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How can Meghan Markle be angry at Taylor Swift for being friends with Prince William?  Meghan does not own Taylor!!!!


*”How can Meghan Markle be angry at Taylor Swift for being friends with Prince William?  Meghan does not own Taylor!!!!”* As far as Meghan is concerned, that’s probably the problem: she wanted to own Taylor Swift but instead Taylor has given herself over to the “other side,” and it is all William’s fault! 🙄 William didn’t go to the Swift concert with his oldest kids and his cousins to celebrate his birthday and make the kids happy. His main purpose was to hurt Meghan and Harry by “rubbing salt into the wound” that Meghan experienced when Taylor wouldn’t be her friend. William was thoughtless and cruel to let the world know that *he* and his kids got selfies with Taylor Swift while Meghan couldn’t even get a handwritten reply to her invitation to be interviewed for Archetypes. William is such a celebrity hog! 🙄😉🙄


*Taylor has given herself over to the "other side," and it is all William’s fault!*![img](emote|t5_481xkf|15017)![img](emote|t5_481xkf|16209) https://i.redd.it/cw48ftp6r7ad1.gif


Someone should tell her that she wasn’t even on anyone’s mind that night.


This 100%  Hell even for more of us sinners we only give a shit for free entertainment with afternoon tea. 


Using the King's jam for the scones with our tea of course.


Narcissists literally cannot understand that.


I beg to differ. William very well could have thought of his nightmare brother and his wretched wife while dancing to Shake it off. I suspect many people have fleeting thoughts of bad times when singing that song.


Yes, how dare TS share a selfie on Instagram! William probably wanted the photo for his children FFS.


Exactly! It's the Jill Biden lemon dress all over again! 


Even though the POW has known TS for years before he even knew of the markle, aye right methane lol


Seeing you write it out like that, while us normal people know you're being facetious, makes the depth of her delusion and self absorption so clear. Though the pictures being a statement of attack toward them is usually Harry's thing. Like the photo of *the HEIRS to the THRONE* that apparently Harry felt was a direct fire from the bow of the RF to tell him how useless he now was. In ALL cases these two project and tell on *themselves every single time*


Meghan Markle would 100% think that was his purpose for going, because that’s exactly why she would do it! Everything in her world is about “getting even” with all the people she believes have wronged her in some way. She cannot fathom how a person would just get on with their life making decisions solely for the purpose of enjoyment and happiness. For all the sugars who think the Harkles are blissfully happy, think again! Their behavior and vengefulness toward their families, so many many ex friends, the media, the entirety of Great Britain… screams otherwise!


Scary, but accurate in tw f8cked up logic


She’s angry that Taylor took a selfie with William, probably because she wanted to…Markle would have given her back teeth (veneers) for that opportunity, a real ‘A’ lister soughting her out for a photo op.


MM only wanted to cultivate a friendship with Taylor to leech off of her popularity thinking it would drastically increase her own and figured if she had TS’s seal of approval she was hoping to benefit by the backing of the Swiftys who clearly outnumber the Sussex Quad and their paid for bots. TS however knew exactly what a parasite MM is and what her intentions were, plus TS had already known the PoW and invited him onstage to sing with her and Bon Jovi back in 2013 which was several years before Markle stalked and snagged H in hopes of elevating her own status… ![gif](giphy|N1GbvaXxRD829A2PHo|downsized)


Anything associated with Taylor gets a positive boost from that key demographic. Look at the NFL. She's just watching her boyfriend at his job and cheering him on and ratings are up, merch sales are up, and daughters and fathers are discovering football together and bonding. I can see why she's desperate for even a hint of Taylor's fart in her area. It would make AROOOOOOO an instant hit by association.


![gif](giphy|2ONjoz6NEtXQonnaE2) 10000% yes! Perfectly said!


I guess PW and especially the kids aren’t allowed to go to a concert. Lol


More like... How are they living so free and happily when Haz has told us all how miserable they all are.


Yessssss this!!!!


Meghan wants what Taylor has. Adoring fans, private jets.. security. Step back Rachel, we see you.


Meghan Markle covets Taylor Swifts talent because she doesn’t have any herself, according to Hollywood insider.


Seriously, why even soak in about the selfie so damn much? How immature- oh wait, this is Meghan we are talking about so it’s right up her alley.


