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She could have picked up some memorabilia at the auction last week. Wonder if you can deduct an expense like that if you turn around and wear it at a charity function?


lol she could have. But Meghan Markle is certainly not the same size, shape or height as Diana was, so it will be the usual ill fitting, wrinkled mess.


She should go full throttle and wear a short-haired blonde wig and blue contacts. Really show them the face of crazy🤣🤣


​ https://preview.redd.it/7ncz285jd5ad1.jpeg?width=534&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7d8990502519e68b36d940c4da04ae391291acbb


Oh my god 😂😂 don't give her ideas puhleaaase


I get your point and agree with it but somebody has to give her ideas. It's the only way she can have one.


I agree, she doesn't do originality. Also, I'd like some inexplicable crazy to start showing in public, for all the times we've had to make our own entertainment out of her puff pieces I think by now we're owed an exhibit-A for the involuntary hold assessment.




I bet you she already has one and wears it around the house.


Why else is Diana's hair in a box next to the bed? 🤮


I'm sorry, but that's just plain creepy. Mummy's hair and her lip cream as well? This boy has some serious problems. Just saying.


I bet she's worn it a lot. It's been requested quite often...


Ohh I disagree!! Let her crazy ass show up in a Di wig. Her crazy on full display.




Here, helps on the way https://preview.redd.it/yf1wgqffo5ad1.jpeg?width=320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a84dd7990e8206f9b8b73789ca557a9f9d74848b


Bless you 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼


Thank you!!! I have been waiting for the Diana hairdo to make an appearance on her 🤣




I bet she pulls that wig out whenever she allows Harry to have sex with her… you know, just to keep him in line.






Ewwww.....I'm getting real bad Uncanny Valley Vibes here!


I’m actually hoping for this now that you say it. If she’s going to be all stalkery and weird, why not go all the way and show up looking just like Diana, but with crazy eyes? ![gif](giphy|tYligZtoDB6N2)




Don't forget platform shoes to make her taller, like she's lurching around on stilts!!!


She can borrow her husband’s


Her feet are too large


This *literally* made me lololololololol. I am dead. 🤣🤣🤣☠️☠️☠️


She wears that around the house to terrorize Harry with.


I can physically see that happening. With a ouija board in one hand and a blood sacrifice chicken in the other. Regular tuesday night in their household 🤣


And Meghan seems to enjoy dragging clothes all over the floor.


Guessing a jewelry item - necklace, broach, bracelet etc.


Oh I hope not. I want one of the 80s dresses :)


I just read a couple of days I think on pagesix that the 1980’s is the favorite decade of GenY the clothing including leg warmers are coming back in style for them. So maybe the wife will show up in her clothes wearing a necklace across her forehead.


Since when has logic and reality has stopped her


Whatever she does, you know that the news will refer to it as “a sweet nod to” blah blah, blah blah blah.


Unless it's a scarf or handbag or jewelry.


This is the most likely scenario


How embarrassing would it be for her to have to BUY Diana's things at auction?


This gown, https://preview.redd.it/dx8avv2mz4ad1.png?width=450&format=png&auto=webp&s=c23285a5292e894a703d7c558d034130b6623d4b 780K. Maybe got it from Archwell's missing $4 mil money lol.


So I went back and tallied how much Diana's friend made out of this auction and above its $5million including the auctioneer's cut. Wowza! Diana helped her friend with a nice retirement nest egg. Douchess would be livid to know how much Diana helped out her dear friend.


I would not spend 780k on that dress


Did the buyer pay the auctioneers fees? Isn’t that what the buyer’s premium is?


I have no idea about it.


She probably charged it to Invictus, since H is supposedly accepting the award on behalf of Invictus.


