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Good it is getting traction. If ESPN really needs to give it to a Hollywood type why not a grunt Marine like Adam Driver who has assisted with disabled veterans sporting events. The real pickle of the situation why was Harry nominated. It needs to be brought to light and I am sure it is ugly.


Give to someone like Gary Sinise who's raised a lot of money and worked tirelessly for the vets


I’m beyond shocked Gary hasn’t won this award. His foundation is 13 years old and has done so much to honor veterans and raise awareness of their bravery and struggles. In fact, in honor of GarySiniseFoundation’s 13th anniversary (which is actually today!), he’s going to match any donations given to the program. How on Earth does Harold get the Pat Tillman award before Gary?!


Probably because Sinise doesn't pay for awards.


I agree!!! Travesty!


He even PLAYED a disabled war veteran. He just happened to qualify for his commitment. 


He's got the "LT. Dan band" who travels and plays music for veterans? I believe? His son had passed away relatively recently. In 2024. He was 33 yrs. Rare form of cancer. Gary sounds like a great father and professional actor. Sh8t, even the character Lt. Dan should get the pat Tillman award than Plank. Lt. Dan had a great story arc and there's a band that entertains the troops


That is what I was thinking. Gary Sinise deserves it.


...and, you know, Gary Sinise isn't doing it to win awards.


Absolutely true!




Ya. Harry and “tireless” are not two words that belong in the same sentence unless it’s referring to how Harry makes us all tireless with his whining. His charity is even on record for them working only 1 hr a week.


Nope https://preview.redd.it/xfw4qrerar9d1.jpeg?width=276&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1d1235ab74662b2ef62faf9b4e74652ea6921002 Gary Sinise has done more for veterans than any other actor and longer than Adam drivers been acting is it disgrace what Harry is doing and what his team is allowing him to do personally I hope the espies get Markles and Markled big time.


He’s the real deal.


Sorry, didn’t see this before I posted. Great minds think alike?


🎯🎯🎯🎯 YES....the reason and person(s) involved in this nomination should and must be revealed. One can hope Mr.Tillman's mum will insist on a public investigation into this ABUSE and GRIFTING OFF OF her son's name, reputation, legacy. Would like to know if his mum has contact available, very much want to support her doing this.


We are ALL owed a detailed Explanation of the Pay to Play scheme here. Names involved from here to there and Exact amounts of $$$$$$$$. “Show me the Money! “


Gary Sinise comes to mind!!!


He was my first thought. Honestly that wanker must have paid off a few people. Serena may be able to answer who actually picked him. Bunker Boy is what he was.


Better yet , give it to Charlie sheen, since he did play a solder in Vietnam in "platoon". Even he would be a better recipient of this award thank Plank. Esp. If you plan on making a mockery of this award.  I'm a country elitist. It should be for united states citizens who show the values that Pat Tillman had. Loyalty, teamwork, patriotism, values.  Plank can create his own participation awards and pretend to win them. Back off , Plank, you limey bastard (sailors who lacked vitamin D developed scurvy).


Agree, except for the vitamin D part. It is Vitamin C that prevents scurvy.


Harry and his attention seeking court jester of a wife should set up their own little booth and hand out faux awards to eachother.  Let the real awards go to the recipients they were meant to go to!


Has anyone even questioned the fact ( despite Harry being such a horrible, family hating, entitled empty human being - so totally undeserving of what this award stands for ) that this award is supposed to be going to an American citizen? How does Harry qualify for this award on ANY level?


From X, the reason he shouldn't get any awards, never mind this one [https://x.com/Fkegomusk/status/1807040993012981996](https://x.com/Fkegomusk/status/1807040993012981996)


The petition to cancel Harry's award is almost 10K signatures now. But the most surprising thing I saw was how many people pay money to make it spread further. So many are completely outraged.


Signed and donated. I am beyond outraged.


Same. I am furious they caused distress to Pat's mother. And forgone much more deserving people. Harry hasn't done a single fundraiser for the veterans. He shows up with the camera and that's it.


Surely his time is worth more than money, more than gold. Private jetting in, fancy hotel suites, paid for wardrobe for the Missus, all worth a clip of This One’s Wife marching in flip flops. Who needs money? Think of the veterannnnz. /s To get an award for deigning to submit to photo ops…outrageous! This One’s Wife couldn’t even be on time because she was too busy buying milkshakes.


