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Poor Mary Tillman. First, she is victimized by the US government when her heroic and honorable son’s name was used for propaganda. She fought tooth and nail for the truth, only for her son’s widow and 2nd husband to use his good name for financial gain. Makes me sick.


Did Pat and his wife have children? If not it seems kind of weird for her to be remarried yet making a living off her dead husband's name. Pat's mother and immediate family should be running the foundation. 


Keeping the dead husband’s name, and tacking the current one’s name onto that! It’s bizarre. Alexis Carrington Colby Morell Dexter Rowan of the Chicago “charity” scene.


Lmfao, not too different than Madame clinging to that Duchess of Sussex title, eh? 


Lord aint that the truth. Anything that can be monetized by these women


Beats working!


Can’t argue with that lol


She will be Madame Harry Behind Douchess MeMeMe forever.




![gif](giphy|kSDnkTdXYoSw8) Love her ❤️


I assure you Joan is #teamwilliamandcatherine


Hell yeah, she would be!


She would eviscerate the duplicitous duo. And then go to a long lunch.


It is weird. Our governor has her maiden name and deceased first husband’s names hyphenated. No mention of the current/second husband’s name. In all fairness to her there was a long period between when she was widowed and the second marriage. And in that time she became governor so…maybe not that weird? I definitely don’t approve of Pat Tillman’s widow doing the same however. Being a public servant is not really equivalent to monetizing your dead husband and his reputation


They were only married 2 years and didn’t have any children!  I completely get a woman who changed her name to include her first husband’s when she was very young and then had kids or established in a particular career then deciding to hold onto it after his passing or a divorce, but with such a brief marriage and no kids it is really weird. My mom kept her married name after divorce because she had it for 30 years and wants to have the same name as her children, for example. I know politicians and doctors also do it because they became established with name recognition and degrees under that name, but I agree it seems like the wife is holding onto Tillman to trade on and benefit from his legacy.


So sad. As a mother who lost a son or child to cancer I really feel bad for Pat’s family especially his mother. Sitting back watching this unfold with Hazbeen having her son being used for a foreign prince who has bashed his family and country, the same jerk who called our Freedom of Speech “bonker’s” using her son’s good name for PR and to help with his “visa” problems. The charity in his name being in such condition must be a knife in her back.


Right. In her case she doesn’t appear to have tried very hard to hide what she is and what her intentions are




You’ve established a name,that you’d already legally changed it to, and were known by. Had an established presence under that name. It makes sense if your purpose was to promote the Foundation. It was two years. I’ve backtracked a couple of sentences, because I don’t understand why Marie has kept the Tillman name, and never her own, yet attached another, completely unrelated (in an sense of the word) to her first married name. Birds of a carnival snake-oil feather. Cretinous c*nts.


I wonder how much the Foundation pays her every year. I'm betting she gets a very substantial salary.


Stolen valor. So this Tillman award is a grift, sad to say I'm not surprised, only an utterly shady organization would willingly associate with Harry and his wife.


Can you imagine valor stolen by his widow? I wish I could say you’re wrong but it tracks for people willing to associate with these two


Army wife here, and too wives wear their husbands “rank”. Happens ALL the time. And they’re insufferable.


She's the grand supreme queen of dependa's 😬😂


HAHA!! She is!!!


I’m not sorry I don’t have to deal with that. I am sorry that you do. I hate to stereotype but have to admit that it’s not hard for me to picture that “type”


My mom did the same as your mom. She was also for 30 years and had two unmarried girls who had the same last name. She had used her married name for longer than her maiden name. There was really no point in changing it back.


I have a similar experience. I was married for 25 years with three kids. I’ve been divorced for years and actually remarried to the love of my life, but kept my first husbands name because of my work. My two daughters are both now married and they kept their maiden names, so we all still have the last same name. My first husband remarried and HIS wife kept HER married name too! Lol


I love that. That's modernizing!


Dear Joan! Somehow she carried off all those marriages!


No, Pat had no children. They were only married 2 years when he died but had met in high school. She remarried about 10 years later to a divorced man who had 3 children, and they have one child together.


Thanks for the info! 


From what I gather she and her current husband have five children


All feeding from the corpse of a hero.  70% plus on overhead?    Shame!


