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Charles and the courtiers will follow the law. In the long run, they are doing a good thing by saving Harry from himself. After this stupid lawsuit is thrown out and he loses his RAVEC appeal, there will be no more distractions and Harry will finally have to figure out what he’s going to do with the rest of his life, because this ain’t it.


Would he have to pay NGN’s legal costs if the case is thrown out? I would think that would be rather a lot! He already owns the British tax payers £500,000 for the RAVEC case he lost but is appealing. If he loses the appeal it will be even more. Harry could come out of all of this bankrupt and with a criminal conviction!


He already owes money for the other newspaper lawsuit, my understanding was RAVEC cost hasn’t yet been ordered and he will most likely have to pay a fine for this. 


The way Harry is going, any inheritance money he is eligible for is going to go straight towards his outstanding bills.


Knowing him roach is whispering in his ear that his daddy is the king and he doesn’t have to pay them and he’ll scheme a way to not pay or avoid it. Until auntie Anne decide to divert the inheritance directly to the courts. 


Don't mess with Anne


Anne is already figuring out ways to not disperse that money. 


Plank will file another lawsuit that t he media was racist to Roach. Keep on slaying the imaginary dragon.


We can hope! Then he won't be a problem when prince William is king!


If he is a problem then, William will squash him like a bug. A brother has far less patience for a former brother who attacked the love of his life. Charles still loves Harry and tolerates more as a father would. If William has any love left, it's likely buried beneath pity and irritation.


My point though is Charles shouldn't leave it to William to handle aka 'punish' the traitor. Charles should do it. QE did it with Andrew (but not enough). This is a significant moment in the BRF history since all the transgressions hazmat has done, they are precedent setting for sure.


He is the one bringing the case, so if it is thrown out, he will be liable as no real evidence is being provided/or proven. He will foot the bill. And rightly so.


Plus even if he wins the case the court has to award him more in damages than NGN offered him to settle . If it’s a penny less he has to pay all the costs. That’s why Hugh Grant settled his case. Is anyone actually advising this idiotic Prince?


The blood-sucking lawyers are the only real winners in this as they get their money as long as Harry is stupid enough to keep paying them to start these frivolous cases. I would suggest that Harry is being taken advantage of by his legal team. Thoughts?


Personally I don’t think Harry should be let out on his own. All his life, until 4 years ago , he’s had a team of people looking after him. When they told him no it was for his own good. He never had to worry about everyday boring things like passports or visas or money. Everything was taken care of for him. I don’t think it ever occurred to him that the real world he’s in now is full of people on the make looking to take advantage of whoever whenever they can for their own advantaged. Harry was a sitting duck for the sharks, they’re using him and don’t care if they destroy him in the process. And that includes his wife who is the worst of all. I don’t feel sorry for him, he’s a vindictive little man, but I do wonder if he at some level realises what an idiot he’s been!


I always believed Harry needs minders like Britney Spears did in her conservatorship. His cocooned life (up until Megxit), his stupidity and mental issues mean he is very easy pickings for con artists like his wife and his lawyers. I think it was that satirical show The Royals that said: "Royals are like budgies in the wild. They don't know how to survive."


Omg, budgies in the wild! Just the morning giggle I needed!


Every sit down interview Harry has done—-Oprah, Netflix docuseries, Corden & Colbert—makes it painfully obvious that the Hollywood sharks & Meghan have exploited & humiliated him. The saddest appearance was the one he did with Dr. Gabor Mate, where Mate diagnosis Harry with ADHD live on air. You could see the confusion & humiliation on Harry’s face.


Would an ethical doctor diagnose someone with ADHD in public on television? That seems bizarre.


It happened and yes, it was bizarre. Harry was totally ambushed.


No. An ethical doctor would not.


Gabor Maté is a charlatan - those are the kinds of people who are now around Harry since the courtiers are no longer running interference.


The irony is that while he was a working royal, he was always complaining about the role's restrictions and responsibilities and telling anyone who would listen that he wishes he could live an ordinary life. Well Harry, you got your wish and you're living an ordinary life now, how is it working out for you?


I don’t think it ever occurred to him that the real world he’s in now is full of people on the make looking to take advantage of whoever whenever they can for their own advantaged \[sic\]." **Then, as the story goes, he marries one: the-actual-queen-of-taking-advantage-over-everyone!**


Sadly it’s very true , H should learn to listen to the right advice not M’s. She has had a free pass to make $ by leading him by the nose while putting everything in her name so one hopes that she ends up with debts rather than $ for her terrible choices. But then, some rich guy somewhere is the puppet master and they just puppets ( or muppets 😂).


He was always a failure when left on his own - school, partying with friends, speaking to people, hooking up with Meghan - so it's really no surprise how his life has turned out without the backing of the palace.


I totally think so. I'm sure he's surrounded by leeches who know a sucker when they see one. All these people have to do is agree that he's been aggrieved and maltreated and he will pay them whatever they want. He thinks they respect him but all they see is an easy mark.


Agree. I think the lawyers saw a perfect patsy: a man who is stupid, vindictive and very rich.


I bet Sherborne paid Elton John commission for the introduction to H and is laughing all the way to the bank .


