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I would say your analysis is on the money. Harry is forever a toddler, trying to get praise for doing a poo-poo.


šŸ¤£ šŸ¤£ šŸ¤£ Although it is much easier now that he has 16 potties.


True! šŸ¤£


And he is full of shyte! šŸ˜‰


I thought it was 17?


That is of course when he uses a toiletšŸ¤£


Harry = Fredo


Yep, that's exactly what he reminds me of, that character from 'The Godfather'. "I'm smahht, not like everybody says!" (He's exactly what everybody says šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø)


Yes, he really reminds me of those type of characters with his actions! Just so desperate to prove themselves but failing miserably.


![gif](giphy|4ay2l5wyVAFvG) Yes!


To me Fredo seemed flawed (weak) but gentle and desperately wanting Michaelā€™s approval. Harry reminds me of their sister Connie: In Godfather 1 spoiled and married all wrong; in Godfather 2 deeply embittered and troubledā€¦until she comes homeā€¦solo.


But Connie eventually wised up, learned from her mistakes, humbled herself, reaffirmed her loyalty to the family, and became an asset to Michael (Godfather 3). Hazbeen is capable of *none* of that. Naw, he's Fredo. Married a skanky gold digger who didn't respect his family and embarrassed them, eventually betrayed his family himself in an effort to make his own wealth on that betrayal and prove to everyone, but especially himself, that "I'm smart, not dumb like everybody says!"




I was envisioning him as Anybodys from "West Side Story" begging to join the Jets.




![gif](giphy|4H1xauOflBDHY4sUah) Or Christopher Moltisanti from the Sopranos!


No, he's more like Jackie Jr. Christopher was loyal.


And look what happened to Jackie Jr. Swimming with the fishes šŸŸ šŸ™„


Or Bobby ā€œBacalaā€


Harry = Hugh Laurie's characters in [Blackadder](https://youtu.be/Fx446n4WF5c?si=dQp6xqoc5TYo79He)


Nah, Hugh Laurie's characters were still well meaning. Harry is more like Season 1 Blackadder... Dumb as hell, but still trying to scheme his way to the crown.


"I shall be known as... The Ginger Vegetable!"


I think you are correct and that all these junkets and fake awards are to prove that he is every bit as competent as PoW. Unfortunately for hasno none of this has had the desired effect and it has only proven how incompetent he is. His mother knew he was no intellect, and we know he was given assistance to pass his exams at school. In his mind he is entitled to as much as his brother and the skank fed into that delusion. His only redeeming act at the moment would be to respectfully decline the award but the chances of that occurring are minuscule. We all say after each abysmal event, what next? It is one car crash after another. No way up for him now unless he gets a real job and actually works his backside off, but that is almost impossible when you are nearly 40 with no actual qualifications.


Agreed. Plus releasing old video footage as new is so typical and just outright lying and "misinformation". And most media outlets are complicant in spreading the false narrative. I almost think the Pat Tillman award fiasco has out done Meghan's Uvalde stunt because other people are involved and will be forever markled now. Wish we could do to ESPN, Disney, and now Serena, what was done to Budwiser and tank their stock.... Unfortnately, tanking stock is the only thing that will get corporate attention! Maybe Harry's plan is if he screws up badly enough "Pa will come in and rescue him"... IMO, compared to this fiasco, any potential ARO fraud, surragacy allegations, and lying to the courts is beyond compare... Its stolen valor! ESPN, Disney, Serena and those who participate are just as bad as Harry (IMO). We also need to tank Serena's husbands company if they are publicly traded.


Or ambition or discipline. Plus feel entitled.


But but, he's smart, that's why she married him




She married him because heā€™s ā€œjust Harryā€. Not the money she thought he had, the titles, the fame, the privilegeā€¦ Right. And sheā€™s Not.a gold digger. If Just Harry The Prince and Indulged Second Son of Diana and Charles was Just Harry The Postman, SURE sheā€™d have leave her previous fairly famous well to do man and marry the post man, just Harry. Right. Because she loves him for him and only him. Doesnā€™t want nor need any titles.


