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Out of interest: https://preview.redd.it/pg4wd9qc02ad1.jpeg?width=980&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4731db5a99b4cc6acbf95c8b63bacb44d042649d Wimbledon 2016 she was by herself, sitting behind Cressida Bonas (Harry’s ex). She was constantly staring at her. It sent off creepy stalker vibes.


This is crazy. Apparently she and Harry met in July 2016, which is when this photo was taken. She was already getting her claws in and stalking her prey.


Desperately looking as if she is involved in the conversation. ETA: Buddy in lower right looks like he caught a whiff of her stench.


Yep her facial expression here is FOR THE CAMERA. No one is looking in her direction or paying any attention to her. She is fake, fake, fake.


https://preview.redd.it/phpvzav204ad1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4def50c7369da616fc361f3de3a0510e5cdf089a So does the guy behind her.


She looks like a group of friends asked her if she'd mind switching seats with them so they could all sit together but she's refused, saying, "No, this is my seat and in it I shall sit." So they have to all sit around her and be in the way of their conversations.




Looks like she's pretending to be part of the conversation again 🙄


Harry married his stalker.


Nothing she does is by accident. She’s cunning, when she locks onto a target she will stop at nothing. As per this image of her positioning herself near Harry’s (too good for him) ex.


Who invited her here?  And how I wonder was she assigned this seat?


The way she's sitting is just so skanky, like look at my goods, anyone interested?


Talking to herself again as no one else interested.


MM was at two 2016 Wimbledon matches - one late June early match and one on July 3rd or 4th (the above photo is from the July match). Seated both time in that box. Tickets for those seats can't be purchased by just anybody. It requires clout (or perhaps mega-bucks which usually is also packed with clout). (No wonder Bonas questioned MM's ticket.) So, who snagged those tickets for her? Reasonable guess are: Serena (MM was on a first name basis with her even if it was a stretch to consider them friends), Violet von Westerholtz, and Harry. Violet was (is?) a Ralph Lauren London rep and there was a Lauren courtesy refreshment tent there. (I seem to recall that Lauren attends tennis matches, but I could be wrong.) For reasons unknown, MM was a Lauren brand ambassador at that tent. While Harry was never associated with tennis or Wimbledon, he does have sufficient clout. Wouldn't have been difficult for him to arrange everything for MM though Violet. (Her mother is close to Camilla.) That would be a veneer of respectability on how they just happened to meet. (Eugenie isn't a strong possibility. Tennis isn't her thing and she barely knew MM.)


Also with the short skirt looky-here!


Omg I never thought about the timeline of this! This is messed up. The way she’s managed to clock the camera too is actually outrageous. No respect for her position at the time, her husband, the BRF or herself. I know we know all that but just… WOW. I like to harp on about it but there’s no way that’s a new mum, sorry. Not having it.


Her eyes in that hugging picture where she stares into the camera give me the creeps. She seriously needs an exorcism


Makes me wonder what she's doing with her right hand.


Looks like she is lifting her skirt to grant him a better view.


They meant in the photo of her eyefucking the camera, her left arm is wrapped around him, but where is her right…?


Oops! In that case I don't think I want to know.


In the "praying hands" photo, you can see that the bottom button of her dress is undone. This would provide a much larger view 🤢


From the photos she lost her mommy tummy in record time. More proof she wasn’t pregnant.


One more thing I have never seen mentioned is the lack of pregnancy nose! 


Dear Sinner, what is a "pregnancy nose"? I've never heard the term.


Basically during pregnancy all of the hormones cause your sinus tissues to swell up and most people end up with a larger nose, in some more extreme cases your nose can nearly double in size or look like it changed shape. It pretty much only happens during pregnancy and after giving birth it tends to return to its normal size quickly. The concept has recently gone viral on TikTok with women showing their before and afters. Here’s a more extreme case. Some of the befores use filters which can skew things, but if you scroll to the bottom there are some better unfiltered images for comparison: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-11908489/amp/I-suffered-extreme-pregnancy-nose-left-unrecognizable.html


Geeze I'm glad I missed out on encountering that! Gives another unpleasantness to the old "in sorrow you shall bring forth children" thing, doesn't it?


She gained a double chin also.


Meghan or the random woman posting about pregnancy nose? If the latter, yes, I would expect as much when her nose ballooned up to twice its size and even changed in shape. She must be VERY prone to swelling and water retention, and that’s before even considering pregnancy-related weight gain. She would likely benefit from a lymphatic drainage massage, but she’s also a pregnant woman, it’s probably not a major concern of hers and I’m certainly not going to body shame her.


