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Shouldn't have let him buy the award in the first place! Make a deal with the devil, and this is the price you pay. Had you given it to someone truly worthy, you wouldn't be in a tizzy now. You pollute the service, honor and bravery of Pat Tillman.


But why do people give in to Meghan and Harry? This is a bought award. Why do the Harkles get to dictate when the award is given? And where did the money to purchase said award come from?


Freaking damned if I know and I'm still so angry about this I could spit nails! I don't know if there's evidence this is a pay for play award, not sure how this one works. Could be a pay for play nomination. I honestly don't know. But if Harry thinks adding another paid for award trinket is going to improve his popularity in the US, he seriously does NOT understand the US. This will have the exact opposite effect on his popularity. I'm as fed up with this as I am all the military sycophants! I could care less what piddly little useless awards they purchase for their egos, but the Pat Tillman award is special, and he does NOT deserve it! Linking a self-admitted drug and alcohol abuser to Pat Tillman is beyond disgusting and disrespectful.


That’s how I felt about him presenting the Walter Payton award at the NFL honors. It’s a very prestigious award and to see it demeaned because of his presence is maddening.


Absolutely!! I guarantee he knew even less about Walter Payton than he knows about Pat Tillman! I'm totally expecting him to show up at the Wounded Warrior games in Orlando for the ending this weekend. He hasn't so far and they've not announced it, but I'm sure he's demanded it not be made public for his privacy and protection. Him getting the ESPY award has hit MSM here, but they're not allowing comments. Of course not, cowards know the US public is NOT going to like this!


Oh Dear Lord. I didn't know the warrior games were on this weekend. Of course he'll be there along with a Netflix camera crew and someone from Disney/ABC to do a puff piece.


I’m madder than a wet hen as well. Walter Payton’s nickname was ‘Sweetness,’ because he was a true gentleman both on and off the field. Pat Tillman gave up his career in the NFL after 9/11, joined the Army, and was killed in action. Take the award and shove it up your backside, you ingrate.


Omg absolutely, and Harry idiotically chucked off that Americans had stolen football from the English while he was at it!!? (Yet he did miraculously manage to refrain from exhuming his mother once again 🙄)


Ironically, IIRC, this was almost back-to-back with his snide comment to John Travolta about dining out on his dance with Diana.


I am not american, but I would like to know how americans feel about harry going around giving/receiving honors that should be from an american? I’m pretty sure they are many american who are 300% more qualified than he is.


I'm an American. I think people are getting really fed up with all this. At first we were willing to give them the benefit of the doubt. But as time has gone on, skepticism has definitely crept in. We hate whiners and people who trash their families in public. They have definitely worn out their welcome. Don't let the puff pieces fool you.


Cam Heyward won the Walter Payton Man of the Year Award this year (as stated above, this is a very prestigious American football award given to a player that gives back to his community) and Cam plays for the team in my area. He works very hard for his foundation and I was horrified when the award was presented by this backstabbing, ridiculous man who has nothing to do with American football nor charity. He made some ridiculous comment, gave no props to Walter Payton and smirked himself off the stage. And now he is given the Pat Tillman award? How much $$ and PR favors did they have to call in for that one?? This man does nothing!!


I don't understand the train of thought. "No one likes or respects us so we're going to buy this awars that will force them to like and respect us." What? Respect is earned, not bought, and the number of bought awards does not equal a life of services, but rather a life lived toward feeding the ego


Nobody gives a flying fuck about his "awards".


Normally I'd agree with you completely. But this IS different. The other pay for play awards were, imho, just trivial. This one though represents Pat Tillman, a true hero and Harry's name should never, ever be mentioned in the same sentence. I'm beyond being rationally angry over this one, to the point of tears, I'm so freaking upset because I DO CARE about this one. While I don't give a fig about ESPN or ESPY's as a whole. these special awards are indeed extremely special and should only ever go to someone who is truly deserving. That is not Harry!


I'm not saying nobody give a shit about the Pat Tillman award, but HARRY's lame award collection. We know they are purchased, as are his wife's. That is what nobody cares about: celebs patting themselves on the back. It's why nobody watches shows like the Oscars or Golden Globes anymore. People see right through the self-congratulations and they are bone dead tired of it. And no, Harry should NOT be receiving this award in the name of a true hero!


I pray that he is booed accepting the award!!!


Totally agree. Pat Tillman was a great man, everything Harry is not, it’s a travesty.


I seriously think the majority of the world simply isn’t aware of all the batshit craziness that is Harry and his wife. With that in mind, however, it’s on them for not doing the due diligence by looking into their reputation and/or accomplishments beyond superficial search results.


