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He's making a mockery out of his mother's death at this point. Hope this lawsuit buries him and his nepo baby tantrums.


If I ever "channel" Diana I'm going to tell him that she said "Get over it already Hazard".


![gif](giphy|BfHeZQwRKBu1O) I'd love to see Oda Mae channeling Diana if I'm being honest lol Imagine that


Pssssht at this rate I wouldn't doubt Harry would be into the whole scenario where Sam takes over Oda Mae's body so he and Molly can get all touchy feely. He definitely has some weird oedipus thing with his mother. šŸ¤¢


ā€œWrong number, Harry!ā€




Lol throw around some pea soup for effect..


"Man up, show some dignity and stop hiding behind my skirts!" ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|rage)


So everything stupid that PH does, is due to his pain from his mum's death?!


It was common to walk behind the coffin of a loved one in Victorian times. Now we drive behind a hearse. It called a funeral procession. In some countries they still walk behind a horse drawn wagon or people carrying the coffin. All over the world people lose their loved ones every day. They are not as privileged as Harry is.


I wonder if he knows about pall bearers.Ā  The thing is it wasn't a great thing for that to have happened to young children.Ā Ā  But it's now been 28 years and he's not worked on anything to earn *compassion* (he shouldn't expect sympathy after 28 years)!Ā  Ā  Ā  I can't believe he, a man of almost 40, would sit among *children* who have tragically lost a loved one, and not *instinctively* offer SUPPORT and ENCOURAGEMENT & UNDERSTANDING.Ā  Instead he thinks the loss of his mother on a drink drive accident is worse and can't shut up about it šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Correct āœ…


Ironically no one gave him more of a pass in this way than the media.Ā Ā  Every stupid thing he did the media would print a whole section of the loss of his mother to make it seem cruel to call him out. The papers were in a lot of fear of thr public blame for some years after Diana's death. Like we now know for a fact in other areas of his life, Harry has s propensity to ignore those that were actually helping him and he goes on attacking them. I'd mark today as the day that informal 'gentlemens agreement' fully goes out the windows


The Harkles are spineless A-lister wannabees who think that leaching off of a dead royal will help them with their fame and popularity the the A-listers and the public. Rachel doesn't give a crap about Haz nor his trauma. Rachel wants Haz to talk about his trauma and be stuck in a pattern of never ending self loathing and deprecation while Rachel merches off of his mother and pretends to be her. An incredible f'd up way of making money after leaving the BRF.


The man is a classic case of Pavlovā€™s dog. Whenever he is called to account, ā€œWaaaaaagh, I had to walk behind my mothers coffin, waaaaagh!ā€


And why not? Itā€™s always worked for him!


I think the charm of his agony has worn off. šŸ˜†


Yes. At first, the reaction was, "what a fine, sensitive boy." Now it's like, ![gif](giphy|MZ2mzOCVZqltHCCxcR|downsized)


Itā€™s just maudlin. (But hilarious)


It's like the movie *Cold Comfort Farm's* Aunt Ada Doom, and her repeated phrase: https://preview.redd.it/6ihj58hqe79d1.png?width=184&format=png&auto=webp&s=9499a1bfeebf3bb9b01e09091c806a6c6923a135




But it's getting really old now because he's a 40 year old man, not the child who walked. People aren't as Diana-crazed as they used to be. Time marches on and Princess Catherine is now Princess of Wales and The People's Princess. Only Hazard and MeMe can't accept that people grieve and move on as we should. Even the Spencers don't trot her out like he does and they lost a daughter/sister/aunt.


William walked behind his mother as well. He has been able to compartmentalize it and not have it be his one and only thought and he never uses it as an excuse for *ANYTHING!*


I try to imagine being asked to walk behind my motherā€™s coffin. Obviously it would be painful but in some ways, it might help. Itā€™s a way to honor your mother and a poignant and beautiful way to say goodbye. Yes, I will walk with you all the wayā€¦.


I think so too plus can you imagine the whining if he hadn't been allowed to do that?? I was left out etc...šŸ™„


It was their Uncle Charles, Earl Spencer who wanted the boys to walk behind Dianaā€™s coffin. Harry should blame him for this.


The boys didnā€™t want to but Prince Philip said he would walk with them so they did.


