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There are definitely some strings being pulled but the cat is out the bag and we all know what rubbish this nomination is. I wonder if they will pull the whole thing or lock it? Under the guise of "hate speech" or something.....


Yes Military Times is covering it. It will get out in the vet community. I understand IG is a private charity but it’s a private charity that needs investigation. The. board members should be investigated.


Great that Military Times is covering it. Of course silence from Montecito. I think Harry is incapable of “knowing the right thing to do.”


Harry and Meghan Markle are silent about everything they do that gets blowback. Still not a peep about Africa Parks. They just move on to the next embarrassment and shameful incident. Lower and lower….


>Still not a peep about Africa Parks. They just move on to the next embarrassment and shameful incident. Agree! I used to think they'd hit their bottom for shameful incidents. Not anymore---- there's no bottom low enough for these two.


Plank is so thick he’ll ask you to “whole these 2 sheep whilst he counts them”. You can’t expect someone to know right for wrong if they can’t count to 2 unassisted


Invictus is a private charity but dependent on public funding for the majority of its expenses. Therefore it should follow rules for public organisation with respect to transparency, salaries and expenses.


Agree wholeheartedly. That is why I think board members should be investigated.


I’ve been looking into this recently and my jaw dropped. The costs to participate fall on the tax payer (Department of Defense and similar agencies elsewhere) and private fundraising. Also, the British Legion is supporting Invictus UK participants at next year’s games. Money and other resources which are better spent on counseling. Did TRG cover Invictus’ app? They’re encouraging participants to download—and in the next years sponsored fund—they’re waiving fees for some players in exchange for using their app. It appears that most of Invictus’ philanthropy is done online over this app (by providing peer community), which could be done for free on Reddit. I think this topic is better suited for a video than a lengthy post. 2024 Army memo WW/IG (explains selection process and costs through military, can’t archive PDF). https://www.woundedwarrior.af.mil/Portals/23/documents/06_EVENTS/Invictus%20Games/2025%20Team%20United%20States%20Competitor%20Selection%20Guidance.pdf?ver=hZ72d3bemh-FKL01aK_8PQ%3D%3D 2025 IG App & Sponsorships (costs outlined but free for grantees) https://www.endurancesportswire.com/invictus-games-foundation-sponsors-wounded-injured-and-sick-service-personnel-and-veterans-in-rbc-granfondo-whistler-2023/ Archived: https://archive.ph/6BwRu 2016 IG Family Program (housing and food donated by corporations for two family members accompanying the participant. Program run in conjunction with Fisher House): https://invictusgames2016.info/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/Invictus-Games-2016-Family-Program-FAQ.pdf Archived: https://web.archive.org/web/20240000000000*/https://invictusgames2016.info/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/Invictus-Games-2016-Family-Program-FAQ.pdf Program provided through Fisher House: https://fisherhouse.org/stories/articles/fisher-house-joins-invictus-games-dusseldorf-2023-as-premiere-partner/ Archived: https://archive.ph/QZnab Cost breakdown by UA team (team fundraised nearly $125k to cover participation costs): https://savelife.in.ua/en/project-reports/25-veterans-will-take-part-in-the-invict-en/ Archived: https://archive.ph/gGevJ IG 2025 supported by Brit Legion: https://www.britishlegion.org.uk/get-support/physical-and-mental-wellbeing/the-invictus-games#third-section Archived: https://archive.ph/L82WN IG Australia (mentions costs through Defense Dept and donors, no breakdown): https://invictusaustralia.org/your-aussie-guide-invictus-games-dusseldorf-2023/ Archived: https://archive.ph/F7cDp Keith Mills founder/background (mentions Harry twisting Boris Johnson’s arm to use facilities for free): https://www.vanityfair.com/style/story/prince-harry-told-the-invictus-games-origin-story-during-a-uk-panel-appearance Archived: https://archive.ph/cTKxZ 2014 UK selection (process nearly identical in Australia and the US): https://lupusuk.org.uk/road-to-the-invictus-games/ Archived: https://archive.ph/3GYut The App is “We Are Invictus” and is called a “platform” for “peer to peer support” on the IG website. IG is also receiving TONS of corporate donations from big name banks, Boeing, etc. (at least $30k to a few hundred thousand $). Since all of the games’ facilities are donated, the costs to participate fundraised and tax paid, where are Invictus donations from the public going? By the looks of it, board salaries and H&M’s 5 star hotels and jets. Not to mention the data mining. Booz-Allen works with the US IG team (since it’s paid through the military) and collects data. I believe IG is collecting their app data and selling it to other companies, as is standard. (Any tech people want to guess how much that may be worth?) https://www.boozallen.com/menu/media-center/q3-2024/invictus-games-and-integrated-warfighter-training.html Archived: https://archive.ph/sQ5Yb


