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I'm more inclined to believe that a woman gave birth to a Martian in the Target dressing room.




Hey, you arenā€™t saying thatā€™s not true, are you? ![gif](giphy|b8ch0WYK0eW6Yq69Cy)


Harold is the long lost twin of Beavis!


The Original Cornhulio?




OMG so true. Beavis has better hair. Haznoballs wishes.


I was just thinking the other day actually.... Following the brilliant South Park episode wouldn't it be great if the Harkles featured in a Beavis and Butthead episode? I'd watch for sure. My favourite episode of all time was the Twilight one when they try to become vampires to get chicks. Comedy gold!


wait, that's the episode where they let themselves get bitten by a homeless man? šŸ¤£ and yeah, that would be awesome. let Tom Anderson and his crew give the stolen-valor boy a major whooping.




I know that was years ago, but - could that have been Megs? It sure sounds on brand.


I believe Madam was born in Walmart. She's not classy enough for Tar-Jay.


She was conceived in a wall mart parking lot , hence thatā€™s where she feels most at home .




Little americus nation did not grow up to become the hag! (From the movie where the heart is)


And Doria is no Novalee. šŸ˜‚


wasn't that the Enquirer's front page story just last month???


Or that she is Elvis after plastic surgery šŸ¤£


Elvis has more talent and charisma 47 years dead than she could ever dream of.


Just in his pinky finger!!! ![gif](giphy|waLMpVqp303ss)


LOVE LOVE LOVE The Comeback Special!




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Fathered by Batboy or Elvis??? Enquiring minds want to know!!!


Elvis after he was transformed into Batboy.šŸ‘€




Tenth time's a charm!šŸ‘¾


As am I.


You made me laugh so hard.


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Running scared? Back from the dead? Personally, I donā€™t believe Netflix would pee on them if they were on fire. https://i.redd.it/cm0ix62xcy9d1.gif


This NE article sounds straight out of the ILBW's mouth.


It does reflect her rapidly spiraling insanity.


Maybe itā€™s a threat to somehow get money from Charles?


Meghan : Life after divorcing Harry, their epic love story. Coming soon on Netflix.


Imagine if she filed for divorce on Independence Day.


She canā€™t because everything is closed. šŸ˜‰ However, it would be lovely if she did it the day before and announced it on the 4th.


Announced with another parking lot pap walk.


If they would just divorce, I donā€™t care where or how she announces it. The pap walk may be same-old, same-old, but the divorce would stimulate some new stories. For my part, I donā€™t expect a divorce before the Netflix deal is done, but who knows? Maybe Meghan has negotiated a deal for a documentary about the divorce. šŸ˜‰


It's fun to think about, but I don't think they'll ever divorce. She'll never do any better than him.


exactly!!! what is better than marrying a prince? Divorcing a prince!!


Meghan: My Mirror and Me, A Love Story


I don't believe this although the Enquirer has been known to break a truthful story now and again.


Well that amounts to a row of beans. It is predicated on an unfounded supposition that Netflix have actually bought the cooking and polo shows (little real evidence of that) and then speculating that the Harkles are going to do another whine-fest. It isnā€™t happening.


And presumes outright that NF ā€œcoughed upā€ $100M up front. šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ NE phoning it in this holiday week.


And making the giant leap to those liars having more royal dirt. They shot their wad with Oprah, the fauxmentary and *WAAAGH*. They've been shut out for five years. They ain't got jack shit.


And making the giant leap to those liars having more royal dirt. They shot their wad with Oprah, the fauxmentary and *WAAAGH*. They've been shut out for five years. They got jack shit.




What more do they have to say? All their news is old.


National enquirer. I always thought it was made up news fake news I've never taken it seriously. It once had an article of a lady who had a leprechaun on her porch. How can I take this mag seriously after that. Back in the day. But today I see people reference this mag and I giggle


They broke the John Edward's and his pregnant ho story, which might have actually changed history as for some reason that lying narcissist was also popular until his cheating on his dying wife came out.


Did she ever die? They just faded away


She died. John Edwards and his ho split up. Beyond that I haven't heard anything in about 15 years.


You made me go down the rabbit hole. Apparently Rielle (the side piece and babymomma) tried to extend her 15 mins of fame this year! https://people.com/jake-tapper-rielle-hunter-talk-john-edwards-affair-exclusive-8598183


Well. I guess I hit the na.il on the head whenni called her a ho. But John Edward's was pretty well known around Chapel Hill (NC) as a male ho and had a reputation for hitting the bars and hitting on the coeds. He was nowhere near the values oriented family man he portrayed. I'm glad he was stopped, honestly.Ā 


Theyā€™ve broken some real news over the years.


Stopped clocks.