Prince Harry destroys evidence in a legal case. The government destroyed evidence in the murder of Pat Tillman. Why is this pathetic pimple receiving an award for doing the \*opposite\* of what the Pat Tillman award 'supposedly' stands for?


Government "loses" Harry's immigration paperwork.....


And why is ESPN/Disney covering for his sorry 🫏


Agreed. Best of wishes to Ambien Chronicles today.


Agree. Pat Tillman was such a truly honorable person. This just makes me sick to my stomach.


I just thought this award was for sale. There are plenty of great athletes who also manage to great things in other fields. He’s not a retired athlete. But he is a Legend of the Air. His old friends must be rolling


They should be ashamed of themselves for not speaking out about Harry's lack of abilities/qualifications!  


Not to mention his admitted misuse of alcohol and drugs!


They gave Jenner the 'Woman of the Year' award in exchange for Diane Sawyer getting the exclusive interview back in the day. So, there is precedence for them giving out these awards for reasons other than the person actually deserving it. But thanks to the Harkles, who have gone to the 'fake award' well so very often, I now take it for granted these things are ALL bogus.


Thank you so much for saying this. The Pat Tillman award had so much integrity as if you look up what he did in his story, it is truly a hero‘s narrative. How they were able to swipe it for a PR move, I will never know but shame on ESPN for allowing this to happen. These two grifters are sickening And in my opinion, this is the equivalent of when she went to Uvalde stomping all over makeshift gravesites that had just been set up.






Never mind the timing. The disgrace is that this is happening at all. Awards really are totally meaningless these days, aren't they?


I mean…Pat Tillman. Harry. Mentioned in the same evening much less same paragraph. JFC so sick of our military people being used as props for this guy. ESPN couldn’t find anyone more worthy than the Duke of Burnout and FeeFees? Try harder!!


Seriously. My Dad was a vet. This is fucking insulting. Who do we write to in order to register our displeasure? I am disgusted.




Just sent a long message to them thank you.


Thank you. Going to get my thoughts and some Invictus facts together and let them know how folks feel about this abomination.


Thank you. Message sent.


Sent them quite a dressing down. Hoping many more will also.


Thank you.  


They also have a FB page. As does ESPN.


… and remember his stroll through Arlington National Cemetery and being saluted in Pearl Harbor? I was sickened by both of those. 😡


Exactly, they decided that Harry should get this award. They should now see what kind of person he is. All for PR.


Why would ESPN want to align themselves with this turd?


They want to put themselves out of their misery? Figured self-markling would be a good way to go?


ESPECIALLY this award!!!!! Prince Harry destroys evidence in a legal case. The government destroyed evidence in the murder of Pat Tillman. Why is this pathetic pimple receiving an award for doing the \*opposite\* of what the Pat Tillman award 'supposedly' stands for?


I don’t think the hypocrisy will be lost on people. This award buying is out of control and people are angry at being deceived.


Who owns ESPN?


Disney. I guess they’re not so through with the dastardly duo, as long as the money’s right. I’ve read that the Pat Tillman Foundation picks the awardee, but I would think that Disney would had to agree.


Did you watch the South Park episode where they roast Disney? I highly recommend it.


Walt Disney himself would not recognize the 'Disney' of today.








Of all the BS awards given to/purchased by the Harkles, this is the only one that truly offends me. Having a charitable endeavor created *for you by others,* serving as figurehead with a plus one that fails to follow good manners or military decorum expectations, does not justify receiving an award named after Pat Tillman. Good grief. Tillman quit a lucrative career to serve others. Harry quit service to others to grift and monetize his title. Harry became a soldier only because they could fudge his test scores and lack of performance…giving an award to the stoned figurehead of a failing charity created by others to give the Party Prince a cover story for his lack of work ethic and sideways invitation to leave for failure to advance within the ranks? Sheesh.


I agree. I’m actually astonished and feel sick to my stomach that this fucking LOSER and his cronies paid for this award. What an absolute disgrace to Pat Tillman’s legacy. Gross on all levels.


Not to mention that all he’s done to trash his country and the Monarch who is actually the head of the armed forces. They are honouring a traitor.




Very valid point!!!!


Excellent post - it should be spoken word for word by whomsoever has the repugnant task of making the introductory announcement at the award ceremony.


