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Here’s how I make toast: order you to put commercial slices of bread in a toaster. Bring on the Michelin star!


T.O. never appeared to make anything original to herself. There is the plagiarized chicken recipe from Cory that she roasted for This One the night of their engagement.


To be fair, she may have placed a bagged Hovis in front of Cory after that first night and waved those hands about indicating a toaster, and creating a dish. It was pure luck that the butter was on the worktop to really elevate the experience.


Some people believe that “roasting chicken” has a double meaning 🤮


Consult the urban dictionary for an alternate definition of roast chicken.




Explains why she’s always sticking her tongue out!




T.O. said making toast can be overwhelming and daunting. If that is overwhelming then expect on A.R.O. she’s going to make PB&J, etc. less daunting for the masses. How patronizing.




My everyday is already elevated just thinking about these episodes.


PB&J— okay Princess. Help the masses by getting it done with one utensil. Show us something we don’t know. “Using my bamboo pb&j tool, you can use one end for the “pb” and the other end for the “j”. It not only conserves time, it conserves water. We are saving the planet. The tool is for sale, 59.99!”


And "modernize" the PB&J by adding some "great" capers.


Hahahaha. Deep breaths everyone! Challenging task ahead. Summon your inner fortitude. Today we tackle toast.


The brooklyn Beckham school of innovative cooking


I forgot about that. How does one carry on in life if toast is overwhelming and daunting. Or is she saying that it is only overwhelming and daunting for us, the stupid masses that aren’t on a cable show but not for her???


I think she is saying that we the masses don't know how to make toast elegant, like she does. To say we are overwhelmed and daunted is a bit ridiculous.




Is this the next release from ARO? The calligraphy used for the word “grape” is TW’s clear aesthetic 😂


Didn’t we critique this a few months ago when TW’s cooking skills were compared to Brooklyn Beckham’s? Mention also made of her constant hair touching, bossing the interviewer and pronunciation of ricotta?


Didn't see that one. Yes she is insufferable.


To be fair, I think the earlier clip was not from the Winning Communication guy. His take on this farce is good.


He is hilarious just by reacting to Megs. I watch him whenever I need a drug-free mood pick-me-up.


Yes it is!


she used to be pretty. or at least she looked it before one understood her narcissistic traits.


Her evil motivations have manifested themselves physically over the years. The narcissism will catch up to you.




And all that Ozempic and face distortions to create fake tears


What is the point of this? Where's the apple butter recipe? Everybody knows how to make toast. I thought cooking shows were to teach you how to cook? (Obviously, I don't watch them.)


But did you use “Ree coat ah”?


Actually her pronunciation is correct, as Italian speakers will confirm. It’s just not the way it’s familiarly pronounced in America.


No it's supposed to teach you to "elevate the everyday" i.e. just put money in That One's bank account.


Toast. Without need for a tutorial or a cookbook—- I place a slice of bread in a $10 toaster that is 20 years old, wait for it to “pop”, spread something tasty on it and eat it.


Thief! You stole her recipe.




A recipe for toast... okay


I also have the recipe for ice, in case anybody needs it. :)


I'm not sure we are ready.


Cubed, crushed or shaved?


Block. Then you can do what you wish with it. :)




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Has she always had the Cindy Crawford beauty mark?


I thought that was the devil’s stamp?


Yeah. Back then she would put some sort of dark makeup on top to make it more apparent, these days she hides with with concealer 


Cooking is not my strength, by a long shot. By some miracle, though, I was able to make toast long before TW showed me how. I must be talented after all. About as talented as she is.


Don't sell yourself short.  You are ready for toasted bagels!


All around the country and coast to coast People always say what do you like most? I don't wanna brag I don't wanna boast I always tell 'em I like toast Yeah toast! Yeah toast! I get up in the morning 'bout six A. M Have a little jelly have a little jam Take a piece of bread put it in the slot Push down the lever and the wires get hot I get toast Yeah toast! Yeah toast! Now there's no secret to toasting perfection There's a dial on the side then you make your selection Push to the dark or the light and then If it pops too soon press down again Make toast Yeah toast! Yeah toast! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uOonlPWeGgs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uOonlPWeGgs)


You just can’t make this shit up…. I’ve never seen anyone so intensely in love with sound of their own voice. She’s condescendingly explaining (that is to say *megsplaining* ) how to make fecking **TOAST**. 😂🤣😂 If you had to choose just one clip to demonstrate the height and length and depth of this twat’s grotesque sense of self-importance - this would be it. She’s so unbelievably patronizing. I give all kudos to the host for keeping a straight face - I would have brayed like a fecking donkey. Don’t even get me started on that HAIR. It looks like she put a shirt over her head and pulled the hair halfway out so it flops all over… who dies that?!? For bloody TV?!? This has to be a joke. She’s joking right??? She can’t be serious….nope. Edit: format


Her hair is that way because it is elegantly casual, like wearing pajamas as clothes. It elevates the everyday.