I don't think it was PP's idea for the boys to walk with the casket, but he did agree to walk with them. I believe it was Earl Spencer's idea originally. But to Haznone, that guy walks on water, and he is a bit of a dick, especially as a family man. JMO.


This is the story I read as well. The funeral arrangements were those prepared for the event Queen Elizabeth passed (which is periodically updated for the sitting monarch and King Charles would have his own at present as well). Then Earl Spencer strongly insisted that the boys walk behind Dianaā€™s coffin despite it being uncommon for minors to be made to do so in Royal Funerals (the Duke of Kent did so at age 16 for his Uncle King Georgeā€™s funeral as a Royal Duke). To make it easier for his grandchildren, Prince Philip offered to walk with them. Prince Philip walked behind Dianaā€™s coffin for his grandchildren, the same way I believe Charles walked in order to support his children.


Actually, the plan used was meant for the dowager Queen, QEII's mother. It was talked about in the movie The Queen starring Helen Mirren.


It was the boys who wanted a Royal Funeral for Diana. She wasnā€™t really supposed to have 1. The Royal family men always walk behind the coffins. Harry was asked to go by car. He refused.


Has this been reported before? If true, it's an entirely different narrative than the one poor Haz tells.


Itā€™s the truth and very reported upon. Diana had lost her HRH status in the divorce. Charles fought so hard for her to have a Royal Funeral. Harry blatantly lies. I believe Harry wanted to walk to glare at The British Public for being upset. The RF have always accepted the criticism over the boys walking behind the coffin.


And if he HADN'T walked behind her coffin? He'd be whinging about that now.




My dad requested me to play his favorite piece on piano at his funeral. I think that trumps walking behind a casket. Neither is pleasant however!


I guess for anyone, it's just being able to do what you can, to show love and respect.




I canā€™t imagine. You probably donā€™t even remember doing it!


I was a teenager and remember every note played. It was horrible for me but I did it for my daddy with a grateful heart. Thatā€™s the difference in real people and Harry. He resented having to follow that casket. He should have seen it as an honor. His attitude has caused his pain.


In my opinion he put all his trauma from losing his mother into one walk behind the coffin. This way he gets to blame his family for it. I bet if they thought he was too young to walk behind the coffin, his biggest complaint would be that only William got a chance to say goodbye.


Now, knowing about his lazy ass, he was probably pussed that he had to walk and didn't get a ride in a fancy car. I despise him more with each passing day!


To be fair their grandfather HEAVILY encouraged them to do it.


It was their uncle Charles that heavily encouraged it. The RF didn't even want a full state funeral.Ā  It was the Spencers (mainly Charles Spencer, likely out to cover the fact he has literally just denied his sister a place to live and collect herseld) that insisted on the public funeral.Ā  Ā In such funerals the men walk behind which of course Charles S wanted to. The then Prince of Wales agreed fmto ask the right thing to do *even though there was a HIGH riskĀ that he'd be SHOT while doing so, such was the anger toward him by the public.Ā  As for the boys, Philip spoke to them about walking behind his sisters coffin when he was their age and told them he would've regretted it had he not. BUT he said to the boys they didn't have to and he'd support their decision to their uncle.Ā  When William showed he wished to but was hesitant, Philip OFFERED to walk *with them for support* There's more but essentially Charles Spencer had a tragedy that would save his estate that was in financial trouble. He milked it ever since then.Ā  With the distance of time it's easy to see who was *really* protecting and taking care of the boys.Ā  Their father and grandfather protected them.Ā  Their grandmother *THE QUEEN* broke centuries of protocol and lowered her head as Diana's coffin passed.Ā  She did that for her grandsons despite people thinking it was to appease the public.Ā  She said she did it to show her respect foe the mother of the future King. Anywho it's a looong story but if you want to know about the villain of the piece check out his uncle Charles SpencerĀ 


William stated in an interview it was Philip. Although maybe Charles S. Was more adamant about it and Philip asked them If I do it, will you?ā€ So he could have just been being supportive.[https://people.com/royals/prince-william-finally-reveals-who-decided-he-and-harry-should-walk-behind-dianas-coffin/?utm_source=emailshare&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=mobilesharebutton2](https://people.com/royals/prince-william-finally-reveals-who-decided-he-and-harry-should-walk-behind-dianas-coffin/?utm_source=emailshare&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=mobilesharebutton2)


That is how I viewed it, not as some cruelty. It was a way to honor his mother and he was surrounded by other males in his family, including his brother, who looked very concerned about him.