I don’t mean to minimize the atrocity of the Africa Parks problem but the one time Harry & Meghan was provided an opportunity on a golden platter to “do good”, they blew it. We would have seen through it, of course, but it was such a golden opportunity to stoke their ego and selfishness and instead went radio silent. Harry, especially, could have spoken out, made a big show about it while others did the work behind the scenes in his name, and Meghan and her ego could have stood proudly next to her ~~accessory~~ husband soaking up the glory. Hell, someone would have probably even given her a microphone for a few minutes! (Oh man…. seriousness aside, I just thought of a perfect birthday gift for Madame: a toy microphone. She could walk around and talk into it to her heart’s content, or better yet, she could stand in front of an audience — aka the mirror — and unleashed her word salad in all its glory.)


Another anon with tea. https://preview.redd.it/tz8dbphj269d1.png?width=540&format=png&auto=webp&s=e0fc0541fe1b59dfc681d23e3d96af730304ab02 If this is correct, then I hope ESPN will rethink their support.


Thank you for sharing this fabulous info. F**ker Harry needs to leave Wounded Warriors alone but not surprised he’s trying to worm his way in. An American should receive the Pat Tillman award.


Why in the hell would they give an award to someone who was a soldier in a *different country's military* ?? There is no sense to this at all, it's not like he even performed any amazing service to his own military or country, and he's not a part of the games in the USA, even though he's trying to sleaze his way in.


#Exactly! And a prince at that! Lest we forget why he "joined the military" in the first place: to cover his Nazi shenanigans!


He was too old for 'reform school', that was the last resort to try to get him to grow up.


Yes it was. By a desperate palace who were close to giving up.


It is always knee jerk reactions covering up stupid behavior.


Is he trying to worm his way in and take over Wounded Warriors?


I wouldn't be surprised at all if that's what he's trying to do. After all, the German Invictus Games have gone independent and he may be worried that other IG games will do the same. If he has a place in WW, he'd still feel important.


Didn't someone say he's lobbying the DoD constantly?for a WW role?


I think it was the same person. That he is pushing for a role.


I don't have an issue with the "American" part. Being a hero is universal, so I don't expect them to limit it to just Americans, and they don't. The award has previously been given to others that were not American. It should just NOT BE Harry! An admitted alcohol and drug abuser?!


.....and, stripped of his medals and association with his military service by his grandmother, the Queen of England! He's not worthy!


Well I’m going to just admit that I’m petty. I sent a message to the @espys about soiling the good name of Pat Tillman by giving Bunker Harry an award for “courage” in Pat Tillman’s name. Then I googled “Prince Harry Destroys…..” and clicked on all 30 articles about his court case that popped up. Not today SEO!!


We need the links for all 30 articles so all of us can click on it! I’m off to google “Harry destroys evidence…”


Great idea! I will do the same!


If you can count on anything with the Harkles, it's loose lips. Given their track record of leaking, alleging, and outright lying when it's to their advantage, what fool would dream they'd keep their mouth shut about anything?


When it comes to MM, “loose lips” is a double entendre.


Harry and especially Megsy needed something to keep the bad press of his destroying evidence on the back burner and to attempt the TOC, William's B'day photo, and the meeting with William and others for Earthshot. Of course, they had a hand in releasing this early. Once again, this will backfire. Harry's getting the Pat Tillman award is a disservice not only to the memory of Pat Tillman, who gave his life in service to his country, but also a slap in the face to others who have worked tirelessly to help veterans. This proves to many that awards are given to those who can write the biggest check, not those who truly deserve the recognition.


My father was a 95% disabled veteran of the Korean War. He sacrificed himself for his country. My father has since passed away but he would be roaring if he heard this punk prince who didn't even suffer a mosquito bite was being given this award.


He's such a prick. No disrespect (she says before potentially causing disrespect 😂) but any organisation giving him or her an award is tainted. Wish they'd fade to grey...or beige 😂


Exactly. They're utterly shameless. You'd think, that after they've been mocked endlessly for all the fake awards, that they'd have some shame and move onto another PR scam.


It's crazy isn't it. We now we will have to suffer an utter tripe word salad and the ss fawning all over him. Wonder who he'll insult when collecting his bought award?


>It's crazy isn't it. Yup but they've probably run out of ideas - the losers. So, they're left with the same useless rinse and repeat schemes that only provide short term media coverage but don't affect their long term brand optics in any positive way.


Hosestly it groundhog day. All the moey on a rinse, repeat cycle. I think, (or is it hope?) this is a slow decent into a cesspit of their own making. I can't bear them at the min and they've been away for a few weeks 😂


>I think, (or is it hope?) this is a slow decent into a cesspit of their own making. I hope so too. They're becoming more insufferable as time passes.


I wish I could stop watching at times but it's like a car crash, you can't look away. Same with watching paula m, they display such hypnotising behaviour.