Not necessarily proof. I lost my tummy and was back in my pre pregnancy jeans within a few weeks. Bodies are different- I had a little basketball stomach, and zero swelling in my face/hands/feet. She’s a hot mess, and deliberately causes confusion and chaos. I do doubt she was pregnant- but mostly because of the comically changing moonbump and the ridiculous birth story in Spare.


Unless she's saying "and right here, would you believe it just shot out like a cannonball but they've stitched it up nice and tight - what do you think?"


OMG! I'm ded. That was hilarious!




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And I thought they took away her passport and she was locked up in the palace!


She should be locked up in an asylum.


She was flying high that day. Her being ingnored by Serena's mum was chef's kiss. That's how I treat my narc brother, like he's not even there and I have suddenly become deaf.


I wonder if they were pissed that she and her body guards became a distraction from the main event.


She was asked NOT to attend. Between being a distraction from the game and her apparently being a *bad-luck charm* for Serena, she was NFI, but showed up anyway and behaved like a slut. This is how she treats *her friends*, Imagine how she treats ordinary people!


The dress was inches below the knee in length, how did it become hiked up around her hips? The top is unbuttoned as usual, huge ick, flashing her tawdry wares.


It was a buttonthrough and like her trick with the blouses, it seems to have become unbuttoned quite a ways up, woopsie!


So interesting. I never looked at these photos thinking baby Archie has just been born. Archie must have been 2-3 months, right? Depending on his actual birth date, of course. 


Archie's birthday is May 6 and this event was September 7. That's four months! Who leaves their four month old baby to take transatlantic flight?! Or did she take him with her (also not good)? And where was H? Edit: I realize some people have to leave their kids for work, but we know M wasn't there on business (well, not the working royal kind anyway).


Remember she cleared out seats at Wimbledon the same year and when Archie was only a couple of months old. She worked hard on exploiting her connection to Serena. Even as she never played tennis or is known to have had any interest in it prior to that.


The words "legs akimbo" spring's to mind! Like the terrible acting company in the league of gentlemen.


She's a female Dr Lazarus. "He's my man now".


She's princess whora whora legs akimbo


In-between which is a Highway to total ruin, every man that has travelled that road has stayed as far as possible from the PR and Self worth shock absorber destroying potholes to be found there. Harry has lost his Waaagh tyre and the four on his weathered and battered fuel guzzling rental Jeep are low on air.




Her looking into the camera was sickening. An overseas tour cannot be cancelled a week before it was scheduled to happen. She must have been given a talking to after this appalling display. She lashed out and did even worse in SA like the petulant brat that she is.


well, it was the US **Open** after all! 


She seems to greet/bid farewell to her gentlemen friends by basically giving them a lapdance.    These photos remind me of her last set of photos with Nachos at that netflix polo event.


I'll have to look that up. She did that to Michael B. Jordan too.


She's a "hugger" and "she has this warmth about her". /s


That warmth is probably because the antibiotics haven't kicked in yet




Bow down, ladies and gentlemen of the Congregation - as we behold a lapidary example of the very rare and exquisitely delivered MEDICAL SNARK!!! 💉 😃




Just the nature of the beast. Can't help it.....and I'm sure other Sinners can explain the reason behind looking so relaxed? Sniff, sniff?


That was my first thought, too. https://preview.redd.it/7yhnpti7p2ad1.png?width=198&format=png&auto=webp&s=c110f954e0ff7f26f746425676c41f4b1ed419e2


I can't help but wonder if she tried to orchestrate this shot? It looks very much like those tabloid pap shots wherein the couple are caught in a compromising position.


It could only be that. What normal person stands that close to any other person, almost in full body contact, hips thrust forward?


Right? I'm sorry, but this type of embrace is super sexual. His fingers are inches away from her breasts and she looks like she's about to leap and wrap her legs around his waist any second. Or is this just California life and I'm a total prude? I have no idea anymore.


It is most assuredly NOT "California life." We are decent human beings with moral standards & personal boundaries, same as everywhere. :)


She's markling California's reputation!


HaHA, and nah, California's a huge state. Stereotypes aside, we are a diverse bunch, but it's safe to say that she's an outlier.


she had the villain-in-a-tv-soap look in the center photo, her eyes, as if, saying, *"i can take ur husband, honey."*


Imagine having photographic evidence/footage of some skank airing it out at your husband and *still* being a lapdog to her?


true. something's keeping Serena and this 🐶 as friends.


maybe her focus was on tennis and she hoped if she ignored Meghan she'd just go away?


i didn't know the date for this, too. thanks for sharing, Equivalent! she was acting like a freaking bachelorette! major yikes! but should we be surprised. the 🐶 has a history of prowling for a new/side man while still committed to another.


