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They’ll hand it over. Not sure why it’s a crisis, he can’t be seen to be above the law and the RF won’t risk being seen to be helping him in that. Let this be his lesson


> Not sure why it’s a crisis It isn't, and it's certainly not a constitutional crisis. That's a bit alarmist, isn't it. Yep - office emails will be handed over and if any are useful or relevant to the case then they'll be used. He's the plonker who's trying to make some cash, whilst wasting everybody else's time and money. Nothing unusual there, I think!


The only Constitutional Crisis involves ‘Archie & Lilibet’ being in the LoS if they were not born of the body!


It would be a double knock out if Harry is removed from the LOS....Archie and Lily would then be removed also. Let's hope this does happen!


Seems that would be the easiest way out. That way they don’t have to deal with HIPPA LAWS.


Removing shit stain Bunker harry from the los and removing every possible title from the registry is not a crisis for the family. The wretched meghan markle may come unhinged and reveal play time with randy Andy and the ambiguous lifestyle of henry the balding, perhaps a penile extension rumor or two thrown in for good measure.  The palace is in the "make sure he does not drown" phase of this drama.  There will be no lifeline thrown into the Montecito morons toilet. They will revive the patient on the beach when the tentacles have fallen off.


If Meghan did have a meltdown and confirm she was indeed with Randy Andy, wouldn’t that just confirm to us all that she was indeed a Yacht Girl, which is a preferable name for her then Duchess


She won't claim that she was with him personally, but witnessed something freaky.


*They will revive the patient on the beach when the tentacles have fallen off.* PURE POETRY, fellow sinner, the future distilled to a few true words. 🪼


Big Willy can swoop down in an Air Ambulance and med-evac Sparold.


Yes, because HRH William Prince of Wales actually IS a pilot. IRL, not just in his head.


>The wretched meghan markle may come unhinged She always makes her biggest mistakes when she's the most unhinged. Maybe she'll do another fake car chase, but this time on the scenic route along California's Route 1, LOL!


Haha. Good one! (Hwy 1 in California) How about “The crookedest road” in San Francisco 😜


LOL, that would be a good road too!!!


Correct! During her "manic" periods.


Even that doesn't always run very fast this time of year and with all the homeless and RVs lining the coastal highway she might have a difficult time "accidentally" having an accident driving over the cliffs to the beach or rocks below. Not a large cliff of course but one of the smaller ones that wouldn't be fatal. She would obviously then tell a tale of the horrific harrowing event falling from a height just short of the height of Everest and her survival because Saint Diana's spirit was there protecting her and telling her how she had to survive because she's raising a future monarch that will rescue the world


No one would care about any of their proclivities so just rip off the bandaid already and go! It’s 2024 and nobody, not even my very conservative Catholic 93 year old mom, would give a damn—she has even been to gay weddings. NOBODY CARES. Just do it.


Exactly! No one would believe the Meg who cried wolf.




If Meghan were to put Harry as gay or bi he’d get a ton of sympathy, perhaps even from us Sinners, because a) outing someone is never cool b) it would explain (though not excuse) a lot of his behavior since they met


And no one is shocked by it anymore…


Most of us suspect it anyway even before he met meghan






Love your analogies of what’s going on right now.


The problem for Harry is that he has based his case on evidence that he can bring this case forward outside the normal time frame because of evidence that recently came to light. He has then, seemingly, put forward only part of the evidence and in effect has heavily redacted everything he does not want the other side to see. The judge has asked for a written statement from Harry to explain why he has done this, he has to give Harry the chance to try and explain himself but has issued a hefty fine. The case will now either continue or end, going by what the online legal experts predict it will close and Harry will probably have to pay the costs on both sides. It just takes time, the wheels of justice run at a snails pace. The problem for the King is that all documents have to be handed over to both sides of the case unless there is a justifiable reason not to. There are going to be many documents that have nothing to do with Harry. He is not the main focus of everything that comes out from the palace. Unless there are very valid reasons not to, it will be all. The constitutional experts may just be the independent team who are saying “these documents contain constitutional material that has nothing to do with Harry’s case”. Just like Harry, the King can’t decide what he hands over and what he doesn’t and the palace will not have destroyed anything.


The media and the government like to throw the term “constitutional crisis” around quite a lot, in the US and UK, in my humble opinion. Though Thursday’s UK elections could be bringing some pressure to bear. Is this the meeting that was mentioned in the Court Circular right before TtC? The same time as William’s visit to intelligence HQ was made public.




