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Link to change.org petition post here https://www.reddit.com/r/SaintMeghanMarkle/s/8BmjnT0Kut


So glad Mary is rightfully speaking up about this issue.


**I’m shocked as to why they would select such a controversial and divisive individual to receive the awardThere are recipients that are far more fitting. There are individuals working in the veteran community that are doing tremendous things to assist veterans These individuals do not have the money, resources, connections or privilege that Prince Harry has. I feel that those types of individuals should be recognised** — mary, war hero and patriot pat tillman’s mother 🔥 👏👏👏


Maybe Mary speaking out will gather momentum and make the organisation rethink. She was not consulted, can guess why, she would have said no


If the organization is using her son’s name she certainly has the right to object to a recipient who would reflect badly on her son’s memory


I really hope so and I love that she spoke out about this issue. I’m pretty sure this award was bought by Harry’s PR, so it will be interesting to see how they try to justify it. I’ve lost count of how many utterly undeserved awards the two of them have snatched up but Harry’s are the most egregious to me.


I suppose it was bought or Haz somehow pushed his way in to receive this award to coincide with the 10th anniversary of Invictus. He is a clown. If he does indeed receive this award and shows up to collect it, he has no morals, no shame, no conscience.


Her former daughter in law ,Pat's widow, now remarried, is from Chicago, is good friends with Megain's college friend, and through that friend Hawwwwy was given the award


This is horrifying if true. I followed who received this award for many years. I’m really disappointed and disgusted that even awards like this can fall so easily to corruption.


So, it is all lies skank has no friends


Makes me question why Pat’s widow allowed this and is Mary not close with bis widow anymore? Seems nepotism outweighs merit


Not close since the ho kicked Mary Tillman off the board if the organization and put her deadbeat husband on it.


It would be interesting to know the thinking/understanding behind it especially as I’ve read in the uk several times that when Horrid was on camp in Afghanistan the base was attacked and he was moved to a heavily protected area. Consequently during the chaos several American soldiers were killed that.....he never even acknowledged!? Of course allegedly & stated multiple times by unnamed senior officers who were there at the time as well as his own soldiers etc.... brave hero...sure Jan


Pat Tillman mother - an honorary saint. She’s absolutely right.


She is a brave woman in her own right.


Bet the sugars call her racist. Lololozzzz


She should be the most important voice in this. This is named after her son, if she says no it should be no. Who the f is defying the hero's mother.


Plank and skank! You would think plank would say give it to someone more deserving but his entitlement and believing his own drug addled bullshit of how great and deserving he is won’t let him


He is so stoned, I think he actually believes he was a helicopter pilot even though he never was. I think he really believes he killed people even though he was never let off base. He is so nucking futs, he believes his own lies.


Then tries to convince us his lies are the truth and gets upset when we don’t buy into his crap


Yeah, well I have an autistic little brother with CP who thinks his wheelchair is a Massey-Ferguson tractor, but no matter how many times my daughter pushes him across my lawn, the grass doesn't get any shorter, no matter how many of us humor him and compliment his masterful mowing. 🤣🤣🤣 It's probably different though, because in our situation, he's not gaslighting anyone, and the actual gardener that puts in all the actual work, is the one who gets to take home the check. Yeah, that's probably it. But you make a very good and valid point.


Your little brother is not stealing valor. So he is okay.


A Gold Star Mother no less!


>So glad Mary is rightfully speaking up about this issue. And if the backlash continues, Megsy's gonna wimp out again and not accompany him to the awards 😂.


that’s her MO lol she always ALWAYS left him hanging out to dry whenever any kind of backlash happens…the greatest love story of all times you know, salt and pepper blah blah 😂


It’s a marriage made in hello


She was hoping to present the award to him and give a speech. I'm sure she already had her dress picked out... Damn you Harry, it's all you're fault


Now she hasta worry about getting BOOOOOOOOOOED in America TOO!! ![gif](giphy|l2YWqU7ev0l5nfYTC)


Perhaps the 11000 members who signed the Living Legends of Aviation Revocation Petition and Travolta himself will show up to BOOOOOOOO!!


This would be GLORIOUS!


Nail + Coffin= Meghan BOOOOOOOED like in Santa Barbara!!