I would love that for him. Please make it so! 🙏




Bring it on, it’s well deserved.


Well said!!


I'm not sure where to reply, but I feel that something very vital is missing here. How does this case depend primarily upon retrieving communications with his ghostwriter? Surely, before the 6 year limit expired, Harry would have discussed this apparently new information (which he knew all along) with someone in either the RF, close friends or girlfriend, other soldiers he was around 24/7, security, household staff, etc. Why does it completely depend upon H's honesty in retrieval of information that will demolish his case? And, if someone within that realm has this information, from a conversation, or as a witness to conversation, etc., could they come forward in defense of truth, even if not asked? I can see why there might be meetings at a high level. The King and others may have been privy to information during those years that could blow Harry's case.


I’m not a legal expert, but I can only surmise that the newspaper has email correspondence from Harry to the BP courtiers requesting copies of his calendars and other historical documentation related to his royal duties, which he needed to provide to his ghostwriter. The lawyers then put 2 and 2 together and released that Harry likely discussed the phone hacking episodes with his ghostwriter because it was in the book. They are fishing for any and all loopholes to expose Harry as a liar and get the case thrown out.


Like everything else the Sussexes have tried to do to make money, dragon slaying hasn’t worked out for Harry.


I really hope Harry is as stupid over this as he was about Met police security. He was repeatedly told plainly that if he left he would lose his security yet he was so sure they would never take his security away because blah blah blah born into this, blah blah blah still a prince, blah blah blah they wouldn't want a repeat of what happened to his mother, blah blah blah blah...


I saw a clip where skank asks spare if the would lose their security. It was a huge issue for her. She equates importance with beefy security. What I wonder about is how many celebrities would have invited them to anything with her security being front and centre? They don’t have hoards of people trying to get to them but act like they are besieged. The fact that PPoW have their own security and are supplied with massive security when on overseas tours is also something that would anger skank.


Some of the most famous people in the world as well as some billionaires go about their daily lives *without* security. They only use it for public events or things like navigating airports with paparazzi present.


I agree with you, she equates security with being an important person and he sees it as his birth right, so it’s a status symbol for both  But I think the “obsession” with security is part of the obsession with the press. They want security to protect them from paparazzi not terrorist threats. Unwanted paparazzi that’s it, not the ones she calls herself. He obviously sees paparazzi as murderers so his hatred is also evident.  If only they realised they could end all of this by going anonymous and living under the radar. But her thirst is existential (does she even know who she is if without holding the microphone) and their income plan depends on being famous… so they can never stop it 


It was actually said in the court case - that Ravec is there to protect againt PHYSICAL threats.


They would see it as defeat and no way will skank ever back down. I don’t think she will ever go away while she has money for pr and her flying monkeys. In previous centuries she would have been locked away in the tower along with hasno for being traitors to the crown. I have never wished this could still happen until these two idiots started their hate campaign. By all means move to another country if the Firm is not for you, but do what you stated was important and live in privacy.


She wishes she had video like Diana and Catherine being chased through the streets. She couldn't even get the media to take a picture traipsing around the main entrance of Kensington Palace until one took pity on her and went out and snapped it. And then the Netflix mockumentary where they were being "chased" by invisible paparazzi that were never seen! It was someone on a scooter, let's stop and turn and look for them! Harry, it wasn't the paps. It was DoorDash.


what happened to mother? Just needs to wear a seatbelt and have a sober driver.


I’m scratching my head at why Serena and husband are still in the hooker’s corner. I guess they are in the same grifting, sketchy behavior as big mama O.


SAME. I do know that they’ve invested in Better Up so maybe it’s an effort to enhance their brand?


Yeah, I think it’s all about $$$$ and networking. Probably nothing more. I doubt there’s blackmail but who knows. We certainly don’t.


Alexi, Serena’s husband, is not the same Alexi who runs better up. It’s definitely something else going on, other than just the WME connection. Why on earth would Serena want to bring this 💩-storm on herself is beyond me.


That’s my question. She’s worked her tail off and I wouldn’t think WME could even twist her arm to show support. But it’s baffling. 


The ILBW must have something on Serena or the husband right? That they don’t want getting out? That seems to be one theory out there? But I cannot imagine what it would be? What do you all think? 🤔


Brett Ratner


No, but he did invest in it — he does not run it though, correct.


They are so interconnected aren’t they! It’s all so sleazy and all about who you know is and what favours can be called in.


Ugh I know! Once you reach the one percent of the one percent everyone is just one degree away. They used to call this “high society.”


I’ve been reading other subs today, and it’s not just sugars that support these 2. General deadbeats, with no direction, that think the world owes them something that others earned or sacrificed, are all about poor MM- or really, their hatred of colonialism and structure. No history to back them up, no modern understanding of where we are now. Pathetic.


I rented a room from a woman for a month once and halfway into the first week she started accusing me of some crazy stuff. I had flown in from overseas and would be up late, she... basically freaked out on me. So anyway I thought I was doing the right thing by asking her friend to weigh in as an impartial third party but her friend was clearly crazy too. Just showed me how much damage two crazy people can do when they feel like it.