Whatever happens regarding the destroyed/hidden evidence from now on lies at Harry’s feet and nobody else’s. I can’t see His Majesty and the RF going against the judiciary


No. I don’t think that will happen either but Hazno is, I think, the first Royal to expose themselves in this manner (by filing a spurious lawsuit), publicly. I think the King and the Palace will wash their hands of it (turn everything over in other words). But I think they, unlike the twatty twosome, can read a room and will, therefore, leave Ginge high and dry and at the mercy of the court.


I hope so. No more Molly coddling this pos anymore. How we got here in the first place.


Yeah, for decades Charles covered up for Harry. They sent him off to Afghanistan so other fathers could lose their sons defending Harry. It was a joke, of course it didn't straighten him out or make a man out of him or whatever Phillip imagined would happen. Starting with getting him into Sandhurst when it didn't qualify, the Royal family created this monster. They have to let the towns people finish off this monster.


And not being routinely drug tested, when his classmates were. Or was this post graduation, already in the field?


He wasn't drug tested in Afghanistan either. He was allowed to leave barracks or base when they were being tested. "H" the toy soldier


Yes, another point to raise in regards to his supposed ability to fly an apache helicopter, I mean you wouldn't want him to fly whilst under the influence! He admits to regular drug usage, surely the British Army wouldn't let a regular drug user serve, let alone fly an apache helicopter. I would also like to think that regular drug tests are mandatory if you are any sort of pilot, even if you are a Prince.


That wasn't why Harry went to Afghanistan. The war in Afghanistan was extremely unpopular in the UK from the beginning, very much so, not even the British military wanted to go, because they already knew the situation in Afghanistan, they had experienced it firsthand, and they did not want to go supporting the United States government, because They knew, well, that the United States government was going to betray them at the first opportunity. The Queen sent Harry because Harry was not really doing anything, and the government and the high command told the Queen that it was necessary to give an image of support for the United States and its conflict in Afghanistan. That's why Harry was sent. It wasn't because Harry was going to straighten up or anything, but because Harry was military, and had training in the USA. It was a good public support from the UK to its ally the USA. Harry "served" the interests of the UK government and to maintain its alliance with the USA, which remember that at that time it was in the hands of Obama. The BRF did not believe that monster. Harry had the same thing as William, the same education, the same opportunities, the same advice. Harry is the one who decided to become what he is now. It was his decision.


Well, Sparold was allegedly advised to stop filing suit by his Pa so…tough luck, Spaz!


I came here to say exactly this. He was advised by both his father and his brother and the palace legal team, if I remember correctly. Still, he persisted.


All that Harry has to do at this point is withdraw his lawsuit and pay everyone’s expenses. There might be need be some negotiation so he doesn’t get hit with a counter lawsuit by the newspaper group, but he’s not going to face criminal charges for “destroying evidence” if the evidence becomes unnecessary.(no case). The real issue for BP is not whether to protect or not protect Harry (they won’t) but any precedent that is being created when their records are demanded by the court because Harry the Hapless has destroyed his records and lied. It is a big embarrassment for all.


"... precedent that is being created when their records are demanded by the court..." And that fellow sinners, is the crux of the matter: the damage that Harry's litigious tantrum is doing to the Crown. Edited for punctuation.


And the damage that Harry will continue to the Crown. He isn't going to stop. I dont think he will withdraw from the case though, as Megs would see it as an admission of guilt.


If there is proof (either in BP records or the ghostwriter’s records) that Harry knew about the hacking before the deadline, then the judge will throw out the case. So it would be in H’s best interests to withdraw the case, and one hopes his legal advisors will make that clear to them.


The evil, dreaded Harkles seem immune to embarrassment.


"Twatty twosome" I'm dead


And I'm sooooo going to use it!


Yes! That one needs to stay alive! 🤣


Didn’t William warn him? Hazbeen thought he’d get special perks. I think William is advising Charles this is the easiest way to get rid of the harkles and if Roachel cries racism the RF will draw more attention to Hazbeen crimes. If he gets charged it would be the best thing for the family to move on. 




I’m glad this issue hasn’t been drowned out by the Tillman award noise. Harry has committed a criminal offense. Thank you for posting, Op.


It was always coming down to this. He’a going to be cut off by the family entirely and no doubt Charlesis seething.