Let the games begin! ![gif](giphy|DffShiJ47fPqM)


I hope they don’t boo him. I hope they don’t clap. I hope the audience remains still and silent from the moment he is introduced until he leaves the stage. Silence is part of the song, as Harry tells us. In this case, their silence would be louder than any booing, and much more uncomfortable for him to endure.


Yup, she was literally drooling at the thought of holding a microphone in her hand.


Yes, Megain and microphones is the ultimate Pavlovian conditioning response.


If he had a single brain cell he would decline to accept it.


>If he had a single brain cell he would decline to accept it. Yup but he'll probably do what he did at the Aviation Awards: turn up and give a petty, passive aggressive thank you speech.


Agree. I am hoping so much that somebody boos him when it happens.


That would seriously just make my month to see them/him boo'd out of a grossly undeserved award. As a combat veterans wife, seeing PTs mom say shes against it should be enough said.


*That would seriously just make my month to see them/him boo'd out of a BS award.* Me too. Out of all the times I've wanted him booed, I REALLY would love to see him booed at this particular event.


He really should. It's the respectful action to take.


That’s exactly why he won’t withdraw. He doesn’t respect anything. No integrity whatsoever.


True. And also, Meghan is stubborn--- she'll dig her heels in and not allow him to withdraw.


She’s dug her heels into him before; if only he’d withdrawn she wouldn’t have entrapped him with a mythgnancy


He won’t decline. 😂


Maybe it was her idea. Make him suffer for not getting her what she wants. Narcissism 101


But, but, but it’s a red carpet… 😢 


She will show up to warm up to Travis Kelcy. One step closer to Taylor 


Just curious if Pat's wife is part of the committee who chose H?


No. But Pat's widow who's since remarried and her current husband are board members.


That's who I mean. As his widow and a board member, she didn't protest?


Oops sorry I misread. Pat's widow has remarried and brought her new hubby as a board member. (Like, why???) Her only job has been the foundation that was her whole identity, she even outed his actual family and took over. Sounds like Meghan. Also she's been milking Pats death for a long time. Like Harry dines on Diana.


Little does the widow know, Meganut will insidiously take over her elite connections, her position and power, persuade her to donate to archewell then discard her...could she be raspberry jam 1 of 2 in exchange for the award? Hmm...Lol.


She is just like Table 12.


I’m so glad she has spoken out. Her voice must carry some weight? If Harry was a smart man, he would decline this award. However we all know that Harry is not a smart man. 🤦‍♀️


How can he decline when he already paid for it? 😂


That asshole would actually expect a refund!! 🤣


I'm sure he would. He will just gaslight everyone now and show up and say it's for Invictus. But we know better. Glad this backfired in spectacular style. Never should have messed with Pat Tillman. He is a hero to many of us.


Yeah….. this is a lot lower than his silly aviation award. I’m a Brit in America and I’m still stunned that that particular award is being awarded to a whiny, privileged prince from a foreign land? Such an insult!


I can't wait to see his bloated, idiot face at the ceremony trying to spin this as an award for the charity. People there will be so mad. If he has any decency, he will withdraw his nomination but I know he won't.


If they want to spin this award as being an honor for him starting Invictus, then why aren't the others being awarded?  Because it's a LIE.  The Harkle's want to buy themselves into awards honoring the accomplished, the heroes, & the worthy.  Everything these two are not and never will be...no matter how many trophies they buy.  Fucking grifters. 


Oh absolutely!!! That's why they put the announcement out before even the organization did, prince Harry to get award. Not Invictus. We can see right through them. Harry and hoe were not counting on this level of backlash. FAFO Harry.


This could be their real, first taste of how much they’re loathed. That reminds me - Guest Speaker loves the word loathers, it crops up fairly often.


I really doubt that h even knows who Pat Tillman was, I doubt very much that either of them care.


Yeah, I see him doing that during the presentation of the award. Subsequently, he would claim that the award was for him and no more mention of the IG veterans. We know how they work - like his fiancee and the family that she never had before the wedding and right after, they were the worst family in the whole entire world trying to supress his poor lamb and their popularity.




🤣🤣🤣it's funny cause it's true


So, give his blood money back.


