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yes totally she’ll blame the whole BRF it’s never her fault it’ll be i never said i was pregnant the british media said the institution made me wear the moonbump!??? she’s vile and rotten will do anything for making herself a saint a victim and for money ofc. no morals…no soul and those “invisible kids” are her meal ticket one way or the other! https://preview.redd.it/tf7h6gslzl9d1.png?width=1289&format=png&auto=webp&s=0701d3ae8fdbf266b7656728a8af59b07f544d46


Biggest moon bump ever!


That moonbump would give octomum's actual pregnant belly a run for its money. 🙄


Never, ever have I seen a woman carrying a baby under her breasts. This is some obvious fakery.


Megaliar is a medical miracle. She was the first person to carry a baby in her lungs. This woman is seriously deranged to try and pull a con like this off.


That high in that month,hmm. Was there a sonogram?


I was able to balance my teacup on mine. I found it very conveniently placed on my low belly. I also propped any book I was reading (never did I realize at the time that they would be the last books I was able to read for years). 🤣


The baby looks uncomfortable.


Yeah at that age, the baby takes up a lot of room, far more room than that weird moonbump.


Even her taste in moon bump sizes is ridiculously extra.


just like her fake ass ego.


And her fake ass in the picture on the right.


The whip smart manipulator doesn't know how to dress properly and doesn't know how to put a moon bump on, correctly.


Guess she forgot to study the books about what happens to a woman’s body during pregnancy. If she had she would’ve learned the uterus is not in the rib cage. And your boobs get bigger too!!! We all know she doesn’t like to research anything before she hits the ground running!


Well if you ask a question she collapses to the floor crying.


You can see the bump thru the bottom of the black dress in pic on the right. A natural baby-filled belly doesn't suck back up like that. It slopes down, not up


yes lol with her “freakish attention to detail” she wore the moonbump upside down🤣


Me thinks she does it on purpose to gaslight all the naysayers


I also noticed that she's digging her fingers and hand into her bump. I've never seen a pregnant woman do that with their hands on their bump like that. If anything your hands immediately go to your lower back to avoid any pressure on the bump and let's face it there's a lot of pressure on your lower back at that point. It's natural to be gentle with your bump. You're naturally protective and gently rest your hands on it and never put any presser on it. It's so weird and unnatural. I was always very careful and protective, it's instinct. I really don't know where I stand on any of this but this very strange. Who puts their bump in a vise?


As mentioned before: For a woman who loved to show off her baby bump and for a woman who loves to show her skin… it is telling that she was NEVER photographed with her bare, naked bump, like Demi Moore or Beyoncé.


Yep. She wouldn't have missed that for the world.




I had to go back and look at my own pregnancy pictures. I was carrying high (my baby never dropped until I was in actual labour), but there was a visible gap from my breasts and where my bump started. And my bump was still much, much lower sitting than Megatrons "bump". That woman was NOT carrying a baby.


I'm very short , my torso is about 2" shorter than typical sizing and so I carried high, but not as high as MM did. I'm pretty sure she's got 4-6 inches on me.


I'm around 168 cm high and I think my torso is pretty much average (I don't have legs for miles, just ordinary legs), but I think even if you are short (megaliar)-short, you wouldn't be carrying so high that it touches your breasts, like you said. Plus the shape of the bump is off and does not reflect where a baby normal baby would be. And no Mega-moonbump it is not in your stomach nor in your lungs.


When i was pregnant, i was actually embarassed to wear tight fitting clothes bec you could see the outline of my belly button 😱 i did wear body hugging clothes when the purpose was to take a pic of the bump. But normal days, nahhh


Well, she can't blame the BRF for these pics as she willingly did them for Netflix.


She'll lie and change the narrative for it later when it suits her. She's done this already countless times.




Even moon bumps don't fit her body right


So funny lol, what was she thinking


If she can look at those photos and not think - like every other person who sees them - these look *WEIRD*, then she really is delusional.


I was pregnant twice, two daughters, but I don't remember ever looking like this. I know every body is different and can carry a baby differently, but I work in a hospital, and I can't remember anyone carrying a baby this big and this high.


