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I'm also a better pilot than my brother who is a helicopter emergency ambulance pilot and I'm just "a gunner" who no one has ever seen pilot an actual helicopter.... But I'm better than him! Did I mentioned that??? I mean John Travolta, who's been dining out on dancing with my mom literally every night sold me, I mean, gave me a legends of aviation award...ya know??? Harry no wings, Harry no mates, Harry nobody. https://preview.redd.it/ezs466edqe9d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1ab6e1ec4966c70f2ef4521399001bed10fc59a9


https://i.redd.it/ndp7n4i0te9d1.gif (imho) I'm just guessing here, but I think Hazno's *'supposed'* enemy body count was for 'targets killed' on the helicopter training exercises. He never piloted a helicopter, nor was he ever actually engaged with the enemy. 'Bunker Harry' was whisked away from his base anytime there was a potential for enemy engagement. Like everything else about Hazno, it was all fake. A photo-op to gain him some (pretend) respect and credibility.


I'm pretty sure he was never given a loaded weapon. Nor any ammunition. What a 🤡






He's been living the life of a fraud and he's good with that. That's how low IQ individuals roll.


Too bad for him that we have William to compare 😂😂


Mediocrity at its finest!


Unfortunately for him, he believes he’s high intelligence and high ability. He truly believes he achieved some real 💩 in his life, and Megsy came along and promised him that not only has he accomplished a ton, he did it all better than Willy but they won’t let anyone know because Willy is going to be king. So now Harry thinks he truly IS better than Willy ever was and that he truly is the smarter, better brother. And no one can convince him otherwise about anything with the real “truth” in it. He prefers Meg’s truth. Of course the other side of that is Meg screaming at him all the time about how effing stupid he is once they are home alone. But he has all these awards to prove how great he is & plus he’s got a bunch of lawsuits to win!!


Imo, H&M are both insanely angry that they could not swindle QE, Pa nor William out of the fame and fortune they wanted handed over to them. I don't think he's feeling very smart nowadays and is kicking himself in the ass.


Definitely agree with that. I do think he thinks he’s a LOT smarter than he is. And he thinks Meghan is a genius. 🤯 The guy is an absolute idiot. And an entitled little jerk to boot.


Quite! If they were as popular and clever as they seemingly believe eachother to be, why on earth would they be annoyed that the BRF 'cut them off' financially? Surely they'd have the star power needed to make it on their own and become bigger than the BRF, indeed they'd be billionaires in a few years! Oh, but then COVID happened. Ah, that's why they failed to thrive. Not because they are ghastly, greedy, desperately unlikeable, talentless, mannerless, despicable, disrespectful, unintelligent, untalented, crass, unqualified, rude, classless, entitled, lazy and huge arseholes.


Brilliant analysis!! Spot-on adjectives! 🏆🥇❤️


I'm from a solidly working-class family and our parents encouraged us to do well and work hard to 'do better' than they did. Us children ended up going to uni to study for careers we're still happily working in. No great shakes at all, not even remotely (nursing, teaching, social work) but skilled, earning ok money and happy. I cannot even imagine the disappointment and disgust my parents would feel towards me if I did even half the things bloody Harry Markle has done. Or rather, what he hasn't done.. He's done absolutely shit all to take advantage of his privilege for the good of others. He just completely shat out of school and goaded and punched men paid to keep him safe for shits and giggles. Because he could. He got fast tracked through Sandhurst because he was Harry Wales rather than an even half decent soldier. His experience of active duty/war/being in the army is so hugely different from what it is actually like for non-royals. Yet he's so fucking stupid/deluded/privileged that he seemingly has no idea! He has absolutely no idea about the true horrors of war yet he's happy to live 'his truth' and wallow in stolen valour. Any parent would be thoroughly ashamed of him as a son, let alone ones who have been raised in great privilege with the expectation that he will be useful for something one day, and will devote his life to serving the people who did actually contribute, via taxes, towards his extravagant lifestyle. Nope, not our Harry. He continues to bite the hand that fed him and he is most welcome to just piss off with his ghastly wife and live in oblivion.




You know, if you were ever able to have an honest conversation with and get full disclosure from friends and family of Harry, I'd bet he has always been known to lie the same way Meghan does. Big things, little things, can't help himself, but it's something people just came to accept that it was part of his 'personality'.


Someone in the UK commenting on a SMM thread said his brother was a reporter. His brother and another reporter would hang out at local watering holes around London that Harry would show up to. Harry knew them and would come up to them telling them stories about the RF and particularly William. They knew it was all bullshit so they never printed it. Harry is a pathological liar.


