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This just goes to show paid PR cannot make someone likable. Harry and Meghan need to have people come out on their behalf to vouch for them. They cannot stand on their own feet as a representation of goodness. Their public personas are surviving on the PR handouts of others. Contrast this with William and Catherine who the world can see practice what they preach. It's all a chain of back scratching and grifting. Harry and Meghan are sad, pathetic individuals. If he had any shame, he would make a public statement declining the award. But in truth, he has no shame.


I’ve said it before, but it bears repeating: I’ve never seen two such people as this whose goodness, honour, and philanthropy require such constant defense by third-parties.


Exactly. If Meghan and Harry really were as good, honorable, and philanthropic they wouldn't need to be shouting it from the rooftops. Altrusim is not something they understand. They only do things to boost their egos


🎯 And furthermore, pay close attention to who those 3rd parties are. These are people who have something to gain from the gruesome twosome, in an exchange for their support. It’s always a [Quid pro quo](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quid_pro_quo?wprov=sfti1) with H&M


Great on point comment 👏 👌


Beautifully put.


He can kiss the ring all he wants but his own markling is inevitable. I hope it is worth it.


I’ll help start the Markling off. I think you are a bald faced LIAR, Jake Wood. You personally know HUNDREDS of United States Invictus Games competitors? HUNDREDS, Jake?! when they come from all over across 50 states in the third geographically largest country in the world. But lil’ ole Jake has found hundreds to befriend?! Who are they? I’d settle for you naming 100, btw. There have only been 6 IGs ever. Each country only enters between 6 and a max of 90 competitors. For reference, Canada, a large nation hosting the next IG only sends 30. And like other nations, they had to work up to this number. As we saw in Heart of Ingriftus Jake, many - if not most - of the group sports use the same athletes at each of the consecutive IGs so they can train together for years. Idk, kinda like the Olympic Games, right Jake? in ❤️of Invictus we also saw the same competitors in individual sports return year after year. It tells me you didn’t even bother to watch that series, despite speaking on this topic with feigned authority. Teams didn’t start out on day one with 90 athletes. But if the US had maxed out from day one AND every single athlete was rotated permanently off the list after their first (and only) IG, the maximum total pool would still only be 540. But it’s not. Indeed, it’s questionable if over 6 years they’ve had “hundreds” of discrete, separate individual US athletes competing. The actual number since 1G #1 is likely under 200, making your boast apocryphal, which is not surprising for a self-promoting, huckster vet who appears on TMZ. From this we must further believe that despite having no affiliation with the IGs, you found a way to locate them, then get to personally know each and every US participant over the last six IGs. Out of over 320,000,000 people in the US you have somehow randomly come into contact with the tiny handful of vets selected for the IGs. Apparently, you are not very good at statistical analysis and probability of outcomes. I’m calling bullshit on you Jake Wood. You are now bringing negative attention to Team Rubicon and Groundswell. Is that really what you want? Men lacking integrity should not be spearheading nonprofits, where little lies can grow into big lies. Or should I say, HUNDREDS of lies. eta added a word


Another sinner posted some facts about IG. They have only had 300 competitors per year since 2018. 250 for years before that. It seems inconceivable that this guy knows hundreds of them.


The IGF announced, at the games no less, that they had over 500 in The Haugue & Dusseldorf for \~23 countries. That’s an average of 21 competitors per country. If it’s only 300 that’s only 13 per country. They need to spend over $50M for 300 people! That’s over $167K per participant for a week long vacation? While actual wounded vets have to wait for care? This is such a scam. Do they tell the truth about anything 😡


Yes and compared to the Wounded Warriors, it’s much more expensive per person.


He did NOT fly helicopters, he couldn’t pass the exams to get his license!


Yes, but, but, but ... he did receive a legend of aviation award ....


So he has a propellor beanie.




Ok this made me laugh


🤣 (disappointed that there is no propellor beanie emoji)


There goes my soda, nasal lavage. Love your posts. 😂😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🏆🏆🏆🏆


Why thank you! Sinus snark is the best snark, happy to serve. (Service is universal, you know....😈)




Good one! 😹


He was also a Captain and according to vets who served during this timeframe, in this theatre of operations, Captains don’t fly missions. They remain on the ground of their FOB directing their squads. I wish more vets who were there would go on record on this.


This will only hurt the Tillman foundation. People already are suspicious of charities.


And Team Rubicon as well.


And Groundswell.


Yep. Tillman's name is ruined in my head. And I didn't want it to be. My guess is, in 10 years, I will hear Tillman and think Harry. He only had the one legacy to ruin, Harry can find someone else to ruin next month.


Well, I certainly am skeptical of the foundation that bears his name. He’s still a hero, but maybe his foundation is another big money grab for his widow. Sad to say, some of them are.