My school had one student she was about 11/12 and her mom had a heart attack, she had to phone 112 (=911 in my country) and follow instructions from them to save her mother, I can't remember exactly but I am quite sure her mom didn't make it. I was 7, so my memory could be wrong. I remember what happened clearly, but the aftermath is a bit vague. I remember the assembly when the teacher told us what happened but not much more. But she didn't pull the feel sorry for me act after it happened. (Sadly, we had a few tragic incidents around that time, so some can be mixed up)


The difference is...both Harold and Fraud have a pathological need to BE Diana...because they think she still has stardust...but she's been dead for almost 30 years...and the generations that followed don't know who she is or have heard of her and don't care...shes just a historical figure... My generation (61)...doesn't give a rats ass....time marches on and we love that William's beautiful wife Catherine is a lovely POW...she is kind...loving..intelligent...NORMAL...and with high emotional Intelligence....and most of all she honours her husband with the utmost respect and knows HE is the star...HE will be king...she is a dream....far superior to Diana as well.


However, isn't Catherine REALLY Diana's legacy? William knew what he didn't want in a wife because of his mother.


You make an excellent point, Mama.




![gif](giphy|ummeQH0c3jdm2o3Olp|downsized) Absolutely!!!


A difficult truth to acknowledge to some, but a truth all the same.


I so agree and am sick of those who feel its sacrilegious to state otherwise.Ā  First of all there were other immensely popular PoW *before* Diana. She does not *own* the hundreds years old title. Imo Catherine, the Princess of WalesĀ  is far superior in her child rearing, public service and pretty much everything else I can think of. She makes an amazing PoW and she's *barely even started yet*! Long live the King and the Princess of Wales!


Both him and his ILBW have totally ruined the memories I had of Diana. Heā€™s called gear attention to her flaws. She has nothing to do with this, sheā€™s a flawed human like any of us. It has everything to do with their constant lying grifting and whining about how bad the world is treating them. They both suck brass covered putty balls.


And the woman should've been allowed to rest.Ā  Not to be trotted out in todays reportwrs digging up stories about her that are 30 years old.


I think we are bored of his "pain and trauma". A 40 year old man still acting like this happened a month ago. Give me a break.


Haz always cries and moans about his mother's passing. What a contrast to William who, today, was on an Earthshot panel. Bill Gates, Michael Bloomberg, etc were present. William also welcomed the Japanese Emperor this week, along with the King and Queen. He attended the state dinner. How funny that William does not allow his mother's death (25 years ago?) to define him, unlike his stunted brother. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-13576015/Hannah-Waddingham-cheeky-quip-Prince-William-Earthshot-Prize-event-London-earns-round-applause.html


The more harry the spare cries the more William the heir look better in comparison Didn't think at all, this one gingerĀ 




I bet if the palace said that Haz is too young to walk behind the coffin and didn't make him walk he would be screaming that he wanted to honor his "mummy" and wasn't allowed to by the BRF. The Harkles' victimization knows no bounds. Not to mention that they paint themselves to be the victims in everything that they do. And these are the same Harkles who have ruthlessly harassing the BRF.




Gosh, this!!!!!


https://preview.redd.it/eq0se8jl759d1.png?width=963&format=png&auto=webp&s=5caff6711497a2cd4ca1eaaf3a36cd905ca89039 Wonder if DM is giving him enough coverage on this event that happened back in May. Meanwhile DM ignoring the story "Lawyer for the Sun tabloid accuses Prince Harry of destroying documents sought in litigation." They don't call it the Daily Markle for nothin'


This is beyond pathetic.Ā  Its been almost 30 years Harold. You are NOT someone to be talking as an expert on anything let alone moving on healthy.


I think itā€™s his fallback position to distract from his destroying evidence. Guess he FAFO.


Agree completely. I think this ESPY award is to distract from his destroying evidence. The Pat Tillman award. Harry loves to feed on the dead.


Strange liā€™l necro boi.


