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That was difficult to listen to lol… Misan spouts the same meaningless word salad as Markle does. In all honestly, during this video he sounded a bit miffed that his friends were able to get tickets to see TS and posted to their social medias how much of a fabulous time they had at the concert. Meanwhile he sat at home and thought about what he can do to make a difference in the world lol. I wonder if he tried to get tickets (because he’s soooo connected now that he’s a part of the Markles circle) and was unsussexful. I also wonder if he was a bit jelly to see how TS’s photo with the PoW/PG/PC has over 9.7 million likes on IG yet none of his photos of the Markles have ever generated that much attention. ![gif](giphy|u1rEObZ4LHLUwl0mUo)


The selfies of TS with the Wales were better composed and executed than any photo that hack Misan could produce.


That's how it sounded to me. 'You obviously had an amazing time, I'm jealous so how can I steal your joy from you?' Absolute narc.


I bet he’s fun at parties


🤣🤣🤣 He should give up the photography and become a Chugger ( charity mugger for non UK readers).


🎯🎯🎯🎯🎯 this is exactly the kind of thing my narc ex friend does


Wearing a „Save the Children“ shirt apparently makes you a saint - lol. 


He also is an associate of the notorious Marlene Headley.


I don’t remember if I read it here on SMM, on X or it was an article, but there was an in depth analysis of all the shadiness surrounding Marlene/ Ngozi.


It was a near darkness of all of the shadiness surrounding that woman.


It was x and it was fascinating. She’s a race baiting grifter. It boggles my mind that the charity watch didn’t strip her. She’s an odious grifting toad.


Just like Meghan Markle’s pap walk around Kensington Palace carrying an Alleviate Poverty bag, ha ha. In her brand new Hunter boots, circling around the entrance waiting for the paps she called to come take her picture.


After what happened to Boris Becker I think Save the Children and Southbank should be VERY wary about allowing this man to get his hooks into them


THANK YOU for posting this. Lord. I tried. I tried to make it through this 20 minute video but could not. Because of Misan. That slow extrusion of his voice, like tearing off a scab?! Misan is to the microphone, what Mehgan is to the camera. Prolonging every centisecond of attention. I have to wonder if Misan's scold towards those who had enjoyed the Taylor Swift concert, was a sneak attack on PW and the Wales children? Because it seems to be a rebuke towards those who were fortunate enough to get tickets, and have a wonderful time. And by Misan's implication, these self-absorbed hedonists don't do squat for others. While there's Misan in his "Save the Children" tee-shirt. This makes me angry. I like Daniel Boland's viewpoint: use social media for happy events. Use social media as a part of life, all its good and bad times. But here, this pretentious billionaire's son, is virtue signaling like mad. How many of us are glad that the Wales CHILDREN had a good time? And their father, whose life's work is to recognize the good work and deeds of others, and to promote that? And this is a family affected by a very dark health threat to their wife/mother and father/father-in-law/grandfather? Many of us volunteer or support charities without the need to use that to make other people feel lesser. We do these acts like we brush our teeth. It's not remarkable and we assume other people do things for other people, too.


It probably was a sneak attack on the Wales family having fun. A well deserved treat in the middle of the scary reality of their mom’s cancer treatment. Lord knows those Sussex kids don’t have any fun. Seems like this is Meghan’s jealousy leaking out via her delegate Misan, who seems to be another grifter like Meghan Markle.


I love that the Wales children look confident and natural with their parents. That there is very real interaction and awareness of the others. Including the occasional hint of scowl that might be the prescient middle child sensing, "Mum & Dad are probably giving each other those goo-goo eyes! Ick! Adults are soooooooooooooo embarrassing!!!!" The point is, the Wales children look lively and excited during so many excursions with their parents. During the Christmas video when they helped at a baby bank along with the Princess, they also looked fully engaged. Proud to be with that parent. I think these children do not take anything for granted. They know when they are given a treat and they react accordingly. I hope the Wales are doing well. Every day.


Misan got Markled, big time.


That is exactly what i thought while watching. He is so unlikeable and vacuous. And his obvious digs at PW having fun at the concer with his kids, talk about butthurt. Alas, there are so many self-righteous, sanctimonious narcissists out there.


Misan is obnoxious. He tries to seem solemn and contemplative. Instead, he's like the *Oliver Twist* orphanage wardens--all corpulent to a man--who deem others as greedy for asking for a bit more gruel.


