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I think that the tabloids don’t pay for all of the fluff articles, they have in-house writers that rehash stuff, info that is already out in the public domain. Tabloids know that the Harkles garner clicks so they post non-articles to make money and fill the magazine. THIS IS WHY WE SHOULDN’T CLICK! (Please god make them go away). According to Google freelance writers are paid around $1 a word, sometimes more if it is breaking news or a new photograph. I am sure that Rachel’s publicist sends some of the articles to the tabloids but I don’t think that they all come from Montecetoland.


Exactly just encourages them, I get my info about their shenanigans here and elsewhere lol


My feeling has always been there is dark money behind these two. They are chaos agents, disrupters causing trouble in two major countries. I can think of a few that might find that sort of thing attractive. Jmo.


Canadian here- and we currently are having some big issues/investigations into foreign political interference, particularly by China and India. Would not surprise me at all to find that something similar is going on here- All they do is sew chaos, wherever they go. I may be naive, but surely this much of a disaster has to be intentional. I can’t fathom someone like M being this damaging as a result of some accidental, unfortunate, catastrophic, organic personality disorder.


I’ve suspected Russian influence over those two, destabilizing the UK and the USA, the place they stayed in BC on the island had ties to an oligarch. CBC did a piece on it https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.6419328


I’m quite sure the Uber wealthy Russian oligarchs would be frequent flyers at SoHo house- not inconceivable that Madame M would be quite open to any offers that would bring her money. In fact, I’m having a hard time thinking of anything she wouldn’t do for money. The epitome of morally corrupt.


Agreed. As the world becomes increasingly destabilized governments NEED to act on these outside interferences, I hope Canada does because we are sitting in a place that will be highly coveted when shit hits the fan.


In this case I think both things are true, foreign interference and Megvil 😈 personality disorder. FUBAR!


This Canadian agrees with you


I agree completely. I think Markus operates his clubs, has many "friends" like Meghan, and that the entire Soho house enterprise is a spy kompromat gathering system for the so called social elite, with bonus honeypot action if you're dim enough to fall into a woman's hotel room and ... Disregarding a lifetime of warning to watch out for just such a situation that could make him vulnerable to blackmail or emotional pressure. Meghan played him like a concert piano, wearing Diana's perfume, cosplaying as her for months beforehand.


It’s curious that all of those IPOs have fizzled away. The ones that were going to make them billions.Too much money was put into them as a “face”. None of the IPOs have launched. It’s all *wait for it, wait for it. The market is adjusting, steady on, the stabilization is coming - Meghan’s got her hand on the tiller. The thing is, Meghan’s hand has been on the tiller all along, This One loves having Hollywood types tell him how fabulous he is. Everyone hopes to get a tiny bit of ROI, daft c*nts.


Yes, and this is the backstory to the Tillman award. Serena and hubby invested in BetterUp with Harry as chimpo . They are trying to big up haz and BetterUp to recoup the investment. Apparently it's fairly worthless, now trying hard for American military contracts. It has not yet had an IPO.


I think, my opinion only, quite a bit. The were all doing it from SoHo days, trying to sell a desperate lifestyle that no longer existed, then leveraging loneliness into caring and authenticity, and healthy living, let’s not forget Better-Up! and every single bit of it was about the money. There is not a philanthropic bone about any of them.


Agree 💯


More like meghans got her hand in the till I'd say.


Absolutely! Mine, mine, mine. ![gif](giphy|JOLeBruZyl3fqfHNEr|downsized)


🫴🫴Give Me Give Me...gain all your money💰


Well said 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻


I wonder why KC3 went to the opening of the one in turkey?


Things that make you go hmmmmm…quid pro quo perhaps?


He didn’t. He was on royal business in Türkiye the same time the SH Istanbul opened.


All the liberal California DA's backed by Soro's and his sons organizations should be investigated. I think they are pushing all this heavily.




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Who know what lies beneath the sheets of the duchess of chlamydia? The shadow knows!




A snail trail and sweat stains from her armpits.


A man with disease running thru him☠️


What is the point of throwing money after two people no one cares about? RF doesn't care General public doesn't care We only care if we can snark about it TOW does not make money from it, or at least no more than pocket change. I don't tjink they are as disruptive as they are anniying, like a mosquito in the dark when you are trying to sleep. I mean I am sure MeGain wishes she was important, but she is a small fish.


I agree. The conspiracy theories cross too much into sugar territory for me sometimes. I'm sure they had some questionable friends and perhaps some shady deals (Archewell itself could stand a microscope) but I'd like to think a massive conspiracy of the size discussed would be capable of making these two *likable.* To fail so spectacularly at every turn is very inept business decisions. I put that blame with Harry and Meghan. Is there interference on an information level? Wouldn't surprise me. But it's simply not working. The tide is quite visibly turning, especially if you looked at how loved they were after the wedding, how they still had a big fanbase until Oprah, and then that was the bomb thrown. No coming back from that, and Netflix and Spare were just as bad.