I doubt she did but it was probably already arranged by that time. I think everyone in the RF already knew what she was like, they just never anticipated how bad it would get.


They rolled with it for Harry's sake, not realizing just how far he'd go too. They *loved* the clod.


I'm sure alexis enjoyed looking at her fanny that had just pushed out a baby (allegedly) 🙄


And yes, what kind of mother leaves her newborn to go gallivanting around the world?? She doesn't deserve kids (if indeed she has any)


She’s so thirsty. That face!!


His face though, been there done that?


I saw that Meghan was wearing a denim dress at the Basic Instinct tennis tournament. Being American, I thought denim was frowned upon at Wimbledon, so I googled it. And at the top of the first entry was an AI overview that discussed that denim can be too casual, and then provided an example: “For example, Meghan Markle received some backlash for wearing jeans to watch Serena Williams play in 2019. Seems our site might be having a slight impact on SEO after all https://www.google.com/search?q=is+denim+allowed+at+wimbleton&client=safari&sca_esv=a5295d27d6bcdf79&hl=en-us&ei=np6DZp2AK7KgkPIPoL-K-AY&oq=is+denim+allowed+at+wimbleton&gs_lp=EhNtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1zZXJwIh1pcyBkZW5pbSBhbGxvd2VkIGF0IHdpbWJsZXRvbjIKEAAYsAMY1gQYRzIKEAAYsAMY1gQYRzIKEAAYsAMY1gQYRzIKEAAYsAMY1gQYRzIKEAAYsAMY1gQYRzIKEAAYsAMY1gQYRzIKEAAYsAMY1gQYR0j5nQNQAFgAcAV4AJABAZgBNKABNKoBATG4AQPIAQCYAgWgAhyYAwDiAwUSATEgQIgGAZAGB5IHATWgB4AF&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-serp


at Wimbledon jeans are why she couldn't sit in the Royal Box and a section was cleared of 'regular people' for her to sit in


It wasn’t Wimbledon though was it? I thought it was the US Open.


You’re correct, when she left baby Archie to fly to the US months after he was born to watch Serena play (even though she asked her NOT to attend) and flashed her goods at Serena’s husband that was all for the US Open.


AI is famously not 100% correct yet, since it just pulls random info from sources without human confirmation it pulled the “correct answer”. Since Reddit recently provided its data to Chat GPT, comments like these may be the result. Either way, good to see “facts” about Meghan Markle getting more wide stream attention due to AI/ChatGPT.


I’m actually not referring to the AI stuff, in your original comment you said you were wondering if denim is appropriate for Wimbledon because she wore a denim dress so you looked it up, but the denim dress was worn to the US Open, not Wimbledon


That’s partly my point about Chat GPT. I didn’t type into the search bar on google anything about MM. I asked about dress code at Wimbledon. Chat GPT/AI gave me a response, that denim was frowned upon at Wimbledon and then gave the aforementioned example that you identified was the wrong tennis tournament. (I don’t know what she wore to either tournament TBH). But the underlying AI algorithm is teaching Chat GPT to associate inappropriate dress at tennis matches with Meghan Markle. Hope this makes more sense


The beast always finds the camera. Doing what she does best: spreading her legs and showing her muff. I feel sorry for those around her who must have gotten a whiff of that nasty thing. I’m sure there were mass sniffs followed by “what is that awful stench”.


She is such a slut….


She’s smiling like that cuz she was on cloud nine. She thought her social climbing scheme worked and that she was finally part of the elite. Ahh so ofc she wanted revenge on the BRF for giving them the boot


Meghan probably doesn't even know what luv is. Pun intended.


She was also in New York in February of that year for her baby shower aka $500,000 merching extravaganza of the year (this included hotel room, goodie bags, cake decorators, party planners…) Even back at the time, others were wondering why NYC? Pretty sure she was taking meetings and looking at potential offers outside of the BRF. The optics of the unimaginable amount of money spent on the baby shower was horrendous and public view of her began to shift. After the baby shower incident (and then the disastrous trip to Morocco in 2019) the BRF knew she was never going to work out. As you mentioned in the post, I think they were biding their time at this point and her final push out the door was inevitable. However I’m convinced her trip to watch Serena play in NYC was for business, not personal gains.


Isn't it weird for a royal to be bare legged and in such a short skirt?


Not for a person who shows her bra and underwear at royal events.


Me, when getting my clothing stuck in that damn folding chair. Also me, when getting my body stuck in that folding chair. Except the expression on MY face would be clear, abject horror, not the Smarkle or 'flirty grin' thing M's got going on here.