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This is true but you know Harry is an ass.


Exactly, by "denouncing" Travolta, Harrywhinge is simply shining a spotlight on his own hypocrisy, as he dines out on his mother and discards her other son constantly.




This is perfection.


Hairee has always had bone straight hair. It seems when his hair began to thin he got a choppy haircut, ruffled his hair to style it and proclaimed he had curly hair. No. Just a very early deception.


Transplanted pubic hair.


Ewwww!!!! šŸ¤¢šŸ¤® šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Whose?? šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£






That's all Harry does.....dines out on the name of his family members. He has no intellect, no real job, a prince with no princely duties, accepts awards he doesn't deserve, plays victim advocate as long as he's paid for it, an absentee father and a handbag as a husband.....second row. Oh, yeh, he likes dining out on his drugs too. POS!!!




The Daily Star and their black bars! šŸ˜†


What a headline, lol šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Wow she had all that flabby back thing going on even back then.


This recipe has a lot in common with his wife...she may have been brought up in middle.. possibly upper middle class but she was spoiled and encouraged to be entitled, self centered, shallow, money grubbing etc......two peas in a pod.... .


Take a look at her family - sheā€™s not upper middle class.


I think "upper" refers to the above-average income that her dad earned, and him giving Mehgan so many privileges like private school education and dance lessons, weekly lunches at a famous Hollywood restaurant, vacations abroad, that sort of thing. Mehgan the girl, sure was treated like a princess.


Yes, the income defined them as upper middle class, but their collective behavior screams Jerry Springer.


Summed up perfectly šŸ’Æ


Dined out on his drugs and family name. Projection 101!


Douche and douchess of delusion!




Happy Cake Day šŸŽ‚


Thank you!!!


Their narrative is MONEY Fame/power, always has been ALWAYS will be, always look for their GAIN. Old Rachel and Harry will "dine out" on anyone who will give them relevance, Diana, Catherine, Charles, William, the Wales kids.... if its in a publication it's just more lies/PR, genuine feelings aren't in the press FACT.


Sparry has been dining out since he was 12 ![img](emote|t5_481xkf|15003)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile)


But Harry has and will continue to do so.


PH is a monumental ass of jealousy and envy. Anyone who had Diana time, probably is on PH's revenge list.


He goes on and on about how famous TW was because she was on an Emmy nominated show. Well... so was Travolta with Welcome back Kotter. And Grease was the highest grossing musical ever for the time and second highest grossing movie for Paramount literally only behind The Godfather. He was absolutely an actual Hollywood star and heartthrob at the time. But sure... he needed Mommy's attention.


Omg Urban Cowboy is still one of my all time JT faves, along with Grease! BTW Grease was made back in what.. 78??? (Same year I was born lol) So H was still in his terrible 2ā€™s (that he never grew out of) when JT was already creating classics that are still a hit over 40 years later. Sure H.. JT seriously needs to dine out on dancing once with your mum when heā€™s got more movie credentials under his belt than Markle could ever dream of (and is an actual licensed pilot lol) ![gif](giphy|VLB9MlN97LH8PNxRQM) Edit: to finish my thought


>JT seriously needs to dine out on dancing once with your mum when heā€™s got more movie credentials under his belt than Markle could ever dream of (and is an actual licensed pilot lol) This!!!!!!!! (Sorry for all the caps but I feel strongly about this, LOL!) That accusation by Harry was so fricking rude! What a JERK Harry is!


Guess itā€™s going to be a bit uncomfortable at the next meeting of the Legends of Aviation.




Ha Ha!!! (Harry's a legend alright..... *a LeGeNd iN hIs OwN mInD*, LOL!!!*)*


So many HIT MOVIES! Hit TV SHOW! He was gorgeous!


Oooh the dancing scene from Pulp Fiction was a classic too! ![gif](giphy|VD6IyDDR9pjGw)


Great scene. You can see Travolta has the moves in his entire body.


For me the dancing in Staying Alive, the SNF sequel was stunning.


This! What a fantastic dance!




