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What the hell??? She's wearing leather pants to a suicide event??? Why not just wear a thong panty and some high heels?


She has to sexualize every event, every conversation.


Cause she's a HOOKER! Always was and will always try to be. 


Yep, that’s her currency, trying to pretend she’s an intellectual.


That’s why she hangs round Misan Harriman- she thinks he’s an intellectual 🤣🤣🤣


Well bless her heart.


Yeah, and now that she’s pretty much aged out of even MILF status, it’s just gross. Note: I am several years older than Rachel. Older women are still sexy (though I’m fighting the effects of full post-menopause hormone levels so I’ll take any advice you seasoned ladies have for me), but NOT our Saint. Since she has no substance of character that is sexy, as in she is a hollow shell ie South Park, she can only rely on her looks. And that sexy young yacht has sailed.


It *is* gross, its like thinking about your grandparents getting down 💀


Has to show the chicken legs for miles


She helped "found" a self-harm prevention hotline but didn't know who to call when she allegedly needed help?


I guess they took her phone in addition to her keys and passport… 🙄


And her brain. And her husband.


Found dorito number. Remember dorito has a social worker license? Dorito probably hooked tw up w/ a big blunt (cheech & chong style). No more suicidal thoughts that a good indica buzz can give


Now, now, we know ‘pregnant’ women aren’t supposed to use drugs. 🙃




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Meghan can never hide her SMUG AF expression - “Duper’s Delight.” Harry, as usual, looks like an angry teenager whose mother made him go to church.


With the Claw in active grasp.


Always on top. 


Wearing all black and holding hands at a work event LMAO BASIC


Tight leather pants! I worked with prostitutes and black tight leather pants was the sign of a high class hooker. Must've worn those at the Soho house.


so what's the sign of a low class hooker?


Walking the streets...


Nothing says professional like hand holding on stage. Also I’ve never believed MM that she didn’t know who to call when she felt sui\*\*\*\*\*\*. You known darn well she has her phone with her 24/7 and was on it constantly texting and calling H the second he wasn’t in her sight. There is no way she wasn’t able to google for local help and yes even back then there were anonymous ways to cal/text/chat online for free assistance. Her sitting there smirking just makes me think she was already scheming how she was going to use having mental health issues to her advantage. ![gif](giphy|iOeckNDBmt0SjR8iOP|downsized)


She never felt suicidal. It was all for attention. All a lie. This is how she operates.


Diana 2.0. 


Meg has NEVER spoken about seeking or receiving help. This is egregious and irresponsible as it suggests that one can simply ‘pull themselves up by their own bootstraps’ to overcome depression and suicidal ideation. Notice Harry also mentions NOTHING about her seeking or receiving help in Spare. His suicidal, pregnant wife. Yet his brother’s todger and his own both warrant commentary. Yet she’s allegedly fine FOR A YEAR before a Megxit is activated due to it being «unbearable. » Or, in Meg’s case, moving to Canada one year later seems to have cleared or right up. There are no conversations anywhere either about how she would theoretically be very vulnerable to post natal depression. Yet nothing. Irresponsible and publicly dangerous. **Note Meg’s suicidal ideation was allegedly in Jan 2019. The bullying investigation was happening in Oct 2018, due to be released in March 2019.** May 2019 - Promotes friends spa as “mental health treatment” on Sussex Royal IG. Remember that was what she was allegedly angling for to treat her alleged suicidal ideation - and all expense paid, Royal family funded, overseas spa trip at her friend’s spa. January 2019. Meg even PROMOTED it on the Sussex’s OFFICIAL ROYAL SM ACCOUNT in May 2019. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-7018893/Meghans-Instagram-plug-friends-3-600-retreat-mental-health-campaign.html Meg also previously promoted Pandas charity for pre and post natal mental health. Wonder why she couldn’t access that? https://archive.ph/2023.06.27-114001/https://www.harpersbazaar.com/uk/celebrities/news/a27329076/sussex-royal-mental-health-instagram/ May 2019 - Harry had also already signed the mental health with Oprah/Apple deal. https://archive.ph/2023.06.27-115036/https://www.prima.co.uk/leisure/celebrity/a27329111/duke-duchess-sussex-instagram-follow-mental-health/ And lest we forget Meghan Markle’s mother Doria has a BA in Psychology, and an MA in Social Work. BOTH Meghan and Harry had a variety of mental health supports they knew of to access, including anonymously. Yet they didn’t. And Meghan somehow recovered, independently, spontaneously. Very dangerous message to those suffering.