I could see them retracting the award but allowing the Harold the Worthless to say he is declining the award to save face.


Or showing up and gaslighting about how the award is for Invictus. Maybe he will bring Mario max as his date.


Harry: ‘I didn’t want to accept this award, but Willy and Kate told me it was a good idea.’ (Just like the Nazi uniform.)


I didn’t accept the award; the British press said I did.


My generational pain made me do it, Id apologize but my mom told Meghan I shouldn't. 


In the US, there truly is no one more revered than a Gold Star mother. Not a Gold Star wife, not a Gold Star child, but a Gold Star mother. It's the women who brought these heroes into the world or adopted them, and lost their heart when that child was torn away them in service to their country. The Tillman Foundation and ESPN need to stand at attention, rescind this award and then issue a MASSIVE mea culpa to Tillman's mom.






Wow-hope Disney and ESPN are very happy. Being Markled is a real thing!!!!!!!!!


This is the second time Disney gets marked and they don't learn. Where is the elephant documentary money, Meghan???


Disney didn’t learn from the first time they were markled.


I'm starting to really wonder now about Serena Williams. She's the one giving out the award. I dislike her even more now and I didn't think that was possible.


https://x.com/Fkegomusk/status/1807040993012981996/photo/1 from reddit via X >Pat Tillman abandoned the pursuit of personal wealth to embrace a life of service, whereas Harry abandoned a life of service to pursue personal wealth.


Yes. A sinner made this comment on another post. I believe that every person who signs a petition or sends an email to ESPN etc should just copy/paste this sentence as their comment. It’s succinct and perfect.


I have so much respect for this woman for speaking out. She has not been bought or had stardust blown into her eyes.


Harry and Meghan Markle couldn’t force an NDA on her. I bet they thought about it or tried to though.


Honestly if they wanted to give the award to someone famous they should have chosen gary sinise, someone posted a few weeks ago the great work he does with veterans.


But Gary would have the class to take himself out of the running for it, saying it should go to an actual veteran. 


He absolutely would— such a wonderful advocate for Veterans.


You are totally right, he would probably be giving awards instead if receiving them because he is awesome and doesnt need awards for validation.


Gary is awesome!!!


100% agree..


As an Australian, I have only heard good things about Gary Sinise


Right? I actually didn’t know much about his work with veterans before someone posted it here but I have found even more respect for him after that.


Gary Sinise would never accept the Pat Tillman award.


Never. But he would probably make an enormous matching donation to the Foundation when he gave a pre-show speech of gratitude at the nomination and announced his humble regrets that he couldn't possibly accept it. He's classy like that.


Gary Sinise is an angel on earth.


Yes he does and has been doing for years- quietly without hoopla and with no desire for recognition.


As she should. Pat Tillman left the NFL to fight for his country and died doing something he believed in. He was a true badass. Harry is a dweeb who was handed everything in life to just throw it back into his father's face.


But, but, but…Harry had to go to Nepal that one time and it was a real bummer. Totally the same thing. Seriously though, the way we’re still enduring the fallout of Sunshine Sachs’s pr over these two as suffering heroes who sacrificed it all, smh. Absolutely disgusting to continue this farce to the point of denigrating Tillman’s legacy. Collecting unearned Netflix $$$ while suing to have taxpayers (taxpayers they continually insult btw) fund their lifestyle is NOT sacrifice, it’s not inspirational, it’s just a scam that’s gone on way too long.


I love that my boy and fellow Mountaineer McAfee called this out. He has a strong American sports fan base. If his comments help folks here become more aware of the Harkle Grift then yay.


Good on Mrs. Tillman for standing up for her beloved son's name. Imagine the calibre of young man who gives up $3m, enough to set him up for life, in order to go and risk his life after 9/11, a decision that ultimately cost him his life and future. Harry is not fit to be spoken of in the same breath as Pat Tillman, let alone receive an award in Pat Tillman's name. The stupid, entitled, pathetic, whining, man-child former royal has no shame, no scruples, and no honour. He is a cad.


I didn't think there was anyway they would replace Harry but if the mom is coming out against him we have a fighting chance.


I'd love to know if they can and/or would?! Regardless, Pat's mothers words show how undeserving this is. H should step down and let the organisation honour someone worthy.