What an apt comparison!


Thank you! Misan is so apt at criticizing others. And that just makes us realize how much he likes to blame others. And we are not having it from this overprivileged nincompoop who is now posing as some sort of artist and seer.


2 thing. 1. Gives a dig @ POW. 2. Mad nobody believed TW went to TS concert, but no pics of TW. If missan wants to shame us and not have a life, by his same logic HM should never goto concerts, movies,  etc. Since TW is Diana 2.0 and Plank is mourning for her while protecting TW simultaneously.


No wonder people mistrust Misan. He slags off so many with what he chooses to say or to show, while promoting himself as an altruist. For crying out loud, wearing a charity tee-shirt is not the same thing as him actually donating money or volunteering time and energy to that non-profit. He's such a tiresome nonentity.


He was sitting on his arse doing a video for his social media while denigrating content creators for making videos on social media because this means they don't care about 'children'. Errr...


If he cares about changing the world so much, why is he hanging around the Markles doing glamour shoots? Get on the plane to Ukraine, Misan, no one’s stopping you.


It's easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than it is for Misan Harriman to sell an image of himself caring about others.


Or visit the Baka people.


No sense of irony or hypocrisy with MM or her familiars including MH.


He’s a narcissist - just like his gutter rat leader. On another note i don’t mean to comment on his appearance but.., his head looks like it’s on upside down.


**his head looks like it’s on upside down.** Thank you for my first guffaw of the day!!!!


It was absolutely a sneak attack on William and his kids, because of the media fervour his dancing and then the selfies caused. But here's what gets me. Where was his outrage about the ills of the world when Meghan and Harry were pictured dancing at Beyonce's concert? Or when she went back again the next day and was posing with all and sundry in her sparkly skirt? Or when she went to Swift's concert for her birthday with her friends? They went to a concert and had fun and danced, sung, what people normally do when attending concerts. William and his kids did the same thing. There's nothing wrong with it - this is what normal people do at concerts, they dance, sing and have fun. There is something very wrong with having a go at people for daring to go out and let their hair down (or lack-there-of when it comes to William.. lol) because 'but think of the ills of the world' and being so selective about it because he's a lapdog of Meghan. It's made worse when he took a swipe at Swift by suggesting she should or could be doing more to 'help'. What he failed to account for is the fact that she donates millions to food banks in every country and city she performs in. The food banks in the UK reported receiving lorry full of products and also cash donations from her, using the lorries she hired to shift her equipment around in the UK. Several said the products would last them weeks and the cash injection from her would provide over a year's worth of supplies to help the needy. She doesn't boast about it, it's just something she does on the side. I'm not a fan of Taylor Swift by any stretch of the imagination, but she does her part when it comes to charity, but she just doesn't boast about it. Beyonce is also the same, she donates to local charities in each place she performs and she and her husband donate millions. They don't boast about it. And Misan's Save the Children t-shirt? He should comment on the fact that African Parks relocation of elephants to one of their parks has resulted in children now left orphans when the elephants attacked villages, killing a bunch of people, or the children who are victim of park rangers hired by Harry's charity. Or how about the LGBTQIA+ children in Nigeria who are abused and even killed for being LGBTQIA+? Why wasn't he wearing that t-shirt when he was on his knees photographing Meghan and Harry in Nigeria? He can go and pound sand. He doesn't give a shit about 'the children'. He's only pissed because William's dancing and selfies caused a media tsunami of popularity, so he decided to try to shame him and people for daring to do what everyone, including the couple whose arseholes his lips are permanently attached to, do at a concert and that is to have fun.


Thank you for what you wrote! This really fills in so many details that we need to know. Misan speaks and acts from vacuous ignorance. Mehgan and Harry boast about every little charitable act they do, and indeed, it does turn out to be "little." Like two boxes of putrefying produce to a Harlem public school. An offer to give the school a washer and dryer to benefit the students and then ...nothing for a year. What they didn't say was their demand that the school spend money it didn't have, for "cushions" or other things to make the visit look for photogenic for the Netflix cameras, and the solicitation for a $5 "donation" from each student. As usual, H&M's actions were about taking rather than real giving. It seems to me that it's the real stars who silently work behind the scenes to help others. It's these posturing wannabes like H&M and MH who TALK about generosity and caring.


oh 100%. And you’ve absolutely hit the nail on the head. What an odious little man this petulant twat is. He’s obviously having a dig at Pow. For a while tiktok was depressingly sugar land with people parroting the narrative that William was a bully and Catherine a racist. 🙄 Now tiktok is flooded with videos of William dancing. People are loving it. Honestly you can’t buy this amount of positive publicity. meghan will try but you simply can’t buy it.


