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By insisting on attaching himself to military award ceremonies that he should not attend Harold is exposing himself more every time to the reveal of BUNKER HARRY, FAKE MEDALS, INVICTUS GRIFTING. What else? Pleaaase MSM do your freaking job, all the info is available here, just do your job FFS.


We just need some people who served with Harry to come out and say what he was really like


The military has what is the equivalent of a non-disclosure agreement. Except while NDAs in the USA are all but unenforceable, the NDA's of the military can have you criminally prosecuted and stripped of all military benefits. 


Incredible- now nearing 40k signatures


Almost 45k!


48,979 now!


54,569 now!


It's just passed 50K!!!


Three of the four "medals" he wears in the USA are related to attendance participation at events honouring his grandmother: his Queen's Golden Jubilee Medal, his Queen's Diamond Jubilee Medal, and his Queen's Platinum Jubilee Medal. The Fourth was given for his involvement or participating (videogaming?) in Afghanistan, I believe.


Incredibly deluded H..SMH


We really need to get this petition out to all military, active service and veteran sites on Reddit and elsewhere. They may not be aware what's happening with this Tillman award!! And, they need to KNOW. Please help. Thank you!


This pisses me off so much. He’s not award worthy and not nearly in the same leave as Pat Tillman. Like im mentioned in another post, I’m a military mom with 2 currently active duty. Our USAF airman is on his first deployment over 8,000 miles away. Our USMC marine has been on 4 deployments including being present for what went down at Kabul airport in 2021. What about those present for that incident who were literally stepping over body parts of innocent citizens/fellow military who were injured and holding them together waiting while waiting for medical aid?? What about those servicemen/woman who lost their lives that day?? Those who were present for that incident who went through a nightmare that I still can’t even comprehend, yet toy soldier H who had a protection team with him 24/7 and kept his a\*\* playing video games safely in his bunker and only coming out for photo ops. What about those who have lost their lives over the years since 9/11?? What about the two marine who lost their lives at Camp Bastion/Learherneck while H was present being protected and being protected?? That’s bullsh\*\* in my opinion. He’s a joke and not worthy of the Pat Tillman award which frankly should go to someone in the AMERICAN Military not this lame a\*\* toy soldier who buys awards for himself. All H and MM do is buy awards using AW to make themselves try to seem more important that what they really are.. two nobodies who are nothing without the RF connection. Sorry for my language but yea this ticks me off beyond belief. ​ ​ https://preview.redd.it/dytdfvau7y9d1.png?width=1008&format=png&auto=webp&s=82c2821bb52eaef15cd88a1e2fa29930ee0ad43e PS.. I signed!! Edit spelling


Thought you might like to know, no mention of Harry receiving Part Tillman award on The Pat Tillman Foundation website - it appears it has been removed as page cannot be found. For ref see Yt Stef the alt nerd. Also no mention of Harry or the Pat Tillman award is on ESPN’ website. Enty Lawyer posted blind 17 mins ago that Disney is now reconsidering removing award from Harry


They may have taken the announcement off of their site (possibly to prevent the site from crashing), but that does not mean they won’t be awarding it.  A little over two hours ago The Hollywood Reporter asked ESPN about the situation and this is their response: > ESPN responded to the criticism, telling The Hollywood Reporter in a statement, “ESPN, with the support of the Tillman Foundation, is honoring Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex, specifically for the work of The Invictus Games Foundation as it celebrates its 10th year promoting healing through the power of sport for military service members and veterans around the world. While we understand not everyone will agree with all honorees selected for any award, The Invictus Games Foundation does incredible work and ESPN believes this is a cause worth celebrating.” Here is the full article published about 2 hours and 15 minutes ago with ESPN’s statement doubling down on awarding it: https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/general-news/espn-responds-criticism-prince-harry-espy-award-honor-1235936824/amp/


Honor Gary Sinise!


Harry wasn't the only founder. I believe William is in there with a few others.


But now it sounds like they ate back tracking that it is for Invictus only not plank


They are maintaining that Prince Harry is the award recipient and *he* is receiving it for “his work” with Invictus. 