The prices are quite steep for some of the items. Here's the link to the auction house:[“PRINCESS DIANA'S ELEGANCE & A ROYAL COLLECTION” PREVIEW OPEN FOR BIDDING (juliensauctions.com)](https://www.juliensauctions.com/en/articles/julien-s-auctions-opens-princess-diana-s-elegance-and-a-royal-collection) I thought this would be a great pick as it has a "sweet nod" to *her* Nigerian *roots*. https://preview.redd.it/8304rzjbd5ad1.png?width=1063&format=png&auto=webp&s=a2da59ebd28191a6789eea8b1aee28812b88514b


She’d look like a perambulating mushroom in that hat


😂😂😂 Well, Harry's such a fun-guy... I'll get my hat.


https://preview.redd.it/sysz5hc5z5ad1.jpeg?width=1666&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=94e1850b7d038600ed53978bedfb07bebc8c636d The words CAPE and Wallis Simpson…we have a winner


but if I see the phrase 'sweet nod' again I will absolutely kill someone.


If the auction is even remotely linked to a charity, can one try to say that the purchase was a charitable donation?


No not in the US. Even at an actual charity ball/gala where you buy a ticket - you need to deduct the amount of the meal from the donation.


will she attend though? with all this backlash, she usually abandons him . https://preview.redd.it/00eexau8w4ad1.jpeg?width=1465&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3d547cc04d22e1cfc255cbde1c83e41f182a3037


I think she will go and drag him with her. This is the only major-ish HW award show they’ve been invited to and she’s probably been planning this for years. 🍿🍿🍿


>I think she will go and drag him with her. Yup, she might even go onstage with him to accept the award. She's that pushy and shameless.


She'll ABSOLUTELY go on stage with him. She'll even give his acceptance speech.


"Sorry I'm late. When I was 12..."


She has no shame…Harry even condones and encourages her behaviour. Marching (at the front!) with veterans (and I’m not sure, but it looks like Harry standing watching from the left hand side). Harry gesturing the mic to be handed to her at the Costner event (but wasn’t). He is trying to promote HER. Any speech he gives will be praising her, but as you say, she’ll be front and centre on that stage unless physically stopped.


I wouldn’t put it past her to convince Harold that it’s going to be far too embarrassing for him to attend, and she’ll graciously offer to go and accept the award on his behalf. She’s probably writing ~~his~~ her speech as I type.


I think she'll let him speak Then, take the microphone and say, "Harry. You gave such a good speech. You did so well! And what did the BRF do? Lie!!!!". Well, it seems to be working for Jill. You know, her *lemon friend* 😉


I'm looking forward to all the cringe footage of her manic grin high on attention fuel and the inevitable attempt at grabbing the mic. We should bring out the bingo cards again!


That's a crowd too large to control. She may, reluctantly have to sit this one out due to the threat of embarrassment. Not because she wants to stay away, this would have been the type of event she'd shove her own mother under a bus to attend. So glad it's all backfired to a level that may prevent her from soaking up the attention she so desperately craves


If they boo her when she (inevitably) snatches the mike, I will laugh so hard.


The espys has a red carpet with many fans. Let's see her take the risk. I say she bails. She's a chicken shit!


She does shy away from scrutiny. It’s funny how she dishes dirt but can’t take it.


Narcissists lack self-awareness. Narcissists don't take responsibility for their behavior. Narcissists triangulate relationships, then ignite a smear campaign when caught. Narcissists employ DARVO: deny, attack reverse victim, and offender. Madam's: behavioral manifestation: grandiosity, overinflated ego, low self-esteem, and poor self-concept are attempts to prevent others from recognizing she's an empty shell.


I’m honestly going back and forth on Megsy’s attendance. She usually hangs him out to dry by himself when shit goes wrong for him.


Look at this dumb b. Why is she at a sports event and wearing this ugly suit? I actually can’t get over how stupid she is and how she does not see it at ALL


These are separates, they don’t even look good together.


They were on a visit in Ireland, that's the day when she got pissed by a little kid. https://preview.redd.it/2ypjhbm0i5ad1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b16cb6fd786ec65012e80994f6c81dae79a160b8


That's the first time I've seen a kid look like it actually wants to interact with her and she looks like she wants to smack the little tike.


