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This is not manifesting, is delirium.


yep. We are moving into total fantasyland now with these latest manifestations. What next? "Meghan Markle elected Queen of the UK and Commonwealth. King Charles and Prince William devestated and humiliated"?


About as likely as Thomas Markle and KC3 moving to Montecito permanently. They want to be a granddad ls together to A&L. Raglands try to sell their exploits as a sitcom.


>This is not manifesting, is delirium. Yup. Tom Quinn makes Neil Sean's stories seem 💯 factual 😂.


Tom Quinn is to royal expert what I am to astrophysicist...


I'm sure you could point out the big dipper, which makes you closer to astrophysicist


💯💯💯💯💯 Yes! Thanks for saying this.




The Queen last set foot on U.S. soil in 2007.....17 years ago....meeting with then President Bush. As if King Charles is going to sideline the current U.S. president to play patty cake with his grandchildren in sunny California instead. NOT HAPPENING. H&M are lying liars that lie.


And another attempt to make William and Camilla the bad guys.... Pa would be so close to me and my kids if it wasn't for these 2 What Pa should tell them is he'll consider a visit from them to the UK but only once she's reconciled with her father... and not just one visit to see him either


Seriously 😂King Charles is going to fly all the way to California to see them because they are so important and relevant. Don’t try and drag the King into your current PR nightmare.


A fairly sick KC currently recovering from cancer.


>And another attempt to make William and Camilla the bad guys.... Pa would be so close to me and my kids if it wasn't for these 2 So very much like the H&M in our family! They try to push or manipulate you into doing what they want, then play wounded victim when you won't


And then only on the condition that H&M supply irrefutable evidence that the invisibles qualify for being in the LoS and that the invisibles accompany H&M on the visit and are free to interact with other family members without being under the control of H&M.


Cheese dream


From the mind of Mughen.




Yes, I agree. Then I thought, what if the gruesomes are trying to pressure KCIII to stop in LA after Australia? It's a crappy argument but it could be said if he just flies the other way round the world, he could stop in LA. Yes, that adds 10? 12? hours to the flight but no one said either of the gruesomes are rational or would think about the toll that could take on KCIII and Camilla. If he doesn't, they could make the uncaring grandpa argument. Again.


Ya can someone on twitter start the #HarrytriedtokillCharles


Even supplying a rational argument to this plays into the delirium. The King is not desperate to see those two grandchildren. The mifht appear kindly, but the King is kingly. He is mightily pissed off at these gristers' antics, but he will sooner visit the moon than Montecito. And this is all irrespective of all the logistical arguments as to why this is a delirium.


Aside from The King currently undergoing treatment for cancer, his diary is planned years in advance, he doesn’t have time to go flying off to America for a visit. The Harkles can keep dreaming.


The King doesn't fly out to see an errant son, unless errant son has had a terrible accident.   The son flies to see the King, ie head of state who has actual serious business to attend to.  Tom Quinn needs to wind his neck in.  He knows nothing.


And King or not, you don't make your elderly father who just had cancer go across the ocean for a visit.


Totally agree but I will also add that the King does not have the freedom to move about like he did as PoW. The whole security, diplomatic status of entering another country has changed. Does ANYBODY really think the Susses duo would allow the royal protection officers on their private property?


All good points. Plus the security arrangements would be massive, not something that could be put together at the last minute


Your flair is spectacular.....🤣🤣


Thanks! I was so pissed off at how they tried to malign my city, and this flair was available, so....


Holy shit! It really is awesome!


I didn't make it. But as soon as I saw it, I knew it was for me


I love it. It's my favorite flair honestly. 


They act like he can just hop on a plane and fly off on a moment's notice.


I think he could if he wanted to. But it seems embarrassing for the king of the UK to fly 8,000 miles and back just to beg to see his grandchildren. He may get there and find out that Meghan’s taken the kids to DisneyWorld.


