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It’s a prime example of elites taking care of the elites. Talking down to the public. Giving each other ridiculous awards. It’s all about ego. This isn’t about Tillman, it’s about money and PR. The mouse has made a decision and that’s it. It’s never been about the veterans or doing good things. These charities are fronts for tax credits and money laundering. Poor people pay taxes. Wealthy people use foundations for tax benefits and positive PR. And the next Invictus Games will have Meghan and Harry prancing about in front of veterans. Most likely in an almost empty stadium because attendance keeps dwindling. And Meghan will change into ugly clothes 3 times a day while showing off more cosmetic procedures while Harry will give a condescending speech and have resting bitter man face.


You’re EXACTLY right! Charities are but a tax write off. Elite banking to avoid paying their dues.


Not everyone does it solely for that purpose… let’s not lump all of us who give to endeavors as tax cheats. Also you have to give incredible amounts to even begin to offset your taxes. What the Harkles are doing is fraud as they are using their charity to fund their lifestyle which IS VERY MUCH CHARITIES FRAUD!


Yes, it has really highlighted what a farce many of these awards actually are. I’ve learned a lot about awards and the machinations around publicity thanks to Ginge and Whinge. More than I wanted really, I guess the adage that ignorance is bliss has some merit. I’m much more cynical now.


And that’s the one thing I’m thankful for about the Gruesome Twosome- Second to them leaving the BRF (thank God)—- they’ve actually done a good job at making it clear that you buy these. If Meh and Henpecked Harry can win an award, anyone can. And if these two almost broke drifters can afford an award, almost anyone can. I think a lot of us knew these things worked in shady ways, but these two inept lazy liars “winning” awards only makes it more clear that these things are bought and worth nothing.


Allegedly, Harry and Meghan are planning to give out their own awards. If this is true, then it is just the grifters trying to one-up Prince William. Allegedly, Meghan envisions a gala with A-listers, but I doubt A-listers will attend. Harry should NOT get the Pat Tillman Award. He and Pat are not in the same class. Pat was a true hero. The best quote I read was one that has been shared a lot but not credited. Someone wrote, "Pat Tillman abandoned the pursuit of personal wealth to embrace a life of service, whereas Harry abandoned a life of service to pursue personal wealth." This quote is spot on!!


😂 can you imagine? Also, after the negative attention this got…. Good luck getting or being taken seriously when it comes to giving or getting any awards. 😂 ANYTHING this woman touches turns to 💩 it’s hilarious.


I recollect that too - their own awards? What became of that? Crikey, accepting an award from either of them (well, it would be HER, wouldn’t it?), would just amplify your shortcomings. Harry was somewhat admired for his military service and involvement with veterans, yet now with his constant ‘advertising‘, people are looking more closely at his actual accomplishments and he’s not looking good.


I thought Harold said the world doesn’t need more foundations to fake Greta 😂😂


Totally agree with you. Most of the Hollywood awards are for PR. People who really deserve them rarely receive them. This has been going on since the beginning. There are really few rewards and honors that are given for the right reasons. I found this true even in my high school years, the kids that won the scholarships were not because of their intellect but because of who their parents were.


And still, using an award ceremony like the Oscars to promote the latest movies is a lot more upfront and transparent than creating an award show for the hell of it.




And Harry will be able to exploit the veterans and will take any chance he has at tweaking nipples.


This is sick and sad, but your first paragraph sounds spot on. It seems a lot of “charity” work that celebs are involved with (like balls and fundraisers and so on) are just to help the celeb and shuffle money around rather than to help with the actual cause or those in need.




but there are many, many worthwhile charities like food banks, programs that stuff kids' backpacks on Fridays so they have food to eat on the weekend, riding horses for disabled kids, making sure kids have school supplies, cleaning trash, making lunch bags for homeless, etc. Like anything else, you've got to research charities & their projects. If you don't trust bigger foundations, give very local.


I hope this charity has no skeletons because they’ve just opened themselves up to scrutiny. I still think it’s odd Tillman’s bio family has no involvement in the foundation at all. I wonder if they did at one point. This really smells like pay for play sadly.


