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*The show, which is yet to receive a title or air date, will 'celebrate the joys of cooking, gardening, entertaining, and friendship* šŸ™„


It doesn't have an air date because Netflix hasn't even approved it for release.


The day they release it will be the day I cancel Netflix. I signed off for 18 months after their stupid documentary!


I left also. I may come back in the fall to watch a couple of things I like but if Netflix keeps pushing them I will be gone again. Too many other choices.


Why did you resume, knowing the pair still have an actual deal with them? I don't support companies who support them. Signing off is signing off. I can't stand looking at the word, Netflix, itself. Ted's face. Ugh. Easier to give attention to all those other streamers.


The Great British Bake Off has kept me subscribed. And my 16 yo daughter. I switched to the cheapest plan, though!


I also keep the cheapest plan b/c there are some old shows on there I like, some movies I like, as well as shows my daughter likes. I also like some of their -real- actual documentaries. The fact that they gambled on Sussexes w/multi million contract and lost, that was dumb, but I don't own Netflix stock so oh well. In 2020 the Sussexes looked like a decent bet. If they renew the Sussex deal this coming year, THAT's when I'd be looking for another streamer. They got sold a bill of goods and Sussex promises.


I'd subscribe just to watch The Crown, but I've since discovered I can get the DVDs at my library


You have it all wrong. Netflix determines the cancellation of show on a completion factor. It's determined on how many people start a show but do not finish the show. I will do my part to skew the metrics. 1. I intend to start their shitshow and go scrub my toilet. 2. Once the toilet is as brilliant as Mevita' choppers, I will pause the shitshow. 3. It will be deleted from my queue by selecting "Just cleaning up".


I absolutely believe SHC - this isnā€™t going anywhere.


Friendship? Ha!


Cue Nacho


I wonder how he felt about being blamed for the dog biscuit/jam posting fiasco?


So will she be featuring her chef, her gardener, not sure who would handle the entertainment and friendship portion of the show as they donā€™t entertain or have many friends


I'm hoping she has a whole dog tasting panel to review her home baked dog biscuits. I'd watch that.


Oh good idea, maybe bring some dogs for taste testing, except dogs are very intuitive, they know evil when they see and smell it, all hell might break out


The Hounds of Baskervilles will go berserk and destroy Olive Garden. Wont someone think of the children!? Oh the Humanity!


Will Prince not so smart be in a corner holding her purse waiting for her to finish working?


I am so confused why anyone is putting money on TOW. I guess Netflix wants to get their money back? When her show drops I'll be streaming Selena Gomez's various cooking shows on HBO, Food Network--all which DONATE to the charity the chef's decide on--nonstop so that she gets compared to a SELF MADE 30 something year old who has actual charisma and started working from the age of 7. I'm wondering if she will copy her too on the donating? Will our Saint dare share the spotlight ?? https://preview.redd.it/us4uur1escad1.png?width=1416&format=png&auto=webp&s=875b1661cdfc5a93eec2707b21ae0523db559e88


There will be no show, imho. Just a self-funded pilot that nobody buys.


Exactly. Where in Hollywood do u get a show without a pilot first being pitched??


It's probably contracted that they have to do a show per year. Netflix isn't spending a lot on production, though.


All very important things that will change the world obviously.


Always about the lack of titles.




What happened to *celebrating family* or was that too far a stretch even for her?


Manifesting. You can't polish a turd.


![gif](giphy|DPqqOywshrOqQ|downsized) Youā€™d think Netflix would learn that nobody cares about Duke and Duchess Dingleberries.


Gardening with the Claw Entertainment with the Fraud Cooking with the Grifter


I still have no idea what *celebrate the joys of* all those things is meant to be in practice. Anyone?


I like to think by the show being 'in the can' means it's in the trash can (or has been shit canned šŸ’©)


Has she not realised that she is not cut-out for tv? She comes across as insincere and has no genuine interest in anything other than herself.


This was true even on her early, failed cooking show auditions such as Chopped Junior, Hailey Duff and Flare magazine. Imagine how much *more* insufferable she is now?


Maybe she can redo the Menā€™s Health hamburger grilling video. So sexy šŸ¤®


The joys of friendship, gardening, and sensual burger grilling.


*bends over & sucks thumb šŸ¤®


Need to put a NSFW banner on itšŸ™„


This. Everything she does or says is dripping with conceit and deceit.


She canā€™t even act in a still photograph. She always hams it up.