So it pays to lie, smoke bongs, be an elder abuser and you receive awards now?? 


Apparently so. Makes me sick to my stomach!


He paid for it of course


This picture is so barf. You should have wore those lifts H instead of groveling, stupid Loser.


To everyone hesitating to sign: It's super easy. You don't have to create an account. Just enter your name + email and confirm your email account. So quick, so easy.


I signed


I got my husband to sign too. I wish my dogs could sign the petition, they don't like Harold either.


It easy & you do not need to donate (I gave em $3 just 2 cover & u don’t need to show ur name unless u want to. The search bottom is on right side of web page. It’s in that drop down section. Just fyi if anyone needed.


Harry destroyed court evidence. Harry sold his family down the river for money and printed private correspondence from family members in Spare. This type of behavior is not award-worthy.


I would love to see a demonstration at the event with signs, boo’ing, signs with “African Parks!” Etc. and a boycott of espn, of course.


And alongside and ‘African Parks’ protest perhaps another reminder from the UK that he is on the hook for destroying evidence. What a GD standup guy he is.


I have already signed and after seeing a link to TMZ survey should Harry get this award yes or no. I voted no 5 times and the results then were 76% No 24% yes!


Can you share the TMZ link on a post or can you share it here?


https://www.tmz.com/2024/06/30/prince-harry-slammed-pat-tillman-son-award-espy-espn-courage-dead-army-ranger/ https://archive.is/QL91Q


77/23 now 😉


That’s saying something because TMC has a strong black following.


apparently not for ESPN https://preview.redd.it/6ab0c36u4y9d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5eb32c2375674a52cf4c30177257b21242305399


Doubling down.


I hope he’s booed and shamed back into a bunker after this


And of course PEOPLE reported it. 🧐


If they want to honour Invictus games, they should list that as award winner rather than Harold personally. I mean, what has he done for the Izg except for grifting and flying around in private jets. He allowed his wife to slush tons of funds into illfitting inappropriate outfits, and both of them renting a whole floor of a hotel, asking lavish show up fees and drinking money. He's done no good to IG nor to any vet


Invictus doesn’t even get first billing during their games. His loser of a wife and her fashion show get all the attention. He has ALLOWED her to turn it into a joke and The Meghan Markle PR show. 🤬


Oh great, a dig at the mother? I cannot. What a bunch of cowards.


This response is freaking horrible! Douchebags!!


At least they are saying its for the work of the Invictus games and not for anything he claims to have done personally.


Sure, NOW they say it.


Don’t forget his admitted drug use, and public praise for illegal and dangerous psychedelic drugs!


I really hope that a bunch of Veterans groups show up to protest.


If they go I will too:)


If I lived within reasonable driving distance, I'd go, too!


Less than 1,000 signatures needed to get to 35,000


I just looked & it’s 36,434! 👍


**Keep sharing the petition with veteran groups:** [https://www.change.org/p/request-espn-to-rethink-awarding-the-pat-tillman-award-to-prince-harry](https://www.change.org/p/request-espn-to-rethink-awarding-the-pat-tillman-award-to-prince-harry)


Signed come on everyone make a difference


HAWWWWWY is the definition of Stolen Valor. He should be held accountable for this travesty.


35,000 and counting! If this gets to 100,000 it’s going to a statement even the mainstream media and the Montecito Moaners can’t ignore.


NYT reported on it a few hours ago.


Signed and shared. Thank you for relentlessly pushing this❤️


Stef the Alter Nerd did a video showing No Nuts was removed from the Pat Tillman Foundation and the ESPN website. Interesting.


How many signatures do we need, so the petition can be called “successful”?


There were 39,300 signatures right now and they’re looking at 50,000. It is absolutely ridiculous. That ESPN is digging their heels in with this award. The grifter does not deserve it because I think everybody forgets what he wrote in his book about when he was over there and what the soldiers did.. He’s a grifter go he threw his father under the bus and I don’t know how in the world he got residency here because he admitted to weed smoking and a bunch of other stuff that he did.


