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IG being a copy cat of the Warrior Games was fine at its humble founding in 2014 because it was a great cause. Now that Harry is trumpeting from the mountaintops that he is a genius for the very concept of IG and solely putting into action, it’s a huge problem because Harry is just lying on behalf of a major foundation.


So painfully true, but how off the charts embarrassing, arrogant and plain idiotic prince Harry is, to claim others dine out on his mothers memory.  As far as I can gather (typically from those dastardly tabloids at the supermarket checkouts 😄) Prince Harry is the only one **constantly** exhuming her/using her as an excuse which as far as I can gather has only brought to light her own faults, and magnified Harrys to the nth degree, or that Americans stole rugby/football from Britain (at an NFL awards show of all things?! 🤯). And even though I'm a kiwi NZ moon land commonwealtharian, I was/am absolutely shocked sideways to hear Prince Harry is to be given an award in Pat Tillmans name 🤯🤯🤯  How about bestowing such a prestigious award and honour towards the valiant soldiers who died to serve their country/yet actually lost their lives protecting the pissant British prince bunker Harrys Xbox fantasy kill streak?!? 


Because the Harkles can’t possibly come up with an original thought on their own


# "such a good idea by the Americans that it had to be stolen" and turned into a life-support machine for my self-mangled reputation but mainly as a very expensive catwalk for my middle-aged wife to strut around on. Oh yeah, and maybe some injured guys can be there too. She needs an audience.


Yeah but those injured folk are going to have to pay their own way..., no free ride here suckers, we're not here to coddle you.


Let them eat cake! - Smog Antoinette


And here is the video loud and clear in Harry's own words - 55 seconds in. https://youtu.be/pvsnA_G0VUw?si=mUsxIhkEKsoSU_Vq Does someone know how to archive a YouTube video? I tried but not sure if it worked: https://archive.ph/wip/88bn8


Great find!


Well hot damn, you nailed his as\*\* with the words right out of his mouth, and yes I totally agree why not honor the founders of the Warrior Games instead?…Oh that’s right?.. the founders of WG don’t have to buy awards for themselves to make them look better. ![gif](giphy|1gdzx8rMpuDOQy6sF8) Edit: typo


It proves that the Montecito grifters are fully aware of the level of their deception. Yet they charge on with their wholesale lies. eta: while Hairold is being blasted, where’s Meggie-poo? She getting an ill deserved rest while *this one* takes a licking.


Same as always… “supporting” her husband from the shadows, as in letting him “shine” alone while she escapes the negative press he inevitably attracts. She’s hatching her next plot from the safety of privacy (while recovering from some other procedure, probably) while her husband gets his reputation torn to shreds. Same old, same old.


She’s a cowardly little arachnid.


Meggie Poo is either: (A) suffering from lack of narc fuel (B) recovering from her latest cosmetic procedure (C) screaming at her staff that they better come up with Meghan’s next venture ASAP (D) All of the above


Actually this is right on target for Meghan Markle; she disappeared from the press when Harry was getting blasted for Spare


Yet he had the balls to say the NFL stole rugby 🙄🙄 that statement won't be lost on the people attending the Espys


It begs the question. Why do we need the Invictus games here in the United States? He’s trying to bring it to Washington DC next time. If I were going to bet on it, I would bet that wounded warriors across the world would prefer to play in the Warrior Games, where they would be treated with the respect they deserve as warrior athletes who’s talents should be showcased. Not as a backdrop for Harry’s ego and ilbw’s emu parade.


They make a mockery of everything. Why is anyone even associating with these two? Obvious answer is they pay for these things. Don’t be mad, sinners. This coming to light is a great thing.


I don’t understand why the American media let them get away with it. Why IG and not Warrior Games? There is no other explanation than that the award was bought. What a mess. And they are wondering, why they are so disliked.


As I understand it, the Warrior Games is for current and former members of the US armed forces. Although it uses sports, Warrior Games is primarily a military based organization. IG is publicly supported, RF seed money aside, so that might explain why it might be considered while Warrior Games would not. (And the US military certainly isn't feeling snubbed, lol.) Insofar as Harry being the creator, he is no more so than the amateur artist who sits in the museum hall copying old masters. If Harry sat before an easel, perhaps his version of the Warrior Games might look like this: https://preview.redd.it/uic8n7a8m4ad1.jpeg?width=580&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aac0b9fe7b698a80f2d93e836918b76b6d45f2b3 (Also known as "Self Portrait")


Thanks ☺️


You are welcome. 😀


https://preview.redd.it/bxo8xop0l4ad1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=01f29134f9f3f312d4fda52813ed6e54d93cf5a9 I could be why off here, but IMO, American Media *does not care*. In fact, the more noise and attention about ESPYs and the *F°°king Grifters* pay-for-play awards, the better the distraction and less scrutiny into how/why the MSM only seemed to realize after the debate that our 46th POTUS is non compos mentis.






Sure would have been nice for ESPN to highlight Warrior Games, like ever.


"HE" got the idea??? No, HE did not get the idea. The idea was PRESENTED to him.


The NYT posted the Harry article on their FB page and the comments are overwhelmingly pro-Harry. Sigh.


It’s all because either the widow wants more publicity for her charity, or H and M pr reached out to the Tillman foundation. That simple.


What a crass comment. Harry told an audience at the Copper Box Arena in East London at the former Olympic park that it was 'such a good idea by the Americans that it had to be stolen.'"


Do we expect anything less from the epitome of crass? I’m sick of this bs. He blatantly disrespecrs the US while simultaneously molesting it for maximum benefit at every turn. If I were honest about what karma should deliver to him it would be more trouble than it’s worth and removed so I’ll quit while I’m ahead


Some info on the Tillman award: Started in 2018, most winners were military/retired military who started charitable organizations or who engaged in personal acts of bravery or living saving (a boxer who went back to nursing during the pandemic, three football players who saved the life of a teammate in cardiac arrest). The closest analogue to Harry is Marcus Rashfod, who raised money to place the school meals not provided because of school closures during Covid. So Harry is not so so different but the others’ acts seem more personal to me


Haha, Harry stole it. He and Megsy are cut from the same cloth. They belong together forever linked in misery.


Did H&M task an employee to create a binder of all the existing awards that H&M could possibly tap into for their own glorification? Not as donors but recipients. How else to account for their ability to exploit little known awards? The "Legends of Aviation" had a lower public profile than even the pre-Harry MM who barely registered. They may "buy" some of them for a small donation, but more likely an agent of H&M sells those award committees on their ability to get public attention for the awards and in the charity world, more attention means more donations.


Harry didn't even steal it himself. It was his main assistant that he'd had forever who put it all together. And he only did it because they needed a project for Harold to look like he cared about and worked on.


Stealing other's ideas is what he and his ILBW do best. In fact, it's ALL they do.


How very British of him.


Well, at least he can't say the US stole it from the Brits, that would be rewriting history and him and the wife don't ever do that, no? /s ![gif](giphy|XlWLkUfYZ5lH8MEnFW|downsized)


He even lied about that, it wasn’t him who had the initial ideas of copying the Warrior Games, someone suggested that it was probably Edward Lane Fox and Prince William though it would be a good project for hasnoballs!


Harry didn’t steal the idea. Prince William and the palace staff came up with the idea and created invictus and then handed it to Harry so he would have something to do and William donated the $1 million pounds he received from the phone hacking to help found invictus.