I am quite willing to believe that a pilot episode, financed by Archewell, has finished filming. As to whether anything will be aired - that is a completly different issue. And what happened to the polo show? Gone the same way as the Dior contract?


SHC said thereā€™s no Netflix deal for ARO or her cooking extravaganza. I believe her.


It's also just common sense because That One is such a prolific fibber, unless you see concrete evidence of something she created then the odds are it doesn't exist.


yep. Pics or it didnĀ“t happen.


Netflix announcing it, or itā€™s not happening.


Exactly. Needs corroboration or never happened.


Agree, itā€™s a pilot episode.


My theory is she briefed Tom Sykes this nugget then she could say Netflix did not aired because of Harryā€™s many controversies


how does a charity fund a for profit cooking show?


Archewell had a production arm for the podcast and for video that were for-profit while the charity itself is not for profit. Yeah, call them something different is what I'm saying.


Cooking in someoneā€™s kitchen, gardening in someoneā€™s garden, sheā€™s is entertaining in a train wreck kinda way, and what friendship is she talking about?


Of course it isnt her kitchen or garden even tho one of her favorite words is authentic.


Seriously how can she sell a lifestyle brand when she clearly has no style and no life. All her time is spent plotting and scheming šŸ˜‚


She should do a show on how to plot and scheme and social climb. It would be fascinating to know the interior mind of a true gold digger.


The transactional kind.


lol gardening


Still stalking Catherine who created a flower show and brought attention to forest bathing.


Well, lol cooking lol friendship lol entertaining


Maybe her bodyguard will be on the program.


Chicken raising


I was thinking the same thing. Maybe she knows a little bit about gardening, hopefully, because she knows nothing about cooking, entertaining and zero about friendship. Nor, does she know anything about loyalty, decency, honesty, fashion, make up, motherhood, How to treat other people, raising children,need I continue? Why would anyone want to take advice from this person? She has done nothing other than fuck up her life, and the life of her husband. Iā€™m sure she canā€™t even make toast to put that jelly on which is probably bought in vats from Costco. Give me a break


Like hell she knows anything about gardeningā€¦ it takes a LOT of effort and patience and attention. She might have professional landscaping but she will look like an ass with a pair of clippersā€¦


King Charles knows A LOT about gardening--it is one of his passions. If HE had a show on gardening, you can bet I would watch it. Madam knows NOTHING about gardening. How do I know this? Because I am a gardener (5 acres of perennials, annuals, shrubs, vines, etc ) and I know a gardener when I see one. And SHE IS NOT A GARDENER. She has no clue. Having Backgrid photograph you buying a bunch of peonies at a Farmer's Market IS not gardening.


We have 4 and my wife is always in the garden in the summer! She works so hard


Excuse me - but there is video footage of her picking strawberries from her garden, that I doubt she planted herself. /s Meanwhile I planted a raised garden this year, and picking strawberries and eating them right away with some good vanilla ice cream has been an absolute joy. My total crop wouldnā€™t even make half a jar of jam.


Well she does know how to use clippers, you know the ones she used on Harryā€™s balls!


That would mean she is a Veterinarian as well.




She might not know a lot, or anything, about friendship, but she sure is an excellent lesson of everything NOT to do lol


"Gardening", "friendship", and notice no family


She has clipped both Spary Harry and herself away from all family members.


I wonā€™t be watching, but I appreciate being able to read the updates here.




> I wonā€™t be watching, but I appreciate being able to read the updates here Hopefully someone can give us the Nuggets here. IF it actually airs.




ā€œRoyal fans are one step closerā€¦ā€ ha! Thatā€™s the thing. Any Royal fans are likely anti-MM fans at this point.


Why do they keep referring to her as Royal? Sheā€™s not.


Because Meghan Markle pays for being called royal.


"Archie two and Lilibet two"Ā  Lol


I noticed that also. ā€œHer childā€ I feel like has been two forever


Well, considering their mother has been "42" forever.....


Funny that considering that the alleged girl child was meant to turn 3 in June.


It isnā€™t a cooking show. Itā€™s a reality show. Thatā€™s all they can sell. We will see some famous friends to boost viewership. But it isnā€™t a real cooking show, letā€™s be real. Itā€™s meghan loving to appear on camera and impart her basic knowledge. I remember once, a long time ago, when two people fled a kingdom for greener pastures. Back then, insiders swore up and down they wouldnā€™t do reality shows, or appear on camera (they were supposedly royal afterall). Then we got a 2 part reality show labeled a ā€œdocumentaryā€. And now? Another reality show. what was once hailed as a cooking show has morphed into gardening cooking and friendship. She cant NOT be on camera.