Yes, Invictus has so many dodgy issues. The top managers that left without an explanation last year. The lack of transparence in the financial reporting, where salaries are not reported, but shown under the heading "activities" (or something like that). All the extra stuff they want to fund and run - support for participation in other sports like marathons etc. And it is impossible to find out who pays for what and how much do they charge in participation fees? Imho, what is needed is a public debate if this is the best way to support veterans. I am gettng rather tired of the automatic response that "Ingriftus is such a good idea". Is it? With the costs of running this organisation I am not sure this is the best way to support veterans. The few veterans that participate in IG - in the UK it is aroud 50 - could go to the Warrior Games instead, perhaps. Or a much scaled down version, like Germany is doing this year. IG is presented as this big support to veterans. But it is actually NOT. Again, around 50 veterans from the UK participate. If the networking is important, there are many cheaper and better ways to achieve that. And spending 26 million on 50 participants - plus participant´s fees and donor funds - seem excessive, particular in light of Invictus being 6 times as expensive as the Paraolympics per participant.


Wow! Six times the amount of the Paraolympics per participant!?! That’s insane and we know where that money is going to. If this isn’t already a post, can you make one?


I think another sinner is making a post about it. If not, I might do it.


Wow! Eye-opening, indeed!!


Greenwashing…. Passing around money pretending to do good with it but usually circles back to them. Gates does it big time.


The Military Times needs to remind the world that Harry exhibited conduct unbecoming of an officer (I know he’s Brit and maybe they don’t have the same rules but he’s receiving an American award) by fantasizing sending “arms” to his fathers’ location. He’s unstable at minimum!!!!


Now we know why he gets 20 minutes supervised by Camilla.


Wasn't it 12 minutes in a sweet nod to Table 12? 😉


The following is based on The Armed Forces Act 2006 which repealed the three Service Discipline Acts of 1955/57, established a single system of Service law, and created the Court Martial as a standing court. It came into effect on 31 October 2009. The original Army Act 1955 and Air Force Act 1955, would have been in force in the timeframe of the alleged incident, but the offences are largely the same. If Harry’s claims were true, and Im no military legal expert so this is supposition based on the scant details alleged in his book and now in public domain, it is potentially possible the following charges Under the Armed Forces Act 2006 could have applied: Misconduct towards a superior officer, (Section 11); the then Prince Charles was Air Chief Marshal at the time. Conduct prejudicial to good order and discipline (Section 19). Fighting or threatening behaviour etc, eg almost shattering the windows of the Audi (Section 21). Misapplying or wasting public or service property (Section 25). Giving false air signals, etc (Section 32), making an improper order to the pilot to target a civilian car outwith the aerial weapons range Danger Area/Zone. The (DA/Z) is the space in which there may be a hazard which could result in a risk to personnel, equipment or property; and Safe Target Area, which is the restricted impact area in which targets for a particular practice and nature of weapon must lie. Dangerous flying (Section 33) as he ordered this low level attack profile knowing it was reckless in the circumstances. Again this is my non expert interpretation of the military laws applicable based on limited details of an alleged event.


There is also treason for threatening the life of the future King!


He was stupid enough to put this in his whining, self-pitying book. I’m sure his father was told about this, even if he didn’t read it himself. (I understand that Charles refused to read it, but I am sure his aides told him what was said). And you better believe that William knows what he wrote. I don’t see any way that Harold could come back from this.


They get public money and incentives. As a stakeholder I demand to see the books. Canadians contact the Auditor General and demand an inquiry into your tax dollars being used by Veterans Affairs Canada to fund this grift.


Awesome and about time! Can you post a link? Pretty please and thank you. 😜🍿




I'd love to see a comment section. Arrrgh.


