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[Link to petition](https://www.change.org/p/request-espn-to-rethink-awarding-the-pat-tillman-award-to-prince-harry?recruiter=903739888&recruited_by_id=92ec0150-c8e0-11e8-91ff-2f30b499696e&utm_source=share_petition&utm_campaign=psf_combo_share_initial&utm_term=psf&utm_medium=copylink&utm_content=cl_sharecopy_490115277_en-US%3A4)


50,000 and counting keep going sinners…it’s the least we could do for pat tillman and his mother! 👏🔥 FO TRAITOR HAZBEEN.


Grifter traitor


“Pat Tillman abandoned the pursuit of wealth and fame to serve his nation. Harry has abandoned service to his nation, in the pursuit of wealth and fame” ⬆️ One of the best quotes I saw on there from a guy named Matthew summed it up perfectly ⬆️ ​ ![gif](giphy|sgdAxBeaBknaM4OGRR|downsized) Edit: spelling


Calling back to when someone amazing yelled how Markle was the charlatan Duchess (at her shower in NYC?), someone should have a poster of this quote at the award ceremony.


Over 52k currently (2:00 EST USA). Almost 9k signatures so far today.


I never realised that so many Americans hate him + think of him as a traitor to his country.


His Oprah interview, during the pandemic, whining about how he had to survive on his Mommy’s millions because Daddy cut him off- AT AGE 38!- made this American think the BRF is made up of a bunch of sissy man-babies. But then he went on his book tour and complained about getting his necklace broken by his brother who has since frozen him out, and I kind of figured that maybe it’s just Harry who is the sissy man-baby. 


Right? Likes to brag about fighting the Taliban, but his limp-wristed brother pushed him into the dog bowl, and that was so scary it was included in his biography


He is playing into foreign factions hands, every time he puts down the monarchy


He is a danger to RF!


Why aren’t more veterans outraged over this slight.


Great comments on there!


The comments are brutal and to the point.


They really are. It's really got to be a sobering reality for *certain* people to see.  It's not some thread on reddit, it's a document that people attached their names and emails to and even donated money. 


Hopefully Serena Williams and her husband as well as Pat Tillman's widow... Alledgedly, she is a sugar as opposed to Pat Tillman's mother.


Yeah, none of that surprises me tbh. Wonder what the deal is with Serena tho, like was she asked to do it, did she volunteer? Along the same lines,  who came up with this whole idea to begin with? Were there other veterans that applied or were being considered? Who chose Harry? Soo curious.


Check out SHCs comments. She goes into this in detail.


Ok thanks! But who is SHC?


SecondHandCoke, a sinner on this sub with a brother in the entertainment industry. [https://www.reddit.com/r/SaintMeghanMarkle/comments/1dtkpy7/comment/lba6nep/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/SaintMeghanMarkle/comments/1dtkpy7/comment/lba6nep/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) the following comment is gold, too.


Right, yes of course lol! I don't know why that didn't click when I read it before. Thanks so much for the links!


Sure, anytime!


She is friends with Megdusa. Has supported her from the very beginning. Some newscasts were saying the nomination came from Serena and hubby. Don’t doubt it.


After flashing him at that game makes me think they are all swingers. They’re all adults anyway but keep it in the family don’t use a fallen soldier’s name for fame.


I'm not convinced they're friends. Madame only does transactional relationships, and Serena is far more famous and powerful but she instantly folds with Madame. There's something behind that...


To try and help a little I keep going in and liking the comments.


Wow. So their trying to shut the petition down has just brought it more attention. It was at 42,000 signatures when I went to bed last night - now it’s over 50,000. Excellent! 👌


over 51k now


Streisand Effect.


It’s so easy to sign! No need to create an account and you can skip the donation part: Just enter your name+email and then confirm your email, so your signature won’t be deleted.  The petition helps to spread the truth and get media attention. 