ICONIC!!!! šŸ’•


Love Urban Cowboy. My sister has two Cadillacs called Big Pam and Little Pam, after Pam's gray Seville.


Oh that is awesome!!!


The family car's waitin ā˜ŗļø


100%.. dont forget the other countless movies he has been in. Rach wishes she could have that many credits. Plus, he is a real pilot!


Who has is very own plane āœˆļø


Travolta was HUGE and Diana was lucky he danced with her.


She asked to dance with him!!


Yes. She was tall and requested a tall partner. Their moment was great and we had a crush for both them! So beautiful and young šŸ’”


TW was not famous. No shade to you but no one had heard of her. JT? BIG STAR!


Yes... that is my point if you read my comment. I never said she was famous. I'm saying that is the standard for 'fame' that Harry has set. One tiny cable TV show and that person is more famous than royalty. If that is true *in his opinion* then Travolta's fame is a whole other level because he was on shows that people did watch and movies that are still classics re-played in cinemas today.




With less than 2 1/2 hours of screen time over 7 seasons šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I'd bet that TW was more popular for her casting couch and yachting reputation (allegedly) than for her acting abilities with the powerbrokers.


Hey, she couldnā€™t even get a job after doing Weinstein.


TW is just an iteration of Bonnie Lee Bakley (shot by Robert Blake).


Saturday Night Fever was a huge movie in 1977. Its soundtrack was everywhere, and it made Travolta a star. He was nominated for the Best Actor Oscar but lost to Richard Dreyfus in the Goodbye Girl. In 1978 he was in that year's biggest movie, Grease. He was in more than his share of bombs and he was nominated for a Razzie for his performance in Battlefield Earth. Still, he had more than his share of comebacks, such as Look Who's Talking and Pulp Fiction. He has had an enviable career that Meghan would kill to have had.


Forgot to mention that his comeback in Pulp Fiction resulted in him being nominated for another Academy Award.


Yes. Many aren't able to have a comeback after a few bombs, but john was. VeryĀ difficult Loved him in Face off w/ nic cage


Face/Off was the daftest sci-fi storyline, but both Nicholas Cage and JT were brilliant in it-JT mimicked Cage perfectly, he got his manic, slightly insane style perfectly, and Cage did the same in the opposite direction. I think people sometimes overlook the performances to groan about the storyline but I'll always defend it as one of JT's best films. He was amazing in Get Shorty too.Ā 


And who can forget him dancing in Saturday night fever. The man is a super talent and an A++ star


Did you see him in the sequel, Staying Alive? Holy smokes.


Grease and Saturday Night Fever are both great music movies. OMG


Don't forget Saturday night fever.Ā That'sĀ anĀ iconicĀ filmĀ and aĀ pieceĀ ofĀ culturalĀ history. Requires work and talent. Plank was part of the lucky sperm club. Idiot has been dining on ma, pa, QE throughout his entire pathetic, miserable existence. Plank, like TW, has to put down john bc Plank's got no accomplishments of his own. Had no control of his birthright and prior to megxit, Plank was the biggest recipient of welfare (via UK tax $$$), doing the minimum , unless it came to booze & drugs


https://preview.redd.it/5iyrmrekh19d1.jpeg?width=255&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=32c42b794034273a1b5b153c796c9e934c742435 1977 Saturday Night Fever - a huge hit


And this was before people even knew who Diana was!


He was nominated for Best Actor for that role, at age 24.


Great movie.


He commands attention is a scene where he is simply walking down the sidewalk while 'Stayin' Alive' is playing. That's charisma! And dance scenes are iconic. JT has been A-list since the 70's. He doesn't need to 'dine out' on anyone, unlike the Skid Markles, who don't have a single **genuine** accomplishment between them.




Travolta was the worldĀ“s greatest dancer at the time.




Michael is my favorite movie of his! Handsomest angel ever....


I havenā€™t seen that one or Urban Cowboy. John Travolta film festival is in my future.


Is that the same as "boy in the plastic bubble'?


So like James Dean in this picture.