I couldn't imagine accepting an award if the mom of the dead guy the award is named after didn't think me worthy. Even if he doesn't accept the shame would already be too much for me to bear. Seppeku would be the only option. How embarrassing. I get the gruesome twosome don't feel shame but jfc.


👏👏👏 that’s powerful i feel for her soooo glad she spoke out! i can’t think of anyone less fitting for this award than the traitor bunker harry…totally disgraceful!


This!!! Harry isn't even fit to clean Pat Tillmans boots, much less receive an award named after him.


yes as someone said - tillman abandoned the pursuit of personal wealth to embrace the life of service, whereas shameless quitter harry abandoned a life of service to pursue personal wealth!? zero comparison.


You’re right he’s the exact opposite of Tillman! Does Harry have some sort of intellectual disability or is he stoned out of his mind 24/7? There has to be some reason he keeps doing all this idiotic out of touch stuff!


Yet here we are 🤬


Wonderful that she spoke out and also great that the petition was mentioned in the article. Good for Pat Tillman 's mom for expressing what so many of us are thinking and saying. Is one thing when people like us complain, we have no power... But when someone like her, the mother of the fallen hero, people are forced to pay attention!! At this point it doesn't matter if Harry accepts the award or not. This has backfired tremendously and he will never live it down. He is a hideous person, stolen valor is a heinous thing to do and he does it on a regular basis!!!


It just pisses me off that no matter what he does now, it's already out there. Every time the award announces anything newsworthy from here on out, somebody somewhere will mention this controversy and the "time the award was given to/almost given to/recinded from... Hazza"


Oh my god I love this woman more than I can say. Good for her for speaking out instead of just accepting this insult to her son’s memory. Bravo!


Yes! Good for that awesome mother for not letting her sons legacy be tainted by the idiot ginger.


Agreed. When the news was announced I immediately thought of his family and what they would think.


Sparry is unpatriotic and labeled his entire country as racists out to kill his wife and kids because they have black genes. Next, he talked about fantasizing to kill the Commander in Chief of his country’s military by bombing him (I never read his memoir, only read media reports) using a bomber aircraft, the person he imagined being bombed happens to be also his very tolerant and easygoing dad who spent millions of his personal wealth on his unemployed errant son and his unemployed wily wife. Next, he helps spread intentional misinformation that his father and sil are racists, based on hearsay and no evidence, designed to destabilize his father’s monarchy and his brother’s future monarchy. I am not even going to list the harassment and harm done to old QE in her dying days. Why is this person honored in memory of an American Patriot who was selfless and self sacrificing?


Your comment should be No 1


You left out his 25 Taliban kill and the fact he called our first amendment bonkers. How can he be considered for an American military award with everything we know??? Money. That's how.


I feel sorry for Mary.


I feel so sorry for Tillman's mother, first she lost her son, now this award in his name is just being used to line the pockets and puff up the egos of the same ruling elite class that marched her son off to war :(


OP, thank you so much for posting this update. As a veteran (USN) and the mom of two veterans this has been bothering me so much the last couple of days. His receiving this award is like a kick in the teeth to all honorable veterans everywhere. And to the people who love them. Tonight I'm so relieved that the person who matters most in regards to Pat Tillman, has spoken out. G-d bless her; especially now as she has had to see this travesty play out.


Harry won this award because of publicity or because he paid for it or both. Pat Tillman was a real American hero who fought for his country. Prince Harry is a real British coward who betrayed his country by selling out his people as a bunch of terrible racists. Harry has turned a worthwhile cause such as the Invictus Games into a fashion, attention show for his wife. Harry and Pat Tillman have nothing in common. It's the same as when Meghan compared herself to Nelson Mandela. They both try to falsely equate themselves with inspirational people when they are not. Harry even accepting this award is sacrilegious and insulting.


Harry paid for that award with a donation from their piggy bank, I mean, foundation...


> Harry won this award because He didn't 'win' anything. He was 'given' this award, and likely in return for a financial donation. I'd doubt he knows anything of the background, and if he did he wouldn't care. All he wants is another shiny badge.


A Gold Star mother. They damn well better hear her voice and do the right thing!