100,000 children missing in America, child abuse/slavery everyday (not excluding other countries - just my current centre of research) and yet 'Colonialism' from hundreds of years ago is their gripe. Boils my P.


Mine, too. That's my line of work.


I have a friend who is 40 and from Taiwan. She had a Filipino slave when she was growing up.


Serena founded a venture capital company in 2017 and hasn't invested in any of H&M's idea. Serena is also repped by WME. I think its like a quid pro quo. Serena includes H&M and WME provides her with ???


I think their original meet cute was Sunshine Sachs. Makes sense they're all obligated. I'm so glad to be a poorer person with my personal integrity intact.


You and me both. I still don't understand how you can convince yourself that a purchased award is equal to an earned award.


They aren't trying to convince themselves they want to convince everyone else. Or at least a large proportion of everyone else.


And it probably works since most people either don't know who they are or barely know who they are.


It’s the same as H wearing the medals everyone was given for the jubilee and coronation (do I have that right?) to make people think they are military medals. 


Yes, you have it right. He wears literal participation trophies


Me too.  Every time I express my fear that only Sinners despise this woman, someone always chimes in a says they have no friends in hollywierd, that they have no current projects, that the BRF has completely shut them out...we get some A-lister show up in support of these pricks. 


In another thread it has been suggested Serena is somehow being blackmailed by Meghan.


At this point it's more like who isn't she blackmailing!


*”At this point it's more like who isn't she blackmailing!”* Well, Taylor Swift for one. 😉 🙂😆🤣😄


I'm just curious, kind of, what the blackmail is and how bad..... mattress sure has a lot of blackmail


Blackmail is Meghan's style.


Blackmail is Meghan's style. That's her true brand!


Right out of Epstein's playbook.


It's rumored she knew him


Probably something on the husband then.


Yeah. One wonders.


There was a series of posts here about Soho House. IIRC there was some link between them at the time via Serena's husband?


Oprah and Tyler Perry are also affiliated with Soho house. I think Meghan and MA have a lot of secrets on a lot of powerful people.


I think we should pay more attention to MA and whoever is behind him.


yes, but Marcus stays in the shade. However, SoHo House has financial troubles, so maybe something will come out


Didn’t Serena used to date the guy who owned Soho House?


I should reread the posts, I remember I thought oh, so that's why Serena is still more or less sticking with her.


Blackmail is the only reason I can fathom. Did Serena mistakenly blab something she doesn't want getting out to the Grifter?


Serena/Alexis = beard situation? I know I read that suggested somewhere some years prior. No I cannot remember source.


Oh come now--Madam would never display her hoo-haw on the Jumbotron to someone who might be gay!


I think in this case it's being implied that Alexis is Serena's beard?


Could it be all about the viewers, were Serena and her husband part of this because if Serena gets a high level of viewers she could get more jobs like this. If they have done this they have shot themselves in the foot and may now get very low viewing figures and are part of the backlash. So, I don’t think Serena was doing anything for Harry but anyone attached to these two in any way gets the reverse Midas touch. Serena was just wanting to get the awards talked about.


my guess is that Serena wants to line up one of her daughters up with Archie in hopes to be linked to the BRF and thus claim royal bloodlines through her grandchildren.


If true, that's grim. It's bad enough thinking of the kids being merched. The idea of them being used as potential suitors for Hollywood kids as a power play is just fucking disgusting. It's grotesque.


I find it all baffling too.


Someone had to pay for the award. It wasn’t roachel but idk if I believe Serena who worked so hard to be taken seriously would back a spoiled little prince. 


Serena is a bit of a brat  Here she is [saying that Prince Harry is always solving her problems](https://www.reddit.com/r/SaintMeghanMarkle/s/kyBZZsgDGp)    Also Alexis Ohanian owns an 11% stake in BetterUp Here a [good comment by DollarStoreDuchess](https://www.reddit.com/r/SaintMeghanMarkle/s/519pAB35cg) showing a pattern of Serena’s racism towards Oriental Asians from a year ago  >She rightly should have been blasted. I’ll give her credit for training as hard as she did, and respect for winning as often as she did. It stops there. > >[Her ‘09 Meltdown Heard ‘Round The World](https://www.npr.org/2009/09/14/112825246/serena-williams-meltdown-may-prove-costly) > >[Being a bitch to the umpire and Naomi Osaka](https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/weekly-standard/serena-williams-u-s-open-final-controversy-she-got-what-she-deserved) > >[Verbal hindrance with Sam Stosur](https://sports.yahoo.com/blogs/tennis-busted-racquet/she-did-again-serena-williams-blows-u-open-221121187.html)


I listened too and she had a really great line discussing Harry being the royal patron of Invictus Games. She said, “Harry is merely the patron of the Invictus Games; patrons do not get awards, patrons GIVE awards!” So true, he should be honoring others and not grabbing awards for himself!


Excellent point!


'with her legal training from playing Rachel Zane' ![gif](giphy|95ThFF7MokcdeoVqt8)


That made me laugh. “I’m not a doctor, but I play one on TV.”😂😂😂


"I'm not a lawyer, but I saw Legally Blonde!"