I mean Saturday Night Fever and Staying Alive were two huge blockbuster movies that were made in the years before he ever danced with Diana. And his dancing was on fire!! šŸ”„ Staying Alive has kind of a stupid script, but I watched it over and over to see Travolta dance. No one can dance like him. (I know I am dating myself here.) Also, I believe Meghan wrote that about dining out on Diana. Plus Harry was upset that he was at a table way in the back because he didn't pay for a VIP table that day.


That movie was a blessing and a curse. It catapulted the Bee Gees and just as swiftly it wrecked their career. There is a great documentary on them that talks about the DJ who really started the backlash with a record burning stunt. I suspect Travolta also was caught up in the backlash...Bee gees turned to writing songs for other people because no one would play their songs Staying Alive movie did well money wise was but was a bomb with the critics. It's one of the reasons but not the only why travoltas career was hurting for awhile. Costner new movie looks to be a bomb with the critics but might make money like Staying Alive . He already had one big bomb. Expensive Waterworld


The beegees got so big, it has no way but to go down. Two groups from the 70's would be Bergees and ABBA.Ā  But beegees "Barry" did a more song writing. They were teenage heart throbs so they had some experience w/ fame. Just catapulted them into stratosphere. Barry wrote "heartbreaker", ā€guilty", "chain reaction", " emotion ", " honey ", " island in the stream ", " shadow dancing". One of the most prolific song writers of all time.


https://preview.redd.it/qofjcgdzh19d1.jpeg?width=299&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9fbb031f52f5a997c2b7ca08f4495ebb2e148ca7 Look Whoā€™s Talking was so popular they did 3 movies of it, 1993


Iā€™m no travolta fan but Jesus this man lost his young son and his wife. His wife died recently and I donā€™t see him trying to ā€œdine outā€ on his own personal grief and pain for clout like H has been doing for 20 years now.


>this man lost his young son and his wife That makes what Henry said so much worse. I didn't realise either had passed away. Harry is a dirt bag.


I was alive then as well. We all saw the picture of Travolta unfurling a radiant Diana at a dance. And it doesnā€™t really matter if Megs wrote those words. Harry said them. He owns the insult. He is every bit as culpable as she.


It was Diana who was excited to dance with him


I remember the picture of them dancing very well, when it happened. I probably bought People magazine just to see pics and read about it. I thought it was so cool that JT, an American actor who became world famous due in large part to his dancing roles, was dancing with the elegant and beautiful Diana. But in all the ensuing years, I donā€™t remember JT being anything but gracious when asked about the iconic dance, and certainly donā€™t remember him making the interview circuit bragging about it. Iā€™m still shocked when I think about Henry making that false and rude remark to him.


He is a very gracious man and well known for his MANNERS


Hes known as great guy and professional on set. Antithesis of TW


Hahaha ā€œunfurling a radiant Dianaā€ is such a perfect description!


Just think, John Travolta was 31 in 1985. A far more talented and mature man then, than today's 40 year old crybaby Harry will ever hope to be.


I remember it at the time and it received quite a lot of positive publicity. Well deserved, too. Diana and Travolta were both young, beautiful, with a ton of charisma between them. Harold is a POS for saying that to John.


Harold is a POS full stop.


Yes, youā€™re absolutely right about that.


Americans were thrilled seeing one of our own dancing at the White House with ā€œPrincess Di.ā€ And Henry has attempted to besmirch that good memory.


If Diana could hear what Harry said to JT, she would say, ā€œBe quiet Harry.ā€ šŸ˜‚


'Pulp Fiction', a Quentin Tarantino movie, starring John Travolta, Samuel L Jackson, and Uma Thurman.




As Uma is 5 ft 11, worked as a successful model and is an acclaimed Hollywood actress with a few iconic roles under her belt, I can totally see that Meghan considers herself as almost an identical twin and tries to emphasise the likeness. šŸ˜


Meanwhile, Harry brought her up *again* at his newest PR stunt this week. He and William always cut off anyone who would monetize her memory. Poor William never realized his brother would rival the former butler for the top spot on that list.


