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Oh thank you for posting this!! I don't have posting privileges and I thought this was a well written piece of non puffery. The Harkles want an ego wall- one full of plaques, awards, and accolade- a constant reminder of how wonderful and amazing they are, even though the RF told Meghan otherwise. Maybe that's all the past few years have been? The Queen saw through Meghan's BS and called her out. Meghan, lacking in self awareness, having hid behind a carefully crafted facade for many years, could not handle the truth about herself. She's been trying to prove to herself and the RF that she is on the same level as the RF. All the awards, faux tours, and self centered visits to organizations are a sad copy of what she thinks being a Royal is. They are screams for attention


Perfect.  This is exactly what TW has been doing, trying to buy herself into relevance in order to feel as important & as accomplished as the BRF, especially Princess Catherine.  She & the Spare were certain that KCIII would come knocking for their assistance during the "short handedness" of the family.  It's why she flounced about Nigeria to "throngs of acolytes", half-dressed with a fake smile plastered upon her Ozempic face, while Harold tripped along behind her like a half-wit Lurch.  It made no sense to her that KCIII wouldn't ask for help, couldn't he see how wonderful she is?  🤢🤮 Meghan Markle is a fraud. 


"A half-wit Lurch". Brilliant!


Where is their privacy? Did they loose it walking their dogs in AfricanParks?




"Thanks for having us on the show!"


This never fails to get old and still makes me literally lol


Me too! Wish they’d do another


What would happen if someone met them, holding those signs up? I mean, they must get the reference.


Now that would be interesting


Oddly, they didn’t want privacy or perhaps when they found how easily they obtained it? Her word salad nonsense is still indecipherable https://preview.redd.it/cz78sb6y25ad1.jpeg?width=1652&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ac622304b1addf5168181fcf99335cb075ba363c


It’s like that Miss America pageant girl answer that became a meme:   “I personally believe that US Americans are unable to do so because some people out there in our nation don’t have maps and I believe that our education like such as in South Africa and a the Iraq everywhere like such as and I believe that they should our education over here in the US should help the US or should help South Africa or should help the Iraq and the Asian countries so we can be able to build up our future” Huh????🤔🤔🤣 M’s Word salad is the same


Sounds like she earned the same International studies degree as our slutty saint


Oh I loved watching that when it happened. It was cringeworthy, but also sad.


This is one of my favorite things to watch, aside from the American congressman who thought Guam could capsize if their weapons weren't evenly distributed throughout the island.


I hadn’t heard the one about the congressman and Guam   😳. Where do they find these people??!


WTF did the contestant actually say that? Gawd what a complete moron if she did.


Yes!!! That is a verbatim. Contestant totally “glitched” on national TV during the Miss America Contest. I saw it live and couldn’t believe what I was seeing/hearing. Poor thing was on every late night comedians monologue, and because she said “such as” so many times that became a meme. 


Her statement about “well you showed us one pic now show us everything” MM wanted privacy because she didn’t want to share the full details of Archies birth. The whole birth announcement was sketchy and she didn’t want to release full details which would have revealed he wasn’t born of M’s body because she used a surrogate. ![gif](giphy|2wwbT3cKajCRXDbjU4|downsized)


It’s such an extravagant and disingenuous statement! Similarly, in The Cut article, she explains that the Archie couldn’t go to school in the UK because: *’she’d never be able to do school pickup and drop-off without it being a royal photo call with a press pen of 40 people snapping pictures. “Sorry, I have a problem with that. That doesn’t make me obsessed with privacy. That makes me a strong and good parent protecting my child,” Meghan says.*’ ![gif](giphy|U3I5ZJPFJpXRm)


Oh for goodness sake , STOP throwing bouquets at yourself . That would never have happened, you’re not interesting, your child holds no interest either . We didn’t care then, and we care even less now .


Funny in that example, she forgets to mention that the taxpayers are funding her life and the right to see more than 1 picture of a child in the LOS.  They are literally paying her for it. So how about this example... Meghan, someone comes to you and pays you an obscene amount for 10 pictures, you only show them 1 out of the 10 pictures they paid for.  Don't they have a right to either get what they paid for or get a refund???


Boundaries and respect? Psycho bitch !


She has neither.


So full of word salad bullshit.


I missed that when it aired. I have been wanting to watch it in its entirety, but I cannot seem to find it. Anyone know where I can watch?


Really interesting to see one answer all together. Thanks


They’re too important to walk dogs. They only have any pets as a PR move to try to look normal, and make others do the walking.