Once again, victim Meghan is "under attack." If everyone weren't so mean to her all the time!!! 🙄


*The villain plays the victim so well.* ![img](emote|t5_481xkf|15002)![img](emote|t5_481xkf|25350) ![gif](giphy|pJmnk86fXFNmrUb8LB|downsized)


Wonder who Taylor wrote this song about??????


Hg tudor pondered if it was a clapback at him because he says she is a narcissist.


Well when he said she is a narcissist because she wants to show off to people in her home town she is doing better than them, man, that hit me ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Him who?


well as a self-confessed narc of course he loves to flatter himself that the song is about him. HG Tudor is just another (pretty tedious) youtuber. He features on Taylor's radar even less that Markle features on William's! To me the song is about being positive and doing what you want because there is always haters out there and they gonna hate, so just be yourself. The very fact it's haters plural shows it's clearly a general comment, not about one person.


But, but everyone seems to have aligned themselves with the BRF. That’s one way of putting it. Those 2 idiots only have themselves to blame but sure, continue to avoid any self reflection and blame others for any and all perceived slights. They flatter themselves into thinking William even gave them a second thought.


You meet one asshole in the morning, chances are you've met an asshole.... If you've met several assholes , well, the chances are the asshole is closer to home.




So Meghan wants her family to be more than Harry, Doria, and the kids…but she doesn’t want her father back in her life. She might as well hang a sign: ‘No commoners need apply. Royals and Celebrities only!’


Leave completed credit application and financial statements at the door.


She doesn’t appear to want her mother’s extended family back in her life either. Why do we never hear how the Raglands feel about her snobbish rejection of them?


Probably because they’re decent people. Roachel forgets that The POW and Taylor go back to 2013. Anyway how do we know she is mad. She could be busy writing labels or inventing new dog biscuits.


Exactly. She thinks she's so much better than everybody else.


She really is delusional


Of course she better then everyone else She married Prince Charming /s


And in the end, the little mermaid gets her voice back!! 🤮


It’s funny how she wants her kids to have a relationship with KC yet she absolutely does not want KC and her father to have any contact whatsoever, and that her father also never met H prior to the wedding.. and was conveniently dropped just before it. Personally I think she is scared sh\*tless what her father may reveal to KC and H because she’s told so many lies and is terrified things she has been desperately trying to hide will come to light. It’s also why she has no relationship with the Ragland or Thomas Markles family because she has no way of controlling what they say and is afraid her false narrative that she’s built will somehow be revealed. ![gif](giphy|Ynx5xWiQ1WRXrpEGUg|downsized) Edit: spelling


Ding ding ding I think this is exactly it!!! I am NO fan of Thomas Markle’s but I do think that overall this reeks of one of her most typical MO’s: NARRATIVE CONTROL.


I’m sure that the RF knows everything by now. She’s just embarrassed of the Markles because.. well, wouldn’t you be?


But she loves and misses her dad so much and she's totally devastated by the rift! No plans to ever talk to him again, though. Why are you saying she's cold?


yep.. He's not dead yet! Unfortunately, she will put the grief whoredom on display when he does pass.


Oh 1000%


The application would include a section of what she gains from them no doubt. Everything she does is transactional


Victimology 1.01. Meghan is snubbed! She tried so hard to cultivate a parasitic friendship with Taylor! It’s a calculated move on Williams part! Meghan’s fury! She’s under attack! There’s no going back! Oh, the humanity . . . https://preview.redd.it/dartmzb5g7ad1.jpeg?width=1230&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f219881e4e948d77d09c0659208c46621244e30c


![gif](giphy|R1r6E2R110b9A1gzrH) Every accusation is a confession!


This is hilarious. She thinks Swift should just do as she says? Cuz she want her to gif her own benefit? What an a-hole. I was just thinking.. I’m an old guy way up in the corner of America. But a lifelong Chiefs fan. It makes me chuckle I have a 100x better chance to be friends with Taylor Swift (cuz of Kelce) than Megsy ever would. (And my chance or desire is really zero, lol).


Didn’t William meet Taylor long before Meghan was on the scene - in fact long before Meghan was even on the periphery of any A-list circles? Taylor knows William. She doesn’t know, and probably doesn’t care to know, Meghan. It’s no snub - there was no relationship between Taylor and Meghan in the first place.


Exactly but why should cold, hard facts get in the way when Madam is hurt and upset?


