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Why does every toddler who is in Mehgan's clutches, look like they are being held hostage?!


Not to mention another blurry photo taken with a potato.


The sooner Archie gets his Leica, the better!




Generic small child. Unfortunately, looking rather aged. No doubt from stress. "Must look perfect or Mama will be mad."


Is she supposed to be 1 or 2? Looks around 3 Ā½


I was just going to say that that kid is at least three years old.


I suppose that was the best the Rent-A-Kid agency could provide.


Seriously - are people taking these pictures on Nokia 3310s?! I don't even have a top-of-the-line Android phone and my pics, even if I zoom in on something over 100m away, especially during daylight, takes good, clear pictures!


Because of what her brother said about kids and animals.


Thatā€™s chilling.


Yet Madame looks more in focus than the child actor. Weird weird weird


Mughan has wrinkles and bad skin to blur out.


Right? Like an apparition of a kid who once was


That child looks like sheā€™s trying to get to her real mom.




Exactly šŸ¤£šŸ˜†šŸ¤£šŸ˜†šŸ¤£šŸ˜†šŸ¤£




Bigfoot comes to mind


I saw someone tried to clean up the pic with remini and it looks scary. Not a fan of the app. https://preview.redd.it/6xw69cgu3fad1.jpeg?width=468&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c8b9ef4f38f107692cf57f7f268ba40ce041b112


Oh boy! Poor child. She looks like a cross between Aitch and Thomas Markle


with her Momā€™s curly hair


That child does not look at all like the one pictured in their formally issued first birthday photo allegedly in Windsor. It does look like the one in the Netflix birthday party video where Archifichal climbed onto the table.


Whose adult teeth are those? Oh god I just scrolled up and realized it was still Markle and her old teeth.


And you can clearly see that's not Meghan Markle. I've been saying it since the video was published. The same was with the Halloween picture, which was some random couple.


And possibly crying


Exactly. That poor kid is bawling and it's probably because Meghan is making everybody miserable.


They usually are with Mommy Dearest. Kids and animals can sense evil. ![gif](giphy|xUA7baImJc3hE8KW1a|downsized)


The Christina girl in this movie irritated the heck out of me. I thought, why couldnā€™t she use the good hangers?


Probably because they are. No one is safe from THE CLAW ![gif](giphy|3o7TKzANCnKkHobz2M)


And why are her pigtails sticking out like Pippie Longstocking's? I used to put my daughter's hair in pigtails and they never stuck out like that.


probably hair too thin. My daughter had v. thin hair, also sparse, and slow growing. There wasn't enough hair, and it was too thin/light, to weight down so yeah, pippi look.


https://preview.redd.it/xwt18kmuldad1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cd84e94c7ea594c5865052aec0c47aa75ba37985 Iā€™m afraid my grandmother did those same damn poytails on me. Then again this is probably 1986. And I look about as happy about it as the girl seems tošŸ˜‚


You looked adorable! It's very early Cindy Brady or Buffy from *Family Affair*. https://preview.redd.it/lfhktcpdsdad1.png?width=329&format=png&auto=webp&s=dec1d4cf1600d4b682811a33a07ff1adc667e722


Aww thank you. Youā€™re too kindšŸ’™ I always figured my grandmother wanted me to look like some weird Victorian but now that you mention it she raised my mother in the Brady Bunch era so that tracks lol


Well, in your photo, you do look like a small princess! I think many mothers or grandmothers fall in love with the idea of really dressing up their young daughters or grand-daughters, because they know how cute it'll be.


Youā€™re not wrong. Grandmaā€™s do that šŸ˜Š


I was obsessed with the Brady bunch as a child, and always tried to get my hair to do this! Sadly, I was not successful. LOL.


Thatā€™s what I thought too! I loved Buffy.


Yeah Iā€™m annoyed by the hair. All the trouble with the overly formal (for a rando California summer parade) dress and shoes and her hair looks like that?!? Pick a lane.


I thought at the time the photo of Harry carrying her was put out last year that it appeared that her hair had a wavy texture or had been crimped all the way up to very near her head. That would help pigtails have more "lift", for lack of a better term, and would also help the hair keep its styling. I mean . . . surely the child doesn't have a perm, but there is absolutely nothing I would put past them.


