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The A listers don’t ignore the Harkles because they want to stay on the royals good side. They ignore them because they’re untrustworthy, talentless, greedy, lazy, entitled, boring, narcissistic liars who lie.


I agree. IMO, the door to the A-list Hollywood circle was slammed shut the minute they went on Oprah and slandered the RF.


Yup. Most people who had potentially been willing to work with them had to think "If they'll throw their own families under the bus, what would they do to me?" Surely some entertainment industry folks will have crossed paths with Muggin, and I doubt many of them were impressed by her acting, attitude, or personality.


I think his comments about Courtney Cox's party were a big nail in their coffin.


Agreed. Her response implies that he was rummaging around her fridge without permission, which it seems that he would naturally feel entitled to do


And Courtney Cox wasn't even there at the house party, she was out of town. So he has no idea who put the mushrooms in the refrigerator, but he dragged Courtney Cox's name into it. 


And didn’t he greedily scoff them down? Did I dream he also knocked back tequila with them? What a complete fool!!


I wonder whether she ever pissed off Madame at some point. Maybe it's not an accident she was called out by name - or Sparry is simply an idiot.


Courtney pisses off Mugsy by existing—she’s the dark haired beauty with talent and success Mugsy always wanted to be.


Probably both. Jennifer Anniston is Ms. Cox's friend. She was very critical of Table 12 in the 5 minutes of film "Horrible B I sses" she was in. This was 12's slap back by criticism of her friend.


??? 5 mins dragging table 12?? I'd ove to see that.


Is there a source for this? I can't imagine Aniston speaking badly about anyone. She doesn't need to. She seems to be way above that.


She was very private and stayed out of the tabloids. Then the name dropped her with an embarrassing anecdote for clout. Nope.


Why was he looking in the freezer at a party? I'm reasonably sure there were servers to bring round drinks and snacks.


He’s so stupid. Why not say someone “brought” mushrooms to the party he “thinks”???? How stupid to out a famous person like this.


It says SO much about his entitlement and lifelong lack of consequences for his actions that he thought he could slash and burn through the RF and Ho’wood with no repercussions. I’m sure he was goaded on by MM and his publisher but he seemed to give no thought to the certain fallout. I think he & MM felt they were such hotshots no one would keep score. And they were wrong.


Right. He probably thought Courtney Cox would be honoured His Royal Highness tried her mushrooms. 🤣


Or better yet, don't tell the world you take random drugs from random people not knowing where they came from. That is a recipe for a fentanyl o.d.


That's what I thought, too. How rude to go in someone's refrigerator when you're a guest in their home!


He's a snoop like Meghan.


Particularly since initially she wasn't even there. The person house sitting for her invited harry. https://www.cracked.com/article_37132_the-time-prince-harry-did-mushrooms-at-courtney-coxs-house-and-tried-to-tell-her-he-was-a-chandler.html


![gif](giphy|BBkKEBJkmFbTG) Yes, how stupid can he be?


I think it started before then - at the wedding. When George Clooney’s comment about not knowing them, but still getting an invite went public, and they ghosted her family, people went on the fence - a LOT of people started thinking “WTF” and put them on the bubble, waiting to see if it was a one-off. They finished themselves off with Oprah, with a bunch of stupid missteps and Megsxit in-between. Some took longer to figure it out, some were faster. I think of Hollywood being like a shark tank - survival of the fittest. These two were never anything but clowns once they left the Palace behind. You don’t remain a hand model after sticking them in a wood chipper. Think of that takeout place where she goes public as dining with Paltrow and Cameron Diaz.. they have lots of friends and respect (enough!) and that kinda shit doesn’t fly with anyone.


These are good points. I wonder how many celebrities she invited that didn’t show up.


Probably a lot. Didn’t I read that Reese Witherspoon got an invite but turned it down cause she didn’t know them anymore than she knows me?


