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[Link to change.org petition](https://www.change.org/p/request-espn-to-rethink-awarding-the-pat-tillman-award-to-prince-harry)


Good morning American here. This award fiasco is all over the national news cycle this morning and it's very unflattering to Prince Fredo of Oedipus complex.


That's great!


***** Prince Fredo of Oedipus complex ***** šŸ§‘ā€šŸ³šŸ˜ššŸ¤ŒšŸ»


Thank you. I love stories from the real world.


*Prince Fredo of Oedipus complex* Omg, this is awesome, it should be a flair!


NBC Today show was all over it!


American military mom here who thinks this award to bunker H is bulls\*\*\*. He is not anywhere worthy of that Pat Tillman award. Pat Tillman gave up his NFL career to join the militarily after 9/11. Bunker H had a damn protection team and kept his a\*\* playing video games and coming out for photo ops. Total bulls\*\*\* in my opinion. ![gif](giphy|sFMDqop2ku4M0)


My Dad was a Vietnam Vet. We lost him a few years ago due to Cancer. Agent Orange exposure in Vietnam. He and all his fellow Vets are rolling over in their graves right now. They were on the front lines. Many of them didn't come home. My Dad wouldn't talk about Vietnam, and here's Bunker Harry bragging about his "body count." Stolen Valor. It makes me SICK.


Needs to have is brother row him out to the middle of the lake like they did Fredi in the Godfather. Sorry Fredi,


Not a bad idea. On a positive note: Fox News is reporting on this now! Picked up by MSM now






Preaching to the choir at Fox. Needs to be on MSNBC/CNN/ABC/CBS/NBC....Ā 


Need to contact ESPN and SHAME THEMā€¦


The Today Show is about to do a story on it


But they will do damage control for Haz.


It wasn't positive at all.


I didnā€™t watchā€” can you share a little about what was said?


Basically they said that there was backlash about the Pat Tillman award that was going to Prince Harry for his "part" (for once he wasn't given full credit for the games) in the founding of the Invictus Games. They mentioned that Pat Tillman's mother was opposed, and read her statement. And finally they had reached out to the Sussex's for a comment, but hadn't received a response. I would say it was neutral as they didn't give an opinion, but they certainly didn't have anything positive to say.


I was shocked, the Today show is always very sugary.


The fact that PH made PT's mother's upset, ought to be enough reason to back the hell off on taking that award. You don't mess with someone's mother. How backwards would PH be if he never even learned this childhood lesson?


>And finally they had reached out to the Sussex's for a comment, but hadn't received a response. They won't. There is a shortage of olive branches at the mo.


Woohaa, the backlash is massive. Now the whole world will know that H is not just a fake pilot but also a shame of a vet. Lets see how much this rolls to the Invictus games. Lets hope they finally have to admit that an xbox playing, insulting and assaulting vet is not the greatest person to have as a mascot and leader.


The CEO of Invictus needs to cut this embarrassing manchild lose. He brings bad press to the organization


Thats exciting news! They can be polar opposite on politics but align in united disgust for Prince Fredo! LOL




The right one killed at least 2 polo horses that we know of, one of them was pregnant.


Sporting, yes? https://preview.redd.it/dy317y965x9d1.jpeg?width=468&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=adafdd5ff93565452239e3fe7717b7231bc17c25


He loves to abuse and assault men, women and animals. He's a shame of a human being and should not accept an award in the name of a true war veteran.


Filthy mutherf*****. I wish I could dig spurs deep into Just prick horrid


Gave up a lucrative NFL career to join the Army after 9-11. Originally served in Iraq and then deployed to Afghanistan as an Army Ranger having successfully completed the Armyā€™s rigorous Ranger Course. His brother, Kevin, is also an Army Ranger (retired). Patā€™s widow ultimately remarried and it does not appear to me that money would have been a primary motivator in giving Prince Henry this award. Politics absolutely could be the reason. Joe Shenton is an adventure capitalist.


It's unfortunate that the Tilman award committee is lead by his widow and new partner. The mother doesn't have any role or say in the association with her sons name. The widow probably needed some easy cash


His Widow n new partner? Wowā€¦and mother has no sayā€¦thatā€™s messed upā€¦


I thought I read somewhere on this board that the widow is remarried and then removed Mary from the foundation/board. Sad šŸ˜” if true


Sounding a lot like Hannah Ingram-Moore seemingly misusing the legacy of her father, Captain Sir Tom Moore.


How truly awful that HIM has made her father's legacy synonymous with such underhand activity bordering on the criminal. A man that treasured his honesty and integrity. Such a great, great man.