Pat Tillman would be spinning in his grave if he knew. Haznot is NOT an American. Why is he doing anything ?? He took photo ops and played games in the bunker during his "service," if it can be called that. Daddy (KCIII) took away his uniform. We have REAL AMERICAN HEROES that could and should be getting this award. The award just lost all credibility and meaning. I hope the soldiers boycott this!


Mary Tillman is questioning why someone as divisive as Meganā€™s husband is getting this award. Curious if dumbass will get booed in light of Mrs. Tillmanā€™s comments. Also curious if Harry will make some smart ass remark like he did about John Travolta dining on his dead mother. I hope he gets booed out of LA.


The real question is how all these organisations allow him to give speeches about mental health and dealing with grief when he is clearly mentally unwell and never got over his mother's death, even after A QUARTER OF A CENTURY. Not exactly the best grief counsellor, is he?


Agree that it sure ain't healthy to hoard pain and anger, as if it were gold.


>Meanwhile DM ignoring the story "Lawyer for the Sun tabloid accuses Prince Harry of destroying documents sought in litigation." Don't worry. They'll be writing this one up come Friday/Saturday. They are being sued as well.


This is the Daily Markle's lead story right now. - "Hawk Tuah" girl Haliey Welch lays low in rural Tennessee town as secret behind her signed hat deal is reveraled.. Egg on face missing that Harry destroying evidence news.


Iā€™m glad he opened up. Iā€™d have never known he was the son of Diana or that he still tragically suffers for having lost her. Heā€™s been so stoic Iā€™d have never known! /s


My grief is simply NOTHING when held up to the Poor Prince of Smaller Beds and Less Sausages.


Harry is the king of grief. His grief trumps all. Especially those who lost two family members or who actually carried a coffin, not just walked behind it.


Any mental health agency that employs H in any capacity should have their own heads examined.


Wait that was in May??? šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ Ok this is definitely proof to me that the Taylor Swift photos deeply upset them


Yep and Daily Mirror is running 5 articles on this - poor Harry. Guess Sussexes must have bought the Mirror package. Meanwhile completely ignoring - Prince Harry ā€˜deliberately destroyedā€™ potential evidence, phone hacking case hears. Judge orders Duke of Sussex to explain himself after lack of documentation handed over causes concern Daily Markle ignoring it too. Telegraph, BBC, Washington Post and a lot of others carrying the story.


He deliberately destroyed documents??!!!! Why isn't this front page news everywhere?!


I now honestly believe that some of these online news outlets are scrambling to stay alive - Sweeping job cuts at Mirror, Star and Express - 300 editorial staff; total number of cuts in last 12 months to 800. And, they are accepting not only money for coverage but payment for NOT running certain information. Not a doubt in my mind.


It's been a long time since I've paid attention to the news to be honest. Every news outlet has an agenda, or so it seems.


The actual news read by people are publishing it. Daily fail is a rag read by bored people looking for gossip.Ā 


and gossip about celebs which is what DM has become. A celeb website. It's the TMZ for the UK.


Hazard isn't the only one who used his mum for clicks...


I wonder if this was what H had allegedly begged his father/BP to "fix this for me" when they met for 12 minutes in February


Can you imagine having your 'corpse' tossed onto the table over and again by some idiot relative needing yet another free pass?


He is the Prince of the death of Princess Diana. If they hadnā€™t made him walk behind that coffin heā€™d be bitching that William got to walk behind Mummyā€™s coffin and not himā€¦. Itā€™s no small thing, but the card has been played.


So has the racism card, the reverse card where they backtracked the racism card, the young mother card, the independent woman card, the suicidal card, the ā€œdaddy cut me off ā€œ card, and the ā€œdesperate to be back in the Royalsā€ card. They should be out of cards by now.


They still have the Public Divorce Drama deck to crack...


anyone who has ever lost a loved one at an early age will despise him for this. You are a rich entitles prick, who uses a dead parent for profit. He reminds me of those people who had a stint on some reality show, and after it ends, their whole identity is centred around that one THING! Off topic: I have a classmate who at the age of 13 got in a car accident with her parents. Her dad ended up in a wheelchair, she and her mom were all well. But...MY GOD - that was her whole damn identity! She had this amazing ability to remind everyone in the room of this accident no matter what's going on around. You could be talking about cow's poop- she would manage to shove her accident in it. Like Me-Me does with the most little insignificant crap in her life. And yet - pregnancy , birth , children - crickets..... https://preview.redd.it/oi70k0yva59d1.jpeg?width=563&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2c94884cabf0527dd4e3484ff29bc708c127ea38


Merkin thinks her hallucinations are fascinating to others.