Waiting for the rounds of plastic surgery they will be subjected to, to look the way mommy wants.


Awww-mini Thomas markle.


Exactly. I think that's why we never see them.


Right. She's not black and she's not Diana's doppelganger


Ugh. I hate how they hashtag everything as royal. There is nothing royal about these people.


I don't get it. Meghan and Harry were purportedly rebelling against royal life, so in theory shouldn't that be insulting?


And Iā€™m wondering about the poster, RoyalsBritain? Bet it only covers the dreaded Harkles, but theyā€™re trying to link this mess to the UK.


All part of trying to appear royal adjacent so that they can eventually worm their way back in, in a half in half out way. Harry is said to be furious that they get no invitations to royal events and is allegedly planning to buy Raine Spencerā€™s old house so that he can ā€˜forceā€™ the RF to include them! He no doubt thinks itā€™s their ā€˜ birthrightā€™ to attend Trooping, Ascot etc . and his total global trashing of the RF an irrelevancy. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thinking_face_hmm)


They donā€™t realize that the more they abuse the royal name and titles and falsely style themselves HRH, the more abhorrent they make themselves to the real royals.


And most of the world!


I always thought that outfit looked very much more British than American kid attire.


100%, it's v similar to the clothes Wales' children wear in public. I would bet that Megs copies and buys all the same brands.


Exactly. But Meghan sure doesn't copy the quality of the photos. The Wales children's photos are beautiful, crisp, clear photos. But Meghan's photos are always distorted and blurred---- and in this photo her child is looking away and crying.


Being Meghan, she never quite gets it right.


Not even close to right.


That's because it's a poor imitation of Charlotte's outfit. Freaks. https://preview.redd.it/a7zfedp8rdad1.jpeg?width=691&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=244461162c8ec73b2db466745b942ff15e6f0c14


Little Charlotte looks so adorable! Sheā€™s certainly growing into a beautiful girl.


For decades, little British girls have always worn the kind of soft little above-ankle socks like Charlotte is wearing here. Look at pics of Princess Elizabeth and Margaret-Rose, or their cousins and contemporaries....they all wore them. It's classic and very sweet. What they do NOT wear are stretchy nylon knee-high socks, such as Lily was wearing. That is an American style, not British. If MM was aiming for her daughter to be wearing a British little girl outfit, she failed with the socks.


And a beautiful Liberty lawn cotton dress with gorgeous smocking and a little Peter Pan collar. Not that big heavy flappy thing the other child is wearing.


OMG, it is! Markle cosplaying her husband's dead mother is bad enough. Looking at this photo, you can see that they were dressing that child up as Charlotte, too! Except they had knee-high socks on the poor kid.


I just LOVE this picture! Must really burn Megsy's ass that history will look back and there's no record of the Harklets having even met their great Gran while the other kids have these precious memories.


Thank you, I too thought it looked familiar


She was going for the ā€œroyal princess lookā€ and made a mash out of that. Despite claiming sheā€™d never subject her children to those costumes. The shoes were fine. The long sleeved dress and knee socks in July in California were ridiculous. The huge collar, equally so. This is like fundy dressing. But sheā€™s got her Breton jumper artfully draped. šŸ™„ Give us peace.


I think itā€™s an adorable outfit but (per her usual) weird for the event/temperature.


Sold out the previous Autumnā€™s stock no doubt.


Exactly, bringing her little Brit princess to an American July 4 parade. Maybe she expected the peons to curtsey??


Never in a million years should any American bow or curtsey to any of the Harkles. Deference to someone with a hereditary title does not fly in this country.


She was prepping for the Baptism/ Tyler Perry/ **Princely announcements**. *People Magazine* alone turned up.


Thats the kind of outfit I used to wear when I was a kid 30 years ago!! šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


A lot of us (even in the US) did back then but not now days and definitely not to a parade. Even in the 70s and 80s my mom dressed me in play clothes for events like that.