Lady C was on FIRE on this episode! Love her spunk and sincerity speaking out against H&M and the evil doers of our world.


Indeed, Harry has been just a PR patron for ingriftus for years. He doesn't work for the organisation as such. How about the CEO or their top athlete accepting on behalf of the whole of the organization.


Good point, and it shits me to tears that this is going to Harry when he's only a patron and not the person doing the real work to run IG. I don't even think he has the sensitivity or class to accept it 'on behalf of' the IG team either; it'll all be about him. Some team player. 🙄


Is it possible that H & M have orchestrated the Tillman award to make it more difficult for the Invictus Foundation to remove him? They've copped so much heat for H&M's behaviour that it's possible the board may want to and H&M could have done this to make it harder for them to do so. Let's face it, IG is a huge cash cow for them. Just my opinion..


I am sure the BRF would be heartbroken to be forced to expose Harry's secrets to the world and throw him under the bus. That's not what families do to each other. Karma.


I don't view it as throwing him under the bus but providing the courts with documents requested. The RF arent going to play any games, but be forthright with the requests. Let the chips fall where they may for Harry. He's almost 40, it's about time he learns that actions have consequences


I’m a bit slow with this. This is Harry’s case against MGN, where he threw evidence out. BUT King Charles may have to surrender messages they have. I’m a bit lost with this one🤔🤔


Harry’s argument is variously that he didn’t know about the alleged hacking until 2019 or that the Palace prevented him from taking action before the time ran out. He doesn’t seem to be able to make up his mind which argument he wants to run with. Since Harry has allegedly destroyed his own copies of any relevant correspondence, the respondent quite reasonably is seeking copies from the Palace of any relevant correspondence they sent to or received from him. If there is evidence that Harry was copied into any correspondence relating to William’s legal action (which was settled out of court), then that blows Harry’s claim of ignorance out of the water. If the Palace makes a statement to the Court that it has no record of any correspondence to Harry telling him that he was not allowed to take legal action, then that part of Harry’s argument is severely weakened. If they do find some letters/emails to support Harry’s allegation, it might help his case.


IIRC William and Harry were suing NGN together through the Palace lawyers but Harry became frustrated with how slowly things were proceeding. Harry & the harpy flew on Elton John’s private jet and spent a few days with him in 2019 when he was introduced to David Sherborne (a Barrister who is anti press) and was convinced to employ Sherborne and join with Elton & Hugh Grant + others to sue. If NGN can find evidence that this is true (that Harry knew before 2015 ish then the case is statute barred and will be thrown out. That is what NGN are looking for from the Palace!!


Perhaps it’s related to William already settling about the phone hacking case?


And communications with just Harry's staff about the discovery of hacking and the case. 🤞


I bet that William and Charles will not hesitate to release this evidence. William cannot stand the Harkles and much more so after his father and wife were diagnosed with cancer, these illnesses that could have been acquired by the stress and negative energy that the Harkles were sending the BRF. This evidence about the Harkles needs to come out to light. The Harkles need to be exposed for the disgusting things they pulled in the BRF.


But in all honestly, yes -- the King would hate to throw Harry under the bus, but he will follow the law. Plus it’s likely they're so fed up with everything they might be hoping this will STOP HIM from his crazy PR addiction.


The law is the law. Sucks to be Harry


can you explain, why can't Mr. Justice F toss out the case, if it is found that Harry destroyed evidence and also finds that the evidence was likely destroyed b/c it went against Harry's case (i.e. showed he should have filed b/f the limit expired)


Destroying or withholding evidence in a legal case is a criminal matter. That would be up to the Crown Prosecutors to pursue. (They won't.) NGN/The Sun is searching for evidence that Harry was aware of the matter before 2018. They know he was, but 1) they can't use whatever written documentation is in their possession, but had reason to suspect that some copies would be in Harry's possession and expected that to be included in the discovery documents Harry turned over but it wasn't there. or 2) don't have written documentation but file notes indicate or legal staff recall that Harry would have been informed by BP staff (this wouldn't have been seen as important at the time because Harry was part of William's lawsuit that had been timely filed) or 3) they don't want to or for some legal reason can't subpoena William, Catherine, or some other person. or 4) something in Spare triggered their suspicion that it wouldn't have been written that way if Harry had been in the dark when he claimed he was. or 5) they're fishing. If they obtain proof that Harry knew, they'll file for a summary judgment in their favor. Further, if provable that Harry didn't hand over documentation that was in his possession, they could include a claim for penalties. Fancourt can act on that.


If they are fishing, they most strongly suspect something. You don't go fishing unless you have an idea of what you might find. I think it is more likely a combination of 1. They feel something was missing in what was turned over, based on a combination of 2 and 4. In that you bet they went back over the case filed by William, when it was a joint case, so we're perhaps expecting something to be turned over from this, and this has been triggered now, because someone has been paid to go forensically through Spare, and they have spotted some little throw away line, which like you say has raised suspicion.