Agree about Archwell. I believe every "business" they set up is designed to get them as many tax breaks as possible while allowing them to funnel gifts and donations into their personal coffers. #grifters I don't think MeGain was quite as savvy about this when single, but was still working some kind of system. I highly doubt that she had more than the bare minimum of savinges and nothing near the 5M that sugars cling to. No one who works as little as she does is ever going to be wealthy unless they marry into it, which she did. #grifter Thank God Anne holds the purse strings for some of H's potential income.


I've always heard she had a $3 million net worth when she met Harry, but I agree. That money was long gone. Sugars don't factor in cost of living. Many of us would likely have a million or two as net worth by the time we reach our mid 30s, but that doesn't mean we have that in the bank. Mortgage/rent, car payments, insurance, utilities, taxes, groceries, clothing, and then add in frivolous expenses like vacations, daily coffee runs, new phones (and monthly plan), etc. and it eats away at it. Look at the way Meghan spends money and I think she was probably robbing Peter to pay Paul when she snagged Harry. Her alleged campaign alone to social climb to him was very expensive!


Sugars reference $5 mill but how does someone with very little screen time in a 2 bit cable show bank that? They don't...but a yacht girl might have 1/4 of that. She liked travel too, but if it was anything like now she was basically hitch hiking (or sleeping) her way from here to there.


There have been blind items about some questionable donors reaching to them when megxit first started & they moved to Canada. The estate wasn’t just a friend of David Fosters, it belonged to a Russian oligarch. There was an article a while back about anti monarchist funding the Sussex squad & pro H&M social media campaigns. So yeah, wouldn’t be surprised if theres some shady happenings with who’s funding them.


Well they are close to all their Russian friends.




The most important thing for Marke is to be seen and heard. She would starve her own children to accomplish that goal.


I think that’s true! She like the mom who leaves her kids in the car 4 hours while she’s gambling in the casino.


**You can't starve a Cabbage Patch Doll.**


I'm assuming it's her, or Harry or archewell or someone she's blackmailing or owes her a favor. My question is how much does each puff piece cost?




Actually, imho the puffery has gone down. Both the tabloids and the rags now write critical stories about Meghan Markle - and sure, the occational puff piece here and there to try and cover the really bad news about Harry destroying evidence and the award (KC flying to Monteshitshow, Harry banging at the gates to be let in, Madam finishing filming). My guess is the papers now tell the interns to write something and they turn up the old, well known stories again. And then just now there is a lot about the award and the destruction of evidence. And the clapbacks are not enough to drown that.


rewritten and slap today's date on. Also they probably think they have to run something positive if they are going to criticise Sussexes for balance.


It’s not even people at this point - it’s ChatGPT - if you look at the author’s name on some of those articles it says “web desk”.


A lot of these outlets need filler and are glad to run these pieces, especially tabloids. They take a submission, rewrite it and slap on a byline - makes their jobs easier. She may not be paying for all of it.


I think they are using Archewell as a money laundering tool of some type. All those Delaware corporations also make me suspicious too.


I would love to see the Harkles go down for money laundering, embezzlement, fraud, or the go to goodie, tax evasion. IRS don't play.


IRS don't play with the plebs. They cut the rich breaks all the time. Nothing will happen to Harry because of it. We don't like it and TPTB don't care.


I think some of the publications just do it for clicks.


Lol it's funny that you think Harry has any control over their finances.


It's funny that there are people that think they *have* finances! Having been legal field adjacent decades ago the second I read one of his solicitors claim Harry "was an old hand at the discovery process" and that Harold was working on the document procurement I KNEW they were BROKE.  It's shocking Shillings still even wants to work with him under those circumstances. Though I do wonder if the firm itself only learned about that for the first time with the rest of us.  I feel doubtful Sherbourne will have any sort of career after these cases.   My Lady C branded crystal ball tells me Sherbourne will be making an announcement that he's decided to take a sabbatical after which he'll start his own firm.   No one is walking away from these dealings with the sadim prince happy.


I mean, they are laundering a lot of money. Where did the extra $5 million go off the filing of the charity? Got 6, filed 1 mil. God knows how much the other donor donated. But she is a million in debt as per HW rumor mill about which Harold has no idea about.


And what about the alleged $9M that Doria has squirreled away?


Completely agree! I posted a few days ago... "'The man who represents himself has a fool for a client.' This applies whether one is truly the de facto lawyer or just doing the scut work. Harry is royally screwed. And not in a fun way." And the reason I know this personally (as a non-legal-field-adjacent person) is that my company was sued by an idiot employee & in my deposition, her shit-for-brains attorney was reading questions that SHE HANDED HIM IN FRONT OF ME & MY ATTORNEY. Like I said, I have NO legal experience. My background is healthcare. People that can afford excellent attorneys do not have to do the legwork. People that can't afford excellent attorneys have to do the scutwork themselves.


hopefully Sherbourne can get people to remember he won Wagatha Christie WAG lawsuit and forget about Harry


Theory incoming, just guesses: The magazines like *Harper’s Bazaar, Marie Claire, People*, I believe, are paid to run stories. I could be wrong about this. If there’s any way that an advertiser can be promoted, I think it helps. Also, if someone like Netflix (for example) wanted to promote a show, they might pay for placement or mentions. It may not always come from the Harkles’ PR budget. Publications like *The DailyMail* and other tabloids might just do it as clickbait. (Or they might take money, who knows?)