What a clown he is now, buying awards just makes him look worse (if thatā€™s possible)


There really isnā€™t much difference between Harry and that fake Prince Max. Remember, his friend from the legends of aviation award? šŸ¤£


How far he has fallen. Sure he had some bad press but on the whole he was given more good pr than bad. This is a man who had several books written about him, a man who got to meet world leaders and dignitaries so somehow I don't think he would even know how to buy an award. That crap has her sticky, jammy fingers all over it. To keep the allusion that he is still popular just like when she allegedly found that polo team for him because he was lonely and bored. She needs to keep him somewhat happy.


Spot on. I think in Harry's mind he was a hard working royal (I know - in HIS mind) and William as the heir got all the rewards for it. So unfair! The awards are a way for Harry to show William "See, now I get rewarded for my work" and also "Look at what you lost". In reality, Harry and Meghans privacy turned award shopping tour is so laughable and the RF must feel so embarrassed.


Embarrassed yet relieved. They donā€™t have to deal with Harry or cover up for his misdeeds anymore.


So true! Harry and Meghan leaving the Royal Family was the best that could happen to the working royals and the staff. Such a relief that they don't (directly and personally) have to deal with their entitlement and stupidity on a daily basis.


I imagine there would have been daily reprimands re her pap appearances, daily arguments about where they were seated for events, and they would have desperately tried to put her into a corner. This way she is not their responsibility and a pain in the arse from a distance.




If he didn't get in his own way all the time he would have realised that he was getting praised and that he was getting more favourable press than William at the time. William was harassed for not being married, for not doing enough, for living "in sin" with Catherine, for losing his hair early etc etc. Harry on the other hand was a coked out arsehole whose major "sins" got hidden by the men in grey. All he had to do was shut up, smile and take the money.


>All he had to do was shut up, smile and take the money. Right?! Talk about shooting yourself in the foot.Ā 


Harry is Fredo from The Godfather


His mother, Diana said she wasnā€™t book smart. Common sense and emotional intelligence helps many people who arenā€™t book smart. Harry clearly lacks his motherā€™s emotional intelligence. He seems quite socially awkward. He also lacks common sense. Often spouses balance each other out.One might be book smart, while the other spouse might have common sense or street smarts. Meghan doesnā€™t balance Harry out.she destabilizes him via lies, gaslighting, and narcissistic abuse. He is doomed.


I'm not actually sure that Diana was very smart either. She was charismatic, and empathetic, but not actually smart (emotionally or academically).


It was known in Britain Diana also suffered from Borderline Personality Disorder


Yep. Harold gets it honestly.




Very well written and put together post. Yes, I donā€™t think he wants the adoration his wife yearns for - this latest award is important to HER. It carries gravitas, and even if Harry wanted to withdraw his name, she would not allow him to. He is an extension of her, and she wants the global recognition.


This latest award is important to him. Heā€™s just an angry shell of a man now. The criticism surrounding this award has hit the main stream press and Harry will have seen it and is undoubtedly furious. This will just be another awkward ceremony where he can embarrass himself by being haughty like he did at that ridiculous aviation award ceremony.


I think he wanted this award as a ā€œsee Iā€™ve done so wellā€ thing to throw at RF but it backfired huge. H probably didnā€™t know much about Pat Tillman or do any research and just thought ā€œcool, thatā€™s the one, thatā€™ll sound greatā€. H is trying to play 3D chess or something but heā€™s a checkers guy.


Or maybe just Tick Tac Toe šŸ˜‰


He wouldnā€™t be able to figure out how Tic Tac Toe works. šŸ¤£šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”


Appalled to see just now that she will appear onstage with him!


Oh I would love to see that. Desperately cling onto him. Staring adoringly at him. Perhaps a tear from her left eye? Ah, a chance to rewear the black ballgown? Or another off the shoulder beige monstrosity dragging on the floor. Harry making a patronizing speech, then Meghan jumps in with a mic grab. She shares her organic, authentic story of the one time she made a real change in the world with dish soap. ![img](emote|t5_481xkf|15002)


What? Iā€™ve just commented on another thread that if this award is going to be ā€˜Invictus relatedā€™, then she will be centre stage.




Sorry donā€™t know how to link but saw it on HarryNMeghanNetflix.