QEII visited 117 countries in \~70 years 'in an official capacity.' That says it all. Yes, she took vacations/visited people, generally in younger years. At this point, it's still iffy that KCIII will be able to go on official visit to Samoa and Australia, and New Zealand/Fiji have already been dropped from the trip. KCIII is not making any private trips; he's still undergoing regular cancer treatments. It's said that KCIII had cancer treatment the day before appearing at a D-Day event. He would not be able to take some kinds of meds that could help side effects either, so as not to appear 'out of it' or 'drugged'. I can say that after relatively mild chemo, my father had travel nausea, had to get off the subway to work to throw up. Also was no longer in shape to be floor marshal at work, for fire alarm/evacuation. He was a v. fit 60 years, no other health issue.


"He may get there and find out that Meghan’s taken the kids to DisneyWorld." 100% and Mememe would convince herself that it was a power move. She would call it payback for what KCIII did to Hank.


Or, she has sent them to Nigeria with Doria so they can all immerse themselves in their homeland and culture.


Which would be an ideal opportunity to have one of his bodyguards nip in to grab the children's toothbrushes while he "fixes" his shoelaces... I can dream. 😄


About as believable as William and Catherine being huge fans of Suits and wanting That One's autograph.


The autograph line is one of my absolute favorites from Spare 😂


Considering they don't even sign autographs themselves, why would they want someone else's? Especially from such a low-ranking cable actress.


The idea of it is just ludicrous


Shrooms are a hellova drug


Yeah, they might want to meet someone - just like they met Taylor Swift recently, but I'm sure they didn't even think about autographs.


Let me display this shitty autograph next to the Rembrandt and Caravaggio 🙄 /s


Oh man yes. That was so cringe. And didn't he couch it that they would be bothering TW for her autograph?? Yes, Haz, that's so believable that two people who regularly meet heads of state and many, many other important people, not to mention actual movie stars/ musicians, would be salivating to get Mee-Mee's autograph. Haha.


Royalty doesn’t ask for autographs… batshit crazy


He couldn't teach Meghan to behave properly, but he's an etiquette expert who coached W&C. /s


Even less people knew who she was before she trapped This One. He is deluded.


Which makes it so obvious who REALLY wrote Spare. At least, all the Mughin parts.


Absolutely Meghan’s fantasies. What I wonder is if she dictated it straight to the ghost writer or made Harry learn it all and repeat it to the ghost.


Good question. My guess is that she sat there and "corrected" Harry until he got it right.


Remember the ghostwriter said she would "drop by" often at the tea house where he was writing the book, along with "Archie", bearing a tray of cookies or whatever? I wonder why......


I’m trying to imagine in what universe a member of the royal family would ask for anyone’s autograph much less a random c-list actress on a basic cable show.


They don't even sign their own autographs.


That’s one of the many “tells” about where the stories for the book came from.


But the same huge fans were supposedly not receptive to receiving a hug from her. They tell such stupid lies.


Exactly, they were about to maul her for an autograph but were offended by a hug?


lol very valid arguments there


One could blink watching Suits and miss old Megs....She was probably in the show for less than 25 mins a year. Although, she did have the hot parts, like getting banged up against the filing cabinets by her love interest...one might presume on and off screen.


Off screen... definitely.


Tom Quinn is NO Royal expert, his books are full of rubbish, he never fact checked anything. So I don’t believe a word he says.


I’ve been wondering for years what it’s gonna take to stop all this kind of ridiculous lying in the press. I’m not going into it here, but this same concept goes to politics and other public spheres like sports and religion, though those last 2 are not of primary concern to me. At least they’re far less of a concern than the others. Society has lost their collective minds. As much as I’m a proponent of our 1st A (can’t really go too far there, as it’s a really complex topic and keeping politics out is impossible) I think we’ve reached a point we need to start talking about how the freedom to lie, both in public speech and the press, is encroaching on all our other freedoms and is antithetical to the pursuit of happiness we should be pursuing . Not really looking for a conversation (again, politics) but just wondering if I’m all alone here. I feel I often am.