Her reaction to that child was quite repugnant. There is a video, she looks quite pathetic and actually tried to ignore that child


She definitely had a mask drop and her eyes briefly flashed in fury.


Yes, she was very uncomfortable and didn't want the child to touch her but didn't know what to do.


She is such a bad actress. And not very bright if trying to win hearts and minds. All politicians know you don’t ignore children or puppies.


She's just awful. The look on her face is horrible, like "don't touch me you little s\*it". Probably exactly what she was thinking. Yet she has no problems breaching other people's personal space, especially the few children who actually approach her. She's so gross.


No. He was trying to smack the stupid out of her.


Oh well the poor kid would need a cast iron pan and 27 years to do that.


😂😂😂😂😂😂 A job for life...


The child was desperately trying to get her attention, it was so obvious to the point of being annoying and still Meghan tried to ignore the poor kid. Princess Catherine would have said hello as soon as she saw the child. Meghan hates kids though.


I wish the kid had pulled her wig off


Children are scene stealers. Her natural enemy.


Even the child was concerned by this poorly dressed imposter…


Her crappy logic precedes her once again


The question is: will she be on stage while he accepts the award and grab someone’s arm or will she cheer from the seats and grab someone’s arm?


Another sinner suggested that she is the presenter, LoL. Wouldn't doubt it 😉


Oh, GOD, please let her be the presenter. Let ESPN and Disney allow her to get to a microphone and blither out her word-salad. PLEASE.


haha will she be the one making the acceptance speech ;)


MM has really proven herself to me a terrible wife, along with being a terrible daughter, in-law, friend, etc.


She's a terrible anything, but she does have the talent to destroy everything in her path; she's better at that than a Panzer tank.


I'm a doubter too, she 100% hangs him out to dry when the backlash shows up. Also, they won't allow her on stage with him to hold his trophy and give his speech for him (because she wrote it), the narc persona won't accept being sat in the audience while he basks in the attention. Lastly, it's almost guaranteed that he'll say something offensive on stage and she thinks that she won't suffer the reputational damage of being his wife as a result of his tone deaf commentary if she's not in the same room as him.


She looks ghoulish in this picture.


Rachel Markle: dining out on her dead mother-in-law for years now


....and Harry Markle dining out on a dead U.S. soldier now


Constant need for attention.


He probably doesn't know who Pat Tillman was or did.


And doesn't care. He only cares about his personal accolades and TW getting the opportunity to swan as Diana 2.0. DISGUSTING!


Revolting thought.


This will not only be absolutely freakin hysterical it will catapult Merch from whispered about stalker in A list circles to Mommy Dearest and her wire hangers level of mockery. I hope she does.. I really really hope she does. Henry Sussex will truly be dating his mother. 🙏🙏🙏🙏


I posted this a few days ago but here we go again— Fatal Attraction “ I’m not gonna be ignored, Dan”. Please , please, please do it!


So true! 😂 I can’t not see Joan Crawford and her eyebrows when Meg shows up.


😂😂so true


I want it to be like a whole entire outfit. Nbd if it's just some piece of Diana's jewelry but a whole out of fashion outfit omg that would be so damn funny


I need her to get the Di hair too! Diana’s hair with Joan Crawford’s eyebrows


...Anyone know what happened to Diana's horrible shiny off-the-shoulder pink gown?


The joke that keeps on giving. 🫠


FFS! Will they stop digging that woman up! I mean, why doesn’t she just go full stream with the creepiness and have the mummy’s hair which Harry keeps in a box by his bed, incorporated into her latest weave or wig (or whatever it is she does with her hair these days). Also Diana was at least six inches taller than Meghan so the dress (or whatever it is) will be several sizes too large and dragging on the floor. Go for it Megz. You will just make yourself look more deranged and creep people out even further. Edited - spelling


Dragging on the ground is her favored look, so…


It shows how sick in the head the two of them are. She wants to be her, he wants to be with her. 🤢🤢🤢🤢


It’s definitely got Norman Bates vibes!