It’s truly disgusting. They’ve shot themselves in the foot. If they hadn’t touted Hazbeen, this would have remained secret


This is exactly the point of how they messed up. Crooks don't need scrutiny. Same as real housewives going on tv and ending up in jail




I reckon she’s on the hunt for at least a couple of billionaires at the least


They're giving the Clinton Foundation a run for it's money. 🙄


4 in total, 3 of them are her stepsons, she and her new husband have one son together.


They have a little girl together, too.


Didn’t see that mentioned in my search—must be new?


He has three from his prior marriage. They have two together.


No kids but she is tied to the Chicago Pritzkers, big contributors to the Aspen institute crap to censor everyone.


Ah, so it's one big circle jerk. Why am I not surprised.


No. They were waiting for him to come home….at least that’s what I read.


These people are sick.


Absolutely horrifying.


I feel so bad for Pat Tillman.


This is such a disgrace to his memory. Ugh, I am glad though these frauds are being exposed for their exploitation and abuse of platform.


Pat Tillman’s wife is co-founder and current chair of the board, so she’s just been exposed.


Her new husband is on the Board of Directors for the PTF as one of the Directors.


Saw he was one of the directors. They have a very large board for the size of the foundation.


Yep. Remarried... and apparently full of GREED.


That's the great part of all this: more scrutiny.💜☝🏾


And his Mum.


She is a hero who raised a hero and faught for him against the government lies and cover up and now against his grieving widow who is pissing on his grave.  Fornicate thyself. She is a meghanite. Ari is a meghanite. We need more Mary's and less widows and aris.


Everything that the Harkles touch turns to crap. This is a proven statement. This must be very heartbreaking for his mother and family who care about preserving and remembering Pat Tillman. The Harkles are leaches to everyone and the BRF.


Seriously. Is there anyone, anywhere that she has been involved with in any way that has not been markled?


Beyoncé and Jay-Z ?


If the P Diddy and music industry drama is still brewing, give them time.  Jay-Z is rumored to have things he’d rather keep quietly hidden.


Bey was supposed to do a bunch of publicity in support of Cowboy Carter, but P. Diddy's homes got raided by the Feds 4 days after it dropped and she and Jay literally disappeared ever since. I'm sure they know waaaaaay to much and Jay probably had some kind of involvement.


*Beyoncé and Jay-Z ?* They seem to have pretty much dropped the Harkles soon after that embarrassing photo of them standing in front of a portrait of Madame wearing a crown was circulated -- to general ridicule.


They were kinda embarrassed if it counts by that ridiculous text reading that her friends said didn't sound like anything Beyonce would say ever I think they cut after that


Not to defend the Harkles, but this Tillman Foundation was in the red long before they hooked up with the Harkles. I suspect the board received guidance to attach themselves to the Harkles to reinvigorate interest. What fools.


A Markling also means any association with the Harkles opens you up to scrutiny and people exposing publicly any dodgy dealings that previously the public wouldn’t have looked into. Since associating with the Sussexes, they’ve been found out. If you’re going to be dodgy it’s best not to shine the Sussex spotlight on your brand. Markled.


*I suspect the board received guidance to attach themselves to the Harkles to reinvigorate interest. What fools.* Well, they certainly got interest! Just not the good kind. They really should have done their research.


Yep. But sadly, we live in a world where infamy is profitable. The Harkles judge themselves based on how many clicks and views they generate.


And with media egging on Markle to attend with Harry...it certainly would reinvigorate interest, and might end in tears.. 'With the heightened controversy now surrounding the award, Royston (Newsweek) said Harry is now left with the difficult decision over whether he accepts it in person or not. "They're saying Harry deserves it because of all the work he's done with the Invictus Games in support of wounded veterans,” Royston said of ESPN. "So, for Harry, he's now got to decide whether he turns up in person to collect it." Previously, entertainment expert Mark Boardman [told *Newsweek*](https://www.newsweek.com/meghan-markle-should-make-red-carpet-return-prince-harry-espy-award-1918685) it would be a good idea for the prince to attend alongside wife, Meghan Markle, giving both an opportunity to be seen in connection with a positive cause.’ (?!)


Damn. How is this not viral. Certainly not the exposure they were wanting. Why don’t people research who they give their money to? I just don’t understand.


I'd LOVE to see this go viral but his poor mom and family. I hate this for his family!


Mary Tillman knows—that’s why she and the rest of his family have cut ties with the widow and the foundation.


She may find the silver lining in all this that it’s finally being exposed.




Pat Tillman is the soldier who was killed. Mary Tillman is his mom.


