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I don’t think anything will happen. Harry and Meghan are non-entities. US presidents have bigger things to worry about.


After last night, most Americans have more to worry about than Harry and Meghan. She’s going to continue trying to get publicity with any desperate PR stunt and he’s going to continue exploiting veterans and his mother’s death. Both will continue buying/receiving useless awards to fill the empty hole in their souls.


Harry has turned his own dead mother into an eyeroll. The shriveled scroat that he is.


"shriveled scroat" LOVE IT! ![gif](giphy|4iKeimY0sahiQReGRh|downsized)


Absolutely! I am so sick of hearing her name


As Post Malone and Morgan Wallen would say “if that aint the truth” https://preview.redd.it/t90rxewzcd9d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1931c21184428b0e6e4280df454ff959043f8f52


Laughs nervously…(maybe sweats a little) 😂


Yes, as the election cycle goes into full swing, M&H will have as much impact as a fart in a windstorm.


Not to make this political, as I know our wonderful admins will shut it down, but just to agree and say that after last night, USA isn’t looking too good on the world forum right now. It will be interesting to see if Meghan still tries to get involved with politics.


Oh didn’t you know? She is the Saint to save us all /s ![img](emote|t5_481xkf|15002)


I don't think they'll stay non entity if gavin replacing biden, and he win. given how he go above and beyond publicly to defend trashy case of trashy little archewell😌


Gavin would never win. With his record in CA, people would have to be brain dead to vote for him.


Newsom hasn’t announced anything yet. Anyway the question is about Trump, not Newsom.


Nobody’s replacing nobody. It’s a pipe dream. We’re the definition of rock and a hard place. Do we vote for the guy with senility or the guy with psychopathy? It’s ridiculous and scary


What awful choices 😓


Yup. We're screwed either way. Frankly, I'd be surprised if either of those geezers survives a 4-year term. But JB hasn't done anything to boot Sparold, even with his admitted drug use. And DJT won't boot him anymore than he 'locked up' Hillary, even though that was his rallying cry in 2016.


Agree with all of this. I’d say there’s a better than 50/50 chance we see a President Harris or a President Whoever-Trump-Runs-With


They'll do nothing, just like all the other celebrities that threatened to move when Trump was elected last time but are all still here


And considering Trump was in office when the Harkles moved to America, I doubt they’d leave if he were to win. Unless Trump were to win the election and revokes Harry’s Visa (if that’s even possible).


SO MANY celebrities say this EVERY ELECTION. Same when Bush was up for re-election. Nobody ever does it. And besides, Trudeau has made us a 3rd world country. It's $100 for a bag of staple groceries. $10 for butter $7 for bread $3 for Kraft dinner $4 for chunky soup $4 for canned beans


It's all by design.




It’s the same in Australia too. 2 adults, 2 toddlers, our grocery bill went from $250 (for a big shop), to $400 a week 🫠


It’s happening in the US, too. Grocery prices are through the roof


$8 for a jar of mayo in my local store (US). Don't get me started on eggs.


And not only is the price double. The size is 20% smaller. Corporations are like 'GIVE US YOUR DISPOSABLE INCOME'. I've stopped buying anything *fun*. Every purchase I make is about nutritional value. Which, I don't mind, ive always eaten based on health (usually). But now there's no choice.


I don't go out to eat much anymore, which I used to enjoy. Many other optional things are non-starters as well. Oh well, guess I'll just have to forego any of Roachel's offerings, assuming they ever become a reality. What a bummer, lol. Anyway, how do these corporation not realize that if consumers don't have money to spend, they don't make sales? Would that not be rather obvious?


People on the other side said the same thing if trump lost. They both pull that.... and they all remain, either way.🤣🤣


Much to Canada’s satisfaction.




Realistically, most people can’t. They have jobs, they have family, children in school. They can’t support themselves for a solid year without a job. There are pretty places to retire to but I have aging parents in NJ, which is not exactly a beauty spot. If a person has good reason to feel threatened or targeted, and I mean really targeted, those people will move. And most people I personally know were terrified when they saw those Nazi flags.




H&M are non-issues no matter who is elected. I know the Heritage Foundation is using Haz’s visa application to highlight a bigger issue, but really- no one cares about H&M. Haz is the spouse of a US citizen and Meg has worked her whole life to end up where she is and isn’t leaving California.