Not only does Swift herself donate but the mere fact of her tour hitting a city makes billions extra for the local economy so the people there are better off with her tour coming to town. Misan is an idiot, an absolute IDIOT. And positively green with envy. It's actually possible to do good works and spend one evening at a concert, it's not an either or situation and positing as such is a logical fallacy. We shouldn't be surprised though because sugars are nothing if not illogical idiots.


He can find joy that 2 drug addicted narcs have faked a pregnancy though? He can take time away from his thoughts for that? He’s so happy he can photograph it from London? He’s an absolute piece of shit. What did they do in Nigeria that was good? Met with tribal chiefs, so how did that help the world? How did that eliviate poverty, child exploitation or environmental destruction? He makes my skin crawl. He is ugly inside and out and his wobbly bitch tits disturb me. He may be the son of a billionaire, we have to take his word for that but he’s not rich or influential. He got a share out of swindling £10m out of Boris Becker. That’s chump change to a billionaire.


A collection of Misan's thoughts would have less value than a zinc penny that's under dog poo.


Spot on. I tried to play it to my friend but he couldn’t “ listen to the twat’ but laughed when Daniel Boland called him ‘ bitch tits.’ 🤣 And it’s absolutely a pathetic dig at The POW. Kiss arse Misan isn’t brave enough to come out and say it because he knows there will be huge backlash.. he’s hinting around it though.


I hope Misan gets comments that call him out on this. Also, for his nastiness towards the Sidley Twins for having their father examine Misan's disingenuous photo.




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Errrmm, please tell us about the children that were saved by ToW on the two nights in a row she attended Beyoncé’s tours?


💯 Hypocrisy is the natural reaction of the loser.


I watched it earlier - Misan gives me the creeps, as well, but I liked Daniel‘s „analysis“. Daniel points out Misan‘s passive aggressive attitude and contradictory messages.  At one point Daniel says „Now, he completely lost me!“ 😂 And of course Misan has to tell the audience that he has „fancy friends“ that are at fancy parties🙄. It’s no surprise that he is one of Meghan’s „friends“. 


Yes, Misan's fancy friends can jet over to a fashion show in Milan, etc. Like, seriously? How many of us have that privilege? Seems like Misan is just sh!tting on those people who might have saved up for a splurge and it happened to be for Taylor Swift. If so, more power to them. I would love to see a gathering of "friends" of Misan, Mehgan, and Fiona Harvey. And overhear them talking the truth about that famous acquaintance.


Fancy? Such odd wording. I used to tell my son not to get fancy when going out on a date.


You should watch it - Misan‘s entire video is odd wording. 😅:  He is accusing people who post photos of having a good time, like Taylor Swift concerts, of not „thinking about charities“ - yes, that’s how he said that. What does he know about the person‘s charitable activities or thoughts, who posted a photo of a fun memory? It’s such a stupid thing to say. 


I’m loathe to, but I will. He’s one of those people I have instant revulsion for. So he thinks people should wear a his version of a hair shirt instead of teaching their children joy? He’s inconsequential as a human.


Maybe he should give up his trust fund & grifted $$$ to see how real people live. How much does he give to charities or Megain's money laundering foundation? Background: Misan Harriman is allegedly a son of the Nigerian billionaire, **Chief Hope Harriman**. Misan's grandfather, the father of Chief Hope Harriman, was a Caucasian Englishman. Chief Hope Harriman married Irene Ogedegbe, an Itsekiri lady, also of mixed birth in 1962. By Maleficient-Trifle 940 He was apparently so close to Becker that Becker was quoted as saying that his wife called Misan 'Boris' other wife'. Until of course Becker was bankrupted. Here are some media accounts of Becker's bad investment in Nigerian Oil & Petrol... * The magazine claims it has seen details of a single investment of “more than $10m” in Nigerian oil prepared for  Becker by Forbes & Manhattan, a Canadian investment bank and ***a former associate of the tennis player***\*\*"\*\*


Whoa, thanks for the information, I didn’t know any of this.


for the full scoop on more of his shadiness & timelines, look at the full post Maleficient-Trifle 940 did, had pre Harry connections to Megain, Nacho and others.