It’s exactly what that braindead filth and his mattress deserve!!!!!


Meghan may want it this way (set it up?)......so she can get rid of Harry without being blamed. He's just a lost cause.....he's mentally impaired......it's Charles' and William's fault and Camilla and Kate are enablers. So, buck up RF and support MM and the invisibles in A Lister extravagance......its going to cost a fortune. SMH. /sarc


They’ve cut Harry off already. The BRF won’t jump back into the Montecito dumpster fire. They’ll hand over whatever is asked and keep the grifters at arm’s length.


Sure she wants it but this is dumb luck. Meghan can’t play 4D chess, she’s a bull in a china shop.


Rachel can't even play tiddlywinks.  Well, maybe she can but she would cheat!


Megs is desperate to get back in—to please her Hollywood handlers. Or at least give that appearance. *Prince Charles is coming to California!*


King Charles isn't going to plant his pinky toe in the USA during this election cycle. MM can just F off with her lies.


Is anyone at WME believing that nonsense? That The King, who is under going cancer treatment, is going to head to California? If Meghan Markle's agent believes her manifestations, he must be very stupid.


No. Nobody believes it.


I don't think he can be completely cut off. He is too dangerous to be left on his own with no money.. and he is at risk for killing himself.




Save your kid or save the monarchy.  If it comes down to it, I don't see where Charles has a choice.


Charles is going to have to make a choice and your right either save the monarchy or save your son.


Exactly, so are the rest of us but we’re not coddled like babies.


They love that vacuum cleaner bag. God help them, but they do.


Life is what you make of it...


I don't think this is an issue at all. The King/monarchy will readily comply with all requests made by the UK court. They will hand over all relevant documentation. They will not cover for Harry. The public would be outraged if they refused to comply and covered for Harry which could jeopardise the future of the monarchy (and thus Williams/Georges future). The King will put the monarchy first, before Harry, every time. It was Harry's decision to go down this path, he's on his own. Pa will not back him up. (This is just my opinion of course!).


there is absolutely no doubt at all that the Palace will provide anything asked for by court. Like any biz or org, they have data security/storage people.


I know Uncle Remus is wa-a-a-ay out of fashion these days but the wisdom of the African American folktales compiled and adapted by Joel Chandler Harris holds true. No to touching tar! It will engulf you, especially if you are angry and not thinking straight. THIS is why the Crown has always stayed the hell away from courts. Harry's personal La Brea has splashed over on the Sovereign's privacy privilege and is drawing it into his dogfight. Thanks a LOT.


Thank you, Evilvieh, for not using the term. Even though some understand the context, it always raises hell, every single time.


Truth is truth and outlasts fashion. That will pass. Anasi the Spider was reincarnated as a rabbit. He'll be back again in another form.


My Grandmother used to tell me the tales of Brother Anansi, she was Jamaican & knew them by heart.. Thank-you for the reminder.


Interesting. From what I understood, Buckingham Palace has handed over their evidence. The current demand is for draft versions of Spare and communications between the Ginger whinge and his ghostwriter (not his wife, the other one), which has nothing to do with BP or the King.


iow, the communication that haz destroyed?


Signal messages that were deleted but a few days ago, they were claiming that 2 hard drives had turned up, one in his lawyer’s office and one at Monteshitshow. There is a reference to BP, which says Prince Harry has been instructed by the judge to write to Sir Clive Alderton, the King’s Private Secretary, and Royal treasurer Sir Michael Stevens to request documents which may be relevant. I suppose he is just checking that BP has actually handed over everything they have pertinent to the case and perhaps, giving them a chance to hand it over willingly?


what are Signal messages?


Signal encrypts messages. It is used for DMing and for making phone calls. It spoofs phone numbers. Whistle blowers and journalists use this a lot. So do business people who don’t want their comms intercepted. You can set it up to delete all messages at various intervals if desired.


I learn so much on this sub. :) Thanks.


I'm serious. There's no way I could ever keep up with all the platforms that people are using to hide their nefarious shit on my own.


Now I have to think of something nefarious so that I can hide it. Maybe some of my donut and caramel roll recipes? Those things are loaded with so much sugar and butter that they are probably illegal in some countries.


![gif](giphy|eUDhD5XFBw0r6) “Nefarious”. I love that word and don’t get to use it enough. Hmmmm. I could hide my Creme Brûlée recipe and my cheese jalapeño sourdough bread. They’re both deadly good.