I think the trouble with us normies is that we don't by and large go around thinking how we can make millions out of peoples' goodwill and those who are, by whatever means, disadvantaged or disabled. We have a more biblical or ethical interpretation of the term charity and it isn't spelled either profiteering or business venture. These days I have lost my innocence regarding charity and believe none of it. Zero.


the harkles really did take away the shine off of humanity helping one another. These people are such vultures.


Local, small charities only for me. I had to give husband the run down on why we don't "round up for _____".


I never give money to household name charities.  They are all corrupt IMO - except the Salvation Army. 


Me too, my eyes have been opened regarding how these so called charities spend their donations.


I only give to local pet shelters.


I used to give to the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews. A couple of years ago, I saw their financial statement. That was the end of THAT.


Looks like they weren’t Markled but exactly the kind of organisation that would give a Prince an award in exchange for cash and publicity, which has exposed them. Tell me who you associate with and I’ll tell you who you are rings true in this case.


They were DEF seeking publicity with giving Him the award. Edit spelling


Well, if they're seeking publicity they got it. If they're seeking more donations, good luck with that.


Maybe all publicity is not good publicity in this case.




Though I don’t think they got the publicity they wanted because no one would have researched this before their association to H&M.


That’s my guess. You have to be suspicious of any organisation that wants to give either of them an award. It is the Pat Tillman Foundation and ESPN that are sullying his memory not the Unsuccessfuls.


Harold: “I don’t want to be judged as the Prince I was born, but the man I have become” Tillman foundation: “we don’t want to be seen as the small fund we started as, but as the notable national charity we have become” Both are getting their wish; be careful what you ask for.


Yep probably accepted his “donation” in exchange for that award.


Exactly, I was thinking of editing the post to change cash to “donation” but then again, there may be no money involved, just publicity. It’s easy to think that they buy their awards but perhaps, we should focus more on the shady organisations awarding them and exposing themselves


Yeah that’s the bright side of all this, this organizations are starting to see as bad as the Harkles.


Now it makes perfect sense why they can't renege!!! 


If their CEO is making over 186K when only administrating a 5M budget, they're getting paid too much for what they're doing. 5M is peanuts in for a NPO.


And, by the looks of it, not successful in cultivating new donors. It will be interesting to revisit this charity a year from now to see if Harry’s ESPY award generated an uptick in contributions. I wouldn’t bet on it.


Isn't the widow the CEO? Tracks.


She was in the past but isn’t currently, if memory serves. I was digging around to see who founded the charity and the site is intentionally vague. The widow is listed as “cofounder” but there are NO other founders listed, just says she started it with “friends and family”, except none of those friends or family members (such as Mary, I presume) are still involved in any capacity according to their own site. Very sketchy. The widow is currently listed as “cofounder” and member of the board, but says she served as CEO in the past.


Even if she were CEO, it doesn't make a difference. It's a charity for vets, not a gofundme for her use.


She probably doesn't agree with you on that. There's a lot of stuff you get away with if you claim charity etc.. and get the right "friends" or card to pull


I was addressing the issue of the exorbitant salary the CEO of this organization is paid, not her possibly raiding the company of assets. If she is CEO, she doesn't NEED a gofundme, she gets paid way too much already.


Lesson learned: Don't associate with Harry or Meghan unless you want your financials to be examined with a fine tooth comb.


It high time the Harkle’s were!


Oh no! That is heartbreaking! So unfair to the memory of Pat Tillman and must be so disappointing for his mother.


This needs to be brought to the attention of newspapers and media everywhere. It is an outrage to see an American Hero's name and legacy used to gain personal financial gain grifted off decent caring people's donations.


This concept is right up the harkles alley, they do the same thing, birds of a feather flock togther


Of course. Thats why people want these charities and foundations. Up to 95% can be used for administrative costs leaving just 5% for the actual charity. So the Pat Tillman Foundation only sends 25% of donations to the recipients and uses 75% for admin costs. How much does each board member make? How many free trips does the board take on the charity’s dime? Do board members get a clothing allowance? Can the board charge appearance fees? These board members are making a living from donations - that should be illegal! This needs to be widely exposed. This foundation is going to get markled. Sigh. They never learn, do they? Edited to say thank you OP. You always bring the receipts!


Can Pat's family revoke permission to use Pat's name for unsavory charities or awards? It is sullying the hero's memory.