Yes, although Reese is on record as wishing she could go to Catherine and William's wedding when it happened. So it was doubly insulted that she did the interview saying she wished she could go, then turned down the invite to the next royal wedding. 😄


You would think Meghan, who was world-famous and whip-smart well before she even met the dumb prince, would have anticipated that risk


Who grew up in LA and had a father in the industry. 🤣🤣🤣 I’ve never seen anybody learn absolutely nothing from proximity or life experience like Meghan. Utterly baffling.


​ https://preview.redd.it/x5dd1y2d8s9d1.png?width=220&format=png&auto=webp&s=5fce5d329dd8f704f72d710d30910260c3b257ec


And told the whole world they raided Courtney Coxs’ fridge and greedily stole and consumed her magic mushrooms.🍄


TY for saying this. Can’t stand hearing that they’re picking the Wales vs the fraudsters. They are simply blackballing these 2 because they are horrible human beings doing horrible things to their families and to less fortunate human beings. From African Park scandal to Nigeria (female genitalia cutting and extreme poverty) to Texas elementary school mass shooting (laying flowers) to stomping across gravesites of US soldiers who lost their lives in battle to PR opp in Harlem (where 90% of students are on assisted lunch program). Not enough space to capture their countless astrocities


It annoys me every time I see it. It’s Harkle propaganda- Alisters would love us, but they can’t be associated to us because of the evil RF.


Sure sure Hazzards— got some swamp land you wanna sell us too?


They got nuthin! You can either be hardworking or talented in Hollywood, rarely you get both. You look at Madonna or Kim Kardashian, minimal talent, serious work ethic. Or conversely, Justin Beiber or Kanye, total f’ing mess, off the chart talented. And if you’re both Hollywood will grind you to dust like Britney Spears. Moderately pretty, no talent and lazy? Dumb husband who is related to some people? Nah. Stupid Meghan.


I will only be happy when I see a mainstream article making these exact points. The problem isn’t “picking sides”; it is the horrible behavior of the toxic duo.


And indiscreet


Bingo. Say you were a celeb and imagine if MM got a whiff you were having an affair. She’d spread that news like gasoline on a fire. I think Courtney Cox could have sued for slander but she’s smarter than some other people and didn’t want her life wrapped up in court actions. Frankly I wouldn’t put MM blackmailing - er, call it “leveraging” - information to her own advantage.


Not to mention the Streisand effect. Harry is so stupid. Surely someone told him that during a trial, the other side gets to subpoena evidence that is likely more private than what they shared before and the whole world will know about it. Courtney did the don’t complain, never explain and everyone memory holed it. If she’d sued, or aired the grievance, it would be in the public consciousness more.


Yes, the A listers ignore them because they know what getting Markled means. Harry and Meghan are so obviously hangers on that want good PR by association without the intention of giving anything in return. That's not a transactional relationship, that's just leeching and those who have reached A list status know better than to allow that.


…And secretly record and blab conversations!


I think after Spare, after the Courtney Cox/mushroom story, they see that Harry will blab all the things, and typical stars/rich/prominent don't like that. Also, it's a red flag that both of them ghosted most of their former friends.


Choosing Beggars


I hate how these articles claim no one wants to hang out with them because of loyalty to William. That’s simply not true. No one wants to hang out with them because they are no discreet, kind or decent people. They act like entitled, self absorbed arsholes.


Very true. While I'm sure they'd all prefer to hang out with PPOW over the Duke and Douchess of Notafuckingthing, that's not the reason that nobody's hanging with H and M. Nobody hangs with them because nobody likes them. If celebrities were so inclined, they could spend time with both couples. But they're not inclined to spend time with the Harkles. 




If they had moved to hollywood and did actual good works, lent themselves out to charities for more than their own photo ops, and not spilled so many secrets of those around them, they probably would have been at the top of the social register.


The media keeps getting this so wrong, it has to be deliberate obfuscation at this point.