Yes; where are the heroic birth stories? If she had actually given birth we would all know every amazing detail.


And this is why Ive eventually come around to the idea of surrogates. Nothing about her being pregnant. And her not doing a b/w pregnancy photo, if she could have- she would have.


Agree. I believe there are children. It would just be too difficult to pull that off if there werenā€™t. Surrogates are another matter. One day it will all come out.


I am very surprised he managed to go five months without using the Diana card. The last time was in January with John Travolta, iirc.


There's a lot of unsavory shit headed his way and he's got nothing left in his arsenal except to hide behind his dead mummy's skirts. As usual.


Too bad, Prick Harry. ![gif](giphy|WQxCOg6ezpfRkwAyA7|downsized)


Better be sure you don't get dehydrated, Harry. ![gif](giphy|1BXa2alBjrCXC)


Is he testing Madameā€™s new wine?


Yes, and I think he's mixing tears into it.


He does not want to be back in the fold. All the reconciliation or contact articles are puff pieces. They are in abundance just now and itā€™s bad PR for the real royals if believed. The palace does not comment and I firmly believe that they are just ignoring it. On one side these articles make people think the King is giving into them, he then gets bad PR and people start to call, him weak. In my opinion there is zero contact and itā€™s all via the media pieces so itā€™s one sided with no intention of doing anything other than cause harm. On the other side if the articles are believed people think they are victims and the King as a father should forgive them and it generates a media debate with the RF looking bad as they are standing firm and not accepting the olive branch. As for the court, itā€™s beyond the palace being able to do anything. The men in suits can only go so far in fixing things. At this level there is nothing they can do. The palace can only fix with spin PR, they canā€™t interfere with the justice system. In the past Harry was sent to visit a holocaust camp and to apologise, the army sent him on diversity training. There was once a time when QEII stopped a court case by saying she was aware that Paul Burrell had some of Dianaā€™s things. This did not go down well at the time and it was a huge unprecedented move. https://www.privacylaws.com/news/queen-elizabeth-ii-tipped-the-scales-towards-justice/ https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-145634/Royal-butler-trial-thrown-intervention-Queen.html


I think there are two separate things in this matter. 1) Hank would like to be royal senior again. But he can't do it, because Megsy flatly refuses to come back if she doesn't have a place of privilege, and that's not going to happen. Even Hank has already grasped that the answer to his demands will be "No." 2) Hank doesn't want to be openly ignored. And that is another aspect of the matter. The recurring complaint is that Palace does nothing, the BRF remains silent... But it turns out that this has had an effect: Hank, in the circles in which he moves, has noticed that he no longer has the same level of respect as He had it before, because more and more people are clear that the BRF buried him. I think this has been creeping in since polo gossip. Hank was going to make a documentary about polo, and he wanted the best players, but the best told him "No." And they said "No" because who do they play with? With royalty. And the royalty, British and all other countries, have told Hank to go to hell. He cannot make a grand entrance in Spain or Sweden or Denmark, because the royalty of those countries despise him. Hank needs the BRF to recognize that he is a prince, that he is still part of the family, because otherwise there will be more people telling him "No." The problem is that the BRF has buried Hank and does not want to revive him.


You make an excellent point about the polo chums. Nobody will touch them now. I agree that there is nothing but silence from the real royals now too. Harry has just highlighted that they are trying to manipulate things their way in his last two stop overs in the UK and then Nigeria. Itā€™s all getting very serious now. I think they both now know that any chance of a return to royal duties is over, for both of them. There was never going to ever be a way back for Meghan, QEII was going to downgrade her and thatā€™s why they left. Nigeria was an attempt to say ā€œwe can do thisā€ but it failed.


He should stop with this genetic pain thing and stop bringing up his mother. Given how stable William and Charles are, and how messed up his Spencer relatives are, people will start realizing he gets his stupidity and mental issues from Diana! Death elevated Diana to sainthood. Harry is unearthing all of her weaknesses and foibles.


