• By -


Lost his family, lost his friends, lost his marbles, and lost even his balls. I'd pity him if he's not so detestable.


Lost his lifestyle, lost the royal wealth (I mean, tax payers money), lost his home country, lost his security. I don't pity him either.


Don’t forget his hair and his dignity.


His scalp is a hideous sight.


That sparse, wooly red hair that's always looking like it's full of sweat.🤢




To be fair, the balls were the first to go. Everything after that was, "How mad could they really be? It'll be fine. They can't live without me." I guess that part falls under the marbles category, so there's nothing left in any of his sacks.




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Oooh, poor Hairold is separated from his beloved r@cist sister in law, bless his lying little heart.


His public obsession with Catherine is alarming. He really gives off 'you're not allowed to leave me' vibes. 


Exactly. He is pathological.


Yup I see it too. He's so in love with her it's ridiculous. He's as fixated as his wife.


They are both monsters. I'm glad the RF is well protected from them. Their MI5/6 files must be enormous. 


MI5 & MI6 are losing global respect by not covertly leaking some of what’s in those files. Where’s Harry Pierce (fictional head of counter-terrorism at MI5) when you need him? This is absolutely a series of ongoing domestic terrorist acts.


You don't LEAK the damn files. That's not what pros do, this isn't a PR game. The point is to know Everything, and H and M have to wonder and worry about what they know. Also, once you leak the files, you compromise sources. Probably won't get anyone killed, but you cut off the good intel you're getting.


Now you've made me think of Adam Carter, played by that dreamy Rupert Penry-Jones, who was beyond entertaining as the half-human Quinlan in The Strain.


Meg is in love with William. Or "in obsession" really. Interesting dynamic. They have this in common but can't be honest to speak it out loud.


I don’t think there’s love or obsession or even a bit of care by the Markle when it comes to the Prince of Wales. More like possession; he should be HERS. SHE should be the future Queen and it’s a hot, burning coal in the pit of her stomach that Meghan can’t have what Meghan wants. ETA spelling


100% ... I've been saying this for years...madam is a sociopath...and Catherine and William were always her targets....IMO..she married the idiot to get to the palace...have an affair with William...get rid of his family...and marry him....so she could fulfill her " destiny"... But.....how dare Catberine and William see through her!!!! And not let her play her guess with them!!! Control them!!!! And so...the raging and smearing never ends...she has to destroy them because in her mind they are a threat to her " masks" survival...her created persona can't thrive if it can't control EVERYONE... I do pray everyday this lunatic and her equally sick husband are brought to justice soon. It sickens me what they are saying and doing to hurt an innocent family who are just living their own lives...that they were born to...


And I think you're correct.


There ya go. Agreed.


“the Markle” Out if all the things Ive called her here, and the things I’ve seen other sinners use, this is a new one for me. Simple and perfect. The Markle 👍👍👍👍👍


Not in love with William the person, just in love with his position in RF. If William was a schoolteacher, lawyer, bricklayer, IT guy, she would not give him the time of day. Just the same as if Harry was not a (spare) Prince..




I don't think she LOVES him- she just wants to be Queen.


IDK. On the rare occasion that Harry earns a night of spicy puntang, I could see them donning those cardstock masks of W&C and engaging in a little psychotic role playing. eta correcting bad auto-correct




Time to get the bleach out. My poor eyes thought they were safe for the rest of tonight.






No. She's in love with his title and perks.


I think this is Meghan’s work, not his. It was reported that she was desperately trying to get him an invite to Trooping the Colour and valiantly agreed to not attend herself, in exchange. “Just please let Harry go“. Unsurprisingly, no one would return her messages. Those two both see Catherine as the weakest link due to her kindness & compassion, which she has in spades. If they can manipulate Catherine, then she can soften up William and KC3. What they fail to understand, because they do not possess true maternal/paternal qualities, is how much their sinister acts have harmed Catherine’s beloved children. Behind her magnetic smiles and unfailing charm & charisma is a true mama grizzly, whose core job is to protect the monarchy while raising a future king. The Harkles are finally coming up against a huge, unmovable 100 ft stone wall constructed of “grey rocks”. They don’t exist to the Windsors anymore. The closest they’ll get is a BP souvenir shop where the Queen got those tiny earrings for M.