They were briefly frozen out of Hollywood in summer 2023? They haven't been welcome in Hollywood since they moved to California.


The smart celebs knew what they were all about since their initial move to California in 2020. Heck, most knew she was someone to avoid when she invited A list stars she never even knew to her wedding.


Their lack of discretion and Meghan putting out PR that claims she's BFFs with people after someone has met her briefly somewhere, off-putting is putting it mildly.


"Amal Clooney is dying to be best friends with Markle." Yeah that was crazy. What was that lunatic thinking. Did she ever see Fatal Attraction? If she did, did she understand Glen Close was the bad guy?


My personal favorite was the time it was claimed that Jennifer Aniston and Angelina Jolie were fighting over who got to be Markle's best friend! What a preposterous scenario. I could see there being a toss-up between which one of them avoids her most, if anything.


If she had just invited people she knew to her wedding,many A-listers would have sought them out after the wedding.


I admit that I pay zero attention to Hollyweird except for the time I spend here for frivolous snarking. I don't even watch tv, much less movies. However, I found it interesting that someone in the media acknowledged it. British media, but media nonetheless. I also had not heard that Courtney Cox commented on Waaaah's story, and that names were named as avoiding the ILBW and Spare.


Remember when they were supposedly planning a move to LA? Canceled on realizing that A listers want nothing to do with you. What a joke.


hmm wasn't it also that they aren't able to sell their mansion?


Well, there was the Costner thing. I've been reading that WME dumped her. Wonder if it's true.


Because as phony as Hollywood is you still have to have *something* to offer. People in Hollywood are users, they’re looking for connections to network to give them more status, talent to promote, ideas that will make more money, more job opportunities. Meghan has no talent and no work ethic. Harry has a royal title that’s near worthless after he slagged off his whole family. The podcast, the Netflix deal And Oprah’s patronage - even *one* of those things is something people trying to make it only dream of and they were just *handed* to her because of Harry’s family. They were given chance after chance and they blew it.




She blew it like it was her full time job.




Harry and Meghan expected the Hollywood elite sucking up to THEM. Oprah was the only and last one.


Just like she thought she was higher status than Victoria Beckham, she thought her “Duchessing” would provide her with an automatic entree to Hollywood’s elite. She was an untalented, lying a-hole and everyone saw that.


Stupid bish thought she was superior to CATHERINE. Her ego is boundless.


And honestly, didn’t Oprah just use them for her own purposes?


Oprah thought she was getting the good tea but ended up getting scalded by it instead. I have no sympathy for that sketchy and overrated individual. A true journalist (as opposed to a mere sensationalist) would have performed a fact check before the final edit. They would have also drilled down into the many damning lies Harry's wife flagrantly told rather than take them as gospel. Oprah can distance herself all she wants but the Harkle stink is on her.


I really dislike oprah,always have.


A real journalist would not say, "Whut?" and invent a story around what they've been told. "Like it would have been a problem if he was too dark?" That extrapolation was unfair and unethical imo.


I thought Chris Rock's take on the whole thing was hilarious when he was talking about these grifters in his last special...basically saying it's not racist at all to simply just speculate on how dark the child's skin might end up as that's something that black people themselves talk about when they or their families have kids...


Right? It was a slow time for news, mid- lockdown, and she hit a scoop that no one else in the world did. It turned out to be BS, and ultimately to emvarass Oprah, but it was in her interest to interview them. Now that that is done, she can freeze them out so as to keep their stain off her


I think the “interview” damaged Oprah.


Orca damaged herself when she sat there with eyes wide, jaws dropped going *whaaaat?* instead of challenging their lies and asking probing questions. Racist cow been Markled and deserved it.


Most of my UK friends knew of Oprah by reputation i.e a great, knowledgeable interviewer so were disappointed with the Harkle event. ‘You didn’t have to know a lot about the Royal Family or protocol to know that Oprah was letting Markle get away with lies. Where was the challenge?’ said one. The Harkles will agree to scripted interviews only. They bleat others must take responsibility and be accountable for their actions yet fail to see the irony of this when it comes to their own behaviour.