It does seem implausible that Harry wasn't informed anything early on. Totally plausible that he didn't pay any attention to it because the "grey suits" were managing it. He chose to split from William and file his own suit in 2019 --same year they split their KP court and Harry won a nice settlement from Splash News -- because then he had a family to support. This suit appears to revolve around claims made by Clive Goodman wrt hacking William's, Catherine's and Harry's mobile. Goodman was arrested in 2006 and took a plea deal. William's first suspicion of being hacked was later proved to have been a hack of one of his aides. "In February 2013 News International expressed "sincere" contrition and paid undisclosed "substantial" damages for a total of 144 cases."


Thank you so much for including a timeline and explaining the split cases. It would seem if Harry was a part of the case b/f he cannot argue that he didn't know about the hacking in time, but he's instead arguing that he was forced to be part of a joint suit but his interests weren't followed, i.e. William wanted to settle but he did not, and Harry was only able to sue on his own behalf to right the situation in 2019 when KP was split and he was in control of his own court--that KP was 'joint' but really run by and for William's interest. ETA: is this idea remotely what's the justification? B/c it can't be 'harry only found out about hacking too late'


I have the greatest possible sympathy for the person(s) tasked to 'go forensically through Spare,' and hope that their pay included '~~Harry~~ Hazard Pay'


Great summary thanks! Why would LC say it’s a constitutional crisis if he’s found out that he’s perjured, though? It sounds like all that would happen is that he would lose and have to pay hefty legal fees. My guess is that either there are problems that could implicate royals for crimes in the emails that would be released, or that the act of searching the royals’ emails itself is a constitutional issue?


Lady C in my opinion is way exaggerating constitutional crisis, except if she's referring to someone who's still technically a Counsellor of State having potential criminal charge of contempt of court. In which case, Parliament CAN remove Harry as CoS. Palace and KCIII CANNOT remove him. As far as I know it is *unprecedented* for subpoena of messages, meeting notes, etc., of discussions probably around the filing of the original suit (that William settled). These would have been the highest level aides *and the highest members of BRF up to an possibly including reigning monarch.* The only thing I can think of rising to a crime is if the messages show BRF members directing evidence destruction, directing employees to perjure themselves. It's *possible* as we know they've covered up Harry's problems before, but they are actually pros and I doubt they would write it down explicitly rather than 'spoke to PoW re issue bring back possible solutions 8 Aug' sort of thing. Just because something is unprecedented and has not happened before, doesn't make it a constitutional crisis. Could be constitutional question about meeting notes b/w QEII and top advisor(s) being subpoena'd. Lady C has good tea \[if not completely accurate\] but she also acts like Chicken Little, if the sky fell every time Lady C acted like this, even here in the US I'd be squashed flatter than the poor ants that dare set foot in my Mom's house.


My understanding is 1, 2 and 4. Not 3 and 5. Harry says in Spare that there was a deal to hold off for years on settling so that it would not affect how Camilla was perceived. So that implies that the settlement that he was offered at that same time and refused was 2014/2015. That blows his statute of limitations and throws out his case timing wise. 1 and 2. There are multiple internal memos and documents that they have but did not get through discovery. They thought they were getting them from Harry and didn't so now they are going to get them directly from the Palace. They didn't want to subpoena the Palace because they thought Harry would do exactly what he did - destroy or not give them the evidence. So not 3. That was strategic. It was also 4. It was not 5. :D


To put it very briefly, there are specific points in legal proceedings when a judge can rule on a case. They can't just randomly decide that a case is rubbish and refuse to keep it on the court roll.




Shoulda, woulda, coulda= Oh Henry🤣🤣


This isn’t a family thing. The Palace has been asked for (and turned over) records of relevant periods to determine if Harry knew about the hacking more than 6 years ago. It’s more like Harry’s former boss had to turn over records than his father had to turn over records. And I am sure KC has not be involved beyond authorizing that the court should have whatever they want.


Not throwing him under the bus is exactly why they are in this mess. They should have done something about him (LoS, councilor of state, IG etc) a long time ago. It only gets worse the longer it goes on... and now it has quite literally reached the top. I hope he gets charged, we all know he's a lying POS who deserves it.


The monarch doesn’t have any power over the line of succession (LoS) which is determined according to rules voted on by Parliament. He likewise can’t remove Harry from the CoS (counselor of state) but KC did the next best thing by adding Princess Anne and Prince Edward to the CoS so that Harry and Andrew need never be called. Invictus could have chosen to remain a royal patronage, but they chose to keep Harry as patron. There isn’t much the Crown can do about that.


Parliament acted on Charles request to add Anne and Edward as CoS. Invictus was never a royal patronage. It was set up as a private charity. The operating model follows that for the Commonwealth Games and taps national and local taxpayer funds to hold the event.


Maybe it would have been more accurate to say that Invictus was offered another royal as patron but they chose Harry. You are right that they were never a “royal patronage.” As for Anne and Edward, I believe KC appointed them with the approval of Parliament.


Not enough public information available on the creation of IG for us to determine what is more accurate. What we do know is that the UK DoD issued an invitation to the UK MoD to participate in the 2013 Warrior Games. Harry was sent as a rep -- he wasn't needed by the Army and Charles had long grappled with finding something for Harry to do. IG needed seed money and that's where the Princes' Trust came in. Harry was enthusiastic and William and Catherine were fine with Harry being the patron. Prince Michael, Princess Beatrice, and Princess Eugenie are patrons of various charities and in some instances were involved in the creation of the charity. That only means that they are associated with it and advocate for it. None of them have the financial means to be major contributors.