I know! I'm not a subscriber either, so no comments to screen shot!




Remind me: Did Haz ever pass test to fly an Apache solo?? I thought he failed.


Nope.....never passed as solo pilot.


Thank you for posting that. Can someone please post an archive copy? I can’t read it with my adblocker.


Thank you! I wish it had been more critical but I'm just glad to see this travesty noted by the military. 


Yeah, when someone on X uploaded screenshots of the squad going after Mary Tillman, I @ the Army, Military Times, Gold Star Mother Inc and several US based vet advocates. Believe it or not linking the orgs does help.


The IG Foundation is both a private charity (1159482) and a business (09318784). I had a bit of a dive into it a few months back. It essentially licenses the branding to the national organisations and teams, provides some self-help apps and runs the bidding process for where the games will be held. I was quite surprised to realise how little the Foundation actually does. It's the national organisations that do (and fund) the work and the games but these entities are totally separate from the Foundation. As far as I can tell from the website, the IG is open to all-comers (previously even Iraq!) and it has no specific allegience to the UK. Having a UK royal as a patron makes no sense to me and it hinders its mission IMO. It certainly throws up some conflicts of interest. I don't think the board are dodgy but I do think the Foundation has an identity crisis, brought about by the fact that 50% of the board are ex UK-military (with an in-built expectation of royal support). Until they figure out their identity (ie if it's NATO, CW, UK allies-orientated or wholly politically neutral) they're not going to make sensible decisions regarding Harry. It's this confusion in the organisation's identity that makes them hang onto him, IMO.


Is there a link to the Military Times coverage?


Hmmm…I did see that notice you posted OP…but below I had option to leave comment. I just selected the “leave comment” and typed a brief comment. It was nothing that should have been censored or moderated, but I don’t see it anywhere. 🤔. It’s been several hours since I posted. Also, when I signed it said 9 thousand and something have signed today. Just checked again…it now says 8 thousand and something. Seems some shenanigans are happening (IMHO) 😏


When I signed a few days ago, you could leave a video comment or a written one. Maybe they're pushing for a video comment because many people are shy about video taping themselves and will skip it.


I took a screenshot of it earlier after watching real housewives. It definitely said 9201 had signed today so something is definitely wrong


Thank you…I was beginning to think I’d lost my mind. 😂😂


Looked at it again today. They are definitely playing with the numbers. I wouldn’t doubt that the actual signatures are a much higher number.  Wonder what it cost M to have them throttle the uptick of signatures. 🤬


Seems like the Todgers have made a phone call just like when they got Piers, Sharon and Alison fired.


Idk whose still backing them unless they’re being used as puppets. 


No backers. Meghan just uses the phone & she gets stuff censored & fired


Harry who? According to rumours Meghan was blocked by politicians. She has no power unless she’s blackmailing someone to back her. Her name has no power bc she has no standing. She just has a random title but no access to the RF. Which the lawsuit is showing once KC doesn’t get hazbeen out of trouble. 


well, they have all this petty free time on their hands, thanks to Diana’s inheritance and Netflix and publishing deals. when was the last time one of us landed a multimillion publishing deal for gibberish?


They only work one hour a week on their charity.


Remember they pulled the aviation award petition without any warning. So I'm surprised this had a warning


Well didn't Harold the husband of the Duchess of Sussex say that free speech was bonkers?


Yep, and he obviously ment it. This foreign invader is pissing me off....


And really, it is not our duty to have to coddle and babysit the one not getting the Throne in his home country.


It'll be interesting to see if he shows his slimy face this Independence Day. I'm fine with "Just Harry" defecting like a coward from his own family and country to hide out here like the social pariah he is, if only he had the decency to lay low and keep his shame to himself. This two person faux royal parade is getting real old and now it seems he wants to raise himself to the status of a beloved Veteran and sports hero. I don't think you know American's very well, Haz....


He is utter shite who appears worse and worse. I had no idea it was possible. He'll show up.somewhere to prove himself to be a dedicated serviceman. I just hope someone harassed him in public, even bringing up the "Bonkers" criticism of the country.


With rage. Cannot stand him/them.