Both of yall need to come off those recipes, or even better send a sinner a care package!


It's just a chat app like WhatsApp, but it respects your privacy. I exclusively use Signal because I value my privacy, not for any nefarious reason!


Signal is a messaging app.


his ghostwriter (not his wife, the other one) \^\^\^ lol


This is all 4 the stupid lawsuit not even the security one. Guess not going the way elton john promised it would go


EJ is playing his own angle.  I have no idea what it is but it has nothing to do with wanting justice for Harry.


I'm gonna step right back away from that one because there's no knowing there. Harry and M are fairly transparent in comparison. I feel like I'd need the book Elton for Dummies to even start to process that.


😂😂😂 Elton is an old shit stirrer. I honestly wouldn't be surprised to find he was doing this for shits and giggles but I think he's more likely trying to prove some point. But you're right. We'll never know (unless Harold includes it in *Spare II*).


I imagine it’s the outing of dodgy information about his personal life by the press. Rumours are the young boys were not of age. He will want to destroy the press and is using others to do that in his pursuit.


I think EJ thought with Harold on board. The counts would be more likely to rule in their favour. But with Harold being a dumbass he’s thrown a spanner into the works. By deleting evidence.


There's an election ongoing 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️ Constitutional experts doesn't mean *crisis* for goddess sake. Plus she brings this exact one out of the bag whenever there's a lull in what she can make up or wants to excite her base with the expectation of them losing their titles. If they were ever to lose their titles *NO ONE* would see it coming. The RF has moved on and has business to attend to.  This is his Majesty's first election as King. Ockham razor and all.


I don't believe this. Constitutional experts will also be meeting with the King and walking him through all the procedures for the UK General Election on Thursday. As it is his first as King, there are likely some extra things he needs to be mindful of that would be different than his role as Prince of Wales. This is the first election since Brexit and the first since the Dissolution and Calling of Parliament Act (2022). I don't think it's about Harry at all.


Agree  and KC has washed his hands of the Markles He has enough on his plate.


I agree. Handing over documents won’t need a “constitutional” expert. This is most likely training and advice for the King and the PoW regarding the General Election and all eventualities from an autocratic government to a hung parliament.


Currently, the only royal with a criminal conviction is Princess Anne (her dog was off leash in a park and bit someone). I think Harry's criminal charges are likely to be a bit more impactful...


Not sure any of this will lead to a “criminal conviction.” What it may lead to is Harry not being able to proceed with his lawsuit. As far as I know, to get a “criminal conviction” he has to be formally accused of a crime. So far he hasn’t been (formally) accused of a crime, he has just been warned that withholding or destroying evidence is a crime. Or did I miss something?


Not charged with anything yet, but if the judge is demanding a written explanation of what he's done with emails/communication, then who knows? Contempt of court, destruction/tampering with evidence, perjury?? 


I realize that Justice Fancort (I can't remember the correct way to identify him) is not the same man who handled Meghan's admitted perjury (I personally think he was a weak dishonest judge), but he let her off with her lame excuse of "oh, I forgot..." so if Harry actually gets a criminal charge she'll think she's untouchable. Grrr!


otoh, this is actual destruction of evidence, NOT 'oh yeah I did tell my pr he could brief the authors.' What she did wasn't right, but if evidence destruction is true that's a whole, other, complete and more serious thing.


Just as Meghan could argue that she forgot, Harry could argue that he didn’t realize what he destroyed was evidence. It was just his private stuff and he was de-cluttering his folders, etc. Meghan was allowed to get away with her perjury because it didn’t affect her case and the judge didn’t want to start another case over a lie that didn’t really matter. Harry may be allowed to get away with destroying evidence that would disprove his claim that he didn’t know about the hacking because proving that something was done “deliberately” can be very hard. The judge may decide it isn’t worth the costs. Throwing out the case and making sure Harry pays for every penny of court cost may be seen as punishment enough.


involving much more serious matters, it is rumored, and by his actions.


It is possible he will be charged if there is enough evidence that he *deliberately* destroyed or withheld evidence. However it would involve an investigation, criminal charges and a different case. Right now it doesn’t seem likely. Even if he were not the son of the King, the courts might not want to pursue a case that would be expensive and may rest on whether Harry was being deliberately obstructive or just a fool. 🤷🏻‍♀️ We will have to wait and see, but unless Harry is doing something more than just concealing the evidence that he knew about the case more than 6 years before he filed, the probable result is just that the case will be thrown out, Harry will be scolded by the judge, and he will have to pay all the court and legal costs.