Yes, they sang with Jon Bon Jovi at a charity ball


Aw I've said from the earliest it's not disdain or hate that will drive her and Harry off the deep end... It's complete disregard.   The fact is they are not even a consideration in what others do. Especially those they are most desperate to have the attention of including the brother and sil they enjoy torturing. The simple fact is people have their own lives and the Harkles are not a consideration.   In fact they've become boring even for entertainment value.   *Nobody cares* Harry and Meghan! Move on with it!  No one is stopping you from doing what you set out to.   *Or is that what bothers you? Without the drama you have no excuse to not move forward with your stated plan? And that any failures would be yours and yours alone!!!*


And it's really stings since Taylor is so big right now. Nope, she's not transactional at all.


Markle has probably heard the rumor Barkjack is spreading that taylor finally feels like she has made it after singing for William and the heirs.


😂🤣😂😂🤣 I love this 😁


I was pretty high 🤷🏼‍♀️


She feels she's under attack?? Good....a small taste of how she made The Traitor's family feel with her lies.


Their lies.


Personally I think to Taylor, hanging out with William and the kids would be more fun than being forced to hang out with Meghan and Harry. When will she get the clue she’s not being snubbed, people just want nothing to do with her or Hazmat, they’re toxic people


Both brother’s seem like night and day While Harold had a face like thunder at the Beyoncé concert William was having the time of his life at the Taylor swift concert


And William was happy because his children were having a wonderful time after a very hard year, not because his picture was going to be in the news for the next couple of days.


I don’t think he even thinks about photos and publicity.   I have so much respect for William and how he has held it together these past few years.  


I'm convinced that dance he was doing was a dance for Louis because he couldn't be there OR it really is how they both dance at home which is WHY Louis dances that way. Though when Louis does it I do love the mushed face and single fingers up in the air! He's such a personality.  They each are his is just more on display.


He truly was wasn’t he 💞


Plus this kind of whining would terrify me off EVER remotely entertaining the IDEA of spending time with someone going off like this.  She's making it a whole 12 years old pre teen competition of who's friend you are more of! It's juvenile and creepy isn't it?! This is why I'm confused if this is really her PR because it IS her MO. If the rags are starting to hire mentally ill individuals so they can report more realistically about Harry and TW that's frightening. 


Agreed, she has the high school mean mentality, except she’s now in her 40’s 


50,000 petitioners don't like your ignorant prince, MeGain. Double that for yourself. LOL


Also, I noticed the petition is for ESPY to RETHINK to give Harry the award. They are so pathetic.


"She missed being able to talk to her dad", well, PICK UP THE PHONE MEGHAN, it's all on you, not Thomas!


Exactly it’s all on the wife to make contact How many times to you think the wife has changed her contact info Since she give her dad old heave-ho Bet thomas has had the same number for years Since the wife is so fond of writing letters, why not write to him


Her fauxligraphy would probably make him feel worse not better


lol — such tabloid fluff. Gwenyth more likely has her number BLOCKED than on speed dial.


Gwyneth has no time for a some bozo who whines about being excluded. That is NOT how you get accepted into an exclusive circle.


Or possibly will copy her Goop products for free.


She could do a candle - "This candle smells like my desperation"


But did you notice how they worded it? Not that they are currently friends but that Meghan has GP on speed dial. I believe that Meghan Markle does have GP on speed dial because MM is crazy like that.


That's just weird. I bet GP wishes M would lose her number.


Probably has her blocked. It’s funny too because GP herself was the butt of a lot of jokes for a while but she’s still *miles* ahead of Rachel when it comes to being taken seriously and, well, everything else lol.


Interesting. Now she’s a victim of Hollywood celebs? Accusing them of being mean and snobby to her? It didn’t work the last ten times, either, Madame. This one always fouls her nest, doesn’t she? Wherever she is, she has to point at people and say how mean they are.


Well, she’s a heart-attack beautiful, whip smart Duchess, so clearly *everyone else* is so jealous and intimidated, riiggghtt? 🙄 ![gif](giphy|j2hwyWSCwQIBW)


Seriously what is she hoping by planting this to the press??? That the HW a-listers will read this and suddenly start calling her saying “oh we are so sorry you feel snubbed, we would love to get together with you and include you in our social gatherings and would love to do joint projects with you!” ![gif](giphy|3o6Zt4HU9uwXmXSAuI)


So Harry and Meghan feel that William taking his kids to the Taylor Swift concert on his birthday was about them. What a surprise 😒


If anyone ever does a film about this pair of lunatics, I hope it's Soprano's inspired using therapy sessions to narrate their narcissistic take on (other people's) lives.


