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[Link to change.org petition](https://www.change.org/p/request-espn-to-rethink-awarding-the-pat-tillman-award-to-prince-harry)


The higher ups that chose Harry for this award had to know that this was going to be the reaction from the public. It is known that like Pat Tillman's mother stated, Harry is a divisive and controversial person. Harry is an admitted drug user. He detailed his kill count in his book. He betrayed his country and his commander in chief by portraying them as terrible racists because they saw through his wife. Harry has demonstrated conduct unbecoming of the values of a service member. He's also served for the UK and he is living in America as a guest. He's not a citizen. There are so many Americans that the spotlight could go to. The reaction from the public was predictable and expected. Other than purchased fans and media sycophants, people don't like Harry and Meghan. A simple Google search would tell anyone why they aren't liked. The ESPY's have the funds to give the award to support a deserving veteran and their family. Not to stroke the ego of a whiny failure who is such a repellant, his own family wants nothing to do with him. Harry getting this award is disrespectful and insulting to the sacrifice and the memory of Pat Tillman.


Worst of all, the stated reason behind getting this award is Harry’s tireless work for the Invictus Games. The same games he has been progressively bringing more shame upon every year since savagely attacking his Colonel in Chief while she was dying from cancer.  The IGs are currently a disgrace. Over $50M (of much needed funds to help actual wounded vets) is squandered on each games and how much of that pays for private jets, unnecessary, excessive security, entire floors of hotels, obscenely overpriced wardrobes, speaking fees, plus jobs for all of Harry’s lackeys? He uses IG funds to throw shockingly expensive parties the year before the games, like we saw in Whistler, where Harry honored Harry. He even had IG pay for an Hawaiian vacation.  The Games are no longer limited to veterans and competitors don’t need to be wounded in combat. In fact, they don’t need to be wounded at all. Cronies friendly to Harry are selected, elevated & paid excessively. Countries engaging in horrendous crimes against humanity are now freely admitted to the IGs and Harry further disgraces the IGs by accepting fully funded private vacations combined with dozens of personal gifts, given to Harry as bribes to whitewash these criminals.  Harry has allowed this $50M+ weeklong vacation to be focused on Meghan’s fashion show. The veterans are hardly mentioned. More disturbingly, Harry’s visit this year to a “military hospital” was faked. FAKED! No top sheets. No pillows. No IV bags. No medical monitoring equipment. Just a few actors on staged cots so Harold can dole out medical advice like, “you need to give your prosthetic a name dude. Now. It helps”. That’s the non-royal version of the IGs that Harry is currently being rewarded for. 


AM Rike : 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏


He literally said they were on a freedom flight away from the UK. What in the actual F. He is the worst.


​ https://preview.redd.it/f40696xz3y9d1.png?width=299&format=png&auto=webp&s=6aacd0b7501d4524d0d543b4beb7a4e970e2438b


*He fantasized and pretended like he was going to kill his father using military weapons and then told the world about it.* **THIS** alone should take him out of the running for any fucking award. 😒


It’s great that this is getting so much media attention. I only wish they did more research, as to how the Invictus games came about, the founders?😳 Also, look into “Bunker Harry”.


This was an honest and balanced take, TFS! The host needs to correct some info. Harry did not create the Invictus Games on his own, and his “two tours” as a Prince are not the same as two tours as a soldier with no privilege.


Tours my arse. In USA a military tour is for one year. Haz tours were a few months each, and the latter one was cut short.


The first one was cut short. Merely a few weeks. Both times he had PPO security protection and he was never put into active combat situations.


Ok. Completely FUBAR as usual.


And ha! Did anyone catch the host’s sweet nod to Madame by saying people have a “visceral reaction” to H&M now when they are mentioned in the media? Maybe he meant “guttural” ![gif](giphy|10JhviFuU2gWD6)


That never gets old. The “whip-smart” Madame Malaprop (see Sheridan’s The Rivals for the original Mrs. Malaprop).


“My mammalian instincts kicked in”


My college put on The Rivals my freshman year. What a comic romp that was. Long live Mrs. Malaprop.