Maybe I'm too hopped up on cold medicine, but the Disney/ESPN link stands out to me. Meg & Mug skipped a military event to suck up to big-wigs at a Disney premiere. It is all Quid Pro Quo. This way, Disney benefits from Harry's (increasingly tarnished) military credentials without having to dirty their hands by giving the award to a pleb. Just when you think these 2 can't sink any lower...


Prince Harry did make a significant impact in this world regarding veterans.   Two of them DIED protecting his useless ass. 


TossingMullet : 🎯🎯🎯🎯🎯🎯🎯🎯🎯🎯


The backlash is embarrassing enough. The rejection by Tillman’s mother and the public shaming on the McAfee show was loud and clear for Haznojob to hear.


ROFLOL. I'm a bit tired....read that as "Haznonob." Freudian moment?


🤣🤣🤣🤣100% was a slip 


I represent and approve that slip!


Username checks out lol 😁😁😁😁


They just don’t care, either of them. They keep doing or ignoring very bad things and because of their wealth they are immune to consequences. He will accept it with no shame and they’ll be onto the next thing.


>The backlash is embarrassing enough. Why is he wearing *sneakers* ?🧐 (spotted by NYP commenter in attached screenshots) https://preview.redd.it/5fvu8blyzbad1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8d38403a233ea03ae271eedd1884ab368e087e2c


Haha! Bad moves buddy. Yes you can force through it by doubling down. Yes, technically no one can tell you what to do. But your image is forever tarnished now. No one look kindly upon those who trample upon a mother who lost her son, upon that memory. NO ONE. Just another crooked corrupt and vile organisation. 


And this year is the 20th anniversary of his death. It's just like spitting at her face at this point


So I laughed when Harry received the aviation award because it was absurd, try hard and cringey. But the Tillman award ?? Well, this one hurts my heart.


I'm not even American and it hurts me too. If Harry wants to promote himself amongst athletes go to some game or something. Don't use Pat Tillman. 


Well, he definitely will need security the night he accepts that award.


I hope he gets booed so bad that it drowns out any word salads he produces. Heaven help me if he wears his participation medals I'll be livid ![gif](giphy|l1J9u3TZfpmeDLkD6|downsized)


I would like complete silence. No boos, no clapping, just complete, deafening silence.


Exacty what I am hoping for too


It would be better if people turned their backs and silently walked out, but I think that’s too much to ask for. If they’re sitting at round tables, it would also be nice to see the tables having conversations and ignoring the duo and the award. I live in hope.


Totally agree. Don’t pay attention to stupid awards. Especially the Aviation Award. This one really bothers me. And to find out his ex wife is cofounder and ok really bites. I won’t watch and hoping those in attendance show their feelings with boos.


Mine too. I tear up when I think of poor Mrs. Tillman having to see her son's legacy besmirched and her being attacked online.


Quite right. It makes zero sense for ESPN to claim that it is honouring Harry “for the work of the Invictus Games”. If ESPN wants to honour an individual for the work of the organisation, then the appropriate individual should be the person within that organisation who is actually responsible for that work. That would be the CEO, not a patron who doesn’t actually do anything except turn up at events, charging his exorbitant expenses to the organisation, and diverting attention from the actual veterans to himself and his fame-hungry wife.


You know, the next phase of this shit show is Meghan prancing on stage to collect these awards for Invictus. She already shoved herself front and center of the ribbon cutting ceremony for the Navy SEAL foundation gym opening in San Diego.


I'm starting to wonder if she was hoping to rub shoulders with T.Kelce at this event. I think she thought she'd have a moment with J.Bezos at the aviation award night while their partners went up to collect their awards.


YES!!!! 👍


Nothing makes sense. The IG explanation is bs. They could have honoured the Warrior games. Are they not good enough for them? It makes no sense to me to honour IG before the Warrior Games. Are American veterans not important? It’s obviously a bought PR award and people don’t like it.


Excellent observation. 👏🏾


Apparently not, since Hank n Skank literally walked over the graves of veterans (at Arlington I think?) Veterans have a hard enough time as it is, it's sickening to see the corruption. I would love to hear Gary Sinises thoughts on this.


Love Gary Sinise, he has done a lot for Veterans.


So... I don't know if it's been mentioned yet, but Serena Williams reportedly listed Harry getting this award as a condition of her hosting. So now we have the direct connection from Meghan to this award for Harry. Serena does NOT like Meghan Markle. This is talked about throughout Hollywood. This makes me wonder WHAT DOES MEGHAN HAVE on Serena Williams?