And definitely not to a parade in July! Who puts their kid in knee socks in July in the U.S.?? šŸ„µ


The same person who didnā€™t want stockings for kids at her wedding. Because kidā€™s shoes are meant for bare feet. šŸ¤Ø


She really DOES need to be kept away from children & animals šŸ˜ 


Well, to be fair, Madam didn't put *their* kid in knee socks.


The Mom who says "I finally found a pair of socks that match!"


Even in the 90s, my mom did the same. There was no way in hell she or my sister were going to let my little raggedy ass out of the house in something cute if I wasnā€™t going to be tied to one of them for the duration of the event. Do kids even have a concept of play clothes these days????


In the 90s I dressed my son in dress clothes for mass/church, big events, etc. but stuff like this Garanimals (cheap play clothes brand here for no-US sinners)! He was not going to tear up those good clothes playing!


Thatā€™s what my mom did. Every day at school, I was dressed like a little doll (like Chucky), and the minute I got home, I had to change because, inevitably, I was going to do something that would destroy my cute little pinafore dresses and saddle shoes https://preview.redd.it/1mqtha08pdad1.jpeg?width=3264&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e76d29f8d7e6638665cb2acaeed85eb065c23735 This outfit was 100% play clothes. I couldnā€™t even look at an animal while in my school clothes šŸ¤£


Us too. As soon as we got home we had to change our clothes and reverently fold up what weā€™d worn to school.


And decades before you, that'd be the outfit I'd wear for a grade school class photo!


Thatā€™s the same outfit Iā€™m wearing in a black and white photo from 70 years ago. The black and white wasnā€™t artistic, it was before color photography!


That's an outfit you put on a girl when she goes to mass or a special gathering. Not for him to play on a 4th of July day where there will be other children in a parade of vehicles.


The outfit is cute, but it's meant for show, not for having fun on a holiday. Poor kid.


It is a cheap replica of an outfit Princess Charlotte wore at that age. Except Princess Charlotte was very neat, her dress fit, and her hair was done better.


Yep. https://preview.redd.it/wnw6ovfkrdad1.jpeg?width=672&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a289a650e77c10f543da8010bb6ddbe0fed4672e It's amazing. I do not blame the child AT ALL, so don't come at me for that, but like mother like daughter the cosplay version looks a mess.


Agreed. At that age if my child looked a mess it was me (or the little boy in him decided he was playing like there was no tomorrow and made a mess). But if his hair was unkempt I did not get him to the barber. He had no say in that.


Exactly. I know some parents who allow their children to run around looking like they haven't been cleaned in a few days, with messy hair, dirty hands and faces, etc, and that's their business. But, while it was natural for my daughter to get dirty as a child, we kept her genetically clean and presentable, ESPECIALLY for any kind of occasions. I'm not a fan of the rolled-out-of-bed look for anyone. The little girl is just a toddler so she has no say or input in how she looks, so it's 100% on the parents.


Iā€™ve always felt if a child showed up neat (even in play clothes) and left messy they had fun. If they showed up a hotmess it was the parents doing.


That's exactly it. And it wouldn't even be such a big issue if they didn't blatantly cosplay one of Charlotte's outfits, especially one that looked neat and put together in comparison. Had they just dressed the girl in any other dress, there'd be nothing else to compare to, but no, they just had to do their creepy stalker stuff.


That lunatic Markle single white femaled her 2 year old daughter. That is so sick, I can't even find the words to describe how sick that is.


And anyone who thinks it wasn't a big deal should consider how it would look and how they would feel if this stuff came from their own sister-in-law. First she creepily cosplays your dead MIL, then you, then starts dressing her daughter like you did yours years earlier. It's one thing to wear hand me downs (I grew up in those myself), but it's entirely another to seek out clothes in similar colours, cuts, and patterns to dress your own child like that of your self-proclaimed rival. It's just not right.


I canā€™t stand seeing children in pajamas anywhere (including the airport). My mother always, always made sure we were turned out looking clean and neat.


No it is absolutely not the little girl's fault. She is 2, she can't fix her own hair, or find a dress that fits her. The people who dressed the little girls are responsible for what they look like. Meghan Markle is always a mess and so is anyone she dresses.