Correction. HarryandMeghanNetflix


I think she will appear on stage with him as a presenter or like a guide šŸ¦®šŸ¾


IMO Harry sees himself as King Edward and Wallace Simpson. Only he didn't think things out just like King Edward due to their feelings of entitlement. Harry losing his myopic importance, and money above all has ruined him. He married a twit gold digger and now lives with regrets and blames everyone else for his stupidity. He gets what he deserves.


I think part of the problem is that Meghan is desperate for attention and relevance, whereas Hazard has had attention, (minus the relevance, sadly for him) his whole life. She got him because she convinced him sheā€™d make him relevant, and in exchange sheā€™d get the attention and power she craved. Unfortunately for them, neither of them had enough of what it takes to achieve real relevance and the attention theyā€™ve received is mostly notoriety, which really isnā€™t what most people want, unless theyā€™re complete grifters, or people who want maximum reward for the least effort.


He's fellow Brit, Hugh Laurie in Blackadder, yes. Hugh would've recognized this prior to anyone else. Though I'm also fairly certain Hugh can't stand him. I.worked with him on set; dude has a low tolerance for B.S.šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


That is an even better example than the mafia one I was thinking of! I thought that it would be funny to find some clips as an example to share and I almost chocked myself laughing: The first video had Stephen Fry complaining about him not keeping his sausage to himself: "Britain has the finest trade, the finest armies, the finest navies in the world. And what do we have for royalty? A mad Kraut sausage-sucker, and a son who can't keep his sausage to himself" [https://youtu.be/Jg9YiE2U3Ac?feature=shared](https://youtu.be/Jg9YiE2U3Ac?feature=shared)


Reminds me of the sports philosophy: *ā€Second place is just the first place loser.ā€* H is forever stuck in the belief that being born second means that heā€™s ultimately failed to win at anything in life. Itā€™s his *raison dā€™ĆŖtre*, his reason for being.


A friend of mine raised her kids with ā€œNo one cares who won second place.ā€ Sheā€™s gotten mixed results with that one. One of her four kids is ā€œfirst placeā€. The others are still trying but fucked up. SMDH


What do you call the person who comes last in their class at medical school?Ā  Doctor! The dumb prince never learned that he had incredible privilege, despite not being top of the line in the BRF.Ā 


When I was in Law School, the saying was C=JD. (Juris Doctor degree). Nobody asks their doctor or attorney what their class ranking was.




Yes I agree he was desperate for someone to take him seriously but I do think he wants fame and attention just on his terms.


What you've just described is Fredo. And what you've hit on is why so many people call prince harry...Fredo.Ā Ā  Prince harry is unequivocally an idiot


You seem to have nailed it. He is also just a very disagreable person as well as being unintelligent.


If Forrest Gump were mean.


Harry's the Fredo of the BRF. "I'm smart, not like everybody says. I'm smart and I want respect!" He betrays his father and brother, makes deals with his family's enemies, feels bad about it, and his brother ends up having him killed. Not saying William will resort to that LOL but Harry's as good as dead to the monarchy. He can have all the awards he has the $ for but it won't buy him respect or admiration. He's a worm.


Nice job, OP, you understand this guy quite well! Totally agree with your thoughts how the ILBW got to him (in part - we also know the other means by which she accomplished this), and why the awards are so important to him. With all that said, that ship has sailed. His chances to have proven himself to the RF as a man of means and not as the joke he'd ensured for himself, came and went - when he failed to rein her in and have any influence over her. Therein lies the irony of his conundrum.




Fredo Corleone! "I'm Smart!"


Bottom line, he has put he and his wife in competition with the Royal Family when there really is no competition because they arenā€™t on an even playing field.


What Harry really wants is to be King, and to be married to Catherine. Period.


Excellent points and I agree with all of this. Unfortunately for Harry, his choices have led him to lose his entire family and the many extraordinary RF perks, which he truly seemed to enjoy before he met Meghan.


TBF, there are many, many Harrys in corporate America.


We are inundated with these Harrys in Canada as well. They are a pox on society.


That could be true. Letā€™s not also forget heā€™s entitled, arrogant and has a huge ego. He really, genuinely believes he is better than everyone else, itā€™s baked into him. Because of that I donā€™t think he has the ability to self reflect. Why should he? If everyone in the world is below you thereā€™s no point.