You're not alone. Only feels that way because peer and formal censorship effectively silences such discussions when we dare not to self-censor.


some of us realise 'news' based on 'royal experts' who are just speculating based on their past experience/knowing Charles 40 years back/tripping on hallucinogens...isn't 'news'. It's something that people need to emphasise, but a lot of us who realise it don't have a platform or spare time, media isn't our career so we have 'a real job' or are squished between caring for kids and parent as my generation is.


I think those articles should be labeled at top as 'opinion' or 'commentary' as some of the non-tabloids do. As they are based near-completely on opinion. I won't call it **ridiculous lying**, because these are opinion pieces or commentary. ***The lie is lack of a label identifying it as such,*** which at least the like of BBC seems to do? I guess the tabloids consider they don't have to label it if they also put in some quotes from other people (including *royal experts* who are also simply commentators based on some past experience). Commonly, it's not labeled because: **=50 articles are written off 1 TV appearance by Angela Levin** **=Writers of tabloid articles don't write** ***their own opinions,*** **just quote Angela Levin from the TV show & maybe a few quotes from show's presenters, SO** ***=Tabloid writers can argue they're quoting Tom Quinn or Angela Levin, have identified the quotes as 'Tom Quinn speaking on Daybreak XYZ' and so it's the 'definition' of 'straight news'.*** OK, that's objectively true in the same way a newspaper covers an appearance by a political pundit where the pundit has nothing but opinions and little if any fact. Ex. I write an article about what Rush Limbaugh said at an appearance with no comments of my own. This is a problem requiring very savvy news consumers to recognise this. As these articles -quoting opinion/commentary- aren't really opinion/commentary of the article writer \[thus not labeled 'opinion' or 'commentary'\] this loophole perpetuates the beliefs: Fake news/no truth Palace is lying/briefing against 'whomever' Palace never tells the truth Literally, WTF, this is 'my baby is an alien' National Enquirer stuff I got no solutions, not from taking like 2 media/perception classes decades ago. I think there should be some kind of disclaimer at the lede like 'based on angela levin's appearance on Sunrise AKJ June 27, 2024' or even 'friends of Charles have opened up' so you know straight away it's not based on official palace statements/quotes or Archewell/official Sussex rep quote. And whom it's based on rather than starting out with 'Charles is considering visiting...' the lede should be what 'royal expert'--who's always just speculating in this type article--is speaking on the topic, that's **mainly** what these articles are about is what a royal expert or 'palace source' has said. By putting the lede as 'Charles is considering visiting...' or such, as the lede, that is the 'most important info'. I mean, so we learned in 9th grade journalism. And that sentence goes as fact, when the whole article is based on quotes of royal talking head 'expert.'


It all reeks of third world corruption.


He’s replaced Omid Scobie who has gone into hiding.


v. few posts by Omid lately. On Insta, b/c somehow my X is prohibited everywhere.


Weaselly lickspittle Mr Scobie is probably busy writing his royal themed novel. Good luck with that. /s


I actually can see him having success in the romantic fiction genre. Scobie has a good writing style for that: He can create drama without getting too flowery. Unfortunately for him, he got starstrucked and failed as a royal reporter and biographer (and decent human). He won't recover in non-fiction.


I agree it's a better genre for him but at this point I'd suggest he use a Nom de Plum.


He can use a pseudonym. J.K. Rowling writes her crime novels under the name of Robert Galbraith, because she (imo rightly) assumed that readers wouldn't pick up a different genre with her name.


did not know that...but Omid could make a lot of $$ as Maddy Soodby, romance novelist. The problem is he wants The Fame...but it's not ended up so nice now that he's basically had to go to ground. Fame is near gone, infamy isn't. However, I'm SURE Omid wants to retain the lifestyle to which he's happily become accustomed, and the posh life for his lovely dog. Time to reinvent himself as a 'novelist'...and I do recommend Maddy.


If it’s Tom Quinn, “royal expert” then it’s bullshit. He’s worse than Scoobie doo. Don’t give him clicks.