Well, you can see where she got it from. Her dad's suggestion in the interview that him and KC should have a phone call to chat "grandpa to grandpa" is as delusional a manifestation as anything his daughter can come up with. Not gonna happen dude.


It's delusional thinking to begin with but saying it out loud - you're right, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. This is before you even take into account the unlikelihood they even have a shared-DNA descendent.


Its creepily like TW demanding a face to face meeting by letter when the Queen passed away. Or any of her letters "demanding or requesting" a personal face to face meeting with KCIII. Zod now that you pointed that out its officially even creepier.    There is MORE than one of them! 😳😳😳😳


On *HIS* BIRTHDAY...  God's she is sooo self absorbed! And is advertising it!


I was so excited to see Taylor’s selfie, especially beautiful Charlotte’s excitement. Megs, NONE of them were thinking about you at all. Narcs gonna narc.


I don’t know about you, but I definitively went to the Taylor Swift concert just to make Meghan Markle mad. Twice. /s


"Meghan feels under attack." Well, duh! And we thought she couldn't read the room. 🤪


Except no one is attacking the dumb twunt. People are just choosing not to associate with them. Nfi is not an attack


I think she feels like she is owed these relationships with A-list celebrities. She managed to land the dumb prince, became a duchess, so everyone should want to be "friends" with her now, and the general public should want to be just like her. The last part is pretty much what she said after the dog biscuits & jam flop, her "luxury lifestyle is aspirational". She forgot about 'free will'.


She dragged him back to Hollywood like a Wonka Golden Ticket only for everyone there to label them "Bad Nuts".


It didn't take long, did it?! A couple parties and word was out 😬


She’s probably on the ground sobbing at the bottom of the stairs in Montecito right now in her black ballgown screaming “But I’m a Duchess”


So ironic. They cannot speak to Thomas Markle because they think he would run to the press. Guess who else does that, H&M? You do! Should be easy for you to understand why the BRF shuns you.


You could not be more correct! ![gif](giphy|5iVqpqXkUkuULF6VTI)


She looks terrible in all the pics they chose. It makes me smile.


The sleeveless turtleneck is such a bad look for her. Love how much everyone is using that particular photo.


Her eye wrinkles that she grew in one swift year are taking me the f out, good old Witherskins…




She looks like she's ordering people around in the first picture. ![gif](giphy|bkcYElQQVstXFsr4yL)


Ikr? She a natural proselytizer, always preaching her stoopid gospel. eta: or that scene in the Bad Seed where brat Patty McCormick growls: *You better give it to me!*


great movie.


She must be thrilled with the photos with her authentic appearance pre cosmetic procedures. I thought those were some of the best pics I’ve seen because she actually looked happy with her dad.


Who’s the “source” for the CloserOnline puff piece? Must be British, because Americans don’t say “put the boot in”. Is it the Haribo guy?


The candy man!


I have so, so many comments about these delicious reads, but it's late and I'm lazy. I usually think these magazines make things up, but these actually seem to come from Meghan herself - all the the narc features are there. And apparently, all these bad things are happening to Meghan Markle for no reason. It's not like she did anything.


If the wind blows the wrong way Meghan feels under attack. She is a pariah. She really thinks she can call all the shots and do whatever she wants and people will agree to her demands. She is nothing more than a spoiled delusional human hemorrhoid that won’t go away.


MM always thinks that “celebrities” are her department and William should be left with mundane RF duties while she parades with Celebs wearing couture and posting on insta. Unfortunately for her, anyone can meet Taylor Swift if Taylor wants to. The Harkles should get over their narcissistic delusions about their desirability and realize that people are avoiding them because of their nasty behavior towards their own family. Such people, who air petty grievances for money, gossip, violate other family’s privacy and are lazy freeloaders are best avoided.


One of the perks of the palace is that you can hobnob with whoever you want. And if they are brits they will probably bow to you as well. If charlotte wants Swift over for afternoon tea Pa can probably arrange it.