It is his widow that is doing this, along with her second husband. That’s their fulltime jobs, milking Pat Tillman’s good name


Makes you wonder if this is why they got rid of Mary from the board


Obviously—there were rumblings that the “widow” and Mary did not get along after the Foundation was started. I would guess Mary was disgusted…


If H could find a way to start a “charity” just for himself and wifey in his Mother’s Name …he would. 


The "Princess Diana charitable trust for funding her dimwitted, useless son and his corrupt grifting wife".


Wow. This entire board should be thrown off for fiduciary mismanagement. What, exactly, is the CEO doing to justify that salary?


Banging Pat Tillman's widow is all I can see.


He’s not CEO, he’s a member of the board, the CEO is Dr. Katherine Steele.


Lol She might be doing Pat's widow too. 😂


Looks like a tax shelter for the wife - sad


Thank you for sharing this, Meegain. This is just one example of faux charities out there and people need to research who they’re donating to. Goodwill and Susan G Komen are big charities, but in reality, don’t actually do anything other than pay exorbitant salaries.


Do not get me started on Goodwill and their auction sites. Shill bidding practices with very poor merchandise.


Goodwill is AWFUL and getting worse.


The crap they sell at their stores often costs almost as much as new. It used to be a fun place to bargain hunt as well as a store where poor people could afford to get decent stuff for their families. Now I refuse to shop there or donate.


They pay an army of lobbyists to keep paying those on disability less than minimum wage. Yes-it’s legal to pay the disabled pennies on the dollar.


Tell me about it. Shakes head. Stories, stories, stories….


This is precisely WHY I only give to a local catch/release/spay/neuter/adopt cat charity. Anything national is usually bad news. One of the worst is the United Way—don’t give them a dime! Do your homework, people! The con artists rely on our charitable nature and naivete. Oh, and obviously avoid anyone who associates with the Dumbartons, particularly those who give them awards!


Susan G Komen is horrible too. Most people donate expecting their money to go to breast cancer research while it virtually all goes to overhead and “awareness” - aka big money media campaigns to bring in more money! And honestly, who needs to be “made aware of” breast cancer these days, or told of the importance of monthly breast checks and mammograms? If anyone is curious about a charity, look up to see how much their CEO makes. It’s astonishing how many make more than the President of the United States (Susan G Komen’s included!). There are charity watchdog sites like the one used in the OP that can give guidance, but I also find that local charities are the best way to make your money go far. Small, local charities are typically run by volunteers (*if* anyone makes any money it’s typically below minimum wage) and you should actually be able to SEE what your money is doing, instead of a big ol’ nationwide money pit.


I always laughed that SGK would give participants a prize for signing up—like a ring. It was probably cheap crap but isn’t that money better spent on research? If you want to do the walk, then sign up! The overhead must be outrageous for those walks. And, there is a TON of research being done at universities with taxpayer grants—I know this because 2 of my cousins are researchers who work at a California University (UC system) which is funded by the state, plus the tons of public and private grants they get. We really don’t need SGK…it’s a scam.


As a UC graduate and cancer survivor who is celebrating 6 years on July 5th, I thank your cousins for their work.


I will! Congratulations! They are super smart and dedicated. I’m a UC alum as well.


Or Red Cross— donate locally for disaster relief—


I give blood. Otherwise I have no use for the American Red Cross.


Same for me


It’s sad, but true. Giving to small local charities means you can more easily see what your money is going to, and it’s a hell of a lot easier to find out when funds are being misappropriated.


Yes, donate cat/dog/kitten/puppy dry food. Cat litter, old blankets and towels. They will be so grateful. Or non-perishable food/baby formula to a local food bank. Way more bang for the $$ and actually helps those in need.


I do my giving to Chimpanzee Sanctuary Northwest. Every dime goes to the chimps




It is pretty sad nowadays when you have to research charities before donating.  We have a thrift shop organisation called Vinnies, they are so expensive, the prices they charge for second hand stuff you can buy cheaper at K-mart. Even Lifeline shops are over charging considering everything is donated and volunteers work at these shops. 


Nearly 75% on overheads???? It's mindboggling, absolutely mindboggling. All of that cash that could be given to so many worthy people and groups, spent on running costs. I assume his widow gets a good salary from that....


Isn’t Arsewell at 95% (legal in the state of Delaware…🙄).




*Isn’t Arsewell at 95% (legal in the state of Delaware…🙄).* Maybe this debacle will help bring that to more people's attention.