Ah, so this is why he accuses William of leaking and plawnting. Projection.


And yet another reason why William is so done with his BS.


💯 💯 💯 


An asswipe and bellend


I think they gave him an xbox and loaded him into Call of Duty and said: “okay Harry - I know this looks like a video game, but it is actually a highly secretive weapon designed to look like a video game. Your mission is to take out as many as you can, while the rest of us will be running tactical a few miles away from your bunker.”


Omg why do those patches look photoshopped onto that flight suit


Because if you look at the one on the left it is for commemorating the 75th anniversary of the Battle of Britain which is why the one on the right has a spitfire on it…so definitely photoshopped onto his uniform. These patches would not have been worn on their regular uniforms.


I didn’t think so, but I’m not familiar with British military uniforms and patches. Thanks for this


He's such a little bitch boy




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Harry: My wife is am amazing woman but do you know who also was amazing? My mummy. Yes, my mummy was amazing and I still have the Elizabeth Arden cream to prove it... Edit: words


Every Sunday afternoon then take a nap. 😴


https://preview.redd.it/mwbp7hjdle9d1.jpeg?width=460&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5dd7910effcc807d8c9d83da5bbf20854df6c96f 🤡![img](emote|t5_481xkf|16209)






https://preview.redd.it/l7wnrymsuf9d1.png?width=724&format=png&auto=webp&s=279bb98b06ba21919cc2d8ce9f08031ae1bc2e40 Living our best life, sorry can’t hear you!


See this can't be faked.  This is all the evidence in the world that William and Catherine have *always* spent a lot of time with their children from the ealiest days. The way their children have taken on their mannerisms, yet I see no evidence that the children are ever suppressed or told to not express their independent selves. People who insult these photos or imply they're staged obviously have unfortunately never experienced this sort of a connection with a parental figure. 


Thank you for the award-now my wife speaks for me.


https://i.redd.it/rk3i68oqle9d1.gif ![img](emote|t5_481xkf|15002)![img](emote|t5_481xkf|25350)


This behavior continues to blow my mind! I cannot even imagine!


Did he curtsy to her lol? It sure looks like he did a little dip there


She has him very well trained! It looks like he apologizes for his attempt to go first here: https://i.redd.it/ihj6x12i0f9d1.gif


![gif](giphy|sTNYaH1IsrnTG|downsized) Say it. You love Mummy. Don't you, Aitch?


OMG 😳 she is deplorable


Imagine how she must behave privately, when behaving like this publicly.


Omg he did!!!! He dipped! Good eye!


He's all, "At your service, your majesty".


And he was half drunk and drugged up anyways, so he probably didn't know what was going on




Hahahaha omg good eye


Oh good catch, I watched again, he did lol. Poor simp. 


He's such a fool


I thought that!!


That padded butt cracks me up!


I always thought it looked like she put her 3-4 month moonbump on backward and on low.😂


That woman is a walking prosthetic.


Teef are coming right at you, first thing. ![gif](giphy|l3diGzJhCTx3Ngure|downsized)


Oh no, no no! 🤣😆🤣😆🤣😆🤣😆🤣




Meghan’s bustle.


Isn't it funny!?


Why does she always push forward as if she were a princess of the blood and Harry was just a hanger-on?


This is how it’s been since the very beginning.. she is too gauche to realize how crass and inappropriate she appears. https://i.redd.it/dgsv87llze9d1.gif


To be fair, she'd been raised that ladies go first, but as an 'actress' you think she'd be able to learn faster


I agree and have made that comment several times. But if she'd really think for a change, besides it not being proper RF protocol, the optics for her going second are much better. It allows him to introduce her as she approaches. Rather than him having to catch up and then introduce her. Of course, MM also made it a point to just introduce herself rather than allowing Harry to introduce her. I've always believed this was one of her lame attempts to "modernize" the BRF, I don't agree with her on this one at all, when at a royal function. Of course, they no longer attend royal functions, so I really don't care anymore who walks in front, lol.


I'd understand if it happened once and she was reminded firmly of protocol (which I'm sure she was instructed on), the second time she starts to shove ahead of H and stops herself, but she consistently shoves/slithers/manhandles long after any person of average intelligence would continue to make this "mistake."


MM only listens to the little gremlins in her head. This was one of the biggest issues I immediately had; her absolute refusal to follow simple rules of the BRF protocol. She KNEW she was marrying into a family that followed protocols, most of which had a really good reason. To immediately become so defiant and determined to do whatever she wanted was childish. IF she could have behaved normally, maybe over time she could have talked with them about little things, nails, hose, etc. We've seen Catherine gradually do things a little different here and there. But MM went all in from the start and then tried to laugh it off, claiming "Americans" would understand. Nope! This American did NOT understand, nor did I approve. Every professional business has rules, there for a purpose, that are to be followed. There are so many wonderful facets and benefits to being part of the BRF, including the protocols, just freaking embrace and enjoy them!