You beat me to it. Except Meme is alive! If she's at that ceremony dressed in the "revenge" dress, wig, same necklace and earrings, the RF needs to have them both committed.


Don’t give her any ideas!


She's gonna start walking around with a big-ass knife one of these days, and manifest a hatred of shower curtains.


I don't think she has ever attended any function where only Harry has been facilitated. If its not a video acceptance, I think Harry will come alone. She is never going to be associated with this Espy paid award mess. Its all Harry's mess.


How Meghan sees herself: https://preview.redd.it/2pvs4vyk15ad1.png?width=482&format=png&auto=webp&s=5158d345b4ce8dcd3849884eab7704b2ca3c8d59


What Meghan can’t resist wearing (it’s sexy, dontcherknow): https://preview.redd.it/k2ak23uu15ad1.png?width=378&format=png&auto=webp&s=05f1bc86c25ae0de4904fd6003153a1e5a4741fe


What's going on with her boobs? Has she rubbed herself up against the blackboard?


she's wearing a white bra beneath a translucent black shirt but omg it really does look like chalk lmao


She has no cognition of what underwear does UNDER clothes. Nope. Panties=check; badly-fitted white bra=check; black shirt over white bra=at least she's wearing clothes.


Look like actual headlights!


She’s likely to rub herself against anything or anyone!


The brilliance of Diana was that she understood how to dress as a knockout. The revelation of shoulder and décolletage, contrast with the supersexy sheer black hose and that trailing scarf. The perfect jewelry that played off soft with the creamy glow of pearls and the hard of the sapphire center. Mehgan can't touch this. And what's with the ghostly boobs? Bad bra choice *AGAIN?*!


I wonder where that pearl choker ended up? It can't have belonged to HMTLQ, surely bc this is post divorce.


The sapphire brooch was a wedding gift to Diana from the Queen Mother. Diana had it restyled into the pearl necklace. Presumably William is guarding it!


Why are her tits shiny and running away from each other?


I need to look at knees more, her right knee has a face.


Never in this lifetime OR infinity will that "thing" ever come close to this masterpiece #revengedress


Like the Kim Kardashian/Marilyn Monroe dress moment. Another copycat stunt that will not go over well.


Actually, this could be good.


She always flashes her Diana jewelry whenever she can, this is a blind that’s guaranteed to pay out 100%.


She always flashes, full stop!


Forever riding someone's coat tails. That's all she has. Meghan is a parasite and without Diana here, she will attach herself to Diana's memory. 


She already does that with Diana's jewelry. It really shows the chasm between the two daughters in law; one only needs to wear Diana's ring and has barely mentioned her outside the engagement interview; the other does everything she can to refuse to let the deceased rest in peace.


That’s the Harkles, dining out on Diana once again. 🤮


She’d wear her skin too if she could *shudders


Already has he hair, probably trying to clone her.


It rubs the lotion on it's skin


She can BUY all the clothes she wants, the POW has the ring...on a serious note, if she does show up in Diana's clothes that will show how unhinged she truly is.


If she shows up she has far more courage than I ever gave her credit for. Or her level of insanity is reaching peak intensity.


But there just might be a microphone Meghan Markle can snap from Harry. And there will be a red carpet and cameras - kinda well known Markle bait.


The temptation is too great! Like an jonesing addict with some H dangled in front of her.


There will also be extremely wealthy, fit men there by the dozens. She's far too old to snag a current player, but a retired high profile player who invested wisely would be very temping bait for the nearly broke Madame.  Though I doubt she's as temping in return to these sorts of fellows.


If Meghan Markle looks like this on pictures, imagine how she looks in reality https://preview.redd.it/culdnq4395ad1.png?width=262&format=png&auto=webp&s=0fe3306e3a36c6942332621ca1e953e16334fca2


She could just wheel her makeup cart out for photos and save herself the trouble.