And her second husband too. Its disgusting.


Well, now I understand why Harold is getting an award....


Sounds just like Archewell. I guess most of their revenue must come from people buying awards. I am learning so much about how horrible most foundations are and the world of buying awards. So sad our nation has come to this. I wish Harry and Neghan had gone to some other country.


someone on twitter saying there is a connection via a grant between Archewell and Pat Tillman foundation. I didnt look to see if true.


Told ya! I knew it. Grift grift grift—they’re not strange bedfellows with Arsewell, they’re twin bedfellows!


When I saw his mother was no longer part of the foundation, my spidey senses tingled.


Hahaha am sorry , am feeling bad for pat tillman but it just goes to prove anything Meghan and Harry touch turns to sh*t!


The Todgers never take the plank out of their own eye first.


Or is shit to begin with and they highlight it


I'm not surprised.


Always be very careful what organization you donate to. Administrators are greedy and take a huge share as you can see.


Lovely. All spent freaking Overhead, and now with Archwell $$$$, more for Marie and company to “ dine out” on the proceeds. Morton’s, Ruth C. Steakhouse. 🤮 Pay $$$$$$ to play Awards with Marie Tillman Shelton, and new hubby. horrible 2022 rating. eta.. sorry to see the above ratings post deleted.


So, you KNOW H&M are getting paid for all expenses connected to attend this award, right? They wouldn't go if it wasn't a fully expense paid trip. MM is going to wear things belonging to Diana its been revealed. Will the Tillman Foundation pay for all that Diana-wear TW likely bid on at that recent auction? My guess is....yes.....and it could amount to over $100K. This whole award ordeal is a MM scam to fleece the foundation.....right out of her IG playbook, imo.


It’s an ESPN award (just has Pat Tillman’s name on it) so wouldn’t ESPN be paying the appearance fees, travel, accommodation, food and clothing expenses? Although, given the profile of the event, Meg might be able to persuade a top designer to donate clothes to her for the advertising exposure.


Skank will be merching


Frauds, phoneys, and grifters the lot of them.


Guess which other foundation is on their not recommended list. Only Navy SEAL Foundation, the one for which they opened the Warrior fitness program facility but in this case because their assets exceed the recommended donations/assets ratio, which may indicate that not enough money is being spent on programs.


Oh, this just keeps getting better and better. Who among the general public with accounting skills would have bothered to look at the finances of the Pat Tillman Foundation and have the means to publicly disclose that it's not very charitable? In choosing a foreign, dimwit Prince for the award, the foundation put a target on itself. ESPN-Disney are now also in the hotseat for their association with this scam foundation. If the report that Serena and Alex advocated for the award is true, they can't expect to come out of this unscathed.


Maybe Serena needs to be investigated where she is investing money ? Is she involved with Better Up?


Reportedly, Alex has an investment in Better-up, but friends hiring friends in the business world is SOP. The venture capitals funding Better-up (it's still a non-public company) might have an issue with hiring Prince Harry, but it's not a matter for the public. The Pat Tillman Foundation is a charity and is subject to regulatory and public scrutiny. Football fan donors may not appreciate how little goes to charity and may object to it backing Prince Harry. So, there are potential problems for the Foundation now that that info is pubic. Sports fans, ESPN's consumer base, may also be outraged But they have to put their money where their mouths are. Serena is now looking for where to plop her wealth to generate good returns as she no longer had those income streams from tennis matches. Being connected with MM may also jeopardize any endorsement deals she has.


Omg they spent 74% of their money on “overhead”?! Someone is grifting hard on the back of a hero.


What does this mean, can someone provide more context?


The charity has basically misused funds by spending way more than the recommended 25% on overheads. It's not recommended that anyone donate to the charity. It's basically shady AF


Hope mainstream media picks this up


They spent about 5 million $ and 75% of it on salaries, etc. Not on actual charitable causes.


Charity "begins" at home!


and there are only 15 employees?


I bet the one who does the most real work is a regular employee on 30K a year.


16 employees, 13 board members, almost one each.


Grifting is universal.


"overhead" is salary for the CEO, their lush travel expenses, dinners out, etc etc etc All these foundations are like that, if you want to give, call a local bootstrapped charity and ask them what they need in terms of goods (many need new blankets, coats, canned goods, etc) , and donate that not cash.


Everywhere they go, they leave behind wreckage.


