• By -


I feel so sorry for Pat Tillman‘s mom. I am very surprised, though, that the widow, who is in the leadership team of the foundation, seems to have surprisingly little (=nothing) to say.  She can hardly claim, she didn’t know. 


Tillman's widow is heading the awards now. She is a clout chaser herself. She's remarried and has forgotten the real meaning behind the award. She knew. She doesn't care, IMO, because she gets to meet a "royal". This should have been left with the mother. The widow shouldn't have been allowed to run the mother off of the board.


same widow who was complaining in 2017 about not politicizing Pat's military service in a divisive way. I'd archive if I could but I don't know how to do that here. Sorry. [https://people.com/sports/pat-tillmans-widow-criticizes-trump-nfl-protest/](https://people.com/sports/pat-tillmans-widow-criticizes-trump-nfl-protest/)


This is what Pat Tillman's widow said in 2017 when President Trump used an image of Pat Tillman. Guess her outrage depends on her politics. "*Pat’s service, along with that of every man and woman’s service, should never be politicized in a way that divides us. We are too great of a country for that,” Marie Tillman said in a statement. “Those that serve fight for the American ideals of freedom, justice and democracy.”* *"The very action of self expression and the freedom to speak from one’s heart — no matter those views — is what Pat and so many other Americans have given their lives for. Even if they didn’t always agree with those views*." Yet Harry called the first amendment bonkers. What a hypocrite Pat Tillman's widow is.


Ex wife or widow?




Ty 👍🏻


Appreciate your checking and pointing this out. ☺️


Not at all, I'm british, so I know very little about this whole fiasco, and I'm playing catch up on the facts 😊


She is probably a weak woman, easily starstrucked, an easy target for the network/mafia Meghan Markle belongs to.


She is a greedy talentless twit who has a new leech I mean husband who wants them to be a power couple on the corpse of a hero.  Shame






How could she allow this? Respect his mom since she clearly has moved on with her life. She’s horrible IMO


I read her biography and she used to work for ESPN at one time? I agree that she's more about the clout (and along more "woke" lines, which is right up the alley of Ginge and Cringe.)


It’s a nightmare for the mom to see her kid used this way, especially after all she has gone through. Not only the death of her son, but the coverup.


She was probably paid off too.


She may be a sugar?


Some sinners mentioned, that there was a connection between her and Meghan and that she was the one who actually pushed or at least introduced the nomination. However, I'm not sure if there is truth to it, but it would certainly explain much. Surprisingly, this connection is not discussed any more.


A recent connection? Did Meh start calling her or having her team email her on her behalf (more likely because her drug addicted ass is too lazy to put in the work) and sugaring (buttering) her up? Is she dumb? Did she get Markled? Does anyone have info?


There’s a post from last week/weekend that shows Markle’s friend/sorority sister, Genevieve Hillis, and the Tillma. widow being at same Chicago fundraiser for Lurie Children’s Hospital. They weren’t pictured together, but both were in attendance. Hillis was with MM when she cleared the stands at Wimbledon. Type in Lurie in sub search bar and post should pop up.


Thanks ladies.


I found it - it was discussed some days ago on this sub: [https://www.reddit.com/r/SaintMeghanMarkle/comments/1dqpp9e/link\_between\_markle\_and\_pat\_tillman\_foundation/](https://www.reddit.com/r/SaintMeghanMarkle/comments/1dqpp9e/link_between_markle_and_pat_tillman_foundation/)


Thank you. Funny that Markle is trying to copy her brand. Not surprising since Meh has never had an original thought. Can she be more REPUGNANT? (I just spent a week in Casablanca ) Meh, you’re repulsive. REPUGNANT. You use people, you have no manners, you have no idea what diplomacy and manners are. You steal ideas. You can’t even bother making your own olive oil cake, you have to profit from your ex’s recipe (because cucking him wasn’t enough) Morocco saw right through ya.


She does have a kids clothing brand…


Tagging as ALLEGEDLY.   She is definitely more likely to be sugar than sinner.   That's all I'm going to say about that. 🤐


Maybe. But it is more likely that she took money for it and signed a NDA.