If you want another comedic dramatist of that era, check out Samuel Foote. His ridiculous “Taste” is so overdue a revival. It ridicules so many pretentious types particularly in the art world. He himself played the dame part.


I'll have a look, thanks


“An unnecessary forced error.” Kinda sums up a lot of things about Henry. ETA: As for your question, the man is saying “DEI kind of language”, so he’s talking about the language used by ESPY in discussing the award. I don’t know what they said but it’s perhaps relating to Invictus supporting disabled veterans. He didn’t say DEI *did* have anything to do with the award. He clearly says “DEI kind of language” and then speaks to that.


Diversity, equity and inclusion - the all-inclusive language of the 21st century


Gotta play that keyword bingo!


Yes, because rich, white, royal aristocrats from Britain need a chance, too, you know. /s


The awards committee had clearly not done its homework when it awarded H this honour. H might have done done ‘two tours of Afghan’ but they were not full tours. By most accounts, he was kept out of harm’s way most of the time when he was there. Unlike Pat Tillman, H broke his Military Oath of Allegiance and has continued to make unsubstantiated poisonous statements about his country and the Head of the Armed Forces, the Sovereign who just happens to be his father, King Charles III. Hardly the ideals espoused by the ethos behind the Tillman award i.e service before self.


I just wish the news outlets would fact check before going on air or to print. Harry was never a pilot, not did he serve 2 terms in Afghanistan. He was sent home both times before the terms ended, and was called bunker Harry for a reason. Neither did he found Invictus, it was set up by William and Catherine foundation and given to Harry for something to do. William donated the funds he received from his phone hacking case, 1 million pounds I think.


Harry is a dishonorable TRAITOR and DESERTER. He deserted HMTQ and his fellow veterans to brown nose in LA and serve his vain, casting couch wife. He is not fit to be associated with Pat Tillman’s legacy. I hope the media now starts to refer to him as the TRAITOR he is like his great-granduncle. What a disgrace.




Wow! Over 32,000 signatures already. Seems to me, U.S. veterans must be out in full force against this pampered/privileged British prince.


RealisticTwist : Hoping our Veterans and military personnel will come out in large numbers to protest LOUDLY when this Award Event happens!! VISUAL protest, LOUD and heartfelt in Pat Tilman's honour. PLEASE veterans, SHOW the world Mr.Tillman's sacrifice and legacy is NOT TO BE DEFILED!!!


It’s amazing isn’t it! I’m truly hoping to see that it goes over the 35,000 mark. I’m glad on one hand that Harry has brought more attention to IG, but It truly defeats the purpose if the Markle’s use a lot the money on themselves for their appearance etc instead of going to the Veterans. 100 % there is a better fitted person for this award.


I agree. H ruined IG's brand by making a large percentage of it about his egotistical wife too.


For those who don’t know, Bo Snerdley is the longtime producer of the Rush Limbaugh show, a very media savvy guy. However, both of these guys danced around and clearly didn’t have all the facts.


how is giving an award to a privileged (the ultimate privileged) white male in any way DEI? what a joke ESPN and disney are.




It's definitely being reported in conservative media/outlets too. Harry is most unpopular for this PR ploy.




I just snorted water out my nose. The epitome of privileged entitled whiteness is a DEI pick? Sure, Jan.


"The Agenda™" overrides all with the Walt Disney Company.


His TIRELESS work for the IG? All he does is fucking show up every 2 years, he doesn't DO any actual, nitty gritty, getting his hands in the muck, work. He demands star treatment not only for himself but also his wife, demands to be wined and dined and entertained while staying in the Presidential Suite of the area's finest hotel. Puh leese. Anyone could do what he does for the games better, cheaper, more efficiently and professionally. I'm finding this app they are forcing on the athletes more than suss. Anytime an app practically pays you to use it, it's getting something more valuable than what it's providing the user, that's a fact. Try to order from Temu for instance, I haven't but when I was considering it I noticed it's cheaper to order if you download the app. Now why would that be? There's money in data harvesting, big money and God knows what they need all this data for but I find it sinister.


It’s an abomination