Courage is not a Mehgan quality. If she shows up, as for the Platinum Jubilee and the funeral, it's for some gain. This event could be ammo--"see how I came with you, Harry, and supported you for this award?"


One can only hope it reached the involuntary commitment level. And Hank can be her plus one.


Think it’s the latter. She’s not brave.


Or the attention addict in her is stronger than the yellow bellied coward she is.


Also a strong possibility 🤣


I don't think she'll show due to the backlash and negativity surrounding the award. She didn't show for the Aviation award and that was also dogged by a backlash. Plus it's not about HER so she DGAF.....


She's a bigger mess than Cartman. ![gif](giphy|jHv38PbTTObHG)


Let her talk all about her connection to being the daughter in law to Diana, whilst Maria Tillman Shenton looks on to see the Choice she made in accepting the Money! But honestly, I do not think Maria gaf anymore, as long as her Foundation secured the money.


Mental illness on display. Again


100%!!! I always thought oprah, apple tv, and stephan colbert were just egging on a mad man.


🍿 🍿🍿


I think it was Celt who did a video on how Megan doesn’t wear Diana’s jewelry but rather replicas, and not very good ones. The aquamarine cocktail ring she wore with the Stella McCartney gown isn’t like Diana’s. It’s close but not even an exact replica. Anyways, Megan is guaranteed to make an absolute ass out of herself. I know that much for a fact


Finally something that's not happened yet. Enty has the habit of posting things that are straight from the papers.


This just affirms that she buys clothing and then wears them to the first public event that she can. She puts absolutely no thought into dress codes etc. It's all about attention, headlines. No consideration for any person or charity the event is honoring. Top tier narcissistic behavior.


ok. CDAN is very questionable. so i wont believe till we see it. But so far all that creepy " Meghan is the new Diana" talk from Harry, why arent SS creeped out or at least a little bit worried ? i mean this isnt normal.


Ok if she shows up wearing some of that outdated (and ugly) stuff that was being sold at auction a few weeks ago, that will be the sign she's truly certifiably. I think she will show up in a ball gown and some truly inappropriate fake tan and make up.


https://www.change.org/p/request-espn-to-rethink-awarding-the-pat-tillman-award-to-prince-harry Yes I know that they are still giving award, however, let’s keep this going guys. If you’re on this sub you should be signing!


7am: alarm goes off. 7:30am coffee and biscuits w/ jam. 7:45am - 5:00pm plotting how to 1) steal the limelight from Hazzard, 2) trash "waity Katey" 3) finalize pics for Hook-A-Billionaire dating app 4) canvas parking lots for pap walks and 5) boo-hoo to Marcus Anderson.


Plus: 7:15am staggers to the kitchen for a glass of cold water and 4 200mg ibuprofen to cure the pounding headache/hangover from too much box wine the night before 


And a dollop of Neosporin to soothe the coke nose


I hope on that event something over shadows it.


They won't need to, she will embarass herself if she does wear vintage Diana. Girl needs to stop!




Get the straight jacket ready. My gosh she is a psycho.


I truly hope she does!


Is it Diana's ashes in a vial around her neck? Because I suspect everything else is excellent paste.


She is beyond weird, deranged, sick….


She probably planted this to get get people to tune into the awards.


I don’t believe it. Coward Harry won’t show given the backlash. She never puts herself in any situation where he needs defending (think court cases, the Coronation, etc) that would be solely for his benefit. She (oops Guest Speaker) nerve goes on the Nee York Post comments section unless the article is specifically about her.


I am with you. She has "skipped" the legend of aviation awards, as well, after the backlash re Harry's flying skills. In general, they only seem to attend events in a very controllable environment. They will always blame security, but they must be shi\*ting their pants with fear of being booed. The last events they attended were panel discussions either organized by Archewell or where tickets have been bought (mental health day last year, SXSW, Betterup events). Many things they do or give are pre-recorded. And this time the backlash is even bigger. I can't see her facing that risk of confronting boos, protests, flying tomatoes ;).