"Poor William never realized his brother would rival the former butler for the top spot on that list." This is such a great observation. Harry truly has become "what the butler saw".


https://preview.redd.it/s1k5ctedi19d1.jpeg?width=242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0259a1f23eb085efbb6d0a718856c4800dd23d84 Primary Colors - 1998, they made him look older but again, he looked great


When I was in school we were forced to do the dance from "Saturday night fever" in music class. The whole class togetheršŸ™‚ I live in Sweden, so John Travolta was very well known. This was the late 80s so the film and dance was considered to be a bit old at the time but it was still well known. Like a cult movie. Even if people knew who Diana was Royals were considered to be a bit "lame", something for old people to be interested in. I think John Travolta "status" was higher than Dianas. I also think Diana felt Oh my God I am dancing with John Travolta.


ā€œI think John Travolta "status" was higher than Dianas.ā€ Yep. For Americans Diana wasā€¦well, for old people who cared about the BRF Travolta? 31? Hot.


Harry continuously dines out on his mother, he is relentless, itā€™s so boring now


Harry pissed me off when he said that. How rude


Not only rude but a lie.




I remember Diana dancing with Travolta, but havenā€™t once thought or read about it since. I canā€™t recall one instance of John Travolta mentioning it, yet I do recall many of his films, his flying, his own tragedy etcā€¦Harry is envious of all of those who shared a little of his motherā€˜s time, and thatā€™s how he seems to view people. Perhaps thatā€™s what has deepened his resentment toward William - he was her confidant, he resembles her. I think Harry ā€˜hatesā€™ himself for not appreciating his mother more, and heā€™s turned that self-loathing onto those who did ā€˜enjoyā€™ her. If she was still here, Harry would, at best, be indifferent toward her.


When Diana died, I remember John Travolta was interviewed on some morning show because he had danced with her. I donā€™t think he ā€œdined out on it,ā€ but it was mentioned on occasion in relation to either one of them.


I agree. Harry canā€™t shut up about Diana. Harry is okay with Elton John talking about his mother. John Travolta barely mentions the event and, in Harryā€™s eyes, JTā€™s dining out on it. šŸ™„


Thatā€™s weirdā€¦so, Harry is ok with Elton talking about Diana? Coupled with other comments (the Elizabeth Arden cream etc), maybe Harry doesnā€™t see Elton - being a gay man - as a ā€˜threatā€™? It makes sense (even though Iā€™ve put it badly).


![gif](giphy|MQwFAonXD9W6sZkUXz) Prince Harry, take a seat.


Danny Zuko!


Travolta never exploited that event. Ever. It was Diana who sent a request to dance with him that night. Nancy Reagan made him step up for it (he was nervous), and we got those fantastic photos of "The Travolta Dress." Harry is delusional, petulant, and tiresome.


The only one dining out on Dianaā€™s memory is Haznobrains. And weā€™re all over it. George, Charlotte and Louis are all younger than Hazno was when Diana died and their mother is going through a cancer diagnosis. William is having to be strong for them and for Catherine. Never complaining though, he just gets on with it as a mature, resilient father and husband does. No room to be a navel gazing perpetual victim when youā€™re future King.


Dining out? Crybaby Haznoballs has been dining out on his mum for years. Poor kid following his mother's coffin on full display. How many have suffered more loss with such devastation we can't imagine -- not on display. Megsisnuts dines out on whomever she's sharing her bed with... Daddy until she got her yacht gigs, Trevor for acting jobs, Corey for recipes and mixing w Toronto elites, Haznoballs for destroying 2 families and being a global laughing stock


OMG, this!!!!




I remember it. IIRC Travolta was SUPER-HOT at the time. It seemed to me more a reflection of his current star status than hierarchy/social standing


And the First Lady, Nancy Reagan, ASKED him to dance with Diana. He wasn't seeking advantage.


Harry is extremely possessive of his mother and jealous of anyone who lays claim to it.It's left him in a very vulnerable position. Harry is stuck at the point where he refused to take his mother's phones call and she later died.


Harry cries on and on about Diana but doesnā€™t extend the same courtesy to his brother. William also lost his mother.