I disagree, she and second husband are wealthy in their own right and the Foundation sponsors actual scholarships to individuals - not just pushing money around to other charities and giving themselves parties. There has never been a breath of irregularity around it until this debacle. This award is "supported" by the Foundation but ESPY runs it separately. This is a very ill-advised move, probably dazzled by "Prince" and a stupid doubling down at the reaction. Harry is desperate to shore up the one shred of repectability he has left, Invictus (but not desperate enough to rein in Madame of course) and the Harkels have called in ALL the favors. Don't let Pat Tillman's name be Markled. Education changes the course of lives. Harry just disgusts for a few years.


Not a breath of irregularity, but now a hurricane of it. It turns out that the Tilman Foundation (whose board of directors includes Pat Tilman's widow and her second husband) spends the vast majority of the donations it receives on expenses. Since expenses include salaries, I would love to know how much the widow and her second husband make from the foundation.


I am refuted, by yours and several other posts. To my disappointment.


Why would the Tillman Foundation give this award to an acknowledged grifter? Is the Foundation learning to grift itself? Mary Tillman is correct. Harry in no way deserves this award. ESPN is trying to shift the conversation to the award going to Invictus. OK, fine, but don't make Harry the face of it. He is a patron and not supposed to win awards. He is supposed to GIVE them. Make it about Invictus but have an athlete front and center, not Harry. Or maybe someone who helps run it on the ground. If you must look at founders, it's the Royal Family, not Harry.


Shifting the focus to Invictus just shifts the focus to how much money they spend on Harry and Meghan...money they should be directly benefitting the veterans they claim to serve.


JJ Chalmers has been quite involved with the IGF org and the games themselves and ttbomk is an honorable IG medalist. Why not have him accept the award on behalf of the IGF?


Odd how media ignoring the fact that Jake Wood is biased. Wood, founder and CEO of Groundswell, is Executive Chairman of Team Rubicon, a global nonprofit he co-founded in 2010. From Team Rubicon website - We’re grateful to Archewell Foundation and Prince Harry and Meghan, The Duke and Duchess of Sussex for their support of our efforts to welcome Afghan families into communities across the country. We are honored to be amongst the organizations featured in their family’s holiday card this year. Our team was thrilled to have the opportunity to meet The Duke and Duchess of Sussex earlier this year at one of the sites we supported, Task Force Liberty, in New Jersey. So yeah, he may be a bit biased.


He took the bribe—just like all the others who defend them!


Whatever! They still can't take away from the fact the mother of Pat Tilman doesn't support this.


Yup. I am so glad she spoke out. And I hope she knows that people support her.


He lost me at "Harry chose a dangerous job" and "flying helicopters", but that Harry "is a humble person" made me lol. He clearly got a briefing from Meghan and recited that accordingly. Good boy! /s


Yes, somebody show us footage of him flying a helicopter, his brother, father, uncle and grandfather yes, but not him.


You know if he could fly a helicopter (like William) Meghan would have pictures and video of it everywhere. Lots of video of William flying his family from Kensington Palace to events...including during the Jubilee to Wales.


And, don't forget, there's a video of William landing a Sea King helicopter on water in Canada - which is the only country to routinely carry out that search and rescue manoeuvre . https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/av/uk-14020450


Exactly: What makes Jake Wood a credential source or voice for Harry getting this award? He clearly hasn't seen him flying a helicopter and that Harry was a humble person without "superiority" in the air was something someone told him. Has he even met him? Doesn't sound like it.


See my comment above that demonstrates he knows nothing about Invictus. Wood is just making crap up.


So he is a liar as well. Whether on purpose or through ignorance, Jake Wood has damaged his own credibility. Not a great move when your job is to raise money. TMZ, on the other hand, is a paid Sussex sponsor because gigantic PR firms (ie Meghan and Harry) pay them to plant positive fairytales about them. TMZ is a cringy show featuring some very dim commentators who all seem to be sharing one brain, but at least they know what side their bread is buttered.


Reminds me of Gavin Newsom briefly noting what incredible work Archwell does... to the confusion of many.


Right? Who the eff asked Gavin "I only care about cleaning up San Fran when Xi comes to visit" Newsome. That was so cringey, defending them because their poor little souls couldn't take the talk that their docs were past due by however long... I've never seen two ADULTS NEED THIS MUCH DEFENDING & CODDLING, ever. Smh... ![gif](giphy|l0HlMSVVw9zqmClLq)




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It's probably not really a "swap". He needs to hear the stories, because he was protected in the bunker and has no idea how this whole military service thing looks like in real life.


Nothing about him says "humble". Then again, people misuse words constantly now. He is casual - that doesn't mean humble. He's casual because he doesn't give a single eff.


