulges in so many substances that the world must look like a kaleidoscope mounted on the New Texas Giant rollercoaster at Six Flags to him. But no, it would seem that his mummy died because she wasn't wearing a seatbelt and was being driven by a drunk. Now I think he's even more of an asshole than before. HARRY. SHUT THE FUCK UP ABOUT YOUR TRAUMA. That little African orphan baby who was RAPED, who you promised to take care of? SHE HAS MORE TRAUMA THAN YOU. Those Africans who've been assaulted and RAPED in African Parks, of which YOU are some sort of a director or some other thing like a lawn ornament--MORE TRAUMA THAN YOU. Yes, it's a shame your mother didn't wear a seat belt and got into a car driven by a drunk--waitaminnit! In your "nearly-catastrophic" car chase bullshit gimmick, neither you nor Megs nor Doria belted up! WTF the matter with you, boy? Now fuck the fuck off, fuckweasel.


Are you American? Most Americans have never heard of Diana or her death because they are so far away :)


Oh, yes, I had to wait until the latest steamship came to read the newest chapters of Mr. Dickens' book, The Old Curiosity Shop. Gosh, I hope nothing bad happens to Little Nell.


Don't spoil it for me, I am on the West Coast and the pony express wont be arriving until late September.


My dad lost both his parents three months apart when he was 8. He joined the army at 18, spent 6 happy years there. Became a police officer, serving for 25 years before retiring on health grounds. He died recently aged 82 and never once whined about losing his parents. Spare's attention-seeking self-inflicted, self-pitying, lying moaning made him puke.


Because your dad was NOT a victim! He was victorious and chose that over this victim bullshit. I honor your father 🫡


I wonder if it has ever even crossed his mind that his nephews and niece are currently dealing with the fear of losing their mother. And, yes, I'm pretty sure I know the answer to that. In the same way he made his mother's death about him. His grandmother's death about him. And his father's and Catherine's illnesses about him. Harry is incapable of any kind of empathy. He doesn't even realize that his brother lost his mother the same day as Harry. I cannot fathom how this man was ever nearly as popular as his grandmother. He is every bit as narcissistic as his wife. It just presents in different ways.


If there is a biped on this planet whose life and mental health advice we all should follow - it's that shining example of placid,rational, got-it-together Zen, Prince Harry.


It’s absolutely f*cking shocking.


Wait...this is recent? Post Nigeria? He's still milking the Diana attention seeking victim poor Harry cow? William never plays the victim, but shares how his mother's memory motivates him. Harry- William will always be better than you simply because he's not a whiny brat like you


Yes, the article says it was filmed in May when he was in London for IG spectacle. Maybe it’s being released as someone said up thread because of Armed Forces Day in UK. The cynical side of me thinks William has been getting far too much good press lately.


https://preview.redd.it/22ti579yx09d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e1572f4e74fa4a12b94da53750e6e6afbc24c47d yes


Shut UP already!


There's only three things he needs to make a sentence: a noun, a verb, and MY MOM DIED


He could try making a living, but he doesn’t really fancy that.


A colleague told me an interesting anecdote about two children whose parent tragically died. Both were offered to have full psychiatric support, including endless sessions to discuss their grief. One child agreed and the other decided not to. The child who had multiple psychiatric sessions ended up being a problematic adult, with a drug problem and not able to hold a stable job. The other child became more productive with a steady career and no issues. This result surprised me as I would have supported the concept of giving children full psych support if they experience a tragedy. Granted, everyone is not the same. Maybe the two children were psychologically built differently, each with their own coping mechanism. But as my colleague pointed out, there’s a limit to dwelling so much on one thing, at one point one has to move on. It is probably more healthy to be distracted with productive activity. The grief will always be there. Harry is more mentally fragile than William, and probably needs more support. It does seem unfair to William, who has so many burdens already. But perhaps it is these “burdens” that help him move on. William knows he has immense responsibility in being a king. He also has to be a good husband and father in order to take care of his legacy. Harry has always been free to do what he liked but it is this lack of destiny that leaves him untethered. Harry repeatedly talking about his mother’s death only highlights how unfit he is to be king. A leader has so many other people to look after that they can’t afford to be self-pitying.