I guess Harry thought that the RF motto of "never complain" would carry over to the US and he could just bulldoze his way through like he did in the UK. Guess not.  Now the betting pools are open...is Harry going to "miss" the event? Submit a video instead?  Maybe the ESPYS should just go ahead and honor the others and not mention Harry at all.


It’s going to take some big balls to show up and accept this. The sheer audacity!! Sadly, I think he is absolutely capable of doing it.


He has zero shame or self awareness.


That’s the sad truth. When all of this began with them, I did put a lot of the blame on her. As time has gone on, we’ve seen that they’re both cut from the same cloth.


Madam wouldn’t miss the chance to swan around in a designer ball gown. Has ESPN provided them with a clothing allowance?


That's what I thought but now? Nope. As angry as people are with Harry, I think most people hate her more. She's not going to take the chance of being booed or worse, ignored. 😱 But I do think this whole thing was her idea.


I don't know.....with all this backlash and the mother speaking out.... Will he really risk either booing or no one  clapping?? I'd laugh if everyone went to the bathroom when he comes out on stage and he's faced with a room of empty seats.


Serena Williams has no shame. She will big him up during the presentation. Harry will send in a video. Cue the recorded applause and camera zoom in on some Squaddies paid to attend. Back home, TW is screaming and shouting at him for making her miss a chance at a red carpet event and pose for pics next to Serena Williams despite paying for the award.


Serena needs to sit down for a while and keep quiet! I’m sick of her!


Of course he will show up. A d claim is not for him but Invictus. Gaslighting.


Dining out on Pat Tillman now! He can brag that he got the Pat Tillman award!


What POS harry is!


Whatever Meghan told Harry the USA is like, she lied and he clearly had no clue 😂 also, a man who brags about killing 25 people (sure Jan!) and calls our first amendment "bonkers" should be automatically ineligible to receive this award.


Yep. That "Bonkers" statement will be brought up again. Even moreso now. Good!


Pat Tillman died and he was trying to defend those very constitutional rights Harry deems bonkers. Yet here we are! I never thought id see the names "prince Harry and Pat Tillman" in the same sentence. EVER.




As a veteran, I am so pissed beyond belief. Harry is so pathetic. I pray to God that someone has the courage to boo him as he hits the stage.


That's very good news. I hope her voice carries enough weight for them to not give him the award.


Even if they give him the award and he is shameless enough to show up, the damage has been done. He looks terrible for accepting and announcing it.


I was hoping HARD that the family would speak up. This is GREAT. 😢


And good for Pat Tillman's mother speaking out. The backlash over this might make Harry think twice about the kind of award he should accept.


A lot of military moms arr behind her. Don’t mess with them.


He shouldn’t be getting any awards


Oh, I'm sure one day he'll be up for the Golden Raspberry awards.😄


The fact that she was not even CONSULTED tells us everything. 


Pat's widow has remarried and they are both on the board and this rubs me the wrong way, the mom should be included but you know how that is.


The new husband is on the board but the mom isn't? That's creepy.


She’s not involved with the foundation.  The widow caused problems and the family is estranged from her.  Things that make you go hmmmm…


Ugh! That should be exposed more as well.


Total DISGRACE. He is completely undeserving of an award named after Pat Tilman, a US Army Ranger and patriot who gave the ultimate sacrifice. To allow someone, who is lacking in every area to buy this honor is reprehensible. He was protected on base, by his platoon and bodyguards - while other service men fought bravely. He avoided mandatory drug tests. He was racially offensive to his fellow soldiers. He did NOT found Invictus Games - he watched the US Warrior Games and copied the idea; taking it back to the UK, where other people and the MOD did all the foundational work. SHAME on you for allowing this NON US citizen to buy this prestigious US award because he needs the positive PR, to cover his dishonorable acts.


It wasn't even him that copied the idea. It was someone (can't remember his name) and William then they gave it to Harry to keep him occupied after his naked las Vegas fiasco.


Edward Lane Fox, ELF for short? me, formerly known as Standard Discipline 48.


I'm so glad she's joined the hue and cry. Now I'm just waiting for the ASU crowd to get publicly pissed that St Pat is being disrespected by this b.s. - there's nothing worse than a devoted fan base losing their absolute shit over this mess. Come on, Sun Devils! Join the fray! (Pat Tillman was an ASU alum, earning a BS in marketing and graduated summa cum laude in three and a half years.)


