• By -


My god these folks are delusional.


Harry's trying to make himself a war hero and "legend of aviation" by buying one expensive award after another. And here come his "fans" calling him a real life cinderella... You can't make it up.


He's having a tantrum because of the backlash. Now he's gotta have it alllllll over William because that's his scapegoat. If Haz's life sucks, it's because William breathes oxygen. This whole thing is playing worse for them than the ones speaking out. Encouraging people was a stupid move because now they are going to find his service record, his bullshit and his tall tales. But Narcs never imaging losing so on brand.


He is more like a bellend of aviation.


Delusional and jealous. Princess Catherine has been the one with the Cinderella comparisons since her famous wedding.


Guys, am I missing something here. Cinderella was a teenager who was mistreated by her step mother and step siblings and made to sleep near the fire and clean the entire house. Haz was a spoiled rotten prince who was given less sausages than William and the left side of the room that didn't view windows. Haz hid in his bunker and yelled at his brother's family while leaching his title off of the BRF.


Wait.... what? If he is Cinderella, are they now saying that Meg is the prince? Are they gender reassigning them? That's just some weird ass shit right there.


This is how you know squaddies are her fans and only her fans. There's no way his fragile ego would accept gender reassigning them.


True. Yet even he said she saved him. Meh, I guess he is an early Disney princess. Friggin snow white.


SS will insist tw's toeby bunion will fit the glass slipper. But jammed into the shoes, it'll look like pickled pigs feet. Sorry for the visual.


Yep that's a visual 🤮


Well, if Amazon's Cinderella can have a gay, black fairy godmother (billy porter?,)  Plank can be Cinderella.


At least they can't make him Rapunzel




![gif](giphy|i6wAteHWmjjmcKSX6T|downsized) Color me confuzzled


Two of the most uninteresting people on the planet


Who think they are so magnificent


They are the integration of the attributes of the tin man, cowardly lion and the scarecrow in their original state. They have no heart, no courage and no brains. Maybe they should pitch a remake to Netflix so they can play them selves. Ari can be the wizard.


And so strident with it.


Me to the sugars: ![gif](giphy|MELc8KcaP62IGHaL81)


Exactly!! All I can do is shake my head and say…the world sure has some crazy people in it 🤷🏻‍♀️


My first thought is 'what is HG Tudor going to do with this?' 🤣🤣🤣


How after all their lies were exposed are people still defending them


I can get along with that Cinderella comparison. Except, of course, Harry didn't lose his shoe, but lost his balls on palace grounds...


They were found in Meghan's purse


She thought the balls were expensive fabergé eggs, limited edition, and took them.


That's probably why her oversized, ugly ass bags smell like limberger cheese. Spray some Lume, Madam!


After their first date, Meghan traveled throughout the kingdom, inspecting all the todgers until she finally found the blue todger to match them in order to get a second date. ![gif](giphy|dXMLRR3StFNV5erfa8|downsized)


Lost a mouthful of coffee reading your comment. Thanks for the laugh 🤣


More like pickled quail eggs


That implies he had any to begin with. 


And Plank isn't doing physical labor, working like Cinderella, nor does he have a clean, nice, fancy ball gown that his flying monkeys made for him. This sucks. Cinderella was my fav princess fairy tale.


Uhhhh, is this not King Charles Slimmed down monarchy? William is not in charge.


William seems to have a lot of power to people who love to claim he’s powerless and irrelevant.


Hahaha, it's always two extremes with them isn't it. He's a controlling maniac who is now the sole head of the slimmed down monarchy and somehow getting creative to not have to do anything because he's 😢 wOrK ShY 🥺 don'tcha know? It's hilarious and bizarre. 🤣🤣🤣


Yep. KC's been planning it for years and it's been criticised heavily, ever since his and Catherine's cancer diagnoses were made public. The gall to lay it on William (no, I'm not suggesting that BP are behind this) is such a dishonest twisting of the narrative, it's almost shocking.


I believe that they were aware that Charles would reign for a short time so I'm inclined to believe that William does get a bit of a say in things as his reign is next.


The slimmed down Monarchy has been Charles' plan for decades. William has NOTHING to do with it.


Yes, exactly. The whole thing is a lie. I agree the slimmed down Monarchy is a disaster. But it is Charles' disaster.