If he can't explain how all that evidence disappeared, he should be charged with a crime. I think the judge is tired of him.


Much will depend on the importance of the missing evidence. My guess is it is not very important because there are other ways to determine what Harry knew when. The judge is clearly fed up with Harry, but he may not think it is in the best interests of the public to charge him with a crime.


My understanding is if it was severe enough, he could be held in contempt of court and fined &/or jail time. So, sounds like it could be criminal if Harry was ruled in contempt of court for it. If I was Harry, I would look for any other copies of those messages. IDK, it sounds like Harry could just be fined without being held in contempt. So...legally, if the penalty is not huge, maybe Harry thinks it was right to destroy the evidence, IF the evidence would have proven he should have filed earlier (and would get his case tossed). Me, personally, I would not have filed a lawsuit if I knew those messages existed. If so, I would not risk knowingly destroying evidence.


We don’t really know if the stuff that was destroyed addressed the question of when Harry knew. He may have destroyed things for another reason. The issue is he shouldn’t have destroyed or withheld anything. My guess is the case will be dismissed.


Well, I think Markle is going to get her wish: the monarchy is going to modernize by setting these grifters free. A new precedent.




I'll join you! I'll bring extra popcorn and some wine, LOL!! ![gif](giphy|kDf7XWUJtBPLuqTihv)


Now Charles is getting dragged into this ridiculous court case. When you track it back, this is all Meghan's fault. If Harry had never married Meghan, he would have never been so bold and delusional to file all these lawsuits.


He’s a grown man. She’s the psychotic witch that she is, no one disputes that. But she doesn’t appear to have him imprisoned in a cage with a gun to his head. He’s not at all blameless, and deserves everything that he’s getting or will get. He made the choice to marry her, and to write and say and do ALL the things he’s done. I don’t agree it’s her fault for what he’s done. Each is fully responsible for what each has done.


His body may be grown but his mentality is stuck at pre-teen doofus.




I hear you, I guess what Meghan did was bring out the very worst of Harry's greedy and self-righteous personality traits. You're right, he has agency and made these decisions. But because of madam's harping in his head all day long, she encouraged him to file these stupid lawsuits.


Going to disagree with this--my guess is the lawsuits are all Harry. His war against the press. She can't be happy about him throwing so much money at lawyers, money that could be better spent on Hermes throws or Herrera gowns.


I'm not even sure she has anything to do with the lawsuits against the press. He hated them long before she came along and literally blamed them for his bad behavior. And Uncle Elton and Sherborne roped him into one of the lawsuits.


It’s hard telling what’s gone on behind their doors! Who instigated what, and who talked who into what? It actually makes me laugh. I bet there’s a nonstop argument and discussion about how to get even with EVERYBODY and who should do what - all day, every day. Along with tons of criticizing and blaming each other for the cock-ups. I’d further bet they get to another day and change their positions on everything: “Hey, you were gonna do X to Z, but let’s do it to G instead! And I don’t like Plan X, how bout we do K instead? And why’d you file that suit when yesterday you were gonna do something different?” Two days later they forget everything they has planned out, but have new batches of crazy to choose from. Point is, I bet it makes Nurse Ratched’s ward look like a Mensa meeting for the Etiquette Club. If it was filmed for Netflix, the H&M Crazy Show might actually make a lot of money!


LOL. I completely agree with you. I'm sure the Montecito Olive Garden is a veritable madhouse. The pointing fingers at each other, at other people, the dramatic flinging on the floor while tears stream from the left eye, the scheming (this time it's sure to work, Aitch, just trust me), the undermining of Harold. It would make for a great TV series.


Assuming they actually both live there. Sounds like she lives in Beverly Hills, and god knows where he is. I guess the kids live with their own parents until rented.


The kids live rent-free in their minds very infrequently.


lol.. It’d be traumatic to watch as well as funny.


The Un-Crown.


I hate to say it, but they could have a hit series on their hands as they scream and break dishes...