I may not have been clear. Someone else posted not long ago that when Megxit happened, Invictus and other charities that Harry was involved with were given a choice of having a different patron or keeping Harry. This is what I was referring to—not anything about the origins of Invictus. Anyway, the point is that if the Invictus board isn’t happy with Meghan turning it into an event about her, then they are not tied to her.


I think Charles is doing the right thing, honestly. Harry is nothing in the UK. He will never be anything in the future. His best outcome after divorce is a lonely life out of the public eye. Harry and the trollop continue to look desperate, lashing out, and their family ignores them. They are NFI invited to any events. It's already been said that the RF can not change the LOS. What exactly are we wanting the King to do?


Also let’s not forget Harry was ordered to try and find and turn in evidence. Just imagine him (or anyone else) „finding“ some evidence like emails that have palace staff in its correspondence. Everyone would accuse the palace/king of lying to a court.  The palace just has to turn everything in to protect their staff - maybe they‘ll inform Harry beforehand, but they can’t protect Harry any more and destroy evidence. 


Preach! The longer KCIII and Parliament waits, kicking the Sussex can down the road, the more problems King Charles will have. His Majesty is making this a complete future FUBAR for Prince William. While I hope not, the ESPYs has the potential to damage US/ UK relations. It’s an election year, and this could garner some good, easy press for US politicians. Harry and Gramma Megan aren’t slowing down. They are becoming more emboldened. The white hot jealous rage Harold has for the Prince of Wales is stupidly psychotic. Megan is in her own delusional Baby Jane world. At the VERY least, Harry needs to be stripped of Invictus and ideally removed from the LOS. This is soon going to irreparably damage the Monarchy. Harold knows it.


Invictus is no longer a royal charity. It is privately run. Only the Invictus Board can sack Harry as patron, and for some reason, they don’t want to. Over 2,000 service people have left the IG in disappointment that it has lost its purpose, and really, if it just folded, I don’t think many people are going to mourn it. Perhaps something similar would then emerge, without the baggage. As has been pointed out before, legislation affecting the LoS is the prerogative of not only the UK Parliament, but of the Parliaments of all the other realms, because it affects their head of state too. They all have to agree and there is no real appetite for it because in practical terms, they have more important issues to deal with and the risk of Harry actually getting the throne is too remote to bother with. That may change if some catastrophe or murderous sugar wipes out William and all three of his children. We tend to be a bit of an echo chamber here. In the wider world, Harry is simply not important enough to make an effort for.


Parliament aren't doing anything as they have bigger fish to fry. They can't be seen to be devoting time to two grifters rather than the millions of constituents who don't have secure food or housing.


Yes, spot on. Harry does know it and that's the whole point to what he is doing. He can't be king, so he doesn't want his father, brother or nephew to be either.


I wonder if KCIII really understands this about Harry. I am pretty sure Prince William does….


Absolutely William knows. He's had front row seats to Harry's bullshit all his life.


Exactly this. I don’t understand how people even on this sub don’t get the RF have done too little (including wipe him from website but with only a message that H and Meg are living overseas and do not represent the RF or the values of it etc etc). The shenanigans of H and Megs have completely overshadowed the causes the RF want to highlight. Charles looked like he’d lost a lot of weight at the Edinburgh event but he had the chance to do more twenty years ago when H was getting out of control but did nothing. 


I think some people on the sub think that but I can say for a fact that whenever I have had a fit about "why don't they deal with him already," I get jumped on with the classic...."What will you have him do?" Charles that is, so now I just shut it. Some people don't want to accept the fact that the action has not been severe enough, they say "he's already been dealt with he's a laughing stock, he's been stripped." That's just not enough and not because I am bloodthirsty when it comes to Skank and Plank. The fact they are STILL A THING is enough and we can see they will not stop.


It's usually Americans demanding things are done who don't understand how monarchy and parliament work in this country or the other realms the monarch is head of state of. Spare still being COS or in the LOS has nothing to do with them and to the majority of the public affected who live under a British monarchy, it's very low on their list of priorities.


Exactly this. Why should we believe the best of the Royal Family? They will do what they must to preserve their legacy. And as part of that, they sent Harry off on 2 military tours, including one that had an attack on base while Harry slept THAT KILLED TWO ALLIED FIGHTERS. Did the RF pull bunker Harry out to reduct the size of the target he made in the sand pit? Nope. Left him out to keep playing his video games until his full tour was up. With zero regard to the increased risk Harry made to all the warriors who were actually fighting out there, and only regard to shoring up the legacy of the cheeky chappy man-child problem the RF knew Harry was and is. Obviously, the RF has mainly converted to a life of 'service' instead of a ruling dynasty, which means the overall optics must remain good on the public-facing side, but that absolutely doesn't mean they don't have a seedy side themselves. If they didn't, exactly how then has such a small family produced gems like Prince Harry, Prince Andrew, and King Edward the VIII? In the direct line of succession, George V had Edward VIII and George VI. A lemon rate of 50%. George VI had Elizabeth II and Margaret. Another lemon rate of 50%. Elizabeth II had Charles, Andrew, Edward and Anne. Lemon rate of 25%. Charles had William and Harry. Lemon rate of 50%. That's 4 lemons out of 10 chances. I'm really not an abolitionist, but if the Royal Family doesn't do something significant about Harry and Meghan, maybe I'll convert! They are like any other dynasty - eventually things rot and need replacing.


