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Oh that was hilarious 😆. Notice how she and whatsisname didn’t acknowledge the moderator but Catherine and William did


"manners manners manners manners manners"


She’s such a fucking hypocrite 🤦‍♀️




Haven’t you heard? Only middle aged evil racist jealous haters point out hypocrisy.


Ahhh I must have missed that memo. Here I am with valid reasons to dislike her and it turns out it’s not her. It’s me!🤣


Rushing in front of a pregnant woman-how rude.


And after Catherine was kind enough to let Meghan Markle ruin her perfectly good lipgloss. Some people have no klass.


Who she should have let go first due to Catherine outranking her.


And very pregnant!!!! Megsy is just trash..




Character. Or lack thereof in Meghan's case. She made sure to stampede across the stage to grab the best seat next to the moderator (trying to beat a pregnant woman). What a small person.


I couldn’t stand her right from the very beginning, but watching this at the time cemented for me that she was NEVER a suitable person to be a member of the BRF.


How does she even have supporters? She's so embarrassing!


They are either : paid schills, woc who see Megs as a poster girl for racism, dumb dumbs.


>woc who see Megs as a poster girl for racism I'm a *person of colour", and this annoys me to no end. There are non-European royals, Emperor Naruhito of Japan is close friends with King Charles III, and the late Queen Elizabeth II took him in like her own son during his studies in Oxford. Empress Masako of Japan has close ties with King Willem of the Netherlands. Those are the most prominent examples, but many, like the Jordanian royal family, has close ties to European royals. It's clear to me that the issue was never racism, it's the fact that Meghan is a buffoon. It's these buffoons who scream racism whenever things don't go their way. Buffoons who whenever they feel any slight discomfort or require personal reassessment instead resort to deflection by blaming others with racism. It's like this YouTube advertisement I recently saw, a Black woman who is making *wine more inclusive for persons of colour.* What in God's green Earth does that even mean? They literally produce wine in Latin America, the Middle-East, North Africa, South Africa, and even in China, but this woman wants to make wine more *inclusive.* Hahaha. This is what Meghan's supporters are like, they take something as inane as wine and make it a racial subject.


Ugh, black woman here and that stuff gets on my last nerve. The royal family was so racist to barely black Meghan Markle that they allowed her to marry into the family and procreate to produce new royal family members and allowed a ÂŁ30M wedding, where her racist FIL walked her down the aisle. She's a disgusting ingrate, and her fans suck.


You are 100% right, but there are people in the U.S. who simply cannot look past race, no matter what. They will support her even though historically she has invoked her African heritage superficially and only when convenient to her. Meghan knows there are some people like that. It's why she does it.


That's the DEI group, they think people need to view everything through the lens of racism. This is how inane things like Inclusive Wine or Camping for BIPOC come about. I'm not denying that racism exists or that in years past horrific racist things didn't occur but it's not really the best way to go about changing things because it stirs up resentment on all sides.


When someone is looking for racism, it's everywhere. Apparently some people have their own "lens", and use it to garner attention. They'd do better to actually do some research, but that would entail work.


I believe megsy has projected some very old American issues onto the UK...Nobody had a problem with her until her lies began being questioned...because her BEHAVIOUR was...and is...APPALLING. The racism she is talking about is from her American POV...she cannot just slap it onto the British people or the royal family...who by the way love and respect their commonwealth family ....megsy cNt be allowed to slap American issues onto Britain...especially when it's common knowledge she was accepted by the rf...and the people of the UK...celebrated even...and then when her mask slips...and they notice...she smears them??? And when the rf says no to her cockamamie ideas she takes offence and smears them as racist??? Who the f*** is she anyway?? Shes a nobody whose married to the 6th in line...he and she are so irrelevant to the future of the monarchy...but she expects to be elevated??? To what??? Queen??? Just whyyyyy??? Shes earned nothing...but contempt from the world for being a sociopath and A-hole.


exactly! and it was at the time of the killing of George Floyd in the US so many there were prepared to see racism especially when they didn't know much about the UK


When you only have a hammer, everything looks like a nail.