Her and Harry expected a lifetime ordered the way the Lion King premier was. All the great and good standing in line to bend the knee and stand hostage to whatever inappropriate business dealings they wished to being up. They could dress nice, bills paid, show up when they wanted, cancel the appearances they wanted that weren't as useful or fun to them etc. I'm convinced that day Todger got her the "voice over work" and they met Beyonce (the idiot even calling TW "My Princess") the two of them returned to Frogmore drunk on the idea that experience proved their idea would work and be successful. All they could see was THAT and only *that* because of their titles on a daily basis. And they saw no reason why doing that in Hollywood would be any different than in the RF


I wonder if Beyoncé still calls her “my princess”?


lol these photos! 🤣


Megain being mad bc her dad talking to media is so hypocritical. I wish he'd publish her Hysterectomy records and settle the grandkid debate forever. Those kids are not hers or of her body. Invisible kids. Fake house. Purchased awards. Nothing with the carparkles are genuine. Pure evil


I was watching the programme last night about the twins taken from the US to UK over 20 years ago. An interesting point towards the end was that the UK changed adoption laws following that but in the US it's still unregulated so theoretically, the grifters could have bought babies from the internet like those two couples did.


This is not an attack, this is chicken coming home to roost.😂😂😂 maybe it is what goes around comes around , and around baby. You start hate train , it will collect dust, awards , all kind of fu—ery, and comes back to the origin. Prince William is living his life. Sooner or later, in life , everyone will find out what you really are. I am sure , everyone sees Meghan for what she is.


A nasty, rancid hussey.


“Desperate to avoid any drama”. Oh really?


She left out the part where she accused Victoria and Amal of leaking to the press, when it was really her. Yet she is confused why no one wants to be her friend? All of these (most likely paid for by her) articles are doing her no favors. Her narcissism is on full display.


All her pictures look terrible! For a “young couple” they sure look older than most ![img](emote|t5_481xkf|25276)


That's so annoying. Even the young parents thing. She was 15 years older than the average first time mother in the US and he was well outside the average for first time Dads himself.


Infamy! Infamy! They've all got it in for me! Poor, poor Meghan. See how she and H suffer​. Everyone (well, everyone that has any social pull) has turned against them and it's all the wicked palace's fault. William is behind every single thing. Dog bowl and sausages! He was even born first! Or, just maybe, those chickens (including the one they rescued from Ellen) are coming home to roost.


Meg right now ![gif](giphy|Q80mPk0CLu6AJRe9tV)


I find it difficult to understand MM, honestly. She must really be a narc + something of the highest order. Why I say that is because I have a pretty serious narc in the family, who’s wrecked serious havoc in her hayday. Even she managed to pull herself together at times if necessary. Even I, who’s basically no contact, have managed to find a way to *sometimes* call her, with careful boundary management of course. Thomas’s pap pics, as we know now, were probably actually orchestrated by MM by setting a trap. She’s worse than a run of the mill narc.


So in a nutshell, the harpy thinks that William taking his kids to the Taylor Swift concert was ok but the selfie was a clear slight at her and this one! The harpy also can’t forgive her father for staging photos (hello Backgrid!) and running to the press (hi Oprah, Gayle King, GMA with Christopher Reeves son, countless paid for PR stories) so that relationship is over! The harpy and this one are sad and feeling isolated because they only speak to Doria in their respective families - well, whose fault is that!


🎻🎻🎻🎻🎻 does she every stop playing the victim… maybe Taylor wants nothing to do with her because Meme can’t be trusted


I think they have ‘Meghan’s Fury’ and ‘Meghan feels under attack’ already set up in permanent typeset. Doesn’t every issue have those headlines?


I feel sorry for her father. First, because, as a kid, she played him for all he was worth. Second, for ghosting him after he had the poor taste to miss her wedding because he had a heart attack. The clock's ticking, Megs. You should see him while you still can. Ouija boards don't really work. (But don't tell Harry. He needs his little mummy chats.)


🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔 If this isn't written by the Harkles then these tabloids are taking the piss with them.  The irony is at clinical levels here. And omg the continual harping about the launch of 'mercan organic chaos is absolutely ridiculous.  Seriously though who is taking the piss here.  Because the lack of awareness of the couple and/or the pr/writer is terrifying. Her dad just should go away and stop interfering with their lives and plans and move on. Oh and BTW whhhhy won't the King and RF let them back in to share their secrets and disregard the RF's work and just give them money and forget all that happened over the last 5 years because it didn't work out for the two of them. Wtf??!!!


The only true headline is there is no going back. Or as the rest of us learns in life a little word called consequences


BUT she is *american*, they don't have tabloids in there!