My theory is that he made a “donation” for the foundation and that’s what got him the award, now that there is backlash everyone is trying to wash their hands by blaming others.


I would bet H pressured Invictus to make a donation, so that H could take all of the credit for it being the 10 year anniversary of Invictus. H has to feel very, very important at all times.


He needs to feel rewarded because that award could have gone to invictus and not him specifically because invictus happens with the efforts of lots of people, the ones who actually work to make it happen.


I am pretty sure that Pat Tillman's widow only wants herself's and Meghan's best: Money!


Won’t the check bounce??


It could’ve gotten lost in the mail too🤔😂😂


His dog ate it!


The RF intercepted it and sent one without funds🤔


People say this is a great publicity for the Pat Tillman Foundation and ESPY'S. I disagree. That is awful publicity. I think the only winners here are tabloids, news outlets (clicks!) and change.org (people donate money to make the petition more visible).


I agree it's the worst publicity. I have not heard of Pat Tillman before and now the foundation in his name is directly linked to Harry and his "values". That's not a good link and not a good look at all.


I had also never heard Pat Tillman before but now his award just feels dirty and dark. Because you know Meghan Markles network is what made this possible. And Meghan Markle and her entourage are not good people. 


And that’s why Americans are incensed about this. Unfortunately, the awards are In Hollywood and thus there probably won’t be much protest or booing at the venue.


Hollywood 🙄 the perfect place for all these sham awards and where schmoozing can fester in this group of corrupt and self-serving celebs.


I wouldn’t donate to anything connected to Harold. I wouldn’t trust where the funds are going after this stunt.


Agree. The Tillman award means nothing now, because we all know it can be purchased. It has zero value left. Now we all know it doesn't mean anything.




Hope Invictus + BetterUp R paying attention!


Beyond sad


I agree. It’s telling the world that the Pat Tillman award is for sale to the highest bidder, and that the people running the Foundation have so little respect for his legacy that they are willing to sell the award to someone who represents the exact opposite of the principles and values that Pat Tillman exemplified. That is not the kind of publicity that enhances a reputation.


I tend to agree. I guess there are a few examples of people/organisations that can benifit from just exposure of the name. But I don´t think this award is such an example. Yes, they gain name recognition. But they are associated with something negative = Harry.


If Pat's widow is the one with the ability to give go ahead, it makes her look really foolish.


The foundation, run by the widow, has removed mention of Harry receiving the award. But ESPN has doubled down. What a shit show. It’s obvious that Harry has a bad reputation with a significant portion of the population. Forcing the public to like or admire Harry isn’t going to happen. This situation is sad but classic Sussex drama.


ESPN has hidden the award announcement under a headline with Steve Gleason’s name on their website, another recipient of one of the three community Espy awards. Gleason’s award is well-deserved and I am sad his name has to be associated with Harry’s.


total and complete insult to Steve Gleason, his family and his Team Gleason foundation. Interesting that ESPN is hiding Hawwwy behind Steve and his award. The Duke of Dogbiscuits constantly complaints about how tough his life is. Well, "sir" go look at Steve's life and then tell me how difficult your life is.


Harry called the UK people racist and said he loathed the UK where his own grandmother was Head of State. He went to the US thinking he'd become a billionaire and Hollywood's elite would fawn over him just because he was a Prince. The idea of giving this award, named after a patriot who made the ultimate sacrifice for his country, to a low life traitorous, worthless piece of puddle scum like Harry is beyond galling.


It's great publicity for Pat Tillmans memory, not the foundation that is shitting all over it.


Anybody who will receive this award after Harry will be doubted.


This award has highlighted the extreme differences between an honorable man, Pat Tillman, and a complete imbecile with no morals.


The foundation will be Markled soon…


The markles are a big part of change.org


Will Harry show up in person or via Zoom?


The outrage is much bigger than with the aviation circus. I believe, they will have a pre-recorded video in which Harry will dedicate his award to Invictus and all the veterans for their hard work. This will make him look even more heroic and selfless /s.


No, he will come. And Meghan with him. And he will be applauded. It seems ESPN wants to show us they made good decision.


The bet is on! :) Not sure about Meghan, she chickened out with the aviation award, after the backlash. Even though, a dance with Travolta was so close...