Exactly so, I’ve been saying this ever since she or he made that outrageous claim. They attach themselves to all sorts of mental health awareness initiatives, yet have the reckless behaviour to claim she’s suicidal and then - I guess - it just cured itself. Extremely dangerous and doesn’t seem to get the coverage this deserves.


Oprah should have pressed her on this, obviously.


Avocado lunch with Daniel the weekend he did her make up for the circus 


Excellent receipts!


Smirking inappropriately as usual


And MM was supposedly pregnant during this "crisis." She couldn't have shared it with any one of her team of doctors? Went to HR instead? Also - not Harold, who probably had his therapists on speed dial. ALSO. Medical privacy laws, anyone? The whole story just reeks of horse shit. MM's bump made a loud noise earlier that day at an engagement, when she squatted down (pregnant! In stilettos!). MM wanted three things, I think: one, to cause Harold to recall the story of his mother throwing herself down the stairs while pregnant. Two, to leave a record of her begging the palace for help. And three, getting herself, her Husbandwallet and her moonbump out of the UK stat, as the megnancy scheme might be unraveling.


I don’t think Harry coming back with her was part of the plan.


I don’t think she was ever going to leave her meal ticket behind.


https://preview.redd.it/jnlyjap7zq9d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ede3033df9ed875605e048e01b52a0f2a222c993 that to me is the one thing that should have been the nail in the coffin, LYING your ass off for being suicidal! This is mental abuse to you spouse. The gaslight of this attention -seeking -nobody is sickening - and it is the media to blame!!! You want clicks - crucify her for everything she deserves!


It reeks of domestic abuse - if you leave me I will kill myself


Number 1, what is that horrible raincoat?! And number 2, Harold looks just as miserable as he always does with madam.


Did she wear it to play paintball before this?


As someone who survived a suicide attempt - literally a lifetime ago, good therapy FTW! - that claim chafes me hard. When a highly manipulative person makes those claims, it makes it harder for people with legit suicidal ideations to get the help they need. I don't want to doubt that anyone has them, but the whole "I would kill myself if it wasn't for you" is not generally something suicidal people say. We tend to hide our feelings - manipulative people tell you that to keep you under control. It makes me dubious.


Do you have a support system in place for emotional stuff? I believe you have a husband? My mother survived her suicide attempt at age 95 (intractable pain), and in hospital for it, contracted C Difficile which took her 6 months later. She was not an easy woman (borderline, narc, refused therapy) but that whole thing was devastating, I assume for her, but also I know for me and my sib. I wish you all the best... You seem to be in a better place but I myself, though never suicidal, have depression, PTSD, and panic disorder, so I try to keep an eye on my own state, which at the moment has deteriorated slightly due to physical illness and anxiety about the US election and money. Hugs.


That...is a complicated subject I don't really drop onto social media. Suffice it to say I have tools and use them daily. Especially since I am one of those people who cannot handle SSRI's for very long - Zoloft did wonders to stabilize me, but it is not a long-term solution. I just like to note I had enough CBT therapy for about 3 people in my 20's, and it did what it was supposed to. I just note I'm a mess, but I'm a mess who is 100% aware of that, and I try to keep ahead of it. This is not to say I don't have my days with what I call The Blue Meanies, but I know how to surf them and come out the other side. (Perimenopause is a B\*TCH - I really want it to be over because the hormonal swings are brutal.) Sorry to hear you aren't doing well - I share some of those anxieties, trust me. Hugs right back atcha. And Nutella, because a temporary sugar high is always a little bit of a boost. ;)


Yes! I hope I wasn’t intrusive, and totally get stuff being private. But it sounds as if you’re on it! I am frankly a mess. When a new physical symptom developed the other week that could be another disease( I am losing count of my diseases, which are now converging on one another … so they can dance, I presume), anyway I growled at this new symptom and the potential new disease: “take a number”. But it’s difficult to deal with a cascade of these things and especially when you’re already an anxious person with panic disorder, etc.. so I too am a physical as well as psychological mess. Exacerbation of asthma symptoms in the last three days isn’t just due to the oesophagus disorder, but started in right after the only 10 minutes of Thursday night’s debate I could make it through — I realized, for the sake of my sanity, I was gonna have to turn it off, which I did. Take care of yourself, and hold onto a little sense of humour. It really helps me.