It's not a disaster What happens is that the press cannot publish how well the Duke and Duchess of Gloucester do, the work the Duke and Duchess of Edinburgh do or Camilla's magnificent work, because where is the drama in that? Where the designer dresses? Where is the glamor that sells magazines? Charles alleges, and rightly so, that during the years of his mother's reign they were filled with patronages, too many, so when he spoke of a slimmed down monarchy he also spoke of reducing royal patronages, focusing on those that really benefit the community. And he does that work now together with William. Charles doesn't want to have thousands of sponsorships with the entire BRF working and living off the State, because what would the newspapers complain about? of excess royals. Now what are the newspapers complaining about? of few royals. If there is no way to give pleasure.


Well said! Actually perfectly said!!!! THIS is what they mean. It's funny how as they complain about slimed down monarchy if one was to ask what they reported about the work of the Duke & Duchess of Edinburgh did that day they'd have nothing just as you say. King Charles and Prince William lived with the soap opera that Diana turned the RF into.  That drama started to fade into greater stability and respectability....until 2016.  There was contentment with family stability and adorable little Wales & Tindall children. Then *TW & Todger* gave the media their hit of Di drama they haven't had in years and they're addicted again.  Harry was the constant reminder of Diana with his sense of constant victimisation but it was managed likely with proper counselling.  But personalities like that are ALWAYS looking for more drama. It's what they understand and crave.  He found it in "her". And she found it in "him". I hope the RF stays the course.  Even other RF's in Europe have had increase in tabloid nonsense thanks to that trucking itch!  Here's hoping the RF sticks to working to be our example of strength, class, stability, graciousness and community service in the new millennium.  People are sick of victimisation and constant drama by trash.


For drama, the British have enough with their prime ministers.


Yup - imho did far too many County Fairs and Town Hall ribbon cuttings. I know she wanted to be seen, but that’s what the Garden Parties are for. In any one year around 32,000 people attend the garden parties in London and Scotland. It’s much more practical.


We must also remember that the Queen took care of many relatives, on Philip's side, on his father's side, on his mother's side... There were many people to support because several had lost everything in wars, and in the royal debacle when many kingdoms and principalities ended. Charles also has fewer people under his care, since the vast majority of current royals work at their own jobs.


Sorry but they are the RF of the whole U.K. not only London, which is a distant and very foreign place to most of us , the late Queen said it was necessary for her to be seen to be believed. We pay for our monarchy and we expect it to work for us. In my sixty years I saw the late Queen, face to face, three times, she was small and had beautiful skin and genuinely glowed, Prince Philip once, Prince Charles four times, The Duke of Gloucester and Princes Alexandra once. It’s highly likely that my neighbours or myself would ever receive a Garden Party invitation so the present system works.


Have you seen gertsroyals latest on the patronages? KC has taken on the majority of his mother's so far. Only a few have been discontinued


It's one thing for Charles to take all the patronages the Queen had... but that's because, for example: all the patronages Harry had were returned to the Queen. Those that the Duke of Kent now had have returned to the crown... Charles has been slowly redistributing those that are relevant and that cannot be left empty. It is not such an easy task, because in addition Charles had his patronages and he also has to see which ones will actually pass to William, which ones he will keep and which ones will end.


First of all, I thought it was the King's idea to have a slimmed down monarchy and had been planning it for years. I don't know where the squaddies get the idea this is all William's doing. Second, someone needs to explain "fetted". Does this idiot sugar mean fated? Perhaps fetéd? Fitted?


The Todgers wouldn't have even been affected by the slimmed down monarchy *if they hadn't quit.* They received all benefits while whining and complaining about Empire 2.0.


Yes, I recall the slim-downed monarchy was basically Charles and Camilla, William and Catherine, Harry and hypothetical, and any kids. They could have had it all.


You could see what a disaster the slimmed down Monarchy was going to be at the Coronation photo. There was not one single person under 40 in that photo. Charles is literally killing off the Monarchy. But that is completely 100% Charles doing.


Everything is jealous William’s fault.


They did this when QE2 reigned. It was Charles who was the 'baddy'. It's moved a generation but the MO remains.




Farted as in only someone with a brain fart would make these ludicrous suggestions and comparisons.


Nah. They're just fuming and jealous that the BRF has proven *they don't need* those two slimeballs and the invisikids.


Bingo. 💯


Markle wants people to believe that her kids are important enough to be used as scapegoats, but in reality they are too far down the succession to be of any use as a scapegoat. They would never have been working royals even if their parents hadn’t stomped off in a huff.


Also, the Sussex kids would have been the next generation’s Beatrice and Eugenie. They have royal titles, but would not be senior working royals. Also B&E were not used as scapegoats for William and Harry. Why would the Sussex kids be treated as scapegoats?