AM very good comment - i enjoy your thoughts -  i have one for you, what do you believe MI5/6 have on file about her? What are they sitting on?  Why have MI5/6 done nothing about her and plank?  Do you think she has been banned from the UK? They lost Frogmore after a security risk assessment was completed? What do you think she was doing sneaking around taking photos of a sleeping Charlotte in her bed for?  How sinister is skank and now plank?


I think the biggest thing about the Frogmore lease was Harold running his mouth about how he needed to “protect” the Wales children. Multiple interviews and in Spare. No one wants the crazy, obsessed, drug addled Uncle living, literally, 300 meters away.


You are right, lots of puzzle bits fitting together! There must be a bigger reason they have to sit on it, maybe Jeffery Epstein and his curious end is part of it. Or G Maxwell connections?


Skank was in the Epstein circles too wasn’t she?


That was hinted at, along with her knowing Andrew...from somewhere...


Fuckin time to melt Markles👊


I expect William has ensured Hazza and Markle cant write or email Catherine directly. All correspondence from the pair will have to go to aides who will discuss with William accordingly. I expect for his mental health it is limited. There will be decisions and responses or clear non responses required to the Harkles. I expect there are regular updates on each of the family members as a matter of coordination or problem resolution. Unfortunately H&M are at the top of that list now.


Fatal Attraction— “ I m not gonna be ignored, Dan” vibes


From both of them.


It’s giving off “there were three people in the marriage” . He’s such a creep.


Aaaaaaand that’s reason #93 for why Rachel despises HRH Catherine, Princess of Wales


This is just some PR persons idea of how they can soften Harry’s (& Meme’s too) reputation, and prior treatment of Catherine. He called her a prisoner, mindless Royalty who just “fit the mold” and by association with Scoobie Do’s book …a stepford wife and racist. (Still no contradiction from those 2) Then they helped encourage the despicable “where’s Catherine?” Campaign as well as disgusting roomers about her marriage.  Nope!!!! Not buying what you’re selling H !!  We see that you now understand the popularity of Catherine,  and are looking to ride her coat tails. Pathetic desperation is what I smell. 


Absolutely. They are beginning to understand just how far they have sunk and are desperate for a royal savior.


I think this week of minimal Markle is indicative of her stewing in her own wretched pot, maybe realizing that the past 30 days have been pure shit and it’s all sticking to them. She’ll keep trying because she believes she can do ANYTHING (Harry said so🙄) but it’s a long climb to respectability from where they’ve sunk now. The Universe smiles smugly upon them😂


When Spare was being roasted, Meghan bunkered in, separated herself from Hairold’s follies and hid. I expect she’s doing the same.


I read that as follicles 🤣🤣🙂


I like that, too 😆


How much further can they “sink”?


I like to say she's licking her wounds.


I think she's plotting in her Manic Madness Mood


And the fumes being omitted very fragrant.


I don’t get it - they seem to have “sunk” with every stunt they pull and yet they ate still here upright. 


Unfortunately they still have money, and Harold's inheritance is coming up. When they run low on funds there will be no more money for puff pr and attack bots. With Harold's usefulness over the divorce will happen, with Meghan bleeding Harry white (he is an admitted drug user after all, very convenient) and she will blackmail Charles for access to his grandchildren. She's sorted for life. As for Harry? Having alienated his family friends and with no funds to fall back on, he's basically toast. He deserves everything that's coming to him.


I don’t believe H has an inheritance, coming up. There were rumors about the late Queen Mother leaving H money. Unfortunaly for Harry, the QM left debts of £30 million which the late QE had to pay. There was no trust fund for Harry from the late QM. The tabloids had tremendous fun keeping that going.


I don't believe that Queen Mother bs either. I believe her will is in the public records, could be wrong but the idea she left Harry millions because William would be King one day is silly. She had grandchildren that would come before greatgrands at any rate, what makes Harry such a special case?