Their PR guy is clearly working overtime on damage control and free speech means nothing to this couple. But go ahead and give the award to someone who doesn’t value the freedoms of his adopted country. Those freedoms that Tillman signed up to protect.


I'm still amazed a self admitted drug addict with a violent streak towards animals and women who touches grown men inappropriately in public and on camera who is a British prince is getting an American award - you can't make this shit up. It's beyond pathetic and disgusting.


Well, unfortunately , no one in the know will speak up—they’re all afraid of something! There is a reason they’re being thrust upon us so egregiously and I don’t think we’ll like the answer.




I hope he doesn’t celebrate the 4th or his weekend just got ruined. For all of my fellow Americans, Happy 4th! 🇺🇸


Hey isn't it about time for a blurry "parade" shot from the back...


That dumbass has no idea what Independence Day means, otherwise he would not have made his *bonkers* statement.


I think this United States “First Amendment is Bonkers” statement by Harry on the Dax Shepherd podcast really hits home for that petition on so many levels. While arrogantly admitting he never even read it. At all.


He can’t read! Unless it’s written in crayon.


And even then.. still iffy. Lol


And all block letters! No cursive for Haznohair!


Not even Roachel script? 😢




My childhood dog ate crayons, but only red, orange and yellow and left the most colorful poops on the lawn!




Thanks, Grizzly! Happy 4th to you too!


Oh we might get a glimpse of betty's shadow


And photo captioned “Princess Lilibet celebrates The Fourth of July, aka Independence Day, with brother, Prince Archie, mother, Meghan, the Duchess of Sussex, and her father, Prince Harry, the Duke of Sussex.” 😂


That’s a riot Harry is celebrating. King George III would not be pleased!


KGIII would be more welcome at our party. 🎇


Her messy thatched hair and button nose…dressed in inappropriately warm clothing cosplaying a little British royal girl…


Comments have also been getting removed in mass. Inspite of the fact that the signature number has gone way up, the convent count has dropped by thousands.  [A comment calling it out](https://i.postimg.cc/d3RCDZHs/Screenshots-2024-07-03-08-14-10.png)


Can someone post this on X or is it already on X? Hopefully MSM will pick up on this and add pressure? 


Sadly the media will definitely not pick up the comments getting removed story. They have no proof that all those comments aren't breaking site policies. We know they aren't, of course, but from a media standpoint- they won't run a story like that.  People definitely need to keep sharing the petition and, equally so, the news stories calling out Harry & Mentioning Mrs. Tillman. The signature numbers are definitely slowing. Only 100 or so in the last 2 hrs. 


The commenter got the amendment wrong. The 1A is free speech/freedom of religion. The 2A is the right to bear arms.


The harkles are against 2nd amendment...its why Megator went to Ulvalde. They are only in favor of 2nd amendment for their security to protect them. I can't stand these two assholes


She'd happily pap walk another school shooting.


Shouldn't Changedotorg be nonpolitical, non-biased, and people free to comment whatever they like, other than profanity or whatever their particular rules are?


It should be, but its not.  Change.org is NOT a site with motivations of change. They are simply there to make money off the backs of people trying to cause change.  The site makes money off the people who donate in a moment of passion and don't realize that the money is not going towards anything other than the owners of change.org 


I contributed money to help promote this petition. Nobody better delete my comment.


Oooo yea... Don't do that.  The money you donate does NOT go to the petition. The petition is not promoted in any way by the site. None of them are.    When you give money to change.org all it is doing is funding change.org. The site is for-profit. When you contribute you are paying their operating costs and paychecks. You're not actually helping the petition in any way.   I'm sorry, but you got scammed. 


Well, that’s unfortunate. I only donated $2 and they said they’d promote the petition to 25 more people. Guess I’ll know better next time, but luckily it was only $2. 🤦🏼‍♀️


Ok, so by now, if you don’t believe these two numbskulls are being protected by very powerful people…I don’t know what to tell you. The bigger question is WHY? This goes beyond “he’s the son of the King” and “money talks” now. Way beyond. Why would [Change.Org](http://Change.Org) be upset about comments made? Why? Why are they censoring us? God, it really pisses me off. These two are NOBODY of importance. This defies explanation. It’s tiresome.