Honestly. But, I'd consider myself an avid sinner, and even I feel like I've reached the end of the rope with these two. I used to love keeping up with all of H&M's spectacularly clueless blunders, because they literally defied belief...but how much more can we actually take? The more I learn about narcissists, the more I understand that they illicit negative reactions on purpose, too. They may seem charming and charismatic, but ultimately, they are anti-social. When I think of Meghan having ENGINEERED ALL OF THIS, I feel exhausted and ready to disengage. It would be so amazingly satisfying to watch, but I doubt we'll ever get our "tar and feathers in the public square" moment with Meghan. She isn't human – she won't ever find accountability within herself, because her reality has no rules. She just makes it up as she goes, and everything revolves around her. With all that being said, you know I will still be here next week, hoping and praying that a bigger comeuppance is nigh.


It feels like they’re reaching a darker stage


Good. Be in a tizzy. It’s such a disgrace that this fraud and treacherous traitor is getting this award - bought or not.


It's astonishing that someone thought, another bought award could distract from destruction of evidence. I mean, Harry and Meghan receiving awards for the most ridiculous reasons can't possibly be considered positive news. This award for IG is a side note compared to their serious fraud.


That’s absolutely what’s going on!! Release all the positive “news” you can…H is in trouble. Let’s bury that headline ASAP


Luckily for Harry Mr. Justice Fanning will probably see that Harry won an Espy and realize that a great man like that would never attempt to hide evidence in a court of law. 🙄 /s obviously Harry can attempt to pull the wool over the eyes of the media but that judge ain't gonna play that game. Dumbass.


So, did the Harkles release this before it was signed off on, or did ESPN? I’m confused.


>So, did the Harkles release this before it was signed off on, or did ESPN? I’m confused. I can think of 2 reasons: the first one is Harry's attempt to get people to stop focusing on his destruction of evidence scandal and the second one is more predictable - William is in the news today, with Mike Bloomberg, Bill Gates, Hannah Waddingham and Stella McCartney, at an event for the Earthshot Prize.


Yes, I can see why the Harkles would do this smokescreen, so ESPN is not behind this release then? Or does this benefit them in some way by not being overshadowed? I feel so dense today 😩 waaaaagh


They're probably hoping ESPN wouldn't contradict their press release, in an effort not to embarrass them.


ESPN announced it via X. No idea for timeline of who announced first. Someone may have strong-armed ESPN to go along (Serena possibly?).


Ah, ok. Thanks.🙏🏻


You're welcome 🤗.


I am out of the loop. Go away from the app for a half day and all hell breaks loose. What?


Harry's been accused of destroying important evidence related to one of his court cases. I don't know which case because I'm not totally in the loop either 😅.


I read it to say that it wasn’t supposed to be released until later…but they got signatures high up in order to get it released today.  It’s Anonymous so I’m taking it with a grain of salt whether or not it was released early. But for sure they released at least 3 positive PR pieces today because they knew the big headline was going to be a negative one. “Look here…Not There”


Why is the Pat Tillman award going to a foreign prince?😡🤮


A foreign prince who has never done one thing for American veterans


And bragged about his supposed body count. Stolen fucking valor. This is disgraceful to Pat Tillman's legacy, period.


But what is ESPN getting out of playing along with his legal shenanigans?


Not sure if they’re getting anything out of it, but same parent company (ABC) as Disney…


I’ve learned so much about PR, puff pieces, paid for awards and the phoniness of Hollywood and “charities” by paying attention to these two grifters


If H bought the award....


Well, ESPN has a lot of "experience" with unearned awards - cough Emmy cough. You won't find moral integrity in their C-suite.


They are all in a tizzy? Why? They decided to give him this award... I guess all the athletes will also have to say something positive about him and of course take a happy selfie to beat William & kids with Taylor :/


I wonder if the Kelce brothers will be there. If so, that's where the real fun will be because they're so Team Wales right now. Travis strikes me as an asshole so I don't think he'd have any reason to suck up to those idiots just because he's winning some award he bought and paid for.


The one that’s the retired Eagle, don’t remember his name, Kyle maybe? He is supposedly the nicest guy on Earth and the sun shines out of his butthole. Taylor’s boyfriend seems like he’s more of a lose cannon. I think the did a podcast where they spoke highly of William. I love that for Harry.


I think his name is Jason. I'm a Chiefs girl and don't know much about the brother but apparently they were both impressed with the Wales family. I wouldn't be surprised if that's why they suddenly bought an ESPN award, so they could be surrounded by pro athletes too.


Jason is the retired Philadelphia Eagle player - older brother (by 2 years) of Travis.