Weekly World News was far superior. They were the Batboy paper. Batboy met the Queen you know. And voted for Al Gore. lol


Hilary Clinton adopts alien baby. Great story. I've read that paper for years but for a laugh it was not for news. I miss that paper is it still out there lololol. Always had great alien stories and bizzare reports.


This reads like old witherskins vision board more than reality. Sounds like Haghan is trying to threaten to spew more lies about the RF if they don't give her mo money Tiresome old biddy


Iā€™m going to dine out on ā€œwitherskinsā€ itā€™s PERFECT


It is perfect! No need to ask who you're speaking about.šŸ˜‚


The Royals are terrified? Of what? An ugly bitch that wonā€™t stfu? Like, what Meghan? WHAT?? What exactly is it youā€™re bringing?? You already scrambled with your racism accusations, wtf now? Stupid, STUPID bitchā€¦


The Royal Family be likeā€¦ ![gif](giphy|TghFkFRK9k0ubUTEO4)


She doesn't realize she has Amber Heard-Ed herself. Anyway, I think this story is made up, like most stories from this tabloid.


Itā€™s feasible that the desperate duo would dish dirt on the Royal Family to gain sympathy, I mean notoriety.


Would anyone believe the duo, proven liars and perjurers? They haven't been given access to the real royals for years.


Odd timing. Sounds like a threat! Invite us to Balmoral this summer or else!


Or else what? They can only rehash what they have said before. The last ā€œtell-allā€ was boring and only did well because of people who were curious. They probably used their best material then, and they have nothing new because they have been grey-rocked since the late Queenā€™s funeral.


lol - even if this has a speck of thruth in it, remember how lon it took last time and how many people were involved? Should such a thing be discussed - which I highly doubt - it will air in 2030.


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ All Catherine has to do is appear on the day this drops. No one watched the first one.


I believe it. I am willing to bet they have footage of the Queen's funeral that they plan to abuse.


If they did that, what are the chances Harry gets to come back for his fatherā€™s own funeral?




What stories could they have left to spill? They havenā€™t been inside for a very long time.


This is straight out of The Onion playbook. What next, Enquirer? "Giant, Balding Tantrum Baby Was Given The Royal Lodge For Father-In-Law, Thomas Markle, To Reside, So Grandkids Can Be Close to BOTH Grandfathers - Instead Of Neither". Sure, Jan. Snowball, meet Hell.


I see Omid Scobie has a new gig and an alias. J/k


I can see it now, Harry calling Pa Harry: Pa I'm running out of money. Can you put me back on an allowance of $10M annually Pa: Harry, I've never given you that much before Harry: ok $5M, we'll make it work Pa: Sorry Harry no. You've been given plenty from your family and through your contracts. You wanted financial indepence Harry: Give us $10M annually or I'm spilling more beans through Netflix and a book Pa: hangs up This is all paid puff pieces by Harry and Meghan to try and pry some serious money from the RF but it won't work. the Oprah interview, the netflix documentary and harry's book made the RF more popular and loved than ever before so their thoughts are "fine Harry, do what you think you need to do"


We know the"source" is Table12 in how the article refers to The Princess of Wales as "Kate"!!!!!


The proximity of Meghan to Epstein is too close for comfort. If you notice ... everyone IS looking at Epstein in this collage. Well apart from Prince Harry who is looking at King Charles and looking glum. hmmm Thanks for this OP. I generally file NE under a bag of shit ... but this collage is interesting


Cool!Ā  I wonder what South Park would call this episode???šŸ˜„


Why, is she finally going after Andrew?


You know, sometimes it really astounds me that we have this no-good talentless grifter woman who has infiltrated the royal family. All of this drama, all of this pain she has inflicted on this poor family, poor dying Prince Philip and poor Queen Elizabeth. Not to mention all of the other family members she has stabbed in the back.


Netflix might be able to fish the turd out of the punch bowl, but no one's going to drink from it. If, God forbid, the RF's health problems worsen, and another sordid tell-all premiers at the same time, all doors will be nailed shut to the Duke and Dutchess. Until the King's health improves or stabilizes, and Catherine "rings the bell", Harry and Meghan had better tread lightly. And that goes for Netflix, as well.


There is no ā€œsordid tell allā€ planned.


Give it time. Megsy's got one on the backburner, that's a bigger guarantee than their divorce. Although it's my theory that the two will coincide.


Probably, but itā€™s not happening in a deal with Netflix. Meghan also planned for ARO to be a success and expected WME to get her an Emmy.


I don't expect much of anything to happen with Netflix. I think the contract will quietly expire and we'll learn of it gradually. Harry and Meghan won't want the bad press and Netflix was turned into the butt of jokes on this topic. I do hope we'll get a Bill Simmons-like comment from a Netflix employee though! šŸ˜†


Yeah, I am of the, ā€œtheyā€™ll let it quietly expireā€ opinion also. Meghan ā€œplansā€ a lot, but most of the plans reported turn out to be nothing but figments of the imagination.


