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she can copy her clothes and her mannerisms, but she can never copy the soul behind Diana's eyes. Diana is no saint, but man, Markle's eyes... they're just "dead" or something. her soul is just up to no good.


Somebody on here described them as 'dead behind, shark eyes'. Now I can't unsee it.


oh, agree. especially in that The Cut cover. it's giving the villain shark in cartoons vibes.


Imagine the audacity to take the time to assembled a wardrobe eerily similar to somethin your dead mother-in-law wore, to attend the funeral of someone you could not take a single second to be kind to.


I didn’t read Scobies books because 🤣 why? but in it he claims that royal aides encourage both Catherine and her to cosplay the iconic outfits because the newspapers will always print Diana next to them. Charm by association. I think the difference is that Catherine acts like herself so it evokes an aaaaaawwwww response… and timeless fashion nods…. Megs tries to copy the gestures too, which is why it evokes an eeeeewwww response… that’s creepy


That plus she wasn't a royal when she started cos-playing Diana, so extra creepy.


I'm thinking how she dressed like her dead mother-in-law before she ever laid eyes on Harry.


Seriously, her eyes are totally devoid of emotion in that photo, very hard looking.


This must be a tough day for Prince William. He just didn’t need all this sociopathic melodrama from his mentally unstable ginger brother and his elderly American wife.


His elderly wife looks so angry and cold in these photos, far from Diana's natural charisma.


Yes she looks dangerously calloused and hard.


And just imagine how much younger she looked here than she does now.




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Harry in the mockumentary: "So much of what Meghan is and how she is, is so similar to my mum. She has the same compassion, the same empathy, the same confidence. She has this warmth about her." Above all, Meghan copied Diana’s clothes, photos and poses and Harry was the only fool who fell for her little act.  Happy heavenly birthday!


How does he see compassion, empathy and warmth when he watches her getting ahead of him like a maniac only to grab gifts and mics? Still blinded by love?


She tells him what he can see. And then she orders him to tell the world how great she is. 


Is this why he cant see or place any value on Catherine's sincerity...compassion..empathy...caring...love of people?... because I don't see any redeeming g qualities in the viper Harry married.


I’m sure her humble brags are also peppered into their daily conversations. Good way of brain washing someone.


Absolutely. When she elbows his out of the way to get a better camera shot, it's all done with compassion and warmth.


Probably still only blinded by her "roast chicken"... but that is probably few and far between by now.


Oh those stopped the moment the engagement was announced.


That's for sure!


Through bought awards.


Oh, my word, there is nothing like Diana in that cheap, cash grabbing plagiarizer. Harry’s drug use must be through the roof.


Or, as Richard Eden put it, „it’s almost creepy“ how Harry talks about how much his wife is like his mom. He has a point. 


“Almost creepy” is being generous. The words Oedipal, incestuous and necro come to mind.


Or she's everything like Diana and Harry has a romanticized view of Diana's behaviors. I don't know the woman but Diana could've very well been this way and Hank losing her young froze his perception of her behavior so he never matured like William into seeing the behavior as unhealthy. It would explain why he's seemingly ok with Markles antics and why he thinks it's everyone else who is the issue still... The todger cream thing shows he's just longing for mummy and he sees Markle as her for whatever intimate reasons we aren't privy to. Just a hypothesis.


Yes, another failure on Rachel's part.


She has zero compassion, Harry. Wake up!


It’s hard to imagine someone so void of real human interaction that they would think Meghan Markle is an authentic and compassionate human being.


He doesn't even realize that this "compliment" is an insult to his mom. Meghan, the bully and grifter, like his mom? Seriously, this man child....


Mattress Actress copied everything down to Diana's personal scents.


the guy lives in a parallel world. I guess if he saw someone with REAL compassion, empathy he would see it as some awful weakness. Obviously her acting is too good for him. He really believes it.. i doubt the scales will fall from his eyes anytime soon.


He got played


"And the same Elizabeth Arden mummy scent!" - OHarrypus (not quite) Rex


You forgot perfume!


This bia is psycho. This is some next level stalking. It’s chilling.


Does Harry not see how emotionally manipulative she is, copying his mother’s iconic looks?!


It’s really beyond belief, isn’t it?!


She is such a Baby Reindeer 😂




Markle has made a life study of Diana and uses it at every opportunity. She seems to have a very unhealthy obsession with the woman. Harry uses his mother to promote himself and make money from the death of his mother. Both seem mentally unbalanced which appears to be growing worse. I pray for the children. Diana used her popularity to promote charities. Harry and Meghan use charities to promote themselves.


Remember when Meghan said THE PALACE told her and Catherine to dress like Diana? What a pathological liar.


Creepy and desperate. This is not how a normal human being behaves.


Meghan is so abnormal and psycho, I think his family would have taken him back early on, but he has been complicit and extremely hurtful to the RF despite the overwhelming evidence that he married a sociopathic narcissist. He is lost to the RF for the rest of his life, there is no going back to what it used to be.