Patrick Mahones (or insert another a-list American athlete right now) could host them for a private dinner at his own home and it wouldn’t beat the Wales family with Taylor (and, frankly, Travis) IMO. I guess they’ll try, but it will fail. I’ll be interested to see if Madame attends the awards.


This is embarrassing. He can't get the validation from being a royal anymore, so he buys awards to boost his ego. He and this one's wife are a laughing stock.


Just more proof that THEY ARE THE ONES WHO LEAK. Doesn’t matter to them that ESPN has a publicity timeline. Doesn’t matter that someone pulled strings to make this award happen and promised that “Prince Harry” was guaranteed to *shine a light* on a good cause. He and his toxic wife went ahead with their own agenda and leaked this news, heedless of the agreement that was undoubtedly made. Oh well. EPSN brought it on themselves.


If they did this I don’t know if ESPN would just go along with this and doesn’t pull the invite entirely now especially with what happened today. I’m not much into sports at all so I don’t know much about the inner working of espy/espn




An award cannot drown out the news that Harry has been ordered to explain deleting potential evidence


Fuck NO!!! Pat Tillman is an American Hero!!  Harry isn't even American and the word "hero" is an antithesis regarding that useless taint blister!!!  Buying the award?!?!  If Harry wasn't completely devoid of character & courage, he would put the brakes on this now, declare that he isn't fit for this award, and make a donation to the Pat Tillman charity instead.  ESPN....everything I want to say will get me banned from the sub. 


Well, they let him buy the award and now must take the heat. Terrible decision in the part of the organization. Lost respect for them. I emailed them and let them know how bad this looks. You guys should too. https://pattillmanfoundation.org/contact/


I think I'll write too.




Thank you. I’ll be sending them my thoughts.


Running outta money buying awards 😂


Especially since everyone is aware of the meaningless of it all. Thanks to them we now know how corrupt these awards are.


Shows how much he values and respects the award. Only uses it to make himself look good. They should pull it back with this showing of selfishness.


This is **so** going to backfire on ESPN.  I'm predicting it will never happen


Him associated in any way with Pat Tillman is repugnant. Harry ran from service (in the military, in life) while Tillman stepped up to the plate in all aspects of life. Sorry to the other recipients of the award, but it often happens that when Harry receives his paid for version of an award, the other people who earned it are ignored. The prestige diminishes when everyone knows it can be bought.


ESPN getting MARKLED. They deserve every bit of it


It's not quite working. A quick Google search on news on Harry still has the evidence tampering very much on top.


contact information for ESPN: [https://support.espn.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?ticket\_form\_id=360000010431](https://support.espn.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?ticket_form_id=360000010431) Only thing I could find other than social media contacts. Completely disgusted with Harry receiving any award with the name Pat Tillman on it. Pat was and remains a legend here in Arizona. He walked away from a lucrative football career to serve our country and made the ultimate sacrifice. I'm in disbelief that Pat's foundation and family is ok with this. I send the foundation a note and am sending ESPN one. I doubt it will do much but who knows. This is a slap in the face to every veteran who has served our great country.


Exactly. I am in AZ too and can't believe his legacy would be tarnished by feeding into the antics of a loser prince and his wife. But, in the end I do think the responsible parties ie: ESPN and the Tillman foundation should be held accountable for this fuckery.


The timing of the release isn’t the problem. The problem is why is someone who can’t be verified being ever in actual combat, actually had a license or piloted an Apache in combat or at any time during his time in country, who all by his little self had at least a whole British company doing nothing but protect him, got two US soldiers killed because he wanted to play soldier is even getting this award. Or even considered. He’s lucky he doesn’t have just a general discharge. All he did was waste resources. ESPN sucks and they’re gonna be muting me online soon. lol.


ESPN has been steadily going downhill and losing viewership. They've had their share of scandals. This is just further evidence of what a bunch of morons they are!


#EXACTLY!!!! Fucking BUNKER HARRY! I'm livid!


I bet Haz doesn't even know who Pat Tillman is and he still won't when he accepts the award. All he cares about is chalking up another paid for award that he can boast about. He has nothing else. Nothing.


Captain DumbAss ad-libbing a fragging joke in his speech…put it on your bingo card.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but does Madame ever show up when an "award" is for Harry only? Lol


That Award has lost it's shine for ever, another Award to chuck down the chute like the Legend of Aviation BS. This is truly insulting, what is this world coming to?


https://preview.redd.it/ccwrblcn469d1.png?width=183&format=png&auto=webp&s=dca18fe47fc08892ab9f464ad463cc737e36cae2 ESPN has now been officially Markled!😂😃😂😃 I wonder how much longer WME is going to put up with Duke Doofus now that it's plain he's just as self-serving and obnoxious as his wife?