Yes and Harry and Meghan were always going to be Andrew and Fergie, they were never going to be Charles and Diana, that’s why the gruesome twosome left.


They are this generation’s Beatrice and Eugenie. Or Eugenie and Louise since the Wales’ have three.


What does that make Meghan--Prince Charming?






Are you pointing to agree with comment above or because Hot Scot Johnny in your flair should be Prince Charming? 🤣🤣


LOL!!! It was meant to agree with the comment above, but Hot Scot Johnny definitely deserves to be called Prince Charming!!!


Harming, more like!


Princess ratchet and prince gormless.


Cinderella?? Surely you mean **Whingerfella!** ![gif](giphy|NkW4LM727h1U4|downsized)


And MM is from another story all together! ![gif](giphy|X2jHFO1IIx7Tq)


that actually looks just like her


😂😂😂😂 Whingerfella!


Working royals are slaves?


Maybe they will get reparations?/s


Harry seems to be looking for them.


Holy f\*cking sh\*t! When you actually read this stuff the mental gymnastics needed to support their fairy tales is heroic! Grimm’s fairy tales. And we are the dementers, I suppose. I’ll take it. Those last two images, eee-God! They like these things?




I say that a near any new information about That and This One. LOL


Yes, it's difficult not overusing this meme 😂


It was always Charles who wanted a slimmed-down monarchy. The spare wasn’t left to fend for himself, he was given support to dedicate his life to causes he was interested in. He is now milking the only things left in his life, which are the remnants of his royal life, Invictus, which he is driving into the ground, and his title.


I suspect that William and Charles as realizing they may have over slimmed down the monarchy. For most the other European monarchies, sticking to the mainline works because they are significantly small countries with smaller populations and overseas territories. When the QE took the throne there were a lot of royals do getting a royal to attend your little community event wasnt hard. People have come to expect to have royals attending lots of events. By slimming down so far so fast, it hasn’t given people a chance to adjust to the fact that very few small local events are going to get a royal. It’s a hard change and will probably have some people who remember days past wondering what is the point of the royals if they are always unavailable for small local events. Charles is trying to move the monarchy forward because people don’t like the idea of paying for all the people whose job is to smile and look pretty (but they still want royal sparkle at their events). Charles concept is good but the family need bodies. Maybe not as many bodies as before but setting 1-2 of the cousins up with an acceptable real world job while being part time working royal would have been a good idea. I think half-half out can work with the right career choice. For example, Louise is into horses. Working with the royal Calvary or King’s horse breeding operations would be a good job and then taking on small scale Royal engagements could work.


They haven’t slimmed down the monarchy, the Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh have passed on. Harry has left. Nobody wants to see Andrew at their event. The King and Catherine are unwell and the Waleses children are still young. Perhaps, people would appreciate more royal visits but the press seems more concerned about the lack of royal attendance to events than the general public does. There are younger royals who could step in but they may not want to. They may prefer living a more private life than performing royal duties.


Don't forget Anne is still recovering from the kick from the horse?


They have slimmed down the monarchy. When QE2 took the throne, she had a whole host of her relatives undertaking royal events. You had the Kents, the Gloucesters, the Queen Mother, and Princess Margaret just to name a few. People who have retired or died haven’t been replaced. The monarchies body count keeps going down and I believe of the current 11 working royals, only 4 are under 70 and 3 are over 85. Charles has been clear for a long time that the York sisters aren’t going be working royals. In previous generations they’d be working royals.


Times have changed. The British public doesn’t really want to pay to maintain members of the RF so that they can occasionally pop to Wigan and visit a pencil factory.




Charles is making the classic mistake of trying to appease the other side. He should be ignoring the anti-Monarchists and do what people who support the Monarchy want. The anti-Monarchists are not going to support the slimmed down Monarchy EITHER.


The anti-monarchists are hopefully barely floating right now. Because Sturgeon and Yousaf were a big blow. Giving in to wokerism played a terrible trick on the anti-monarchists.


The real money is in the staffs, security people, the Guardsmen, the horses. A few extra royals wouldn't add much.


Yes but Louise isn't going to put used horses from the King's stable up for sale on ebay, or print tee shirts with "how.to breed a cavalry horse" instructions for drop shipping on amazon.


That is boring. Come on Sussex Squad, make up some new narrative. 


The only work shy people around here are them with their one hour a week.


Imagine working one hour a week, but feeling that you are so entitled that you can actually call people and request them to lend you their private jet and use and abuse everyone around you?