I agree that Harry is a lunatic, but I think he wrote the words himself, this time. I see it as an example of Harryā€™s stupid sense of humor. Mock put-downs between buddies are funny and fun. Harryā€™s problem is that he doesnā€™t realize that this is not a good joke with someone who you donā€™t really know.


Iā€™m not a fan of Travolta but I will say that Iā€™ve never heard one word about him being entitled, a bellend, a douche canoe or a psycho (looking at you Tom Cruise). He has a long time history in his church and former members leak like sieves about Cruise but crickets about JT being a jerk. I think he is well loved in Hollywood as a nice person. Harry treating JT like that actually really made me mad. Beyond poor manners.


I remember him getting teary-eyed on stage during the memorial section of the March 2023 Oscars because of Olivia Newton John and Kirstie Alley. His wife, Kelly Preston passed in 2020, but he was probably thinking of her too.


NGL Travolta was my first crush as a young girl. šŸ˜˜


Imagine telling Danny Zuko/Vincent Vega that his biggest claim to fame is dancing with Princess Diana šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ what a goob


I Loved the "Chain" dance in Michael! One of my favorite movies that he's in.


Mine too. I watch it at least a couple times a year. He is sooo good looking in that movie!


Absolutely!! I know we think he looks awesome bald, but I loved the longer hair look in Michael. I remember the Chain dance going viral, too. It was huge. Loved the mysterious ended in Michael.


It was a very disrespectful thing to say to someone


Just more evidence of how entitled, rude and alienating Hasbeen is. Iā€™m sure John Travolta did love telling the story of his dance with Diana, but ā€˜dined out onā€™ has another connotation, and itā€™s intentionally insulting. Harold is a complete arse!!!


It was completely untrue and would have been mean to say it even if WERE true. I agree with you...he was not only a big star in the 1980s, but he continued to be one in the '90s...so he didn't even need to "dine" on Princess Diana even afterwards. Look Who's Talking, Face-Off, and of course Pulp Fiction. Idiot.


Diana also danced with Tom Selleck and Clint Eastwood that night. The three of them were all huge stars at the time-Harry made it sound like JT got famous purely on the back of that dance, without realising that he had sufficient stature to be invited to a Ball at the White House in honour of the royals in the first place. Clint Eastwood looked rather nervous dancing with her as he's said he wasn't much of a dancer, but Tom Selleck looked amazing and very elegant. JT has spoken at interviews very occasionally-apparently it was Nancy Reagan who told him Diana wanted to dance with him. He said he had to remember his ballroom dancing lessons.


Correct. JT had to be persuaded to dance with her. He was, and still is, a bit on the shy side. Diana herself said she asked because she was a fan. knew he could dance, and because he was tall, LOL.


Diana also danced with President Reagan that night.Ā 


It sounds like one of those Jane Austin style balls where you have a dance card and fill it in with the favoured gentlemen-when I read that it had been Mrs Reagan told JT that Diana wanted a dance, it took me back to high school discos and "my mate fancies you, will you give him a dance?"Ā 


...but it was Diana who wanted to dance with him and took dancing lessons and had someone ask him. Or maybe I was living in a parallel universe.


It really is a case of "the pot calling the kettle black". Seriously, not only does Harry "dine" out on Diana's passing ad nauseum, but he also uses it as an excuse for his every transgression and has since he was 12 years old.


Hi OP, I couldn't agree with you more! I found Harry's rant against John Travolta bizarre and extremely offensive. John Travolta was a massive star, and incredibly good looking. It's particularly offensive for Harry to speak that way given his extreme privilege.


Didn't Travolta deny one of Markles lies when she claimed to have had dinner with him? Sounds like she waited a very long time to get a little payback. Narcissists never forget a slight or being called out.


Yes, a story was published that they were friends with Travolta. When asked about it, Travolta said in a very polite way that he had met Harry at some event and had a pleasant and enjoyable conversation with him for a few minutes, but "that was it".Ā  When they first moved to the US, a story was put out that Liza Minnelli had taken them under her wing and was helping Harry adjust to California life, or some kind of crap like that. But Liza Minnelli said that although she had been friendly with Diana, she had never met Harry and Meghan. And we know Meghan must've been the source to both of those stories.