But remember Oprah's never been Diane Sawyer or Walter Cronkite...there's a big difference in level of fact checking done in news program interviews v. talk show interviews. ...and then there's the H and M interview, where apparently nobody fact checked anything they said. Oprah claimed 'no questions were off limits,' but she didn't say the part where 'all their answers could be lies because we're not gonna check.'


If it hadn’t, the entire interview would be available, and right there on her websites.


I think so too. She should have had some counter-arguments to the lies that Meghan was spewing, but instead, Oprah seemed to have accepted all of it without question. Why? Because she was supporting, without question, another woman of color, and was way too eager to believe that the very white English Royal Family was racist, without fact-checking anything.


Oprah couldn’t jump on then-Senator Obama’s bandwagon quickly enough, either. IMHO, it had NOthing to do with what he stood for, but everything to do with him being half-black. Her ego is as bad as MM’s, but at least OW has built an empire through her own hard work and business acumen. I always respected her, until Oprah met Harry (and his see-U-next-Tuesday of a wife).


Anyone remember  the John of God situation. The man was pretending to represent God and heal people. He was not just a scammer, but he was sexually abusing the women who came to him. To be fair, Oprah may not have known about the women being abused (although that is becoming a serious record for her HW, P Diddy, The guy with a whole island, etc...) but she knew he was scamming these people for money while promoting him and talking about how she could feel God there with him etc... As far as I knew she never said anything when the news came out what he was doing to these poor women and never took back anything. 


I agree.


Yeah, why has this interview been removed? Did the couple made Oprah remove it?


It was picked apart by critics and by the next day there were over 30 lies uncovered. If you watched you'd seen that Oprah didn't challenge Megan on anything she said. Oprah would say, "Oh my God"! I've watched Oprah and she's done some pretty good interviews but she pandered to Megan and Harry's lies. This last interview which was horrible will follow her to her grave.


I think the doctored headlines alone were a huge reason. From what I recall, the affected newspapers issued statements immediately.


Markled Oprah.


That’s right.


Is she "silent or silenced"? Memes galore have been made out of her from that interview and not in a very flattering manner.


I think so too. Made people think she’s losing her touch.


Well, it’s still referred to as “the Oprah interview,” so it has notoriety but it’s not David Frost interviewing Richard Nixon!


I correct you: a interview that NO ONE wanted to make. There was no fighting to get that interview. It was either Oprah or it was Ellen, because no one else was interested. And the proof is that when Oprah wanted to sell the interview, no one really wanted to buy it. Megsy was angry because the BBC didn't want to do it.


Yes. She used them. She turned down their offer to be godmother to Lilibucks. Thats saying something. Oprah could have had a close tie to a royal, to Diana and the King’s grandchild but she said nah. Lmao


Their asking her after everything that came out her cozy friendship with Weinstein and how she destroyed Monique's career speaks volumes about HaM's lack of morals.


Why the hell were they asking random celebs to be Godparents? Because The Harkles cut off all their actual friends and family and have no morals.


Of course she did. If you succeed, she makes money. Oprah can take you up to the top if you’re willing to work. Meghan wasn’t.


She did. Then it turned out that she was the OG to be markled, and I love that for her.


Oprah would have to continue to associate with them, if (and only if) they are in good standing. But with their downfall, O would be the first one drop them (or string them along privately but publicly dissociate with them).


That's what that kind of talk show host does. She is a remnant of the 80's when they would use people's tragedies and dirty laundry to make money and get ratings. When that was no longer popular, she switched to celebrities and left the tragedy porn to Dr. Phil. That way she could still make money off it, but keep her hands a tiny bit cleaner. 


