• By -


So MM's doing what she does best... ghosting the SS. Oh, the irony.


I'm guessing she knows they are pretty toxic to her brand. Probably git wind of some of those media articles on the SS. Apparently, she used to acknowledge the B'Day wishes but is now distancing herself from them. However she does NOT get a pass. She was with some of them in that Nigerian tour, grinning happily with them.and their selfies. That was in *only* May. Meghan Markle is rude, lol. Only taken them 6 years to realise this.🙄 Don't feel sorry for them one bit.


Yeah that was just last month! But there’s been a lot of scrutiny directed at SUCKS SQUAD lately over the ugly, toxic Where is Kate? online bullying. They are rumored to have started it all. Naturally ILBW is distancing herself.


Of course they started it all. Not even a question.


She's probably too busy worrying about money, the lack of any new deals, her massive unpopularity among netizens and the sinking Sussex Brand, to be bothered about the Sours. After all, MM is only concerned about herself. Plus, she's so narcissistic that she takes the Sussex Squad for granted.


She probably knows most of them aren't real and all her acting is used up trying to pretend she's a mom and wife. They were supposed to knock Princess Catherine down and chase the "racists" into the streets demanding her return and complete coronation... Instead, they are either fake, broke and won't be able to afford her jelly or have ZERO power beyond going off behind a monitor.


That whole 'Where's K' thing backfired on them spectacularly when the PoW announced she had cancer. Catherine is now receiving global support and is more popular then ever. Wanna bet Muggin blames the SS for that?


Bullying a mother w/ cancer isn't a good look,, optics wise. Even some SS knows this. Your'e not going to recruit people (not bots) w/ this PR disaster. If people were indifferent about TW & Plank before, this is a turning point they may determine that TW & Plank are POS.




Meghan Markle is trying to pretend she isn't behind the psychotic attacks on Catherine. But we know she is. Meghan Markle fed info to Scobie and paid Bouzy, she is absolutely behind the squad attacks. She can pretend all she wants we know who she is.


I’ll bet some of the Sussex Squad are leftover Kate Gosselin crazies. Evidence right in their faces that she was abusing her kids didn’t faze them. They were sociopaths who got actual criminals to harass, dox and terrorize anyone who didn’t like her. One woman was so terrorized she harmed herself and they looked at it as a victory.


I think she ghosted her own children and mother, too.


It's a family tradition. https://preview.redd.it/y6lp1xcad59d1.jpeg?width=223&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=381d73bae9d871219f8b0d3021b749739e478081


That’s right, Doria was the OG, Original Ghoster. 😆


And the OG Original Grifter


That too! 😆


Spot on! https://preview.redd.it/u06fqvckg59d1.jpeg?width=590&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=109461bc718974ae59b2ab88a01bc7f458c6a836






Love this! 💕


When has she ever acknowledged them. They raised thousands of dollars for Archewell and that bike company but they get nothing. More so now when reports have portrayed them as dangerous and toxic, which they truly are!


I’ll never forget way back after the Oprah interview where H was complaining about “Pa” cutting him off financially. Next day one of her sugars started a “GoFundMe” page to help them pay for their $14M house they just bought. What in the actual F***???!!! The delusion is real with these sugars. That’s when I knew we weren’t dealing with “normal” people. On what planet does that kind of thinking make sense?


Oh, JFC. My husband and I joked about the sugars starting a go fund me for these two bozos, but I didn't know they actually did it! Do you know how much money it raised?


I don’t. I just know they took it down pretty quickly. Someone further down this conversation said $140 🤷🏻‍♀️


$140! 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


I have no problem coming down on the SS, Sugars, Shouty for all of TW failures. They were supposed to support their kween, whether by tweets, or by purchasing TW sh8tty products or buy the clothes TW merches. It doesn't matter if they're not millionaires, (SS logic), you're supposed to financially support your kween.


That's hilarious!!! 🤣🤣🤣


It’s like the people who were donating to Kylie Jenner to help her become “the youngest billionaire” on a list by Forbes.