Thank you..Id forgotten they had used Liza Minnelli also and her reps soundly refuted. M still operates as she did in Toronto...she got away with her low level lies, grifts because she was a very minor individual playing to a very small audience. Now her own desire for fame is her worst nightmare.


The fact that John Travolta didnā€™t comment when Harry made this shitty remark says he has more class,even though he is a bit out there,than Harry or Meg will ever think about having.


Ironically, he was huge in his sector (films) like she was in hers. Royalty is royalty, but hardly anyone is going to recognize the royal family of Lichtenstein. People recognized Diana, and people recognized Travolta...what did Harry think Travolta was doing at the WHITE HOUSE, dancing with Princess Diana! That shows how big he was!


That was just sneering and petty of Harry. I actually remember when John danced with Diana and the general consensus in my group was that she was super-lucky to have danced with HIM. We were all jealous. People queued outside cinemas to see his films. Huge star. Huge! I think that M is a bit like a rabid stage mother who, when press/public attention is elsewhere, slaps H on the leg and pushes him onto the stage saying, "Get out there and talk about your mother!" H probably doesn't need the slap though as he seems to be all too willing to use his mother's death for financial benefit or sympathy. It's all rather pathetic. Yes, his mother died and that was tragic. But it was thirty years ago. He hawks the story around for money quite shamelessly. If her death should have taught him anything it is that a family that loves you is a precious thing. Both H and M had that but betrayed both their families' love and trust on a world stage. At some point their children are going to start asking pointed questions that will require real answers. Adult answers. M's family don't appear that close but even a glance at H's shows a loving extended family. H&M have deprived their children of important relationships. Then again, it'll give those children a story to hawk around the talk show circuit.


Travolta is STILL more beloved and relevant in the U.S. than either of the Montecito grifting duo. That Staying Alive/Santa Claus credit card commercial last year was the best commercial of the holiday season. Hell, in the U.S. Travolta was a bigger deal than Princess Di.


The "dining out on Diana's memory" slur is what Meghan Markle sent Harry to tell John Travolta in as public a manner as possible. It's an American expression and has her claw written all over it. She gave Harry his marching orders to insult Travolta after Travolta nixed Markle's insistence of recreating the Diana dance with him. Markle's probably the reason Haz was relegated to the back tables next to the restroom. She was probably told she couldn't get past security so not to bother attempting to be Harry's plus one hence why she wasn't there. She likely planned on wearing that disastrous over the top skirt she wore to the opening of the Bob Marley film in Jamaica. Allegedly of course, that's just my opinion.


šŸ’ÆI think this too!


That stupid, ignorant remark just proved to me that Harry doesn't really remember his mother that well, nor does he understand the era at the height of her fame. I've always thought this is the reason he has no clue when TW cosplays Diana. It would be super-creepy if he did know, but I honestly think he doesn't realise. All his brain manages to process is that his mother was a modern-day saint therefore he is a special being.


He was deliberately insulting, with his crass words. The level of narc projection is off the charts, as we see only today that Haz is still dining out on his mother.


I am old enough to remember it. It was a news event at the time. There were only photos though, no video. It was covered in People Magazine, back when People Magazine was legitimate.


I remember them, too. So young, so beautiful. It's time for Diana to rest in peace


One could easily say that Harry has "dined out" on being born into the RF all his life.


If you always expect Harry to be an asshat, you'll never ever be disappointed. Travolta never used that photo to further himself or his career. He was already a highly sought after actor. Let's also remember that not two years before Hare-brained made his awful 'joke' - John Travolta lost his wife of 20 years to cancer - and raising two of his three kids as a single parent. Why only two of those kids? The eldest died after hitting his head while having a seizure in 2009. Harry never seems to be able to do that most human thing, putting one's self in the shoes of another to imagine their POV - empathizing - rather than being all about himself.