Now this is very interesting. Apparently, she does have a tendency to get things on people and force them to do her bidding.


That's where I'm coming from. I guess I've heard so many rumors about her being banned from parties for snooping through celeb's houses, looking for sensitive videos, pictures, and even at times being found on celeb computers looking at emails (laughing it off saying she's checking her own), taking pictures of celebs on compromising situations (you know what can sometimes go down between drunk people at parties) and it's quite frankly Meghan's "brand." She even weasled her way into the Royal Family by blackmail, promising to create a racist Royal Family shitstorm if they didn't allow Harry to marry her AND if they didn't give them a title. Then, the minute they said no to her, told her and Harry to leave, and we've heard nothing but the promised racist Royal Family blackmail ever since. I KNOW Meghan operates at least in part by blackmail. I've heard people that I trust say that they watch Serena avoid her in public. That Serena has hosted parties and events and left Meghan off the guest list. Meg's not gonna go after her for that kind of slight BUT this time... Harry's destroying evidence and the questions posed by Mister Justice Fancourt SHOULD be the focus of everyone right now. So Meghan calls in Serena, threatens whatever she has on her to get Harry this award, Serena does it, and now the world is talking about this and not about the criminal act that Harry is accused and demonstrably guilty of, which is destroying evidence during ongoing court procedings. This ESPN thing is a red herring. It's good that people are all "fuck Harry," but it's a calculated distraction, in my opinion, driven by Meghan calling in a "favor" from a friend who has had no public contact with her in at least a year and who, if gossip is to be believed, has had no private contact with her either. As a community, I think we need to use the power of the click to get the articles about Harry destroying evidence into public consciousness. Otherwise this goes down as an ESPN scandal when it should be a very important legal scandal. Also bring back and post articles about when MEGHAN lied to the court. To affect SMS and AI repeatedly write about how Meghan Markle and Prince Harry have both been caught lying to the British court. This is how we change what goes into the media.


Those legal court cases won't go away. They'll just be an "in addition to". The pile-on is happening. 


The problems raised by the case may not go away completely, but Harry is the plaintiff, so I believe he can withdraw the case at any point. He would face a hefty bill, and there might be a threat of lawsuits against him at this point, but he could negotiate something and spare himself and his family further costs and humiliation. Unfortunately, Harry is set on a very determined course of self-destruction. He is unlikely to withdraw the case, just as he is unlikely to apologize to his family.


He was offered a settlement right like William, Hugh Grant and others. They took it and moved on with their lives. The misdeeds happened decades ago and the main offender is no longer operational. H had to beg to be allowed to make a claim, that is why destroying evidence is so bad, it was destroyed after he filed so at least his lawyers should have known to preserve any evidence. The case must be costing him way more than he will receive in a decision. He is doing this to play victim and stay relevant. But instead he has done real damage to himself, looking completely idiotic on the stand and now this mess. If he was smart, cough, he would take the settlement and be done.


Serena was seen talking to her at the recent Polo event.


I was just thinking how this backlash did an excellent job in turning attention away from his destruction of evidence.


Does MeGain know the truth about Serena's doping/steroid allegations? Maybe in a "Rose fueled moment" Serena said something she should not have?


It's time for William to get his own bot farm...he can afford it. Sometimes you gotta play dirty...


While I'd love to see it, Royalty has class. Better to be seen (publicly, at least) as being above the fray. They can still be gut-wrenching from behind closed doors.


As soon as I saw that Serena was hosting, I had a feeling she was involved in Harry being put up for this award. I hadn’t heard about Serena not liking Meghan, but it wouldn’t surprise me at all. In addition to the possibility m has something on Serena, she may have something on Alexis. For instance, it looked like she was putting the moves on him at an event. I think it was Wimbledon, but I can’t remember for sure. If she was pulling that sort of thing in public, who knows what has gone on elsewhere. I doubt Serena or her husband would want anything like that to come out and who knows what other little secrets m knows.


It was the US Open when she Sharon Stone'd Serena's husband and jinxed Serena. Serena's family didn't want her there, she came anyway, leaving newborn Archie an ocean away, and then flashed Serena's husband and openly flirted with him. Serena's mother ignored her at the event.