As one of my friends likes to categorize such people, Mr. Quinn is an ex-spurt. 💦 When it comes to his "inside information articles", an AI has more imagination.


Sure, Tom, and there's pig wearing a purple tutu flying over Texas while singing show tunes.




I would actually love to see this.


Bullshit. Utter tripe.


*Bullshit. Utter tripe.* Seriously -- if King Charles wanted to permanently torpedo all his goodwill from the British people, visiting Haz in the U.S. would be guaranteed to do it. And he knows that.


No need to worry, the King has zero interest or intention of visiting that cesspool of iniquity and filth called the Olive Garden in Montecito. He has no intention of seeing the skanky Roachel, who may or may not have spawned those children, ever again. Just in case that fact remains in any way unclear to the general public. No doubt the children have an open invitation to Balmoral, that's the only way those children will ever get to see their grandfather. Their mother is not included in that invitation. It appears the American Duchess may not be allowed to enter or set foot in the UK ever again. Who knows?... but that's what it looks like.


That's not even a consideration. Other than a few days in Transylvania before cancer diagnosis, KCIII and other monarchs usually only leave the country for official/state visits such as the Commonwealth Heads of Govt. mtg. in Samoa this fall. Monarch has duties w/the daily red boxes, meetings, etc. w/people in UK, besides royal engagements. At 75 still undergoing (weekly?) cancer treatment UK goodwill isn't a consideration for a US trip that's not possible. I think KCIII is interested in UK goodwill so far as he wants to be seen to be doing his job, at least going to Samoa for the meeting & keeping part of his official visit (Australia). Also KCIII has spent near 70 years preparing for this job, and he's just determined if his mother 'carried on' working as ill as she was, so can he.


Exactly this. Support would plummet


No one inside the palace is telling Tom Quinn anything.


Yes, they all would rather talk to a hungry tiger than to Tom Quinn. But I absolutely believe that he talked to someone inside Monteshitto Palace.


I believe that too.


That's the irritating thing. Reporters can still call H+M "royal sources" or "palace insiders" or "someone close to William" (in Harry's case) and it's still - technically - factually correct.


He couldn't go to France for the D-day celebrations but he's going to cross the globe?


Keep dreaming. It will never happen.


I can't wait until they start reporting on the actual meeting and how many things Charles promised Harry. All the while the King has obviously never left the UK.


In keeping will offer to step down and bypass William do H can be king. What drugs are these people taking.


Absolute total fantasy - I may have a go at being a so-called ' Royal expert. I obviously know more than Tom Quinn! I know for a fact that this is garbage. The monarch's diary is planned many months, if not a year in advance. With the King also having to schedule in his treatment it meant that many visits were postponed/cancelled. King Charles just can't hop on a plane and head to America alone - his equerry and security team would also have to go with him. The palace has persuaded him not to go to NZ, which would have been a state visit. The King is also aware that he can't speak to H&M alone for fear that they would blab to the press within seconds - as H did after his 15-minute visit. King Charles and the RF usually head off to Balmoral for their Summer break in August, and I would imagine KC would much prefer a relaxing time in the Highlands of Scotland over a fraught visit with his crazy son.


yep. The 'inviting Sussexes to Balmoral'--which the Sussexes will of course 'refuse'--is much more legit to me. If Charles wants to, he can invite them at a different time than he invites PPoW. I'm sure there will be strict no photo op which Sussexes will decide it's not worth it.


Absolutely. Well put.


Let's argue for a minute that the King DID agree to this visit and all the plans are underway to make the visit go smoothly with no security risks - now Tom has blown it by leaking the details to the public in advance. Visit's off!


I continue to remember that just last week on Palace Confidential, Rebecca English said that there is NO communication between the BRF and Montecito. None.


As it should be for about 1,000,000 reasons


Yep. At one point, there was a report that Charles only communicates with Harry through his lawyers. He can't trust Harry enough to have a one-on-one conversation with him. Also, I don't believe the King is having video calls with the two kids. The Harkles can't be trusted to not record the calls and then edit them to embarrass the King.