🇺🇸 Me too. This was a bridge too far. Collective disgust !!!! It’s a betrayal of the intent of the award and his mom.


Me too!!!!


This gives me hope. I only wish MSM would stop soft pedaling the “Why” of the reason folks are so disgusted. They never list all of the factual reasons why he should not be anywhere close to this award or the last “aviation” award they bought.  Be journalist FFS and tell the world why he is not worthy in the slightest!!!!!! Actually he represents the antithesis of what these awards are supposed to be honoring!!


Bc MSM is meme's media.


![gif](giphy|9xt1MUZqkneFiWrAAD) That comment is THE BEST!


Yay!! I was hoping people would copy/paste that sentence, it is succinct and perfect. WOW guys, our collective hive really got this into mainstream media. This might truly work!


Thank you to Sinner, Otherwise Engaged!


Perfect! I said something similar in my petition comment, but not nearly as well as this person stated it.


Damn! That says it best!


This reason totally!


Boom 💥💥


This comment is pure poetry.




Thank you, I got kicked off x for saying that our Ontario Minister of Health was a murderer, during the pandemic so I am happy to read these little snippets.


I think [Change.org](http://Change.org) will keep this petition up as it's getting a lot of press - Sun, Mail, Mirror, Express - everyone starting to report on the petition and that drives people to its site. Last time Harry received an award - Living Legends of Aviation - [change.org](http://change.org) that petition at the 10,000 mark for "review." I don't think it will do that this time around.


People need to be much more wary of change.org. They are not there to create change. They are there to make money off the backs of people who attempt to create change. The site exists for the popup asking for money. That's why they leave petitions up and then remove them at the last minute- they get paid and still get to make sure things that don't fit their personal agendas don't actually have a chance to succeed.  I'm not saying don't sign the petition- definitely do! I'm just saying.. People need to remember the site is not an ally and should definitely not be given donations. 


after their last mess - pulling the petition to rescind Harry being given Living Legends of Aviation award after 12,000 signed, I don't trust it at all. I had also donated which was not returned after they pulled that petition. I did sign this one but DID NOT DONATE.


I think this petition may be respected because Pat Tillmans mom has stated her opposition to giving the award to Prince Harry. Moms are a child’s greatest advocate (not Meghan of course), so Mom Tillman should have the final say on this, IMO.


Yea.. See.. That's the thing: the donation doesn't go to the cause. At all. It goes to support the site. So then when they pull the petitions they are actually under no obligation to return money.  They make the popup look like it goes to the cause. They don't say it but it is implied. In the heat of the moment people believe it goes to the cause and donate. All it does is line the dirty pockets of change.org 


I've signed several over the years and never donated a penny.




Agreed. Change.org is full of bs petitions.


My veteran hubby doesn't usually get involved in grifter shenanigans, but he signed *this* petition.


Glad that your husband did! I’m feeling for the mom of Pat, hard. Also, I’m burning over it so much - we lost my dad (Vietnam vet) unexpectedly two years ago. In the end Nam killed him, we got to have him for many extra years, but agent orange took him. I’m so so furious about this that I’m literally sick over it. Thank you for your and your husband’s service. Xo


Thank you. ❤️




Same with mine!


Love it!


Harry is a LOT MORE than divisive! They're being kind.  It's very emotional hearing Pat Tillman's mother say what she has.  What the F is going on in our world?  The DECEPTION is great, it's everywhere.  


I can't imagine her outrage and distress at her son's memory being misused this way.


Preach it! Remove this disgraced traitorous British nepo baby from any association with American valor and sacrifice. Harry ran away from the UK to lob his poisonous views/influence at his country, it's monarchy to include the government of the USA. He needs to be deported and face the wrath of his countrymen and government. imo


And he called our 1st Amendment "BONKERS"!! Go home you shameless traitor to UK and US. edit: 1st


No, it was our First Amendment which he brazenly described. While at the same time stoned out admitted that he had not even properly read it, just knows people can critique him with it, using facts and he and the Mrs and do not like that one little bit. The Stubborn, Ignorant Prince Duke, Earl and Baron…..of UK derived Aristocratic Titles. Pfft


Actually, he called the First Amendment bonkers.


Imagine proudly saying out loud that you are against freedom of speech. I remember when first I heard he said it. I wasn't following H&M then, so I thought surely he must be talking about the Second Amendment, which I support but understand is quite controversial. But no, the doofus was actually talking about the First Amendment.