I know! Isn’t that totally f-upped? lolololol


I am probably going straight to hell (do not pass go, do not collect $200, do not go toward the light), but I'd be watching it with some adult beverages and my own bingo card.


honestly this is probably why their employees leave...the whole 'not my circus, not my monkeys' concept, as they flee into the night happy to be free of the insanity...


Harry and Meghan' craziness at home "makes Nurse Ratched’s ward look like a Mensa meeting for the Etiquette Club." That is some seriously brilliant wordplay! And gets at the truth with an uncanny accuracy, I bet. ☺️☺️☺️☺️😁😁😁


Thank you! Have to keep this old brain exercised! lol


![gif](giphy|3oEjHHwTuVTDDZoPQI) Can you imagine being inside one of their heads for even 10 minutes? I’d go clinically insane and be begging for my lobotomy.


Once in a while I start down that road! But thank god, I have some alarm bells programmed that go off, and remind me that I know better!! lol


Harry didn’t seem to even care about the hacking issue until William and Catherine got the big settlement from it. William was hacked 35 times, Catherine 155 times and Harry 9 times going what I read in the newspapers. Hazbeen was lucky to offered the 200K for his 9 hacks seems like I remember his girlfriend at the time was hacked more than him. He just got greedy after W&C settlement. Plus William was the one who exposed the issue and went to Scotland Yard with his suspicions.




💯  Hear! Hear!


You guys are too kind!


She’s going to eventually leave him in the dirt and play victim. I’m calling it! ![gif](giphy|YMqVRe8g0q7eEhfuVA)


Not unless she finds a bigger bank balance to glom onto.


And with that aged bait, there's no decent fishing.


Is it really all her fault? He's the one that proposed, and I haven't seen any evidence or reliable report that she lied about being pregnant. I just regard that as pure speculation.


She manipulated him. Harry has always been a twat of the highest order but he was contained and guided by his family. He was happy in his sheltered life with his carers directing him. Along comes meghan who torpedoes the whole shebang. Oh, william had the bigger room and an extra sausage. Poor deprived, Harry. Your family is so stuck up and racist. They didn't want to hug me in my ratty jeans and bare feet. They dared to discuss what our hypothetical child might like look like. The media are harassing me, Harry. I had to walk past the gates at Kensington Palace e multiple times to get them to notice me. Protect me, Harry, like you couldn't protect your mummy. Marry me, or you will lose me. She didn't need to tell him she was pregnant, but I would be unsurprised to hear she did.


I think she told him it’s not fair that William got to sue over phone hacking and he didn’t. She probably told him “ it’s just another example , Harry, of how William got everything and you got nothing”. Look how much money W got, and donated it to charity- she wants it for their personal Archwell fund


Prince Fredo is easy to manipulate. Markle will always be saying yet one more example where William came first and always got more.


It’s her modus operandi- divide and conquer


My understanding , and I could be wrong about it because I get Hazbeen’s numerous court cases mixed up, is Harry was originally included with William and Catherine in the negotiations for compensation for their phones being hacked . That money was to go straight to the Royal Foundation Charity . Of course by 2019 the Harkles had been kicked out of that charity and made the decision to join Elton John, Hugh Grant and many others in this action against NGN . Buckingham Palace handed over all the relevant documentation they had to Harry and that’s what has now gone missing? It was always going to be hard for Harry to prove he “ didn’t know” about his phone being hacked prior to 2016 !


If he was included in the negotiations and compensations in the previous suit, he must have known about it the original lawsuit?? I’m so confused!!! If he knew about it back then, then it’s too late to sue now, isn’t it? I don’t know what difference the missing evidence would make if he already knew? let’s face it, how could he not have known? Surely he was on speaking terms with his family at the time…


I’m massively confused as well! You’re not alone . Hazbeen has so many court cases going I find it hard to keep them all straight. Maybe we need someone who has read Spare to look at exactly what it says about this . William didn’t actually sue because NGN admitted their guilt and the Palace lawyers were negotiating the compensation amount which was always going straight to charity. I was always sure Harry had been involved in this. I’m not so sure now! As I said it’s confusing.


I thought he was too. It seems like I remember Harry thinking things were moving too slowly and he had important shit to do like shoot naked pool with hookers and couldn't be bothered to mess with the lawsuit. I thought he dropped out of it then.


Yes I remember him thinking things were moving too slowly as well being reported.