I am less about diseases, and more about injuries. Right now I want to scream and cry and throw things but I can't because I have a shoulder injury. We had to rule out frozen shoulder - which we did, so that's good, but now we have to figure out what's wrong. 6 months of me staring at my rowing machine, wishing I could be using it. People with good physical health do NOT understand that they should treasure it. As for the debate - I didn't watch it. I just followed the live blog on Wonkette. The reality is if you haven't decided already, the debate wasn't actually going to help. Our political system is a mess, and I don't know what to do about it. I just enjoy living in a state with a really good voter turnout and voter support, so I take comfort in that.


Yeah my bro watched 30 minutes and said just what you did. Shoulder stuff is the pits ( broke my arm right after Mum did her attempt, up high so there is residual damage). You were wise about Thursday. And yes, perimenopause sucks. But even if you feel you could replace all the heat generated from a power station, trust that it passes. At the time I had a cold US apartment, this being 20 years ago, and those years were not exactly comfortable, but the cold certainly didn’t bother me🤪.


She’s never been suicidal or suffered a miscarriage or been pregnant or buried the fetus under a Banyan tree. Narcs lie & make up stories to get attention & play the victim—Stupid Harry fell for her act.


And went along with it.


Her ability to look at the camera without directy looking at it is so unsettling. She's VERY aware she is being photographed.


It's her fake 'visionary/thought leader' look, gazing off into the distance that I can not stand.


Stop holding hands at business events!!!


What is she wearing??? Please tell me not leather pants as a royal, I can’t…


![gif](giphy|w0cxOQnmklLUs) The Dominatrix


The ultimate irony - there to launch a hotline for help, but said she had no one to talk to a year later. How dumb does she think we are? Pretty dumb, apparently. Just ridiculous!


A documentary about all of their lies NEEDS to be made and shown on a major network/streaming service.  Just like they did with Taylor Swift and Scooter.  They are really despicable.


What documentary about TS? Also, who lied? Please say Taylor 🤣


Taylor Swift vs Scooter Braun:Bad Blood on Max.  I didn’t watch it yet.  But at least he is getting his side out.  And I do believe Kanye and Kim!😂


Me too! But I have a visceral dislike for TS, so I might be biased.


The leather pants and hand holding. The intentional oppositional disorder, needing to be center of attention and stick out, at such a serious event. Thats enough SMM for me today, this creature makes my blood boil. Horrid horrid POS


They are essentially at a work event right. They are at working? Why are they holding hands? Why does she touch him so much. It is deeply unprofessional and SO disrespectful to their audience.


Ironic...a cow wearing a cow.


Beautiful find LocksmithFar!!! Edit: so she would have been pregnant at this event… I’ve never seen this before, I need to find pics


I cannot, simply cannot, wrap my head around Meghan wearing leather pants while on Royal duty. It is so tacky, vulgar, low class.


Well, she is tacky, vulgar and low.class.


Great catch, OP! Another RECEIPT to put on the stack of proven lies!




This hand holding at these type events is so unprofessional


She looks like the mother holding her toddler's hand trying to pacify him. Plether pants and stilettos. Always appropriate for a suicide event. Why is she wearing that bulky coat inside? Dimwit looks completely zoned out. Maybe he can't understand the words that are being spoken.


Ha ha. Look at Harry's face. That's not a happy Harry!! 😥


It’s cause she was never suicidal.


He looks miserable.


See the claw is in action there and Haznoballs with a face like a slapped arse!!


The only couples I see holding hands in public are the Markles and the Bidens


I bet Meghan and Jill both have AIRTAGs planted on their men.


For when they wander off and get lost


In the duo's case, it's M who needs help walking, have you seen her in heels 


The obligatory hand holding. Again. So performative. (BTW -- I have not seen this outfit before, or since. Another one-hit wonder.)


Why would you hold hands at a SUICIDE event?


It's beyond sick, unprofessional and weird


And creepy.


'Date night' at the Suicide Prevention conference.


How romantic.


His face, he looks miserable or like his high wore off