The Ingrams put the house up for sale a few months ago if you were interested in seeing it [https://www.rightmove.co.uk/properties/147224183](https://www.rightmove.co.uk/properties/147224183)


Oh wow. I remember footage of Sir Captain Tom Moore eating his breakfast at the kitchen table. What a beautiful place to own.


The Ingrams put the house up for sale a few months ago if you were interested in seeing it [https://www.rightmove.co.uk/properties/147224183](https://www.rightmove.co.uk/properties/147224183)


So now any personal drama that may have happened with this foundation will be exposed due to its association with the Markles. They really are a plague.




Having read that, I think I dislike the widow. Very, very much.


Thatā€™s the extent that I know of her but I agree!!!


Whoa TIL. This makes an already very disappointing situation even sadder ā˜¹ļø


So GMA, Today & Fox are covering it. I wonder if Gayle over at CBS Mornings is throwing a hissy fit because sheā€™ll have to report on it.


She is "shitting" at the thought of having to report on it. No, sorry, that was her friend Oprah. Sorry - too early for such topics but too true!!!




I think your timing is perfect šŸ˜‰


Have any of these reports reached out to the Harkles for comment I wonder? Just interested if they have their PR folks on top of it?


But how are they reporting it? Are GMA and Today defending Harry?Ā 


Today Show said reached out to Sussex but have not heard back....


Gee, I wonder why? šŸ˜‚ but seriously, there will come up with some very offensive and desperate Clapback, right in time for the July 4 Independence holiday. Henry, Hank cry šŸ˜¢ baby do yourself a gigantic favor and truly become Independent, ā€œjust harry, ā€œlike you said you wanted to be and shed the aristocratic titles for yourself and your entire family. We do not respect you, or ever will. I do not give a damn about your jealousy with your brother and his family. Get with the program here. It is for YOU to adapt to our country and itā€™s ways, Not! the other way around. We do not owe you anything, $$$$, unearned deference, or even respect for just being born into ā€œthe ā€œ bloodline. Every single thing that comes out of your foul mouth is a lie. Your entire existence is a Lie, and you continue to mock us at every turn. And now you think you can dine out on your carefully crafted and curated Stolen Valor narrative, brought to us by the hired BP PR spinmeister, ā€œSirā€ Edward Lane Fox. Harry, go to Hell.








But Hazzard has released press that another book is coming soon.




Was GMA still up Sussex ass, as they usually are? I used to love GMA.


I would expect GMA to be pro-Harry, given that Disney owns both GMA & ESPN.


Between the Sussex ass kissing and the second hour being a frickin informercial it is now unbearable. Disney owns to many things, in my opinion.


Well, technically she does not have to do anything. As we have seen, the media is free to reportā€¦or not! on any such matters. She may very well just stick fingers in ear and ignore.


Iā€™m with her. I have NEVER been more repulsed by Harry. This odious stupid lying racist traitor can hang with the likes of Corey Gamble and Nacho. But to have his name associated with Pat Tillman?????!! šŸ¤®


I hope that Mary Tillman will not now be targeted by the Sussexes sending lawyersā€™ letters threatening litigation if she doesnā€™t withdraw her comments, apologise to them and issue a statement of support for Harryā€™s nomination. It is exactly the kind of bullying tactic that they would not only revel in but feel self-justification in using. If she does mysteriously withdraw her comment and reverse her position, I think we can be fairly certain that it was done under duress from H&M through their lawyers.


I donā€™t think this will happen. Sheā€™s entitled to express her opinion.


Even though itā€™s ā€œbonkersā€ šŸ™„. Sheā€™s allowed to voice her opinion.


This is what also drives me mad, using the name of an American patriot to celebrate someone who has literally called our First Amendment-- so important that it had pride of place in the Bill of Rights-- "bonkers". Because in this day and age, it is that outlandish to think that people should be able to express their thoughts and opinions without fear of retribution?


Right!! Or have some type of hatred against the opposing position!!


If they do threaten her, I hope she goes public with it. There would be a major uproar.




The word is that the Sussex Squad have gone after her. I heard it on the RealHousewives chat last night.


Going after a Gold Star motherā€” šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤¬šŸ¤¬


Too lateā€¦I saw it on X myself. Plus good ole guest speaker is losing her marbles that no one is agreeing with her that Harold deserves it and went after the mom as well


Guest Speaker is HORRIFIC! To go after a dead American heroā€™s *mom*?!? šŸ˜±What a fucking dirtbag. So feminist. So empowering. Such a girlā€™s girl./s


That's why I call her Meghoul. That bitch feeds on the weak and the dead.