Thanks for the correction. I remember the picture and Wimbledon didn’t seem right, but I just could not place the picture. She always seems to use sex and flirtation to gain attention. She is still doing the whole sex kitten act like a teenager. It hasn’t been cute for the last twenty years.


If Meghan has blackmail info on Serena it would explain why Meghan puts Serena off her game to the point she loses every time she is there 


And what woman who had recently given birth, would be flashing her muff? Most of us are wearing heavy-duty knickers and sanitary support for months afterwards. And I was young, (unlike Meghan) very slim, super fit back in the day when I had mine. I had easy-peasy pregnancies and fast, trouble-free births. However the ‘leaking’ went on for months and I was conscious of the need for protection. This is another reason why I don’t believe she gave birth!




Makes sense though. M is never at any of Serena’s personal parties or events. Just the very public ones.


Very true. It’s clear Serena’s mom doesn’t like her.


Serena dated Brett Ratner back in the day. Meghan used to attend all night parties at Brett's house when she was on Deal or No Deal, which was around the time he and Serena were dating. Possibility Meghan got something on camera back then that Serena doesn't want seeing the light of day now.


I did not think about that.


Thanks for reminding us of this. That makes perfect sense.


This is not a good look for anyone. Do wonder what Serena is feeling now after all this backlash. It’s gotta be something pretty juicy - what Meghan has on her - to be worth potentially taking a hit to her reputation.


Unless Meghan has something on video, all Serena has to do is vehemently deny it. Everyone knows Megaliar's MO.


I suspect as much as I believe Jill Smoller is the one who negotiated this deal as a condition. Lady C just confirmed in today's video that it was Serena and Alexis who are behind Harry getting the award.


yeah they have the same agent at WME, and Serena just started a production co. last year, she needs all the WME clients to support it


That is crazy!!! What if Serena's motivation is that she actually WANTS Hazmat to get this negative attention? Crazy like a fox?




I thought the same thing.....we can hope


Hmmm......... The Serena connection is strange indeed. Serena was at the wedding, at the baby shower, at Archetypes and maybe more. But Meghan Markle is never invited to anything at Serena´s. Serena´s mother certainly dislikes Madam, as we saw at Wimbledon. But there is something with Serena´s husband involved in ButterUp, I think? Travalyst?


Maybe it's to do with BetterUp? SW is involved at least peripherally.


I think this is likely if Serena and her husband have a stake in this company.


Serena’s husband owns Reddit doesn’t he? I thought there was a rumour of M trying to have our sub shut down. I bet she’s nagging, whining , complaining and crying to get our “hate speech site” closed. Serena’s husband is probably saying no way, it’s a big popular sub. I wonder if Serena tried to appease M by getting Harry this award, to stop her breathing down their necks?


They were pretty chummy at the polo match in Florida.


PR makes me feel insane. It's basically mass-gaslighting.


Serena/husband = beards abound


Their husbands is an invested in the fake therapy company where Harry is the chimpo


Thanks for the HOT tea SHC!!


So where did you get this info? About Serena not liking Meghan? About Serena's condition re hosting? And if this means she likes Harry, that also says a lot about her character. Otherwise it's all just gossip. I'd love proof, but so far her actions (being seen with the pair, hosting in his honor) don't align.


I heard it from Hollywood gossip and then I just HG Tudor reference it right after I heard it, so I brought it here for discussion. It's been mentioned here a lot that I share what I hear from the circulating Hollywood gossip. Saying Serena 'reportedly' made it a condition is key. Perhaps I should change my flair to "My source is Hollywood gossip". As to Serena not lining Meghan, they are never together and Serena is ln the record saying she doesn't kbow Meghan very well. The mystery here is that Meghan has no direct connection or direct pull on ESPN, nor does Harry. ESPN on their own would not pull Harry's name out of their ass for this award. Serena is the missing link and she IS hosting. I never said it was anything other than gossip. But ESPN's leadership when questioned in an interview even said they didn't know much about Prince Harry and that he was recommended to them.


Serena's WME agent was probably the 1 who negotiated Serena being host. Serena's WME agent is also Meghan's WME agent. So...let's recall that agents negotiate jobs like this and they have the same agent. I don't think Serena just spontaneously had this idea to give Harry an award. She may not have pushed against it, but I'm thinking it wasn't her idea. Pretty sure if ESPN said 'no,' Serena would've hosted the ESPYs anyway. Just happens ESPN said 'yes.'