Yes, that's what I said in the comments above. I don't blame the little girl here in any way; it was more a dig at the parents.


Oh yeah, Harry's tri colored shirt.


Wow, proof that pic was badly photoshopped.


Princess Charlotte has never had impossible toddler hair. My kid had that 'can't comb it neatly' for years. I even would brush it AT day care so they could see that I DID brush my kid's hair and 30 seconds later it poofed out like static electricity Einstein.


Markle had hair her father didnt know how to handle. This kid doesn't have that kind of hair. It's possible the girl was throwing a tantrum when her mother was trying to do her hair. Also possible narc mother did it like that on purpose. Although to me it would seem she would want her kid picture perfect. I pity the kids who will naturally throw tantrums as kids do . Narc mother will go into a rage


This is why Iā€™m convinced the kids arenā€™t hers. We all know Meghan used keratin treatments to straighten her hair because itā€™s naturally super tight & curly. Genetically speaking, curly hair is a dominant gene & straight hair is a recessive gene. I have a lot of friends whose kids are mixed race & all their kids have lighter coloured hair with super tight, textured curls. Those kids would have curly textured hair if they were actually Meghanā€™s.


But the Markle child's dress still somehow cost 20 times more. No one knows why.


This outfit is completely inappropriate for an American 4th of July celebration in southern Ca. I love the look, but itā€™s for school. A parade requires shorts, jeans and a patriotic t shirt. Tennis shoes.


https://preview.redd.it/4of7gcpvedad1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=468a6b651e19e3b5f664f6c895f2e664e5afc063 Lili looks cute. So did Charlotte the first time. Edited to add: Pic is from the Cambridgeā€™s visit to Canada Sept 24 - October 1, 2016. **Meghan Markle was already dating Harry by then and absolutely would have been seeing pics of Charlotte in Torontoā€™s papers.** Charlotte was also dressed similarly (pics from others on the sub) at a Balmoral pic with Queen E II post Megxit.


Good God theyā€™re cosplaying the child!!!


I know. It is so sick. Little Betty at 2 was given a job, show up that Princess Charlotte. Meghan Markle was pitting 2 year olds against each other! It is so sick and so stupid.


First Meghan copied Diana, and now sheā€™s making her child copy Charlotte.


šŸ˜² they are pathological and need to be locked up in their mansion and never let out.


Harry looks like Damien from 'The Omen' in this photo!


Also funny that Lilibucks wears the long socks that Meghan absolutely forbid Charlotte (and the other miniature bridesmaids) to wear at her wedding to Sparry!


BuT tHe RoYaL fAmIlY iS rAcIsT


It looked like she was cosplaying Princess Charlotte. For those outside of the US, the 4th of July is a time for children to run around, get dirty and eat messy treats. It's a day of picnics, pool parties and bbqs. The dress code is shorts, t shirts and sundresses, it's a very casual day. It's also typically a long day. There are parades in the morning, picnics and bbqs all day long and fireworks at night. If my children didn't have ice cream melted on their cloths and a few grass stains as well it was only because it washed off in the pool. Poor child was way over dressed for the occasion.




I think it looks like how kids were dressed mid century. I remember dresses and shoes like this. But never to the town parade.


Loads of wee girls still go about in nice age-appropriate dresses, with combed hair, and looking delighted. DM, I know šŸ™„ but this wasnā€™t the only story about: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-6984017/amp/Meghan-Markle-ditch-outdated-style-Kate-Middletons-children-wear-former-royal-nurse-claims.html


Very interesting! So the grifter ends up copying her SILā€™s children. Must be part of her modernizing campaign.


Despite denigrating it. Whoā€™ll be starring amongst that star-studded crowd next? šŸ˜’


Eh, I dressed my kids like this when they were little. Itā€™s classic.


Same. I have pics of my mom dressed in a smocked dress. Pics of me and my sister in smocked dresses. I bought my own daughter several smocked dresses, which I have now passed down to my 2 granddaughters. Wonders. I bought them in the US, too. Dillards and Pennys carry them. They're not specific to any country. However, I didn't take my daughter to a July 4th parade in one. It's on dirty, messy streets.