Oprah had been desperate to interview a royal since Princess Diana. They all blocked her. She thought this would be the career feather in her cap, then it ended up damaging her reputation, so she hightailed it away from them, scrubbed the interview from all cable and streaming that she could, and now likes to pretend she didn’t really know them. I think if the interview (which was really just a vent-session of lies - there was certainly no interviewing) had gone well, she likely would've kept them around for a bit of cache, since she's always seemed a bit obsessive about the royal family. She just massively underestimated how much love and respect the public had for the Queen.


Oprah played them like a fiddle.


It was really Meghan and Harry who sucked up to Oprah. They did not know her but invited her to their wedding because Meghan wanted to do an interview with Oprah. Meghan Markle looked up to Oprah. Harry and Meghan listened to Oprah. Oprah was the one who told them they lived in a small home etc. Oprah wanted to do an interview with Diana but Diana turned her down. Diana did not like Oprah.


People can recognize how negative and toxic they are the moment they open their mouths. The whole Disney's Bob Iger griftbombing is representative of their greed. They want something from you immediately. "Did you know she does voiceovers? You didn't? She's really good. We need to stay in touch."


And where's Tyler Perry? We haven't heard a peep out of him.


He was apparently quietly Me too'ed and is laying low. He also said some absolutely horrendous things about the royals based on nothing more than Meghan's story and I firmly believe that someday those disgusting quotes will come back and bite him.


Probably mutual NDA’s


Oprah had a friendship with Fergie, who was another outsider. She was generous with the first black royal. Then they lied in their interview and made her look foolish and like a tabloid. Right before Prince Philip and the Queen died, making her an accessory to cruelty.


Harry and Harry’s First Wife are not bright people. They demand privacy, but want to dish stories about what’s going on in other celebrities’ homes for money.




They were at Ellen and Portia’s party not long after the book came out (CC and the Harkles). Small party but Courtney Cox said in an interview later “oh I didn’t have a chance to talk to Harry”. Very diplomatic.


https://preview.redd.it/zssxb7m0xq9d1.jpeg?width=1145&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1d31a1955bf5c8210c6951b5ae8873956197c83a Oh no , nobody wants to jam with the Jamstress


That dress is horrendous. Would’ve been nicer with extra long sleeves that tie in the back.


Like a straitjacket? I like it.




That smugitty smug smirk, that awful hair, and yes, Rachel Meghan Markle, we all know what your ring looks like. At that moment in time.


The Jaminator.


Instead of a Jammy Dodger, she is a Dodgy Jammer


She's giving ![gif](giphy|adNxtO8PpNOPS) Vibes


There’s that damn smirk again.


“Skid row royals”…more like skid mark royals.


Or **skidmarkles** as another snarky sinner came up with 🤭




Leaving shit stains behind— no matter where they go


I like the part: "...with their motives and abilities frequently questioned."


>Duke of Sussex spilled too many secrets for some in his memoir Spare, such as an incident where he wrote about finding "chocolate mushrooms" in Courteney Cox's refrigerator. The Friends star was surprised by the fiery-haired prince's revelation and told an outlet, "I definitely wasn’t passing them out." Oh wow, they definitely alienated Hollywood


Nobody wants Prince Stupid and Bitchface Magee telling the media the floorplans to their house, or what substances are in the fridge, or what they found in the nightstand drawer.


And she only wanted to work with “A list” directors. 🤣🤣🤣


Too bad they didn't want to work with her! 🤣


And she put down doc filmmaker Liz Garbus. “It’s not the way I would have done it.”


I believe that statement. Liz would have done it correctly, and well!! 🤣


And Markle has directing experience?? And takes any interest in anything not directly related to herself??