I don’t get this either - the amount of money they have wasted on bots, squaddies, pr puff pieces, she is apparently living at the Beverley Hills Hotel, god only knows where he is, it must be millions? What is wrong with them? To blow through money like that and waste it when the cost of living is hitting everyone hard is disgusting, that money could have been put to better use if they are true humanitarians. Just shows you their priorities doesn’t it? Then they will expect the RF to bail them out with more money to waste on their publicity addictions. How can they show their faces in public or even accept/buy awards like Pat Tillman?????


I doubt very much that Charles cares anything about those kids. Frankly, I think he, the RF and the Security Services know they aren't Harry's. They're in the line of succession for appearances sake, but should anything happen that brings Dim Hal any nearer, steps will be taken very quickly to rectify things.


>We see that you now understand the popularity of Catherine,  and are looking to ride her coat tails. This is exactly it. When she first announced her diagnosis, he and his wife released a statement the coldness of which would make Antarctica seem as hot as hell.


Their fans think it is okay to attack the Wales children. I’m not talking about things like titles. But, personal attacks about their demeanor, etc.


Those attacks are designed to upset William and Catherine, known as head games or mind f@cking. The people doing it are so unhinged and have no respect like the harkles.


It figures they would look up to the Harkles.


No, he's just *so magnanimous* that he is willing to forgive her being r\*cist because "I love my brother, I love my family". /s


That boy should have been taken to the woodshed.


I'd like to see #wheresomid trending, b/c he's clearly been Markled.




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We never said she was racist. That was the Danish translators through Omid’s telepathic writing. s/


More like he separated from all the positive attention she is getting after all the horrible things he, his wife, their stupid LA sycophants, and the media put her through.


Duke and Duchess of Parasitism.


H and M have very much have turned themselves into parasites, and they only have themselves to blame.


Yes, who knew just because you lie about your family and call an entire country racists, just because you publish a book of petty grievances and a mockumentary where you manipulate the late queen´s speech and openly mock her - just because you did a few things to make the BRF crawl before you - now all of a sudden they want nothing to do with you? Waaagh


And continue to attack the BRF. Who knew the family wouldn’t want to let themselves be abused? 🙄 Stupid Harry. I think they should let Mike Tindall take care of this ginger problem.


And I love how the article conveniently neglected to mention all his activities I've the past 4 years.


Sitting back as a lackey calls his father and sister in law racist based on something HE said. How can you ever come back from that? It was just another attack in a long line of attacks. Yet he thinks he can go back to the pre-Meghan relationship with his family with a quick private "let's make up" Truly delusional


The demand for an apology from the BRF still pops up from time to time - alternating with Meghan Markle "wanting to be the bigger person" and "forgive". Such is life in Harkleworld.


They will never apologize.  They have done nothing wrong in their minds.    Henry the bald and his todger meister the wretched meghan markle share a delusion.   Everything is beautiful in Montecito. Top of the list of unforgivable behavior? Stealing the name Lilebet from her majesty to late queen and lying about how she gave them her blessing.


That nickname stealing is something that makes me unable to call the daughter that. H&M took away something that was special to the queen, from when she was a little girl, a princess who happily played with her king and grandfather. Who the HELL can steal from a child, and think that's okay? When we know we've hurt someone, we stop. PH could have said, "right, our daughter will be addressed as Elizabeth. Or Beth. Or Eliza."


'Stealing the Queens special name' is a very good way of putting it. Almost seems like another mockery, like comparing BRF to Medieval times. Shows markle has way below zero respect, empathy or understanding of other peoples feelings. But we knew that already.


Thank you. I think the name was so special because she invented it, and family and closest friends, used it. It was hers, and it was a sound she associated with being loved and looked after, before the weight of the UK rested on her father's shoulders before it rested on hers.


My favorite is The Royal Grift's- "Little Betty". That's the only name by which I will refer to her.


Isn't "Lil' Betty" the brand name for a snackcake?


Yepper, my mom used to pack them in our lunches. Cheaper than Hostess Cupcakes. I'll have to try them with my grandkids. Thanks for the memory!