Good on Mrs. Tillman for standing up for her beloved son's name. Imagine the calibre of young man who gives up $3m, enough to set him up for life, in order to go and risk his life after 9/11, a decision that ultimately cost him his life and future. Harry is not fit to be spoken of in the same breath as Pat Tillman, let alone receive an award in Pat Tillman's name. The stupid, entitled, pathetic, whining, man-child former royal has no shame, no scurples, and no honour. He is a cad.


I back Pat’s mother, and not just because I can’t stand H, but because she’s 100% right. H is the wrong sort of man to receive the award, plus he is NOT American. Pat Tillman is an AMERICAN hero. (No shade towards the Brits, but come on!)


It would be best if he was there to announce and present the award. He has no business accepting this award. He should be ashamed to do so. It would be a slur upon the name and honor of Pat Tillman. I’ll put money on the fact that when this was announced he had no idea who Pat Tillman was, what he did, or the criteria for the award. Eff off Harry you phony infant wannabe.


Good for her. As a Brit I feel totally ashamed of PH taking an award from a US citizen who deserves the accolade. I’m embarrassed beyond belief. Sorry our American cousins.


This will make the rounds with the attendees no doubt. They ought to turn their backs if he’s on that stage!! Or boo.


I wanna witness the Squad drag the mother of a true HERO. People who deny their viciousness are in for an ugly reveal.


God bless Mary Tillman. She must have been very upset to speak out publicly. Pat Tillman is a true hero. I'm so upset about Harry buying that award.


I think I just changed my mind on whether or not Madam will show up for the red carpet. This latest mess has moved Me into "or not" territory.  Although I have a strong feeling this award was Madam's idea, there's no way she'd step on this landmine now. She's going to force him to go though, unless they can his award. I'm just sorry Pat Tillman's mom has to go through this. But at tbe same time, I see where Pat got his backbone.  *team pat  *team mary


“… a controversial and divisive individual …” That’s more painful than “f- grifters.”


I wish this story would go out on the AP News Wire so it could be picked up by other sources to spread far and wide. I hope ESPN’s Pat McAfee will hear of this. I was delighted that he brought this up on his show, and all commentators were flabbergasted and disgusted.


Trust. It's growing like wildfire now.


Send the stations some emails to bring it to their attention.


I sent it to a few newspapers because I'm on vacation and I'm mad as hell.


He thought the British were a problem. He ain't seen nothin' yet.🤣🤣🤣🤣🇺🇸




This is wonderful for her to speak up but so sad. This lovely lady who has fought for and preserved her son’s memory for so long. Don’t forget, from the foot soldiers to the top brass, they tried to cover up his, “friendly fire” death. She’s been through more than enough and now has to deal with Prince Fckn Harry!!! 😠 Edit for spelling


I guess it depends on how much he paid for the award/power of the connections that purchased the award. By the by, 'controversial and divisive' is probably the most polite descriptor of this dude I've seen yet. There are more apt terms for him.


The truth is that Judas would NEVER turn down 3 million dollars to fight for his country in war time. And everyone knows it!


Pat Tillman selflessly sacrificed fortune, fame, and eventually his life to serve his country. Harry sacrificed duty to his country for personal wealth and a relationship. The contrast is breathtaking. I'm not angry that Harry is receiving this award, just very sad.


She is right. I have yet to see or read about the Invictus participants being the stars and their stories. Prince William started the games anyway. Now when I try to be positive about the games all I remember is legs like sticks in shorts marching in front of the vets. It is an utter disgrace and I blame the guy that we are supposed to call just Harry.




The new “Recollections may vary”


Above all things too, how are we giving this award to a non US citizen? This isn’t an international award. It’s so obviously paid for and shows how little these organizations really care about anything that isn’t money.


To be fair, it was previously presented to a English footballer/soccer player who raised millions for kids during Covid. I saw it on a podcast earlier. It was mentioned because Harry does NOTHING compared to deserving recipients, even if not American. 


