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From her profile page... *Meghan’s influence in fashion has been coined “The Meghan Effect” with items selling out within hours of her wearing them. Her ‘effect’ has transcended fashion,* She usually picks things from last year and are already sold out or no longer available to create this sense that it's because of her wearing it The Meghan Effect= Markled. Everything she's involved in folds like a house of cards


This is verbatim the definition of the Kate Middleton effect bc what she and her kids wear actually sells out within minutes and it’s reasonable for most working class folks. 


*Looks at my closet full of Zara™️ double-breasted blazers and jackets* Yep, I can vouch that the ✨ [Kate Middleton effect](https://dresslikeaduchess.com/2023/10/9-of-kate-middletons-favorite-zara-blazers-and-jackets/) ✨ is real!


Zara isn’t good enough for a woman of Meg’s venerable position. IIRC, when she got either the role on Suits or the role under Prince Stupid, she had a ‘Sayonara Zara’ party to get rid of her old clothes.


My my my how far one falls - now she’s merching Etsy brands 😂


I'll admit to following Meghan's fashion influence when I pick up yesterday's clothes off the bathroom floor and don't bother too much whether it coordinates or fits properly.


or wrinkled


That's just embarrassing. Imagine copying the Kate Effect and claiming it for yourself. No wonder they were roundly disliked by the rest of the family, between claiming to be Diana reincarnated, besmirching the Queen's childhood nickname by using it in a narc flex, claiming to have an even bigger effect on clothing sales than your sister in law, bullying your staff and the household staff, the list goes on


Colleges didn't want tents set up for protests.


Also imagine how much they would have to pay. For her accommodations, private jet, security and team accommodation, plus speaking fee.


How come NorthWestern have never invited her? Did she really graduated from there? I am not American, so I don't understand/know how can you check in US if someone has a degree.


They were probably one of the first victims of being Markled.


Probably something to do with the super glue/fake eyelash incident. It is a rumour but there seems to be a fair amount of talk about it plus some 'coincidences'. NW didn't celebrate her wedding to H either.


As a Northwestern alum we have thousands of extremely accomplished graduates who can give commencement speeches. She would not be respected by students or faculty as worthy of a speech, let alone an honorary doctorate


GREAT question.


They already heard the soap speech a few times.


She definitely graduated from Northwestern. That’s been confirmed on this sub before.


Then she is the stupidiest person graduated from International relations not knowing who the Royal Family is 😂


NU confirmed there was never an international relations major while she was threre.


I thought it was like a minor or sometthing


Who would want them as commencement speaker? He didn't earn his way through anything. He is a dud. It was all due to his family. She is a former D list actress who got to her position by marriage. She is a work shy bully.


He barely graduated HS, and wouldn't have without his Art instructor helping him to cheat. I wouldn't stand for a functionally illiterate, admitted druggie, nepo-baby liar speaking at my (or my kids') commencements!


The art exam the teacher tool Eton to tribunal for was A Level. That's 16-18. He finished mandatory education with GCSEs at 16. 


Yet he is way more qualified to speak than her


Because they are global *thought leaders!*


My 4 yr old grandson is a global thought leader as well - regarding poop, farts, and boogers - just like Hawwy! Even though he was invited to give a few commencement speeches this year, but unfortunately they all coincided with either his nap-time, bed-time, or his play-date calendar. Hmmm...Hawwy probably couldn't get permission from Mummy 2.0 to skip a nap or stay up late, either. ![gif](giphy|bC9czlgCMtw4cj8RgH|downsized)


If either of them had done a commencement speech at my Alma mater, I would have walked out. This would have gone double for H; I would have raised hell. Luckily, my alma mater isn’t cool enough for them to want to be involved


The Todgers refused several invitations to be commencement speakers. They didn't want to take attention from the graduates.


Everyone would be soooo jealous!


The colleges probably didn’t pay enough.


I don’t think they’d make good candidates for commencement speakers because they aren’t seen as successful - the opposite, in fact. Harry was born to great privilege and *could have* achieved a lot (he started convincingly on the philanthropic path) but now he seems to just laze about, sue publishers, whine, and buy awards. Meghan’s philanthropy has always been purely performative and unconvincing. It would be controversial to hold them as role models in anyway (except what *not* to do).


Not to mention, their prior attempts at commencement or motivational speeches have been very de-motivational.


More self-devotional.




Those Kindercare grads are so cute tho in their tiny caps and gowns.


Down the toilet with their reputations


Nobody wants a  commencement speech that starts with: When I was 11...


AI bots can deliver a better speech than these two


She would talk about herself for the whole speech and go on tangents as per usual.


I am shocked. 😏


![gif](giphy|l3V0xtJ0n5IVjOyuQ) Shooketh!


Gag don’t read her write up … talk about embellishments


i recall some time ago reading about Madam being pissed that Stanford wouldn't give her an honorary doctorate's. Them it was revealed that Stanford doesn't do things like that anyway


Oooh that reminds me: Archewell’s 2022 Form 990 revealed that their biggest recipient receiving $200,000 that year was… **Georgetown University**. Note that Georgetown has yet to invite Meghan to give a commencement speech, or give her an honorary Doctorate degree, or name a building, or even a parking lot after her… ^(lol) [SMM source](https://www.reddit.com/r/SaintMeghanMarkle/s/R1EA4as2HP)


The parking lot would make sense though😂


Didn’t she bully her sorority sister? Her friends from northwestern would have a lot to say. I wonder who their partner fraternity is and what the frat boys would say about her. 


The mistake the Harry Walker Agency made on Meghan's profile was to include an audio clip of her speaking.


You know, if there's anyone I want to hear from with pointers on charting a successful course though life, family, and intergrity ...


Well it has pretty much been confirmed she never graduated from North Western….and no one who was there when she claimed to be can remember her.


The commenent program for the year she graduated from Northwestern listed Meghan as graduating with a bachelor’s degree. The commencement program is on the Internet, but I don’t remember where I saw it.




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somewhat amazing that the University she allegedly graduated from, has never acknowledged it. Usually, they love to get alumni in to generate donations. Did she ever really graduate college? Or is it another of her Pinocchios since it didn’t even have the double major her “ reality” cites