Yup, they raised $140 before it was taken down. 😂😂😂


Why would they raise money for a company owned by millionaires?


Bc sukers born every minute apparently 🫠


Because they’re that dumb!


Right???? Welcome to being “Markeled” like all the rest. Guess you are no longer useful to your “Queen”. 




They are a bunch of psychopaths who threaten the entire Wales family including the children. They were monsters before this year, but the media refused to call them out. But this year with the attacks on Catherine be ramped up so much, the media finally had to call them out, a little. So of course Meghan Markle has dumped her psychotic fans. Meghan Markle dumped the father who treated her like the world revolved around her. It wouldn't be hard for Meghan Markle to dump her lunatic fans.


Oh wait, they are being "Markeled" and they are crying. Haha!!!!!!! Can't get the gif to post.


Oh oh question are the MEghans desparate to get Catherine on side because the net is closing in on the SS squad and they've told the Meghans if we go down so do you.


the harkle minions got markled. hehe


Well they certainly weren't English majors, were they?!


Honestly - I read this as paid posts to pretend she is not directing their movements.


IDK why SS is shocked!, Shocked, I tell you over TW behavior. TW was obvious and never try to hide anything. This is on the SS, not TW. TW has given clues, vowels and practically spelled out the entire saying (Wheel of FoXtune reference) for the SS. The SS chose not to see , ignore or rationalize it. Sometimes people have to be personally treated like a POS by TW to "see the signs". BC in TW world, no good deed goes unpunished.


100% true


Holy parasocial relationships, Batman. There’s something tragic (and a bit scary) about grown people being upset because complete strangers don’t acknowledge their birthday messages on SM. The SS is experiencing their own winter of discontent.


A grown ass 55 year old grandmother no less!! Like, seriously?


Alas, age does not always include becoming smarter.


Sad. Really fucking sad.


They live vicariously through her. How great the disappointment will be.


Is this a scheme to make it look like the Harkles don’t influence the Sugars and the attacks on C?


“Neither of them asked for our support, so we can’t expect anything from them in return.” Huh? All they do is ask for support in the form of glorification. I agree. This reads like Madame wrote it herself.


LOL — I just looked at the comments more closely and that bit is hilarious to me. No one has asked for Meghan or Harry’s “support” or for them to “shine an authentic, organic light” on their ~~publicity stunts~~ charitable efforts, and yet they still force their way in. Oh, the irony. Comment #2 in Pic #1 is especially comical to me.


Ha! Depleted by their unrequited love for Madame. They crazy


It really does.


🎯🎯🎯all of a sudden, the need to comment this specific set of words. Anyway, they'll turn on each other eventually and the SS will become as acidic towards her as they've been for her. It's going to be glorious...


Apparently there’s an investigation into it and roach needs to be far away from it. 


![gif](giphy|3tTg6UVj3mV6QmgURz|downsized) Remember Megvil 😈 the Internet is forever.


We have a winner!


It might be unpopular to post here but here's my 2c: I don't think the Sugars have *that much* input from Meghan, they are fighting her battles for her out of their own volition because they see themselves in her.


With a “normal” celebrity I would be willing to believe so. But these celebs are not normal (not because Harry is from the BRF but because I believe they are wackadoo). Also, one of the OG squaddies from 2020 days eventually quit because the Harkles “people” supposedly would shake them down for more donations in honor of Archie every year.


Gross. Gifts are just that. Given of one's free will, and not like it's a damned obligation. Especially for two people who had more money than most newlyweds.


I think you are correct. They want to identify with her, so they are trolling. They do not realize they are the mean girls, only when their saint fails to recognize them do they remove their blinders. But they are still mean at their core.


No that is not true and we have proof that is not true. Meghan Markle has called squad members herself to thank them. Meghan Markle has personally called squad members who threatened the lives of the Wales family including the Wales children. Meghan Markle has been greeted by squad members in Germany and Nigeria and other places. She arranged for the squad members to be in those places. Meghan Markle is 100% behind the Sussex Squad and behind their attacks on the Wales family.