THIS! You are so smart to include this helpful info, thank you! ❤️ Hadn't signed anything on the site for years, but fired it up for this petition without hesitation as soooo many others have done. Clearly it hits a nerve for a huge percentage here and we represent many millions who feel the same! The more we calmly present the egregious facts the more likely it is that many many more will take these steps, which, as you say, are simple. 🌟 [https://www.change.org/p/request-espn-to-rethink-awarding-the-pat-tillman-award-to-prince-harry](https://www.change.org/p/request-espn-to-rethink-awarding-the-pat-tillman-award-to-prince-harry)


I signed and I've reached out and had others sign, but espn is doubling down on their stupidity and betrayal of Tillman's mother.


Well done, sinners!!


Charge on......get our military involved.


I signed earlier today.👍


Espn and Disney need to be actively boycotted. New Disney movies needs to flop and not watch Wimbeldon on ESPN or ABC affiliated channels. Don't buy products advertised there either. Money always talks.


This right here is the answer. Money, and the loss of it, is the only thing these companies take to heart. But I honestly don’t expect it to happen. People want their “stuff” & many figure others will pick up the slack, so their one lone contribution isn’t important. I wish I would hear of Wimbledon ratings plummeting & Disney movies/merch/park visit numbers bombing, but I don’t expect it to happen. Most people’s convictions only extend as far as their own wants, needs & comforts.


It happened to Budweiser in a big way. Whether or not you agree with why the backlash occurred, Budweiser is suffering and continues to do so.


My brothers, who would only drink Bud forever, have quit buying their products. Will not support any of the products still.


I think Disney and ESPN are doing a fine job of flopping all on their own, but every little bit helps.


What a great comment :)


I think it's a great result! Even if petition won't reach next goal, it was reported in many media outlets, even in TV, and it will be mentioned in all articles about Harry getting the award. And he hates it! For all who are disappointed it's not 100k - it is very hard to make people do something or protest. So I think 50k is still great. EDIT: If it reaches 56,3k signatures it will be the biggest petition directed at ESPN on change.org :) now it's third. https://www.change.org/decision-makers/espn-7


*EDIT: If it reaches 56,3k signatures it will be the biggest petition directed at ESPN on* [*change.org*](http://change.org) *:) now it's third.* [*https://www.change.org/decision-makers/espn-7*](https://www.change.org/decision-makers/espn-7) They just passed it! **It's currently at 56,515 signatures** at 7 p.m., July 3, 2024.


Yes. It is now the biggest petition directed towards ESPN. But guess what - they don't change it's position to the top one. It still sits at third!  https://www.change.org/decision-makers/espn-7


The petition owner did an update on the reason they gave her for the caution bar across the top:  They are challenging what I shared about Prince Harry, flying above his father, Prince Charles. It’s in the book that he wrote, including how he called it off…”at his command”. Written by him in his own autobiography. I will not buy his book “spare” But it’s in there and can be found easily anywhere online. He’s also never denied it.


He didnt fly above his father. He was a Forward Air Controller on the ground and claimed he orrdered an armed fast jet to target his father. If he did as he claims, a whole raft of military personnell would be culpable for covering up a massive breach of controls, procedures, regulations and law.


Also, let's keep in mind - hazBEEN's military career wasn't going anywhere - he wasn't getting promoted at the pace as ALL his peers from Sandhurst - so the spoiled brat got a handpicked (just for him) team of Army superiors to be his tutors, and was given several aircraft for this special training, and Pa let him use Sandringham for this over-the-top, never-done-before intense training for just 1 solider. ^((and btw, still only got to Captain after 10 years)) The dude has been pampered ALL his life - and this Sandringham training is just one (EXPENSIVE) example... and yet, despite this ultra-unique training.. he still got cocky and rude by ordering an aircraft to follow much too closely to a British citizen - his own father! **What a #$%#@!**


Watch TRG’s YouTube’s about this. She’s fantastic. Idc if they conjured this up for Harry as a distraction from his deleting things the court asked for, it’s disgusting. We won’t forget about how H&M both treat the courts, lies and lies. Not a chance. But now this lie about Harry deserving this award? Nah! He’s still playing soldier is he? More stolen valor? Let’s make it stop. Although $ has already jumped from one pocket to another to make it happen, Harry COULD respect Tillman’s mother’s wishes. But Harry doesn’t have a decent bone in his body nor does his beast wife, so keep sharing this petition.