So it's been reported somewhere if more than one sinner remembers. Funny how so much stuff is supposedly disappearing that involves those two. 🤔


Harry could have got a settlement IMO also. Couldn't the same royal lawyers get Harry a settlement? I think he didn't want to settle, M might want the lawsuit for $, but even before her Harry would have wanted to go to court and hold the tabloid responsible.


*Look how much money W got, and donated it to charity* Yes, he donated it to Invictus, in fact.




Harry is assaulting HIS family. So is the Emu. It's his family. He is a monster to go along with it.


I agree with everything you said. I still don't think it's all her fault. He's the one that picked her and unleashed her on his family and country.


Yes… though she did present herself as Diana 2.0 to the man who has obviously been grieving for his mother since he was 12.


Well, he was warned by his family and none of his friends liked her. I understand that she definitely manipulated his dumb self, but ultimately he's responsible for his decisions as an adult.


She comes across as very manipulative in Spare. I've always been ambivalent about Harry. Sometimes I want him thrown under the bus with no mercy, other times I want to hope there is a redemption arc to his life story. It was almost heartbreaking in Spare the way he seemed to just be pining after crumbs of her affection.


So manipulative. A great example of this is when he comes home from work to find her sobbing on the kitchen floor after being "chased" from Whole Foods to Kensington Palace, but between the chase and the sobbing she was able to make him a fancy dinner. Right. How does she go from cooking a full meal to sobbing on the floor at just the right moment for him to walk in and find her? He's so dumb she really started to think she was more clever than she really is.


He wasn't happy before her, did not really like the life, but at least before M he didn't choose an even WORSE option. I'm not sure what that could be...


Yeah, photographs and footage of him pre meg tell a different story. He sure as shit isn't happy now.


Harry enabled Meghan Markle and all her lies. Without Harry we would never have heard about Madam.


They got the expensive worldwide televised wedding they always wanted from the late Queen.


As I recall, it was mostly Charles who paid for the wedding. The late Queen authorized it, and the expense of security and so forth was borne by the taxpayers (but the UK got tourism, sale of memorabilia, positive publicity, etc., so not a complete loss). However, the cost of the ceremony and so forth were borne by KC.


I think she is the more street wise person the more conniving and scheming type person. Then Harkle ever was. Yes they’re both at fault, but he has become just as evil as her learning from her. as for the pregnancies I worked in the NICU Her pregnancies looked very odd and her birth theme stories are so asinine


No it's just his handlers did such a good job pre-TW that there are some that can't let go of poor Di's little rascal  Or the understanding there *doesn't have to be a GOOD & BAD GUY* There CAN be just two shits that bring out the best of the worst in each other.


His one phone call with Thomas Markle after the photographs, before his heart attack and the wedding, Harry screamed down the line that his cooperation with the tabloids "endangered my children!!!". That, the rushed engagement, and bumping his cousin's wedding date are why I believe she told him she was knocked up.


I think this is the first time I've heard support for this theory. It's plausible. Maybe if there's a divorce, it might come out if this was the case.


Ooooh….nice catch on that one!! I hadn’t heard that and I have no doubt she pulled the old rabbit done died on Dimwit.


Technically it's never Charles, it would be his agent or whomever in charge of records. Like the CEO of the company isn't the one responding to records request if that makes sense. But yeah, whether you are a CEO in a company of 3 people let alone a King, you most definitely don't want your name out there. That's one way corporations convince you NOT to sue them is that they will subpoena everyone you ever met and make life miserable for your friends/family.


Right, I just meant Charles as in his proxy. I am sure Charles wants no involvement in this at all.


It always comes off so melodramatic 🙄


Of course, Charles will comply with the law. Harry, once again, hoists himself with his own petard.


Part of me always felt like Madam and Hazno mentality since they left the RF has been ‘If we can’t be the top royals, then neither can them!” Now in light of all this, my instinct was always right. Hazno hoped his father sides with him, thinking that no one will be royals anymore if he did. All because they wouldn’t let them have what they want.




Let’s not forget the rumor about wanting to be ‘co-rulers’. I wonder if that was their backup plan if they didn’t win the popular vote?


Should we blame Diana for this crazy idea of two kings?


 I know they're dumb  but are they that ignorant about Los protocol?


Harry probably feels that if his family “won’t protect him” he has no obligation to protect them. In his muddled brain he may think it serves them right if the monarchy collapses. He is not playing with a full deck. However, I can’t give him credit for getting his father deliberately involved in this or any other of his (Harry’s) legal cases. Harry has no plan beyond rebelling against restrictions and demanding what he think he is owed. I don’t think this “missing evidence” thing is going to destroy KC or the monarchy. The surrogate stuff might, if the Palace can’t spin it properly.