Tw would say "BRF didn't want a biracial baby", justify the moon bump


Meghan Markle is just ridiculous. The BRF is actually a family, not an institution. And they would never tell Meghan she had to use a surrogate so the baby wasn’t black. The only person in the BRF that had a problem with a black baby was Meghan.


Don’t forget Mr. “Don’t worry, she isn’t black”


I don’t think any sinner ever could. That was an outrageously racist statement. Too bad Oprah didn’t ask him about that.


She doesn't want people to remember that there were already 2 biracial kids in the BRF. Senna and Tane Lewis.


Most people aren’t aware that Lady Davina (formerly 10th in LOS) has part Māori children. I only know bc of this sub. I’ve never seen Tane but Senna is adorable and clearly a POC, unlike A&L. Both of Davinas kids still in LOS. Meghan Markle is either race baiting or completely ignorant so she can stick to her false narrative. ETA: In America, anyway. Maybe people in UK are more aware of Lady Davinas family.


Doesn't add up, though. No way would they have gone through all the support of fast-tracking her into the family, the whole wedding extravaganza (where she started causing stress!) then had an issue with their children. A marriage often implies children, eventually. BRF obviously *would not* welcome any type of scandal concerning children. They want it all as natural as possible. I think she'd just make herself look more insane. Her last implication on Oprah about BRF racism didn't go so well for her. If anything maybe she'd use it against just 'Aitch'. Especially in lieu of his past comments.


Wonder how she'll play of the wearing of a moon bump for photos of lillibet in the USA those photos didn't have to be taken and released but them shes never let the truth get 8n the way of a yarn


She will try but having done the same with Lili while in US, and duo to her world exposed narcissist and pathologic lier, it will be difficult to believe any of "her truth", "disinformation", also known as "Pure lies".


Was she pregnant with triplets?


I actually wouldn’t be surprised if the BRF approved the use of a surrogate, but also said she wouldn’t be able to include those children in the line of succession unless they were believed to be “born of the body.” So of course she would have chosen to wear the moon bump, although she may genuinely have felt pressured to do so. However, she can never actually admit to wearing it (or being forced to) if she wants to keep those kids in the line of succession.


I’ve said this. There isn’t an issue with use of surrogate, the BRF aren’t aliens and is filled with women who have all had children. They know pregnancy doesn’t come instantly to women, it takes time, there are complications, and ultimately it is still the most dangerous thing a woman’s body will go through. So if a surrogate was necessary, I am positive that would have been a non-issue. What that does mean of course is at that point it would have triggered a conversation about what that means in terms of LoS. That’s what has her so pressed. Nothing to do with what racial background she decided she had at that point in time.


Sophie DoE almost died having Louise and had lost a tube due to an ectopic pregnancy earlier on. She and the Duke had several unsuccessful rounds of IVF before getting pregnant naturally with their son James. They RF are not adverse to using medicine to assist in the process of having a family, if the Sussexes had been honest about their struggles people would have been sympathetic and it would have raised awareness for others, but like you say it was all about LoS, if she does eventually come out and blames the RF I believe it will backfire, they can say they didn't find out until later, and medical privacy was being respected and the children were far enough down the line for it not to matter.


Are there ticks in California? Seeing bare legs in long grass makes me think of ticks


Absolutely! I’m constantly pulling them off my dog when we go anywhere with unmowed grass.


She and Mama Pepino are two peas in a pod. 🙄🙄


It doesn't matter how she spins the moonbumbs. She was the one wearing them. She won't walk away unscathed from that fact.


I wouldn't put it past her to do something like that.


Madame can't reveal anything about a moonbump and can't make the origins of those kids any shadier than they already are. If it comes out (officially) that the Harkles used a surrogate, for either one of the kids, her meal ticket is smashed into smitherines. The kids would lose the titles, Harry would likely lose his titles, place in the LoS and CoS. She can't afford to do that.


I read up a little on the UK law surrounding surrogacy. As understand it, if the surrogate was single, the father still has to apply for adoption. However, should the surrogate have been married, the surrogate's husband is considered the legal father. So it could be a sticky wicket.


