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One child probably is a hobby when you employ staff round the clock to do all the parenting for you.


Exactly, I stg I have never heard of a child being a hobby, even from people who have nannies and au pairs…


Even with all the help in the world, it should never be a hobby. True, you may not need to do the physical work, but you should still do the parenting. The explaining of the world, and try to help develop good humans. Too many people have kids because they "love babies" and then get emotionally detached when they start to grow up and need to enforce boundaries and actually be a parent


That is really insulting to parents who have only children. What if those parents didn't want more children, couldn't afford more children, couldn't have more children, or suffered the loss of children. Rachel is very insensitive. She says a bunch of crap that takes no one into account, be it families with single children or the BRF.


Thank you for that!! Many reasons there is a one child family and I believe those people are grateful and feel blessed they have a child BUT this idiot showed how callous and dead-hearted she is! I think she actually believes that stupid statement. Geez, I just can’t with her!! 


One of my grandchildren is an only child. Her parents have never considered her a hobby. Markle is so stupid and crass.


As a parent of a single child, I appreciate your thoughtfulness. As a parent in general, I am still surprised at the number of people (some are parents themselves) that don't realize the intentional care an effort that is necessary to raise a human being from birth to be a functional, well adjusted adult. It isn't just the luck of the draw. Parents have to prioritize their child's development (moral, physical and emotional) ahead of their own wants and needs, for many years. That is NOT the description of a hobby!


It burns me up. I am an only child and I am raising my only grandchild, who just happens to be an only child. There are good and bad points of being an only, as with most things in life, and it's hurtful and insulting to be referred to as a 'hobby.' I cannot stand the ILBW. Besides that, I distinctly remember the bully Meghan Markle referred to herself as an only child. 😡😡😡


Yes she absolutely wishes she was an only child.


I see what you did there! 😆


Yeah I didnt parent my son. Every time she opens her mouth she insults someone. That and all the lies.


I think of Mehgan as a throwback of a socialite, handing off her baby with more speed than she'd shrug off her stable coat.


What an idiot.


I am an only child and absolutely no one has ever told my mom I was just a hobby


Only child here too. My mum was epileptic and had a really bad time carrying me so was afraid to have more, although she would have liked them. That thing is no mother.


I have epilepsy and a one and only! I adore him. He’s currently asleep next to me as he hasn’t been feeling well (freezing here!) He’s 12, I’m just happy he still comes to me for cuddles.




Oooh - I miss that! My 16 yr old gives me the arms only hug! Teens!   Enjoy your son - it sounds like you do! ❤️


Agreed! She is clueless on what being a mother is.  It doesn’t matter if you physically gave birth or adopted or surrogate, you are a mom but this woman sounds like she just doesn't get it. She doesn’t get it at all!! Ugh!


I have one child and he was NOT a hobby! God she’s patronizing, condescending and stupid. Shut up, Meg!


Thank you. She is dumb as rocks and invents thin bullshit that she thinks is insightful.


She has no frickin clue about being a Mom. The disconnect is obvious to anyone who has children. Parents talk, they bring up their children during conversations, pictures are shown, they bond with other families whose children might be the same age for play dates. Parents don’t leave their children for weeks on end, nanny or no nanny. If there is an award they truly deserve it would be for worst parents of the year


She supposedly left a kid with Jessica Mulroney in Canada for weeks and just a few months later cut all contact with the woman. Obviously her Messy Bun Guy and Pilates Lady weren't available to sit short notice...


At my husband’s company summer picnic last weekend, one of our friends and his wife where there with their 4 month old. They have been on paternity leave so we haven’t seen them since before the baby was born. I was holding the baby and the proud father was excitedly showing me photos of said baby.


Aw, this made me smile; thanks for sharing!


I think that as with her jam making, Mehgan probably outsource plenty of the work that's being a mother. And frankly, does she really look as if she cares for anyone's wellbeing except her own?


Nice throwback! What an insult to every couple who have - for whatever reason - only one child.


And what an insult to that child to be told he is only a hobby and not part of a family!


So true - it’s wrong on so many levels. 


In the few photos we've seen of Archie, doesn't he look disengaged from H&M? But then, so does wee Betty. I can imagine them instinctively feeling, "*who* is this strange woman?!"


Yes, they don't seem to be involved with their parents in those photos.


Oh, yeah. She knows about babies. “She don’t know nothin’ bout holdin’ no babies” https://preview.redd.it/y15qtbydybad1.jpeg?width=4099&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8e480347707daf49caef28ea6c6c0f5e3079aa22


Don't think my daughter would have appreciated getting packed around by the neck with one arm tied to me.😳


This comment seems to be more about her than 'her children'. Specifically, she seems to be having a go at her half siblings.