I think there are a few (or 1-2) insiders who get their talking points from Meghan or someone close to her. Others just fall into step with them without even knowing where the original point came from. For example, when Meghan got her pap shot from the HMTQ's funeral and released it on twitter through Omid, suddenly multiple squaddies were talking about "this one for the history books". In my opinion that idea was introduced on purpose together with the picture itself. And this idea was the reason Meghan got herself papped in the first place. She thought that a pap shot was gonna be more important than a million of the official pictures from the funeral.


Maybe Omid, Lainey and Boozy eat their crumbs directly from Meghan's hands, but everyone else I don't think gets fed by her. They are left starving lol


Dani Trin used to be one.


There may be a few people organically coming to her defence, but Tumi, who used to be a fan of MM, who ran a fan page on IG, has said that the SS/fan pages would have content & messaging sent directly to them to post, and any deviation from the given narrative was a big no-no. Many times, it would involve spinning a narrative about how much better MM was compared to Catherine. Literally, "post this photo and make this point about how amazing Meghan is, etc." "No critical thinking, please, just blind loyalty." Thankfully, Tumi became wise to the game and has integrity of character, so she's spoken out about her experience as a former Squaddie. Very insightful. I'd recommend watching her video on YouTube, or her interview with T n T UK. Meghan has a direct hand in what is being said about her by the SS, there's no ifs, ands or buts.


yes, it's not the press that's harrassing TW, the SS feels the press is harrasssing them, their relationship, their children, their injustice and racism. They believe they have a chance to "glow up" and marry a prince or upgrade of their lives. They have no dog in the fight, but they are extremely vested in their projection of their desires onto TW




I think so. But we know the truth. Meghan Markle is 100% behind the attacks on Princess Catherine.


Good point. With the media finally noticing the squad are psychos, Meghan Markle wants to make it look like she doesn't support them.


Exactly. ![gif](giphy|PlxkQdfX6kglz5tCdv)


Mister Carson! 💕


Probably. This is a really good take on the situation.


Oh probably!


She doesn’t even acknowledge the people who posted her stupid jam. She doesn’t promote her own things, just uses other celebrity (varying degrees) people to do it for her. Why would random nobodies expect anything of the sort from Madame?


Good point. No public thank you or acknowledgement to *anyone*. It's the Meghan.is rude bit that got me 😂. Fancy wasting 6 years on someone who merely uses them at her convenience and if that convenience serves whatever purposes she has for them.


How can she acknowledge things on social media if she's not on social media?


Like hell she's not on SM. 🙄🤡


If a person cared enough about it, she likely follows those people under some random name. I don't.


You know she is trolling SM daily under secret accounts. She protests too much




There is no social media in the US ... I mean tabloids. There are no tabloids in the US. Liar warning alarm started blaring years ago.


Total gaslighting. The sugars (H&M) are trying to make it look like they are just regular normal people who support H&M but H&M know nothing about them….don’t even know they exist because you know ‘they never even go online’ so how would they know there is an entire army of psychiatric patients out there attacking Catherine. We couldn’t actually get a public statement from H&M telling these weirdos to stop their shiz…no that would be too easy & too kind to Catherine. They don’t want them to cease their attacks…they just want a little sprinkle of ‘oh they don’t even know we are here’. It’s pathetic and a failure just like everything else they do. These people actually think what they are doing is okay. Even if she didn’t have cancer, Catherine was recovering from major abdominal surgery and they chose to bully & attack her. Who does that! The most hilarious part of their existence is they are mostly black women supporting ’one of their own’….did their brains just not process that their hero literally said ‘I was never treated as a black woman until I met Harry’ with disgust written all over her face. She is mixed and she chose white for 38 years. She did not want to acknowledge the black. I think the reason Doria disappeared when Meghan was 10 until she literally graduated HS is because Meghan was embarrassed and didn’t want anyone to know she was black. If they met her mom they would know so Doria stayed away. The black representation at their wedding was because of KC3. She was humiliated and hated every second of it. He did it out of love because he didn’t know and she couldn’t say anything because it would look as bad as it is. She hates that part of the wedding and that’s why she called it a spectacle. THAT is the woman these people show up for.