Meghan and all her phoney girly covering her mouth giggles, gee what we missed.


but her bestie besterson Serena is gonna be there 🙄 Its gonna be a down right circus 🤡, with Racel dressed in another heinous ensemble, and Haznoballs in his man pumps. question will this awards clip be shown in the polo thingy for nutflix or in nutmegs cooking show so she can prove she as freinds other than her pimp?


And Sparold covered in his ridiculous jubilee medals granny gave him…what an embarrassment he is,


Ok! I will be happy to lose :)


I agree with you except for the applause. ESPN cannot force applause from this audience. I guarantee you, many of these athletes that will be in the audience are super star heroes in the US, especially in their own minds. They very much believe they are "ranked" higher than Harry, just like other celebrities. ESPN/ABC may try to force it, but I don't believe there will be a large volume of applause and absolutely no standing ovation. However, I DO believe ESPN is going to continue to try to push this as an award for the IG Foundation between now and up through Harry getting the award. This is how they're trying to cover themselves for such a massive failure. Harry will cooperate and say he's "accepting the award on behalf of the IG Foundation, that it's for the athletes and himself." ESPN believes the audience cannot and will not react negatively to the mention of the IG Foundation, especially if Harry brings a couple of US IG athletes with him. The audience will acknowledge the athletes, rightfully so, and Harry will just figure it's all about him. Harry bringing a couple of US IG athletes on stage with him, NOT MEGHAN, will determine the applause level, IMHO.


They will just pipe in the applause. It’s done all the time.


I was thinking this exact thing while i was reading the post, great minds think alike.


Yep, refuse to watch and give them the clicks. I’m sure someone will post it on here.


But the sight 🤮of Megdusa’s MicGrab + phony word salad speech will be the only takeaway 🤮🤮👿


Absolutely, if there is no applause they will pipe it in.


I wouldn't be surprised if he shows up in person, since ESPN is doubling down. I also would not be surprised if his narc wife presents the award. If they show up, they'll be super smug and she'll be fawning all over 'my heroic, husband.' Maybe that's even part of the deal with Tillman's widow--the foundation gets a donation from Invictus, provided Haz AND narc wife can take over his award presentation.


I think that’s his only option if he wants to redeem himself even in a small way. But I highly doubt he will do it. Their desire to be seen out with “stars” outweighs any common decency. And Harry probably thinks he does deserve the award and that the Palace is behind all the criticism.


"*The ESPYs will be hosted in Los Angeles by tennis champ Serena Williams, a close friend of Harry’s wife,* *Meghan Markle*. ***Markle, 42, is expected to join her husband on the night."*** Looks like in person. The writer, Sara Nathan, has had accurate scoops about H&M before, including Netflix doc opening date and director's name, M's insta acct, owner of apt they stayed in NYC, private jet info, etc.


i just cant with these two.


Interesting that Megs is reported to be attending. What’s in it for her? Harry is getting the award, not her. She’s left him hanging for other awards.


Her biggest invite in ages -- A-list athletes + lower tier celebs so she will stand out, most of the women wear long gowns, Red Carpet, LIVE network TV, LA crowd, Dolby theater (home of Oscar's). She will crawl thru glass to be there.


Yes, Meg lives through her husband, titles and all. She Needs! Him for social circles.


Does this come in beige? Lolo Jones at 2023 Espy's. https://preview.redd.it/oouut2sai4ad1.jpeg?width=1091&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4547fe01202ce858c7c4ef7b241a956533173935


It's the attention. She'll wear some inappropriate, expensive outfit. She will most likely present the award to him. I think with all of the hubbub now about this award going to Haz, she will enjoy giving a smug FU to everyone who has protested 'my husband' receiving the award.


A nationwide audience.


She will go and use Serena as her buffer, but Serena will be busy, so she will hang on Serena’s husband lol. This was not well thought out 😂😂


They’ll be there front & center, Meghan will wear a ball gown & probably give a speech after Harry does. Who’s going to stop her? I doubt she can restrain herself.


Shall we have a poll on what colour the ball gown will be? She likes red around vets with ptsd but black brings out her soul


Don't forget about industrial beige. It really highlights her personality.