I like this comment: "So by her logic her mother wasn't a parent and only saw her as a hobby? Because it would explain a lot."




The family she never had?


I don’t have children and would never consider one being a hobby, those tiny humans are a lot of work and I respect anyone who has them! This just shows how disconnected from reality she is.


It mirrors *this one’s* 25 Taliban kills as mere chess pieces.


Both are so out of touch with this world it is frightening they can be considered “adults”.


And what little value they assign to others.


Or human beings.🤨


That's one of multiple reasons I believe the todger's wife wrote most of that drivel and her moronic husband just nodded emphatically and said, "Yes my love, it must be true since you recall my memories with much better detail than I can! Even details of all the stuff that happened before we met. You're so brilliant, it's bonkers!!" I'm obviously being sarcastic but this sort of scenario wouldn't be too surprising.


I don't even consider pets as a hobby. They are beings that we choose to share our lives and homes with. TM Jr did say never to trust her around kids or animals. He's a grifter but I don't think he just pulled that from thin air.


Exactly! Taking care of another living creature is no hobby at all, it takes responsibility. Well, he knows her since she was a baby so he must know what he is talking about.


she couldn't even bother to learn how to act as if she has ever encountered children. Every single time there is a child around her or she speaks of those two AI kiddos of hers - it's like you are looking at a person interacting or talking about alien encounters. https://preview.redd.it/q0vu1m1trbad1.jpeg?width=564&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1dadadfc7a9e05dfa3d75aef7a7852a1fab5fe2a


While smirking behind the mask.




She holding him by the butt? At least the pillow is supporting his legs.


With his knee digging into the "bump"? You would adjust the child so they're more on the hip, this looks all wrong.


Wait, don’t all pregnant mothers carry their toddler this way, so the child’s legs can kick their *bump*? Looks like she doesn’t know how to hold a dog either.. https://preview.redd.it/1s4xqrux8cad1.jpeg?width=534&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a16c77fddc0e03e355e9ab0b3b9ce3c2136af447


Yes!, maybethat's why babies are born with holes in their heads, it's from their siblings knees./s. I think she had trouble shifting the "baby weight" after Lily, (even if she didn't carry, she would have conspired to put on weight to look pregnant) her midriff was either covered, obscured or Spanxed to high heaven...so many coats!!. Well, that is until Ozempic came along, now she's back to inappropriate Yacht Girl attire again.


The dog looks offended by her hand placement. 😬


I know. Poor thing looks so uncomfortable.


Carrying a toddler while that far along? She appears too upright To me.


How is she managing to hold a toddler so high up with only one arm?!


The thing that has always got me with this photo is she's obviously smirking, so in her eyes whatever we think this photo is about, it isn't.


I’ve never met anyone with children who describes having one child as a “hobby”. It’s a full time job from day 1. What is she talking about.


Too right. A first child is a steep learning curve, and then some. I distinctly remember wondering if I would ever have the time to read a newspaper again with my first (pre computer days!) It's non stop.


Your life has literally changed with baby 1. There’s all that to process on top of keeping another human alive.


Yes it is life changing, but so worth it. 😊




I am with you. I cannot understand why someone won't come out with the truth. Yes these two are litigious but who cares. It would be worth it to expose them. It would end them.




I want it to come out so bad. I really wish they would come out and expose them. It is clear to everyone under the sun she used a moon bump and faked those pregnancies. I don't believe she had a miscarriage at all.




I would chip in for sure.


Me too




Where's Piers Morgan when you need him?


I was REALLY hoping HG Tudor would have opened that can of worms when he and the Sidley Twins/Sue Smith did a collaborative session. I really think they intentionally didn’t poke that bear for some reason???


It’s been noticeable that Lady C has stopped stuffing cushions up her dress to illustrate Rachel’s alleged deceit. She was obviously threatened with legal action by Rachel or possibly asked to desist by the RF. She now only refers pointedly to ‘Harry’s’ children and Rachel’s ‘meghnancy’. 🤷‍♀️


What is also not comprehensible - if she DiD give birth to either/both - is that none of the doctors or midwives involved have ever made a statement to confirm it and say that they were there. If Rachel wanted to end the circus she would ask them to do that. So either she did not give birth and there is therefore no-one to say that she did, or she did give birth and is enjoying the constant speculation as this keeps her in the news and will enable her to triumphantly self-victimize when the truth comes out.


Yes!Stick a fork in the bump and watch her fly around the room backwards.🤣


I've heard it's because of medical privacy laws. But she was never pregnant, so there was no medical treatment. Although, I'm sure that in Britain, the silence is partly out of deference to the RF.


Has anyone ever tracked to see where the OB that delivered Lilly went to? The OB that from one day to the next closed her practice in Montecito?


I thought someone posted that she was back in practice with her husband?