Thank you!😊


Sinner somespeculation did the complete Misan timeline dive 2 mos. ago! (I attributed the timeline to the wrong sinner!!!🤭




A valid reason for concern that he is now involved in Save the Children. What's in it for Misan?


Having joy in one's life, allows one to want others to have that too.


Meghan can't file her charity's papers on time, she's years late. That's how much she thinks about charities.


She’s only thinking as far as a money laundering front.


Yeah, here comes a Nigerian scammer with his hand out asking for money. It was repulsive watching him constantly rubbing his face while he was mumbling incoherent word salad. No wonder he loves Meghan. They are exactly the same. Grifting narcissists.


All that smug smizing lip smacking and sounding like he was talking through a gob full of saliva ughh. And that tefal noggin too close to the camera. Wanker. Oldies will get the tefal reference.


He’s got a mouth like a cats arse.


My guess is she is repulsed by him, but he’s useful to her.


That's interesting, because the Sidley twins told HG Tudor that they researched him and that he was a party animal that would go to events with two women on his arms, until he disappeared, I think after the Becker scandal, and reinvented himself as a family man.


I'm eating Cheetos as I type. Maybe--according to Misan--my epicurean ways mean that I don't donate to charity.


You’ve got until Sunday to give it a wee think this month.


Bwahahahaha! I finished my bag of salty cheesy goodness WHILE giving a wee thought to charity! READER, I MULTI-TASKED!!!!


You are SO my people, lol. My secret indulgence....Cheetos, lol.


I'm bad. Cheetos was breakfast.


Cheetos are good food!


CHEESE IS HAPPY FOOD! Especially if it leaves spills onto your fingers or lips. Yummy!!!!


Nothing like a bag of Cheetos, fingers orange, as my dog tries to lick my fingers clean 😂


Eating Cheetos using chopsticks is my new favorite thing. Saw it on youtube and thought it was genius. Bonus: no one can tell you've been eating Cheetos.


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No, no, the cheese crust on the fingers is maybe the best part of the snack!!! Lady, you must love your dog beyond reason, to give him/her that gourmet treat!! ![gif](giphy|3o6Zt3p1kBDRZB0LQY|downsized)


When I say bag, I mean the family size bag, plenty of the good stuff for me as well. But yeah I do love my dog




Is he implying that individuals not be allowed to have a good time because a need for _charities exists?_ What a good little proletarian he is. /s


So by that thought process, his bestie that he photoshops…oops, photographs, shouldn’t pay Backgrid for street walks, stalk actual VIPs for selfies or post photos of their grifting, wait, royal tour…no thats not right…charity visits..no I had it right the first time, grifting? I mean, very young mother Megsy should only think of the poor and forgo the ill fitting clothing, pretend convos and begging the real stars for work.






He’s an odious arse, a gutter rat and a leech, a conceited half wit, a useful fool.


Every time I hear the word fancy, I always associate the word with being low class. I don't know why.




Didn't The Beverly Hillbillies use that word a lot? IIRC the fancy dining room. Anyway I agree the word has class associations. Given that Missan's family is uber-wealthy, perhaps he uses that word to cloak his privileged up-bringing, make himself "more relatable" to squaddies.


"Fancy" makes me think of cat food or a song from *Sweet Charity*. ![gif](giphy|BlTR9CrwcRNe0|downsized)




I think of the Mummers “fancy”division in Philadelphia, New Year’s Day. (Not big on mummers, just grew up hearing *fancy division*)


I think of Reba and her hit song, "Fancy."


Oh yeah. 'When you're at your fashion parties in Milan, Paris, New York' was so weirdly specific. Guy got issues.


Meh meh's friend 👀🤔❌, more like her Tool.


And the littles are little. I'll take Obviously Obvious for 200 Alex.


If he is so noble that he can’t enjoy a concert, why doesn’t he donate his riches to help others in need? That always makes a soul feel good.


Misan is a sanctimonious windbag and I believe the picture of TS and the Wales fam triggered him big time. How can people enjoy something frivolous like this when there are SERIOUS PROBLEMS in the world that only generous kind selfless people like him Meghan and Harry want you to pay attention to.


I think he’s also angry that his friends and followers are more interested in being positive about PW and his kids enjoying Taylor Swift instead of promoting what Misan tells/demands what they promote. Being a friend of his sounds absolutely exhausting. Heaven forbid people take a respite from Misan’s sad sacks moaning to enjoy themselves.


https://preview.redd.it/bww1wj562d9d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=db7c4e1b86ccdd70b34d406d00b6fafb93143aad Suck it Misan!!!