Ugh that voice though. She need someone to do her voice work, I canā€™t even listen to it.


I canā€™t either!


Constant need for attention.




"Finished" filming. Then it'll be edited. Then previewed. So if she paid for this to be done and not backed by a production company, how much of a pain will she be during editing? How horrible will it be?


Sheā€™ll drag out the making announcements about this until Hairoldā€™s criminal trial for destroying evidence gets buried.


The only think watchable with the claw is if she joins the housewives and the OGs gang up on her and drag her to filth.


She wouldn't last 5 minutes with them, but hell yeah I'd watch that.


The New Jersey or Atlanta versionsā€¦


Nene would perform a third party constructive eviction with the back of her hand!


I would pay good money to watch this..


Big big money


My whole life's savings, it'd be worth it lol


Real Housewives would be an amazing transition for Meghan, Duchess of Sussex after her enthralling turn as Briefcase girl on DOND, trashy burger griller for Men's health, poo drops endorser for an ad, BJ girl on 90210 and spicy paralegal on Suits. She would fit right in with the housewives trying to outdo each other with ostentatious displays of wealth, hilarious one-upmanship & embarrassing product launches only for it to all end in bitter tears and accusations of weaves getting pulled in parking lots. šŸ˜‚ She should seriously consider it, it would be such a good fit for her and the right venue to launch 'ARO by the Duchess'. Please watch this brilliant SNL skit linked below & tell me how this is not just one step away from 'Kate made me cry' on Oprah https://youtu.be/BSDmnNbE87c?si=hK-Mc1KJA60euj9g


Well that was quick. I think she crammed it all into one episode, it goes like this - Nacho and Mrs Nacho are invited for dinner. This Oneā€™s wife roasts a chicken, which Harry hunted in the coop wearing full safari gear (sweet nod to Africa). This Oneā€™s wife drifts into the garden wearing her ball gown, and picks flowers to decorate the table. Nacho and wife arrive and everyone eats with hearty belly laughs, because theyā€™re all so young and carefree. Maybe they swing later, teased by Harry having a twist of Nachos nipples. The fans canā€™t wait for the sequel!






With friendships like this, who needs enemies? Not aspirational.


Nope, I donā€™t believe it


> I donā€™t believe it Me neither. Smoke and mirrors. More BS from her, like the wine, etc,


They call the basement where they cry their whine cellar.


She has friends??


No, she doesn't. Not sure which acquaintances will be showing. Paid-for, of course, since it's the only way she knows.


The person who wrote this article flunked out of journalism school.


Seriously!! Royal watchers do not consider MM a royal and ā€œher childrenā€ are both two years old


If it ever airs, Iā€™m not watching. Iā€™ll thank ye sinners for the gifs, though. Hair in food, hair pushed from face with hands, hands in dough, hands in mouth, hands passing food to disgusted friend to sample.




And just how it is a ā€˜home showā€™ and how can people get a peak into her ā€˜lifestyleā€™ if itā€™s not even filmed at her home ? Faker than the kardashians. ![gif](giphy|26tni54xcCFOgBQ5y)


In the can, or in the TRASH can? Ā 


In the can, as in slang for toilet


In the can, in the film industry, means in the metal canister that the holds the reels, not the toilet. Of course, a very obsolete term in the digital age. But in this case, the toilet works too.


The trash can made from Spare in that one video šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


New age Ina Garten, Meghan Markle, the barefoot duchess. Oh god we will see her same 3 friends sycophants on the show. Yoga buddy, college friend and co star.


ROFLOL. I've got to get some sleep. I read that as the barehead duchess.


Cannot wait for a show about a messy hag pretending to love making jams and digging dirt


Hehe. Notice they donā€™t use her vag scratch pic for that PR puff piece. It would probably get more people to watch though.




Absolutely, this is why she leaves him to do the dirty work alone like Spare book tour, attending the Sandringham summit and asking dad for more money.


I donā€™t think she would have been permitted to be at the summit even if she had been in the UK.


We real Royal fans aren't fans of Meghan Markle the Mega Troll and we aren't pining for more of her scuzzy content.


No title and no air date. That sounds more like a demo reel.


Royal fans will not be watching this as she is not a royal.


The rest of the article is probably as factual as "Archie, two, and Lilibet, two."