This is what makes me so happy. She joined the RF to become rich, famous and in the right circles. At the first hint that she reached "stardom", she got Harry to bolt the UK and head to Hollywood. Had she just stayed a while longer, she would have seen just how revered the RF are by Hollywood elites and she could have hobnobbed with all of them. She must just be seething that her nemesis Catherine holds that position. It couldn't happen to a nicer person


It's so entertaining. She could've had the world in the palm of her hand by just smiling and appearing at charities and (hardest acting job of her life) appearing to be a genuinely nice person. A few years of that, you're beloved. She could've had Tom Cruise and Daniel Craig fawning over her, like Catherine does. By now, the public - which already liked her when they married - would've adored her. Yet she was greedy and scheming and thought she'd have her half in and half out with tiaras and ballgowns and skip the actual "serving the country" portion of the job, and still be able to merch and build her billion dollar brand. It makes me smile every time I think of the Queen telling her the word that she must hate most: No.


Yeppers. This is a perfect summation. I hope the Halfwit reads it - in case of any questions he may still have about the freeze, this makes it all very clear. What continues to amaze me however is the ILBW's failure to have anticipated this outcome. Her late Majesty's amazing funeral should have been a huge clue.


Meghan Markle never learns anything because she knows better, of course/s


Especially if she keeps telling us. Cuz she's kind, she really is. If she just keeps telling us, eventually we'll understand and love her.


Yes - if only we could hear the real story from their side/s




*The freeze.* Maybe Harry should rub a little of his Elizabeth Arden todger cream on it. 


I truly believe they were utterly shocked by the reaction to *Harry’s grandma’s death*. They can never grasp that things exist, that matter to others, outside of their ridiculously callow pantomime of a life.


“What did I say about yeppers?”


How and why? Nobody can decide to be Hollywood royalty one day. This is achieved through hard work and luck. You can't just manifest it, Miss Markle. Nobody has ever done it. There are some rich kids like Dodi Al Fayed, who threw money around and made a stupid movie, not sure, too lazy to google it. The most they can hope for is being a curiosity, like Edward and Wallis, but they at least had the money to sustain their lifestyle, while living a life devoid of meaning and purpose. It's simply not a thing. If they had real cash, like the ex of Jeff Bezos, they would get invited, but only for a nice donation. No money, no talent, no looks, no conversation skills - they bring nothing to the table. It is a bit sad that they think they can be accepted in the cut-throat world of Hollywood.


Dodi's movies are actually really good. One is called Breaking Glass and it's about the British New Wave scene in the early 80s. Has a wicked good soundtrack. He also did the cult classic F/X and the Oscar winning Chariots of Fire.


Good to know! But he never became Hollywood royalty, which he probably would have liked.


He probably had too good taste to make it in Hollywood with his quirky movies :) I actually think he had an over-domineering father who had other ideas for his son, and if Dodi had been left to his own devices he could have been happily successful creating critically acclaimed indie movies, but his father pushed him to be bigger in Hollywood and the BRF with disastrous results. I may be wrong in this idea, but I have seen other sons knee-capped by their overbearing fathers goals for them.


Definitely a part of it. But it seems it was a way to get away from his father and doing tons of drugs. I think he was known as the guy with huge bowls of the white powdery stuff at his parties.


Oh my! How did I not know that the Al Fayeds produced the wonderful Oscar-winning  film Chariots of Fire!? One of my favorite movies! 


They could have even been David and Wallis, curiosities that were invited for their cachet. But they messed it all up over their petty need for revenge.


But even then, it's possible to be Hollywood royalty. Not probably for most, but possible. But to be royalty, there are only two ways: birth and marriage. The Hollywood elite can't buy their way in and that's why they even obsess over the real royals! But the ex-royals who traded in the very thing that made them special, and then sold their family out? Who wants to hang out with them?


And now is the time for those two clowns to exit the stage and go somewhere and live quietly. Please.


H&M have proven themselves toxic. Interacting with them is at your own risk. Fortunately, being called out as grifters has brought them their ultimate doom. imo


"SKID ROW ROYALTY" ......how perfectly described!!! 🎯🎯🎯🎯🎯🎯🎯


I just love that. So fitting.