Last I checked POC have just as much access to the wine department at Costco that I have.




Just a side comment but it was so lovely to see the elegant Emperor and Empress on their State Visit to London. Beautifully (but not extravagantly or ostentatiously) dressed on every occasion and they were the epitome of grace & dignity whilst representing their country TOW needs to look & learn


Thank you. I do not understand this obsession with race either. When I read about something like a theatre having performances for people of colour only I think "apartheid". But when I was young the idea was there should be room for everybody. Today it seems like ever smaller self-defined minorities want special treatment.


Yup same here. When I was in undergrad, I was working part time at a grocery store as a check out person. I was barely 22 and this was 8 years ago. One night, we had 3 lines open and I had opened temporarily to clear out the line, after I had put “lane closed” sign on my counter, a WOC woman came but I had already closed it. She got mad and stumped and went to the manager and accused me of racism. She alluded that I saw her and then closed my line which wasn’t true at all and it was 9pm at night and I was exhausted and not even thinking about it. My manager had to speak to me and I started crying at the vile accusation for something so trivial and stupid! I really don’t like when people use racism in everything. It’s exhausting and takes the actual meaning away from the important racist stuff that’s actually going on in the world.


Something similar happened to me at a job I had—and it infuriated me. I guess I should have felt bad for the girl that accused me but I just had enough at that point. Just shut up and do your damn job! Everything and everyone is NOT racist!


So sorry for your experience. And yes, this is exactly the nonsense I detest. You closed your line and it had nothing to do with that woman. Imagine going through life blaming all your experience on your looks. Exhausting and sad.


I had the opposite thing happen. A cashier opened a new checkout line and a POC with a full cart cut in front of EVERYONE waiting and pushed right to the front. Because the cashier was white, she was too afraid to say anything


And there's a trend to self-segregate. Its hilarious yet absurd. Years were devoted to, and blood was shed, to end it, yet the very group that demanded those walls be dismantled is now demanding their return.




It's just her "get out of jail free" excuse for her unacceptable poor behavior.


Buffoon. What a prefect word to describe her 


Woke bullshit.


I think some try to use things like that to try to guilt people into buying their products. Like how a number of lackluster to outright bad movies and tv shows have been trying to use social justice to guilt people into watching.  “People who are complaining it’s bad are just racist/misogynists/etc.”  Or “Only racists/misogynists/etc. aren’t going to see movie xyz.”   As though people have to buy a ticket (or devote watchtime) to prove they aren’t bigoted.


There are certain bipoc who think that if you don't support one famous bipoc, then you're racist. Obviously it's a stupid reductive stance to take because it sets you up for supporting some bipoc that really do exploit those attitudes to avoid any accountability when they are being bad people. Like Meghan, for example. She does nothing for her supposed community. No-thing. And these idiots still think she'd lend her hand to them if they needed her support on black issues in America. She only claimed her blackness when it benefited her. It's embarrassing and I'm not gonna support someone blindly just bc they're the same race as me. It just lends to the idea that bipoc are some monolith and not individuals.


I'm not sure the woc angle is so much about her being a poster girl for racism but 'marrying a prince'. I think a lot of their support comes from lonely women vicariously living out their own Princess Diaries fantasy through TW. These would be the ones that spout the 'just jealous/want Harry' line. It's the only explanation for anyone thinking people envy her. They lost a lot of woc/poc backing with their racist/not racist/racist/not racist carry on. The educated BLM folk were made to look foolish for having their back and won't make that mistake again.


Indeed. i remember the harridan on Piers Morgan who shouts everyone down had to eat criw and say they were liars. She is a staunch BLM advocate. ( Iman Aytor)


Yes, I was shocked that Iman had it in her to say she'd been wrong about Markle and that the couples were just liars. She comes across as quite fanatically anti British, anti White. I didn't think it was possible to change her mind let alone for her to be open to revealing that on air.