They also have the audacity to pay for articles to say that harry is burnout from how much he works🤦🏽‍♀️


Oh GAWD! He probably is! He's never worked so hard in his entire life.


Last pic is frightening.




The glittering eyes are damned creepy. Stepford Wife-ish.


What is it with Lolo, her army of goons, and fairy tales? But it must be true, because if Harry indeed were Cinderella, he’d be living happily eve after, crazy in love. Or plain crazy anyway. https://preview.redd.it/hc6m8k8vwbad1.png?width=635&format=png&auto=webp&s=9a82f323aa21e2ce093a64c9646123773be2eff3


That photo is everything. It shows her white scalp (does her dye job need a touch-up?), blasé mask and all the tension in her hands. HIS hands seem to be doing some strange thing. Is he warding off evil? Tapping with his EMDR technique? And this lesson from a Brooklyn tough: Never ever tuck your thumb in when making a fist. Ever.


Mayve its just the angle or the lighting but she looks fucking *aged* in that picture. Not just old but wore af. Like hard living,miles of rough road kind of old. All the slap can't hide it either. The picture is giving hatchet faced old thang to me.


I'd always notice that whenever he'd make a fist.  You'd almost think that would be something he would've learned in basic training. You know who doesn't do that? Prince George and Princess Charlotte.    I've no doubt they've had self defence training and that either of them could take Harry down in one swing for what he's done to their mother.


Well, she, a grown woman close to 40,compared herself to the Princess Diaries and The Little Mermaid on Oprah. Like Kween, like deranged followers.


She’s nearly 43 years old.


Yes, but they are using the past tense because Meghan said the Little Mermaid stuff years ago on Oprah


Are these people for real? Its kinda scary that they walk among us.🧟🧟‍♀️🧟‍♂️


Can someone meme this?? It’s got The Claw built in! https://preview.redd.it/zp14cz200cad1.jpeg?width=982&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d654a460701d3e79f68750d6d49fb2f385b5385d


The don’t have access to A & L? Has anyone noticed any particular clamour for access? I certainly haven’t. It’s not like they’d be able to have any official role anyway, if it’s the vulgar, uncouth, gauche and rude mother’s idea of manners, manners, manners, manners they are being taught.


So having free housing, the best education, never having to work at a job while being able to pursue passions and having people clean up after your constant pr scandals is being left to fend for himself? He hasn't exactly been thriving away from his "horrible" family, has he? Pretty soon he'll be the "celebrity" on gameshow like "25 Words or Less" and "Pictionary"


Wouldn't that overtax his intellectual ability?


I always thought he was more Rapunzel. Born to a wonderful family who loved him, then stolen away by a witch and locked in a tower. Only thing is, I am not sure anyone is going to save him. Especially since he doesn't have any hair to grow for them to climb up. 😂🤣


Then he married Rumplestiltskin. https://preview.redd.it/dzabv2q27cad1.jpeg?width=2000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6d2f5bed5ef51cc610d2a58e3dd2a3d926f01758




Spares are left to fend for themselves? This idiot was brought up with so much privilege that the average person can not even imagine. Every want and desire and new toy was there at his disposal. The men in gray were there to help sweep all of his bad behavior under the carpet. Plus, did they not want to support themselves and make their own billions? Was that not what the entire flight to freedom was all about? Is that not what other people do? Most grown ups work and support their families and are proud to do so. These idiots think the world needs to support their lifestyle. They think they are entitled to use other people's jets, and homes and staff and think they need the red carpet rolled out where ever they go, so the wench can prance around in stillettos and rompers and other inappropriate and ill fitting togs, and tell others how she is so heart attack beautiful and compassionate and kind and whatever other bullshit she convinces herself of.


Left to fend for himself while being given anything he could ever need and more. The Wales are workshy while the Todgers keep losing deals left and right because of their lack of initiative.


What in the hell is that in slide 4?? Is it another of the squaddies’ AI creations? Also “fetted” what is that? Gods, none of them can fucking spell😂


Someone should tell Tessa Petak that Charles is king and the concept of slimmed down monarchy is his vision. Whether slimming it down is good or bad is to be determined.


If they mean that Harry is now doing less than ever- spoton. Not sure about whom he lost his glass slipper to, because she defnitly aint a upgrade but a 100% downgrade


why does the ai pic of meghan looks like the evil queen from the snow white?