Did Markle have that upper lip birthmark removed?


Maybe, or she covers it with makeup. The image is flipped though, it’s usually on the left side


I think so. Around the time of that Bob Marley movie premiere she did a ton of stuff to her face and absolutely ruined it. I don’t like her but I’ll admit she used to be really pretty. Now she looks terrifying


That would be ironic if a unique birthmark was removed since she griped at some photo editors about removing her freckles.


Oh yes. Remember that VF cover—“I love working with Patrick because he kept my freckles on…” 😂


Girl she absolutely did some kind of insane chemical peel to remove ALL her freckles because ever since that Bob Marley premiere all those freckles are gone. She looks so weird without them. I actually liked the freckles lol 🤷🏻‍♀️


She was hardly the star of suits.


The biographies she writes for herself are always longer than actual stars, starting with the dish soap myth.


I admit I’m super weird when it comes to things like the touching of the hair and then immediately has her paws all over the food… just grosses me out ![gif](giphy|X7PmWcWAvRLQTHI0nT|downsized)


She has done the hair touching/dirty hands thing repeatedly.


Should have made French Bunion Soup


Mic drop!


Grandma's toast. Avocado toast. And now she's toast! 😂


And just a reminder, that in their Thanksgiving special, we saw that even Charlie Brown and Snoopy and Woodstock are able to make toast! 😂


I mean, I make "Grandma's" toast- but I just call it that because it is something only my grandma made me- all it is, is toast with butter & cinnamon sugar on it. Lol. My son calls it "special toast" because that's how great- gramma named it for him. (I think that's what she called it when I was little too.). 🤷‍♀️


Seems like your family was already elevating the everyday, not overwhelmed or daunted by toast.




I agree. I like him too, but it's annoying the way he keeps interrupting the video.


There is a recipe for toast?


Yes, you put it in the toaster. The end.


Sorry, but that looked nasty to me. No thanks 👎


She’s so ingenuine and ungracious. She’s not humble and everything she says is so performative because it’s all bollocks. There’s no way that’s a recipe that’s been passed down and it’s definitely not one she habitually makes, you can tell. There’s no warmth to her story whatsoever, no anecdote, no emotion, nothing. Much like the crap she spouts now. Dead giveaway.


toast with long fake hair for added flavor. Who cares wtf she eats. She can't cook for shite. My cat could cook toast oh hang on he could put it in the toaster that does all the work. sheesh she is so boring


If the very thought of making toast is daunting,do as TOW does to prevent her greasy extensions from catching fire...make your paid stooge handle the machinery. Voila! Fearless toast! Her grandmother's recipe for Apple butter, do tell, which grandmother would that be?


How many versions of toast is on her menu? Just by following this sub I’m now counting this grandma toast, an avocado toast and a ricooottaaaa toast (Meghan’s pronunciation). That, lemon olive cake and roast chicken seems to be the cooking she masters. Or wait, jam and dog biscuits too. This “extremely innovative” cooking maketh not a cooking show


Toast. 🤣


that sandwich looks horrible. I very much doubt that she eats it. I mean does she even know how to use a toaster?


Grandma taught her how to use a toaster.




Apple butter has been around for centuries. There's no butter in it. Its apples cooked slowly with spices until it's really thick. My grandmothers were making it since early 20th century. They both made it. My husband loves apple butter. I don't like it myself.


The story is ludicrous. Even if her grandma made it (doubtful) it's just toast. It's just funny that toast foods became trendy in the 2010s but her grandma was already making it in the 90s or something.




She didn't say her grandmother made toast that way. She said this recipe was inspired by her grandmother's apple butter recipe. But she never told us her grandmother's apple butter recipe. All she did was put apple butter on toast and sprinkle other stuff on. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Why did she call it a recipe, when it's really not? It's just toast with a few things put on it. 😄


And she "modernized" the apple butter how? She likes to throw that word around.


>ancient family recipe LMAO


She mauled her hair at 1:52 and then was handling bread with the same hand 10 seconds later. Yuck!


It’s not like she made the ricotta herself…


It annoys me when Americans try to pronounce food the way people in another country would do it to try to sound ritzy and authentic . Ricotta and chorizo are two of them . If aron Sanchez and Joe B want to pronounce it that way it's okay but Markle is a big no. And don't get me started on Hillary baldwin and her "how you say in English..cucumber" bit.


And she bungled the Italian pronunciation so looks twice the fool


Her hair looks a zillion times better 🤠


Probably because it was maintained by the Suits staff at that time.






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