Agree, everyone is seeing zebras when it’s just horses.


BetterUp has a contract with the US Airforce, Microsoft (who also has a contract with the NFL), the FAA, & NASA. It’s shocking to me that BetterUp is actually the meat & potatoes behind Harry & IG & Archewell gets the hidelines & blames. Meanwhile, BetterUp is funding ALL of this including his trip to Nigeria.


Also- BetterUp has a contract with the City of Santa Monica led by a black woman. Google it. In my opinion, BetterUp has a deal with both the US AirForce & IG & BetterUp is getting their pound of flesh for all the free PR Harry generates. At least a lot of clicks. BetterUp is the real story behind this award


I agree she doesn’t like Rachel. I was wondering if she did it as a “favor” but knowing it would blow up in their faces. That would be diabolical


I guess my tendency to believe this about Serena is better explained in this comment. When you hear things over and over and over, and you see that she is ostracized in Hollywood and shunned by 99% of the A list, and you know that people will not invite her to parties... even the mainstream press reports that... it just seems like there's no smoke without fire. Here's a link to a more explanatory comment: https://www.reddit.com/r/SaintMeghanMarkle/s/8f5J6j1r78


Makes sense when you see she's not inviting Meghan to her private events and she's not hanging out at the mall w/Meghan and they aren't having playdates w/their kids. It's all career stuff, like I've said same WME agent, some $ investment or interest in Better Up to say positive things about Harry's Better Up job, WME was probably involved in the whole brokering Serena hosting, as part of that WME/Serena's demand was for another WME client to get this award.


Espn does not care with what us consumers think. It is all about the money from engagement and viewership. People will be watching to see Harry accept that award. Espn knows he is controversial, but they are all sell outs. These industry people are so gross.


Don’t forget ESPN is owned by Disney, and Disney can push agendas through ESPN if they want.


I can’t believe that the Pat Tillman foundation and his widow let that happen! Unbelievable.  What was the widows part in that? I guess, it’s a „follow the money“ situation. 


The Pat Tillman Foundation is precisely why this award is happening! I just want to know the connection between the Pat Tillman Foundation and ESPN.


The connection: It's the widow. According to the foundation's homepage, she used to work at ESPN. Also, allegedly, she knows Meghan.


Wow. I hadn't heard this one. The widow is getting Markled.


More like the widow is a Markle based on what other Sinners have posted.


Oh, I missed that! Thanks! I will look up those posts.


It's all over the comments about how she remarried and tossed the mother out of the foundation and her husband is shady and they're about money, etc


I read that the widow and her new husband are all about money. I don't know how true it is, but I have read that in a few places.


Royals bestow awards. They don’t pay to receive them. Gohomeharry.


It’s a disgrace. Harry is a laughing stock but as a Brit I’m sickened he’s doing this, it’s so vulgar and grasping. Our RF gives out awards and spotlights the work of others, they don’t collect awards. I’m not clear exactly who he was but Tillman seems to be the same sort of deal yes? Gave up his life of comfort/celebrity to serve and paid the ultimate price, unlike self-centred Harry who gave up his life of service for a try at being a celebrity. Tillman’s mum is right, it is an affront to her son’s memory.


The best way to let your anger about this "award" be known is to boycott Disney. All Veterans or currently serving Military and families of fallen Heros must honour the memory and legacy of Pat Tillman by refusing to financially support Disney, who are showing they turn their backs on them and Pat Tillman to support and laud a traitor foreign prince for greed and publicity.


I’m a Snoopy girl anyway. It’s going to be difficult to completely boycot Disney because they are more or less a monopoly. They own so many other companies. I’d like to see service members and veterans stop visiting the Rat Planet. Let their Veteran resort sit abandoned. There are so many other less expensive places to take kids that offer a better experience in my opinion.


yes, exactly! Disney itself but also Disney resorts and all Disney owned businesses! All Disney cares about is MONEY. Sooo, don't give them YOURS! As you said, plenty of other equal or better places available.


I’m not so much worried about boycotting Disney and ESPN, as I am about letting the destruction of evidence get buried under the Tillman debacle.