William said shortly after his mother's tragic passing (which it was) that he decided early on to not let his mother's death break him, but it would make him.    He wanted to make her proud. He felt that he could be a support to others in order to find meaning, and his impressive career as an air ambulance pilot proved that. 💪


This is so interesting. I saw a therapist at 19 for something that happened. I went every week for quite a while but then suddenly my mum stopped me going. I was so angry at her at the time but I now realise how right she was to do that. It’s not that the sessions I’d had hadn’t helped, I believe they had, it was that I was in danger of that event taking over my life because it became the centre of everything. She’s never said it but I know she knew instinctively I’d actually never move on from it if I carried on. I have.


Public Service Announcement: Don't be a Prince Harry. Seek grief counseling.


Is this current?!


Yes it is. It’s been recorded by the charity, since Saturday is (I believe) Armed Forces Day in the UK. In fairness to Harry this was specifically for children of armed service persons who have died.


It was recorded in the U.K. earlier in the year , probably after his triumphant 12 minute in-n-out visit to HM KC3


He’s odious.


This just in: sky still blue, water still wet. More at 11.


Opens up about the pain? When has he ever shut up about it?


At this point I don’t want to hear about him losing his mother ever again. I have no more sympathy for him for the death of his mother. He has abused her death for his personal gain and for sympathy and to excuse his ugly behavior.


He didn’t lose his mom from her dying in the army it was from a car crash. There’s a time and place to bring it up and in that video it wasn’t the right time. When William was at the charity and he met a young kid who just lost his mom to suicide I believe William wasn’t saying ik how you feel and stuff like that, he was saying that he knows it’s hard right now but it will get better bc William is literal proof of that. For Harry it’s just sad.


Well said. Harry ruminates and claims he’s gone to therapy but doesn’t appear to be improving himself. He’s hardly a role model for youth. He’s so negative it’s painful. He should be burying his head in real work and doing something other than whine. He’s a troubled child trying to dole out his ‘influence’.


At the Peak of his hair treatment! Quite a thatch, otherwise he looks sweaty and seedy and not a fitting role model for children who have lost a parent, especially as he has been disloyal to his CinC and is a druggie. Also rather sickening that this was kept up their sleeve until U.K. Armed Forces Day.


The woman in the picture lost her soldier husband and is talking about how the loss affected her and her two kids and how they over came it, and of course Harry has to make it all about him. Looking at the pic, you would think she was the interviewer, but it is the other way around.


WAIT, THIS IS NEW?? Fucking hell, I took a break from H&HW for 3ish months, come back and nothing has changed. That's actually the most pathetic thing about this couple. The MOST pathetic. Nothing changes and nothing will change. Harry must be a joy to be around. A true joy. He may actually be worse than Meghan.


Something about dining out on it since….. eh!


You know who else died, Harry? William's mother.


omg stoppppp Harry…. just stop…


Oh shut up already or get some proper therapy! Jeez nobody else EVER lost a parent as a child in terrible circumstances! Sorry if I sound unsympathetic but I bet Diana's rolling her eyes in her grave at her son.


Talk about “dining out” on something! He takes the cake with it!


There are many opinions about Diana.......but there isn't anyone in the world that doesn't feel sorry for her being treated this way by Harry.


I was the same age as Harry when my Dad died. I never had therapy, never talked it out, never had any kind of professional help. Like Harry, I also thought my Dad would resurface some day. I thought he was a secret agent who had to disappear and even now, more than 30 years later, I have the occasional dream that he has come in from the cold. But UNLIKE Harry, I didn't use my Dad's death as an excuse to be a wastrel of a human. I work, I volunteer in the community, I have a good relationship with my family. I am a hands on parent, I have more interests and hobbies than is probably healthy, and I am also over my Dad's premature death. I have a few hang ups, and I miss knowing him longer than 12 years, but you have to move on. Harry talking about talking about it feels like he is reliving it over constantly. His insistence that the death of a parent equals fucked up future life is quite frankly insulting to everyone who has lost a parent young.