Come on Sinners! Let’s shout it from the rooftops, the Pat Tillman award is being given to someone who disobeyed his commander (The Queen), he was called Bunker Harry not for his bravery, and was never a pilot. We have to let this be known. I’m old, I only go on Reddit, but come on, yell on social media.


This really makes me angry. Pat Till,an is a true patriot. Hazmat bought this award because he has an “in” with Disney/ABC. He is desperately trying to deflect from the evidence tampering charges,


Prince William gives out meaningful awards such as MBE’s, knighthoods, dame hoods and the Earthshot Prize which have worldwide significance and impact. Prince Harry and Meghan have to buy awards for themselves which are meaningless, insignificant and matter to no one, except to bolster their own empty souls.




Oooh! You’ve brought the Sussex logo to us!


Oh it's to try to distract. The news about Harry is really bad.


![gif](giphy|l4Ho0At2UD2d7WyD6) What a surprise …. Said no one!


Okay, I just looked up all the previous Pat Tillman Award for Service Winners. I don't know if Reddit will allow me to post all the links in one comment, so I'll do them one at a time. I'm giving very brief overviews, and tried to find articles or websites that covered the person and their efforts more fully. As a reminder, the award is for " given to a person with a strong connection to sports who has served others in a way that echoes the legacy of the former NFL player and U.S. Army Ranger, Pat Tillman." 2014: Joshua Sweeney Former Marine with a Purple Heart - he stepped on an IED which cost him both his legs and caused damage to his left arm and hand. Won the Gold Medal at the 2014 Paralympics in Sled Hockey - his sole goal in the final game is what clinched the gold medal. (Ice hockey on sleds) [https://www.paralympic.org/news/josh-sweeney-receive-pat-tillman-award](https://www.paralympic.org/news/josh-sweeney-receive-pat-tillman-award)


2024: Prince Harry From the Pat Tillman Foundation News release: >In honor of his tireless work in making a positive impact for the veteran community through the power of sport, Prince Harry, The Duke of Sussex will receive the Pat Tillman Award for Service, an award given to a person with a strong connection to sports who has served others in a way that echoes the legacy of the former NFL player and U.S. Army Ranger, Pat Tillman. After serving for 10 years in the British Armed Forces, including two tours of duty in Afghanistan as a forward air controller and Apache helicopter pilot, Prince Harry founded The Invictus Games Foundation, continuing his service by creating an international platform to support wounded, injured, and sick servicemen and women – both active-duty and veterans – who are navigating both physical and invisible injuries. Since inception, the Games have transcended borders and impacted lives across every continent, bringing together competitors from 23 nations, with continued support and programming 365 days of the year. Now celebrating its tenth year, The Invictus Games has evolved into a globally celebrated and acclaimed organization that celebrates resilience, community, and healing through the power of sport. No mention of him founding it after seeing the British Team compete in the US's Warrior Games - so not his idea at all. And that he helped develop it with the assistance of the UK Ministry of Defence and Deputy Chairman of the London Organising Committee of the Olympic and Paralympic Games (and initially, his brother and sister-in-law - [https://2014.invictusgames.org/organising-committee/index.html](https://2014.invictusgames.org/organising-committee/index.html) ). Also no mention of how he has allowed it to become an extended series of photo ops for his wife, who is not particularly sporty. Not sure what that has to do with Pat Tillman's legacy.


2015: Danielle Green Former Notre Dame basketball player who lost her left - and dominant - arm after being hit by an RPG. Active in Wounded Warrior Project and at the Department of Veteran's Affairs as a mental health counselor. [https://newsroom.woundedwarriorproject.org/Bouncing-Back-Stronger-Woman-Warrior-and-Purple-Heart-Recipient-Overcomes-Adversity-to-Live-with-Purpose](https://newsroom.woundedwarriorproject.org/Bouncing-Back-Stronger-Woman-Warrior-and-Purple-Heart-Recipient-Overcomes-Adversity-to-Live-with-Purpose)


2016: Sgt. Elizabeth Marks (first active duty solider to receive the award) Sustained hip injuries in Iraq as a combat medic. Became award winning swimmer, including at Invictus. Where she handed Harry back her gold medal after he placed it around her neck - she wanted him to deliver it to the English hospital staff that saved her life after her injuries as a “thank you” gesture. [https://www.armyupress.army.mil/Journals/NCO-Journal/Archives/2016/July/WCAP-NCOs-Story-of-Courage-Shared-with-Sports-Superstars-at-ESPY-Awards/](https://www.armyupress.army.mil/Journals/NCO-Journal/Archives/2016/July/WCAP-NCOs-Story-of-Courage-Shared-with-Sports-Superstars-at-ESPY-Awards/)