The Closer article is unintentionally hilarious. The Harkles complain they can't trust Thomas because he will run to the media to report what they say. Pot. Kettle. Black.


Please raise your hand if you are surprised that George and Amal Clooney are living separate lives?


Not in the least


I’m surprised that they are slow walking this out now. They must have reached some milestone carved out in the prenup.


Unless "heat" magazine has suddenly become a bastion of truth in reporting, I'll wait for a more legitimate source to report about it 😄


They are apparently celebrating their tenth anniversary soon. Maybe time to negotiate a postnuptial agreement?


I looked them up out of curiosity and they're in Saint Tropez on vacation, were spotted having dinner a few days ago, so I guess they're okay for now. Ben and J Lo on the other hand 😬


I was rooting for them. 😞


I guess I'm the opposite in that I started the divorce-watch clock as soon as they got married, just a matter of when. She's already started with a couple of blame-y PR articles about him because nothing is ever her fault, and Idk, how soon will the next 'love of her life' get started? I'll give her 6 months. The losers here, as usual, her kids.


It can’t be good to see your parent “in love” with different people so often.




Thank you!


They're just in separate rooms probably.  I'd love that!


Having your own closet and bathroom is a dream. #goals


And yes, Katy is on ozempic!


Taylor met William before That One entered the chat. Everyone knows That One appears to be stalking her way into another celebrity who didn’t fall for it. Now it’s William’s fault.


Even though those being BAD press, TW must be pleased to see her face on the cover of the magazines. I truly wish none of the media would pay attention to the attention seeking whore, so she will eventually have to concede. That’s her ultimate fear - not to talked about - her being such a media whore has brought the Kardashian tactic to bring RF down into the reality show level of gossip manifested nightmare. If we the sinners want her to go away from the public, I believe the best tactic is to ignore every single maneuver she makes.


I'm not sure she sees this as bad press, she sees herself as someone to be admired and aspire to emulate. The fact she's angry and upset in her eyes should have people flocking to her side, blaming William for the continuous bullying


I’m sure she thinks of those photos are NOT her true beautiful (only in her mind) self, hence she shall hate them. But all she wants is attention whether negative or positive, just like Kardashians.


Most of these headings are ambiguous. They can be read as both pro and anti the House of Sussex. Edited for spelling correction …. I wrote ‘house of suffix’ !!


House of Suckass also works ![img](emote|t5_481xkf|15002)


Ok so I stopped reading when it said "the Kardashians, Gweneth paltrow and Cameron Diaz" were on Meghans speed dial. Yah. No. ![gif](giphy|52Fl7S91FJ29c8Kr62)


Doesn’t mean she has the good phone number, nor does it mean they pick up. I’m sure there’s a “good phone number” that gives someone direct access.


Clearly written by PR staff.


Hahahaha ![gif](giphy|5xtDarvsa5BJzpZ4Dzq)


Yup. Most women I know work I  our underwear in the files room. Lemme guess...a/c broken down conveniently? This show srsly looks trash




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That eyebrows are horrendous!!


Oh boy! The Saint has *no shame* and I'm highly entertained by that! This makes her look so pathetic! Except with people who are just like her and blame everyone else for their problems. Who helpfully identify themselves so we can avoid them in real life.


Surprised they didn't talk about how Jason Kelce gushed about William and Charlotte..and included George as an afterthought. What you may not realize is they got mixed messaging as to whether they could share the story. They did not elaborate. I am sure part of it was NDAs signed for Swift. Jason did a motion with his hands that indicated something very thick was sent to them about etiquette but didn't finish the thought.


Always playing the eternal victim. What a nasty entitled cow she really is. That narrative has worn a little thin.


Why is everything a knock back to Meghan Markle? She has had every opportunity to create something, anything, but all she has done is failed. The photos of Taylor Swift with William and his family, has absolutely nothing to do with her. They don’t put out photos to snub her, because they don’t care about her. To them she is non existent and is like a fly on the back of an elephant, can’t be felt. These magazines make it all about her when she is irrelevant and unbelievably boring. If they stopped turning everything back to how it affects her, more people would buy the magazine or read the story. It’s about time she realised we just don’t care about her or anything she does. ![gif](giphy|pqAXpsHpYwYZIwf1m9)


Making it all about her, instead of Princess Charlotte having a wonderful night out with her daddy and brother. Suck it up buttercup.