And after buying that award, they can’t afford the paid-for-paps as well! https://preview.redd.it/qrhsi85g45ad1.jpeg?width=1199&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=49026a1acd6af583343f2fafdc9e36eac42ec0a6


Look at that dumbass look on her face.


Even worse, have you ever seen poor dogs with such sad looks on their faces while out for a walk? Even the poor doggos hate her, they sense evil


Yes, those dogs look miserable.


Wow. I was distracted by the doll. You're so right. That's disturbing. I hope the dogs have nannies too.


One can only hope🤞🏻I’m a dog person. My eyes are always gonna go there first


I was just going to say the same thing. Those poor dogs look miserable


Good spot. Those are very sad looking dogs.


That was the first thing I noticed. It is so evident on the beagle’s face.


Exactly. He looks particularly sad.


Yep, she knew she had the world at her feet and that she was teflon, salivating that she could stick it to the RF, and would NEVER be subject to consequences of any kind, LOL. That grin says it all.


What strikes me about this picture, is that the dogs do not look happy. My dogs love walks and are always super happy to take one. These dogs look like life is hard.


Dogs, like children, know they depend on you and will try and keep loving you even if you are horrible to them. The dog she left looks like my dog. I am crushed for them. Ugh 


Lol. Might as well have done that. That "baby" never moved.


Archie trying to dive out of the carrier. I know it’s photoshopped but it’s hilarious.


I think one of the things that upsets me the most is the fact we're coming up to the 4th of July-- and who is the Pat Tillman Award going to? A Brit! What? There wasn't an American who exemplified Pat Tillman's message? We know BunkerHarry certainly didn't.


A Brit.  A traitor.  A lazy ass do-nothing.  A fake soldier.  A feckless whiny bish who's foolish presence brought about the death of two Americans who deserve an award like this.  ESPN/ESPY - you dishonor the memory & legacy of a true hero. Of a man who knew the cost of freedoms *(like the ones Harry wishes be denied)* and the sacrifice it takes to keep them. 


You don't buy respect, Harkles. You earn it.


Harry doesn't understand what "earn" means.


Well, that's kind of how Harry was brought up, wasn't it? Wealth and power swept a mountain of dirt under the rug (per Spare reveals), and the prince was handed a turnkey charity, IG, he thinks his greatest achievement. IMHOP, Meghan is more the one who craves constant recognition. Harry is sure he's great. LOL, his mummy said so, many times over. Meghan's biggest trophy is her Duke, although he's more of a consolation prize. Their low grade trophies remind me of the scene in the Ten Commandments movie where Pharaoh's magicians challenge Moses's power. The magicians turn their staffs into snakes, whereupon Moses's staff becomes a bigger one and eats them up. Charity for charity's sake always trumps self aggrandizement.


I don’t really think they do good PR, every article they put out there makes them look like the real narcissists they are, even this award is not helping their image.


Very true!




Except for the most gullible I would say people can smell the desperation.


If they expect to gain popularity and respect by buying and/or accepting all these awards, they are in for a surprise when it doesn't work.


They are doing a phenomenal job at getting the public to despise them 🤣 Hey, training wheels faux pilot Harry and celebrity thirsty Meghan: we hate youuuuu!!!!!! ![gif](giphy|uHPwtFExSASiI|downsized)


Harry was never a war hero. War heroes don’t play video games while surrounded by bodyguards.


And yet, the awards she really wants, Grammy, Oscar, Emmy, remain out of her reach. It must eat her up. I look at all those awards like the awards you get in Kindergarten, so everybody gets one. “Sat still all day without wriggling”, “best use of crayons”, “clean clothes at the end of the day” and the best one of all “participation award”, which by the way, is no different than the 3 Queens awards he ridiculously wears whenever he gets an opportunity.


Why would it eat her up? She has never even been in a feature film, only z list. Why would she think she deserves an Oscar for a Hallmark movie or modelling for Monkey Wards? She's crazy but not that crazy.


She wanted one for her Disney audio narration. And they both expected one for their Netflix mockumentary.


Excellent observations; very short article.


“Sigh” Once again it has to be spelled out for the Grifters. They showed us who they really truly are soooo many times. So many. They have extremely unlikable personalities and qualities. They lie and play the race card a lot. Such lies. They think they’re better than you and I. Therefore, there is NOTHING and I mean NOTHING they can ever do that will change peoples minds about them. Their vile and disgusting behavior caused all of this. All of it is their fault. They just keep pissing people off more and more all the time. When will they finally understand this?


https://www.change.org/p/request-espn-to-rethink-awarding-the-pat-tillman-award-to-prince-harry He’s still getting this award, however, let’s keep sharing and sharing. If you haven’t please do.