Same. Iā€™d still dress my child in these dresses and little Mary Jane shoes, if theyā€™d let me and they were still that age. Although, Iā€™d never dress them in these dresses for a parade though. Usually just shorts and a patriotic shirt with a ponytail or pigtails.


It was an attempt to.


The upper middle class and upper class in the south dress a lot like this with some added smocked pieces and French hand sewn dresses and outfits. Very British with some extra twists. I enjoy seeing our childhood pictures because our mother dressed us in classics. I love this cute little outfit on her, and I have no criticism in this case. This is a lot like the Wales children dress, and I like it. Personally I would have done a sundress and some saltwater sandals IF hot, but it MAY not have been hot in California that day. Honestly I have a lot of criticisms of them, but not this. I much prefer a timeless, classic look for myself and children.


Im a boy mom and we're done but if I had had a little girl that was what I would've been most excited about. Smocked outfits are just the cutest.


Doesnā€™t Lolo have a no-socks policy for Mary Janes? https://preview.redd.it/rr9z2ouzddad1.png?width=1138&format=png&auto=webp&s=3d25f15369915eb0b71905cf4137de99b3cea25c Poor Princess Charlotte. And visually, itā€™s not a good look.


Lolo: Rules for thee but not for me, got it šŸ˜žšŸ˜ž


Poor Princess Charlotte! It's obvious her little feet were made raw by no socks in her shoes. She was in a lot of discomfort, obviously.


Being fair, Meghan didn't want tights. I 100 percent agree as it was almost summer, Tights Are The Devils Handwork!! A lot of kids will not wear tights. That said, they still make those frilly ankle socks that are perfectly dressy to wear with Mary Janes. Eliminating blisters and stank foot.


But there are thin tights, like hosiery. I had some when I was young and we wore those on special occasions in summer with no problems.


I thought it had more to do with decency, with these little girls in dresses being photographed from all angles.


I think it is for comfort (in their shoes) and also decency. Plus, I think it gives a more polished look for a formal wedding. JMO.




I was just glad to see she'd grown legs, poor little love dumpling. They keep circulating that same damn legless potato picture, I was starting to worry she was a tadpole.


My girls wore similarā€¦ to church or parties at Grandmaā€™s or a nice restaurant. For a Fourth of July parade in the neighborhood? Shorts/tee or sundress and sandals.


Right, and probably a few dribbles on your shirt from an ice cream cone, popsicle, or watermelon, along with every other kid. šŸ˜„ Supposed to be having fun out there!


I dressed my kids like this when they were little, it was so sweet. No knee socks because Texas, but I loved the classic look.


For church or school, yeah. For the town parade in July - never! Even in Ohio it was too hot to wear long sleeves on the Fourth of July.


Madam is well known for her poor taste in dressing herself, so why would her choice of clothes for the kid playing Little Betty be any different?


Cosplaying Princess Charlotte.


That kid is NOT, I repeat, NOT 2 years old .


My thoughts too. Something very off about this picture


Agree.....more like 3.


She's not a redhead, either. The kid in that picture has BROWN hair. My daughter is a redhead. She was in her 30s before it had gone from bright, neon orange to a darker auburn that often looked brown in photos. It certainly didn't change in a year.


Someone commented on YouTube that 'Lily' looked very much like the two girls wearing jeans in the frame. Which explains the kids tears on so many levels, she had to wear a dress and they got to wear jeans and of course the horror of having TW touching her.


I agree. And just turned 2 at that! My kids were much more ā€œbaby-ishā€ when just turning two. This little girl seems much closer to 3. Or maybe sheā€™s just so much more advanced than non-princesses šŸ™„šŸ™„šŸ™„


Blurtastic ![gif](giphy|80mXWlPqTSU1y)


It is so obvious that she very much wanted to draw media comparisons between Lili and her royal cousin, Princess Charlotte with this absurd outfit. Gotta keep that public tie to the real royalty, thatā€™s Meghan for ya.