But she ain’t no lady!


Little miss Hollywood definitely is no Eliza Doolittle and Henry Higgins would have lost the bet. She is still screaming at harry to "move 'is bloomin arse"


Haha true!


Do you think she had to give him a treat and an ear scratch the first 20 times till he got it right?


nobody taught her the royal protocols, ya know. 🤪 she's a bloody diplomatic disaster for a self-proclaimed International-Relations graduate. 


She was one second away from pulling Queen Camilla out of the way too.


Claw at work. ![gif](giphy|B2RI1ReLPkGl3j1gXQ|downsized)


I’ve never seen this before 😱 I got second hand embarrassment watching it!


Harry's a SIMP.




She really over did it with the butt pads here.


omg it's like a big, lumpy, full diaper Please, God, let that be Photoshop? Please?


No. It's a real fanny fake. And Harry is turned on, imo.


Nope. It’s a booty bop.




I think you nailed it.


Agreed! I’ve always had a feeling she (MM) was copying Pippa Middleton here (except Pippa didn’t need a fake bum).


Yep, I’m pretty sure this was the night she planted her feet and pulled Harry, from arm’s length, away from an active conversation. Of course, that image I can’t find when I want to!


Is this if? It’s outrageous! https://preview.redd.it/iioxtapz2f9d1.jpeg?width=2375&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6e9b94f68ef3734bb26951a8415b72c5aff15b8f




Ugh that claw.


Lol! Her arm looks like that stretch action figure doll!😂😂😂


An embarrassing game of tug-of-war!😬


That’s the one! Many thanks!


And I still see people here saying The Claw is a sign of insecurity.


Why does she stand with her legs so far apart? It's literally straining the dress and giving her even more (temporary) wrinkles where there wouldn't even be any otherwise!


She has to air out her fuzzy bits, or they start attracting flies.


Derrière enhanced


Yup, Meg's Rubber Ass


She seems incapable of standing with her legs together




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She really is unfuckingbelievable.


He's such a little bitch boy


Bahahaha. Yes. Like the Kevin Costner stealing of the mic. When refused her…they attempted to give it to Hank and he just kept trying to get them to give it to her. I could definitely see that happening…unless there truly is a lot of negative press about him not being deserving of the award…then she will stay far away. She never wants to let Hanks bad day become hers. 🙄🙄


That was the most comical thing, that guy crossed his arms and dug in, would not give in to Hairold’s entreaties.


I loved it! The guys face was like "you take or no one takes it" and didn't give a shit about TWs attempts at her head down Diana cos play.  And then his wife just holding it and not letting it go as TW tried to grab it was beautiful 


Yes, and he was kind of laughing about it, like it had been pre-agreed that she was to get nowhere near a microphone.


I've read that this was a British couple who immigrated to the area and were significant in the charity for which the benefit was held. Could it be that they followed the whole RF/H&M saga and were too well-versed in her predictable behaviors not to have had a plan in place?




>When refused her…they attempted to give it to Hank and he just kept trying to get them to give it to her. And the male host just laughed at him. 😂😂😂 >unless there truly is a lot of negative press about him not being deserving of the award…then she will stay far away. She never wants to let Hanks bad day become hers. 🙄🙄 This is what I believe as well.


Was anyone else reminded of Harry and Meghan when seeing the way Jill Biden praised her husband for "answering all the questions"? Oh FfS: this is the American way apparently. That is elder abuse. RIGHT THERE.


Yes. Sad. I'm not being political here. However, I teach intellectually challenged kids and must often laud them for doing what one would expect at minimum of anyone else. There is a reason to do so, and there is a reason some of the things Jill and Meghan say what they do regarding their husbands.


I teach also. Admittedly, not intellectually challenged... rather the brightest so I really challenge them because that's what they'll get, out in the real world. I also encourage reflective thinking! Jill and Meghan should retire their husbands from the world stage. They hold primary influence. You literally just defended a POTUS on that basis. A serving President! Wow. They're abusers. End of.


Defended POTUS (and FLOTUS)? Perhaps I should have been more clear - the reasons why Meghan and Jill do as they do are far from defensible.




This is what happens when you’ve done nothing noteworthy.


Or … when my MummyWife was eleven years old …


​ https://i.redd.it/xali6tefme9d1.gif