My limit is that the BRF is not protecting them at all. And the proof is that this would never have happened if the BRF machine was protecting Harry, Harry would still be the nice and funny boy that the PR machine created a long time ago. From there, I have no idea who could be so interested in helping these two scammers.


But could it be someone acting out of deference to the RF? It’s a mystery.


In Nigeria I think there was that deference, but in the rest... well yes, mystery!!!!




It’s a mystery. I doubt Russia as they’d have no use for these 2 idiots. I‘m thinking more like the globalists as they are pushing censorship very hard.


No, to me this smells like Clinton's antics and that type of people. That is, globalists, everything for me but nothing for the rest.


I will never, never understand it. They have NO TALENT! It’s like Golden Sachs hiring someone who failed every finance class they ever took.


I left a comment 2 days ago and this didn't pop up Now they're censoring what people say when they sign a petition?????? Doesn't this make our point? Edit, I thought it was for the Visa petition at first.




Looks like they're hitting pretty close to home


And especially if our comments are polite, no slang or profanity. And well documented. And provide factual evidence , direct quotes, direct sources cited.




Somebody is nervous about being under the microscope.


Yes, this happened to me twice, once last night and once just now. And I was super genteel, factual and quoted an important historical document verbatim. ;)


Many comments are calling out Harry’s manufactured and falsified military experience. Stolen Valor is actually a federal crime here in the US so it really doesn’t look good to honor Harry, does it? Of course, the question needs to be asked - who approved falsifying Harry’s military career in the first place, so who are we really protecting?


I think Harry’s PR people have just told everyone that Harry spent 10 years in the military (possibly technically true he was on the payroll but doesn’t mean he was actually doing anything productive), that he did 2 tours in Afghanistan (well, he went there twice, but was pulled out before completing the full tours), and that he was a helicopter pilot (he trained but didn’t qualify). Too many commentators and media outlets, impressed into idiocy by the “prince” and “duke” titles, have just gullibly repeated the PR claims without verifying. That inadequacy is on them.


The press are lazy, lazy these days.


WeNeedAShift..., 🎯🎯🎯🎯🎯🎯🎯


Make no mistake - all the elites are in cahoots to shut down free speech on social media because it’s where their misdeeds get exposed. My opinion.


Too late to shut down voices. Tillman's mother has already spoken. The ESPN sportscaster Pat McAfee has already spoken. And right now, military people are speaking to each other. Shutting down comments on a petition website and sending someone to TMZ to "justify" the award only makes Harry look worse.


And please do not forget word of mouth, the old fashioned way. ;) Harry must never come in direct contact with our military ever again. No giving pre written speeches to them, no more cock of the walk inspection of them as they are told to stand at attention to him. None of it. Done with the Molly coddling, appeasement, and ego stroking.


McAfee is being muzzled. His show is off ESPN, not to be seen or heard until after the award show 😔


I mentioned Spare in my comment and it's still there. I am enjoying watching ESPN being Markled. https://preview.redd.it/3w02awj62cad1.jpeg?width=1078&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=81a735b291068ee89d549bcf122e2eff627c5e1d


Quelle suprise!!!  After all, free speech is bonkers!


And apparently quoting the entire paragraph of the First Amendment there as it appears in print is prohibited.


Everyone who can...please save screenshots and download ALL comments on this Petition before it disappears. The Sussex are working overtime to stop free speech in America. Let them try to erase this Petition .... we'll have the PROOF this existed and proof they are attempting to silence and remove any negative media about them. Harry will NOT come into this country and attempt to SILENCE us.


HRH (only in abeyance, never actually removed) Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex, Earl of Dumbarton, Baron of Kilkeel, sends his most humblest of greetings this July 4 to the former colonists of his ancestors. winnng! strategery on how to make friends here sarcasm


Might actually have been cute years ago before the truth came out and the dumpster fire really got going.


The CEO & founder of [change.org](http://change.org) is Ben Rattray and he lives in SF & is from Santa Barbara [https://www.facebook.com/benrattray](https://www.facebook.com/benrattray) His twitter account is here [https://x.com/brattray](https://x.com/brattray) You can be sure that Meghan called him.


Right. We did our research on the founder. Now….why is he so invested in trying to save meg and Harry?


Money was exchanged


Ben Rattray is on the board of tristan harris's non profit government cut out censorship engine


Hmm.. Same Rattray family from South Africa? 