He wants to measure it by comparing kill counts in Call of Duty on Xbox.




Recaps of his Call of Duty games


I’m not one to care whether people have money. Honestly not the slightest bit jealous because I live very frugally even though I can afford more expensive things…BUT I sincerely hope these two geniuses eventually land themselves bankrupt trying to silence everyone in pursuit of manipulating the world into loving them. They deserve no praise or adulation. Period.


Has any other Tillman recipient ever needed others to justify why they are getting the award? If not, doesn't that clearly show there's a problem with who is receiving it?




They went on TMZ to defend Harry? Maybe that was a smart move, because the people whom frequent that site aren’t too smart.


I supported Team Rubicon when it was a small veteran-driven charity. It started out as a "boots on the ground" mission to help those in crisis due to tornado, hurricane and earthquake stricken areas. They were proud to be the first ones in, coordinating crisis response with their military training. Even before FEMA and The American Red Cross arrived. What was meant to help returning service members find community and mental health support has become THIS AWARD GARBAGE.


That's because Archwell & Team Rubicon suck from the same grant funding "charitable foundation" teat, so in some form they're business bedfellows... I can imagine meghayacht in acting tears on the phone to this guy, whining about "..do you see what these racists are doing to my ginger puppet? Why won't they just let my fake war hero have a few paid-for awards?? He's on the verge of going back home to beg forgiveness from his daddy BEFORE I'm a self-made billionaire! Can you p-p-pretty please tell people he deserves this award like you do???"


The lies! Honestly, I feel like I’m in an alternate universe with these two morons and the idiots who defend them! Talk about misinformation!


Holy fuck! This just makes it look worse and even more contrived than we thought anyway! H


This guy's not well informed and believes the hype.


From the balcony of Buckingham Palace to this…. Eeeeyuch. But one has to laugh.


His grandmother made him a patron of Invictus. He did nothing to make it happen.


Unfortunately, I think MM will claim all of this as yet more proof that she is a victim of racism, as is Harry by extension. Through her puppets, she'll claim people are attempting to cancel them, and its a coordinated attack, masterminded by the Palace/BRF/men in grey suits. She'll be enjoying all the fuss because it's attention, regardless of whether it's good or bad publicity. 


She's going to have a hard time doing that when it's Tillman's mother making comments along with a US ESPN sportscaster.


Is Harold now a POC through extension? Lol


They are all involved in Philanthrocapitalism (for profit philanthropy). They cover for each other to prevent the public from looking too closely. There are very few charities that give the majority of the money raised to the people they actually claim to help. It is infuriating, and a lot of these charities claim to help veterns. Covering Harry and Meghan Markles a$$ covers their own.


Sorry that guy is an idiot.Is he saying 50,000 people are wrong?You are WRONG buddy!


So calling his country racist is serving it?Got it.Yeesh.


I would like to see the recent deposits to his bank account. What was he paid to defend Harry the traitor?


I'm going to scream and scream and scream a bit more until people check and research the facts before going in front of a camera and sprout inaccurate facts. How do they get away with telling porkie pies? HARRY WAS NEVER A PILOT!! Do you think they heard me?? He NEVER fought beside anyone He never left his tent - Bunker Harry played war games on his x box ffs. What did he do after he left the army that helped his fellow veterans? When did this man, this humble man, (splattered my coffee) spend any time with " fellow veterans " just sitting back swapping stories? I give up Are these people idiots?


On a related topic. For some reason YouTube thought I’d be interested in watching a new channel the Royal Read, so I took a chance and turns out it’s a sugar and todays post is about how ALL the past recipients are now backing the choice of Harry! Lol. I guess 2 equals all to these folks (140 followers) Anyway I did my best to make sure the algorithms don’t work in her favour and for those sinners perusing YouTube hope you consider doing the same.


Jake Woods is OFF my radar. Just lost all respect for TR


I bet nearly all of the money was funneled into Travalyst. That's a hill I will die on


I'm going to scream and scream and scream a bit more until people check and research the facts before going in front of a camera and sprout inaccurate facts. How do they get away with telling porkie pies? HARRY WAS NEVER A PILOT!! Do you think they heard me?? He NEVER fought beside anyone He never left his tent - Bunker Harry played war games on his x box ffs. What did he do after he left the army that helped his fellow veterans? When did this man, this humble man, (splattered my coffee) spend any time with " fellow veterans " just sitting back swapping stories? I give up Are these people idiots?


Pat Tillman charity has huge administrative fees!


It's too late. The damage is done.


Paid for by the markles


I was wondering, why is this man going to bat for Harry? Turns out he has his reasons - 250,000 of them, in fact.




The grounds for him getting the award are falsified. So much for honour.