Have we seen Tom Quinn and Meghan in the same room? Is he her alter ego? I'm kidding, but damn, he's in bed with her with all these jerk-off lies.


I’m betting he has either been hired to collaborate on a book with one of them or he has been offered “inside information” or something along those lines.


Gotta fill in the gap left by Scoobie Doo who is sitting on the bad boy shelf.


naughty naughty Elf on the Shelf! please, sinner with graphic skills, get us a meme/gif of Omid as naughty Elf on the Shelf!


I think they've shot their load on books, interviews & everything else crapping on his family






I don’t see him making a special trip to visit Harry. Wishful thinking on the Markle’s side


Oh, Meghan doesn’t wish KC will come visit. Meghan wants the world to think that KC wants to visit (meaning she has the upper hand because he is willing to make a pilgrimage to Montecito to see his grandchildren.) She wants to paint KC as weak and Camilla and William as bullies. She knows KC is not thinking of coming.


Exactly. She (like everyone else) knows Charles won’t visit. Why does she persist with ridiculous stories regarding the RF?


To keep her name aligned with the RF


Because now all the tabloids will pick up this story and spread it around, just to get clicks. That's all it is: clickbait. And her name once again in the headlines.


It’s what she thinks of as a clever trap.


Charles is currently in Scotland carrying out his Royal duties during Holyrood Week


This is not happening. Let's have King Charles just drop all his cancer treatments and pop over to the US to see the invisibles?!


**Someone who queefs Meghan's bullshit isn't a Royal Expert, he's a Royal Anus.**


The King has just had to reduce his Australian tour because it would have been too exhausting for him, and we are supposed to think he’s just going to pop over to America?


Especially for a completely personal trip. I’m sure I don’t know half of what it takes for a person at that level to travel to a foreign country. These things are carefully planned months in advance. In M’s mind though the king is just another celebrity who can jet around at the drop of a hat.


Sure, Jan. The **KING** is *"in discussions"*, like idiot boy and his dank-ass wife are world leaders or something. 🙄 Tom Quinn is as stupid as his hosebag paymaster.


My cat is more of a royal expert than him


Charles is a head of state. He can't just go wherever, whenever.


The media like People, Daily Mirror, Daily Mail, Daily Express, NYP and a host of others make a living hashing this stuff over and over with no facts - all speculation. Journalism is dead. It's not only sickening but boring yet people seem to read this junk.


Tom Quinn is the new Scobie. Take everything he says as coming directly from Meghan.


Complete bollocks.


“From those inside the palace” he thinks he is fooling us? We know his sources are not on the palace.


And pigs will fly (…albeit in private jets)


Yeah a man at his age going through cancer treatments where a big success is finish his red boxes each day, is going to go through the discomfort of an 11 hour flight to see the mystery children. Blow it out your butt Quinn, Scooby Doo’s replacement.


More bull spouting from the megaliar, Meghan Markle's, tiny brain through her minions. She can try to manifest a phony relationship between her husband and his father except for the fact that she personally blew that relationship up beyond repair. Just like she did with her own family. As if the King has any interest whatsoever to visit their Californication abode in the first place. Delusional doesn't even come close to describing that skanky trollop.


OMG, not just manifesting but delusional af! Do those twits think Charles is going to fly over an ocean in the middle of cancer treatments to see a couple of spoiled, entitled brats and their children? Are they really so out of touch that they think people would actually believe it?


It's such dumb, disrespectful manifesting. In a normal family, the parents will be expected to bring the grandkids to visit the grandparents, especially if one is ailing and the parents can afford the travel. And we are talking of the whole head of state of one of the most important countries on the globe who is also undergoing cancer treatment and fulfilling his duties at the same time. So stupid.


He barely had time for him when they met last time in the UK. Only thing I could remotely image is KCIII might want to check on the children to see if they are being cared for but it's a stretch of my imagination.