IDK, haven’t researched back that far but this is daddy [https://www.westmont.edu/treating-tiniest-patients](https://www.westmont.edu/treating-tiniest-patients)


So far, not seeing SA… [https://www.linkedin.com/in/benjaminrattray/](https://www.linkedin.com/in/benjaminrattray/)


Well lots of good ppl doing lots of good work, truly. Maybe it's best not to put names on full blast imo.  It's just a small world after all. 


Thanks. I am noticing the ages and educational background of these guys as well…


This is daddy, I think [https://www.westmont.edu/treating-tiniest-patients](https://www.westmont.edu/treating-tiniest-patients)


daddy [https://www.linkedin.com/in/benjaminrattray/](https://www.linkedin.com/in/benjaminrattray/)


You mean Center for Humane Technology, which is pro-censorship [https://www.humanetech.com/who-we-are#team](https://www.humanetech.com/who-we-are#team)


Daddy, I think [https://www.westmont.edu/treating-tiniest-patients](https://www.westmont.edu/treating-tiniest-patients)


Daddy is here [https://www.linkedin.com/in/benjaminrattray/](https://www.linkedin.com/in/benjaminrattray/)


You know, this used to be the thankless job of Kensington Palace employees that Harry and Meghan bullied. How exhausting trying to clap back at every article criticizing them, shutting down You Tube sites, IG and X accounts...bot armies, pressuring governors, celebrity friends etcetera to publicly clap back. I have never seen this with any other public figure in my entire l8fe. They must be a nightmare to work with or for.


In fact that's not what Palace did. In fact, that's precisely what Harry complained about, that Palace refused to do that kind of work. Yes, Palace sometimes had to put a stop to certain gossip, but Palace brutally told the Harkles that they were not going to do anything against a media outlet or against someone for telling the truth. It is very rare for even Palace to censor comments on official websites, except specifically when they cross the free speech/insult lines. Shutting down sites and all that is just Harkles in action


Probably why Harry and Meghan´s office was seperated from PPOW´s office and moved to the Queen´s office.


They were not claping back at journalists but it seems to me that they had a team set up to delete negative messages about Meghan on their social media account. The squad tried to pretend this team (who worked for KP from 2017 to 2019 and is reported on their financial docs) was doing the contrary but it didn't stick because everyone knew what happened.


But Megsy didn't have a social media account. An acquaintance, we know that Megsy never left social networks. But as far as I remember, the Harkles did not have a social media account, the one they had was the official Palace one. And from there, I think the only messages that were deleted and reported were a couple of racist comments. I could be wrong, but the only royal account that the Harkles wanted to have was Sussexroyal and the Queen cut them off and that account, apart from a million people who later never managed to transfer to them, did not really work. Although I don't doubt that Megsy used people to go around deleting comments in newspapers and elsewhere. For that she got up at five in the morning, the time the newspapers come out.


No I wasn't talking about her personal account. I was talking about KP's account.


yes, clapping back is all the work being done by Meghan Markle and Harry´s staff.


Comments on the TMZ video on YT are also being removed.


Critical of the pair, I would imagine? But not crude I hope. Just well thought out and referenced?


It's so sad to see the final websites from the days of the open internet be compromised by big corporations


Allegedly, Serena Williams pushed for H to get this award. There really should be some shout outs in her direction for this whole mess. She should not get a pass. imo




Complain like this person did. https://preview.redd.it/hptvhd3aacad1.png?width=547&format=png&auto=webp&s=9307ee7c98db825f307c27a4ecd476a42df2dc72


Well look at that, 50 000 people screaming the truth, and the overlords are summoned to work https://preview.redd.it/svvn2qbfsbad1.jpeg?width=1625&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=97c84b81b15a115e98b6a9a2dcae35d0b8b39ec6


We need as many posts about this petition and the evolution/suppression of as possible!! We know the media gets stories from here and all updates will be read and noted by them.  And hopefully reported!!! This story **cannot** get buried under any circumstances 




I just signed this petition, without a video, without contributing to Ben Rattray’s millionaire status. He’s the CEO. Don’t give money. Do a video if you want. But I was able to sign. I used Hide My Email.