It’s not a sticky wicket. It’s the law.


Well, then, a sweaty wicket should Daddykins have to appear in a pap-ridden public place to submit the paperwork.


Not clear at all about what point you’re trying to make.


If one of the kids is by surrogate, Harry would theoretically have to adopt them. Maybe not in the US but I think that would be the case in the UK. That entails a public process that would open him up to negative publicity on top of already having been exposed as a liar regarding the pregnancy.


Meghan would have to adopt the child as well. The child also spends its first 6 weeks with the surrogate. And you're not allowed to start the adoption process until 6 weeks have gone by. The same applies if the baby was born in another country and its British parents want to get it citizenship. You also cannot pay someone. They have to offer. No money can be exchanged. Rumor is Archie was born in Canada. But Canada has very similar laws as England and the UK. So I'm wondering how many laws they broke.


There were issues with the B.C..


Plus MM claims Archie BC was sealed by the palace. In the UK, the only reason a BC is sealed is cases of adoption/surrogacy


That was one of her stupid lies that rather gave away the underlying truth regarding Archie’s birth. She’s sly and thinks she’s so clever when she lies but it’s always so obvious. The marriage in the garden pre-Spectacle is another clear example.


This is what I was thinking too. Have we even seen an original birth certificate? Both of Archie’s were copies. Plus the name can’t be changed on a UK birth certificate unless there is a legitimate error.


The whole talk about original birth certificates versus copies is erroneous. The original is held with the registrar. EVERY certificate issued from that registrar is a certified copy. Even the copy handed to the parents. So, yes, we've seen Archie's birth certificate.


Maybe the rumored super injunction covered Harry’s adoption papers for Archie.


True. If she were to admit to any surrogacy the kids will *immediately* be removed from the LOS. That is not the decision of the RF but A MATTER OF LAW. BUT I don't put it past her to think she's able to turn it around and shame the RF into accepting the kids in the LOS and putting them ahead of George for recompense.   We know shes a psycho by now that doesn't work in the real world *Just had an interesting thought. What if her Diana cosplay result in her and Harry turning around and saying Oprsh dupped them and scammed them like Bashir did to Diana.  At least THAT accusation would get some traction and have some believability*


Ooh I like the idea of Madam being soooooooo desperate she'll throw Oprah under the bus.


Not to mention all that stuff in his book about her being in labor


As much as I despise Harold, he’s not gonna know what hit him when the divorce goes down.


I don't think there is going to be a divorce. She would leave in a second for a wealthy man, but no wealthy man wants her. Harry on the other hand seems to think Meghan is his mother. He doesn't want to lose another mummy.


Yeah. It is pretty tragic. I think Harry is more likely to OD than to divorce her at this point.


This is spot on. The only way she will be single again is if she helps him OD. She has been on the hunt for a new man since they got back to CA and no one wants her.


Right! She wants a much wealthier man. The whole ARO scam is to try and attract investors. Wealthy, single investors looking for a narc wife.


The only way it works is if he gets a burner phone and begs the palace to arrange it all. I don’t think he’d do it if the kids are stuck in the USA. I think Meghan knows this, too. Which is why she won’t let the kids go to the UK for any reason. She doesn’t trust anyone because she’s constantly plotting against others .


The photos from this day were so disturbing. She was clearly in a foul mood, clutching the exposed baby on a hot day and the faces of those around her said something was very wrong with it all.


She allegedly thought Chelsy would be there and rushed over looking frantic.


Ahhh that’s right. I remember now that she heard about Chelsey and just grabbed the baby and drove herself no?


She is insane. Chelsy dumped Harry's ass. He sent her a hundred texts and calls and she didn't respond. Chelsy was more done with Harry then we sinners are. ' Oh right, Chelsy was so done with Prince Harry, but Prince Harry was not done with Chelsy.


That was the rumor.


And so she took Prince Archie out of the house barefoot in a white onesie. She has no respect for royalty.


It’s incredible, as according to her ‘revelations’, I wouldn’t have thought this possible…she was practically a prisoner, isolated….how did she manage to escape for the day (as it wasn’t ‘scheduled’)


She’s a slob.