Get out of the US, I think you mean. I know that's what I mean!




Yes! 🙌🏻


His association with African Parks should make ANY award receiving out of the question!


Good! It is an insult to give him such a prestifious award. If they cant stop it, maybe people will boycott the awards all together. The little wife would live that! /s


If he has any shred of decency left, he will decline the award


> If he has any shred of decency ~~left~~ Do you think he ever had a 'shred of decency'? If so ... * He wouldn't have used his books to 'get even' with those who tried to discipline him throughout his formative years. * He wouldn't have written that a disabled teacher wasn't "hot enough" for his adolescent self. * He wouldn't have spilled private medical information about his brother. * He wouldn't have written about private things in houses he had visited, and where he'd been made welcome. * He wouldn't have filmed himself calling a fellow Sandhurst Officer Cadet his, "little p@ki friend" * He wouldn't have been thrown out of a pub for repeatedly, and over some time, referring to the French barman as, "A frog" - which is a slur. * He wouldn't, on film, tweak men's nipples - presumably for fun. At age almost 40.


Exactly!!!! He has shown time and again that he doesn't have any decency. Especially with all the ridiculous cr\*p he put in the book "Waaah". And then being rude to Travolta.


He would have come out and stated empirically that his Father KC and Catherine are NOT racists!! 


He wouldn't have allowed his wife to bully his baby niece, he wouldn't have shot at the cats at Sandringham when he went shooting there with his buddies. he wouldn't have had to pay off young women he allegedly abused, he wouldn't have abused and killed his polo ponies.


Yep, and the list goes on and on and on ...


He shot at cats as well on Sandringham, seriously!? What a detestable piece of 💩😳🇨🇦🇬🇧


Yes, the staff quickly put the cats inside when they knew Harry and his buddies were coming. I simply loathe Harry.


Totally. The complexity of self disclosure baffles him. He probably thinks being honest is a virtue and makes him look great, because mental health yah? Be honest Not understanding just how much he's showing us, who he is. He's lived a life largely unchallenged, I think he believes anything he says or does is fine because he got so much leeway after the death of Diana. And any time anything comes on top for him, he uses his late mother as leverage to gain sympathy. And I don't think he genuinely cares for her at all or he wouldn't use her like this. Has William? Ever? No


Spoiler alert He doesn’t, and I doubt he ever has had a shred of decency


He will only decline the award if he was forced to do so by Espn/Disney. He would never voluntarily do so. The selfish creep that he is. imo


It's too late, the damage has been done. Even if he declines it would only be to save face. He could have quietly declined the award before all this, but he didn't. This is such a joke, I hope everyone involved in this mess gets Markled! Time for the vets & people to stand up to Spareold using them for his own benefit, enough!!!


He has no shame, so he'll never decline.


He won’t. It’s already on their site.


He won’t and I doubt he truly understands why people don’t agree with him getting this award. He doesn’t see any of his past actions as problematic and he thinks getting his photo taken is more than enough “service” to the public. He thinks everyone is picking on him and just being racist. His wife is likely telling him over and over again what a good little prince he is and how he deserves all these awards. Everyone else is the problem not them.


he is sooo dumb.


This blowback had to happen...its karma for all the nasty, cruel and entitled media manipulation the harkles engage in...particularly for directing the vile sewer squad to slander and threaten Catherine and William... All that nasty energy is blowing back in Harold and Frauds faces...and it couldn't happen to a more deserving couple of sociopaths.


I hope this shines a massive spotlight on all the fake awards they bought too.


What's even better is the quote by his mother. The petition can get spun as "oh well, that's just the haters crying"....but when Pat's own mother speaks out, it carries far more weight.


Yes it does!


Good to see it gaining some traction. People are tired of Hank, his wife, and all of their bullshit.


Especially on this Fourth of July Independence Day week coming up. He openly mocks this country ””Bonkers” 1A . He was spoiled and coddled all his life in appeasement by his family who employed now \*\*Sir Edward Lane Fox to perform a PR rehab on him following the dressing up in Nazi armband . His entire so called military record is a LIE . He never saw action. Hid in the bunker playing video games. Late Queen allowed him not to be drug tested when the other men were. He cannot fly a plane or helicopter by himself. Does not have a license. there is much more, much more Stolen Valor with participation medals handed out to him like candy from the Late Queen. someone mentioned 2 US Marines? Killed because of him. The charade ends now. ps. I have posted here before, under Standard Discipline 48.