Actors want BAFTAs, Prince William is their president! The British film/stage industry is HUGE and well-respected. Many actors dream of nailing a West End role. Why would they support Harry instead of William? Also, it has not been forgotten that Meghan lied and told the world that a South African actor at the Lion King premiere gushed that her marriage had people dancing in streets. And likened it to Nelson Mandela being released from prison! The only South African in the cast wasn't even there! He also publically stated that never conversation never happened at any point! She thought all Africans were interchangable and people would buy her bullshit! That in itself is super racist! Who would trust having someone like that around? Celebrities pose for photos, are on camera during the awards, but the dinners, after parties, and backstage moments are expected to remain private.


Does Google know something about their finances we don't know or is the ad for repossessed cars a mere cowinkydink? :grin:


They are now in competition with the celebrities in tinseltown, whereas before they were working for a beloved monarch. This is what Me Me has brought Harry’s legacy down to: competing for attention in Hollywood while denigrating his family to do so. ![gif](giphy|sG4PBWRjI4GSVCDXEq)


Great point. The royals don’t need to scurry and scheme (and pay) for attention. They have entire sections of news sites set aside for them.




No need for the family to bend the knee to his dear wife!! He is so gracious he will let it slide. Not like he hasn't spent the last 6 years trashing them or anything.


For someone so obsessed with privacy and NDAs, it is just too ironic that he enjoys blabbing his sorry mouth about others. No wonder people turn around when they see him. It is all self inflicted.


That's the best part. Nobody, especially the RF, had to *do* anything to him. They just stopped protecting him and he did it to himself. I had a couple of employees like that a couple years ago. You should have heard the whining and caterwauling when I stopped protecting them.


It's hilarious to watch this all play out because they're so predictable. Just let them continue scheming and see it all blow up in their smug little faces.


Roadrunner and Coyote come to mind!


Well said!


It’s puzzling why Meghan would believe they could achieve A-list status in Hollywood, especially considering her previous attempts before meeting Harry didn’t succeed. As for Harry, aside from his royal birth, he hasn’t achieved notable success independently either. Given that neither has reached significant acclaim on their own, it’s hard to see how leaving the Royal Family would suddenly propel them to A-list status. Their best strategy would have been to remain in the Royal Family and leverage that status to gain favor among A-listers.


Both Harry and Meghan Markle thought the crowds and publicity they had as royals were for them as individuals. They were wrong.


Because she assumed that royal attention pre-Sandringham was for her. She thought that everyone suddenly loved her and it wasn't the royal status.


Shows that Meghan Markle is an absolute dimwit, amongst other things.


They literally thought they'd sit back and people would just fawn over them and throw money at them. That ended quickly. Public perception shifted with Oprah, and massively shifted with the deaths of the Queen and Prince Philip. The poor little rich kids narrative wore thin during the interview since it was still in the middle of a pandemic and people were genuinely suffering. And still they got some deals before anyone knew how lazy they are. Bill Simmons and his effing grifters statement really helped seal that coffin shut on the business side of things. They've been floundering ever since.


The headlines are so funny to me now. They are struggling to become A-listers. Well, I'm doing the same amount of blockbuster work as they are doing, and I have no expectations of becoming an A-lister. LOL


Sorry off topic but I had to giggle at this ad beneath your post! 🤣🤣 https://preview.redd.it/wpdpg5h37r9d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9a2fdda0a23e7b1d09868965e5b75981aeb02194




The algorithms just know….. we talk so much about poor clothing choices, AI is out there trying to help us 🤷‍♀️🤣


He looks like such a Der in every photo.


The light of intelligence does not shine in those eyes.






They don’t do any work. Their brand is bashing the BRF and playing their victim cards, no wonder the A list give them a wide berth.


No one wants a family backstabbing prince around.


Nope !