I’m assuming archewell/invictus/whatever other “charity” they have.


Don’t click on puff headlines about Harkles, it all soo tiresome now


Maybe the reason they're broke is because Meghan spends all their money on puff pieces.


Her PR team. They probably have a huge budget.


They do. The California source.


Not every piece of puffery is funded by MM. Divisive gossip claims get clicks and likes and are easy to write. I’d wager it’s about 50/50. Saying that Meghan is funding 100% gives her way more power and influence than she actually has.


"Check's in the mail, Tom. Keep up the good work!" https://preview.redd.it/vy8u4dkendad1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fcf7128b8a734c625ac609279d2b2cafbabff69e


Mostly Meghan and her overpaid pr team I would imagine


1. She looks like Dorothy from Wizard of Oz 2. The assignment is to dress like American flag vomit, not a prim English girl. Headbands with flags, loud shirts or dresses or shorts with flags all over them in beads or sequins or something. Has Meghan ever been to any 4th of July parade, ever?


Russia and China


Royal Reporters say the PR money all comes from Harry. However, Meegainyc has found out there are nefarious donators to them, by the millions. As I’ve said, she’s spending $200k a month on this stuff. But I believe they cut back for this month, which was planned, btw, because they had to pay the Pat Tillman Award graft, which may have cost them a LOT, more than just $200k, maybe a million?


Well, Tillman's widow needs the cash. Based on the financial statement, Pat Tillman award needs the money badly. IMO.


She married a wealthy guy though. [https://www.linkedin.com/in/joe-shenton-6b37748/](https://www.linkedin.com/in/joe-shenton-6b37748/)


Bet they asked their Russian or Chinese friend for a loan. Can't wait till they start asking them that they want their money back. It will be very interesting.


They pay a lot of money for PR (well, eventually paid a lot of money, in the case of Sunshine Sachs). WME - if they are still responsible for them - would likely push a lot of puff pieces. Meghan does some herself, calling Backgrid which could earn her a small story. Keep in mind, these two don't sell magazines anymore, but they do garner a massive amount of hate-clicks. People will not spend money on a product with their face on it, but they will absolutely click on a story to go right to the comments. And with Princess Catherine - who actually *does* sell magazines, but also gets a lot of clicks - has stepped back for most of the year, the media is losing a ton of money by not having her face out there. And losing even more now that the Wales' bypass them and no longer send pictures in for big events, ever since the Mother's Day witch hunt. Now the media has to pull the pics off their socials instead of getting it a day early, meaning by the time they get it in the papers, it's old news (shot themselves in the foot and I love it!). The only comparable royals or former royals to get as many clicks as the Wales' are Harry and Meghan, so it's to their benefit - for now - to post a meaningless olive branch story or some other drivel, just to push people into clicking.


Good question, the answer to that is buried deep in Meghan Markle's worn out purse.


Maybe she has a pay-in-4 instalment plan with the news sites.




Man, if that's true, Raytch is a tough cookie. I've read some of the stuff the Russians do to Naomi Campbell and she's tough AF to be running with that crew. They're like the most crude, rough, basic, beginner humans out there, those Russian criminals are brutes. I'd avoid them and no amount of money would convince me any involvement is worth the trade.


I only said that, cause she housed up in a Russians house, in Canada.


I'm not sure, but I'm not reading them or clicking on them.


According to a certain recent blind, she's about a million dollars in debt that she's, allegedly, hiding from Harry. Could be related.


The present admin's minions? I mean how else is the Homeland security involve in the case of Harry's Visa. Then we have Samantha's defamation suit against Megaballz dismissed. Then we have the never-ending rebranding backed by WME owned by Ari whose bro is Rahm.Then there's Sara Latham of Sunshine Sach who previously worked for Hillary Clinton doing CPR to the meg's flopping career, etc. Do they see Harry as an asset they can use, hence the desperate parade of awards and accolades trying to build him up in the eyes of the public? What is the long term goal here? Pass the 2 invisikids as heir apparent and gain a foothold to the crown jewels and properties? I dunno. Edit. what else is one to think with the hushing and shushing of mainstream media and demonetizing of YTbers.


I'm afraid American taxpayers are footing the bill. For security and everything else.


I agree with your opinion on this. IMO, US citizens are TOTALLY paying the security bill for Rachel Meghan Markle and Prince Harry amongst other things.