Hairold probably views her the way he did that matron at his school he abused.


I am being honest when I say I'm disappointed it's not over the 100,000.


Families are on vacation this week due to the holiday Thursday. Not everyone stays hooked up to social media while on a family vacation. The ceremony isn't until 7/11. We still have over a week to go. 100K is still possible.


Fingers crossed.


Give it time!


I know I'm raging.


It's reached 50k very quickly. At this pace, I'd say it'll reach it by the day.


No it hasn’t reached 50k quickly. The petition has been up about four or five days. There’s 65k followers here alone plus thousands of others like me who aren’t a follower. It’s hit the media on lots of the news channels worldwide and even in this sub alone people are still asking for a link that’s been posted loads of times. I think it’s disappointing how on this sub alone people have waited days and days before doing it and many still haven’t bothered. Why be a follower if you’re just not fussed? It takes less than a minute. 


Social media doesn't work like that. Most people are passive and do not like to click on external links. 65k followers do not equate to 65k upvotes/downvotes, and comments are even less. This goes for every online space. K-pop star Jin is a hot commodity at the moment and has 48 million followers on Instagram. His latest posts get about 10 million likes. If he asks his followers to sign a petition, it would make global news and plenty of signatures, but not 48 million. 50k signatures alone is enough to embarrass Harry, especially to America where he's not relevant.


You are absolutely right about social media. And I think the fact that there is a petition at all is embarassing for Harry. 


I would add that the demographic appears to be older Americans who are on nothing more than Facebook, forget Reddit. It might he a slower burn, but 50k through word-of-mouth us quite high.


It went up by 35K in the last 24 hours. It's rising exponentially as people become aware.


I am not American, had never heard of Pat Tillman until Friday, so it doesn't feel appropriate to weigh in on the award.


Setting unrealistic goals always leads to disappointment. Look around on change.org and see how many signatures other petitions are getting. This award is a very small matter (compared to other issues there), it's amazing that it got to 50 000 in just a few days.


Exactly! Look at the other petitions directed at ESPN - the biggest one has about 56k signature. Petition about Harry is currently third.


It's gaining traction. Most people don't know or care. With media picking it up, that number will rise.


keep sharing & posting


Yep my work mates signed today too lolol


I mean it would be cool but there are a couple things happening here: 1) change.org is sketchy as hell and its fair for people to be wary of it. Many just share about on social media instead. (I signed it, but 100% get ppl not wanting to).  2) Its a holiday week 3) Comparatively, this petition has quite a large amount of signatures. Its 4k away from being the top one ever sent to ESPN. Go look at how others on the site are doing. 


Yeah I know I was just raging and I still am but I do agree with you.


Haha fair enough


It's now the biggest petition directed towards ESPN. 


I agree. The page has been up for days now and even those on this sub some going by the comments ‘weren’t going to bother’. This sub is 65k. I’m not a follower (which must account for 10k) in this 65k and Ive done it. It’s about bringing it to the media attention how much the decision and H is loathed. The RF will eventually take note and address the website, los, etc etc. And no, the RF have not done enough for things they could do. 


The royals will address the website, etc. In their own time. I think Harry's lawsuit fiasco is more likely to steer those decisions than an undeserved foreign award. The royals have bigger fish to fry, and they don't do things impulsively. Every decision is thought about from every angle and from the view of a millenia worth of history. Harry's decline will be death by a thousand cuts. Patience.


Agree. For me the numbers don't add up. Of course I'm being petty now. But look at all the channel comments and sub numbers those channels have a lot of channels are over 100,000 subs, so to me the number should rise constantly taking in countries time zones. I'm just raging.


Look at how many views those channels are getting. Getting 10% of your subscribers to watch your videos is a good engagement rate on youtube. Imagine that - 90% of people don't even watch the channels they subscribe to. Making people doing something beyond just watching/reading is a lot harder. I bet not even 1% signs petitions - not just this one, any petitions.