Megan is like the maids daughter from 'imitation of life' (very sad 1950s film starring lana turner)


Oof. Never thought of it that way, but. . . yeah.


Well said. She hated that Gospel choir, she hated being reminded she was black. The squad is absolutely trying to pretend they don't take orders from her. They do.


Yup, 100-%!


Interesting to see that one of them said "they didn't ask for our support". I believe that is something that H&M will hang their hats on saying see they admit we didn't ask for their support.


But haven't HandMM paid for SS support? IIRC, there were SS who showed up on their faux royal Nigerian visit. One of the SS members said their trip to Nigeria was paid for - although I don't believe she never said by whom. But, who else would pay for these ladies to go to Nigeria? Then there was the SS who took pics of HandMM at the Beyonce concert and posted on social media. IIRC, he indicated his concert ticket had been paid for.


They have. In my opinion they are telling that person to say that so they can say see we didn't ask for this. Also, we know darn well M puts the SS up to all of it. I believe there will be a line traced directly back to her.


They can't deny their relationship with Bouzy, who was spotlighted in their own Netflix series. He's been the henchman for SS bullying of Catherine (and other BRF members) on social media. Which is ironic given that both H and MM have made the "harm from bullying on social media" topic a main part of their platform for selling Archewell to the masses.


He I believe the one they email probably through a friend to get the word out on what to do. It will all trace back to Meghan. Bouzy if pressed with prosecution or jail time for bullying will turn on them.


I think they use Signal because it's double end encrypted and self deletes. The only info that would show is the phone number.


And it was proven in court that Omid Scobie is Meghan and Harry's mouthpiece. I believe absolutely calling Catherine racist came straight from Meghan and Harry.


If these vicious idiots had any clue about the capabilities of GCHQ and the NSA they would be pissing themselves. The public will never know is if this matter is considered serious enough to get these agencies involved, but if I were in the harkles shoes I'd be worried.


The Harkles themselves definitely are, which is why these people have not received the contact they've reviewed before, as is stated in one of these comments above.


Absolutely. Unless she texts them through Signal. We know Harry uses it. It's encrypted end to end and self deletes


I think you are correct about that. If he uses it she uses it.




Also the sugar influencer who is a family member of a Uvalde victim, that got her access to a family event.


Truly disgusting.


She will never live that gross stunt down.


There have also been SS members in Germany and UK.


That won't do the trick, even though that's her go-to method. It's either ignore them or pretend she never knew them. Either way, it's a lose-lose for her. She's got rotten fans or she angers them.


It's a script which is being pushed


Hahahahahahahah that is so funny, and they’re so serious, as if they are talking about a corporate job. Bless their broken little hearts.


#Cry more!


Or keep chaotic and cry on! (With Megsy’s crown cypher).


Find someone better to simp for!


The one says she likes to take a break from MegMania. I think she means megalomania. How they can admire this ingrate is beyond all logic.


Sort of unrelated, but for some reason your comment reminded me of this: I don’t know much about the goings on with the SS and TW’s supporters except for whatever is posted here in this sub, but I was on YouTube last night looking up (non-Markle) moon bump/fake baby bump videos and one reporter lady, clips of Trisha Goddard (iirc?) kept popping up. I recognized her face but haven’t seen/heard much of anything she’s said over the years and so I watched a few clips. I bring this up because it’s clear that she was definitely Team Meghan but when I tried looking for more recent video/comments from her, it was curiously quiet. I did learn that she’s had cancer which has returned and is incurable/terminal. Fully understand that she’s very likely rearranged her priorities, realizing that life is special and we’re not guaranteed a long, healthy life. It wouldn’t surprise me if she’s altogether stopped caring about the absurd drama that is Markle & Harry (and to a greater extent, celebrity-anything), which would explain the seemingly sudden halt in her outspoken support of Meghan. (I did see links to a podcast or something that seems to have recent uploads but I didn’t check them out, so I may be a bit off-base with the “sudden quiet” but I digress, lol.) Goddard’s illness aside, I am super curious if her opinions have changed about Meghan in the last year or two, or if she still unequivocally supports her regardless of… everything she’s done.