I was thinking the momentum would stop after ESPN doubled down. It’s now at 40,000 signatures and I see more men signing too.


Pat Tillman was a Patriot. Harry was and is a traitor.


Thanks for the link.


Irony of ironies... 7 days ago ESPN web site posted. 7:38 m video titled "Pat Tillman's death & his mother's 20 year quest for truth" US military hid that Ranger Tillman was killed by friendly fire and blocked Mary Tillman's search for the truth. Her persistent courage endured tackling the DOD finally defeated the efforts for 20 years. Hell yes, this woman has every right to comment on awarding the Tillman Award to a blow hard, stolen valor sorry excuse of a man driven by his wife's psychotic ambition. Wonder if the awards committee did due diligence or glided over the Africa Parks atrocities, his self professed continuing drug use, his inappropriate touching, racist mocking of a Pakistani soldier, etc, etc, etc Loathsome creatures one and all. Edit spelling.


The Sucks Squad have flagged the petition. The number was steadily rising throughout the day but now it’s slowed to a crawl.


Yes!! they are screwing with it somehow. And I noticed it happened around the time of the flagged disclaimer. Also the signatures number of how many have signed today started being inaccurate yesterday. I feel it is not JUST the disclaimer they added.


50 K plus !!


The sugars or the witch or her ball less husband are attacking the petition with this on top "We have received flags from our users that the facts in this petition may be contested. You should consider researching this issue before signing." Keep getting this circulating all to insure people who protest this award going to Harry get their voices heard with their vote and any video or post they'd like to share. At the time of my posting the number of signatures on the petition are 46,927 with 50,000 next goal. Great job all!!!


47,147 at present. There's this, "We have received flags from our users that the facts in this petition may be contested. You should consider researching this issue before signing."


https://preview.redd.it/h3f8k9jbc6ad1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a09e5cb50ddb60b2155eb146a048d7f4e0123267 let’s check again tomorrow see if the signers change


By all means let them research! 


I'm now seeing a note on the petition that "it may be contested" so someone's fighting back.


43k. That's 43 thousand people who won't be buying Meghans jam and dog biscuits 🤭🤣🤣🤣




The petition is under attack from the sugars. There is now a message at the top claiming facts have been disputed. 


https://preview.redd.it/jfx22wv0i8ad1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=316351ddecf050c0c77b8b469b106366e348c094 it’s over 50K so keep signing! share!! i’ve got it on twitter and x and just made a video


Yes!! I saw that!! Keep it rolling everyone!! (But do not donate!!) 


just made another post with music.. lol 😂


Haha awesome!! 


Over 36,000 signatures now!! Incredible.


Is there anyway to see their donations? Who paid for hazbeen award bc he certainly couldn’t. 


49,996 ... not going to bed till it hits 50,000! Eta: by the time I typed this, 50,000 💪


Time for 💤 https://preview.redd.it/y60dvwzef8ad1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=32695b9a9dc1e7bb9e38a375d939101d584c55de


let’s go 75K!! i put it n til tok and twitter keep sharing https://preview.redd.it/qlsq950lf8ad1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2305526e7a2f361b47cff750c4d29e127be5fa6d


ESPN issued a statement in response to the petition. They are sticking with Haznoballs. The number of people signing the petition has slowed significantly. Maybe more people who haven't signed it will be motivated to do so. I never thought the petition would change ESPN's position, but a large number of signatures makes other companies and organizations cautious about giving more deals to the two grifters.


idk if it allowed as it says almost 16k people signed today..


I don't think how many people signed today numbers are accurate. I have been watching those numbers from the beginning. If I add the new signatures to the yesterday numbers, they never add up right.


Yes! Something is very wrong there! And I noticed to that things seem to be off today a lot there and then I noticed the newly added disclaimer. I think this is being screwed with somehow in the last day and a half.


Something is rotten in Denmark, as the Bard said. I am so ticked off! M and H are made of Teflon. Nothing sticks!!!




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