Here is the Military Times article: https://www.militarytimes.com/news/your-military/2024/07/02/espn-draws-criticism-for-selecting-prince-harry-for-pat-tillman-award/


The direct link to the petition is embedded in the article. 👏👏👏👏




I'm sitting here hoping and praying for the law of unintended consequences to come through as a result of Haz's greed and the foundation bowing down to good old fashioned nepotism. Aka karma.


Boycott time! This has pissed off a lot of sports fans who don't even bother with the RF and their runaway degenerates. A boycott is going to hurt ESPN in the wallet, and that's really where it counts.


I think this award mess has hit a nerve with the duo. They are coming hard to kill the backlash.


They must suppress dissent at all costs. Roll eyes. They are so stupid that they do not realize this ineffective technique only inflames the public to hate them even more. And spread word by mouth.


Some poor PR lackey having his holiday weekend ruined by the Harkles.


This is the kind of company they likely use, Reputation Management Consultants, this is the type of services they offer, you can be sure they offer other services too. Their PR company will be working with these , possibly several RM consultants. They swoop in quickly and sort out anything negative so they can change the narrative. Big corporations employ them as well as individuals. "At Reputation Shield, we recognize the pivotal role reviews play in shaping your online reputation. Our comprehensive Reviews Management services are tailored to not only remove negative reviews but also strategically enhance your digital presence with positive feedback." https://preview.redd.it/2znsvii8mbad1.png?width=2424&format=png&auto=webp&s=250acb14673770e5b92d1e4f25539689f76e4013


Seems like racketeering to me.


He already hired the guy at his solicitor's years ago, the ex army bloke. Then there's Beth H.


Who is moderating the comments?


I added a comment several days ago and that message came up. That might be standard, in case someone drops a lot of F bombs. This is the first petition I’ve signed so I don’t know.


When I first looked at the petition I saw mostly worthy comments but was disappointed by some of the crude comments including some the video commentary. Unintelligent and rude commentary will hardly win an argument or prove a point especially if it is OTT intense.


But mine was/is not crude in any way. For this very reason. Happened twice .Just quoting verbatim an important historical document. ;)


Yes \^ Other than the OTT comments/videos I can't explain any deletions other than time constraints or heavy handed broad strokes by moderation. My point is simply that some were best deleted. I wouldn't put it past any one or group supporting Sussex of being behind the incendiary type of comments because it could serve to conjure sympathy for M&H.


There always will be some comments with vulgar words, so it's ok to remove them IMO. But someone posted from 20k comments only 9k is left... that's quite a lot.


Sewer Squad posting the rude, unintelligible comments?


Thank you. That seems like a critical piece of info that has been conveniently lost in CV translation!


Followed by https://preview.redd.it/150l2lunacad1.png?width=602&format=png&auto=webp&s=f76fcfa32c64b9ab51043452f1fd219a28a53244


If u can’t stand the heat GET OUTTA THE KITCHEN!!!


https://preview.redd.it/0g9sjwtidead1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a666dd291d266d2aa27b635a7deddca0b8ba8d34 # pattillmanfoundation uses 75% donations for salaries 25 % for charity maybe harry does deserve it...just saying


After I signed it yesterday I tried to leave a comment and it wouldn’t let me. So they were already censoring some of them.


Need to start a change.org petition to stop change.org’s censorship


Sign the petition ✅ here is the link https://chng.it/z7LdnwXZMd


[Change.org](http://Change.org) aka Ben Rattray is removing comments.


Finding Freedom = Silence Meghan lying in court = Silence Fraudulent War Record = Silence Apache Helicopter pilot Lie= Silence Oprah Liefest= Silence Megs merching his Royal status= Silence Waaagh callout = Silence Manhattan Car 🚗 chase= Silence Legend of Aviation Award Fraud= Silence Faux Royal Tour of Nigeria= Silence Pat Tillman Award Fraud = Silence Silence served with misinformation seasoned lies


Shame on Change.org. Markled.


I have seen this before ok on petitions but I've only ever seen a few people video themselves. I think the first lady has signed a few by video.


Something very weird is going on with that petition because signatures are not being added at the rate the people are signing. It's almost like they are purging signatures. Also I noticed comments of people there to support Harry. So they sign the petition AND comment on his favor? How stupid is that.