Something white or beige and see through. No bra. Pants or gown dragging on the floor.


Whatever she wears, it will be: a.) overpriced b.) Ill-fitting c.) unflattering d.) wrinkled e.) inappropriate


Oh I don't know. Aren't there supposed to be some star footballers there? They could do a flying tackle onto the stage when she lunges for the mic.






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That would make a good poll!


>The ESPYs will be hosted in Los Angeles by tennis champ Serena Williams, a close friend of Harry’s wife, Meghan Markle. Markle, 42, is expected to join her husband on the night.


He has to show up, this award is named after a hero. Failure to appear personally after all the backlash and doubling down by ESPN will label harry a coward worldwide. He no longer has an escape.


Aren’t they saying that it was approved by the foundation which is run by his wife…. So is she in on it and also kept it from Mary?


I'm not sure why she'd still be in touch with Mary. They didn't have kids. They were married for 2 years, 20 years ago. We may need to cut Marie a small break.


I totally agree with you, which is why it seems like a shame that the wife who’s apparently moved on in life is running the foundation while the mother who doesn’t get that luxury has no say in its activities. Such a sad situation all around!


The Foundation runs some amazing scholarships for kids. They don't exist for ESPN, rather, I think ESPN is using *them*. Marie isn't making money off of the Pat Tillman Foundation. See this is what I mean. The Harklepigs are jacking with kids' scholarships. Both Marie and Mary have said they didn't make the selection. That tracks. I read the 990 of the Pat Tillman Foundation. You know what there are zero expenses for? THIS AWARD. Because it's not their award. You follow? Am I wrong about something here, because I can't see it. No snark.


It seems like you’re trying to argue with me, but I’m not suggesting anyone is making money or that his wife is doing anything improper. I was speaking about the foundation in general and your point that someone who had a relatively short history with Pat Tillman retains control of it, that’s all. It seems like an odd choice and I can imagine it might be painful for his mother to be out of the loop.


Oh, I promise I'm not trying to argue, I'm sorry!! I definitely see your point.


No worries! I agree with you!


Oh I didn’t mean it as a dig. I simply didn’t know if there was a relationship or not between them. Or if she was being thrown under the bus?


I'm sorry, I didn't mean to imply you were being mean to her! I feel a little bad for her today, though. She never should have been put in this situation by those awful Harkle pigs. I'm angry that the sugars are attacking his mom, too.


I’m right there with you.


Nope, in this day & age when information is at your fingertips you have the responsibility to do your due diligence. It's like excusing Invictus Games for letting Harry & Meghan use them for self-promotion and as a petty cash drawer to fund their private jet/couture/penthouse suite tastes. Marie deserves all the reproach she is receiving for making a mockery of her late husband's legacy.


I don't see where this was her decision though? It looks like ESPN decided, and I know she "supports" it, but I have no idea what their arrangement is. But here we are, beating her up, when she probably is just a rubber stamp.


She is the face of the foundation. Saying she simply rubber stamped this mess is a cop out. She is still endorsing this affront to her late husband’s legacy. She absolutely shoulders the blame and deserves public approbation.


It's not the Foundation's award?


You are correct it is not the foundation's award specifically but the ESPY is being awarded with the foundation's blessing; so yes, Marie and the board are endorsing Harry as a recipient worthy of Pat Tillman's caliber. What a farce.


Disagree with this. She's still using his surname and has been married to someone else longer than she was married to Pat. A decent woman if she wanted to move on would have given control to his family and not kept it to herself and kicked out his family from the foundation.


Hairy will show up to the award sniffing and rubbing his nose, high as a kite as usual, spouting the usual passive aggressive word salad dictated by her indoors. Can't wait.


Because whoever was stupid enough to nominate him knew it was a slap in the face to real veterans and athletes.


Unlike the other ESPY awards, I don't believe Harry was "nominated" for this one. I believe a donation was made to the Pat Tillman Foundation, who then bought the award for Harry. There was no nomination and no voting, imho.


This is somewhat on par with the Kennedy award, the family and name are well respected and the dastardly duo stained the name.


With all due respect, the Kennedy name was already tarnished by quite a few of its family members, Kerry Kennedy hasn’t helped.