It was a doll which didn't move, didn't sweat, didn't get red or uncomfortable pressed against her in the searing heat.


Royal babies don't hang out barefoot at a polo match.


Grabbed the doll.


Looking back it really shows how much Catherine kept her distance. She loves babies and yet I don’t remember even seeing her or her children get near TW.


Exactly, nobody approached or spoke to her.


her polo-wife game has certainly changed... ew.


Yeah. She doesn't even pretend to have kids now.




Well, she talks about them. That is pretending.


Lol true. But I think saying the littles are little inspires confidence that she's ever been around kids, much less keeps a couple held hostage in Munster Manor.


She got rid of the kids. Even on their birthdays.


The footage is even more disturbing. Nobody spoke to her and she was avoided like pest. You see her erring alone.


Let her do it. Nobody believes Thicko Haz is the Plotter-in-Chief in that marriage. He’s a willing co-conspirator to be sure, but they’ve got nothing. They’ve been very firmly and obviously **out** for far longer than they were ever allowed to appear in.


No way should there be a divorce, they fought so hard for their unhappily ever after.


I am in favor of a divorce. It will take away power to disrupt others. Plus Meghan would be reduced to nothing.


Nothing those two has ever been straightforward--it's all lies, twists, distortions, faked up, etc. So there will be no "divorce" the way a Normal Brain might think of divorce, not with those two. They'll probably fake a divorce or separation for reasons of nefarious gain--possibly so Harry can get money, a house, paid-for-security, all his living expenses paid for , staff, etc from Bank of Pa. Once all that's in place, he and Madam will re-invent their "Love Story" Part Two and reunite and.....the RF and tax-paying public are stuck with them back in the fold, all expenses paid. Just my opinion.


Their plan won't work, though. Hasbeen will get nowt from Charles. Not a thing.


I hope, with all my heart, that you are right and I am wrong. Charles is weak, but he has advisors who are not--Will, Camilla, Anne, even Edward.


Agreed, they have trapped themselves.


Wow. This is the first time I really noticed how unnatural she is holding that baby. Any natural mother would cradle that baby. That child has its arm unnaturally and uncomfortably resting next to its head rather than snuggled around its mother’s body.


Any natural mother wouldn't take a baby out in the sun without a hat. He'd be wearing a onesie that covered his arms and legs and socks on his feet. Babies that age can get sunburn in minutes, this is summer. Also a mom would have a diaper bag with all the supplies she would need. This woman here in this picture has never taken care of that baby.


-a light weight footed sleeper that covers everything. Or, w/a hat, and held or swaddled in a light blanket that covers everything for sun protection, if they're wearing a onesie b/c it's so hot. Not so much with the socks. My kid's nickname even at that early age was 'the squirm,' so socks never stayed on the feet. I never saw a use during summer for socks on a kid that doesn't walk or crawl. Just find something else for sun protection.


It was all strange—if that is a real baby, there is something medically wrong with him because he’s a sack of flour that didn’t move.


Well it falls in line with her other outlandish lies. Why not? Hitler described his use of the big lie: His primary rules were: never allow the public to cool off; never admit a fault or wrong; never concede that there may be some good in your enemy; never leave room for alternatives; never accept blame; concentrate on one enemy at a time and blame him for everything that goes wrong; people will believe a big lie sooner than a little one; and if you repeat it frequently enough people will sooner or later believe it.


I think this is especially true when there was one form of media/propaganda. Harry/Meghan can’t get away with this shit in the Internet age + still legally free press.


And who reads the free press? Many lucky people read a headline. In fact, people are gullible with social networks. Why do you think sugars launch attacks from there? because many people who use social networks do not know how to use them, they do not know how to distinguish truth from fantasy. You have seen that there are even people who believe a lot of the gossip that is told there, otherwise I remind you about Rose Handbury.


The fact their popularity is lower than ever — and people are catching on, is a sign that groups like ours are making a difference. People are far more critical of media / PR savvy (see Sophie’s divorce with the Jonas brother trying to manipulate the media backfired spectacularly) than they were in 1930s Germany. Agree that their methods of lying are still terrible — but it’s not working like they hoped, thanks to forums like this one.