Hmm…I’m not seeing it … \[/s\] https://i.redd.it/10qs3bk00cad1.gif


What's with their obsession with comparing the Royals to Harry Potter characters lol? Always see them using Baldimort for William (never understood this as Voldemort himself has no hair lol - also did they forget Harry is losing his? Or is that somehow different because it's Harry and not William 🙄)


I don't find it impractical, it's trimming the fat to avoid resources being wasted on people such as Andrew. Maybe this is an unpopular opinion, but I would love to see Lady Louise do some engagements here and there because I think she would be a great youth ambassador. Also the Tindalls even though they don't have titles, and Bea and Edo because they're a likeable modern couple. As for Eugenie, she can fuck off back to Portugal with her salamander of a husband.


I'm totally with you! Lady Louise seems like lovely young lady (really young, not Meghan-young).


Table 12 is considered young in a petrified forest and that's as far as it goes.


Jimmy Carr said it best when he was called young at 41 and responded at his age he was only young if he died. 😄


I love this exact idea and think this is where they are heading. I'm fine with what the King is doing.  Mainly because he was absolutely tore apart for so many of his initiatives in decades past.  The environment,  architecture preservation, organic food, the Princes Trust for youth entrepreneurship and so on.   He's been absolutely right in all of it.  So I'm giving him the respect he's earned and leaving it to him to know what type of legacy he wants to leave behind.


KC is very forward thinking and yes I remember him being mocked mercilessly for his ideas. He's very adaptable and I think he's doing a helluva job so far.




The slimmed down Monarchy is NOT "Prince Williams" it is King Charles. Yes it is not working, but Prince William has nothing to do with it. This whole article is based on a lie. Prince William was called "work shy" when he was flying full time as an air ambulance pilot. This is such b.s.


At this point I’m sure even the Sussex Squad hates them, comparing Harry to Cinderella? Really? Like his reputation is not already down in the dumps


Cinderella is the rightful heiress if women were allowed in succession, it’s definitely not her evil sisters who were brought in by her step mother.


"Cinderfella" has already been taken. By Jerry Lewis in the 1960s




Have any of them read the *Sussex Manifesto of Independence*? Go off and create your unique roles. Which they were free to do, and did. This is it. They just object to not dictating every term of the sacking. “Collaborate with the Queen”. Get straight tae f*ck. They were given a generous off-ye-go package, here’s your hat, what’s your hurry. Toodle-loo. I’ve yet to see a single successful outcome from this monumental strop.


Man, so creepy. Who's Prince Charming, Nacho?


No he’s Buttons


Wait, now Henrold is forced to tend for himself? Freedumb Flight? He walked.


I think a royal family needs 3 kids. Margaret always struggled with being “left out” as well. It gives room for an adult child who won’t grow up, like Andrew, Margaret and Harry. A spare for the spare. Glad Will and Kate had 3.


We let people like this vote for god’s sake. Demented.


There are only pretend children in California. I can’t wrap my head around the fact that they are in line of succession in the British monarchy and people have no idea if they exist.


Because in the grander scheme of things they are irrelevant and it hasn’t even crossed most people’s mind that they don’t exist. There are others who cannot wrap their heads around the idea that it’s all a farce and the kids are rented for photos and documentary appearances and even more who are not even aware that such a theory exists.


The British people need to be demanding answers. Every day Buckingham Palace should received hundreds of letters asking why children are in the LOS who are never seen in the UK and whose birth announcements were not signed. I am an American, but if I were British I'd be demanding answers.


Most British people are totally unaware of all of this and couldn’t give flying fig about Harry, his kids nor the LoS. They are too busy working and caring for their families. It really doesn’t affect our everyday life, our taxes are not supporting them. If we had to choose who should be removed,most would choose Andrew because they are all as relevant in the LoS as the other. The LoS has branched off to the Waleses and they will just keep moving down.




Whoa this is what is now showing for the last pic... I wanted to capture her face.... SO Strange. https://preview.redd.it/qj9wa1z22cad1.png?width=451&format=png&auto=webp&s=ef3e6721921f8b89af1dfe36b1e779c03af9c700


This post is a great example of an answer "why do squaddies like Meghan?" They live with a fairy tale. They look at one of the most privileged men on the planet and re-imagine him as a Cinderella. They project their own trauma of not being a favorite child onto the Line of Succession - you are a "Spare", you fend for yourself - while in reality you are a spare potential king or queen. Beatrice and Eugenie are even lower in the line of succession, but it doesn't mean they have to earn their liven working as kitchen maids in the palace. They are members of a very privileged group. The irony of them thinking that Harry deserves protection cause he and his kids are high in the line of succession, but at the same time he's basically a servant, a nobody.