She’s got some daft Karens trying to be the most aware and strident Karens as well. Generally, don’t make eye contact people.


I don't think a lot of her supporters pay attention to things like this. They only know the Oprah interview, the reality tv show, and that the tabloids have "attacked" her. Edit: missing letter


I see a lot of times when she's mentioned on other subreddits, people just assume if someone doesn't like her that it's due to racism. A lot of people who don't care about the royal family at all and aren't going to look into any of it just accept that you have to like her best or you're racist, and they don't question it.


There was an entire thread in the Hilaria Baldwin subreddit telling people that they are no longer allowed to compare Hilaria to Megsie. They were NOT THE SAME AT ALL and to say they were is racist. An unfortunate number of Pepinos were agreeing but eventually many Sinners spoke up. So much virtue signaling when the comparisons are overwhelmingly obvious, moon bumps, fake nationalities, and all.


They shouldn't have been allowed to marry, full stop


Every week, someone says that, but what exactly do you think could have been done? Harry was a grown ass man! The Queen couldn't "ban" or "forbid" the marriage. Harry's family tried hard to caution him. Even Meghan's family warned him. Also, no one could have foreseen what has unfolded. Meghan presented herself as a hard-working dynamo who'd "hit the ground running." In addition, it has been suggested that Meghan told him she was pregnant; hence, the wedding date was rushed. Harry was/is a stupid, stubborn, unreasonable little turd. Notice how he pursues his lawsuit even when he keeps losing.


The BRF didn't have to agree to the 'spectacle' though. That was an own goal. They thought the publicity of a bi-racial woman marrying in would do wonders for their own image and ignored several red flags including the couple's haste to marry (bumping Eugenie's wedding off the planned calendar of events), this being Markle's second/third wedding and not least of all the absence of family on her guest list. Charles & Camilla themselves only had a registry wedding. The BRF were well within reason on seeing her guest list to scale the thing down to something the size Bea & Edo had but it really was as much Charles' spectacle as the Harkles.


I agree. The extravagance of the wedding was ridiculous, and the only reason I can think of such an indulgence was to placate widdle baby Harry. I doubt KC would have allowed something like that (I think HMTLQ drove that bus), and certainly not Prince William. IMO, much of that wedding was downright obscene.


Exactly! The whole wedding was obscene, and the Queen knew it (she didn’t look happy). As a divorcée, I wouldn’t have had the gall to expect a second/third wedding on that scale, with all the bells and whistles of a ’virgin bride’. Something went on back then - whether it was her pushing for a ‘spectacle via Harry - ‘William had a big wedding, you can’t penalise me for falling in lust with a divorcée’ - sort of thing…it was totally inappropriate, and I think against our Late Queen‘s moral standards. I think we can agree that a civil wedding with maybe a chapel blessing would have been more appropriate (but, again, I don’t think Markle would have settled for anything less than what Catherine had…).


Makes the rumor about Prince Phillip seem true. I didn't believe it at the time but I do now. Supposedly Harry pulled the race card on his grandparents regarding permission for this obscene spectacle, they got into a fight and Prince Phillip smacked Harry right across the face. In retaliation, Harry flipped out and threw a chair. That was the rumor at the time and like I said, I absolutely believe it


Apparently at the time, Haz was debating between St Paul’s and Westminster Abbey, and had to be taken back a few notches by PW. He’s always overestimated everything related to him, and his wife does too. There are loads of lovely chapels that could have accommodated a second wedding up the breadth of the country. Yet a spectacle - costing as much as Williams’s *adjusted for inflation* - was their sacrifice for the world.