This is why Netflix most noticeably lumps documentaries in with movies - to blur the edges of truth and reality.


painfully true




I hope it doesn't go down that way, she'd make a profit. I'd rather the birth mother get the glory and expose herself.


she can go around the world telling "her truth," but "the truth" is gonna come out one way or another. look at Amber Heard.


That pic from the polo match - I still can scarcely believe she showed up like that. What a freaking mess. And the way she held the baby!!! Who does that. Clearly it’s a real baby because Catherine was there with her kids, but she holds him like a sack of potatoes not her own child. Not especially relevant to this post but TW has the strangest relationship with her hair. I know we all discuss it but it never fails to astonish. She must have some type of body dysmorphia.


I think she's just cheap with the many wigs/wiglets/hair extensions she buys + very sloppy how she slaps them on her head, that's all.


I am so fascinated by this event.


Yes, I have thought of this many times myself. When would it be more advantageous to reveal it, now or during/after the divorce? When would she get the most publicity and money for her stories? Most likely post-divorce.


God Bless that birth mother.


But post-divorce, do some media really want to pick her over the royals? They don't do that now and she is just a pain in the ass. I'm thinking there would be some behind the scenes powerful people saying you give her air time, I won't do your show. It's going to be tough.


It will be more like, if you give her air time, Then any correspondents from your network will not have access to any royal events, so it wont be a show issue but network wide. Imagine if you are a serious reporter trying to get an interview/documentary about Earthshot, and it goes to a rival through no fault of your own, but because one of your network stable mates just went for the $$$$ instead of seeing the long game.


I agree. The Crown always wins. Always.


She will have to sign a NDA to get anything from the royals. So she won’t be able to go on a press tour


No one will believe her bullshit and I’ll just be glad the damn story is out.


This picture pisses me off as a mother. Who takes an infant out in the bright sun without a bonnet on its head? Of course if the baby is Darren I guess it’s ok. The beast has no fricking clue how to hold a baby, living or reborn.


The bigger question is why Catherine and the kids ignored her—we know she was disliked by them at this point but to ignore the newborn relative is just weird.


I think they knew it was a reborn Darren. ETA Catherine didn’t want any of her babies near that beast. Especially after it bullied little Charlotte during the wedding.


I wouldn't put it past her to say the family was a part of it and knowing all, still put the kids in the LOS, making them treasonous. Maybe this is how she thinks she will take them all down.


I can see her trying but no one will believe that. There is literally no reason for the BRF, specifically Queen Elizabeth, to have gone along with this nonsense. There would be no reason for them to take that risk. The only person that gains anything from it is Harry’s wife. 


Very believeable. She'll lie about anything to get $$$ and to stick pins in her victim


She is going to blame Harry for everything. From the moon bump, to leaving the BRF, to being forced to perform at events. I bet the Nigeria trip and that "car chase" will be his fault too. She'll claim he forced her to be like Diana as well. And then there will be the drug abuse, emotional trauma and possibly physical abuse. She will destroy him completely in a divorce. And then she'll full force go after the BRF. She has to discredit Harry and blame everything on him, gain public sympathy and support and once that's done, she'll set her sights on BRF.


I don’t think people will believe her.


I wouldn't put it past her to have videos of Harry during bad moments, such as using drugs, yelling at her. Those videos will be manipulated to show only what she wants to paint him as a villain though. And once there's videos, most of the public will turn.


It is possible, but I think there will be legal limits and she is not exactly innocent. There are reports of her being pretty brutal to him, and no guarantee there aren’t pictures or videos from the film crew she likes to have around. If he does drugs (and we know he does without a video) so does she (and that is no secret either). Though most people in Hollywood don’t like either of them, there might be those who might set the record straight if they see Meghan trying to paint Harry as a bigger monster than she is. In any case, after a divorce Harry would go away to a mental health facility and take a few years before returning to the public eye, supposedly rehabilitated and engaged in worthwhile charity things under the supervision of his private security. The real victims of Meghan’s histrionics will be the kids. But then, they already are.