It's going to be bad, so bad. So bad I feel sorry for the poor people associated with this project, like camerapeople, caterers, the person servicing the production trucks, the cleaning staff, the make-up person, the wardrobe assistant, the grocery supplier, the saltminers, the stainless steel pot makers, the granite countertop cutters, and many more I can't mention here for lack of space. They deserve better.


I don't know how reliable River is, but according to him you're right to feel sorry for them. That part starts at 1:07, which is time stamped in the description. https://youtu.be/64CZLamfXw0?si=NwheP4oS9s3IZ_yG


She likely filmed one measly pilot episode and sheā€™s putting out feelers to find a distributor.


Joys of friendship? Must be a short show.


And whose names will go in the credits?! ![gif](giphy|1Zbeweu52ZaQE)


I have Netflix, but won't watch. I can't wait to read the reviews.


If she had done this instead of whining about the royals in 2020 she may have gotten somewhereā€¦


Especially during lockdown! She could never manage it though - her stature requires staff, and being a stahh! Minions and teary make-up artists! Also, people to blame for the failure.


Sheā€™d still have the same fake personality though. In order for a show like this to work, the host must be likeable or entertaining. Markle hasnā€™t shown those qualities in the 6-1/2 years sheā€™s been on the world stage.


Yup. But at least she wouldnā€™t start from low likabilityā€¦


https://preview.redd.it/fiejpfw7mcad1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3a2690310d0fefd20f02b2faefb2ce2b139f1147 Look how happy she was cooking.... with the women from Grenfell.




Ikr! I saw that and Jumpscare!


I can't stand her stupid face šŸ¤¢


Iā€™ve yet to see a genuinely pleasant expression.


I love how vague the source was ā€œit all went well, and it is in the canā€. Sounds ominous.


ā€œRoyal fansā€. Ermā€¦think youā€™re confused there, Daily Mail. Royal fans want news on royalty, not the royally narcissistic. Do better.


It will never see the light of day.....at least by Netflix but imo...EVER...


Cooking is universal.


The Beckhams didnā€™t have a show focused on the joys of cooking, gardening, entertaining and friendships, but it ended up being that and so much more. At their own home, with their family, and heart to heart. This woman is doing cooking in someone elseā€™s kitchen and gardening in someone elseā€™s garden. It is so impersonal. No one wants to watch staged up things anymore, especially when they were part of the BRF which are quite private but open a big window in their private lives. There is a respect there for the BRF and this woman is making an impersonal fake show, in a fake kitchen, fake garden, hiring people to be ā€œfriendsā€ā€¦ Iā€™ll pass but want to know about how bad this trainwreck actually is - IF it ever comes out.


IF this ever sees the light of day, I'll watch an episode or two just to make fun of and have a good laugh.


Skin care? From Raytch? She has awful skin. Hard pass.


There is no way this woman gardens.


I donā€™t knowā€¦ she sure spreads enough bullshit around. šŸ˜‰


ā€œArchie, two, and Lillibet, twoā€ Unfortunate proofing oversight there but a funny one all the same. I note that they also list Harry as being 39. We all know he is forever 12.


But how can you ā€˜entertainā€™ with no friends?


It's going to be an absolute cringe fest and more material for us :D


Gardening? Lol. Her lawn and landscaping looked like crap in their Netflix documentary.


Why would anybody need to watch a celebrity cooking show? I get it if theyā€™re chefs but Iā€™m a much better cook than anybody who pretends to be vegan/organic/bollocks. Iā€™ve kept my family alive for 30 years and weā€™ve passed all health tests. I keep my hair back and never mixed raw with cooked. I donā€™t need desperate wannabes to tell me how to cook. Ready meals are expensive and full of salt. Get over yourself Meghan. I donā€™t believe you cook from scratch as I do. Every single day.


Ok okā€¦ you can cook. But do you know how to make TOAST!? Because Memeā€™s secrets to good living include these specialized skills. Also featured - boiling water and how to peel a carrot! /s


Apparently the kids are now 2 year old twins!Ā  Just to show how much 'give a shit' the reporters have about what they're "reporting"


Gah! I just can't with her anymore!


I canā€™t wait!!! Itā€™s going to be so full of personality tells, itā€™s going to be a goldmine of tea. Iā€™m not sure what reinvention weā€™re up to to at this stage too make this believable and relatable to people, but Iā€™m looking forward to the receipts.


Notice they donā€™t say how many episodes there are.


We need Secondhandcokeā€™s ears on this one


She said no.


No to it happening?


No to Netflix having anything to do with it


The unclean one did a cooking show!