You know having equal but adjusted for inflation was all her. She couldn't stand to be second fiddle


I think a lot of it was Harry wanting as good as William, and the royals not wanting to give Meghan any opportunity to claim racism by providing a “substandard royal wedding”.  Rumor was she and Harry had already used a threat of accusations of racism if they weren’t allowed to marry. She was a divorcée, but I can imagine Harry whining that he wasn’t and shouldn’t have to miss out on having a big wedding.  I can imagine the fact Anne and Andrew got big weddings despite not being the heir was probably brought up.   I think they were initially all so hoping that marriage would finally settle him down and give him a permanent minder, but as the wedding drew closer more of Meghan’s true nature came out.  I think they didn’t want to lose face by suddenly downgrading the wedding. Meghan agreed to the limitations the Queen put on the wedding, (no veil, no virginal white dress, etc) but then went behind her back and did whatever she wanted, without any care of any repercussions.  


I agree with you, I think even though they probably weren’t crazy about Meghan at that point, she wanted a spectacle and they wanted the good PR and were unfortunately willing to overlook a ton of wedding-related red flags to that end.


Brf was worried they'd be viewed as racist. So TW got preferential. Treament .. IMO by giving TW every thing looked like they were pandering so they dont look racist




Precisely. She was in no way acceptable for that position.


She looks like a drunk creepy witch....her posture and gait are so odd, IMO.


When she brought up TimesUp and Me Too all I could do was roll my eyes. She's such a basic bandwagon jumper. #Pick MEEEEEEE!!! Pick MEEEE!!!!


This reminds me of Commonwealth Day 2020 when she barged through the chairs to ensure she & H would be in front of Edward & Sophie walking out of Westminster Abby. Of course the then-Wessexes were standing at the end of the 2nd row waiting for those two idiots to pass, but M just couldn’t take that chance; she thinks everyone’s as ill-mannered as she is, and disregards protocol like she does. I think this was also the ceremony where W+C were supposed to enter the Abby with C+C, but H+M threw a fit that they weren’t included, so W+C agreed to enter the Abby after C+C.


Pushing through the chairs is a great video. I also like the anniversary of the POW investiture, where Meghan Markle and Harry are stopped by the courtiers.


The PoW thing was so cringe - they were put in their places right quick; in the longer version vid which shows them seated in the adjoining room also catches her rapid eye blinking.


A black courier at that! The racist!!


That’s a great one!


I don’t think we know a fraction of what’s gone on behind the scenes (because of Markle) - I’m expecting something to ‘give’ this year…just a feeling.


I agree that there’s a ton more, and I hope your feeling is right. I’m ready for ALL the dirt!


They both thought that by being insufferable brats and constantly making demands that would be met because of Harry's "special" position with the late Queen and Charles' perceived weakness towards Harry, that they would elbow their way into absolute equality with the Cambridges/Wales, overtake them in public popularity (owing to Haz having had this manufactured "popular" public image that had been created solely by the BP courtiers and PR to cover up for all his manifest failings and shockingly awful real personality), instigate a nasty and relentless PR war of attrition on William and Catherine full of false accusations, hopefully spliting them up as a couple with fake affair rumours, that would end up in William somehow being forced to step aside in a fake Harkle-induced scandal, and for them ultimately to seize the crown. They really did think they were in a Game of Thrones episode at this time. They were that delusional. As they revealed their true nature more and more the public wised up to their real nasty entitled personalities. It's taken time in some quarters, but they are pretty much universally reviled in the UK and they are well on their way to a similar status in the US.


Oh she's so cute and bumbling! She doesn't know anything about the royal family, you see.


just a wee child, who wasn't taught anything by the Palace and was fed to the wolves. eta: but is also a self-made woman, "who felt had more of a right to speak than Kate." like, pick a victimhood lane, ffs.


She's all over the road victim wise and it's taken a surprisingly long time for the general public to notice it.


That's right. This was a part of her act. She's always performing when she's knows there are eyes on her


She's only a late 30s woman with no Internet access 😢


just the person to modernize the Institution.


With a Tig blog that she posts by pigeon carriers. She’s a contradiction.