Great news. Bruce Springsteen also used to do that when he toured.


He really does throw off an "icky" vibe. There's something so sinister and perverse about him, especially his eyes and grin.  He's hiding something. I truly believe that. 


Possessed by satan! That’s what you are picking up on. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I freaking love Daniel! He's so funny!


That was hilarious he ripped him to shreds, bitchtits! haha.


He always does! 😂😂😂


I loved the Stonehenge one: 'the druids 9/11' 🤣🤣🤣


He's a nut! He cracks me up


He pushes the YT envelope re key word triggers. Renegade.


I... don't know what that means.


If you say certain words on YouTube you get demonitised. And he pushes the envelope on those lol. I think he uses satire a lot which is a much misunderstood art in the modern age, sadly.


Daniel Boland?! Nah he's pretty straightforward.




Okay yeah, that's something I definitely wouldn't know! I'm from the US


Misan has a sinister agenda and using Jam Scammer and her dopey red accessory as a means to push it. Lolo suddenly became a 43 percenter only after meeting Misan. Kwinkydink? I think not.


Misan is an absolute creep , of the worst kind. Such a waste of space, pure evil maquarading as a saint..... https://preview.redd.it/3nmasmtnkc9d1.jpeg?width=564&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=705ee09d28298b6cc9af1f588c50618d942bf315 Shits float together I guess


The look on her face, the hand gestures, you just know she’s proselytizing her salady sh\*t. And ripped jeans, who wears ripped jeans? She grasps those microphones so close to her mouth so no one can escape her grating voice. Ugh.




I think she is her own "stylist", unfortunately she has an utterly unrealistic view of her body type. She seems to fantasize that she is willow thin and tall....


Misan is an unrelenting tw*t. What a sanctimonious bore.


I watched this and my word, this Misan guy. Why does enjoying life equate to not caring about as he puts it 'the children'? What a dull, smug, patronising, virtue signalling hypocrite. It's possible to support charities and not beat yourself in sackcloth and ashes for doing things that make you happy in life. Wtaf. Daniel Boland is brilliant. Bloody love his channel. I shall be contributing my boulder holders to the charity he mentioned.


Perhaps, H&M are all bummed out they were NFI'd to TS's concert so here comes their good buddy, Misan, to guilt-trip concert goers and suggest donating to charity instead. What charity did you REALLY have in mind, Misan? Could it be the Archewell Foundation? Is the Duchess short on funds for her 95% grab lately? Oh, are things a little tight with madame's Duke of Doofus husband having to pay out $60,000 in another court fee? Was that Tillman award buy put on a credit card and its max'd out with a 32% interest rate? /s


I get such noncey icky vibes from him and his physiognomy, there I’ve said. His mannerisms freak me out totally.


Yes, and why was he smiling the whole time he was regretting the so called.selfish empty lives.of the TS concert goers [when.compared.to](http://when.compared.to) the awful and tragic lives of.the.unsaved.children?


This guy couldn't be any more of an irritating sanctimonious twat if he had personal coaching in it. His word salad incomprehensible babbling would rival his 'fancy' friend Meghan's. And she previously held the world record in talking complete and utter crap whilst holding a patronising smirk throughout. And has he got Tourettes? He's either tic'ing - the lip-smacking and sniffing.- in which case he can't help it, or it's an affectation and it needs to stop. Not attractive dude!


Show me who your friends are, I'll show you who you are.


That smug lip smack is particularly repulsive. He’s got quite a lot of off-putting personal tics. Then the ridiculous pauses to let the audience in his head applaud his deep banality. What an utter plank.


Ditto...I find Misan totally repellent - his smug face, slimy speech pattern and enunciation is too much. I think he's another narcissist and one day he'll turn on SMM when a better bandwagon rolls into his view. He is SUCH a hypocrite too - he LOVES the parties and schmoozing - I suspect he's just p'd off HE didn't get a ticket to Swift! His next persona will most likely be as an intellectual once people are sick of his humanitarian photographer professional black victim runs dry for commissions and invites. Allegedly.


Thing is he's such a big foolish he totally gave up his love for the finer things in life by dropping in his parties across the globe - Milan, Paris, NY, like why be that specific- while berating people for one thing: going to a Taylor Swift concert. The lack of self-awareness is hilarious.