Many of us have realized that for some time now.




WhatsApp, Signal messages and emails exchanged between Harold and J. Moeringher ( probs spelt this wrong) during the writing of waaagh pertaining to phone tapping I think. Eta: About what Harold did or didn't know.


Harry is the WORST example of how to heal from trauma. He wears it like a shield, blames all his failings on everyone and everything else, refuses to make something of himself, and has completely destroyed his life because of it.


His version of Dianaā€™s death is distorted, too, to make him sound as piteous as possibleā€” he describes Charles waking him up in the middle of the night to give him the news and then, after just a few minutes, leaving him alone in the dark to deal with it. It was probably more like 5 or 6 in the morningā€”Diana was pronounced dead shortly after 4ā€“and in Tina Brownā€™s book on Diana, she says Charles woke up William first and then William went with him to give Harry the sad news.


I believe Charles had wanted to wake the boys as soon as he heard the news. It was the late Queen who told him to let them sleep and tell them in the morning. She was right. There was nothing they could do, and Charles was such a mess that he needed a couple of hours to get his own shock and emotion under control so he could put on a strong facade for his sons. I think this is what Harry has never understood: he treats his father as some kind of robot who was unaffected by Dianaā€™s death, but Charles and Diana had pretty much reconciled by then and Charles was devastated by her death. He had, after all, known her for much longer than Harry had, and he mourned the woman she was rather than the fantasy that Harry (and the public) invented.


I had the impression that Charles was in part trying to make sure the boys didnā€™t hear the news from TV, or something, and I can see how that awful possibility made him disinclined to wait til mid-morning


I donā€™t think it was mid-morning, just closer to their normal wake-up time (5-6 am as you suggested) rather than rousing them from a deep sleep to give them that kind of life-altering news.


Yes- thatā€™s what I meant. Since they were 15 and 12 they perhaps might have slept in if left to their own devices, in which case they might have been among the last people in the UK to know. The French authoritiesā€™ news conference was around 6-7, I think?


šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘ waaaagh - upmost sorrow for everyone that has lost a parent young but he is clearly abusing the sympathy card now.




I don't know what you mean by "protect." What do you think would happen if The Sun's plaintiff Harry returned to the royal fold now? Because if you think Charles is going to interfere with the lawsuit, or do anything about the fact that Harry deleted things, I highly doubt it. Charles told Harry not to sue, he told him very clearly, he warned him what that could mean, and Harry didn't want to listen. And I think it's very, very interesting that it was very clear that Harry has his hard drives and everything from before 2013 in the USA. The logical thing is that those things were in the UK. Many of us have things in our parents' house. But it seems that when Harry had his things taken to Montecito, they took everything. Nothing was left in the UK that was Harry's. That's why Harry has his medals and things in the USA, including his hard drives. Charles wants to have absolutely nothing to do with this and the most that his role is now reduced is by allowing Alderton to provide information or even declare. And I suspect Alderton would be happy not to support Harry, not after the ugly things Harry has said about him.


Well, I firmly believe that the "men in grey suits" covered up a lot of Hazard's crap, which is why he is the adult he is. He no doubt thinks that if he returns to the BRF he will be able to use that to protect himself because when he was a working royal he had the benefit of the press corps/fixers/legal minds/political connections/social connections. Look at how he just demanded the footage of the "car chase" when they were being completely ridiculed online and Backgrid reminded him that he's Just Harry now. I suspect if he was still a working Royal he would have made some calls, it would have been "buried" a little bit and yet again he's just a rapscallion. I don't think Charles or William would do anything on his behalf on this matter because Hazard continues to drag this crap out. However, I think Hazard thinks he can use being Royal to get out of things because he did until he quit.


Ah!! Yes, that's true, they covered up many things from the press. Less than his friends, his friends have already said that they know things about Harry that not even Charles knows. And yes, I also agree that Harry believes he can achieve whatever he wants because he is a prince. But here's a detail: I think that's a conclusion that Harry himself made, it's not something that he really saw at the Palace. Charles has lost lawsuits, one against the BBC for a documentary in 2015. And Anne also lost a lawsuit and had to pay a fine. In fact, Harry himself demanded that his father intervene with the press so that they would speak well of Megsy and Charles told him not to say ridiculous things. I think Harry believes that the title of prince has a lot of power, and I think you're right, part of that is the fault of covering up a lot of stupid things that Harry did from the press. But another part is that Harry has an idea of ā€‹ā€‹himself that is very out of reality.