People won't. But the media will push her agenda BECAUSE IT IS DRAMA AND SENSATIONALISTIC and will bring them years worth of clicks/ad revenue. The media love TW.


I don’t think she would dare go after the BRF. They have a shit ton of dirt on that beast and it would be the perfect time to release it. I also think she knows they have her complete history because Prince DumbDumb told her.


The Men in Suits forced her to fake the pregnancy, wear that awful tarp and expose a newborn with no sun protection.


And no one except a crazed sugar would believe that. (Yeah, I know, it is redundant to call a sugar “crazed.”)


Why was Archie so still and relaxed at the polo match except for a flexed foot?


I think he has medical issues…big ones.


Well, never breathing like a live baby for a start, followed by never moving.


I think even if she did go out to the media after a divorce with tales of woe, no one would care. She burned her bridges with all her lies. She simply isn't believable and has zero credibility.


I think the opposite. it's keeping them 2gether. Oprah won't sit with her again


I think Oprah would interview her for the divorce. But only the divorce. That's going to be a big story and Oprah won't be able to resist.


No. I think Oprah learned her lesson. Even she knows that any interview after divorce would be riddled with lies and would backfire on her again.


Oprah could redeem herself by interviewing her with a critical perspective and not letting Meghan get away with any lies.


![gif](giphy|dL9O3FUiwCtuU|downsized) Let's hope Oprah's not having another *poop episode.*


The mastermind is M for sure. MA is her rock, gives her all the moral support and is her advisor - thick as thieves. H is the third wheel who goes along but also gives pertinent details on royal life. Imo.


Who on Earth would interview her in the future? I doubt Oprah would touch her again, and nor would any reputable interviewer. We all know what she’s like - she’d only demand the best to share a stage with (and the ‘best’, with a pre-written script, wouldn’t touch her).


Effing Gayle King would. She thinks she’s the next Barbara Walters. (IMO she’s just as gross, so kudos to Gayle.)


No way José! Simply far too outlandish to attempt to claim she wasn't absolutely complicit in proudly strutting around with moon bumps/dolls on show 🤦🏻‍♀️


110% she was complicit//it was her idea, but she will claim she was the victim here.


She can also claim that Diana speaks to her from beyond the grave, but no one except Harry believes her.


Don’t give her more sick ideas.


Definitely she will blame everyone else because she is sooooooo sweet and innocent


Wish the RF would release the info on her


Not so sure she would play this game . If she puts that into play there are bullying reports and contents of security services files that might just find their way into the pages of the Daily Telegraph in a mysterious fashion. That’s the usual route for these kind of things!


There won't be another O special. O got her to narc  attention from it already. I don't think she'd touch the toxic revenger for a round 2 especially after the tenuous royal connection has been cut.


Probably but Oprah likes a big audience…


That huge moonbump is as ill fitting as as her clothes due to her weirdly square manly torso . It cant sit right on her body and without a waist or hips it hust goes sliding around when she moves


Right now I expect H is reaching out periodically to his family to try to rebuild relations for the sake of the kids (he‘ll say). Charles and all, will be not answering or too busy. What they would like to say: if you want back in stop with the never ending legal cases, stop accepting awards, stop books/interviews that criticise the RF, stop merching Diana‘s death. Then we may possibly see a tiny chink of opening up but not much as they may change their minds. They know the conversation would not go well as H would likely kick off with all his grievances. So they say nothing. Out of sight and as out of mind as they can possibly manage.


I think Harry put the nail in his own coffin when he attacked Camilla. King Charles has said that his wife is off limits.


If, and when, the Sussex divorce, it will be quiet because both sides will sign lifetime NDAs. They both have a lot of dirt on each other that they do not want made public. And because there is no prenup she will do very well financially...to keep her mouth shut. I don't look for them to divorce. They are trapped in their lives - he needs her from a psychological standpoint and she needs him for fame and fortune. They will be miserable like Edward and Wallis. Perhaps the best karma of all.


She will only “do well financially” if Harry has tons of money. He doesn’t. I love this for her.