Meghan is as useless as most Hollywood elites who cry EVERY election that they are going to move if THEIR candidate doesn’t win. Historically, no one has left Hollywood due to an election. They are all full of 💩.


It's like when Brad and Angelina said they wouldn't marry until everyone could get married. Until they got married anyway. Performative bullshitting.


And that marriage ended in flames, as will every marriage to a narcissist.


Prince Scrotum Dome needs to take note of the Jolie-Pitt mess. Parental alienation is REAL.


I would help anyone pack their bags to leave. So tired of their posing!


I’m so tired of their sanctimonious bullshit. A bunch of multimillionaires that don’t have the 9-5 struggles most of us do and yet they are constantly preaching and lecturing the rest of the world. Time for Ricky Gervais to do another award show where he roasts them.


Starting with Cher, Bette Midler, Stephen King, and Rob Reiner. I finally blocked all of them on Twitter because they're such nasty, negative '@ssh\*les ALL.THE.TIME. They don't even try to have polite conversations.


Said the exact same. It's all posturing.


Indeed Megrunt will never move to the UK, as there really is no other place in the world for her where she could get the same opportunities to grift (legally) as in her home country. Harry will wait it out and see, but he may try to find a home in the UK after a year or two. They will then slowly consciously uncouple.


Exactly. No matter what Dan Wooten says. He’s going nowhere unless he wants to. He has an American wife and two American children. My kids were born in Europe and are still 100000000% American with US birth certificates and passports. We sound as idiotic as the sugars when we say he is worried about getting deported. He isn’t and no Biden isn’t personally protecting him. Trump can do anything. If Harry used wrong visa or somethjng else it’s another matter. If he used wrong visa to avoid taxes he may well WANT to leave right quick but it wont get him deported.


I would truly be ticked … if Harry AS AN INDIVIDUAL was made a priority by either candidate. There are so SO many bigger ‘fish to fry’ … and Harry is, IMO, just tied into immigration issues. Which, are legit — I just don’t see his specific issue being top of the ‘to do’ list .. even if it’s wrong.


Unlikely, I think, no matter who wins.


I agree. I know there is also some concern that they are actually getting Secret Service protection on the down-low but we’ve seen pics of their ‘security’ - that’s not Secret Service. 🤣


He is a prince presenting our greatest ally. His visa application was pre Oprah. I’d be insulted if he wasn’t given some kind of priority.


But he’s not representing our greatest ally anymore. He’s a regular citizen. He’s not working for the crown & gave up those privileges by choice. He does not represent the crown in any way. I think the general belief … is that he came here on his existing diplomatic visa, which may not apply anymore because he’s no longer working on behalf of the BRF. The US would and SHOULD should take care of any ally diplomat as our own. And I’m sure Harry still get favored … as a favor basically to our biggest ally. No one is going to deport him, though - I agree. Any favors he receives are not for him - but his family & country.


They have few options because they've burned every bridge and they're out of goodwill. They could still move to another country, live a quiet life and rehabilitate their images but neither have the personality or capacity for quiet, reflective penance. I foresee some carping if Trump wins but they're stuck here.


There is always a crop of celebrities who threaten to leave the US if the candidate they don’t like wins. As far as Harry’s visa case goes, personally I would like to see him deported but realistically that won’t happen. I will settle for seeing him squirm a little. They have __very little__ actual support among the citizenry. There are plenty of Americans who have only a vague idea about who the BRF are, much less the Harkles.


I think most never intended to move, and the others are shocked to find out it’s not so easy to immigrate to other countries (you can’t just walk in and say you live here now), and even if they find somewhere willing to allow them to resettle, that then they would be required to pay income taxes to two countries.   The USA is one of only two countries that demands income tax from their citizens even if they live and work abroad and are already paying their host country’s tax.  You’d have to give up citizenship to get out of the tax burden, and there’s a big fee to renounce citizenship (the government is determined to get money one way or another). It’s not financially worth it just to prove a point for 4 years.  Celebrities just like the attention shooting their mouths off gets them.