Absolutely!! I've always found it ironic they were labeled "Camelot." Camelot was a story full of betrayals. Seems a bit apropos in some ways. But where it's somewhat on par with the Kennedy award is that all the Kennedy's were not on-board with the Harkles getting the award, spoke out about it and distanced themselves.


Pat tillman getting Markled . Page 6 says wife was co founder. Who else was involved? Now we have a fight being waged in public with a disavowed gold star mother. Prince Fredo strikes again


my God, they're trying to gaslight everyone, especially Mary, who went through a lot to uncover what really happened to her son. my God, have some shame, ESPN/Disney/Hearst. eta: thinking about it, why would Mary even say she wasn't consulted for this one, if she knew she never really had that power in the first place? i doubt she's making this noise just for clout.


I haven't read up on her details other than to see she was gaslighted about what happened to him. So she knows a thing or two about fighting those who gaslight. I never knew that term gained traction after a movie by that name decades ago staring the great Ingrid bergman ![gif](giphy|swpd9VBXggaPTFbYj0|downsized)


It's a fabulous movie. One of my favorites.


Mary Tillman is a Gold Star Mother and can express whatever she wants to express. She is owed a level of respect. The end!


i agree. even if she wasn't a board member in the PT foundation, she still has the right to express her concerns. after all, it's her son's name and legacy that's being used for the award.




She did have that power at one time. Pat’s widow remarried and threw Mary off the board of the foundation. The new husband has shady dealings.




Remember that the family of the other award Harry “won” didn’t know he was getting it either. The son posted that it was a surprise. Once is an accident. Twice becomes a pattern.


Could be that she has been extended that courtesy before, could be she's just trying to clarify why she's objecting, since people likely assume (as I did) that she is part of the committee?


It could be that she finds this nomination to be disgraceful, shameful even.


That explains why she said she wasn’t informed about the decision to award Harry. Poor lady, sounds like she’s been railroaded.


Gaslit.. again...


Toy soldier Harry being given an award named after someone who embodies everything Harry IS NOT, definitely is hard to stomach.


Ah the Markle ambush.


Madame will be up on stage grabing the award out of Harry's hands. And the microphone. It's HER award, dammit. She'll be making that GIMME hand gesture like she did in Nigeria at everybody.


They obviously don't care what Mary Tillman thinks which is a slap in the face to Pat Tillman's memory. Glad she spoke out. Don't get why ESPN is desperately hanging onto Harry. Tell him to step back due to controversy and in the spirit of the award. It could simply come out with a statement saying they "Invictus Games" per se is receiving the award, not Harry. And accepting the award on behalf of the games is Dominic Reid, CEO of the Invictus Games Foundation who is responsible for the delivery of the games and the Invictus spirit.


ESPN props up Harry in order to prop up Meg. Wink .They know the score. She is Nothing without him.


I think Meghan's PR released the news so ESPN were blindsided by it as they hadn't informed Mary. But then the widow could have done so.


Unfortunately, I think we need to pivot to BOYCOTT MODE at this time. “ . . . the company (ESPN) says it has the full support of the Tillman Foundation, which was founded by Tillman's widow, Marie Tillman Shenton.” The Foundation has dug in their heels, and has even thrown Mary Tillman under the bus with this statement, “Tillman's mom, who reportedly has no ties to the foundation . . .” I hate to paint this picture and will probably be downvoted, but be ready for the full-on Hollywood “magic:” This will be a slick production with PR propaganda that could influence some people to question what the fuss was all about. IF Haznoballs actually grows a pair and decides to show his fugly mug, I think he will be surrounded by IG athletes. This is all about optics and “proving” that Haznoballs is deserving. They may give us a history (inaccurate) of IG, how it has positively impacted certain individuals that highlights their stories (pulley on hearts), and then it’ll circle back around to Haznoballs as the “hero” and British military serviceman that is enriching their lives and helping to heal through sport. He’ll then walk out on stage to applause; no booing. IT. WILL. BE. NAUSEATING. Did Archewell make a sizable donation to the V Foundation for cancer research? https://www.dgepress.com/abc/pressrelease/espn-reveals-special-honorees-for-the-2024-espys-presented-by-capital-one-airing-july-11-on-abc/ After party details and sponsors (there is no way that H&M will pass up on this par-tay and goodie bags). 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮 https://menafn.com/1108379236/A-Celebration-Of-Sports-Excellence-Trophies-The-ESPY-Award-Show-After-Party-At-Academy-LA-HOLLYWOOD -DO NOT HATE WATCH ESPY AWARDS -DO NOT CLICK, DO NOT LISTEN, DO NOT SUBSCRIBE, DO NOT BUY -ESPN AND ABC ARE OWNED BY DISNEY -CAPITAL ONE IS MAJOR SPONSOR OF ESPY AWARDS 2024 -RED BULL, KEMETUC, KEAUTY LIFESTYLES AND STR8UPSUCCESS ARE SPONSORS OF AFTER PARTY