Archive link: http://archive.today/ldk1W


The only time the Hollywood elite even acknowledged them was at their wedding - when they were part of the RF. Hollywood wants to rub shoulders with Royalty. Not people who trash-talk Royalty. Not people who WALKED AWAY from being Royalty.


Exactly. Hollywood likes WINNERS!


Its hard to become an A-lister when you haven’t done a single thing to become one, marrying a prince doesn’t automatically make you an A-lister in hollywood.


*She* was never of any interest to Hollywood. People saw her coming a mile away. Why do you think she had to go across the pond to husband hunt? Same reason harry married an American "actress" lol. They both had bad reps in their own circles. The interest was never for her it was always for him. And now it's for neither.


Hollywood inhabitants are jaded…they’ve seen t all and they know fakes when they see them coming….as well as people,who are just trying way too hard. It’s really no surprise the duo made no headway.


"...even with Meghan's past acting experience." HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA One of the other big reasons they're about as popular as chlamydia in Hollywood is because people there have zero respect for grifters like her. She's never shown any proof of even understanding what it is to pay one's dues in the acting world, far less actually having paid them. In the military we called people like her and her pet poodle skaters. They've skated through life yet dare to think they're respected by their peers. Think again, grifters.


Off topic, but I thought you called them "poodle skaters". Reading comprehension is fundamental. 😂😂


Meghan probably thought should could easily join Taylor's squad. And Harry thought he had an open invitation at Brad's house. DENIED!


Hollywood is made up of the most vile people imaginable. Their verdict on Markle is, she's too horrible even for them. She failed to make it in Hollywood but she wasn't unknown. Even forced to the backwater of Toronto. sixth on the call sheet, was on the radar in LA as a nasty piece of work. They all knew who and what she was, when she swanned back in as a royal Duchess putting on airs, announcing she would only work with A-list directors and actors. I bet there was general hilarity at her pretensions.


I absolutely love that photo of the POWs on the balcony. The look of love the 2 of them are giving each other is beautiful. You never see photos like that of the other brother and his bit


Not for lack of trying. They've been trying to mimic that genuine loving look since the veil lifted at the wedding.


I thought it was interesting that Jason Kelce was star struck by Prince william a week after saying F royalty. It just goes to show the power of being the future King. Harry believing he could compete in Hollywood is Delusion on a grand scale. Now he is going to have to suck eggs to get back to royally adjacent. ![gif](giphy|xT1R9YqUvp85WKX5EQ|downsized)


The fact that he used the word emasculated was just the cherry on top! He wasn't being mean when he said it, but the idea that this huge football star felt like less of a man in the presence of the Prince of Wales must've really twisted the knife when Harry heard that!


It's a common sense reason, which the Markles don't have. The elite have two clearcut reasons for not associating with them: 1) People like the Obamas are not shy about the fact that they value and treasure family. Betray and lie about your family, why would people want to associate with you when they revere it? 2) If they lie and tell all about their family for the right price, what would they say about me? It's a valid concern.


A listers are extremely private. Writing a tell all, name dropping a bunch of A listers and even your own family- will not make you popular. Who could trust you?


Why would Steven Spielberg care about these two … she (and he are) so delusional


Yeah, I was wondering why Steven Spielberg's name is there. I know Rob Lowe's name is there because he didn't invite them to his party, but I don't know what Steven Spielberg had to do with Harry and Meghan 🤷🏻‍♀️


This fake doe-eyed look 👀 she gives Harry is so annoying.


Yes!!! I hate it. Such a bad actress!


I call it her “oh look! The sun! It’s shining out of darling Harry’s ginger asshole again!” Look cause the fake look of adoration is so absurd.


Hollywood be like ![gif](giphy|U7nQxUbeJAlQ6OiQfO)


They're the equivalent of a pile of excrement.


A perfect example of hoop cleaning with absolutely zero benefits. You know the old adage “bad rep is better than no rep”. Well, it’s always been a lie.