As some who lost a parent as a young teen, I love and agree with the message. However, Dumbarton is the last person I would take advice from...


He loves to use people--the living and the dead.


![gif](giphy|l2JhpjWPccQhsAMfu|downsized) Not this again


The only one dining off Diana’s memory is Hazbeen. Ffs. William also lost his mother and doesn’t shove it down everyone’s throats because he’s not a perpetual victim. He’s grown up mentally and has enough self awareness to realise that many children lose parents in horrific circumstances much younger than he and Harry, and without the financial and extensive family support he and Harry had. It’s old Harry. Stfu.


Again? Is this new or another dug up from the archives? He is not the only one to lose a parent. It happens. You find a way to deal and keep living your life. Your life is not and should never be lived in your parent's shadow after they are gone.


Hair is greatly receding, but at least it looks like Madam allowed him to get some new shoes and clothes for once.


I would never take advice from Harry on how to deal with grief. He hasn't dealt with his own properly and has allowed it to become a gaping vulnerability through which he is exploited.




It's a sad state of affairs when someone starts talking about their dead parent and all I can muster is an eye roll. Any sympathy I felt for you Harold is long gone.


Oh Gawd, not this movie again.


He’s been going on about his mother’s passing for ages, and it’s still eating him up! Talking is one thing, but at some point he needs to accept it and get on with life.


Harry had a mother? A mother that died?


Yes, that’s riiggghhhttt. Gingersizzleballz doesn’t like to talk about it. He shares the death of his mummy with very few people. I've always thought that he should be more open about his feelings, you know, his feefee's. He’s just soooo brave and sooooo courages to do a sit down with a real grief stricken woman and make it all about him. 🤤🙄


When you abuse the last few years of your grandfather/grandmother, make their last years a misery and denigrate their legacy. Slander, your mother-in-law to the world, betrayed your father, your brother, and your country. These things should be weighted heavily on your soul, but no, it's all about your mother whose tragic death is used for PR. Looks like it's Harry who dines on his mother's memory, not Travolta. He is still put out that William was her favorite son.


Oh, my God! I hadn’t heard! How terrible, when is the funeral?


He’s ’opened up?’ He‘s never shut up about it!


He really doesn't have anything else does he?


I thought this was The Onion or something. He’s become a parody


Bad hombre? No, bad ombre hair. That two-tone orange and rust, WTF? Still dining out on his mother, I see. He snarked at John Travolta for the same thing but he's the one who can't let her rest in peace. She's too useful for his PR.


Idk how the Royal Family is keeping it together, this is honestly infuriating, exhausting, disgusting… I’m just out of words.


Well, he is the only person to have ever lost a parent. And, most importantly, the only son his mother ever had. This is all that he does, apart for blaming his family for everything, especially their lack of care for him. Yet again, when they receive any negativity out him comes with his woe is me diatribe. Are we getting this once every six months now? William receives good press, out comes Harry and his trauma.


He's a one trick pony. The only thing he's got is "my mummy died". You're 40, it happened 28 years ago. Grow up and learn something new cause everyone knows your mummy died. You know what a lot of us have lost one and two parents. You're nothing special. Get a life, no one wants to hear about your mummy dying 28 years ago.


Didn't he use Scotty's Little Soldiers like this last year? He's as unoriginal as his wife...how dreary...shame he wasn't doing something upbeat with the kids that took more than 15 minutes and was meaningful instead of another Eyore whinefest zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz...


Does he need to make more coin for Betterup.🤑 The poster boy for failed therapy is sitting there like a \*\*\*\*ing pseudo therapist himself. Puke.


Can't help thinking, the sooner Meghan dumps him, and gives him a whole new misery to wallow in, the better. How many small children have lost their mothers in the years since Diana died and found ways to cope and move on. He's self-absorbed and pathetic.


his identity is his mother's death. its the weirdest thing i have ever seen. I get it, losing a parent in that manner is awful, but fuck you're almost 40, get the fuck over it. Like I mean process it how ever you can. Everyone greives differently. His brother seems to have gotten over it.... Maybe he is mentally not all there. This is like the 10th time hes done this, bringing up his mom in some setting.