Textbook example of a parasocial relationship. **Characteristics of Parasocial Relationships** * One-sided: The relationship is not mutual, as the media persona is unaware of the media user’s feelings or interactions. * Emotional connection: The media user develops strong emotions towards the media persona, such as admiration, affection, or even intimacy. * Illusion of intimacy: The media user may feel as if they have a deep understanding of the media persona’s thoughts, feelings, or experiences. * Identification: The media user may identify with the media persona, adopting their values, behaviors, or attitudes.


That's a scary list.


Let's be real, some sinners treat Catherine similarly. Not all but some get very weird about her, I've noticed.


Yes, that is true.


Glad I'm not the only one who noticed that


Great point


This definition describes Kaiser to a T.


'Bare' in mind that H&M are living their best lives in sunny California. Being peaceful under a tree, raising rescue chickens (she just loves rescuing...coo), picking fresh fruit from the Riviera orchard to make aspirational jam, cooking solid bolognese, playing a mean game of Scrabble, looming in doorways in black ball gowns, doing the daily Wordle challenge, moving around Montecito like salt & pepper while handing out survivor back packs of pretentious goods to the homeless & raising a Prince & Princess with Spencer red hair and blue blue blue eyes to grow up with manners, manners, manners. They don't really have the time to acknowledge tireless warriors like Mitchel who put on their capes and fly into battle every day to fight for their ungrateful heroes. Mitchel should just be glad he has such a noble cause that makes it worth getting out of bed for in the morning.


And to expect them to post some acknowledgement on Archewell. These people don't know their own delusions. On *Archewell*?! So, what, that Meghan finally acknowledges to the whole world she supports the "Where's Kate?" mob? These people are as dumb as their mistress. Then again, yes, please do post the acknowledgement on Archewell. Finally, we can quit pretending she doesn't quietly support all this SS nonsense.


😂😂😂 I saw that too.


Are they ALL illiterate???






So Catherine acknowledges that she's been blown away with he support they've received and SS want some of that. And isn't Sussex.com their "official" website?


https://preview.redd.it/mvztb44fj59d1.jpeg?width=502&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f97d5c71a53e35d73c7ee67f5e0c61bf2deb9aca This is pretty appropriate I think




Gotta love the pithiness of them Dutch humanists!


Yep. Old Desideratus was good with words, unlike a certain couple with whom we are unwillingly acquainted


H&M are a confederacy of fools. And I have to say it's become as eye-opening as John Kennedy Toole's novel. Hoping time will flesh in more juicy and awful details!


She is distancing herself , the media are finally on to her ! She’s writing some of those posts herself, like saying… ooh but they never asked for our support.. we see you Mm


Oh, boo-hoo, their little fee-fees are hurt because their kween Roachel didn't acknowledge them. And these are the same people that mercilessly bully a cancer-stricken mother of 3. Cry me a river.


I reckon she's aware that there's talk of arrests. Right now there is some frantic deleting of links to bouzy, plastic man and the real venomous ss members.


INDEED, a lot of the abusive posts about my cancer over 50 of them, have poo'f, gone, cant find them.


Omg they are vile. I hope you are well ❤️ They aren't worth a dime, none of them.


thank you. x


Bouzy was on their tv show, it was proven in court they talk to Scobie.


Maybe they are worried that the ss are being looked into as a hate group! The most senior royals have been visiting British intelligence recently. It may be a backhanded way of telling the monarchy fuckers (sorry stole that) that we know what you’re doing. Because they are too thick to realise in these days all the receipts are kept! As alleged sponsors, I’m sure it’s an easy trace, because they are so good at hiding their tracks lol . I’m not a fan of big government. But the king queen and future, will be kept an eye on. God bless them and the kids.