They could have easily given this award to Gary Sinise, who has dedicated his whole life to helping vets. Not for show. Not so his wife can prance around like a lunatic in hundreds of thousands worth of clothes and jewels. The Gary Sinise Foundation has a four star rating, and their charity score is 100%. What's your charity score, Harry? You grifter POS. This makes me extremely angry. Pat Tillman was one of our best, and to give this to Harry is beyond disgraceful.


He gets my vote! Gary is the best!


This is funny and justified but award was bought to bury the court case, let’s remember that this is a side issue and not the main event.


That may be the case, but I'm more upset at the desecration of Pat Tillman's memory and legacy than the PR shenanigans. This is way more vile. He could have chosen pretty much anything else to buy or use for a puff piece.


They don’t care who they use if it helps deflect off them, in the way they want. This is turning into a big negative PR for them too. All because Harry wanted to bury the court story.


You're exactly right.


In that case, I'd be more upset that the award is purchasable. Even his mother is disgusted he bought this award.


I don't know for certain that it is, I'm just assuming based on the gruesome twosome's past behavior. But yes, I agree, it shouldn't be purchasable.


Could be in the form of a "donation" from Invictus or "look at the publicity that it will bring to the Tillman foundation".


We know for certain. Neither have earned any of the awards they have been awarded, and it is sickening how many are available to buy. They mean absolutely nothing. The only good thing to come out of these two grifters is to shine a light on all the other grifters around.


I think Serena Williams had a hand in this. She's a force in the sports world, and in the wake of Woke (and Woke being a part of pro sport's agenda seemingly), who's going to tell her No?


My understanding is that in the last few years Serena has distanced herself from Meghan, so it could only be two things: she has only distanced herself publicly - as in they do not appear as close as they were in the media but remain close privately, implying Serena is as💩Mesgsy, or there’s something more sinister at work. What does Megsy have on Serena and/or her hubby?


It's been reported that Serena is the one who pressured WME to take Meghan on.


The award itself might not be purchasable but the votes of the individual committee members are. Everyone has a price.


So…. It’s available for purchase.


As long as you can offer enough, yeah, anything is available for purchase.


Integrity isn't.


I honestly would think Harry was doing great work with IG..... **IF** he wasn't using it rob the coffers and fund his and that ones extravagant lifestyles. That Nigeria trip was their biggest con yet. They went on that trip **RIGHT AFTER** we Canadians released the $30 million!! That money was released to Invictus March 31, and these assholes couldn't wait to spend it on PR. Like they do **WITH ALL THEIR MONEY**. Invictus Games are the sole investor in the **Worldwide Privacy Tour**. If I wasn't on the other side of Canada, I'd be there with Boos on. All this PR and awards is to soften Canadians into not booing them, so they can continue to fund their lifestyles by stealing from charity. Since IG is the only thing left.


I agree!


Allegedly, this Tillman award was part of a package deal set up by WME months ago which included H handing out that NFL award earlier this year (the award he had to dash back to the U.S. to deliver after dashing to his father's side when the cancer diagnosis was revealed.) If he bought this award, he bought it long ago with WME's help. Consequently, H's PR had to spill his receiving this award earlier than they would have as cover for his criminality in deleting evidence requested by the court in the UK. And, because he was forced to reveal this early, he's facing the backlash of the American public of his unworthiness of such an award. He would have preferred to avoid that until after the fact so public discontent could be brushed under the rug with some other PR drama but SHTF with the UK court. imo


I thought it was disgusting he had anything to do with the Payton award but this is next level & makes me ill. This is so disrespectful. God bless Tillman's mother for speaking out. I want to see MSM cover the heck out of this insulting choice!


I mean- we know that but..   There is nothing we can do about the courtcase. No public opinion will effect that court case. Its interesting but its also honestly pretty irrelevant. The likelihood of him facing consequences for it are virtually zero. Nothing we do or say will change that. Nor will our attention to it change anyone else's opinion on Harry. If you like him you will believe the "necessity to delete for protection" story. Its important that the facts be known legally speaking, but this really has no bearing on anyone else's reality.  On the other hand- our noise, our petition, our pressure, our getting-in-the-news on the award WILL make a difference. Public opinion WILL effect him being able to purchase further awards. Public opinion WILL effect his ability to steal these awards from actually deserving people.  So I would argue that the award is actually a much more important thing for us to discuss. 