In addition to the CEO making $186,583, they also have 2 directors making over $100,000: Sabrina Perales- $125,875 Stephanie Kuenn - $122,193 You can find that on the charity navigator.org link below.


Congratulations to the greedy widow. She has just ensured donations will drop because of this and their grift will dry up.


What percentage of donations go to archiewell admins?


Probably 24.5% of the remaining 25%!


https://pattillmanfoundation.org/leadership/ New husband is also on the Board of Directors


This is disgusting. Expose this scam foundation


Stop donating


Excellent find, OP and ourrecollection. Markled/Markling is such a good, descriptive word. It means (1) a person or organisation who/which has something to hide ended up being under scrutiny and exposed; (2) a person/ organisation dragged down by the association with Meghan Markle and Harry and losing popularity; (3) a friend/associate discarded by Meghan Markle. People or organisations with no foresight, like Pat Tillman's widow, brought this Markling to herself. Looks like the foundation is, like Archwell, just a scam. Shame on her for tainting the name of a true hero.


Bloody depressing !!


This is disgraceful. I am so tired of the greed in this country. It makes me sick. Charities, foundations etc should not be allowed to spend more than 5-10% on their overhead and the rest should be given to who it’s intended for. Not the other way around. No one should be getting rich off of running a charity. And what’s even worse is the majority of donations come from everyday people who take what little they have to try and help others! Yet it never makes it those people who need it, instead it goes directly into the pockets of the wealthy. It’s legally robbery!! Think about Meghan she so desperately wanted a foundation before her and Harry were even married and why? THIS is why. It’s nothing more than a slush fund and a place to laundry money through. Look at how little Meghan and Harry have given and what they have given is all tracked back to awards, influence and PR to try and make her look good. When this year’s spending comes out in the future tax returns wanna make a bet there’s a donation to this foundation! It will be some small amount for services rendered. But at that point the general public will have long forgotten and they never put two and two together anyways.


73.4% ?? 😳


This is a bio of Joe Shenton, Pat Tillman's widow's husband. Just FYI. Joe is an original Partner of Summit Trail Advisors by way of Lehman Brothers (then Barclays) where he was a Senior Vice President. Joe began his financial services career in 2001 with Sanford Bernstein where he was a Principal. He was co-founder and CEO of software service company JobPlex, which he sold in early 2001, and prior to that was Senior Vice President of Operations with business services firm EPS Solutions. Joe is a founding Board Director of Evolution Risk Partners, Advent US, Jet Linx Chicago, Relish Works, Inc. and is an Operating Partner of Shore Capital. Joe also serves as an Advisor to several closely held businesses including Gordon Food Service. Joe’s civic engagement includes current board service with the Pat Tillman Foundation, Chicagoland Entrepreneurial Center, 1871, Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago (past), the Illinois Institute of Technology (past), and Big Shoulders Foundation (past).


Sounds like a typical “investment“ scammer guy just ripe for prison…allegedly


Oh O they have been markled. The markled omen has struck again


Holy s*** that is TERRIBLE! Great sleuting OP!


Employees working for charities shouldn't be paid. 😡 Poor Pat's mom.


I hate to see that; what a blotch on that wonderful man’s memory! Somebody somewhere needs to get their stuff straight. I’ll bet his mother is so upset…


Well there goes my defense.


Personally even after my divorce, I would never have done anything disrespectful to his family., even now 30 years later. It was never a war but the end of a relationship


Shades of the Sir Thomas Moore Foundation once his daughter got her mitts on it.


The one hour a week they work is spent searching for shady awards they can buy or foundations they can attach their names to and thereby steal credit or fellow grifters for mutual publicity.


It would be good for someone in the media to pick this up and make a documentary on all these charitable foundations, the general population needs to be aware of all of this. Members of my family have left large amounts to charity in their wills in the past, it makes me angry to think it may of been going towards someones clothes as an expense. I think of all the people I know that volunteer their own time to community causes, sometimes they even spend out of their own pocket. State schools in this country (England, I am uncertain about whole of UK) have a board of governors which is a voluntary role, the head teacher and one or two more may be on the board but others will be individuals in the local area, plus a few parents, local vicar, all volunteers. The schools couldn't run without them. These people are invaluable to local communities and society as a whole. It is disgusting that this can even be possible.


So their foundation is really just a piggy bank. No wonder they sell awards. It's a grift. I feel terrible for Pat Tillman's mother.