The undeniable failure of ARO has got them on edge. They're so ready to turn on Harry.😂 I give it six months until they start openly calling him a racist and accusing him of emotional abuse, maybe even physical. [https://twitter.com/LadyDani87/status/1806321212726894939?s=19](https://twitter.com/LadyDani87/status/1806321212726894939?s=19) [https://twitter.com/LadyDani87/status/1806309998298882215?s=19](https://twitter.com/LadyDani87/status/1806309998298882215?s=19)


Lol. The whole Nigeria fiasco was entirely about her. I guess we’re supposed to forget about that thing from a couple of weeks ago.


A while back, Netflix was streaming a series called “Swarm”. It was about a mentally unstable woman who was a fixated, psychopathic fan of a singer. It was darkly humorous at times, but also quite brutal. The actress portraying the fan was phenomenally talented. Every time I ponder Madame’s fans, I think a certain percentage are like the fictional fans in the series.


Watching something like that would give me a panic attack. Netflix sure offers some weird choices.


Don't forget that rumor has it that the UK is looking into who started the nasty rumors surrounding the Wales's. Meghan might be hanging the SS out to dry, and they just haven't tumbled to it yet. "SS"? Nein! Nein! I've never heard auf them! https://preview.redd.it/w84plu94g59d1.jpeg?width=2032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c9e06e43d334e6049a2d19fb772c5d3f9af40005


It would be nice if more mentions of the SS could be tied to the Nazi Schutzstaffel (ᛋᛋ) just to help with the search engine optimisation. Maybe images will prioritise pictures of harrold in Nazi uniform.


I said something to that effect earlier in the post about the Sussex Squaddies proposed badge. They are so dumb they can't even see how it echoes current neo-Nazi emblems. But I did not want to show Harry's costume because the less we see of the old Hakkencruse, the better.


So the SS send birthday wishes and expect something in return, hilarious. Also funny that they are complaining about the harkles on social media.


Did That One stop paying incentive$ to SS?


Whatever it was the SS was giving, she probably doesn't want any if their heat on her anymore, now that some parts of the media are talking about their toxicity. Tbh, it's on brand for Meghan, payment or not. Once her "friends'" usefulness have out-stayed their welcome, she dumps them. The SS are being slowly Markled as we speak.


To my mind, she's playing with fire there. Some fans can be seriously obsessed and are extremely dangerous if they feel used or rejected.


Definitely, they will turn into bunny boilers


Oh, the irony of Rachel being attacked by one of her own instead of the racist RF or someone from the UK. Not that I wish her harm, but it would be ironic.


Nailed it..in dogs we warn new owners about misdirected aggression. 2 dogs that seemingly get along great will fence fight with a stray or another trigger. The stray/target leaves but the heightened emotions and aggression will make those 2 attack each other. Add a 3rd dog and you have pack behavior, more triggers. Madame should beware after turning her pack on the Royals, particularly Catherine.


It's everything she deserves. She has shown no mercy to anyone.


They ARE bunny boilers...just simmering in their own twisted emotions to be pointed in another direction. Madame best toss them a dog bone and some jam soon to keeps their emotional neediness on her team.


Oh yes!


Too late That One is on record supporting SS and their chief hacker is in their mockumentary.


This is the pr ordered by madam, the Sussexes are trying to distance themselves from their squad over their vile abusive comments about Catherine online.


I saw this earlier and as time goes on, more and more will wake up and see them for who they really are. It’s possible that many will turn and begin to attack the duo. Perhaps some will come clean on how they get their orders.


They have been telling you in the press Sugars that they will disavow you for a dollar.


lol many of these squaddies will be back once she even gives a hint (no matter how miniscule it is) of acknowledgement




So the Squaddies are disappointed with the behaviour of their leaders. How can they be so stupid? The Sussexes are starting to distance themselves from their raging illiterates that call themselves The Sussex Squad. I’m her to tell you nitwit Squaddies, it’s gonna get worse, you will all be thrown under the bus. It’s inevitable- sorry to burst your bubble. ![gif](giphy|l3vRhaxVcQ1i0CZlC|downsized)


This is hilarious! They won't acknowledge our birthday wishes 😭😭😭😭. I really can't with those people!