She's a robot alien around all other human beings. Children are just as foreign to her as any adult. Obviously and painfully unable to connect on any level.


I have never heard anyone refer to children, no matter how many, as a hobby. What a gross statement.


Guess you could call collecting dolls a hobby.😆


A real mom knows that every child is a universe


What a beautiful way to say it!




One child is a hobby, two lands you some pointless award. That you had to buy.


This woman has no idea about relationships at all, in any circumstances. You move into the RF and everything is intimate, cosy and equal. You get new dogs to replace the ones you ditched and they'll just all get along. You have one child and don't talk about a new one coming along, you just throw 'em all together and everything's fine because everyone is so damn grateful for being "yours."


No one who has raised a child would ever say that. She is clueless about children, and too self-centered to learn. I hope the kids are thriving with their actual parents somewhere far away from the gruesomes.


She said something like "one is a hobby, and 2 is a family" How horrible that must make the first child feel Not sure if she made these statements at the same time or separately


Doria is making good money from her hobby now.


This should come as no surprise - she has mammalian instead of maternal instincts. Then again, I wonder if she's even a mammal - I don't think there's a term to describe a denizen of hell.


She's insufferable. Every time she speaks, she believes she's such an authority, regardless of the topic. Yet there is NEVER anything original or clever. She's really boring.


This is such an unbelievably stupid thing to say. What makes it worse is you know she pre prepared and thought it was a fun thing to say. She is a complete and utter idiot. I have 2 children. And as a parent there’s actually a lot of talk and consideration that goes into prepping your 1st child for the 2nd. If she actually interacted with other parents or picked up a parenting book or took any actual interest in her children she would know that.


Not even my cats are hobbies!!


And H wore that ridiculous Girl Dad t-shirt without understanding that it refers to a dad that ONLY has daughters, not a mixed family. I can see Archie asking why H didn’t wear a boy dad t-shirt - “did you love Lili more than me”




Archie is a hobby?


The reason no one talks about the adjustment is because it is obvious to anyone with an ounce of human empathy. It diesn't need to be said to the non-stupid abd non-selfish


This is so offensive. 🤬


Not only is one child NOT a hobby...but where does she get the idea that no one talks about how a 2nd child affects the first child?!? Sibling rivalry, jealousy are all things parents look out for with their firstborn when baby #2 or 3 come along. She is so obtuse.


I despise the way she communicates. She’s insufferable.


As the mother of an only child - it really bothered me when she had her second child and said “Archie made us a 'Mama' and a 'Papa,' and Lili made us a family." Implying that those families with one child are not a real family! 😤😢


I have one child, he’s 10 and I’m currently enjoying my hobby of taking care of him early this morning because he’s exhausted from being sick all day with a stomach bug.  He finally fell asleep, and I’m hoping he feels better tomorrow or no Cub Scouts 4th of July parade.  No help here tonight other than dad, who is already asleep for a while.  I go on this sub almost every night to unwind, first time commenting.  Very rude and insensitive comment indeed, not surprising though, she’s obnoxious.   


Wire hangers, etc. I'd hate to be her alleged offspring.


Duchess of Meet-My-Riviera-at-the-Lemonada-Lake is almighty, so it's no surprise that she handles a single kid so easily. I am shocked, though, that she apparently experienced challenges with more than one, as she is known to do everything everywhere all at once. I think it's a mistake and two children are a hobby too, she has just forgotten how powerful she is.


I have an only child as my daughter has a rare genetic disorder that she, unfortunately, acquired from me - I did not know this before having her. As such, there is a 50% chance of another baby having the same abnormality - and it's a spectrum, so they could have even bigger challenges than my daughter.  I always thought that Meghan's lame claim to being an only child was a clapback to people pointing out how insulting she was being to us parents of onlies- including her own mother!


Moronic comments from the biggest moron of them all


One child is atleast a hobby. Two children, abs you never have to see them. They can keep each other company.


One of the most ridiculous things she has ever said.


Really not wanting to defend her but I think she was being light hearted/ sarcastic/ making a joke  “You think one is hard - well you'll think it’s just a hobby compared to two” I think I see what she was saying 


I don’t agree because what she was saying was so unpleasant, insulting and wrong, that only with 2 children do you become a family. It was characteristically gratuitous and so smug. Like all narcissists she aimed to provoke envy by advertising her superior two child status and denigrating one child families. She is utterly nauseating.


Problem there is she doesn't know how to be amusing.


I do too, but she’s as funny as root canal, and glitches on video. It’s why she tries to get the laughing uproariously still shots.


Quote ; "..you know how everyone says (then she catches herself and changes it to someone told her)- "because someone told H and I something - when you have one child it's a hobby and two children is parenting...". The running theory at the time is she was super focused/ fixated on getting every single dig she could come up with against Katy Perry- who has only one child.