He doesn’t need to go in person to “check on the children.” I am sure he gets occasional reports on the kids from MI6 who are surely keeping an eye on Meghan and Harry. What is especially absurd about this rumor is that KC is under treatment for cancer. This has slowed him down considerably. He is not likely to be planning any personal trips across the ocean.


Considering the King is hiking in Transylvania when This One is in the UK, why would he go to the US?


I imagine he has someone on staff who could do that for him if he had a concern. I wonder if either of the York girls have met them.


Nope, not happening Meg.


The bong hits continue in Cali! This is definitely a “things that never happened” puffy piece


![gif](giphy|10JhviFuU2gWD6) Are the sources the voices in your head Tom? 😏


Of the many things that will never happen, this is number one!


Even if hypothetically Charles the monarch makes the trip to see kids he doesn’t know well enough, rather than the kids of the rich globe trotters going to see a cancer stricken grandparent, let us say that they meet: what will transpire? He doesn’t know those kids, they don’t know him. They can be polite to visitors for probably 15 minutes, even considering that they are neurotypical without behavioral issues, but what will those little kids do beyond that? Will they miraculously manufacture a wonderful relationship with no substantial interactions between them? Highly doubtful. Charles is a very busy monarch, has a very loving wife and extended family and step family, is traveling in his country nonstop for royal events, Anne is out of commission now, he needs manage PR, budgeting, travel, personal life, staff, medication, treatments, exercise, rest etc. It is ridiculous that he will put spending 10 minutes with kids who don’t know him over everyone else and everything else and come running to the US. If those kids were very close to him or if Sparry was the one with health emergency in their family, it is another story altogether. But as it stands, the grifters are traipsing from Africa to Europe to Asia for buying good pr, making millions, merchandising and for photo opportunities with strangers. But, a sick old man is expected to come rushing to meet 2 invisible kids because they can not be taken to him in a private jet??? This is manufactured to make us think that the invisible kids are very important to the RF and are in the LOS. People who don’t dig deep would believe the puff pieces and it would give these kids high prestige and merchandising opportunities.


>This is manufactured to make us think that the invisible kids are very important to the RF and are in the LOS. People who don’t dig deep would believe the puff pieces and it would give these kids high prestige and merchandising opportunities. Good point.


Of course he isn't going to the US. 


Tom Quinn = fully, entirely and unequivocally made up bullplop


Dear Mr. Quinn, Rehab is a real thing. I suggest you look into attending and detox from whatever the hell it is that is making your brain so smooth.


Oh God...🙄 what a load of 💩


In what 2027? He's The King, he can't just pop on in for the weekend.


Never going to happen. The optics of a king or RF going to see anyone are carefully weighed and orchestrated. KC would never let it look like he is going to H or M’s turf.


A monarch does not pay private house visits even to family in foreign countries. They go to him. And a king in his 70s, battling cancer is certainly not going to fly to the other side of the world to grovel and deliver a PR win to a pair of narcissists who have defamed him and other royals. Quinn has truly surpassed himself this time. A total crock of cack.


I'll believe it when I see it.


totally manifesting. Scooby Deux has been harping on this for, seems to be, weeks now. edited grammar


Scooby Deux is absolutely genius 🤣🤣🤣


I don’t think we should quote or post Tom Quinn ANYTHING, without a disclaimer.


https://preview.redd.it/5nmnz4dor4ad1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a8f81d31d6cd2dd0c693d16418cf165118c079fb Your majesty, you really should just leave him with the title Duke of Dumbartecito


Definitely a manifestation. Quinn is not a valid source. Was he ever? Even if he's "reporting" on the gruesome twosome, the content is only whatever tripe, lies, and smears that they feed him.


Harry comes to the UK and he can’t make time for him but still in recovery, he’s going to hop on a plane to California. But if he doesn’t go it’s not because this is all complete boll**ks but because the nasty Camilla and William didn’t let him.


He's got cancer and the king of England. Why would anyone believe he'd go to America because of his stupid son.


Please, when hell freezes over !!!