Meghan Markle is a completly unremarkable person. She is also not photogenic, so in pictures she has to do something to get noticed. Hence the inappropriate clothing and the pushing herself ahead of everybody else - and the clinging to Harry. All just to get noticed.


Meghan UnreMarkable


The unremarkable MarkÄşe


That should be a flair.


Exactly-Angelina Jolie, naomi Campbell, Scarlet Johansson , Beyonce all stand out-even if they are behind everyone else.


The couple of photos Meghan set up with 'influencers' who just happened to bump into her and ask for a selfie are so telling. She just fades into the ether next to attractive women.


She is always so gauche.


But she could royal better then any royal. In the history of royaling!


*Gauche.* That's it, that's the word. Describes her perfectly.


**Dork** is what Meghan UnreMarkable actually is .... (Gauche elevates her.)


Gauche is too lovely of a word - sounds beautiful to the English ear. She is actually a "dork" and apparently has been so throughout her entire life. Moreover, her own brother tried alerting the world to keep small children and pets away from her.


I miss Joan Rivers. She would've had a hay day with the trollop.


Trollop is such an underrated word 😂


My god yes!!! She would have been magnificent!! Miss her.




She so grabby with him, I swear he's like her emotional support creature. I don't have a love story as grand as the Harkles /s but I love my husband. It would drive me insane if he clawed at me like Megain does. She latches onto him like he's a dingy and she's floundering in open water. So weird Rachel. ![gif](giphy|l3diJiURvwMmm02GI)


She is grabbing with an everyman she had and has. A real feminist! ; )


My husband and I have been married forever. Our kids are grown. And we still hold hands when we are walking along together. Neither of us claws or grabs or generally acts like a human shackle to the other! They are far beyond the “holding hands” type of affectionate gesture!


Grown people who have been in normal relationships would see the constant hand holding, particularly at professional events, as a red flag. It's bizarre and disturbing, not cute.


It is so bizarre. I've been married for ages too and have one left to launch. We occasionally hold hands for a short distance. Maybe it because I'm not a touchy person but I would be so irritated being grabbed at the way Markle does. It looks so much like abusive relationships where they try hard to "show everybody how happy they are" and people in actual stable and loving, long term relationships can see through it.


People think it's about insecurity. It's not. It's about control. See, for example, Harry's UN speech event, when Harry extricate himself from The Claw (TM), and she grabbed back his arm and imprisoned it in her lap.


The more videos of MM I see the more I think how awkward she is, no wonder she never made it as an actress.


Not just an actress, she’s never made it as anything. She’s an empty sociopathic narc sucking energy from anyone and anything around her. She’s a succubus with nothing to offer. She brings zilch to the plate and she’s an embarrassment.


She's super awkward.


Seriously. She probably kept missing her marks, like she does here. She’s just awflul


Yep! Bc she refuses to listen to ANYONE “telling her what to do”. Even simple directions


Yet she chose an acting career in which following direction is essential. She’s so bizarre.


think she wanted to be famous not necessarily an actress. can't forget how disrespectful she was to the actors she visited at the retired actors home in the UK - all likely far more accomplished than her.




This. I mean you can be anything you want to be in this world I guess. Sometimes you just don't got "it". Especially when it comes to public opinion/perspective. She just doesn't have "it". She also had to improvise quickly because she somehow found herself running with the big dogs (royals, aristocrats, and the successful).


She lied and schemed and blackmailed herself to the very height of Society, only for it to show the world how unsuitable she was for that position. Her Fake It Till You Make It method is clever enough to get her in the door, but once inside, she has no substance to continue with her scam. And it shows.


B-I-N-G-O!!!! "*I'm such a fraud!*"


Ah yes, the only true words she has ever spoken.