Hazbeen was born in the wrong century for his title to hold weight and power.Ā 


I think it goes way beyond what Charles or William would like to do. (Not that I think they want to help him at this point.) I think their hands are tied and to protect the monarchy, they have to stay as far away from h and his lawsuits as possible. H has gone too far for a simple phone call to help matters. In fact, simple phone calls from Pa would likely hurt him more than help after all the crap he spewed in Spare.


I agree, even if Charles wanted to help Hank, Hank himself made it impossible


I think he still DOES get protection because heā€™s the Kingā€™s son. Not as much as he used to, but heā€™s still got a layer or two of protection.


It's crumbling though. When they first left this likely would have gone much differently but they have waited too long for these cards to be played. Now they are being exposed more and more. Young creators are making videos, and considering they were targeting youth and one point, Haz is being humiliated again and again. The dance of Karma can be slow but he deserves a nice waltz.


And Hairoldā€™s behavior has gotten progressively more outlandish since he married Meganut.


Nice turn of phrase! Repeating it so Iā€™ll remember: _The dance of karma is slow but he deserves a nice waltz._


So eloquently stated!


I thought the same thing until Jason Knauf testified in court against Megsy. I think that if there was protection from the BRF, it died when Megsy wanted to involve Charles and Camilla in the letter mess. What I don't understand is why the USA protects Harry and his visa. Now that doesn't make sense.


Hazbeen received more privacy with a lot of stuff happening behind the scenes. Even the first few lawsuits after Megxit he had judges vote in his favour.Ā  Hazbeen is being protected to protect higher people. Who approved his visa? Who was involved in the process? Were palms greased? Who was he associated with? Uncle Andy has a lot of powerful friends in America who went to great lengths to cover up Epstein and wonā€™t be exposed by the dimwit.Ā 


Epstein had more powerful clients than Andy who did not want to be dragged down by his horrible sexual preferences. And there was no favorable treatment from the judges to the Harkles. Hank lost the elephant case, and he didn't win the military case either, because the military asked the Mail to drop it. In return, they went to demand that the queen remove Hank from all military patronages. If I remember correctly, Wootton told that a long time ago in the middle of Megixt, when Wootton is in "screw you Harry" mode. And Megsy didn't win the letter case, the Mail lost it for fair use abuse. Judge Warby said it in the court ruling: a couple of paragraphs less and the Mail would have won the case. Harry also lost against the Mail in his case over an article for having lied about paying for his security. And strictly speaking, although he "won" the case against the Mirror, in reality he had to pay costs and in his second round an agreement was reached by the one who said at the beginning that he did not want to agree. I see more lost cases than a great victory.


Andrew was a scapegoat for more powerful people. What was the military case about?Ā 


During the pandemic, the military tried to contact Harry, in 2020. Harry did not respond. He didn't even respond to a general's email. The Daily Mail found out, and published it. He published that Harry had abandoned the military. That was in August 2020. Harry sued the Mail saying that what the Mail had published damaged his honor and he was so loved by the military that it damaged the military too. Seriously, Harry put that in his lawsuit. The Mail was going to continue with the case... but suddenly, in September, the Mail announced that it was giving up and apologized to Harry. It was a wtf????? Then, around February 2021, the Queen announced that she was ending the year she had given Harry to "think" about whether he should give up leaving, and removed all sponsorships from him and Megsy. Megixt was actually due to end on March 31, 2021, the Queen put an end to it earlier. Everything was very strange, until Wootton in an article said that the military had approached the Mail to ask them to drop the case because they did not want the military to testify judicially. That would have happened in September. And the soldiers went to talk to the Queen because they had had enough of Harry. This coincided with rumors between September and December that there were military movements at the Palace, that the military wanted Anne, and that Harry was demanding to extend the Megixt for another year. Wootton told the story if I remember correctly after what happened with Piers when Megsy complained about Piers. That was when many journalists said things against Hank and among those, the military asked the Mail to desist because they demanded Harry's head from the Queen. And the Queen gave them his head. I am very sorry that I don't have the links, because it seems that they have been deleting that story, but maybe if you check sites like Reddit you will find the story. 2020-2021. That was one of the reasons for Harry's interview with Oprah and why Harry was so angry at his grandfather's funeral and why they wouldn't let him wear his military uniform.