This is the woman whom Henry presented an award (from military media association I think) in his odd appearance from the back porch of the Olive Garden, all decked out in Granny’s medals, earlier this year). Hmmmmmm


The Award is from The Military Times Foundation - they probably just got Harry to do it because of their previous connection. [https://www.servicemembersoftheyear.org/about/](https://www.servicemembersoftheyear.org/about/)


Yes, that’s likely. I still don’t like the way he worms himself into any function the US military and its veterans are associated with. Somebody is pulling these strings for him.


2017: U.S. Air Force Master Sgt. Israel Del Toro First USAF Airman with a 100% disability rating to be allowed to re-enlist. His Humvee hit an IED, and he suffered severe burns to 80% of his body, lost one hand and most of the fingers on the other. Underwent 4 years of medical treatment and re-enrolled to help train new airmen. [https://static.dma.mil/usaf/70/featuredHeros/MSgtIsraelDelToro.html](https://static.dma.mil/usaf/70/featuredHeros/MSgtIsraelDelToro.html)


2020: Kim Clavel Former professional boxer who left boxing and returned to nursing during the early parts of the pandemic to care for at-risk elderly patients in care facilities. [https://pattillmanfoundation.org/news-media/pat-tillman-foundation-espys-kim-clavel/](https://pattillmanfoundation.org/news-media/pat-tillman-foundation-espys-kim-clavel/)


2023: Buffalo Bills Training Staff The Training Staff received the award for saving the life of Buffalo Bills safety Damar Hamlin after he went into cardiac arrest on the field. [https://www.buffalobills.com/news/bills-training-staff-to-receive-award-at-2023-espys](https://www.buffalobills.com/news/bills-training-staff-to-receive-award-at-2023-espys)


This is the one I mentioned earlier. They literally saved this young mans life and they DID deserve the award. Linking Harry in the same line as Pat Tillman and these other heroes is disrespectful and disgusting!


2018: Jake Wood Former University of Wisconsin football player and Marine sniper honorably discharged from the Iraq war. Founded Team Rubicon - an NGO that uses veterans to respond to disasters internationally. (The goal being to help reintegrate soldiers into civilian life, and to improve disaster response.) [https://www.jsonline.com/story/sports/college/uw/2018/06/11/ex-badger-jake-wood-get-pat-tillman-award-courage-espys/691735002/](https://www.jsonline.com/story/sports/college/uw/2018/06/11/ex-badger-jake-wood-get-pat-tillman-award-courage-espys/691735002/)


2021: Marcus Rashford (along with Manchester United and the England National Football Team) Forward for Manchester United who partnered with FareShare to make sure kids in at-risk communities could continue to get the meals they would have otherwise received at school during the pandemic lockdowns. Initially planning on just making a donation, he instead became a full partner and helped raise funds for 21 million meals (over £20M), and also launched a Child Food Poverty Task Force. (Rashford will be 27 years old this fall...) [https://fareshare.org.uk/marcus-rashford/](https://fareshare.org.uk/marcus-rashford/)


Wow. Thank you so much for taking the time to document all of this. It IS important. I really want to know who the other nominees were to see how on earth they can justify giving it to Harry. Seeing the other recipients is why I'm not sure this is a paid for award because I can't imagine any of the recipients ever paying for this distinguished award.


2019: Kirstie Ennis Lost her left leg in Afghanistan after surviving a helicopter crash. Works as a veteran’s advocate and performs in extreme sports. Started her own non-profit to improve quality of life and opportunities through outdoor recreation and to distribute medical technology to under-served communities. [https://pattillmanfoundation.org/news-media/espys-pat-tillman-award-2019/](https://pattillmanfoundation.org/news-media/espys-pat-tillman-award-2019/)


2022: Gretchen Evans After suffering TBI during her time in the Army, she founded Team UNBROKEN, an adaptive athletic team for people who have endured life-altering illness, trauma, or disability. [https://usveteransmagazine.com/usvm/espn-presented-pat-tillman-award-service-gretchen-evans-2022-espys/](https://usveteransmagazine.com/usvm/espn-presented-pat-tillman-award-service-gretchen-evans-2022-espys/)


ESPN SCUMBAGS!!!! Shit why not give it to the "Hawk Tuah" girl. Pat is rolling in his grave.


God, seriously. This goes way beyond getting Markled. This is disgusting.