Thank you for this recap! I am sure Daisy's overtaxed arms thank you as well. 🙏


I hope she wasn't halfway through! 😬😅


I sat through most of this video (as I was doing other things) but what struck me was the anger coming from Lady C. She was actually livid! Did anyone else notice that? I rarely watch her videos anymore, I prefer to wait for the synopses found here.


Honestly this is all just wishful thinking. Harry has been getting away with punishable offenses for *years* and has never payed a single consequence. From using illegal drugs to cheating at Eton. He lied on his US visa application and then disclosed the lies in his own book, which is also full of lies. He smolleted by faking a "high speed chase" in NYC with no consequences. Meghan could have been sued by a host of people, including the Bishop of Canterbury. But it never happens. I wish it would, but it won't.


Agree, nothing will happen. If Harry were made to face the consequences of illegal behavior in the same way that any non-royal person would have to, that would go a long way to conciliate the public, who largely appear fed up with him CONSTANTLY evading responsibility for ANYTHING he does. Additionally, if he were proven to have engaged in criminal behavior, it seems that could perhaps give the government potential reason to actually act against him WRT CoS or LoS, etc. But nothing will be done.


Nothing will be done, and Hazbeen knows this as well.


Nothing will happen. The fact that they made this moron a working royal when they knew he was a loose canon, drugaddict, cheater, liar, violent, and with the lowest IQ of them all, says it all. The royal family brought this on themselves.


I often feel sympathy for William and Catherine however, who didn’t have a hand in indulging this waste of skin. But I agree very much Charles, the Queen etc. created this absurd excuse for a human, and foisted it in us.


Exactly so. Harry didn’t get to be the entitled brat he is today by accident. He has never been introduced to consequence, not once. He believes he is put upon and victimized. Not because he is a narc, but because he’s rotten. And it shows on the outside as he ages. He married someone who also believes she is put upon and victimized. SHE most definitely IS a narc. An unfortunate combination for anyone who crosses their path, most especially their defenseless children.


Andy Signore brought up something quite interesting on his youtube, which I watched last night. It had to do with Harry's US visa. Apparently part of the visa process involves reasons for granting it, and one of those reasons is extraordinary abilities, and includes awards, such as the ESPY, and Legends of Aviation. So, H&M buy awards and that helps his Visa case. It seems ridiculous to me, but there it is. Also I believe there are political entities who'd love to have Harry continue to live in the US, since H&M are great stirrers up of racial unrest.


**Plus BOTH Bunker Harry and the Mattress have already lied in court with no consequences ...**


Thank you very much, OP. The words "constitutional crisis" have too many syllables for Harry to understand what is being said. Drugs don't help, either.


If Serena and Alexis pushed for Harold to get this award, that tells me that Serena and Alexis view Pat Tillman and the award as something one cashes in on for PR. They view the award as a PR coup, basically making a mockery of the idea of military service by commercializing it. It’s really sick and disgusting but I would expect nothing less from these two and their ilk.


I really don’t buy Serena’s involvement at this level. I doubt she has that much pull. I also doubt that she is all that close with Meghan and Harry anymore. I kind of think that it’s an ESPN/IG connection that’s brewing here.


🎯. I agree. I think Serena is there mainly to plug / garner attention to her new show that ESPN is airing (surprise, surprise). And, to merch her beauty brand. https://www.dgepress.com/abc/pressrelease/serena-williams-set-to-host-the-2024-espys-presented-by-capital-one-airing-thursday-july-11-at-8-p-m-et-pt-on-abc/ I think the Carparkles and ESPN have some kind of unholy alliance brewing in the cauldron regarding Ingriftus. Perhaps they’ll air the Whistler games ? And, let’s not forget that Haznoballs released his Scotty’s Soldiers interview just before the award announcement (unfortunately for fugly face, that got lost in the “destroying evidence” headlines). They are really pushing that military-man turned humanitarian-for-veterans theme.


Serena showed up for the Netflix Polo filming, it looks like she is still supportive and lose to H&M.


At least from a business standpoint for now, yes. Be interesting to see what happens when we hear formally that WME has dropped her. Also, does she just show up for things Harry related and have to deal with table 12 as a consequence of that?


I'm actually starting to wonder if the Tillman Foundation members have also become grifters. They don't seem to care much about the character of the person who receives their award. Pat's mother, who went up against the military and our gov't for her son, should be listened to, not a Foundation that may have lost its way.