I doubt she even looks at them. She or someone else just tosses them in the bin.


Her fans are getting markled. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤸🏾‍♀️


Poor SS, they don’t realise Meghan Markle sees them with contempt. They are not the posh fanbase she wants.


Oh this is bloody brilliant! Let's hope more now have the courage to follow suit. The problem is, they've been so adamant and vociferous in their support of the Hag and her Husband that they will look like absolute wallies for changing their minds now. Maybe they're hoping to 'out' them for always acknowledging/thanking/paying them for their support in the past and now they're not any more, or they don't want to be paid in jam, they're finally speaking out?! One can hope!


Meg is truly an idiot, episode 2676465853. It's not just about the moral support, it's also about money. The Squad raised hundreds of thousands of dollars for charities (edit: and Byline Times...) so they can be a powerful force, should the Saint launch a real product and aim for strong and authentic sales at the beginning. Instead, she's afraid to be associated with the Squad because Sarah Data, whose work she certianly appreciated, went too far, so she mostly dumps everyone unless there's a benefit. Judging from how she cares for the Squad now, ARO's customer service, if there is ever such a thing in preparation, isn't going to be great. I feel sad for them, really. I believe there are really some honest persons in the group and they wanted to believe. But hey, can't say we didn't warn you, Meg lives a mostly transactional life.


You feel sad for keyboard warriors who bully cancer patients? I applaud your empathy as a human, but some perspective wouldn't go amiss.


More like sad for people who I think lost themselves. I still feel there's a distinction to be made between the masterminds and the rest, or between evil and blind. Though I haven't investigated every X's post history so that's really just an opinion.


Okay I can understand that. But I still think this is who he always was. The palace covering for him did him no favors. Makes you wonder what else they cover up


I think they are baiting her and doing our bidding. The moment she acknowledges that hate group, she will become the target of the media for supporting hate speech online. She will be done and dusted.




lmfao, i guess they are waiting for their "acknowledgement" lol


She knows no loyalty. And the SS should experience at least once what is like to be markled.


They're probably saying this 💩 to look like h&m aren't telling them what to do or say. Gaslighting 101. jmo.


The saddles are not the best at surmising Meghan's motives.


They can thank Jack Royston!


Right! To protect Meghan Markle, Jack threw the squad under the bus. Hahahaha


You know things must be really bad for the Harkles if even the dumb sugars are going off them.


Yeah, I know just how they feel. I bet every sinner on here is totally flabbergasted that Catherine hasn't leapt from her sickbed to write gushing thank you notes to all of us who said nice things about the photos of her family on fathers' day and William's birthday. We have feelings too. 😔😂 Just get a life, Sussex Squad! Meghan doesn't care. Even if she was a lovely Catherine-like person your expectations are way too high.


But Catherine did acknowledge it. She said she was blown away by the support. Meghan has said nothing like that. That's what you get for choosing someone as rotten as you squadies.


Someone’s knocking at the door lol


This is why I stay in this sub  Real life karmic retribution is Fukin hilarious 


Maybe it's time they realize who she is. She doesn't even think of them as people, they are just a source of narc supply when she needs it and when she doesn't they might as well not exist to her.


I wonder if madam is rattled about the fact both William and Charles have visited mi6


Good. Hopefully this will lead to more people seeing Meghan for the self-absorbed narcisisst she is.


The squaddies seem to be leaving … odd




Serve them right. I hate the sugars and I’m happy to see this happening.


The great awakening.


Huh, they don’t even bother to send out thank you notes like the BRF do—. Well, that’s what you get for sending them gifts and cards— nothing.


yup. SS, you've been markled. welcome to the world.


"Do you mean to say, "Discomfort is afoot" rather than aloof?


One very important statement in the first post I think may be intentional. “Neither of them ever asked for our support…” Considering more is coming out tying H&M to the SS this makes it seem as though these SS members were never asked for support. Is this planted to possibly set the stage?




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