Holy Smokes Hum-Ec, I never knew H sued DM over the military allegations! I was into MM from the engagement interview onwards but quit paying attention during all the 2019 drama and didnā€™t start back until the Oprah debacle. Now Iā€™m going to dig a bit. Thank you for your excellent commentary on this sub, most especially the legal aspects.


Any "protection" he would be getting would be from third parties choosing to do so and the King has no control over that.


Spot on comment, which is why he is being used by others, i think I read 70 others are involved in this? He uses his Iā€™m royal card to get out his messes


Your observation is spot on. Likely copies of everything they had was made (such as Madames journal) but they wanted *nothing* to do with Todger and the problems he was bringing onto himself. King Charles withdrew their lease *to make sure it was clear the Harkles were not in the Royal fold anymore*.Ā  For some reason a lot of people didn't get that and still stay KCIII will help Todger.Ā  At this stage the King is letting Harold learn what life is like. I will find it infuriating if he gets away with this childish "oops" turns out I had it all along at home and with my lawyer in the US. I didn't know you MEANT it when you said you wanted my evidence" Also brings new light kn his previous case where on the stand the idiot said he was in court "to get the evidence" from the defendant.Ā  He's an idiot and Sherbourne is very dodgy at this point it too obvious.


I'm finding it difficult for Harry to get his way, because let's never forget that what Harry wants is to force the press to only publish what he and his wife want, exactly as they say. And this long list of lawsuits does nothing to help the press warm to Hank. And I'm not seeing that Hank is going to achieve much with this cause of The Sun either. It is evident that The Sun wanted to reach an agreement like the one Hugh Grant reached, but Hank refuses that. Well, if The Sun doesn't get the case declared barred, I think their lawyers will make Hank get less than any previous settlement offer. And that will make Hank have to pay the million-dollar bill for costs. I don't see victories here for Hank.


It annoys the living daylights out of me when Harriet brings out he lost his mother. Prince William lost his mother too but he honors Diana rather than dredging everything up. Harriet is just a man child who cannot hold himself accountable for his own decisions.


Diana's legacy is forever tarnished by her petulant, man-baby of a buffoon for a son. šŸ‘¶ She was certainly no angel, but was truly a humanitarian and a soft-hearted "People's Princess".Ā  She had etched her name on the hearts of the public with her good works, charm, and charisma. Honestly, any time her name comes up, his dumb face flashes through my head. The egotistical, elitist, King in his own mind, dredges up her death and his mourning at the drop of a hat.Ā  And we're DONE, been done, with his overplayed sob-story.Ā  ā˜ ļøĀ  šŸš«


He forgets the best example of getting past grief is his brother. William is a role model, Hazza, just a spoilt little boy grasping for relevancy and exploiting his mother's legacy for all he can. Sadly, he used up his quota of public sympathy after he tried to enrich himself off of it. Meghan will never be a Diana figure, and the title of Princess of Wales has been bestowed to its rightful new recipient, Catherine, the future queen.


I really feel for William his wife is sick his father is sick and his motherā€™s memory is being twisted and used by someone who is supposed to love and support him . Letā€™s face it when William is king Harry is f**ked .


Fgs. Harry has been 'dining out' since forever about Diana. Ā Many many children have lost a parent and have no closure ie parent is missing. Or they have witnessed a parent getting murdered or just a parent being murdered. But Harry pain surpasses anyone else's pain. Infantile little turd.


It'll be a headline if the lil tw*t STOPS whining about his dead mother.




It is his pattern. Should've known something is up when he brought up about his mum... expecting people to forgive him again cause poor man child lost his mummy


Oh, has he a dead mum? I had no idea! Jog on, Harry




I believe that they needed a surrogate because he's absolutely unattractive mentally.


Well per her father she had a hysterectomy at a young age due to infection..... rumors she has a daughter from her first annulled marriage...the family was well to do and they saw right thru the VILE...BTW WHERE ARE THOSE CHILDREN?