Yes you're right. Back in the day work brought me into contact with some famous bods in the music industry they quite often were a bit weird and eccentric a bit rude and sometimes really nice some of them had a really shitty reputation many of them were past their best in terms of looks but the really great ones all had something (apart from lead singer disease!🤣) it's something you either have or you don't.  She tries too hard. It's too much even her fans try too hard.  She was certainly no rock star the essence  of being a rock star is not giving a f**k. 


Why doesn't she stand up straight? She looks like a hunched up elderly woman.


Always! And she reckons she was a supermodel. What a loon.


I watched suits regularly when it first came out because of Gabriel Macht, I never had any idea she was any kind of model - she doesn’t have the height or the facial features. Without having even one major commercial campaign how could she even be so narcissistic as to claim that??? By definition she was not.


She did do some photoshoots for products; but she moved so awkwardly I cringed when I saw them. She just doesn't have what it takes to be a good model at all. Kate Moss, Gia Carangi, and a few other girls were on the shorter side, but they had what was needed, Meghan doesn't. 


Daddy couldn’t buy her posture. And she didn’t listen to her dance teacher.


Not surprising when you remember she cut in front of THE QUEEN when getting into a car once. Megsy lacks such basic self awareness skills. I'm certain she lacks that part of the brain where you go to bed at night but your brain reminds you of your most cringeworthy life moments. ![gif](giphy|qGy9SDPLTmSkM|downsized)


Urgh, yes! My brain loves to that at 4 am. Me: “Can’t we just go back to sleep?” My brain: “Maybe. But first let’s review that very embarrassing incident on August, 11th 2001!“


Brain chants ''ancient sins, ancient sins, ancient sins''






Where was she going though


I bet she doesn’t care so long as she gets to be in front of Catherine or Harry




Such a low self esteem. I’d embarrassed to be so obvious with my insecurities in public. Just shows you think you’re piece of dog shit under someone else’s shoe compared to others.


What a pitiful woman she is😂🤭


She’s pathetic


She should have studied Mary (Denmark) and Maxima (The Netherlands) to see how you integrate into a Royal Family.


She never wanted to integrate. She wanted to stand out and be acknowledged as superior to everyone else. She’s truly delusional.


Its Meghan's world and we're all just living in it.


Mary learnt Danish whereas Meghan couldn't learn the lyrics to God Save the Queen.. or how to curtsey.


There is nothing gracious about her. She is so crass it makes me cringe to watch her. Always in a hurry to grab the superior position.


She is completely devoid of poise. She still gets about like the flouncy undisciplined mouthy tween we saw in Ninaki's birthday video. It's clear she significantly exaggerated any dance or stage training she claims to have had.


Personally I would have let the heavily preg mama Jama go first.


Thats generally how its usually done in the UK or basically anywhere with general manners.


Always. And if Meg had gestured to Catherine to go first, that would have earned her some respect.


Yes. I am just a regular ol' American who has never had a class in etiquette. By the time I was 8 or so, it was second nature, reflexive, actually, to allow others to go before me unless doing so would cause confusion or unduly impede the flow of human "traffic." This is still the case with even younger people and peers, and not even a question in terms of elderly, less able (including preggos), parents herding young children, etc. I'm just curious whether or not Meghan ever holds the door for those behind her or not even look to see if anyone is there.


why is she always in a hurry (or should i say, "harry")? rushing. taking big-ass steps. clawing Harry's back for him to end conversations. jeezus christ, man.


The most Infuriating photo was the one where she's staring directly into the camera crossing the street in a blue dress all loooong strides and determined steps while Harold runs to catch her. It's her "power woman pantene shampoo" commercial moment.  It's so obvious.  And of course media ate it up. She somehow had managed to become a member of the RF but here she was making enemies right and left so she could reenact her teenage magazine model moments from the 90s???!!!! An absolute idiot the both of them!


and he is actually reaching for her like for a toddler who is rushing out onto the street.


He looked pathetic and she looked crazed.