I did read somewhere that he had to rein it in after being Boris Becker's "financial advisor" and Boris ended up in gaol...plus Misan's very wealthy Daddy may have cut him off...


This was terrific, Daniel calling out Missan's passive aggression as he (Missan ) engages in what is clearly performative virtue. Daniel was by turns hilarious and scathjng and a wee bit naughty. And right. People who take this self consciiusly virtuous approach to charity rarely actually are interested in the recipients of charity. Just in looking and feeling good. Daniel properly skewers them, ie people like Missan, and the sussexes.


It was poetry from Mr B.


Yes! I was fascinated because the garbage Missan was spewing was just like the number my mum did on me for 60 years ( apparently I was *dreadfully, appallingly* selfish no matter how I tried to please her). Love that Daniel!


Yes, you've seen a narc in the wild. I hope this has helped you. They are bloody everywhere and so obnoxiously brazen. I hope you're OK now. Understanding them and seeing it's them not you, helped me.


It has helped, yes! Sorry you went through it also. It didn’t dawn on me till she died that she was projecting. And now I learn that this is typical narc behaviour in the wild ( love your expression there)!


Daniel nails it once again!


He can't enjoy a TS concert, but he has no problems doing photoshoots for Vogue ... cause that is such noble work.


Oh hang on... finding it hard to keep up on this thread so apologies if already said... This wouldn't be anything to do with Taylor Swift doing the selfie with William's children? He's under orders from Markle to undermine that because she's seething with jealousy? Misan's been Markled. 🤣


Misan really shouldn’t badmouth Taylor. Her fans are rabid, and they will destroy him. They might even be worse than the Squaddies. On second thought, I’d like to see a showdown of Swifties vs Squaddies. Who would win?


The Swifties are a larger tribe.


Just read his wiki. Private UK schools then worked in recruitment (while I'm sure many put hard work into this career), it is every lazy blagging grifters idea of an easy ride. Then started his photography career at 40. Strange to leave it that long when you're doing presentations on Kubrick's use of light age 9. (Smacks of the washing up liquid brag). If it's your calling and your gift, what's the delay? Then you're shooting for Vogue, no training at all, was there a portfolio? I'm sure he got there on genuine talent.


He had the most important trait necessary for that type of work.


I took it as a fairly ham-handed attack on the Prince of Wales. It's just too coincidental to be criticizing unnamed people about caring more about taking selfies at a Taylor Swift concert than Saving the Children. Edited: typo


Cool. Hey, Misan - since we know you stalk here, how about doing a video on African Parks. You know, being a "*humanitarian*" and all.


Did you catch the part where he says "...my classy friends....of which I have many...will be throwing their very fancy parties, and you may see me at one or two..." in a way like its an inconvenience in his life of trying to save the world. He's the absolute worst at humble-bragging. I love Daniel Boland. "Unless I see you running out of a burning building with the children, then what the fuck are you actually doing Misan?"


I thought vaguely of trying to send Daniel B. this lol https://preview.redd.it/xen2f6xpve9d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8fcb1f0ea071ef4df37d28602b5deb82533a9671


I tried to watch, had to quit, I almost died of boredom.


What this narc clown means with his post is this.....ONLY Harold and Fraud and their zombie army are allowed to go to concerts and mingle with the artists....the RF is not... they are not allowed to be happy because madam is not happy....so...how dare they not allow madam to rule their emotions and behaviours.....shes supposed to be the queen you know...


>Misan explains that he is SOOOO jealous because he can’t stop thinking about the ills of the world to enjoy something like that. But he can enjoy photoshopping pics of the Megalomaniac. 🙄🙄


Misan seems extremely bitter than he doesn’t have the influence or reach others have. He puts out a message and it just echoes in an empty room, then trying to guilt trip people for not being in a room with him to listen to him guilt trip them. Save the Children would seriously be better off without such a sour soul bringing down their brand.


I hate it when he smacks his lips just before speaking. Ick. He is so smug. And he is a nepo baby, son of a Nigerian billionaire.


God Misan is an insufferable prick 😂. Imagine having people like this in your life 😂😂


Someone who should not do close-up shots with all the lip-licking smugggness. 😵


Didnt Meghan go to a TS concert last year lol




So then Missimans post must be talking about her too haha


If he feels this strongly maybe he should put his talents into being the new Kevin Carter rather than photographing the rich.