And they are using every possible legal loophole they can to pay less taxes. Just like Trump and every other politian (after all, they made the laws). And just like the rest of us. I would like to one person actually follow through.


If trump wins, H will be uncomfortable on a regular. I'm good with that 


I think the harkles will be MUCH less visible when the dictator gets in. But better that than the elder abuse I've been witnessing for the last couple of years. Why we can't have age limits in government in this country is a mystery.


Absolutely NOTHING.


Harry will only get into problems with the US govt if he doesn't pay his taxes properly or breaks some kind of law (like if he is caught dealing drugs or gets into an accident and kills someone while drunk) We have so many immigration problems now that a rich guy with two American children is the least of our worries.


They had a nice time when they visited, so I think they should move to Jamaica.


Or maybe Nigeria, Meghan's homeland. Or maybe Malta, also Meghan's homeland.


We went through this in 2016. No one moved. No one. They just continued whining from their mansions, as per usual with Hollywood.


Nothing. They moved from Canada to the US under Trump’s presidency. Harry got his visa under Trump’s presidency


Yeah we get lots of "If Trump wins, I'm moving" posturing from celebs. Theyre all still here.


A shame, really. There are a few I wish would go away forever and live happily ever after in whichever hellhole they end up in.




They think we care what they think. I have no clue who half of the people in People Magazine are. I read it through my library app. Mostly for the Harkles stories.


I seem to remember Markle and Mr. Markle making a mad dash for the border in 2020 ... when ... wait ... Trump was president. All talk just like the majority of people who scream this kind of thing. Harry also needs to stop acting like his opinion on US policies matter any more than any other visitor or ally citizen. If he wants to apply for dual citizenship, fine. Edit for more thoughts: If she REALLY cared about things, she would do something productive & beneficial for the country instead of trying to be a ‘cool’ liberal. Signed, a ‘not cool’ liberal.


The only thing M could do that's "productive and beneficial for the country" would be quit banging on her chest seeking cameras & attention; live quietly while raising her invisible children.😼


Yep. 😂


No one cares about them. If they go “we’re leaving” no one would bat an eye, because we have real problems and care about how either of these guys will affect our daily bread, our livelihood, our retirement, our climate - not whether or not these two bytches are comfortable. I hope for the love of GOD that they stay in their lane and know their place and not try to make a moment for themselves during this election. But if they are the dopes we know them to be and try to enact a “freedom flight” should Trump win, they would be get clowned to the highest heavens because again, we have bigger fish to fry!


Trump has been misquoted. What he said was “I will be dictator for one day. He was referring to the first day in office when he will mainly be issuing executive orders. However, If he did become a dictator (which he won’t), I think he would get rid of Hazbeen and Megan, because he despises Hazbeen for being whipped by Megan, and he things Megan is “nasty.”


Trump dislikes Harry for the way he has treated his family and especially his grandmother. Harry is a POS. He thinks he can run away from the UK and not be held accountable by his countrymen and keep lobbing stones from a distance and get away with it. Kick his can back to the UK and let him face the reality he created for himself.


It's hard to become a dictator without the military behind you. And our military is not going to turn on its citizens to follow a dictator Commander in Chief.


I don't think our military are that fond of the current POTUS. https://preview.redd.it/js0kmlyeqd9d1.png?width=477&format=png&auto=webp&s=55de142597fced8bbf79c38ad3e76bd92f293a4f


Regardless of how fond they are of the Commander in Chief or not, I don't see them turning on American citizens and their right to their opinions. I hope I am right anyway. The alternative would be devastating for our nation and turn us into a third world country, IMO. We need to learn to be civil and respect each other's opinions again. The alternative is just too frightening to think about when you consider how many citizens are armed. We don't want neighbor turning on neighbor, regardless of how they feel about politics!


I really REALLY hope you're right too. But honestly, I have very little optimism about the future of Western Civilization. Far too many of us are missing the key component: **civility**


Well, you're right there.


Trump made a comment about the Harkles and Harry’s visa, because he was explicitly asked. If president, an entitled former royal might not be his priority. 