Proving she is not a normal person. She is really creepy.


Catherine is the one who is winning the people’s hearts. Meghan is a psycho and everyone but Harry and the Sugars know it.


The green earrings, good lord. She was going for the strong woman decisive look, but only achieved to look as if she was just going to devour a few dalmatians shortly.


![gif](giphy|TIGP3k4gNAqvza2KJK|downsized) Those stupid earrings immediately reminded me of Shrek’s ears and I’ve never been able to unsee it


They just complement the mean look perfectly.


I think The Cut trolled her with that awful dead-behind-the-eyes cover as well as the article


They definitely did, but the duchess didn't notice until someone told her.


Oh no, they forgot the "N" in the magazine title 😉😏


This cover is why she had to do the happy redux with Variety after QEII's death. It really damaged her image for a few weeks


Yeah the Variety thing wasn’t much better, the pics were ridiculous. It all made for some pretty great snarking at the time, lol


She was going for the absolutely stunning Angelina Jolie look.


To think she signed up on this cover pic. It's just mindboggling. No self awareness at all.


Big difference. Princess Diana could cry from BOTH 👀 eyes. 43% Nigerian/47% Qatarian can only cry from ONE eye 👁, the left one.


Diana with all her flaws, would never let A roach come near Harold. She would have buried her the moment she glanced at him. https://preview.redd.it/5ii1uj4ovx9d1.jpeg?width=1019&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0a479088bcfe3fdd6b3de2164c5afa8bf3990b7a


Idk, she let all her boyfriends near the kids


If Diana had lived, H probably would not have turned out to be such a broken man and not an easy target for MM


God this is so creepy. William sensed it immediately.


https://preview.redd.it/cgo9253l3y9d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e1ff8e47e28750484e40365538e6eb84ffb4fad1 I can't take credit for these, but they're always good


Geesh. And there’s many more. So creepy, and cannot be coincidental/accidental there’s just too many.


Meghan, darling... You ok??? ![gif](giphy|8CAK2ms7EKLYsFqTtE)


Despite her issues, Diana was a generous woman. But sadly, Harry and Meghan are ruining her legacy for profit, with the latter even copying her outfits and poses. And Diana wouldn't have wanted Harry to go down this road if she was still alive.


How he does not realize this social climber stalked his a\*\* and has pretended to be his mother reincarnated. Who TF wears the same perfume as his mummy did nearly 30 years ago. She’s been obsessed with Diana since she was a kid and has been desperate for the same fanfare thar Diana recieved yet her social climbing personality just shines through and as much as she’s tried, she can’t hide her background in todays society ![gif](giphy|d0NnEG1WnnXqg|downsized)


For a brief while, she HAD the adoration and fanfare that she always craved. And... she threw it all away! Biggest mistake was them thinking they could be bigger and better than the BRF. Greed took them down.




Do we know what perfume it was BTW?


This is what I found… https://preview.redd.it/h0lvio8ykx9d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=28b163f3cbc7ae3a87f1532a9ab4e1b279363044


According to Haznoballs at the bottom on page 313 of the English version of ***Spare*** he "reached out to Mummy's sister, asked for the name" and brought to his therapist's office a bottle of his "Mummy's favorite perfume": he stated that **it was** ***First*** **by Van Cleef & Arpels....**


Quelques Fleurs (English translation: Some Flowers).


According to Haznoballs at the bottom on page 313 of the English version of ***Spare*** he "reached out to Mummy's sister, asked for the name" and brought to his therapist's office a bottle of his "Mummy's favorite perfume": he stated that **it was** ***First*** **by Van Cleef & Arpels....**


Quelques Fleurs (English translation: Some Flowers).


According to Haznoballs at the bottom on page 313 of the English version of ***Spare*** he "reached out to Mummy's sister, asked for the name" and brought to his therapist's office a bottle of his "Mummy's favorite perfume": he stated that **it was** ***First*** **by Van Cleef & Arpels....**


I sense a Dateline episode. So sad and strange.


My goodness.. what evil vibes. She puts all the renowned psychopaths to shame.


Some D-level actress was the perfect person to snare the dim-witted prince. Every action and reaction (sincerity, sorrow, joy) is so over the top and obviously fake. From looking at him with her Mooney Walrus eyes during their courtship to the smirky fake smiles when she’s cheesing for the cameras…anyone with half a brain could tell she’s a phony. You have to wonder if H has finally realized this or if he’s still delusional.


FWIW, I have no trouble believing that MM might not be smart enough to wear a seatbelt. I also remember DS as a thirsty attention addict with better PR than the Montecito Morons, so my mileage clearly varies.


She just looks like her South Park character. Like a goddamn walking trashcan with basic af features.