Iā€™ll believe it when I see it. šŸ™„


The show celebrates friendship, which raises the expectation that some friends will be on the show. Has anyone been officially named or leaked as having done a guest spot?


Can she never just focus on one thing?


U know it took Martha Stewart decades of hard work, talent, and a stint in prison to become successful. Just putting that out there. #FOmeaghan


Me!Ā  I would like to know her secrets!Ā Ā  Like how does she manage to screw up not just every opportunity and deal she gets, but also screws up the people who offer her said deals and opportunities. I've never seen someone bring in so much bad luck.


I guess she is communicating to Netflix via puff pieces. Calling SecondHandCoke!!


So who is really going to be watching this old hag cook? Plus knowing where her fingers go. No thanks. I bet is doesn't air cause Netflix is losing customers everyday including me. Why should my money go to those two old lazy grifter.


How can you celebrate friendship when you have no real friends? Just ones you pay?


"The show's in the can." https://preview.redd.it/xwpgeu5hpdad1.jpeg?width=474&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eaa705de37f77ec811a8ebb8f73a065daf1cbeca


Done believe it for a second. The joys of friendship? This woman hasnā€™t had a friend in her life she didnā€™t use. All of her relationships are purely transactional


"Hollywood source." We see you MeeMee.






I'll believe it when netflix announces


ā€˜Royal fans are one stop closer to Markleā€™s lifestyle secrets..ā€™? Oh please! Royal fans are not Markle fans. Netflix should be ashamed - whatā€™s the point of this show? Is she pushing the ARO brandā€¦as thereā€™s nothing to sell!


The Gong Show.




Sherrie Cipolla needs to stay away from dog leashes as long as her husband has a pulse šŸ˜³šŸ˜³


Cough! Wash a pig šŸ·, Powder a pigšŸ– A pig šŸ· will still be a pig šŸ·. Meghan Markle has the Sadim Touch Everything she touches rots and turns to Dust. ![gif](giphy|3oEjI6waLvuReDdpFC)


Genuinely interested, as a Brit who loves a garden thanks to a mum, dad and grandma who all keep beautiful gardens, is gardening a big thing in the US? Does it vary state by state? Are Americans who donā€™t hate her likely to tune in for gardening content?


Truly varies state by state. The climate is really different in different parts of the US, and that determines what types of plants you can grow and for how long. I live in the southeast and we have a very long growing season, so gardening is very big here. For about 3/4 of the year, we can plant and cultivate things. Whereas in a place in the far northern part of the country will have a much shorter growing season. I'm sure people there still like to garden, but they probably can really only do it during the summer months. We already have Martha Stewart. I can't imagine a Martha wannabe will be able to teach me anything at all.


Thank you thatā€™s really interesting. Forgive any ignorance I just never really knew how much of a thing it was šŸ˜„ I absolutely canā€™t imagine what sheā€™ll have to offer on the subject seeing as sheā€™s never mentioned or referenced anything about it before.


That's okay! I appreciate that I was able to answer your question. The US is so big, the climate is divided into what they call "zones" ... when you're thinking about buying a plant or a tree, but you haven't seen it growing around where you live, people will often Google to find out what zone it does best in. Stuff like that.


Haha šŸ˜‚ don't make me laugh. It's about friendship. You mean her transactional relationships that end as soon as she has bled them dry? You mean her friends, no I mean staff, that she is always photographed with?


Lifestyle secrets: marry for money and be kompromot through a shady house. Ā Cosplay your dead mother in law. Call Backgrid constantly. When called on your bullshit, scream racism.Ā  So what did I miss?Ā 


This entire article is bullšŸ’©. None of the people named are working on an upcoming cooking show project.


Is this a limited edition show of one or two episodes? Due to lack of content, even if padded out?


Oh Michael. How the mighty have fallen.


I will seriously eat my hat if this show is successful. I will hate-watch it of course. But if it's as cringe as I expect it to be, I won't get past the first episode. besides, I know I can count on y'all to share the best snippets here, hehe.


Thank you for your sacrifice


Your hat will taste better than anything Chef Unremarkleble cooks up.


A search for Michael Steed doesnā€™t show anything verifiable with Meghan beyond gossip. He has something new and untitled in the works with Tim Dillon (whoever that is).


Signed off to never return. Most show can be seen on YouTube.


Lots of categories there. But we all know MM is tops in everything. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Um hum...


Canā€™t wait to see Rachel touching and moving her janky hair all over the food.