Lil Debbie


OMG--thank you! I think I suppressed that exact name, 'cuz of PTSD related to an incident where the snack foods caused a near riot. I still shudder at the memory. I think I go and curl up in the fetal position, now... ![gif](giphy|59d1zo8SUSaUU|downsized)


Or how about Little “Betty”? Then when TOW decides she wants to be a humanitarian again, and follow in the footsteps of Angelina Jolie, they can name or rename their adopted children Reggie, Veronica, Jughead and Hot Dog.


I just call her 'Lili' as her parents seem to...even they are not trying to call her 'Lilibet'.


I wish to god someone would challenge the Harkles about name appropriation. And how much it hurt HMTQ during the remainder of her life.


Love your username!


Why this old thing, I've had it for years. Some night i will get drunk and share the joke about the long Island wiffledorks.


Get together with the Spotify guy, Bill Simmons. He said the same thing about some of Harry’s outlandish and ridiculous ideas for a podcast. That he’d like to get drunk one night and spill.


I wish he would get around to it


He probably told Simmons that he wanted to interview Putin and the Pope about their childhoods.


🤣🤣🤣 truth is sometimes stranger than fiction.


haha. All ears


It has zero go do with the British Royal Family, although I am a very distant relative through Transilvania and Denmark. Sir Sydney's roots are from long Island bootleggers who won a knighthood in a poker game with the emperor of tonga. Or so the family history reports this week. The joke is a bit of physical humor that is best demonstrated to those whose senses have been dulled from alcohol Sir Sydney wiffledork is the name of my usually imaginary drinking body who followed me home in a blizzard in Montreal one day. When he does appear, I will chose a person of interest and introduce them to Sir Sydney. I tell them he is sensitive about his size and hold out my hand and suggest that they shake sir sydney's hand. When they extend their hand to shake Sir Sydney 's I immediately react in shock and scream that the appendage they have shaken is actually not Sir Sydney 's hand. I use the name here since the wretched meghan markle and henry the bald have earned my utter contempt.




Sir, I am sure that I need to be drunk for that to make any sense. You win Reddit tonight.


‘Harry Plotter and the Sorceress who stole his Stones’ are upset no one has apologized to them for the many grievances they caused others. 


>Harry Plotter and the Sorceress who stole his Stones’ ​ https://preview.redd.it/425qz7r76d9d1.png?width=275&format=png&auto=webp&s=26ce38055606abe09f8057c52195752cc74246b0


Thank you, thank you very much!!


lol @ Harry Plotter and the Sorceress - too good


Thank you ☺️




Remember Harry Plotter and the Half Blood Prince when people were making fun of the paternity rumours 


![gif](giphy|iOeckNDBmt0SjR8iOP|downsized) This right here is why your family cut your off H ⬆️ The RF want nothing to do with you and your fame hungry social climber wife, and all the antics you both have pulled over the years with your interviews/books/false accusations and tantrums.


The characteristic manic blinking when she’s lying or being especially shifty should have been a dead giveaway


I think, putting aside making the late Queen and Prince Philips last year's a misery. I don't mean that lightly. But I do believe that by Rachel and H meeting, marrying and leaving might have been the most enlightening way for the royals to see just how traitorous Harry was deep down. Before William took the throne and/or Harry learned anything of importance. Beyond that, Harry could always reread his book. Or listen to it to refresh why he's unwanted and cut out.


There is probably no one in his life right now who cares enough about him to tell him the truth.


He wouldn’t listen anyway


It's always someone else's fault. And let's not forget he lost his mother at a young age. Nobody else ever has had to deal with that.


I did at 17, my mum drowned, i didnt carry on like a twat, just got on with things


This obsession with Catherine is one of many reasons why the Harkles and their offspring will never be allowed near the Wales family ever again. Oh, and stalker behavior probably won’t win you any friends in A-list circles either, Meghan.


Agree. It's scary how fixated on Catherine they both are!


The Catherine obsession is designed to upset and get to William, the fear, the hatred they have for William. If it was you or I doing what the harkles are doing we would be locked up and the key thrown away. 