Did the Pat Tillman Foundation have any say in the selection of Harry? I noticed that Pat’s widow is the chairman of the Board, but none of his other family members appear to be involved.


Allegedly, the widow (who has since remarried) bull dozed his parents and siblings and they were not onboard with everything she wanted.  And so, they are not involved (I’m guessing the same kind of shenanigans going on there as with Arsewell).  His family walked away so it’s got to be very, very bad.  Shame.


It most likely is. The widow doesn't strike me as a nice person. She took the foundation from the Tillman family and has made a career out of it. Grief porn, just like Harry. Until she met her new husband who is in the foundation too s d really shouldn't be.


It sounds like Tillman's widow and her new husband are dining out on Tillman's death.


I’m wondering if the Harkles will try to buy her support. I hope they’ll do it. The hero was raised by her, she has integrity and will call them out. How on earth can they create one PR disaster after another- for years! Everybody with common sense could have told them how bad this idea is.


That would be the men in grey in the past. Harry even wrote in his book apparently and spoke of it in interviews that for years he'd "fight" for his ideas to be considered (as a working royal). That he felt his ideas were put down because of favoritism to William. I'm fact it's because HE'S ALWAYS had these idiotic plans and ideas (Interviewing the Pope and Putin per Simmons).  But he used to have the palace machine to keep him out of trouble.  But he then met a woman who told him he was right and they were keeping him and his great plans down.  Fortunately her reward is to live with the monster of stupidity she unleashed.  Even if they don't live together she's the one everyone blames and that's her ironic punishment.


Pat Tillman: sacrificed his career to serve his country. Harry: lives in a $14 million dollar mansion and serves his country court papers to sue them. Yes, clearly they're exactly the same /s.


Harry: Sacrificed his country to serve himself.


***‘These individuals do not have the money, resources, connections or privilege that Prince Harry has. I feel that those types of individuals should be recognised.’*** Whatever else you think about Harry, THIS is why he shouldn't be getting an award of this kind. Some awards are for promotional purposes - like the Oscars. Some are just to jazz up a fundraising event - like that aviation award he got. But most awards are intended to highlight the people who normally fly under the radar and don't receive any recognition for their efforts. Harry already gets so much recognition for his connection to Invictus, despite his contribution being heavily exaggerated. He shouldn't take that opportunity away from someone else. I'm glad Mrs Tillman has spoken out.


"The peasants are rebelling again 'Aitch, do something!" "Awe yes My Pumpkin, it's Unconscious bias and The British Media"


I am not the leader bit surprised. Kudos to Mama Tillman for speaking out against this nonsense. I said as soon as it was announced, Harry and TW have crossed the line and it wa going to get ugly for them.


wow! good for her and the hard-working vets. harry come forward and respectfully refuse the award on the exact grounds she has mentioned.


Methinks he rushed out the announcement to drown out the court case issue but also so the award would not be rescinded on the qt.


Pretty sure the new CEO he hired had a hand in this.... Wasn't there something before about ESPN or someone broadcasting IG? https://preview.redd.it/1jx5o5vlbm9d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=92acbed757d3cf2d096a9750504a4fb31aa49e92


**wins** award Hardly. He has never actually won an award in his entire life.


Anyone else surprised Harry's name is not mud universally among veterans, active military and those who support them after he bragged about his wartime kill count in Spare? I know Invictus Games can't kick him out (and may not even want to) but what about the rest? I thought it was against a written or unwritten code of honor to boast, especially to civilians, about taking of lives in war, even those of enemy combatants. On a related note, if he was genuinely concerned about his and his family's safety from people who are a much bigger threat than paparazzi taking photos, he wouldn't have boasted in print of killing 25 Taliban, possibly inviting revenge from a deranged "Muslim extremist" or sympathizer, right?


I think he rushed it because it is Armed Forces Day in the UK.


So will he return it? If he doesn’t and goes to the ceremony, oh boy, I think he’s going to get a real taste of America. He’s so used to being fawned over and catered to that it’s going to be quite the public shock what he’s going to experience. He’s going to get booed and heckled annd maybe even more. We don’t have that British reserve. 🤣


Meh, I wish but probably not. Those pampered elitist athletes and celebs probably have no idea what’s going on and could not care less anyway. Bread and circuses.