Good heavens. Give it chance. I understand every follower on here is not as obsessed as myself, checking here everyday, sometimes multiple times a day. They have actual lives, unlike myself who apparently doesn’t. 😹


High five checker I do the same. I need to stop getting enraged by these people.


I was seriously thinking earlier I might need to boycott here until the awards next week. I’m afraid I might throw my phone out the window and I really like my phone and I’m on the third floor.


Newsnation is covering the story. They are covering the story. It wasn’t positive towards haz.


4th of July should see a spike! 😉


It's gotten to over 52k signatures. Let's keep sharing it, It's probably not going to do anything as far as the award is concerned but it will let Pat's family know that the people are on their side. Haznoballs will never be in the same league as Pat or anyone else who has received the award.




Can I just add that ESPN and Bill Simmons have a complicated past together. Bill left ESPN and now his website/podcast the ringer is their biggest competition and considered "the new ESPN". Obviously Spotify bought the ringer but Bill was made ceo and an excutive at Spotify.


Interesting! Thanks


My husband has no interest in anything that we sinners discuss but once I showed him the ridiculous flagging thing on [Change.org](http://Change.org) he was off like a flash to sign the petition - he is massively triggered by censorship.


Can someone put on the link to sign the petition? My life has been chaotic lately. TIA fellow Sinners :)




I had already put it up before you asked for the link. It takes ten seconds to google the link ‘Pat Tillman change petition’. We’re all busy but I don’t get why people have still not signed it. The busiest people probably did it days ago. 


Chastising the people who want to sign the petition isn't gonna help our cause.


Actually I am pretty busy. My daughter just attempted suicide and then crashed her car. I’m my husband’s carer, now that he’s in a wheelchair. Sorry for asking again.


I am sorry to read that life isn't the best, at the moment, for you and your family. I hope that things do improve for you all.


Thanks, compassion helps. Life is hard.


🩷. So sorry to hear. Sending compassion; stay strong. 🩷


Thank you, we all need kindness. No one’s life is easy, except for the Harkles, and even they have to work one hour a week, poor things:(


No need to apologize. AT ALL. No sane person expects you to live and breathe this sub. I'm sorry for what you're going through. I hope you and you're family will all be ok. 


Wow. Way to be a complete and total jerk for absolutely no valid reason.  Maybe take a second to realize that other people's priorities aren't always going to be exactly the same as yours. Believe it or not, some people have other things happening in life than the constant stream of bs TW and Harry produce.  Jeepers dude. 


They already made it clear publicly they are not withdrawing the award and that is the foundations choice despite being aware of his mother's feelings. Either for money or publicity they've sold themselves to the grifters 


Its still important to sign the petition. There more signatures it has, the more media attention it gets.    It won't stop this award but public backlash may stop other awards from being up for purchase for Harry. Not everyone can financially handle the kickback like espn can.  Its also making more people aware of Harry's attempt to squish free speech. This is incredibly important. I've seen a lot of people say they don't usually sign petitions but seeing the attempt to censor it has opened their eyes. 


I encourage calling too. Flood them.


ESPN is gleeful about the petition. In today's world, negative attention/controversy is more valued than anything else, in the entretainment industry. This has nothing to do with charity and everything to do with entertainment. Pat Tillman's memory is a commodity to these people and we expect them to feel shamed that they picked Harry?


Yes, you're right. I hope they won't get higher viewership than usual. Remember Omid tried the same tactic with Endgame, the whole "Dutch translator" controversy to sell the book. But it was a flop! The book had very poor sales.


Well I wouldn't watch if you paid me, but that's just me.


Oh his dumb ginger a** will still show up for this award, but it's not going to look good on him one way or another.. AND it lets him know that a large portion of this country is sick of his & his wife's sh*t...