Well, if Harry has to make a statement to the judge, it won't stay buried for long.


While I get your point, the "main event" is happening in the UK, while this "side issue" is happening in the US. One is a moral issue, the other is a legal issue. This "side issue" isn't actually happening for another 12 days. No idea when the "main event" is due to be resolved. It need not be a competition. I can't speak for everyone, but I'm quite capable of keeping both stories in my mind at the same time. Their attempt at deflection has no effect on what my mind can do. I'm more than capable of sharing my anger equally between the two, at the same time. However, I see absolutely nothing "funny" in either story!




I think the fact that msn picked it up means its definitely picking up steam. Lets hope it keeps going! 


I was more than happy to sign this one, H is a disgrace to Pat Tillmans name and should not even be put in the same category as him by winning the Pat Tillman award. Tillman was a true hero who gave up his NFL career so he could serve his country after the 9/11 attacks. H was known as Bunker Harry becsuse he spent his time served playing video games with his own personal protection team and any awards H received in the military were given to him by his grandma QE.


It would be very easy for the dumb prince to avoid all this criticism (and maybe even retain a shred of decency) if he just announces that he is honored by the nomination, but declines it because there are those who are far more deserving, such as US veterans, or Invictus members, or I don't know, my parakeet?


I’m drinking because I’m adulting, but Harry is a fuckboy who rides on others coattails and we as Americans have had enough.


Well said!!! Cheers!


Interesting that Daily Mirror has buried this article on it's Royal page. Mirror runs on the average 4-5 articles per day on H&M on the home page yet places this piece in the Royal section???? No wonder Mirror is hurting with layoffs - if this article was on home page the clicks would have been endless.


Lol. The pics they chose to use for H are awful.


Right? And the contrast with the manliness and stoicism of Tillman is almost comical.


Add in that Tillman was a university graduate with a 3.85 GPA and Harry had to cheat to graduate from high school.


Pat Tillman was a gorgeous MAN, Sparold is neither.


Funny how quiet the American magazines who report so glowingly on Markle and Harry are about the backlash. Especially PEOPLE, the major Sussex stronghold publication.


Oh I would love Matt & Trey to happen to see this story and do a South Park special on buying awards, Hollywood and charity pay-for-play etc…. Cartman gets an undeserved award and Stan is pissed and wants to get to the bottom of the seedy side of award giving. There, I’ve already started it, please Matt & Trey🙏🙏🙏


Most of the awards they've been receiving in America are purely political and totally undeserved, some are even paid for, including in the UK, so I'm not surprised that people are sick of it.


Neither Harry nor his wife could qualify for a Scouting badge.


He shouldn't get awards because he is the ultimate nepo baby. Everytime I see that he has received an award it further reveals how the elite likes to award elite. It's interesting how Harry presenting the Walter Payton award (which was also in bad taste) and now he has won an award from ESPN. Who wants to bet there will an announcement that IG will be coming to ESPN? Or Harry will be providing commentary for ESPN for some sport? It's all pay to play and it's very obvious on a situation like this because Harry has no skills or talent that are award worthy. 


Yes! And iirc, the ESPYs are supposed to shine a light on people who aren't usually in the spotlight. This is just wrong on so many levels.


10K!!! New goal - 15K




If he had any degree of royal decorum, he’d have given up this award for someone more deserving. But we all know that this dude has the mentality of an absolute pleb (and looks it) and had been born into British royalty purely by mistake. Looks like a chippy, acts like a chippy.


I was reading about Pat Tillman and he is really quite surprising. He was playing in the NFL, gave up a $3million contract to join the army, married his high school sweetheart, and was killed by friendly fire. He was obviously a very committed and passionate person whose life was guided by principle. I kind of agree with his Mom - there are people wjo are more fitting, and a lot of them are doing the day-to-day work at Invictus. They are not just figureheads


Killed accidentally *possibly*, which the military covered up for over a month when they themselves knew within a couple days.


Isn’t it time Invictus asked Harry to step aside now that he has made it the Markle fashion show. I was disgusted that she marched in shorts with injured servicemen. Who the hell is she ?


The Board should explain why Gary Sinise was overlooked in favor of wayward Prince who has disowned and defamed his Royal family for money and now is in trouble with the Court for destroying evidence.