According to him, his sister-in-law is an active racist who abused his wife by not welcoming her properly, grimaced about sharing cosmetics, berated her about the wedding, was snooty and demanded Meghan followed protocol, didn't want to be friends with her, and ignored her at events. He told the world this, yet he claims he loves her and is incredibly proud of her. So either he loves a bullying, threatening racist who hates his wife and has no compunction about showing it, or he's acknowledging everything he said about her wasn't truthful.  He's an idiot if he genuinely is unable to see why he's been shut out. I wonder if he thinks he has princely privilege to say and do what he wants and still expects people to fall over themselves for him. 


For over three and a half decades the palace protected him from any negative consequences so his version of reality may be a little wonky. But, he freely chose to leave his bubble of protection & privilege because TW wanted to be #1. He got what he wanted. Now he needs to shut up and live with his choices. He should take his kids and move to Botswana and remarry there. He might find then find some simple peace and happiness like in a Hallmark movie.


Those things that Harry did that the palace covered up - they weren’t victimless actions. Maybe this pain for the RF is a lesson they needed to learn as well.


As long as it's gotten thru to him that he is being shunned, that's progress. At least he's no longer demanding apologies... for now, anyway?


IMO, they were "fired" as working Royals by the Queen, but she let them say it was their own idea. It's the only thing I can think of as to why they want an apology, which they are absolutely not entitled to one.. I'm sure Harry and MM believe KC and PW put the Queen up to making them leave.


Narcs have a lot of behavioral problems, selective memory loss is one of them. They honestly do not comprehend why someone, in this case the BRF, could be cutting them off. They really are this stupid. They remember things differently than normal, functioning, people. It's a very nasty narc trait. And yes I really think they are this stupid and the article is real. (Grew up with a family full of narcs, including my own mother, so I know what I am speaking of, unfortunately)


Dear Harry: Take a hint. **GET LOST!!!!!!!**


P.S. As another sinner alluded to, Fkn Harry should absolutely never be allowed near Catherine or the kids for at least 25 years. I'm not even kidding.


If he was "so worried" about his "beloved sister-in-law" why does he let the Sussex Squad spew their vile lies and hatred about her and her family? Why not come forward and correct the record? Oh wait, the wife wears the pants and he meekly does her evil bidding, just like the Sussex squad does.


He is not the bright one. It doesn’t matter because Will gets to lead.


“his beloved sister-in-love” ![gif](giphy|wzxK9cmYgIPDy)


i just can't anymore with these headlines....


You know I really am getting the creeps over this article. I just get the impression that someone wants to get H into see C.


Doesn’t matter. They can try until they both drop dead. It aint gonna happen


Think Catherine has some of the best protection on the planet.


Probably with instructions to take-down on sight as well


Ludicrous doesn’t even begin to describe the delusion from “insiders”


Guess what Harry Catherine has a phone. If she ever needed your presence in her life she could have contacted you so at this point you are being a pest. Move along Harry otherwise you will be labelled a stalker.


William should take out a restraining order on both of them.


William has top level royal security. He doesn’t need a restraining order.


Perhaps he has.


He should issue a Fixated Person complaint on the pair of them.


Rehash of a recent Closer article. Page Six is currently out of any copy and concocting new, fresh fiction is so difficult.


So if Plank is driven to do something desperate, well, it's the RF fault and specifically Catherine. Fixed it.


Maybe someone is taking the mickey out of him with this piece? It surely cannot be a flack they are paying to make him look so abysmally thick, can it? Maybe the naked one is setting him up on the sly.


It's more like he has a selective memory. He simply chooses to remember what he can twist into tales of woe.


First, they said “They’ll tell a lie to protect my brother but they won’t tell the truth to protect me & my ILBW” That translates to “they won’t tell a lie about my brother (& his r@cist wife) to protect my (r*cist??) wife. 


"Aw, come on. Was I THAT bad???" https://preview.redd.it/bjpik01k5d9d1.jpeg?width=474&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d67c738b3538af7a9159cd2b44b2c79670fbd1b7


I believe that the King did give Prince William the duties that belonged to his grandfather. He is now in control.