I've signed but I've said from the beginning they won't rescind the award that means admitting they made a mistake and they can hide behind the veterans as an excuse even though thats not what the blurb about why he is awarded says. But they'll twist it and use the veterans as the reason they are right and we are wrong. But still sign it exposes The harkles, these awards shows, that ESPN has no respect for the person the award is named afters own mother ....thats her families name....not his remarried widows name she no doubt has her new husband's name, she has no right to link Tillman name to this half of the grifting duo. Its no longer her name that she's degenerating. Somehow I don't think her 1st husband's memory means what it used to to her if she's doing this it certainly makes me question where us the respect, even for his own mother shes disrespecting her by disrespecting her sons memory.


It’s pretty simple. If the award is really FOR Invictus, have it presented to some Invictus participants and leave Harry out of the equation altogether! It’s not rocket science. But, because they insist on giving to Harry—it is for Harry and Harry alone. They think we’re stupid.


There's this one too - don't know why it's been sitting there for so long and not getting the love... [https://www.change.org/p/ted-cruz-cancel-prince-harry-s-special-us-visa?signed=true](https://www.change.org/p/ted-cruz-cancel-prince-harry-s-special-us-visa?signed=true)




Thanks! Signed that one too.


Probably because we don't actually even know what visa he has. Can't say "cancel his special visa" when you don't know he even has one.  Its more likely he lied on a normal visa. Or his stupid political friends slid him through under the radar. 


I have signed it but I have not received an email to add my signature. Been waiting for said-email for about 5 minutes now. I have signed numerous petitions before and it has never taken that long. Anybody else had the same experience please? Anythign is possible when so much is at stake for the man child spare with small dick energy.


Still waiting sinners. I have done it 3 times and still nothing! Very bizarre. It's not my first petition!


Can someone start a post for us to put our favorite comment from under the petition? They are getting removed like crazy. 


[My Favorite right now](https://i.postimg.cc/d3RCDZHs/Screenshots-2024-07-03-08-14-10.png)


Signed yesterday!


Oh his dumb ginger a** will still show up for this award, but it's not going to look good on him one way or another.. AND it lets him know that a large portion of this country is sick of his & his wife's sh*t...


The petition will not cause a rethink. Money was paid and that is that. BUT highlighting and shaming Plank for the fraud that he is, is PRICELESS and I will keep pushing it on the other blogs I go to. I don't want this to go away we have a week until that award. Bad enough he got away with the Baka atrocities but this is drama for the press so they will run with it.


It would be great if South Park picks this up


The one good thing that comes out of this is it shows up the way Pat Tillman was killed by ‘friendly’ fire, all of his possessions were burned and how he was shipped back naked. He was treated abominable and that must hurt his mother even more. The family went through a lot to get the truth from the Government. How shameful.






He won't get booted. Petitions almost never work. But it's important for the people to have a voice- and the fact that there are so many voices shows what a bad decision this was.


what’s great is the condemnation and it’s all over the news.. https://www.newsweek.com/prince-harry-award-veteran-mother-pat-tillman-shocked-1919336


I agree. I've heard a big military news source also picked it up. I'm glad people are speaking out and educating the headline readers on why this is a bad decision.


ESPN doubled down. They’re not changing their minds.


At least the petition has brought more awareness about Grifter Harry’s 🐂 💩




Done. Signed it.


I get a "Your session was expired, Please try signing again now" error when I try to sign this petition. I have signed out and back in again but still get the error. 🤔


https://www.change.org/p/request-espn-to-rethink-awarding-the-pat-tillman-award-to-prince-harry you don’t need an account with change.org just go directly to that link you can sign anonymously as well


The petition has now 58,826 signatures. It is the biggest petition directed towards ESPN on change.org. It should be at the top when you check out petitions towards ESPN. But they don't move it up. It's strange, because when it started they moved it accordingly. Now it sits at third position despite having more votes than other two. https://preview.redd.it/pwr6er37ahad1.png?width=1287&format=png&auto=webp&s=4a0c8303521eabad577b719a31767939b5133e04


It has just passed 60k!


The bigger question is how were the corrupt selection panel encouraged to choose him?


I suspect this was all MeeGains doing!