How is the child knows exactly which photographer/potato to look at?Ā Ā  Could it be mommy dearest said *"look over at that scary man, Misan, who is always following mommy and I'll wave over here as if I had no idea our picture is being badly taken in an era where everyone has a high res camera in their pocket"*


Behind those sunglasses Meghan is looking straight at the camera. She's waving too. I think it's another middle finger to the UK and to the Royal family. Also, a little taunt..'here's your granddaughter Charlie..where's my apology?!' She's demented.


IMHO that girl looks older than 2.


She does! And based on birthdate, she would have just turned 2. My kids started to lose their baby-ish looks and baby chunk just a few months before turning 3.


Isnā€™t this picture a year old? I honestly canā€™t remember so Iā€™m not snarking. Iā€™m honestly honestly asking.


Yes. This photo was from July 2023.


They're still using the floating legless ginger child photo for anything related to Lilybucks, so this picture will be reused until she's 18.


Love your flair!!!


Itā€™s from July 4, 2023 because itā€™s still July 3 in California. The Fourth of July is a federal holiday so everything always shuts down on the day of so celebrations have not yet occurred. Thereā€™s a good chance weā€™ll be getting an updated blurry shot in about 24 hours.


Boots on the ground tomorrow(!) Iā€™ll let u know re: invisikids at July 4th parade.


Poor kid, whoever she is.


This is one of the very very few times in my life where I can say I'm offended by associating Independence Day with this elitist hag, who, along with that angry overgrown mantoddler of hers, want to destroy our Constitutional rights.


Absolutely agree! Fuck her/them today. ![gif](giphy|CqllYKAXYrXhQcsJ2q|downsized)


I can't stand the blurry photos. It's the kind that I delete from my camera. I don't even look at their photos as they're usually black and white or blurry, DELETE!


The caption is insulting. We donā€™t need British Royalty at an American Independence Day parade. This cult needs to stop trying to force their American ā€œcourtā€ down our throats. Itā€™s not happening. Happy 4th of July you guys!


As a Brit these are exactly my thoughts too. A really odd decision all round. Happy 4th July to you all!


Yet another blurry, grainy photo. Why donā€™t we ever see closeups of these kids?


That poor, poor child. But at least Mother Gothel let her outside for once.


What happened to not dressing the children in the fashion of the Wales'? Look at the atmosphere, the other kids are wearing comfortable pants and t-shirts. Rachel is dressed in jeans and a shirt. L is dressed up like she is going out on an official public engagement in the BRF.


Whattya know? They lied. Again. And again and again and again.


Not cosplaying the Wales kids was so yesterday! Keep up!! /s


Leggings, and a shirt. Backpack leash if unsafe or crowded area i.e. parade or museum. Hat for sun. Shoes that run. Boom out the door.


Which raises the question of where Archie is on this fine 4th of July? Visitation with Daddy?


Look, I know the universe can do incredible and unexpected things but is someone expecting us to believe that: That child is 2? That child is Megā€™s? There are cameras and smartphones still in circulation that take ā€œcandidā€ photos like itā€™s still the noughties and we all still have Motorola flip phones? Meg is waving at anyone? The mother of that kid actually chose to dress that kid up like Princess Charlotte, a British princess, at an Independence Day parade? That kid knows who the hell it is behind her? Nah.


She is not dressed like an American child. She is dressed like Charlotte. An American child would have a t and shorts on. Not knee socks and a long sleeve dress.


She dressed like an American child going to church or family Christmas or a birthday party. Not a parade.


I proudly wave my invisikids flag this Independence Day. No kids, moon bump, clumsy use of AI generated pictures. H& M are sloppy drug addicts.


Why did Meghan steal a Victorian toddler?


Free Lily!


Ummm . . . that is an awful photo on several levels. That poor kid.


A precedent has been set, the drama the press made about Catherines group pic with her children with the photoshopped edits. I think Rachel is running scared, she knows she can't get away with her photo montages. Those days are over.


Cosplaying little upper class British children in their red shoes. Cute kid though, it's not her fault.Ā 


I wonder where she borrowed the kid?


Those little red shoes kept niggling at me so I looked them up. Diana, Harry and Princess Charlotte have all been photographed wearing similar red Mary Janes. Toddler William wore a pair with a t-strap, similar to the ones Lili supposedly wore to the July 4 parade with. Just another of example of Mrs Dumbarton's originality and"freakish eye for detail." She never stops copying, does she. Never.