How can he possibly be confused why he’s an outsider. Every word he has with and every thought he has of the royal family ends up in the papers.


The Narckles are trying to gaslight the public. It’s all part of the narc’s playbook. Sorry, Megs, we’re not falling for it.


"Prince Harry ‘confused’ why royals have cut him off" He confused alright, psychedelic drugs will do that to ya. Ayahuasca, shrooms, topped off with plenty of weed and booze and he's off in another world.


Someone should send him a copy of the relevant chapters of his book, with specific passages underlined.


I do wonder if he’s read it.


I thought that, too - he should read his book and watch his Netflix show if he's confused.


I call BS on this. It has ILBW's clawprints all over it.


As written by Rachel.


He’s just an asshole


The only thing that Harry remembers is "it's NEVER my fault."


Someone should send him a copy of the relevant chapters of his book, with specific passages underlined.


Yeah…it’s typical for the narc and narc companion to be confused as to the truth of what happened because the only records they keep are the faults and flaws of others. If you never do anything wrong, then of course you’d be confused by your family refusing to talk to you.


I'd suggest somebody spell it out for this mf but he can't read. It's called EXILE! it's worse than being fired. No, you can't support Catherine, Harry. She's the one you called a racist and the one that you said is so jealous of your beloved wife that you had to move. Wouldn't want to make Meg unhappy now. And no one believes that you and TW are worried about the PoW. Vultures.


If I called my family racists and made hateful statements about my father’s wife, I wouldn’t expect to be invited to the family reunion.


He didn't!!! It was the British media that said that!!!


He is the poster child for “Don’t do drugs kids!”


That’s what happens when you do mushrooms! 🍄 🍄🍄🍄




More like he pretends he doesn't know why his family has cut him off.


I sense a conspiracy to turn Ginger into a victim oh pity pity so BRF can take him back while throwing Nutmeg under the bus. I do NOT support his move. The Ginger is one grown ass man who should be made to suffer the consequences of his actions. Let him be a reminder to all bachelors to NEVER let a woman destroy his relationship with his family.


It just occurred to me that if The Royal Grift’s latest video is legit and he had a server running thousands of bot accounts to attack William and Catherine, then surely he has no clue the extent of the harm they (ss) did? I’m going on a gut feeling here but I’d say most of that was run by MM - she’s the tech/social media savvy one between them and the perfect way for her to do harm but never get her hands dirty as it’s technically on ‘his’ server.


The [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) thing sounds like Harry was maybe in secret conversation with Palace and royals? That seems more probable for me. The courts got the emails from royal end so Harry had to divulge his emails from that server. **S**t **J**ames **P**alace Kensington Palace?


Please please please stop giving this guy awards. It is a fake ego booster for him, a validation that he must be a good person. A good person doesnt make Invictus all about him and his wife and doesnt slate his family who have given him everything.


If he cared about her, he would have reached out as soon as he heard she had cancer, not after a glamorous event to which he was no longer invited. And if it wasn’t obvious before, that so-called “mercy flight” clinched it. They cannot tell him the least little thing without it finding its way into the media. A story like this proves it. He did it to himself.


My work friend was trying to defend him the other day and looked like a drowning fish when I responded with “why are none of his school or army friends coming out and defending him? No, it’s crickets from them. Granted they aren’t saying bad things about him but I don’t see anyone rushing to his defence” About an hour later I saw her googling things and She hasn’t said a word to me since so looks like I was right!!


He also lost his humanity.This is what he deserves! Nothing!




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Cocaine is a Helluva Drug!


His attacks came from a place of love. Love and chastisement, for their own good. They must be shown the error of their ways, He loves his family soooo much he's desperate for them to improve themselves to be worthy of associating with his wife who still hasn't been apologized to, if you can believe it.


“The Sussexes reportedly want to support the Princess of Wales, 42, ‘in person’.” Of course they do. They’ve been advised that they will remain in a downward spiral without the royal family association. Please.