I bet she’s given something to shut up. KC would part with a few million to not have to deal with her.


I agree with you about them not divorcing, but IF they do, I think both will work hard to keep it all sealed because, you know, their "privacy."


They don’t have to do anything to keep it sealed, divorce proceedings in California are always completely private and sealed by law.


I did not know that.


She certainly has a lot of stuff on him which she's chronicled since day one. In the throes of lust he told her a lot. Not too sure he knows much about her but she would not want him speaking out. Both will be quiet in their own interests.


She can write whatever she wants. The world over saw Harry pre Meghan and Harry after Meghan. Her lies have been exposed. No one is going to believe a lying word she writes.


Yep. Something like that. Her book about the terrible abuse suffered at the hands of her drug addled, drunkard husband will appear fully realized along with "receipts". But guess what? Domestic staff LOVE to blow back on horrible bosses and there will be a hallelujah chorus of "truth" telling when everyone is put into discovery. NDAs? LOL. Bring it on. Horrible, cheap wannabe and publicly despised schemer versus thousand year old monarchy. Oh, gosh, who will win? Puh-leeze. She will try to leverage "what she has on Harry" into a billion dollar payout and they will yawn and smile while they flip the switch on the nukes with her name emblazoned in neon pink.


this thing she's holding looks so fake IMHO


I wouldn't be shocked if she tells everyone what Harry made her do sexually as well. She will blame Harold and everyone else for everything she has caused and done. The thing is no one will care or give a rats ass.


Prince Harry told the world he was to embarrassed to get help for his suicidal wife. He walked right into Meghan Markle's trap and put his head down on the block. She will use that against him in court. The only way he could beat that is to tell the truth. The psycho was never suicidal.


Since no one with any sense believed that Harry didn’t know how to get help for a suicidal wife, I doubt she could use it in court. As for public opinion, there will be sugars who believe anything she says, but most the rest of the public will not.


Wasn't Harry getting mental help before she came along so how can he claim he didn't know who to ask to her the old slag.


It is always some other persons fault when it comes to Narcissistic people. They never own up to their actions, but having said that leach if other people's accomplishments, fame and money. Meghan Markle will cast aspersions, press leak her own Sociopathic egotistical Victimhood narratives in her peanut 🥜 brained dream of coming out on top of the Royal family and the Caucasian world which she so wanted to be part of, but in her head believes wronged her by accepting her Biracial birth right. Since she claimed Maltese,Italian and Nigerian to name those that come to mind,bone supposes she could be called a Maltitalinogerian, the first of her kind.


Sure she can try all sorts of nonsense. So can he. Either way the RF won't be getting involved AND they WILL NOT be helping Todger in any way shape or form. For those ready to say "but he's family. The son/brother etc" HE was the one that torpedoed that so he'll have to fix his own problems and if that means s divorce so be it.  But he'll never be taken on or taken back and neither will the kids.  Again no "but they're innocent".  This is not the middle ages and no the King does not get custody.  The Todgers are responsible for their kids. TLDR Meghan should realised she's better off stuck with Harold and him with her as no one will want either one and the RF isn't going to get involved to help/payoff/rescue/or take the kids in. Figure it out like the rest of the world without your money and resources has to


God that pic bothers me! I want to snatch that poor baby away from her and hold him properly (not to mention cover him up from the sun)!


Is she going to claim the BRF forced her to use a white woman's eggs? That she wasn't allowed to get pregnant naturally because they didn't want bi-racial kids in the LoS? Pretty outlandish, and why would she go along with it? All the weirdness with the kids is indicative she's playing a cat-and-mouse game with the royals but it will burn her more than them if/when it's revealed. She's the one keeping everything secret and obscure.


I think she will use it as her one last big cashout Oprah, book deal ect. Only if she can’t find a rich guy otherwise she will take that to her grave.


I personally believe that the dam has broken and her gaslighting and many lies have been exposed. So any "Lie All" she may \[attempt\] to write/publish will likely be met with skepticism (at best) or full-on mockery. Yet another Meghan Markle failed attempt.