The more they talk the more they expose themselves. They are done


I do remember the dance, I was about 12 and I know at school our consensus was "ohhh Lucky Di" not the other way around. He had a long and happy marriage to Kelly Preston and doesn't need to dine out on anything. I was shocked when I heard what Harry said and wondered who was coaching him at that time


I believe at that event that John Travolta was asked to dance with Diana. As an aside I absolutely loved her midnight blue velvet gown.


No but you know who is dining out on Diana stories? just harry. Heā€™s the only one trying to cash in on mummy. And the best partā€¦all of his whinging, trying to monetize her has shed light on the very imperfect Diana. Making Charles and the RF look less harsh. Those two should have never gotten married but the grandmothers wanted Charles married and figured she would work. Unfortunately her mental health was the best and she was practically a child when the married.Ā 


Last I checked, the only ones dining out on diana every single day, are Harry and his hoe. He has really cheapened her legacy and memory. It's almost like she's a prop now, to be rolled out whenever cash or clout is needed. How despicable!


The photos of Travolta dancing with Diana are iconic. They were widely published and still generate press 4 decades later. (The dress recently sold; itā€™s considered 1 of her 3 most iconic looks). Princess Diana was by far the bigger celebrity. Here is Johnā€™s humble telling of how it came to be (which he didnā€™t share until 2021 - thatā€™s hardly ā€œdining off for yearsā€): [John Travolta shares the real story behind his 'storybook moment' dancing with Princess Diana](https://www.today.com/today/amp/tdna227650)


I was 8 when grease came out and I was obsessed/ as were all my peers- and our mums! I had the John Travolta album, posters, and every single school in the uk incorporated something from grease into their school play for at least a year! Ahhhh good times.


If anyone is dining out on Diana is Haz no balls and Rachet Rachel


At this point Harry is dining out on Travolta dancing with his mom. Harry is namedropping Travolta.


He was a huge star in the seventies before anybody had heard of Diana, Saturday Night Fever was a huge hit film all over the world and so was Grease. Harry is an uninformed idiot.


I love that John Travolta has ditched his hair and is bald. He's back to being hot in my books!!


I agree, but still looks so hot in "Michael" with the longer hair, lol.


Narcissists always accuse others of what they're guilty of.


TO has been dining out on his motherā€™s reputation and good deeds so much that heā€™s caused people to closely scrutinize her life and find out some not so very nice things about her. Good job loser!


Does Harry realize that Travolta is actually somewhat of a Living Legend of Aviation asides from the minor film career šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ *edit for link. He's actually a damn fine pilot and has continuously made contributions [Capt John T](https://living-legends-of-aviation.myshopify.com/pages/john-travolta#:~:text=His%20serious%20approach%20and%20commitment,asset%20for%20the%20entire%20industry.)


Yep. He also has actual pilots now too that he employs at his place in FL. Not sure how much piloting heā€™s still doing anymoreā€¦


Princess Diana asked the First Lady to set up a dance with Travolta. Watch ā€œSaturday Night Feverā€! Diana was dining out on John! šŸ’ƒā˜ŗļø


IIRC, Diana specifically requested that dance with Travolta. She was a teenager when Saturday Night Fever and Grease came out; at that time Travolta was HUGELY famous, not only respected for his dancing but also considered highly desirable by many women. I was only in elementary school and even I had a crush on him. Diana was an aspiring dancer at that age, so getting to dance with John Travolta would have been a big deal to her.


One of my favorite Travolta movies that isnā€™t remembered so much anymore is Phenomenon, with Kyra Sedgwick.


LOVED that one, too!!! It didn't get as much coverage, but I thought it was awesome! Forest Whitaker and Robert Duvall were terrific, along with Kyra. He was also great in "The Boy in the Plastic Bubble." This is where he met and fell in love with Diana Hyland, his first love that he lost to breast cancer.


I love Boy in the Plastic Bubble! I just saw itā€™s on YouTube so I know what Iā€™m watching this morning as Iā€™m doing housecleaning lol


Enjoy the movie! Such a sweet movie.