Does anyone else cringe about the inability of the sugars to at least spell the name "Wales" correctly Harry was also known as Harry Wales, but then most of them do not spell Meghan correctly.


They couldn’t spell “feted” correctly either.


They couldn't spell "fetid" correctly either but it sure describes them.


SIMPerella Harry.


Did they just say he was a call boy?


What’s a call boy?


The male version of a call girl? 👯‍♀️🤸‍♀️


So a prostitvte for rich people?


Or too lazy to pick up someone off the street.


A call girl is a prostitute who is called by her clients on the phone to make an appointment. Doesn't have anything to do with how rich the client is.


Ok, thanks for correcting 👍


What never ceases to amuse me is that the Sussex Squad always want to demean and dismiss the royal family, but don’t see the irony of the two grifters calling themselves duke and duchess, and demanding titles for their children. The squad truck are as dim as they appear.


There are no children, so there's that. Why can't these people get out of the 19th century? And if CinderHarry is so lucky, why is he desperate to run back to his family? These fools make no sense. And in case **Tessa Petak** hasn't heard, the future of the Monarchy is just fine. She doesn't know what is happening behind the scenes, so she needs to stop writing articles for birdcage liner.


Harry and Meghan are the hardest workers the world! The royals just sit on their bums doing nothing. These people are ignorant and extremely delusional.


Oh please. Cinderfella wouldn't help an animal if it was on fire.


Harkles know that they have zero chance of being in a King William monarchy. Most probably trying to sneak in with King Charles still around.


Sugars truly do live in another reality.


While I agree that the "slimmed down monarchy" model is not working out well, Harry and Flounce would have buggered off anyway when not allowed to merch their titles. She never planned to stay and do a full duty. And he was gonna follow that magic mollusc anywhere she went. Good riddance. A "stretched thin for a decade" royal family is rough, a sellout royal family is dead.


Even with all my blocking, Twitter remains a neurotic cesspool 🤮


Hahahahaha Cinderella! I really have heard every delusional argument in support of plank and skank now 😂😂


That last photo is terrifying! 


Calling hazmat Cinderella is an insult to Cinderella. She at least knows how to work and has manners.


Cinderella Harry didn’t leave. The late Queen demoted the two of them from being working royals because of their horrendous behavior on tours.


I think clearing out fifty seats at Wimbledon for skank and her dingleberries had made a bad impression in public eye of the new Walmart Wallis. BRF had to be embarrassed.


That's just not possible. If that had happened, Lolo would have told Oprah to "prove" there is racism in the Royal family. No way possible Lolo was demoted without telling Oprah all about it.


Do you think a narcissist like M would have ever admitted to being fired, especially after all of her “hit the ground running” and “use me as you need” nonsense? Her ego could never admit that. The late Queen allowed them to say they were stepping back to save face.


I think they were given an ultimatum of some sort and told that until they showed they could behave they would not be going on more tours.


Now you have that Disney song running in my head: 🎶 Cinderella, Cinderella, All I hear is Cinderella From the moment that I get up, Till shades of night are falling There isn't any let up I hear them calling calling 🎶 Maybe the public can start singing that song to him when they see him......


He's the kind of Cinderella character that would stupidly dump any chance at a better life with royalty to go run off with a criminal, and expect things to be peachy for 5 minutes before the pain started.


Real royals give out awards, everyone else receives them. Puts Harry and Meghan in the ‘everyone else’s category. ![gif](giphy|zqkKxdRV9Q2EQ4Zsv3)


I will honestly be disgusted if the Dukedom of Sussex is passed down through American born succesors.


It will only get passed down to sons. So there's that. And any offspring of the putative children won't be prince or princess.


Omg what drug is this chick on. Come on Harry as Cinderella and that the Wales are work shy. MMM Let me see Cinderella and his old ugly wife work 1 hour a week. Can't handle any work and isn't bring in any money. If Harold is Cinderella that explains why the old wife has his balls in her handbag. She made Harold her bitch. hahahahah these people are just nuts


Harry is not Cinderella. He's the opposite. In fact, his fairytale is obvious. He went from a Prince to a Frog. The squaddie is certifiably insane. If Harry and Meghan handed her a cup of Kool-aid and said drink, she would gulp it down.


Cinderharry. Just when I thought I had seen everything 🤣


Slide two: the beast has no clue how to hold children. Those poor kids are holding on for dear life.


King Charles needs to get it together. This is hurting Wills.