They have really exposed all of these paid for awards. I bet most people didn’t know that most of these things are sold until H and Madame shined a light on it


![gif](giphy|cVpjeYHKM84pkb5L2V) Said no one




What do think that the Power Behind His Throne will get her claws on it before Harry has a chance to? (Que the polo trophy, lol.) If anything, Harry should instead be graced with a swift size nine up his backside for embarassing Invictus with his Nigerian Faux Royale Tour Deluxe. And, as I understand it, on their dime.


This and the staged accidental run in to Megz photoshoot 🙄 Right on schedule to distract from the court situation.


I think regardless of when released it’s just an awful awful choice. American veterans and loved ones should be pissed!


All of their failures and bought/BS awards is exactly why QEII put the kibosh on the half-in, half-out plan. The two of them have ZERO work ethic and thus all of their half-assed efforts fail and, to some extent, tarnish the BRF image. She knew what she was doing.


They can't even behave when the award is purchased. Sounds like them, impatient, not honoring agreements, impetuous decisions, trying to bury negative news, NOW, NOW NOW. I'm glad they've burned yet another potential allied partnership. Bye bye ESPN...it was nice knowing you..


The only good this item did for me was to make me think about Pat Tillman again. A lionhearted man.


It’s weird bc he’s not an athlete


So what stunning and brave things did the ginga whinger actually do to justify winning a sporting award? Tank the charity that the Palace set up for him? Tweak a few nipples? Injure his borrowed Polo ponies? Let the Emu play-march in front of injured veterans wearing shorts and jandals? Or is this just one of those "awards" you write the right sized cheque for? And then claim it as a business expense.


I just don’t understand the thinking behind buying another award after the train wreck of the pilot one. Harry obviously still wants to be seen as royal, royals give awards not receive them. Surely any adviser, pr person should rein them in before they become bigger laughing stocks .


This award is a MUCH bigger deal than the legends of aviation one. National television, to start with.


What brave act did he do to win this ?? Openned his wallet


Dim witted Harry has no idea who Pat Tillman is or what he stood for. This is a total travesty: the traitor Prince who‘s BRITISH (!) is being honored w/ a Tillman award. We have many American heros who acted honorably & should be recognized Instead! Harry trashed his family, committed elder abuse against Queen & Philip, called Charles & Catherine racist AND he’s getting this award, for WHAT reason? Tillman is turning over in his grave.


Pat Tillman Award? To a TRAITOR?! I’m beyond disgusted! A pox on that mudslide mansion.


I was born on an Army post. My father spent his 18th bday in a foxhole in Korea. He then joined Special Forces as a Green Beret, serving three tours in Vietnam. He retired from the Army and became a C-130 Navigator in the AF. My son was a medic with Marine Recon, graduated ARMY OCS, and fought in Iraq and Afghanistan before retiring from the Pentagon. My uncle fought in WWII. This award selection has now become a sham and a travesty. Harry and Meghan destroy everything their evil souls touch.


I hope they get markled.


So is this one of those algorithm changing things Meghan does? Document destroying by Harry will get mixed up with document destroying by the army in relation to Pat Tillman's death.  And that will hide the Harry document destroying story more in searches?


June 26, 2024: ESPN Press Room: [Nominees Announced for The 2024 ESPYS Presented by Capital One, Airing July 11 at 8 p.m. ET / PT on ABC - ESPN Press Room U.S.](https://espnpressroom.com/us/press-releases/2024/06/nominees-announced-for-the-2024-espys-presented-by-capital-one-airing-july-11-at-8-p-m-et-pt-on-abc/) "... Per tradition, *The 2024 ESPYS* will also showcase the achievements of inspiring and courageous athletes who embody the spirit of *The ESPYS* through three pillar awards – the Arthur Ashe Award for Courage Award, the Jimmy V Award for Perseverance Award, and The Pat Tillman Award for Service. Honorees for each of these awards will be announced later this week. The show supports ESPN’s ongoing commitment to The V Foundation for Cancer Research, launched in 1993 by ESPN in partnership with the late Jim Valvano."


Oooh, let me just archive that before it gets changed to cover up the mess Haz created. https://archive.ph/nUR3w




Another case of the Harkle's trying to take the shine off Prince William's Earthshot Awards news today.


Or perhaps deflection from Harry's current bad press day.


ESPN got Markled.


They are always so frikin MESSY. Like seriously there is always wierdness, and shady stuff, and chaos with them. ![gif](giphy|4izVYUc3fFX4UKbAv2|downsized)


Is he gettin the award bc Serena is hosting and insisted he got it this year?


Serena williams is hosting. Maybe she called in a favor for Putz