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At least Spacey had a brilliant career, unlike Harry who has had no career to speak of. Is this worse than Hollywood giving Roman Polanski (lifetime achievement also?) an Oscar a decade or so ago, when he had r*ped a 14 or 15 year old in the 70s, I think, openly admitted to it, didn't think he did anything wrong but still fled the US to avoid prosecution? And he got a standing ovation. Hollywood is and has always been a sewer, just that in the olden days, they tried to put on an appearance of decency.


> Hollywood is and has always been a sewer, just that in the olden days, they tried to put on an appearance of decency. Yep!


>Hollywood is and has always been a sewer, just that in the olden days, they tried to put on an appearance of decency. Agree so much. I've read a couple of biographies of Hollywood stars and I was shocked. It's all smoke and mirrors, backroom deals, and WORSE.


The older I get the more I realize this. It’s like finding out Santa isn’t real.


What on earth is next, *The Parenting Association* is proud to announce Chris Watt will be receiving the Father of the Year award? 🤦🏼‍♀️ Edit:a/c






Oh, lord, let’s not go *there*.


Kevin Spacey is worthy of awards for his talent exclusive of being a perv. If you want to complain about a perv getting awards let’s start with Roman Polanski. Neither of these have anything to do with Talentless Harry. He is no more than a cockroach on the shoe sole of either of these men as far as talent goes. And no I don’t support sex abusers and child molesters,just pointing out even an a hole can have talent. Harry has the gross factor without talent. As does his old crone.


Nailed it. 🙏 Even his uncle Andrew has a more illustrious military background and experience than talentless Harry!!!


Good lawd they're just giving out undeserved awards like Halloween candy to just anyone these days,or was it always like that and now clearly obvious? Where are your accusers, Mr. Spacey? Oh right. They've mysteriously died.


Idk how Spacey paid for an award. Supposedly he’s skint after his last trial.


I'd be surprised if he did pay for it. Unpopular opinion, but Spacey was a talented and well liked actor and the accusations against him couldn't be held up in court.


And they have ruined his career and he is now basically bankrupt! Great interview by Piers Morgan and Kevin Spacey, so much talent and destroyed by the #metoo movement….. Not going to give my opinion on the Harvey Weinstein situation (who I think is a grub and deserves prison) because I know it will spark backlash…. But Harry has done nothing to warrant being given these awards other than being born into a particular family, Kevin Spacey (like him or hate him) is an amazing talent!


Good grief! I’ve just watched a documentary about what he got up to BTS


His family is very strange too. Father used to hold Nazi meetings (in NJ!) and looked like Hitler. His brother drives a limo dressed as Rod Stewart. 😳


Blimey 😦


And with everything that can be said about Spacey, incredibly it still makes more sense that they give him an award than Bunker Harry.


Perfect response 🙂


He’s actually an amazing actor with a great body of work.


This must be what they do when their reputation is in the tank. Spacey is systematically going from country to country to plead his innocence because he was found not guilty. But don’t forget this man has been behaving inappropriately for years and just because it was man on man does not make it ok or something that should be ignored.


Without going into further details, but Spacey has not been declared innocent once, but he is already on his fifth case, because his accusers either destroy evidence and take advantage of the Fifth Amendment, or they do not have any evidence, or it turns out that they give dates that do not agree with the facts. I'm not defending Spacey, but I'm really amazed at how questionable his accusers are.


Since the Sus Sex squad took over receiving awards, I've learned that it pretty much is a racket to make money for those that are the administrators of said "charities". The head guy of Tillman's "charity " makes almost 200 thousand a year. It's a grift. Look who all these people are! Salvation Army and maybe a few others should get our money. The rest are grifts.


least he did make lots if good movies edit for spelling


I did see someone saying something like, "Let's bring back Kevin Spacey." I thought, you can bring him back and put him in your project, but will people watch it is the issue. He is a talented actor, but we heard he's an 'Ellen' behind the scenes with the added bonus of sexually harassing young men at best, accused of worse.


Oh the KB rumors? Are that he is big with the Italian mafia, one of the younger members of an important family is gay and befriended by KB a while back. Supposedly he has a lot of mafia support and protection because he helped a notoriously homophobic institution come to 'accept' their member. Not sure how true this is but certainly interesting.