Oh my God if true she’s sick


“But HAZ it’ll be like your mother is there!!! Through me!!!!!” 🤣😭😷


Wearing Diana’s clothing with her chicken legs, non existent torso, her gnarled, ugly af hands, her withering, sandpaper skin and short, stumpy neck? Ok… (How does she have so many unattractive features all in one? I’ve never seen anything like it, and I don’t care, no one in this sub looks like this, maybe one or two things but not all like this EW)


This if true it’s sick…… weird….. mental…..


I’m still not watching it.


Those blind items are as ridiculous as the ILBW's manifestations. The King is coming to see her kids as he bought a burner mobile just to chat with them! From a couple who refused to see the Queen during the holiday season at Balmoral but would rush to Balmoral for photo-op after her demise. Are her 'fans' really that dumb? Zero IQ and EQ equally nil. The irony of her relying on tabloid paper to spreak gossip about herself. That woman is totally unhinged and deranged. She does not have anything that belonged to Diana. These people will write anything as well when paid I guess. It's not just her bots that spread rumours. She had her own little cottage industry. She has just discovered the joy of making jam & dog food at home! Must be from cooking for her prince! No wonder they do not mix up with normal people. They are jesters. And we are laughing at them. So are those who pocket their money as well. It balances the grift I suppose that they are being fooled as well for money.


Just how much more despicable can this woman get?


Hold her ozempic….much lower.


I reckon she’s too thin skinned to actually show. Will be interesting to see if she does.


I bet it’ll be the same sh*t she always wears, like the watch and maybe the light blue stone ring will make an appearance. Butterfly earrings. This is gonna be a straight sh*t show the ESPY’s. Truthfully, it usually always is, whether those two are there or not.


That would be full blown cray-cray. So I guess it will happen!! Actually it reads like yet another bollocks “blind” from CDAN.


My guess is it will be mostly jewelry or accessories. I can’t imagine anything that Diana wore would fit m, even with expert tailoring. Besides, if she altered a dress or top, it would lose value.


Well, she was spotted at the recent auction of Diana’s clothing. Which will look utterly ridiculous on her 5’4” frame when Diana was 5’10”. The Tillman Foundation Markled itself and it’s about to have its most humiliating moment when Nutmeg grabs the mike!


She wouldn't dare. That alone might seal her fate. The creep factor alone might be enough to finish her off. Honesty asking, do they genuinely not have a single person in this world who cares about them to perhaps suggest it might be time to seek some medical help from mental health professionals? How can they have no one? 


They live in an echo chamber as they ghost/fire anyone who dares disagree with them. No-one probably dares suggest they need help


They did…


My first thought was......how morbid.


If she does this she needs to be committed.


OMG...that is so creepy 😱


OMG, one of Diana's 80s monstrosities. Please Rachel do it, it will be a delicious laugh for everyone. The clown show rolls on.... (I'm a 80s girl and I wore equally bad outfits) https://preview.redd.it/9y2fso4h27ad1.png?width=298&format=png&auto=webp&s=07fda2381e1ee58f606812122094c0893196f18f


I hope she wears this one… https://preview.redd.it/tmia79hge9ad1.jpeg?width=371&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ccec53f2458dcfebac18246b6b2bdb19dfb7d6a5


I hope she does. I actually love when she goes ball to the wall. I find it highly amusing when she flouts convention while the monarchy sits back and does nothing, hoping public outcry will do the work for them. I'm tired of the brf expecting others to do their dirty work because they are terrified of doing anything. Let the chips fall where they may I say. Meanwhile I'll sit back and put my feet up, lol.


Frankly speaking a month hiatus from so much as a peep about the Douche bags of Montecito would sure lead load their PR dingy


He probably calls her Mummy-Meg. Yuck.


Is this a joke???


Oh honey we see you!! C U Next Tuesday!!!