I hope someone will call Guest Speaker a dirtbag in the comments. Hit her where it hurts.


What?! These people just keep sinking lower and lower don't they?


That is disgusting, but I suppose this kind of vile, undeserved attack on an innocent person is expected from the SS and GS. I hope Mrs Tillman has plenty of family and friends around her to give her support.


Mary and Kevin Tillman weren't silenced by the USG or NFL. They pushed back. Finally forced the USG to admit that Pat hadn't died in combat but was a victim of "friendly fire." The Tillmans, including Pat, were disgusted by the GWBush Administration and MSM for lying this country into war.


I agree. Great comment. To me, PT seems almost like Navalny. Get rid of the smart, attractive and popular squeaky wheel.


I don't think this will happen because this is a woman who took on the military when she felt they were covering up something about her son's death. She is fearsome!


True. Iā€™m not American and so did not know the Pat Tillman story, but reading about the lies and cover-up after his death made me furious. Mary Tillman is a lady of enormous courage and determination, so Iā€™m sure you are right and she wonā€™t be cowed by H&M.


Bullies will bully!


The Sussexā€™s wouldnā€™t dare. Mary has Fox News in her corner.


She has every decent human being in her corner!


But youā€™d be surprised. Over on Threads, comments are firmly pro-Harry. Good thing no one reads Threads.




That's not how it works in the US. As long as she doesn't spread harmful untruths, she is free from litigation. Now will the Sewers drag her through the mud? Undoubtedly, since they are as small minded as the window licker they hold so dear, but who really cares what those non factors think?


In my country, ā€œhonest opinionā€ is a defence against a defamation claim (as is truth). Is it the same in the US? Although, lawyers here still send letters threatening defamation action as a form of bluff and bullying, hoping that people unable to afford a lawyer will cave in to avoid the expense and unpleasantness of going to court.


I think if you were legitimately led to believe that the false info was correct it can be used as a defense.


Bring it on. Mary is a fighter. Check out the efforts she made to get to the bottom of what could be a gov. sponsored shooting of her son. She challenged Bush and Cheney for god's sake. Hope she has gotten some answers by now. Pat's father is a notable Silicon Valley attorney. These two do not back down.


Kudos to this woman for speaking out as well she should. You would think the committee would at least run those up for consideration by her as a courtesy. I hope she speaks out again if and when this actually happens.


[https://archive.ph/ObZeZ](https://archive.ph/ObZeZ) [https://web.archive.org/web/20240701133312/https://www.newsweek.com/prince-harry-award-veteran-mother-pat-tillman-shocked-1919336](https://web.archive.org/web/20240701133312/https://www.newsweek.com/prince-harry-award-veteran-mother-pat-tillman-shocked-1919336) Newsweek finally gets the news posted today - egg on face. Better late than never I guess. By Jack Royston - must have killed him to write this. You'd think Royston the "Chief Royal Correspondent" would have been on top of this yesterday when other media broke the story.


The Petition is on fire šŸ”„Mrs. Tillman and the Americans who who agree with her forced the MSM to cover it.


I couldnā€™t believe it when I checked it just now! Went up 25,000 signatures since I checked yesterday. And I see Change.org hasnā€™t taken this Harold petition down like they did the last one. Guess even they figured out this was blowing up!


Doesnā€™t the apostrophe negate the hashtag effect? Iā€™ll start using something similar on X for sure.




Sheā€™s beautiful and strong; her son took after her


Anyone with US military connections? We need to get this into their sphere. Military moms, spouses, VFW, Facebook groups? Letā€™s check our contacts. Love this group!


#WereWithMaryTillman, #BunkerHarry, #PrinceHarryIsACoward, #StolenValor Those all work. Too bad I don't have X.


Did yall sign the petition. I did. I'm staggered, 35k have signed.


You donā€™t award a man who deserted country and family with an honour named after a man who gave ALL for country and family. Makes NO SENSE.




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Link to petition to remove Harry from ESPN Tilman award. https://www.change.org/p/request-espn-to-rethink-awarding-the-pat-tillman-award-to-prince-harry


I am with Mary Tillman. This is a travesty of epic proportionsā€¦ I hope it gets traction in the msm.


Not on X, but would live to see #boycottESPN


ESPN does not care. How disgusting is this? Heā€™s not American nor are the INVICTUS games. Boycott watching reading everything. Hoping those who show up boo the entire time to let them know how furious everyone is.


![gif](giphy|1MJq7Xd5h5QQHJJKgi) Give it up HAZbeen Harry