I'm hoping for a broadcast trial, ala Heard/Depp.


Omg can you imagine? That'd be TV gold!


For a divorce? Never gonna happen. Divorce proceedings are closed door, private, and all info is sealed by law in California.


Oh, she will claim DV for sure. Something will happen.....Meghan can't let Herd have all that sordid trial glory for herself, lol


I once read a comment here, that she will blame the Royal family. She will say the Royal family is so racist they forced her to use a surrogate. I think no matter what if they used surrogates, and I absolutely believe they used surrogates, it is going to be huge trouble for the Royal family. They might even have to start doing some explaining. It is illegal to put surrogate born babies in the LOS. If the Royal family knew at any point, we are talking another Constitutional Crisis. The King needs to get an investigation. Find out the truth once and for all. If there were surrogates, The King needs to tell people. or he won't be King much longer.


I was with you until you said the king needed to start an investigation or he won’t be King much longer. This is a matter that is not going to come to a head in the short term. Announcing an investigation that reveals that either the late Queen or King Charles knew (as opposed to just suspected) that the children were not born to Meghan would be more disastrous for KC than doing nothing. In my view the first thing would be either a leak or an announcement that there is a problem with the Sussex children’s birth documentation and it is being investigated. (Ideally, the request for the documentation would come from the appropriate committee in Parliament after KC had alerted them that the family was concerned that there was still no document with witness signatures—or whatever the problem is.) After a suitable amount of time, the kids could be removed from the LoS and their titles could be changed (quietly, without fanfare) from prince and princess to lord and lady (the courtesy titles for dukes’ sons that don’t inherit and dukes’ daughters). When the press enquires, which they will, it can be explained that the change is being made pending the completion of an investigation into the birth of the children because the birth records submitted by Harry raised questions. Medical privacy does not permit the Palace to comment. The press will go crazy. The internet will crash with all the activity. Lady C and the other Youtubers who have said all along that the kids were not born to Meghan will go to town. The Palace will be silent. Never complain, never explain. Meghan may claim racism but some legal people will be able to argue that she and Harry did not do their part to provide proof. Meghan may claim that the BRF forced her, or was complicit, but no one really believes Meghan any more. There will be a lot of nasty noise, and Meghan may want to sue, but who could she sue? It is Parliament that sets the rules for the LoS, and presumably whoever has been looking into the birth records would be appointed by and answer to Parliament. The King would only have raised the concern and encouraged the investigation. This is a simplistic plan, but it is probably the best way the King can handle the problem. (Edited to rewrite something that was unclear.)


I am not a Meghan fan or supporter in any way (feeling down votes coming -- please don't). The part I'm confused about is how her face appeared puffy toward the end of the alleged pregnancies and after. I can find puffy face photos (which I normally attribute to hormones) of her, so how did she do that? Example: https://preview.redd.it/au0cex1hym9d1.png?width=1006&format=png&auto=webp&s=e087fd5e1bfd451e99dc5303b33d385e00254200


Drugs to stimulate lactation in the absence of pregnancy hormones can result in puffy face and some weight gain.


Taking steroids makes you swell up and have a puffy face


She just ate lots of KFC in preparation for the role. Getting fatter is the easiest thing to do. I actually think she looked much prettier with a bit of podge around her face. Much better than the current druggy skank look


Puffy booze face. She was probably drinking more than usual then


I actually agree with this 👆🏻


She’ll never divulge. Those kids are her ticket after Harry. IF they divorce she’ll sell access to the kids. They’re be one giant merch opportunity. But I don’t think she’ll divorce him. I think she might “off” him and milk the grieving widow for all it’s worth but I don’t think she’ll divorce him. I am very surprised they aren’t doing party appearances in the Middle East and Asia. They could make six figures an appearance between the two of them if she would just behave.


I am not sure…I think she might actually listen to damage control advisors/attorneys, and try to take the high road, so that she can get still get back Into the family, and also get a good settlement.




I know.😞


Yup (Don’t forget him being a drug user, that will be worked into her 'Divorcing Harry’ netflix movie).


Definitely!!! 💯


100% agree