In my experience, anywhere other than this subreddit, if you question Harry and that woman’s behavior you will get insulted and called a racist. Trying to have a sensible conversation with any of these Sussex cult members is like tryin to nail jello to a wall. The only power I feel that I have is where I spend my money. In the end, money is what this is all about. My husband and I are both disabled veterans and this shit show has me angry and disappointed. And Harry is most likely going to get away with this crap….again. So fuck Disney. They can enjoy the paid for prince and his wretched skank woman.


I just saw Disney’s stock has gone down since the announcement.


Yay! That’s funny. Disney is getting markled.


It is such a stupid decision. The thing about it that bugs me the most is that the award being named to honor Pat Tilman should mean that it isn't just about doing something good; it also should be about sacrifice. What has Harry ever sacrificed?


If it was awarded to the founders of Invictus, it would not be an issue.


Even then, why Invictus and not the Warrior Games?


Or the Challenged Athletes Foundation, also American, for all sports and veterans.


The only significant contribution he has made is to be a pain in the ass.


I wish the audience would boo or walk out when Judas is on stage


The audience would be full of the same shitters like the Harkles.


The producers will have folks in the audience set up to give an ovation. Even disabled veterans will be placed on stage to prevent the optics of booing. It's textbook.


The funny thing is that if Harry had been chosen to present the award to an athlete that represents Invictus, then likely none of this backlash would be happening. But no.  Harry has to receive the award himself so he can put that on his bio.


This is exactly the problem with Meghan Markle and Harry. They do bring a lot of press attention - but only to themselves and their endless victimhood.


As ESPN limps on bravely to the finish line, the fake Apache pilot merches on unashamedly. The fact that certain organisations and people are willing to be paid stooges to Herr Balless, and Desper-liar-Markle, sucks the out the oxygen from acceptable PR. ESPN digging in, is like the charge of the light brigade meet the Alamo and those that point to the truth are the Buffalo Calf Road Woman of fame.


If Harry listened to advice - or indeed had advisers worth listening to - he would insist that he can only accept this award if it is for The Invictus Games as a whole and suggest that two veterans go to the ceremony and receive it. This will make him look polite, modest, gracious and even impressive - and it will make the Tillman foundation and the ESPYs look sycophantic and royal hunting for even thinking of giving it to him personally. But even if he did want to do that, he won't be allowed to. He's been stuffed like a goose, poor old Harry.


or even insist the CEO of Invictus or someone else accompany him, like when a TV show wins and Emmy it's always a group up there.


I just can't believe it. First it wasn't even his idea. It was "inspired" by the warrior games. The first invictus games, happened 2 years after the London Olympics. The first games had a massive commitee with most coming from organising the London Olympics.


rightly so; if you're starting something you want actual experts with proven success running same type event, luckily they were local in UK b/c of London Olympics... Take note that's how you start something and make it go big. Actual. Experts. Not. Saladword people


Yes, and he had access to these people because of his privilege of being a Prince. If I had an idea and wanted the top members on my commitee, this would be unlikely to happen. This was Pat Tillmans mothers reason for not giving him the award. There are people who have done far more with far less resources that should be given the recognition.


yes, the recognition should go to someone doing good w/out those resources, who isn't famous already, and where their charity work could be helped. Somebody's training athletes for IG and Wounded Warrior. There's probably charities, state chapters of Wounded Warrior. Maybe there's a PT at 1 of the big military medical hospitals like Walter Reed, and he or she has inspired the freshly wounded from the very beginning to put in the work to become elite disabled athletes. Could you imagine, a group of athletes at Wounded Warrior at the athlete cafeteria discovering 'wow Jake Smith also told -me- he was gonna see me at Wounded Warrior 3 weeks after my leg was blown off' 'Hey me too!' The Jake Smiths of the world deserve the award, and maybe Jake is just a govt. employee, but somebody watching on live TV says, 'y'know, this guy started off 10 wounded warriors from new amputees, I could be a good PT too, how do I go to school for that.' OR, as my understanding is the PT award ties in sport to service, one of the minor roster NFL guys who goes on to start a youth program, or goes back to school and works on designing better helmets and gear to protect against young players ending up w/CTE. Basically someone making the minimum NFL salary and plays in 3 games but showed up to all his practices (cough, elite QB, cough) and did something good w/the rest of his life.