I was just thinking about this yesterday actually. Politics aside, Trump has been overtly critical of Harry and Meghan in the past, so if he is re-elected I could see the Harkles using this as a pretext to bleat and sob about how they’re no longer safe in the US and the King must give them all of Windsor Castle, 24/7 security and lavish allowances in order to ensure the security of his two mixed-race grandchildren


Same thing they do now. She's persona non grata in U.S. politics & I really wish people would stop implying she has a chance in hell of doing anything political here. 🙄


I do not think this post belongs on this site. Using h & m to backdoor a discussion of presidential politics is not cricket.


Nothing, just use any issues or fear mongering (just like biden’s and previously trump’s, a new presidency will absolutely create issues and will also create fear mongering) for her grifting organizations. Events, collabs with other orgs, whatever, they will be presented with references to the new problems and fears that will be happening. Maybe she’ll have products for sale  with positive slogans that allude to the trump issues. Like if there were any developments about abortion, she might sell a t shirt or mugs if she can think of something that fits her intended vibe.


If gavin newsom replaces biden markle will be on her knees and licking envelopes for his election & flirting and trying to bed him. if trump wins they will shut up & tread carefully..


Gavin Newsome doesn't have a prayer running for president but he is likely slated for VP to Kamala Harris running or Hillary.


Move to Punta Cana.


Immigration is a hot topic with Trump......I doubt H will be spared scrutiny. He's a traitor to the UK and should face the music for his/her treasonous behavior back in his homeland. He can't just run away and expect asylum in the U.S. and have the U.S. pay for keeping his roaming a$$ safe plus that of his grifting wife.


Everyone claims they are leaving if one of the other is elected and then they do nothing but complain. It's exhausting over here!


I don’t think trump would give a toss about them.


Frankly if Trump wins I do not care what the overseas duo do.


I would like them to move to Nigeria though.  Not going to happen.  Trump being back in office won't faze either of them.  They KNOW nothing will touch them as they keep getting away with awful DECEPTION.  


Thanks for triggering a political discussion. Whyyyyyyyyyy…. This sub is our safe haven against one common enemy.


I swear, this sub is usually the only place I don’t hear about politics from our side of the pond. I literally come here to avoid reading about that shitshow.


Remember the stories of them “supposedly exploring UK rentals” a few weeks ago? I think it was an attempt to feel out public sentiment while using a possible Trump election as scapegoat. At this point Harry is probably praying for a deportation (or should be). First since he clearly doesn’t have the hubris or huevos to move back himself and secondly so he/they can continue to dine-out as Victims. Regardless of who wins I agree w/all previous commenters & seriously doubt he being deported will be prioritized. However, I am gearing myself up for both these 2 idiots to make US election all about them.




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They moved to the US in 2020, when Trump was president.


They will stay just fine. Didn't she say she wouldn't come back if he won last time? Well, they flew in from Canada when the borders were about to be closed and if I remember correctly, he was president.


Buy some more fake awards.


They will have a guttural moaning competition and a political expert no one has ever heard of but who has received funding from Archewell will write an article stating that if only the Democrats had had the foresight to appoint Meghan as their candidate for POTUS then she would have won and everyone in the US would be dancing in the streets. 


Whoever wins the election will have more to do. I don’t think it will matter at all.


nothing like all the other hollyweirds who said they would leave america in 2016


I won’t care. If Trump wins, this country is officially over forever and we will live in a fascist state until we die.


Nothing. It’s popular among celebrities to threaten to leave if Trump gets elected. Like anyone cares where they live?!


All these "celebrities" who screech that they're going to leave whenever a Republican president is elected never do, they just stay and have temper tantrums. Thankfully the era of celebrity worship is just about over. Hollywood is dying and people have had enough out of "celebrities" lecturing us on how we should live and think.


Nothing. Like always.


He might try to talk his Dad to give him a free home in case things get scary here for Prince petulance


They won’t do a bloody thing. What are Brooke and Tyler in South Carolina doing? Has anyone asked about Cadence and Prince in Nebraska? Same thing.




Exactly that.


Stay in the USA: if Megs wants it and she will because it's the but she wants to crack. Fat chance. Harry and politicisns? Believe it when you see it!


Lololololololol. Trump isn’t going to do anything about Harry’s immigration status based on public opinion. His building in NYC, Trump Tower, is notorious for being the place you go because no where else will take you. It’s home to all the rich baddies from overseas.