Right? Gary Sinise has a long history of supporting veterans.


Where do I sign !?


Sign the petition here. [https://www.change.org/p/request-espn-to-rethink-awarding-the-pat-tillman-award-to-prince-harry](https://www.change.org/p/request-espn-to-rethink-awarding-the-pat-tillman-award-to-prince-harry) It has 9,700 signatures so far.


Just signed.




Sign friends- but please PLEASE Do not donate! 


Nope, all that went out the window the minute Madam came into his life. Now we get to listen his and her word salads.


Let's get Gary sinise involved. He's a saint with veteran causes.


Mr. Sinise is also the real deal as a person. Met him a couple of times and one of the few well known individuals I've actually liked. His Lt. Dan Band is also pretty decent. His Foundation (the Gary Sinise Foundation) also seems to be ok - they have a top ranked status on Charity Watch. I'd love for him to receive the Tillman Award. He's very deserving of it.


Harry's "tireless work." JFC, next he'll be saying he lost his todger to his country and he's just like the service people at Invictus. He'll insist on a polo match so he can win a trophy.


"win a trophy" ... and kill another horse.


Good,he does not deserve it!


Different topic but Harry related. What happened with this scandal he wanted to make money from. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-13393235/EDEN-CONFIDENTIAL-officials-sink-Prince-Harrys-vague-plan-trademark-Sentebale-charity.html?ito=email_share_article-top


Buried, apparently. Perhaps someone would like to resuscitate it with a post soon.


Well. DONE. Sinners.


I can't believe this tbh. Like others have said, he's a traitor to queen and country and has never sacrificed anything for the greater good of humanity. It's really offensive giving him this. I wasn't aware of Pat Tillman before this but my God, absolute hero. The absolute antithesis of everything Harold stands for.


His PR have less than 12 hours to fix this. The idiot must decline this gracefully. To soldier on (forgive that expression in the case of Harry) blindly is going to damage him far more than the money spent buying the award. What a prize arrogant entitled chump.


I have to say, this should start and end with the Pat Tillman family. The family has every right to a deciding vote on who is honored with the award in their family member’s name. There are multiple people who could be awarded—even for Invictus!—without honoring TW.


Excuse my salty language but WTFFFFFFF is he receiving awards for???? Like literally? He sits around his Montecito home eating THC gummies, and going on expensive, exclusive trips. Literally what have either of them done to win any award EVER???? It really P's me off!




Once MNS runs with it, there's no burying the story. Suck it Harry! ![gif](giphy|3o6EQeB1evNnmFH1SM)


And that is why I signed that petition, it is a collective manifestation of our disapproval. This is good, this is how we nudge ppl in the right direction and bring awareness to the wider world of grifters like Harry and Meghan Markle.


I think it has taken longer than expected but now more and more people are losing interest in Harry and Meghan, which was inevitable. They are graduating into the sunset.


This is the imbecile who felt it was appropriate for his mad wife to lead a parade of brave veterans, disabled in the line of duty because they put others first, dressed like she was on a coach tour in Tenerife. How many appalling, disrespectful, self serving things do these folie a deux imbeciles have to display, in public before they get told to fck off. Uvalde was enough for me. I honestly don't understand why they are tolerated.


The New York Post has a story on Pat Tillman’s mother being upset over the award with her son’s name on it and Prince Harry. GS has her hands full on this one.




When is Harry going to understand his privilege? Is he that dumb to not understand that the reason his family gives awards rather than takes them is because of their immense privilege? Harry is a taker just as much as Madame is. I hope more mainstream media reports on this.


How could ESPN even consider giving the Pat Tillman award to Harry who possesses none of the attributes or self sacrifice that the award stands for? Pat Tilman's family must be heartbroken. ESPN didn't even consult his mother. Pat Tillman was a hero, an honourable man, a King amongst men. Harry wouldn't have been fit to lick the dust from his boots.


Gary Sinise would be an excellent choice.


This is where they tried to stop using the UK and start using the US. I told them this was going to backfire spectacularly.


Where's the real link so I can add some clicks and help the article gain more traction


Oooo. Ouch.


Notice how quickly this changed the narrative from him DESTROYING evidence. He knew this would happen. If not him, his wife definitely did.