That picture of her in the blue dress pushing ahead of Harry with the wild manic look on her face,  always reminded me of a farm girl racing out to the barn to milk the cows.  Like a bloody bull in a China shop! No class at all. 


All while eye-fucking the cameras…..each camera, with a different eye.


I can’t recall that one!




Pre-bronzer days.


Thank you for sharing! Crazy 🙄




Did someone photoshop Meghan’s hair? It does not look Pantene commercial, it looks like 2 ponytails are sticking out the sides of her head.


Those damn tendrils refuse to not make an appearance!


Ohhhhhhh ya! Thank you! Shes such an abrasive b!


Could you direct us to that video please?




she hangs on to Harry when she needs the clout. the moment she doesn't, she leaves him, just like in this photo. i'd pity the dimwit if he wasn't such a shitty person, too. i guess they deserve each other.


Hardly a shampoo commercial. The quality of the yak wig is atrocious.


Because she has to set things up so she is the only one in "the money shot". Image is EVERYTHING to a narc.


I honestly, unironically wonder sometimes if she has ADHD.


Did you ever see the first season of Pretty Little Liars? They explain the person who was A and able to be everywhere because of Bipolar disorder giving her mania energy to keep up. I wonder if we are seeing that or ADHD.


One of the psychologists who comments here at one point posted that she thought the ILBW may well be bipolar. One big clue was the garish and bizarre makeup job at the IG in Dusseldorf.


Always scurrying to snatch precedence and first dibs on everything.


Like the 3 Stooges when they'd all cram into a doorway and get stuck because they all wanted to be first through the doorway.


This is exactly it. She MUST have it first, get there first, be seen first, and so on and on and on.


Scurrying like a greasy rat


She tries to play it off dumb and cute like “tee hee, I’m just an American who went to the Sizzler and the mean royals put me out to dry.” I also remember the one where she barges in front of Edward and Sophie nearly knocking down the chairs. It’s intentional.


Bitch just kept turning 😂 ![gif](giphy|0nHUC0U3txIUdAufpK|downsized)


She did this recently at the Sentembale polo thing where she edged the Sentembale director out of the photo.


I saw that. She needs to be in the center now because she doesn't want to be cropped out of the picture like at the Beyonce concert 😂😂😂


Truth be told they didn't even need to crop her out. She's so unremarkable that even when 'fans' (influencers) unexpectedly bump into her and ask for selfies (promos that are paid for) she fades into the background.


She's. She's so basic. Only stands out because of the thirst she truly cannot hide.


Obviously she didn't learn from that -Nigeria


So jealous of Catherine...and yet thinks she's better than her...which is it??? In any case...Catherine is the wife of the heir and has been in the rf for many years....she can do and say whatever she pleases....Catherine has Earned thT right.


So hunched over! Why, oh why? Did no one, in dance class, acting lessons, or at home, ever tell her to STAND UP STRAIGHT? so regal! /s


I don't think she really 'took' dance/acting/stage lessons. She embellished everything on her resume. Her complete lack of poise betrays her lies.




There is that vid of her as a tween or so tapping her little heart out!


She’s not great on the heels I believe. So to maintain balance she maybe hunched over


In dance class, she also would have been taught to curtsey.


Even back then, she didn't like Catherine. And as usual, she made this all about herself. Typical, typical Meghan...


“My patented Royal Meghan Twirling Technique” ™️


She’s such a LOSER


Why don’t awful people know they are awful?!?


The Moroccans had it right when they called her "repugnant."


I had not seen this clip before. Rude, rude, rude!


![gif](giphy|QVP7DawXZitKYg3AX5) She's trash!


She turned so she could get the claw of control back on Harry.


Notice how Catherine nods goodbye to the interviewer. No such good manners from MeMe!


Literally spinning in circles to make sure she outruns pregnant Catherine off the stage.


Did anyone notice how Princess Catherine acknowledged the moderator before she stepped down? I did. POW-ER for sure!


What is she doing???!! Rotating around Harry?