46,000 plus. With that amount of votes, the sugars can’t say it all Meghan haters with those sorts of numbers. Pretty sure change has bot detection too, as it’s a legit charity.


That is 100% what they are doing. They don’t want to put in the hard work to build a good reputation and earn people’s respect, they want it served to them on a platter.


Trophy Room at the Olive Garden is heaving! List of awards given to Prince Harry since 2016 # Prince Harry 1. **2016** - **Top 100 Most Influential People** by Time 2. **2016** - **Golden Heart Award** from the German charity Ein Herz für Kinder for his work with children and youth through the Invictus Games and other initiatives. 3. **2018** - **Humanitarian of the Year Award** from the Atlantic Council. 4. **2018** - **Diana Award** for his humanitarian work and efforts with young people. 5. **2018** - **Time 100 Most Influential People** - Prince Harry was included for his contributions to the Invictus Games, mental health and HIV/AIDS. 6. **2019** - **Eco-Award** from the Travel + Leisure Global Vision Awards for his work with Travalyst. 7. **2021** - **Global Citizen Prize for Humanitarian Work** from Global Citizen. 8. **2021** - **Time 100 Most Influential People** - Prince Harry and Meghan Markle were featured together as part of the Time 100 list, for the Archewell Foundation and humanitarian causes. 9. **2022** - **NAACP President’s Award** (Joint) from the NAACP for special achievement and distinguished public service. 10. **2022** - **Ripple of Hope Award** (Joint) from the Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights organization for their commitment to social change and speaking out against injustice. 11. **2023** - **Best-Selling Nonfiction Book of the Year** by various bookseller and literary organizations for its remarkable sales and impact. 12. **2023** - **Living Legends of Aviation Award** for his charity work, especially related to mental health. 13. **2024 - ESPYS** - Pat Tillman Award for Service Missing any?


Gee I wonder how he won the Princess Diana award...


May I say they were begged and paid for rather than given?


And List of awards given to Meghan Markle since 2016 # Meghan Markle 1. **2016** - **World Vision Global Ambassador** - Recognized for her work with World Vision Canada, including her clean water campaign in Rwanda. 2. **2016** - **Top 100 Most Influential People** by Time in recognition was for her work as an actress and her humanitarian efforts. 3. **2021** - **40 Under 40** by Fortune magazine. 4. **2021** - **Time 100 Most Influential People** (Joint)- Prince Harry and Meghan Markle were featured together as part of the Time 100 list, for the Archewell Foundation and humanitarian causes. 5. **2022** - **NAACP President’s Award** (Joint) from the NAACP for special achievement and distinguished public service. 6. **2022** - **Top 100 Most Influential Women in the UK Tech** by Computer Weekly. 7. **2022** - **Ripple of Hope Award** (Joint) from the Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights organization for their commitment to social change and speaking out against injustice. 8. **2022** - **People’s Choice Award for Pop Podcast of 2022** for its significant influence and popularity. 9. **2023** - **Women of Vision Award** from the Ms. Foundation for Women for her global advocacy to empower women and girls. 10. **2023 - Gracie Awards** from Alliance of Women in Media for Podcast Host, Archetypes


These awards are astonishing. Thanks for compiling this, sofafa! It's amazing what $$$$ can buy, yet they still have gained no respect 😕


I think you missed the Twisted Nipple of Prince Dope award (ongoing)


Pppffffttt they dont gots that kind of money. They brokity as bitches playing like they got bezos money. Lmao "buy respect" with some fake ass stolen Valor award. Fuck off now markles. They can't even afford to buy tolerance much less respect. Best they can get is disgust and that's my final offer. Some day these two festering twat waffles are going to wish they could afford indifference.


Thank you. They need to crawl under a rock and STAY there.


They don’t have enough money.


You can't buy respect. Everyone the world over knows what complete hypocrites, cry babies, liars, and garbage of humans they are.


Fame chaser? More like fame whore.


I hope this makes them feel really important and so good about themselves. What sad pathetic waste of a life they live. One day maybe they will grow up and realize they did nothing but collect trophies for doing nothing important.


Buying awards & lying don’t equate to respect


They are trying to build paper castles in the air. They are trying to be a power couple without the talent and profile backing them. Hence they use these paid award to build their profile. Paid awards and puff pieces.


> “FROM WAR HERO That’ll be the day hasnoballs is a “hero”, Jesus!


It isn't an accusation. It is the truth.


Well they need to write a bigger check. What they’re spending ain’t cutting it.