That child is crying for her mother and it isn't the one holding her, it's the one taking the photo. How cruel to use other peoples kids cause you lied about having any. That is a sick person. I wouldn't let her near my children or my pets.


I too thought that the kid was looking for her parent who was taking the picture and that MM was posing with the kid. The age of that kid does not match with her kidā€™s age, so, perhaps it is a friend or a fanā€™s kid.


Was it ever determined who the poor kidnapped victim belongs to? https://preview.redd.it/bwau7n898fad1.png?width=310&format=png&auto=webp&s=216a5a32ace22c419346d42d7b3ad84c00e45ca4


The outfit for the little girl is a little off for the event. The Montecito 4th of July parade is super casual - jeans, shorts, sandals, sneakers, baseball hats. The little girl is way too dressed for the summer and event. The red leather shoes are probably more appropriate for church or a wedding or a holiday [photo.Me](http://photo.Me) thinks Ms. Markle is trying to compete with someone else's child. https://preview.redd.it/u2a2redjgead1.png?width=786&format=png&auto=webp&s=c91fa60ddda4cdab890216089274f8426961e397


Poor stupid beast doesnā€™t realize there is no competition. The Wales children are beautiful and nobody cares about the Harkles ā€œkidsā€.


Anyone here watch Mommie Dearest in which Faye Dunaway and her adopted daughter are dressed exactly alike even though her daughter isnā€™t much more than an infant


![gif](giphy|xUA7b1InD8z0rTKKxG|downsized) If what christina went through was dialed down 50 percent her life was still a nightmare


I love how sheā€™s trying to imitate British upper class with those socks and Mary Janes. Ā No American kid is dressed like that.Ā 


What kind of fahkakta IG is that? They aren't royals.


Why is her mouth open again???


let's not forget this was ONE YEAR AGO.....WHERE are these questionable children??? All the beautiful photos released by the Wales during this past year of their children. NOTHING from the Sussex of "their children". This surely is highly suspect. WHY are the RF not insisting on Proof of Life?? THAT is suspect....or does the RF know something they wish to keep private ???


Wonder whose kid that is.


That child is terrified and looking at her mama to come get her.


Itā€™s a public dress rehearsal, to show KCIII that theyā€™re ready to be called back up to big leagues.


I'm in the South and it is currently approximately 800Ā° F with 150% humidity. Kids that small would overheat, QUICKLY in those clothes. That even looks like a long sleeved dress. Shorts and t-shirts for my son, sundresses and sandals for my daughter.


Meghanā€™s teeth are always the star of the show. Whenever I have any doubts that a picture is her, the teeth are always the dead giveaway.


what bothers me from this picture... is this baby girl's mother (questionable) or caretaker (which I bet they are under paid & over worked) somehow on God's Green Earth forgot to look at LiliBucks hair!! Her pig tails are pointing North - South directions...... WHAT THE FLYING FK!!


Her mariner outfit. Wtf is that


You can take a girl out of yachts but not the yachting out of a girl


It would be eye-opening to see candid videos of the Sussex children interacting spontaneously with their parents, like when Charlotte is correcting Louis, or when Louis acts so cute and uninhibited.


Happy 4th July šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡øšŸ„° Always a weird thing for me - Iā€™m from the UK but my Dadā€™s family is from the US & Canada and I am a DAR - direct female descendant from a great great great grandfather who fought at Valley Forge, but I also had ancestors on the other side - a schizophrenic time for me šŸ¤£ Iā€™m proud of both sides of my family. And I think it is a great time for šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡ø & šŸ‡¬šŸ‡§ sinners to be fabulous in their unity regarding the ESPYs. If it means anything, I would say that before this I had never heard of Pat Tillman (being from the UK), and now we have all heard about him, we can unite in our belief that Harold is a sad little entitled fucker - can you imagine Hazliar trying to invade Mr Tillmanā€™s space? Trying to tug a nipple or slap him in the face? I absolutely can imagine that - Harold would do that with the cowardly assurance of securittayyy - remember Taylor Hawkins?