The grifters think they own Diana's image and legacy. Not even William is acknowledged as her son. Harry claimed that William lost his resemblance to his mother (lie) and he's bald (so are you Harry). It wasn't a harmless joke when Harry said Travolta dines out on his mother. There was real resentment there, just as there was towards the crowds who were mourning her. It's so petty and small-minded.


I was in my early 30s then and strongly remember the videos of Diana dancing with John Travolta. She was giggling like a school girl and he was the perfect gentleman. I have no doubt Travolta was invited to that White House dinner specifically because of Diana, maybe even at her request. Itā€™s not unusual for visiting dignitaries to be asked if there are celebrities theyā€™d like to meet during a visit like that. If nothing else he made her laugh and smile and since Harry loves to bang on about his motherā€™s suffering he should be glad for that. I have NEVER seen nor heard of Travolta using the event for personal gain. I wonder if the meeting a few months back at some awards dinner prompted Harryā€™s remarks. Travolta didnā€™t seem keen on being a Sussex conduit in Hollywood. And Harry, well he and Meghan are the ones dining out on his motherā€™s memory. For recent widower Travolta that must have seemed even more distasteful.


Honestly, it sounds like jealousy. Itā€™s a trait of insecure people to belittle those who are better than they are in an effort to make themselves feel better about themselves. IMO, it just shows his lack of maturity and how insecure he feels.


I remember when it happened and have seen the picture of them dancing re-published here & there, but thatā€™s about it. John went on to get married, have kids, experience tragedy (both his wife & older son died), and have a very successful career. Harry is the one dining out on Dianaā€™s memory.


The only reason Diana danced with him was because he was such a huge star and an amazing dancer! Does Harry think that if he was Bob the janitor that she'd have wanted to dance with him?! Harry was so out of line at the aviation awards. Travolta is a very talented dancer, actor and pilot in his own right. I'm purposefully ignoring the fact that he's a fucking scientologist, but he was hugely famous and popular by the time Diana married Charles and became hot property. Harry is no stranger to stealing valour but to try to humiliate and degrade an actual pilot at a fucking aviation awards cer when all he's done is fly a helicopter on his x box is just beyond. It's Tony Soprano levels of narcissist, envious, bitter, power play. What a shit Harry is. A ln absolute shit of a man.


Meghan came up with that because John Travolta refused to dance with her.




Maybe Travolta wouldnā€™t use his influence to get her a role and she had to get him back. Maybe Harry resents Travolta for their famous dance when Harry wants to exclusively exploit his mother. No William. No Travolta.


Comparing John Travolta and Harry, John definitely isnā€™t the one dining out on Diana, he has his own impressive achievements. Unlike Harry.


Someone please tell me what dining out means. I tried to Google the only that came up was food and then tried the urban dictionary haha not covered....


If you talk about something repeatedly to try to make yourself sound or look better. ā€œDining out onā€ implies that you are still seeking or getting attention for something that happened long ago. PS if you google ā€œdining out on idiomā€ you will get more info


Ok. Thanks


The original idea of the phrase is that you can get lots of dinner invitations from people who want to hear you talk about certain experiences or expertise which you have.


One thing people are missing is that John was going through a box office poison phase at the time of the dance. He admits it revived his career. Still, he gives proper credit to Diana.


John travolta is a triple threat. Sing, dance & act.hes also a loving father & husband. Plank is lucky john spoke to that POS at planks paid/participation trophy


It was Diana who was in awe of Travolta, not the other way round


Honestly that was such an ignorant thing for Harry to say. I had no idea that even happened until Harry said it. Thatā€™s how many f*cks people give. Meghan needs to put the pen down and Harry needs to stop reading what his sh*tty wife writes for him.


I thought this exactly. John was a huge star! He didnā€™t need to dine out on Diana. Truthfully, John was a bigger star. Diana was loved globally but John is a celebrity with a fan base based on his talent, looks and beloved show and movies. No one can forget Vinnie Barbarino! ā¤ļø Harry is as conceited then as he is now. He is daff and narrow minded. We all know John star status needed know help from Diana.


I remember the story in magazines and such, and it being briefly mentioned on the news, but in no way did JT "dine out" on this. Harry is an arse.