Oh lawd not this royals running scared shit again ![gif](giphy|MZ2mzOCVZqltHCCxcR)


DEFLECTION from the ESPN failure.




Weā€™re all terrified for the pair of them and have been for some time.


Yes, neither are out of the woods yet. Given the public reaction to the simple minded jam and biscuits promotion, can you imagine the outrage another Netflix hit job would create? Krakatoa level.




Isnā€™t there a documentary by a German (?) director about Harry and Meghan coming out soon, filling us in about their past lives, you know, stuff they left out of ***their*** Netflix doc.?


Yes, last I heard it's supposed to be out this year. The crew supposedly was based in Montecito and doing a real deep dive on everything.


Oh lawd not this royals running scared shit again ![gif](giphy|MZ2mzOCVZqltHCCxcR)


New on Netflix, "Harry and Meghan: Living to Lie"


And lying to live.


Scared of what? What else are they going to say? They already told their ā€œtruthā€ everywhere and they have already been debunked in most they had said in every ā€œtell allā€. They talk without even proof of what they say and they whine about the most little thing being a conspiracy to them, like the lip gloss story.


Let them. at this stage, other than sugars & the sewer squad, who will believe a word that they say. They are proven liars with zero credibility or integrity with nothing left to offer other than more lies! They have shown that they have no talent, no career prospects, every rebrand has failed, Harry has been accused of destroying evidence and now with the furore over the Tillman award, more Americans have become familiar with the duplicitous duo and their faux humanitarianism and seemingly award buying to try and restore their reputations. The Royal family have nothing to fear, for I suspect that the MI5/6 and GCHQ intelligence files on Meghan (and possibly an NSA file) will start to see the light of day with ā€˜unnamed sourcesā€™ leaking bits and pieces of information. They also have suspicion around the birthing of the children and any legitimacy to the LoS that they canā€™t afford to gamble with. Harry & Meghan would be insane to try to smear the RF again but, after everything else they have done, I would not be surprisedā€¦ā€¦ šŸæ


Two thoughts: (1) The real headline should have been: ā€œMeghan Wishesā€ (2) Every time we read that the Sussexes are ā€œin talksā€ or even ā€œin negotiationā€ with someone, that just means that nothing is going to happen.


Who dat in the top pic?


Sure Jan. Like how ARO makes you a billionaire, Or how you make so many movie, Oh waiiiiit.


They have no material to fill that dog bowl! The documentary from Germany will spill the truth about Epstein and her watch days.


Oh come on!!!! This is such a HUGE lie! We donā€™t have tabloids here in the US!


What else is there to tell? Neither of them have anything new because they haven't seen or talked to the Royal Family in a couple of years.


But the USA doesnā€™t have tabloids.


I'm a cynic. I think Meghan saw the post here last month of the National Enquirer sometimes breaking real stories and decided to sell them this puff piece so we would consider it to be potentially real. ![gif](giphy|ZZW1IpzmrDMJxbHolS|downsized)


They really are aging, fading has beens. Articles seem to be using the word desperate a lot when writing about them. Everyone is seeing them as cash-grab hungry.


I know the USA doesn't have tabloids. But that article literally just refers to an "insider" without specifying what that "insider" is inside of, so it's clearly just a subeditor. If it was M they would have happily called her a "royal insider".


Uh oh. The National Enquirer sometimes gets it right. Itā€™s a trash newspaper but it worries me that they printed this.


Nothing to worry about. Notice the Harkles are only ā€œin talksā€ with Netflix about this new ā€œtell-all.ā€ The one bit of useful information may be the admission that Netflix dropped the Harkles. The claim that they ā€œhave brought the deal back from the deadā€ is not convincing since they are only ā€œmullingā€ ideas. Plus, who can believe that the royals are ā€œterrifiedā€ of what M&H may say? The monarchy is not ā€œscandal riddenā€ ā€” only the Sussexes and Prince Andrew have been touched by scandal in the past twenty or thirty years. It sounds a lot like a Meghan press release with some bits from the sensationalists at the *National Enquirer.* The *Enquirer* gets some things right, but when they do their language is a lot less conditional and speculative.


And Elvis prefers Burger King.


The only people running scared are Harry and Meghan. The disaster that was Nigeria, the lemonada deal doing nada, the lead in the nasty coffee, being called fucking grifters, the south park burn, the zero invitations to events, the Gweneth paltrow and Katy Perry photos debunking the Betty birthday party attendance, Harry being seen by the king for 20 minutes and not seen at all last time, the Society wedding snub, the 10 years of Invictus and no royals present, the trooping of color non invite, and now the Pat Tillman awards fiasco. Money and connections running out. I'd be pretty fucking scared if I were them. ![gif](giphy|igi0dS20WxPJvroIgW)