She is a bitch with capital C


I would never in my life defend Meghan Markle, she’s truly a succubus and only cares about money, status, and feeling important. I will however say, as someone diagnosed with pretty severe anxiety/panic disorder, this would be a fear of mine. Where am I going? Did anyone notice? Omg, now everyone thinks I’m a moron because I have somehow forgotten how stairs work, and this is being recorded! Situations like that make me cringe, not only for the person, but because I know if it were me, I would somehow make a huge ass of myself doing the simplest thing. When I first started learning about Meghan Markle, I gave her way too much credit. Because I put myself in that position, and felt so bad for this poor American girl (I’m American as well) being thrown into the public spotlight where ever awkward moment was caught on tape and analyzed. Thankfully, for me it was the Oprah interview, I realized no, this is a social climber who married not out of love but for money and status. Which wasn’t a crazy leap- I live in DC and see it happen all the time- so any sympathy I had for her quickly evaporated. But I still can’t think to myself when I see videos like that- not only would I have been lost, looking ridiculous, but some how I would have made it worse by tripping and failing. I cringe in so many complicated levels, lol.


She really isn't at fault here. It's Harry who leads her. I agree she married for money, fame and power. But the responsibility for the mess is at Harry. The way he wrongly leads her here is, in a way, a description of how the mess came to be. He didn't explain anything to her, and his problems with position in the family became hers as well. The biggest reason why I don't like Meghan is - she is the smart woman so by the time they left the UK she knew the source of her problems (Harry). But she chose to trash and make money out of the family.


Very well put. But for as smart as people claim she is, and as obsessed as she is with the legacy and other peoples views of Diana (not diana herself, or who she was as a person, but the idealized legacy)- how could she skip analyzing how people felt about diana post divorce/pre death. Diana was blackmailed into that panorama interview she gave. And while it might be seen in retrospect as a defining moment, in the actual moment post interview so many people were angry with Diana for airing her family’s dirty laundry. Many people were very angry with her. Diana’s passing so tragically is what helped essentially propel her to canonized status. She wasn’t referred to as the people princess until a few days after her passing by Tony Blair. If Meghan had any sense, she would understand how the mythology around Diana came to be. Diana was always influential, fashion icon, etc- but the adoration and untouchability of her legacy wasn’t cemented until her death. Meghan and Harry’s situation is more akin to the Duke and Duchess of Windsor. Diana wanted her marriage to work, she wanted to serve, she wanted the happy ending, but unfortunately life happens and it didn’t work out for her. King Edward on the other hand was a well documented playboy who wanted to do whatever he wanted, constitutional monarchy be damned, and found his out with some dominating American socialite. The Duke and Duchess of Windsor faded into obscurity within their own lifetime. The further from the crown, the more your power diminishes. If Harry and Meghan wanted to cultivate a Diana legacy, they’d be doing non stop charity work, promoting other people and works and not themselves. Diana would talk to and listen to those she visited and would spend time talking to them even when camera weren’t on. She genuinely cared about people. Instead they’ve gone the Duke and Duchess of Windsor route- which if history has taught us anything only has diminishing returns. If it’s only about you and your narrative, you fail. If it’s about a higher cause and humanity and things that are universal, that’s you building something lasting and substantial. Without ego death you burn out in a lifetime, kill your ego and your individual voice will join a much larger and lasting chorus.


I know women who are like her. These are the little things they do because they think they look cute doing idiotic things like this.


I'm assuming this is a way of infantilizing oneself for the titillation of men in one's orbit?


You said it better!


Silly girl.


Does anyone else remember “Free To Be, You and Me”? Meghan reminds me of the girl character in “Ladies First”.


That's the thing about these two, you don't have to try to make them look foolish, they do it all for you! :)


This kind of reminds me of her trip with the Quoeen and MM jumped into the car head of the Queen. She seems to jump into a place - wrongly- before taking her time and watching to see what protocol is.


What an idiot.