I would not be surprised if King Charles, himself, signed the petition to strip Harry of the Tillman award.


Dear Tom Quinn, your Royal Expert "Meghan" is so full of shit its spilling onto you. King Charles is busy working unlike your Royal Expert.


Isn’t his calendar set for at least six months ahead? He can’t really just decide to take off for another country (difficult enough) for a quick visit!


Omg. Quinn again?! Even under normal circumstances, the King would not just fly over to visit as he is head of state and would have to arrange everything through the governments. Secondly, it’s ridiculous considering his treatments. Also, with the elections going on, he needs to be on hand in the UK. If anyone should be visiting, it’s the son and children. This is bollocks and total manifestation on the part of the Harks.


If he visits (which he won't, this is pure grandiose delusion) will they pretend they live in Montecito, pretend they live together...oh, and also pretend "their" "two children" also live there?


Tom Quinn is a Skunk's Bollocks


Since when does the press print COMPLETELY fabricated stories for public consumption? Why does the palace allow this? There are people who actually believe this stuff and it affects public perception. This needs to stop, especially as they are FULLY aware this is coming from Meghan’s twisted brain.


KCIII gave Harry a mere 25 minutes of time in his own palace. But we are to believe KCIII is going to fly to CA and go to Harry's home with his track record of recording devices and blabbering about private conversations? Sure.


Tom Quinn is truly pathetic. He makes Scoopy Doo look like a journalist.


Oh sure! The King is itching to associate with his son who’s being investigated for obstruction and who’s under fire for undeserved award! What a smart King!


King Charles isn’t going anywhere while undergoing chemotherapy. This is ridiculous.






Just look at the byline. No reading necessary.🙄


Scoobie duex is full of bs.


The Quinn bloke is Omid Scobie 2.0. He is told what to say and then runs to the media to say it. Manifesting Meghan is certain she can get back into the fold, 50/50 like they originally wanted and that way is through those poor children.


After the 12 minute pr stunt that they pulled … i doubt the King will do that


KC is restricting his planned visit to the S hemisphere for health reasons. So we are expected to believe he will abandon his DUTY and insult NZ by flying off to a private visit in the USA. Tom Quin WE SEE YOU.


Sure Jan. That is all.




Don’t believe a word of this But I can’t see the king travelling anyway without his queen And we know Harold can’t stand Camilla Anyway wouldn’t the king have to travel with a medical team. Just incase something happened


The Markles love to give the Monarch their marching orders...."Come and see us"...."fix this family estrangement".....Wouldn't Dorito just love to get a hold of the King...she would never let go of him this time...like she did at that crazy wedding. Dorito was clinging onto Charles as if she had just married him.


Hahaha, as if the King and Queen will ever speak with the two unless they have to.














Tom Quim is talking nonsense again. Totally delusional. It must be catching!


I expect Meghan told him about the proposed visit as a little secret. 😉


Total manifestation. His calendar is created over a year in advance.


I remember HLMQ coming to San Francisco. They practically had to shut the whole city down. Not happening.




This is complete b\*ll\*cks. The RF are rock solidly grey rocking. They will give the dastardly duo no quarter. In any case, people go to the King, not vice versa.


Quinn really needs to stop getting high on H’s supply.


🙄 I seriously doubt the King would go to the USA to visit JudasHarry. Is this some misinformation whispered into Mr Quinn's ear? and by whom?


Oh hell no


What a crock! 😂😂😂


One word..Bullshit!!!


It makes sense! The king will travel to Montedramacito to talk about the most private things with his darling boy, while Megsybaby can film everything with her hidden cameras to blackmail him afterwards! I’m sure the king is delighted and can’t wait to see them!




Transcript of discussion: Harry: Please ask Dad if he can come to the US to visit his grandchildren as Meghan doesn't feel safe coming to the UK Major Johnny: I'll pass your message on to the King when he returns from Transylvania, but as previously discussed, he's not flying to California to meet your children.


Yeah, perhaps kc is taking the missing evidence over to haz personally...NOT.