It’s all bizarre to me and yes, very SWF. The top pic has always reminded me more of Wallis, not Diana and the middle pic is just laughable!! God, she’s a vile, vacuous emotional black hole with an incredibly stunted imagination.




I am disgusted there are photos of Smeg alongside Diana. Let Diana RIP.


There are far more photos mimicking Diana in truth. It's incredibly worrying.


No he doesn’t. She enabled him to behave in public how he always behaved behind closed doors and with the help of Palace PR and the Royal Protection Service. All that has now gone and we are now seeing him for what he is and a lot more. Cosplaying his dead Mum was just the start. If Diana was alive today there is no way he would have married her. But again he is a fool so I would have put it past him if he would have ended up treating his mother like he is treating his family. Interesting thought though.


This gives me second hand embarrassment.


HOW is harry not terrified living with her?! She is a predator, and harry, babes, you were SUCH easy prey.


Twins! They are so alike! LOL.


That is just creepy


That top right (monochrome) picture of Diana is one of my favourites of her.


I believe that the photograph was the work of **Patrick Demarchelier** a world-renowned French fashion photographer. Ofter photographers often captured her with so much of the whites of her eyes showing - especially both above and under the irises sometimes a sign of high stress, mental illness ....


I originally thought MM was cosplaying/paying homage to Steve Jobs in that top picture.


Dead eyes on MM but she is also seriously homely


No contest


Noone can touch Princess Di. There will be no one like her. Her charity work broke barriers and are impactful still today. This narrative set up by Harry comparing Meghan to Princess Diana opened them to many controversies. It was really stupid (he losing his mind). If we compare that to engagement interview of William, he explicitly stated that Catherine is her own person and no comparison with Diana. He knew the scrutiny that Catherine was already being set up by media by comparing her with Diana. It shows how emotionally intelligent William has been. I really don't know what Harry wanted to achieve by publicly declaring similarity between Diana and Meghan which by the way no one , not even Spencer saw. As for wearing same clothes I think some of them are just paying homage (after Meghan joined the Royal Family). We also have to be aware that Catherine has paid homage to Diana through clothes. So I think there is nothing wrong by wearing similar clothes. But the whole cosplaying if that's true is problematic.


there is homage, and then there is blatantly ripping off. The white twist top is the thing. She would have been looking for this for years in vintage stores and sites. Or she had it made. Either scenario is creepy bc it's not a sweet nod, it's the same farking top!


Exactly, that was not on trend at the time or even just out of season, that was deliberate. Plus the pose and sunglasses.


Thought the same thing re the “glum distant pose” - Ok right that’s not planned right down to the side eye:) Btw I’m not sure it’s all him with the Dianah references. I think she has had a big part of creating that narrative.


I think she played a huge role and Harry just added fuel to her narrative. That was so stupid.


Oh yeah..that's for sure.


For one day of the year could we not put pictures of ILBW along with Diana's?


Nobody equates you to Diana, Meghan. Nobody. ![gif](giphy|GNkiTItdo8h3y)


She is a crazy stalker.


The way I despise her cosplaying Princess Di 😡


F*cking dangerous psycho. Anyway, HBD to my fellow cancerian.☝🏾💜


She has 0 original thought


These pictures always give me the creeps. Absolute lunatic.


The late Diana’s clothes were well tailored and stylish while TW’s… not so much.


Really? Look at the pink and white off the shoulder monstrosity in the collage above.


It’s more that Diana’s fit her better and didn’t look sloppy.


Single off-white female


I like these pictures as well https://preview.redd.it/39hvapx4gz9d1.jpeg?width=392&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=218435832423408ce5eee2f024c9791eb9623de9


Can't get over her toilet paper fascinator and the pics of her stumbling along in that shower curtain dress.


That smirk on her face looks like she thinks she looks wonderful!


She is a stalker plane and simple. Predator after Harry with her vision board while married to husband number 1.


The cosplay is so evident it’s ridiculous. Like, the top photos could be coincidence. The bottom….maybe, with a capital M. But the center photos? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA my God does Rachel really think we’re all stupid? (Prob not; the only person she needed to be stupid is Harold). But seriously…the fucking sunglasses tucked into the white button down shirt AND the “I’m so concerned and enraged that I’ll place my hands firmly on my hips“ is so over the top.


She’s a FREAK




I drank the Diana Kool-Aid back in the day. I now see her a flawed individual - just how flawed I’m not sure.


Harry… you in danger girl.




Eyes like a shark,totally devoid of emotion. Even with Diana's faults I do believe she cared about her causes.


God she is one ugly cosplay. It is quite pathetic really to copy a dead person. You have to be mentally unstable to do it. Why does the old one look so much older than Diana? I swear the old one looks late 50's to mid 60's.


**At the time the accident took place I was listening to a playlist I made. The song I was listening to was** ***A Day In the Life*****. It was exactly at the time it happened in Paris. I was in Seattle waiting for friends to join me for a dinner party.**


I can’t believe this! Another lie.




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