Sometimes I just want all the little people who start good programs and help people to get enough recognition they can get the volunteers and $ to fulfill their program. Like they say 'if you had to have a bake sale to fund weapons'


This is so obnoxious on so many levels, but also, why pick this entity over the Warrior Games, which was first and has remained true to the mission?!


It’s all about name. Like it or not, Harry’s name is very recognizable. I suspect the widow is looking for More publicity. The other names don’t give that BUT im sure those people Are much more deserving. If H had any class he would publicly give them the award. He does almost nothing, just shows up to be applauded.


Sadly, all I remember of the last Invictus Games is Markle acting the fool, prancing around, flaunting herself…using the event as a backdrop to pose. Harry is accepting this award as a representative of IG? Well, from what I’ve seen, his wife has replaced him - so it wouldn’t surprise me one bit for her to collect this award jointly with him.


Groan! If this is too blurry I will try posting again — today’s CDAN https://preview.redd.it/6fe23n5rm4ad1.jpeg?width=2991&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8aade2a979abb526f808db955041bfb04756a38e


This is really disappointing. I was hopeful that after Mrs. Tillman spoke out with such eloquence and conviction that ESPN would have a change of heart. Guess "heart" has nothing to do with it though.


Oh, no. This terrible truth about Harry will be spread by white middle-aged women who are jealous that Harry married an older, twice-divorced very "black" woman.


I for this demographic but I’m not jealous of that woman. I wouldn’t touch that ginger pos with a 10 ft pole. There isn’t enough tequila on Earth.


Yeah. Really, Really, REALLY tired of being told I'm "jealous" he chose her! He was Never, EVER on my radar! If any of the royals were ever on my it would have been William. There are FAR MORE celebrities here in the US that I would have chosen over any royal!


I mean he was cute when I was a teenager like 25 years ago. Maybe even 20y ago. ETA but that would have been illegal so...


ROFLOL. Yeah, I have a son a year older than Harry. So. NOPE, he never, ever was someone I'd have had any interest in...EVER. Not even in a freaky fantasy.


Just like that Markle woman


I would like to start boycotting ESPN, but I already don't watch them, or Disney channels. Not out of protest but lack of interest.


This was reported on yesterday https://www.reddit.com/r/SaintMeghanMarkle/comments/1dt0psd/well_espn_is_still_gonna_award_prince_stupid_the/


Should read "ESPN lays down with dogs ..." Welcome to the Circus, ESPN. ![gif](giphy|snzDaKtM3JYt2)


What are the chances that Harry will announce that ESPN will be associated with IG in his acceptance speech?


Or why not honor the Americans behind the Wounded Warriors Games? They were, after all, the inspiration for Invictus Games, the award is in memory of an American hero and the Wounded Warriors benefits Americans injured in war.


If they can’t see that buying the award distracts from the earned legacy, they should be ashamed! Talk about an award that shouldn’t have been cheapened. I agree with mother, they are making it about privilege!


As I keep saying, 3 of the medals that Haz so proudly wears are for attending his grandmother's parties. How stupid are these organizations?


ESPN Extremely Stupid Perfidious Narcissists


This has had to have been in the works for a while now thinking about it. Remember back months ago when Harry was in Canada for the Invictus event and was interviewed by ABC news Christopher Reeves son? I thought at the time it was strange because CBS morning show was his show of choice. Disney owns ABC and ESPN so now it makes sense. Add in Genevieve Hillis in Chicago and Pat Tillman’s widow along with Serena Williams.


Exactly what Doug responded. They should be ashamed.


It's too bad that no one can trust charities any longer. The elites can donate, give each other awards, etc. Just leave the rest of us out of their performative stunts.


As mom of a 100% disabled AMERICAN VETERAN, I am disgusted that anyone thinks that the Hairball is even remotely deserving of this award!! I can only imagine how Pat Tillman's poor mother is feeling!


It's not so rosy-colored for Harry. He might as well have a big Disney tag from now on. He must be always prepared to answer "how high" when Disney or its subsidiaries ask him to jump. AND Meghan won't get that voice over job.


The ESPYs is about athletes, Invictus games are about wounded soldiers who are athletes. Guess it makes too much sense to give the award to a soldier who is an outstanding athlete.


These awards have now lost 100% of their credibility.