That's okay. We'll get back to that. We haven't forgotten the African Parks scandal. 😉


Newsweek is rejecting any comments made on the Pat Tillman Award backlash - isn't even running an article about the backlash. All it has are two GLOWING accounts of Harry getting the Pat Tillman Award. "Why Meghan Markle Should Make Red Carpet Return for Prince Harry" "Prince Harry Should Capitalize on 'Strong' PR Win" Both about Harry's "big win." Readers can't comment on the backlash, those comments are being rejected. Jack Royston at work.


Censoring bastards. And they wonder why Americans don't trust the media anymore...


And this is just harry here. What about the bigger stuff?


I'd LOVE to hear Gary Sinise's thoughts.🤔


This comment: I am the daughter, granddaughter and great granddaughter of military veterans. My father and grandfather died from service related injuries. Pat Tillman is a hero. Prince Harry is not. He spent his 2 tours in Afghanistan playing video games while being kept safe by SAS military members. He made racist remarks about and to some of his fellow soldiers. He bragged about his questionable 'kills' in his autobiography. He did not start the Invictus games, this organization copied the US warrior games and was created for him. It has now become the Harry and Meghan show, with little attention given to the disabled veterans that it is supposed to help. Charity money has been funneled away from the veterans and has gone to funding Meghan's wardrobe and their high class, expensive accommodations. **Their fans, the 'Sussex squad' are now attacking Mary Tillman for voicing her opinion about Harry being given this award. And make no mistake, they are vile, known for harrassing and doxxing those that dare criticize Harry and Meghan. Harry and Meghan know about what they do and have thanked them for their support several times.** You are dishonoring a true American hero by presenting this award to someone who does not deserve it.


Pat Tillman's mother is less than impressed. https://nypost.com/2024/06/30/us-news/us-hero-pat-tillmans-mom-slams-decision-to-honor-prince-harry-with-sons-award/


The petition won’t make a difference, the money has already changed hands.


I agree that it likely won't stop him from receiving the award, but I do believe that calling out the hypocrisy and stolen valor have tremendous value. As someone else pointed out, two Americans lost their lives protecting Bunker Harry.


It may give others a reason to think twice before choosing to "honor" him with an award.


I agree. I rarely sign petitions, but I signed this one, not expecting that it would change anything, but because I think it is important for people's objections to this farce to be recorded.


After the mother said he didn't deserve the award Harry's only way out is to publicly say he never intended to accept it because there were much more deserving people. To be humble is his only way out. If he accepts the award his reputation will dive down to the subway.


It won't stop him getting the award but it is making a lot of media noise- so what it may do is make others reconsider before taking his money for an award in the future. That's a very good thing. 


rumor has it Disney's rethinking since Harry's destruction of evidence is quite a big issue. how they (Disney) are gonna get out of this, that i don't know tho.


They will probably tell him not to appear in person


This is only getting traction in places where they already don’t care for the Sussexes. I need places like NYT, LA Times, CNN, etc to report on it. Until they do, I’m afraid this is going nowhere.


Where's Jack Royston and Newsweek? NOT A WORD. Same in People, the Sussex stronghold platform.


Of course not. They drink the Sussex Kool-Aid. But it does show their bias.


This is pretty scandalous. It should put a stop to them attempting to buy awards in the future. This is another huge hit to their credibility, whatever is left of it.


My second time signing an online petition. How this happened is a question to ask Serena as she is part of the whole Markle shitshow at times. I used to respect her, but no more. How can they have been so stupid for so long is beyond the pale!


This makes me happy. No one deserves scorn more than Mr Markle.


Now at 15,800 signatures! 8000 signatures were added today alone!! Let’s get it to the fastest signed petition reaching target in Change history!!


Keep up the pressure!!! The ceremony isn't until July 11th


I signed yesterday


I wonder if Harry will take the high road and decline acceptance? How can such a tainted award help him in any way?


If Harry was not so utterly stupid, he would realise that if he said publically that he was not worthy of the award and that it should go to someone more deserving, then he would get great PR. As it is, I hope he is thoroughly booed if only to try and make him realise what a complete and utter mess he is in. So far he has only shown his face in places where he has been welcomed or at least tolerated. He needs to be made to face up to reality.


On a positive note, I love how many people in Nigeria side eyed her. Culturally, I understand, that is such a massive diss. They saw straight through her. And like anything she says or represents, means shit to them.


what 40 something needs an award? like how ridiculous you are to even have to buy an award? seriously these two have done nada with their foundation of any substance and they need these awards to stay relevant. it’s disgraceful all around