The surrogate stuff won't destroy the monarchy which has survived much worse during the last thousand years. We forget that H and M have no real status in the RF. I would bet everything that they lied to the  RF about the surrogacy and  the British public will consider that the family has no case to answer to . The duo have ZERO credibility at this stage.


You may be right. A lot will depend on how the information is presented to the public—if it is even made public at all. Maybe it can be argued that the BRF were totally deceived, or maybe it can be argued or even proven that there were investigations under way. I don’t know. My point was that Harry lying about when he knew that he had been hacked is a relatively minor lie compared to the lie that his children are “legitimate” heirs to the crown if they were, as is alleged, born to a surrogate. The late Queen and KC could reasonably be accused of being complicit in the surrogacy deception if there is any reason to believe that they knew and did nothing. It is a big deal to mess with the LoS. In contrast, no one would expect KC to be aware of exactly when Harry knew that he had been hacked. There are probably records of the men in grey advising Harry to settle at the same time William settled. There may even be records of Harry being advised not to sue. However, this is all things advised by staff. None of it involved KC. The whole surrogacy case may never come up, or it may be resolved with a minimum of fuss. However, if it isn’t handled carefully, it *could* blow up and threaten the status of the Crown.


Hopefully this is the straw that brakes the camels back...ugh awful saying but you get what I mean.


We all know their penchant for lawsuits. Does anyone know if M has a history of suing people before she married Harry? I have to imagine she could never afford to sue anyone before. Was this another planned income stream? Stir up the uk media , planting stories, perhaps even non flattering stories, then suing ? We know she pulled that stunt with her dad and the letter. With her Hollywood background, I wonder if she thought lawsuits equal status- you know you’ve made it when you can afford to sue people?


I don't know that she had the spare $$$ necessary for a lawsuit. Particularly when the cost of the lawsuit exceeds the amount of damages that can be collected.


Has anyone confirmed that Lady C even said this?


She has a video about a crisis meeting, posted today.


OK, thank you.


I can barely believe this is real


So now all of these letters and such, from when HMQE2, have to be shown. If at that time, when POW settled, didn't he give that money to the development of IG?


Yep He donated to I.G


So... Harry sues over something and lies about the timing, and in an effort to cover his tracks (and prevent other things coming up during disclosure) he destroys evidence. And now, BP will be producing all sorts of correspondence and notes to the court, including other things Harry was trying to keep secret! He markled himself! ![gif](giphy|8GrzNNo9HjkyHY3jte)


Time Charles acted and removed the traitor from the line of succession and removed the titles before the monarchy is destroyed


Meghan Markle committed perjury, and nothing happened because she and Harry were still under royal protection. Let's see if justice is served this time to her criminal husband.


KC III will hand over the documents. H will be denounced. A denounced person cannot be in LOS. The invisible kids then do not matter after that. Crisis over. Edward's kids will get titles and other honors as well as Anne's kids. Monarchy remains untouched.


Harry's toast. This will give the King and government the "causus belli" to strip the Harkles of everything. There will be no way back for him and it will destroy him because he won't be able to handle the reality of the situation.  Of course, Meghan will drop him like a hot rock but if she thinks she'll get millions of dollars on the way out she's mistaken. The court can tie up Harry's assets until a final settlement of his court cases and that could take some time.


I call absolute BS on this. Lady C in her excitement about getting a scoop seems to have forgotten that there is a General Election in the UK on Thursday, this is KCIII's first election and there is a possibility of a hung parliament. Of course he is meeting with constitutional experts. Also, the second son of the king being found to be a criminal (possibly) is NOT a constitutional crisis I think she's losing the plot, there is absolutely nothing to see here.


Taken out of LOS and sent to the tower. ![gif](giphy|dYjHKiLrwFbyo7Wk2M)


The potential ‘constitutional crisis’ is that of gingernut continuous litigation which may end up with information that the RF do not want disclosed being disclosed as part of his vanity cases. There are two ways he can be stopped from litigating 1) being allowed to litigate no hope cases so that he runs out of money 2) being allowed to litigate no hope cases and be declared a vexatious litigant - and banned from litigating.Both outcomes are being run…………