Some grey men agent who have had to deal with Harry shenanigans since he was baby, probably ;  "oh nooo I'm so devastated that I have to provide all this damning evidence. Devastated, I tell you. Can't BELIEVE karma actually get to him. Oh my would you like a soft copy version of that? I can provide two paper copies for additional security. Here, I even put them inside water tight container. Have fun~" 


LOL!! Can you even call it sweet revenge when it is literally obeying the law?


Indeed It must be Very cathartic for them 😂


I wish one of them would pull the 'confidential sources' and say blah blah, the spare is this bad Imo the carparkles are evil. No good can come from them. Edited to add: it would only take a few people to break the nda and spill on them


Thanks for the run-down!


Thank you for the summary! I appreciate all your effort in providing it!! I’m also glad you left out the politics! 🇺🇸


Thank you for this tea! eta I'm eating popcorn as I type, HAH!!!


Lady C is guessing. We have an election on Thursday. Charles is still undergoing cancer treatment and, if runours are true it's worse than he's saying, any discussions could be about that and William's future. It's not the first time a meeting has supposedly been had with constitutional experts since the election was called. As any meeting would be private, she's trying to fill her videos with content for clicks.


Wow you did awesome thank you!


Thank you so much for taking the time to write this out and explain it all ❤️


Either he knew all this stuff and discussed it with the ghost writer. OR ghost writer wrote the book based on his , the ghost writers, knowledge, and Harry had no input in passages in his own autobiography. It's a right Royal conundrum! Hopefully, this will be enough to get him removed as Counsellor of State.


Sounds like the “constitutional crisis” is still about Harry being on the CoS list, not about whether Harry destroyed evidence. His being proven to have destroyed evidence might provide additional reason to remove him from the CoS (and maybe even the LoS) but Harry’s court case is probably not central to the possible “constitutional crisis.”


FFS…just do it already! How much is enough? Good grief.


Maybe the new parliament will act.


Thanks for this, very interesting. I wonder if the meeting William had with MI5/MI6 shortly after KC3 met with the constitutional experts are in any way linked 🤔 I know it's part of William's role, but the timing is coincidental.


Maybe it wasn’t THE reason for the visit but that doesn’t mean things weren’t revealed. I’m sure M16 follow the duplicitous duo very closely!


One would hope. Medusa has threatened the Wales family too many times. Even saying one plane crash away from the throne, that witch




I am unclear why this could be a constitutional crisis but maybe I missed something. Everyone will do as Mr Justice Fancourt has requested and if Prince Harry has deliberately destroyed evidence he will have to face the consequences. No-one is above the law - I remember the Princess Royal being fined after an incident with one of her dogs, many years ago. Harry is still Counsellor of State - those legally eligible to be a counsellor are the monarch's spouse and the next 4 people in the LoS over 21. But he has been effectively sidelined because he is not domiciled in the UK, because he is not a working royal (a new rule) and because the law has been amended to include the Princess Royal and the Duke of Edinburgh to the list. Harry will never be called upon to serve. This is a neat and tidy solution to the Harry problem.


I think it’s a “crises” because the palace is trying to figure out what they need to turn over to the courts as Harry worked for the palace — and the palace probably wants to do everything they’re required, but no more (as they likely don’t want to totally destroy Harry as they are v likely concerned about his mental stability.)


Bless you, I can see you are like your flair. I'm not so kind. Harry got himself into this mess. They'll have to hand over whatever Mr Justice Fancourt has asked for. The King and the palace cannot be seen to obstruct the workings of the legal system. Our liberties depend on the independence of the judiciary. I can see that there would be a crisis if it were the King concealing something, but not sure why it would be anything other than embarrassing if Harry were guilty of doing it. We should be used to that by now anyway.


The "guest speaker" said that Charlie is weak. There's no consequences so they will do /say whatever they want


Are they wrong 🤷🏼‍♀️ ![gif](giphy|eLvhchyvNNOuLbOtYP)


I knew Sarina was fingers in this pie as soon as I saw she was host ..... I don't know why maybe its just birds of a deather maybe its the harkles male her and her hubby look good. I just had a gut feeling she was in this mess 


Thank you so much. I have been missing these.


So, what ultimately happens in this “constitutional crisis” that might be looming? I don’t know the full import of that term — how it plays out.


A narc does not care, they only care if we ignore them completely. As long as we pay attention she is totally fine with anything said about her. I was raised by a narc. Survived really, raised myself.


Thank you for the update.


Bring it on.


Thanks for getting this out quickly I’ve been keeping everything crossed for so long now I’ve cut off blood supply waiting for something to finally happen 


Thank you for your paraphrasing of lady C videos. Daisy is missed greatly but you have done a wonderful job 😊


Lady C is simply saying what is already known. We have the same source as her as we know about the meeting with constitutional expert. We also guessed there was some lobbying to get him the award. Lady C says a lot without ever saying anything. We have better sleuths on this forum than Lady C. We have better analysis as well than Lady C.


We chopped off a King’s head when he decided that he was above the law.


Bonjour! Parlez-vous francais??


Lady C's politics are abhorrent to me, but I do appreciate her tenacity with respect to the Dumb Prince


Thank you for saying that.


Update — I edited it out. No need to muddle delicious tea by going into detailed political views.


Thank you for this!