This shows Harry and Megain pushed to have this information released quicker than they usually announce. I bet you Pat’s mom was blindsided by the news.


I wonder if there was some money exchanged for the award. Everyone knows he doesn’t deserve this… HE knows he doesn’t deserve this.


nah, harry is so sick right now, the little psychopath, he believes all of his lies are fact and that we, the public, both US and UK, are to blame for his not becoming a billionaire . whatever. I literally do not care what befalls Harry, he deserves to fall even more. To the depths. No pity here. Harry certainly does not care about us, the public. We exist to serve him, in any counrty in the world. In his sick mind.


Must of put in a last minute bid $$ for the award- no time to notify her.


Last I read they are still going ahead and give the award to Hawwy😔


Check was cashed… of course they are.


Obviously they don't care about the opinion of Pat Tillmans' mother. Going forward I guess anyone semi relevant personality can now get the award. 🙄


I am fed up reading that Harry "was a pilot" he wasn't he was a gunner! ! And one that never saw any action, which is why his nickname was/is Bunker Harry! Plus 2 of his squad died trying to keep him safe!! Some hero!!!!


Good evidence that those who rammed through this choice knew that it was totally undeserved. And they didn't care that they were trampling on Tillman's legacy (not a first) and were going to look foolish for a few pieces of silver.


Now that is a clearly flown Red Flag!


They have hijacked the legacy and meaning of a dead man’s life. There is nothing lower than dining out on a remarkable human’s life when they aren’t able to defend their own autonomy.


That’s called “Stolen Valor”.




I feel so sorry for her to have his name even mentioned in the same sentence as her son’s name.


https://preview.redd.it/sorg9lvtb4ad1.png?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0e9f156db20ba4e78aeed02c87883f6b1968aac0 Here ya go, ESPN. I guess the faux royal check didn't bounce and the publicity was worth it. BTW, where is William's Invictus award?


Someone here had a friend at ESPN and it was apparently announced early, our of the blue. Posssibly to distract from the recent controversy over Harry's destruction of evidence


Of course she wasnt notified, they knew it was wrong


It is showing her that ESPN are making a corrupt mockery of the award named after her son. Completely disgraceful!


Clearly a deal done behind the scenes. Sad! Edit: I hope he is booed when he receives the award


He won’t be. This is Hollyweird.


new blind rumor that Markle is going to wear one of Diana's outfits to the awards


This article is disgusting. INVICTUS is for the UK. He’s not an American. And he’s despicable. I didn’t know his widow is involved with this foundation. Boycott ESPN and hope those invited boo the entire time. He is our HERO!


Being from the UK i hadn’t heard of Mr Tillman but reading up he sounded a wonderful man and to me this award to PH who wouldn’t know the meaning of service if it slapped his face is so disrespectful l


I read it was v rushed through and cost h £15k


The manipulation is real.


They knew what her response would have been 🤬.... unfortunately ESPN or HAZbeen can't BACK down now it would show weakness and guilt....HOPE there will be sinners in the area to give them the RASPBERRIES in their jam faces upon arrival...cuz I'm sure the audience will be made up of SUGARS 🤮


"Informed" is not the same as "consulted." ESPN says they have always worked with the Tillman Foundation when selecting these award winners. Mary Tillman has no affiliation with the foundation. Pat's widow founded and runs the foundation. I am sure Mary was told who the winners were beforehand, including this time.