I think you are totally right. Even his own sainted mummy said he was dumb. He wants to prove he isnā€™t and as a result everything heā€™s done since marrying Meghan is a sunk cost. I donā€™t believe he wants fame and attention the way they are saying in response to the Pat Tillman thing. He had both without even trying. What he wanted was his own kingdom where he was respected and celebrated for his own accomplishments, not just for being the also-ran. I think thatā€™s what Meghan promised him. She probably even believed it. That they would just have to show up in Hollywood and theyā€™d be handed amazing opportunities *and they were* but then neither of them knew how to keep that going.




If Meghan had a shred of conscientious and Harry a shred of discretion it couldā€™ve worked. Idiots both of them.


Nice argument, but I disagree. His sole aim in my opinion, is to prove himself better than his brother. Make his mother's spirit prouder of him than William. That's it. Every fibre of his being is about that. His campaign about the press is in part due to his mother's death, but it's likely he obsessed over every historical image, video and news report in the immediate aftermath. In his grief and loss he most likely dissected EVERYTHING in an attempt to understand why his mother 'left' HIM. The smaller room, fewer sausages, all gained far more significant importance. Every news article, BBC reprot etc reminded him that he was lesser, not as loved and at fault. Even if he became King by some god awful tragedy, it would only be a short term high for him. He's trying to make up for something that he can never fix.


This is a variation of my point which is that, he wants people to think better of him and ironically doing everything to ensure the opposite. Imo, his motivation is not fame or attention like his wife. It is something different.


Yes, his motivation is to prove to mommy he is better than William. And he never can because she is not here.


That, and the fact that he isn't good enough to shine William's shoes.


I just looked up the animal with the smallest brain, it's called a Ragworm. I think that should be harrys new nickname, RAGWORM.


How many times do I have to say this because Tom Bower has said it plenty of times Harry used Megan for freedom and Megan used Harry for fame. There was never any love between them justlust.


Sorry I posted this link below but I have to respond to the OP by saying [Hugh Laurie](https://youtu.be/Fx446n4WF5c?si=dQp6xqoc5TYo79He) in Blackadder IS Harry. It's incredible.


Perhaps watched in Montecito not as a comedy but as a documentary?


Excellent post. He truly is the Fredo Corleone of the RF. "I'm smart!" ![gif](giphy|DSQnhMSJPyKpW|downsized)


I totally agree with your analysis, I have said the same to friends, he is dumb, but not dumb enough to not realize everyone think he is dumb. In my case what hit me was that part of the Oprah interview where he complains about how much the family "controls him" that they give him money and remarked he must spent that on clothes. What 30 something needs to be treated like that? What he is saying is that he is so much of an imbecile that he received money and spent it all without any worry not even for himself. We can see mow that he is dirty, I bet they have to tell him to take a bath and dress properly for events. Also, he talks about how he "created" invictus, he got on stage at Warrior Games announcing they will be having the same sport competition, then he said staff and William were worried about how to organize that, where the money will come from, he accused William of jealousy and said, but a year later I was giving the speech for the IG, how did they find a venue, sponsors, decided about the categories, etc. Not a single word, we can see he did nothing. He is stupid yes, but desperately to prove he is not.


>We can see \[n\]ow that he is dirty, I bet they have to tell him to take a bath and dress properly for events. I remember years ago Katie Couric saying after interviewing him for Good Morning America that he stunk - I think the word she used was "reeked" - of booze and cigarettes.


![gif](giphy|Ga05FfXXBjFyWKw7nx) We can see his greasy bald in every pic, his photos reek LOL I believe it


He is Peter Pan, he has refused to grow up.


That is really sad that he has to pay for awards to feel valuable. I mean, if I had to pay for an award, I would feel humiliated. It's cheating. Because he doesn't deserve it.




He gets those awards so he can keep his visa to live in the US. They are meant to counter his self-admitted drug use.


He's Fredo Corleone.


You're pointed in the right direction but it's more. Harry is a venal little man who is jealous of everyone in his family.


I agree Harry wants acknowledgement that he is intelligent. I don't think he is as dim as people think. He has clasped his entitlement to himself like a warm blanket and that entitlement leads him to making decisions that make him seem stupider than he is. Yes, he wants people to think he deserves the awards, but he also thinks he's entitled too them.


The best that could happen to Harry is to realize that he's not that smart...






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You spelled Mehgan wrongly. She Meh-gan. Meh. Gan